4 Benefits of Studying Supply Chain and Logistics Management

The business world is quite dynamic. You need to have a comprehensive understanding of how it operates. It’s essential to learn the process within and between an organization. Its where supply chain and logistics management comes in. It’s an exciting course that you can take online. Here are the top fascinating benefits of studying supply chain and logistics management.

1. Improve the organization’s profitability

There’re numerous job opportunities within supply chain management. Supply chain management recruitment organizations are searching for individuals who can contribute to their financial success. They need someone who can analyze cost efficiencies, maintain proper inventory levels as well as decrease operating expenses

Working as a supply chain manager is beneficial as you get to do what you enjoy. You contribute to the company’s goal of increasing sales, infiltrating new markers as well as making a difference. It’s a chance to make the company gain a competitive advantage as well as increase shareholder value. Engaging in online management courses is the ideal way to prepare you for the responsibilities that lie ahead.

2. Logistics as well as decision making

Businesses continue to experience significant changes, and the global supply chain continues to become dated. Its causing businesses to keep struggling when they have to adapt to manufacturing location changes and using cost-effective techniques

Companies keep looking for individuals who have logistic management training. Its because these individuals can spot a complication. They then proceed to provide the best possible solution. It’s nice to study a course that is quite relevant to business dynamics.

3. Proper system implementation

Studying supply chain and logistics management is a suitable career investment. It enables you to work around the technology. You stand to benefit from implementing new technology into a company’s current operations. It is because these technological advancements minimize cost as well as streamline the processes.

Being a supply chain manager means you will be at the forefront of applying the best possible technology. You must undertake a course that will enable you to be part of the movers and shakers of the organization. That being said, if options are what you need, you can try the Kanban supply chain.

4. Keep up with challenges and trends

When you choose to study supply chain and logistics management, you get to know how to handle trends in the industry. It’s an excellent opportunity to deal with what clients want and calculating the company’s books.

It’s time to embrace new technology and spearhead it within an organization. You get to keep a close eye on each further advancement and offer excellent communication to clients, vendors, and the company. In the current world, you need to take a thrilling course that will enable you to stay relevant in the ever-changing business environment

The beauty of studying supply chain and logistics management is that there are plenty of job opportunities, especially in transporting goods. You get to possess an educational background to work as an enterprise process engineer, an analyst as well as a scheduling manager. You can take up various online management courses to further your career. It’s a convenient time to enhance a company’s responsiveness, offer value to clients, develop networking resilience, and so much more.

7 Ways to Live a Stress-Free Life in College

Everybody knows that college is not just about long lessons, wise teachers and interesting acquaintances. Sometimes it’s get harder to be in a harmonious and amicable mood when everything starts to fall apart, and students are trying to fix it but at the same time making the situation much worse.

The most common reasons of stress in college are as follows:

  • Different conflict situations with teachers and other students;
  • Huge lack of sleep and ineptitude to manage time;
  • Getting low grades and not completed homework and tasks;
  • Fears of the unknown and uncertain future;
  • Large amount of educational materials to study;
  • Difference between expectations and reality of chosen profession;
  • Intensive mental activity with a huge quantity of information.
  • Environmental crisis

There are some ways and tips how to live without stress at college, which can help you tackle with stressful situations by yourself.

1. Think about your time management

Try to do all the complicated lessons first and don’t leave your homework until midnight. Start with compiling a task list every week. Write down at least three important, short-term goals that you want to achieve. No matter what kind of your goals are, stick to them and do your best to achieve them! You can do more and you will feel better without delaying things “later”. Make small changes in your life and self-organization —find a place for each thing. Self-pity is a waste of time.

2. Acquire colorful and bright stationery

It will always make you smile in any way. Notebooks with your favorite flowers or animals will bring you peaceful mood and it will help you to be concentrated on pleasant thoughts. Buy some nice pens, pencils and other stationery and you will feel the difference and motivation to do something with these cute things.

3. Eat only healthy and wholesome food

“We literally are what we eat”, says chief editor at Pro-Papers. If you feel stressed, instead of reaching a pack of biscuits or the nearest fast-food chain restaurant, try to eat something healthy and it will help you manage the stress.

For example, avocado and bananas are loaded with potassium, a vital mineral which can keep blood pressure within normal parameters. Feeling low? Eat some almonds, pistachios or walnuts and your immune system will be boosted by vitamins and zinc!

4. Sleep well, at least 8 hours per night

Lack of sleep can cause bad mood, concentration problems and a general severe fatigue. It also affects our ability to perceive and memorize information, which can cause a strong stress when you have to learn a lot. If you have good sleep, it increases your attention, self-confidence, memory, social skills, and appetite. Use a weighted blanket in order to reduce stress and anxiety.

5. Think of your new hobbies

Do you know the best way to put an end to all the stressful situations? Knitting and painting increases the activity of the prefrontal cortex and improve your creativity skills. Scientists have found that gardening improves mental health and physical health, as well as reduced levels of depression.

Cooking is a rather meditative exercise and a great way to deal with stress. Everything that you need to do — is to find your own hobby and get the benefits from it!

Also Read: Factors to Consider Before Scheduling Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy

6. Listening to peaceful music

Music not only affects our mood, but also inspires, relieves stress, calms and even heals. Gentle music with a harmonic tune will help reduce the level of the stress hormone cortisol, which causes damage to our mind and body. Just turn on the new album of your favorite band and start relaxing after nervous day at college.

7. Go to shopping

Sometimes all we need to feel happy is a new dress or new sneakers, isn’t it? According to psychologists, shopping is one of the most effective ways to help relieve depression.

The main thing is not to get nervous about some little things. It’s undeniable that these little things cause a serious stressful condition which is too destructive for our nervous system and mental health. Avoid contact with people who are sources of negative emotions, thoughts, moods. If you think, “I will never finish on time,” stop thinking that way. Better imagine your success — visualize how you will feel, shaking the hand of your professor, how he says that you have done a great and important job.

Your hard work will pay off as soon as you leave the tears and regrets behind you. Do not accumulate anger and negative, make a decision, shake off the burden of negative emotions and go on. When you arrange your priorities properly, you will become more organized and have your stress relieved by focusing more on your success. Only then, you are likely to become a confident student for whom studying is just a piece of cake.

The Most Modern Inventions That Have Become A Revolution In Education

Supporting the education of all generations is critical to our recovery and progress toward a more world. Using innovative technology, educational leaders can do more than support the education system.

Revolution in education

Education today is evolving at a rapid pace, keeping pace with the world’s advances and challenges. The need for a continuous, consistent learning process is evident. Along with the need to provide teachers and students in schools or colleges with access to digital resources and lessons. To improve learning outcomes, there is a growing demand for blended learning in the education sector.

Modern Inventions That Have Become A Revolution In Education

Separately, it is worth mentioning that the latest systems in education have allowed new projects to emerge:

1. Self-learning

Now you can learn almost any field on your own, thanks to the vast amount of open information. And you do not need to go to archives and libraries for this – it is enough to have a personal computer with Internet access.

2. Distance learning

Higher education is very important, but some people live too far away from institutes, or they do not have enough time. Doing assignments, projects, and sessions remotely is a great way to replace the classic form of education.

3. Communication with the teacher

This also applies to tutors, who can now teach via Skype. Opportunities to learn languages with them or get a new, not too difficult profession.

Digital Classrooms

As the end of the pandemic approaches, schools and universities of higher education at all levels are thinking more about leveraging investments in technology. In doing so, many are moving toward computerized learning.  Some schools and institutions of higher education are moving toward new hybrid solutions. This is especially evident in the higher and further education segments.

The digital classroom is nothing new, but the pandemic has highlighted the difference between those who have access to technology and those who don’t. Especially in terms of the ability to learn from anywhere, including homeschooling. And it is highly important to read more on the topic of accessibility and essay examples about education in the digital classroom, to understand that such problems cannot be ignored and the opportunity to write essays with others in the class should be open for everyone. That is the true aim of online classroom.

Education leaders, technology experts, and governments must come together. This will help accelerate the digital transformation of classrooms.

Effectively creating future-oriented digital classrooms for all will become the Norm. This will be made possible through strong partnerships and cross-sector collaboration to find customized solutions that fit each environment.

Technology in Learning

The greatest support for the education system is needed in the area of digital technology. The main goal is to strive for a better world in which today’s students will succeed tomorrow. Close cooperation between the public and private sectors will help accelerate change. It will allow everyone to learn wherever they are. Rethinking education can help us build a more sustainable world.


Education will be the engine of human progress, encouraging students to learn. We are in the midst of a technological revolution. So that everyone can take part in the emerging global digital ecosystem.  Education, combined with universal access to learning, will drive economic recovery and prosperity.

Pandemic: Education Statistics

According to UNICEF, more than one-third of low- and lower-middle-income countries. At the time of the pandemic, less than half of their students were enrolled in elementary school. At least 70% of preschoolers were not enrolled in school. There are problems and limitations of online preschool education, lack of home-based distance learning facilities, and lack of distance learning programs for this category of students.

Before 2020, the world already had significant educational disparities classes: 258 million girls and boys were out of school. The pandemic marked the beginning of the largest distance learning experiment in history. When restrictions and lockdowns began around the world in 2020, digital inequality became a barrier to education for many.


It’s time to invest in technology that will provide critical sustainability and equity in the system. We are on the cusp of a technological revolution, the right preparation for this generation of students will determine their ability to succeed.


Progress can be accelerated through collaboration between the private and public sectors. And by bringing together experts on the ground to identify the most effective digital strategies. We are at the beginning of this journey, and we can only make progress together. We want to see a world where everyone has access to learning opportunities from anywhere.

Educators around the world are trying to catch up after the difficult months of the pandemic. The availability of online resources for students from home will play a key role in filling learning gaps. Homework has taken on new meaning for parents, teachers, and students through blended learning. The process is also becoming increasingly interactive, which improves learning outcomes.

How Students Can Reduce Energy Consumption in the Dorm Room?

Today´s “eco wave” is a response – a good response – to the climatic crisis the planet is going through. The youth is the one leading this eco-conscious change, and the message is that its time we all get on the same page. Here’s the information on how to conserve energy that every student needs, in order to paint a little green into their dorm rooms.

Ways to save energy in dorm room

One of the most common wastes of energy is through “phantom energy”. So, it’s recommendable to keep your chargers and any dorm room electronics unplugged when you’re not using them. Also, try to switch to LEDs  or CFLs light bulbs, which consume less energy and are cheaper. And, during the day, use natural sunlight, keep the light bulbs off until they’re really needed. If you want to keep it green during summer, instead of AC use fans, these consume much less energy.

As well, you should reduce the time you spend with your electronic devices, such as smartphones and laptops. When you need to complete any of your assignments, you can visit the public library to use one of their computers. This is a great way to reduce energy consumption in your dorm room, moreover, you will have quick access to all useful materials. There is also another way to lower the time spent before the computer. You can try to find online and use custom research paper writing service. As a rule, they are cheap, so if you want to be sure of the service’s quality, check the reviews from other clients.

You could also try is to study in shared spaces; a couple of hours studying in the library equals a couple of hours of lights out in your dorm room. Do your research using books instead of reading on your computer. And, if you can’t hire a professional writer service, or need to write the assignment yourself, consider using a typewriter instead of a computer.

Tips to reduce energy consumption on a daily basis

You might feel that actions, like keeping your lights out during the day and hiring professional paper writers to reduce the usage of your devices, aren’t enough. If that’s the case keep reading and learn some measurements that will help you on a daily basis.

  • Avoid using automobiles. Instead, choose to ride a bike or take a walk to class. If you are too far from school to walk, use public transportation or carpooling.
  • Avoid printing out papers. A soft copy of your assignment is a great solution.
  • Purchase a solar charger. You will have to save for a couple of months to buy it, but you will be using renewable energy, so its a great tool and one of the best ways to save energy.
  • Use rechargeable batteries. These are versatile and will last for years.
  • Wash clothes with cold water. Heating the water consumes lots of energy and warm water doesn’t really make that much of a difference.
  • Keep your door closed. If you have a heating or cooling system in your room it’s important to always close the door. To leave the door open with one of those systems working produces a big waste of energy.

Why do it? Some advantages of saving energy

We all know that saving energy is good, but it’s always helpful to know clearly how good it is. So, here are some of the benefits you will obtain from following some ways to save energy.

  1. You will reduce your bills. Electricity is one of the most expensive services in the majority of countries around the world. So, keeping your consumption down will also help you keep your bills low. We all know: any measure that can give our pockets some relief is good for us.
  2. You will reduce your climate print. To produce electricity, its necessary to use fossil fuels, which have an enormous environmental footprint. The less energy we use, the less pollution we are responsible for. Reducing your energy consumption seems like a small step, but it makes a huge difference your our planet.
  3. Less pollution also translates into fewer health risks. Air contamination is not only bad for plants and other species of animals, it´s also harmful to humans. So, a cleaner air, without high concentrations of CO2 and other dangerous gases, represents better health for you.

8 Study Tips for Science Students

Being a student in any field is hard. It requires a lot of hard work and commitment, and it can often affect your life – positively as well as negatively – in many ways.

While any field of study is hard work, many people may say that studying science is even harder, simply because the science industry  is often very complicated and competitive. If you’re a science student or aspiring science student, you may be looking for some tips to help you study. If that’s the case, you’ve come to the right place. Keep reading to learn about eight study tips for science students.

Study Guide for Science Students

1. Use tools to help you

You’re lucky to be studying at a time when technology can help you so much. There are plenty of tools that can help any student, such as apps or websites to make research easier.

On top of that, there are tools that are designed specifically to help science students. This free electronic lab notebook can probably help you a lot during your studies, so it’s worth looking into it.

In short, while studying science may be hard, there are many tools to make it easier, so you should take full advantage of this fact.

2. Do a lot of research

If you truly want to succeed in your scientific studies, you will need to go above and beyond. This often means doing more research than you are required to.

While it may seem counterintuitive to research things when you don’t have to, it can help you a lot in your studies. This is because science is such a broad field, and there’s so much to learn. Everything also links with each other, so the more you learn and research, the more you will understand.

3. Manage your time

You probably feel a bit overwhelmed. Don’t worry, most students feel this way, so you’re not alone. Science students often have to juggle a lot of things, which means they tend to prioritize certain aspects and neglect others. This is often simply due to poor time management. Luckily, there’s an easy solution to this, and that is to work on your time management skills.

Start small, by buying a student planner and making a list of things you need to do every day. Once that is done, you can move on to these time management tips for students. Once you learn how to manage your time, you will feel much more in control of your studies.

4. Don’t be afraid to ask for help

As mentioned, science isn’t the easiest field to study. Because it is such a highly regarded and competitive field, people are often scared of looking stupid if they ask questions or don’t understand something.

However, that shouldn’t be the case. If you’re struggling with something, you should ask for help. You can ask a fellow student or your professor. It doesn’t make you stupid – in fact, it’s a very smart and brave thing to ask for help.

5. Choose the right field of study

If you’re just about to start studying science, or you need to choose which field you want to specialize in, you may have a hard time deciding.

However, you need to choose something that you are interested in. Remember that, if all goes according to plan, you will be working in this field for many years. This is why it’s so important to choose the right field.

Be sure to choose a scientific field that aligns with your values and passions. For example, if you are passionate about helping the environment, you might want to study renewable energy.

6. Double-check your research

Science relies on accuracy, which means the smallest mistake can have serious consequences. Of course, you will likely make mistakes during your studies, and that is completely fine!

How to Self-Edit Your Essay

That being said, you should try to take the time to check over your research to ensure that it is all done correctly. It’s very easy to make a mistake, especially if you’re tired and have been staring at the same thing for hours. Take a break, and come back with a fresh mind to double-check that everything is right.

7. Study in a way that works for you

No two people are alike, which means that you may not study the same way your friends do. If you find that you are struggling to keep up with or understand the work, it might be that you are simply studying in a way that isn’t ideal for you. Some people are visual learners, while others do best when they consume their work in audio format.

Some may study best in a group, while others may prefer working on their own. The key is to figure out what works best for you, and to tweak that until you have a way of studying that gives you the best results. If you’re not sure what works for you, you can click here to learn more about different ways of studying.

8. Don’t be too hard on yourself

Students who study science often experience a lot of pressure. While you can’t necessarily do anything about this, you shouldn’t add to that pressure by making yourself work too hard.

It’s okay if you don’t get perfect grades every time, or if you need a break now and then. Pushing yourself to the limit may give you good results in the short term, but it could lead to you burning out in the future, which is something you certainly don’t want.

In conclusion

While the field of science may be an intimidating one to study, that shouldn’t scare you away if you are passionate about it. But it is important that you know what you are getting yourself into, and that you are prepared to put in all the hard work it requires.

It might be hard to study science, but it will be worth it. On top of that, there are plenty of tips that you can follow to make your studies easier. Being a science student may not be for everyone, but if you think it might be for you, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t grab the opportunity if you get the chance.

4 Challenges Students with Autism Face in College

Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are complex mental development disorders characterized by social maladaptation and inability to socially interact, communicate, and behave according to the existing stereotypes (repetition of the same actions). Back in the middle of the last century, autism was a fairly rare disease. However, over time, more and more children suffering from this disorder began to appear. Statistics show that the incidence of ASD in children over the past 30-40 years in countries where such statistics are conducted has risen from 4-5 people per 10 000 children to 50-116 cases per 10 000. At the same time, boys are more susceptible to this disease than girls (the ratio is about 4:1).

The Main Causes of ASD

Until now, scientists around the world studying the causes of autism have not come to a consensus. Many assumptions are being put forward. Among the possible factors for the appearance of this disorder in children, some hypotheses are called:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • impaired development of the nervous system (autism is seen as a disease caused by impaired brain development in the early stages of child growth);
  • influence of external factors: infections, chemical effects on the mother’s body during pregnancy, birth injuries, congenital metabolic disorders, the effect of certain drugs, and industrial toxins.

But whether these factors can actually lead to autism in children has not yet been clarified. Autism is seen as a developmental disorder that affects all areas of the human psyche: intellectual, emotional, sensitivity, motor sphere, attention, thinking, memory, and speech.

The most basic and commonly encountered types of ASD are:

  • Canner’s syndrome;
  • Asperger Syndrome;
  • Rett syndrome;
  • Child psychosis;
  • Atypical Autism.

Depending on the kind of ASD, and the degree of development of cognitive and motor functions, a teenager with this disease can study at colleges and universities. Although it is worth noting that training is not easy for them, and the percentage of those who ultimately drop out is very high – 80%. Often, a person is simply not able to withstand the load (large crowds, noise, certain time frames, etc.) that awaits them.

Despite the mentioned above, there are still people with ASD who managed to graduate from the college or/and university. If you just have this endeavor ahead, and you are determined to challenge yourself and your ailment, here are some tips from those who deserve the highest praise for willpower and fortitude – people with ASD who have acquired higher education and are engaged in what they love.

Challenges that Await a College Student with ASD

Organization Issues

A college student with autism may experience extreme overload following a typical student routine. It is very difficult for them to follow the time frame of classes, the amounts of homework. In addition, collective tasks can be especially difficult, since the teenager experiences anxiety before communicating with others.

Organizing a workday can be a problem too. Things like a class schedule, maintaining health issues, studying, and living in a dorm are difficult tasks, but doable. The main thing is never to be afraid to ask for the help you need.

The need to decide for yourself

When a child with ASD is in school, his parents/guardians, counselors, and tutors decide for the child how to live in this world and how to function. Entering college, a teenager on the spectrum must start advocating for their needs on their own. In the first stage, it can be deeply shocking and overwhelming to the young mind. Natural vegan products can help to boost the morale of students, for example, CBDfx follows strict organic practices.

It is vitally important that they remember that they are not abandoned and that they, as well as at school, can receive support and help when they long for it. The only thing one has to do is to inform about difficulties in time. If a student with ASD has problems with academic papers, for example, they can find assistance at the essay writing service.

The possibility to be unnoticed by a teacher

For the most part, students are noisy young people who like to talk, discuss, and gather in interest groups. All this is very repulsive and incomprehensible to a teenager with ASD. In addition, tutors prefer open to dialogue and discussion students. There is no need to conceal that it is precisely such students who enjoy the attention of tutors most of all.

That is why a young mind with an autism disorder may turn out to be invisible to their professor, taking into account the fact that college students with ASD are very few today. To avoid this problem or to correct its consequences, a personal meeting with the professor is required, at which an amendment to the classes plan, or their form will be approved.

Same requirements for everyone

College tutors place the same requirements and restrictions on all students. There are certain rules for measuring performance, conducting tests and exams, as well as activity in the classroom. For students with ASD, these rules and restrictions can be overwhelming and unworkable. Nevertheless, there is a solution to this problem. Every young mind with an autism disorder has to inform about their disability, thus, they can win some easing or a partial revision of the rules.

By bringing to the knowledge the appropriate authority in college, a teenager may obtain, for example, an exam in a quiet environment, familiarizing himself with a tutor’s notes, or they may be allowed to spend more time on a specific task.

Each student with ASD needs to remember that they have every right to the above-described relief in the rules. Colleges and universities are subject to the law, and they can provide you with these accommodations – it is your right to demand them since you pay for tuition, and they are included in this fee. The only thing, young minds need to understand that, in any case, they must obey educational standards and do everything in their power to get as much as possible closer to them.

We wish patience and fortitude to those young people who, in spite of everything, want to get a higher education and get closer to their dream. You are amazing, and you definitely have to be proud of yourself! Good luck!

How to Self-Edit an Essay: Guide All You Need to Know

Self-editing an essay is a crucial stage of your writing process. An appropriate amount of time spent refining your essay will save you time when you hand it to your professor. This post explains why self-editing is essential and what type of text you should edit.

Where to Start?

Self-editing is the act of proofreading your essay and finding errors before submitting it. A proofread essay by an essay writer should follow this necessary process before handing in the paper. Whether writing a short essay or a full-length book, self-editing is needed.

How to Self-Edit Your Essay

It is essential to self-edit your work. This is because it helps identify problems in your writing. For example, some students tend to use too many commas, thus making the sentence confusing.

Also, some writers struggle with grammar and spelling issues. You can hire an editor to edit your work to avoid such errors. Another alternative is reading more books and articles about self-editing and how to self-edit an essay.

Benefits of Self-Editing Your Essay

Aforementioned, self-editing is an intricate part of your overall writing style. Here is a breakdown of some benefits of self-editing to expect:

1. It helps you become better at writing

Becoming a better writer may seem like an obvious point. However, the more you edit your work, the better you will become at spotting errors in your writing. It gives you an overview of the overall work before putting pen to paper. You will also learn from your mistakes and improve as a writer overall. Writing is similar to any other skill: the more you practice, the better you will get at it.

2. It makes your work more coherent

Coherence is key to good writing, whether writing fiction or nonfiction. This helps readers understand what you are trying to say (even if what you are saying is fictional). When reading through your work after finishing a draft, make sure everything makes sense.

It helps you save time. Getting an editor from a professional essay editing service is a great idea.

3. It helps you find errors

The primary purpose of editing any paper is to help you find mistakes in grammar and spelling. Doing this on your own allows you to do just that. Also, it is a great way to learn how to write better in the future.

4. It helps you save money

Essay editing will cost far less than hiring someone else to do the work for you. This is often a good reason for many students to choose this option over hiring an editor to write essays.

How to Self-Edit Your Essay: Tips and Tricks

Several techniques apply to your essay edit. Below are essential tips from experts on how to self-edit an essay:

1. Read your essay with a purpose

It is hard to find mistakes when reading a page or two of your writing and thinking about it as a whole. This is where a purpose comes in handy. For example, when editing the grammar and punctuation of your essay, read your content with those things in mind. Read and look for transitions between paragraphs and ideas to get coherence.

2. Read the essay aloud

Reading aloud will help you catch errors that may not be obvious when reading silently. It also gives you a chance to hear how your words sound and how they fit together. You are more likely to notice awkward phrasing or too-long sentences when you listen to the spoken rather than see them on the page.

3. Read backwards

Reading backwards helps avoid distractions by the meaning of what you wrote. Instead, you can focus on making sure each word sounds right and is spelt correctly. You may even find that you deleted a word or two without realizing it.

4. Take breaks

Breaks can help you clear your mind. Therefore, you see things with fresh eyes after coming back. This can help you spot any holes in your reasoning or places where you might have gone off track from the essay’s main idea.

5. Check for wordy phrases

You may think that using more extended, complicated words makes you sound intelligent. Unfortunately, it takes away from your writing style. You want to make the process as painless as possible for the reader. Therefore, choose simple words over fancy ones. Read aloud to see how it sounds.

6. Remove distracting or confusing details

Remove any scene or part of the essay that does not fit with the rest of your message. Think about what each story brings to the table. Cut it out when it does not contribute to your overall goal.

Essay Editing Checklist: Important Things to Look For

Many errors are common as we all slip up on occasion. Here are some things to watch for with your edit essay:

Spelling and grammar

Check for any spelling or grammar errors. Do not solely rely on the spellchecker to catch everything. Some words are spelt wrong but are still recognized as valid words. For example, “form” instead of “from.”

Unnecessary words

Look for unnecessary words in your sentences and paragraphs. Try to use as few words as possible to get your message across. Take any sentence out when it does not add anything to your message.


When using a word that is unclear to you, it probably won’t be clear to your readers. Look for these types of terms and replace them with simpler ones. Always use simple language, even when it is not the most elegant way of saying something.

Motivation for Writing a Paper

Passive voice

The passive construction is when the subject is being acted upon by someone or something else. The passive voice appeals to a formal and academic audience. It can also be awkward at times, mainly when overused.

Consequently, try to keep your writing active. Active voice means that the subject acts in the sentence (e.g., the student is skipping class). Passive voice means that the subject has something done to it (e.g., the student missed class).


Suppose you use a word once, fine. However, when using it twice, see if you can find a different way of saying the same thing. Consider rewriting the whole sentence or paragraph to avoid using the same word three or more times.


These words and phrases have been used so much that they have lost their meaning. Examples include “at the end of the day,” “it’s a no-brainer,” and “there’s no such thing as a free lunch.” Try finding another way of expressing your thoughts rather than using them. Alternatively, cut them out altogether.


Most writers tend to be wordy at first. This is because they have so much they want to say. Try reading your work aloud. Try to see any places where you can shorten it without losing meaning. This is often the case with long sentences strung together with commas and semi-colons (reread those carefully).

Sentence structure variety

Good writing includes sentence structure variety. However, your sentences don’t need to be extremely lengthy or complex. Your reader might find your work boring or confusing when all sentences are lengthy. Likewise, you could use a lot of very long sentences with multiple clauses and commas. However, using it too often might make your reader lose interest and struggle to follow along.

Self-Editing Tips for Your Essay

You will likely have many ideas when beginning the essay writing process. You may have a strong thesis statement or even a topic already in mind. However, these ideas are not always the most well-crafted and may not be appropriate for the audience of your essay. Here are some standard steps that you can follow to self-edit your essays.

Remember your audience

The first step is determining your audience before writing your college essay. Please consider who will be reading the essay and what they want from it. How much do they know about the topic? Are there any specific words or phrases that need defining? It is important to remember that writing an academic essay for school may not be appropriate for writing an essay for a blog post.

Stephen King’s ten per cent rule

According to Stephen King, who wrote On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft, you should reduce every first draft by ten per cent before submitting it. This means cutting out unnecessary words, sentences, or paragraphs and may even mean deleting a whole section if it doesn’t suit the text.

Listen to your essay

Listening to your essay is one of the essential aspects of self-editing. It allows you to catch mistakes that you may not see when reading your material. Reading aloud will help you spot confusing or awkward passages while also giving you a chance to hear how well your writing flows. You can record yourself reading aloud. Alternatively, ask a trusted friend to read it for you.

Check for consistency

Make sure that each sentence makes sense within the context of your paper. Also, the tone remains consistent throughout all sections of the essay. Pay attention, particularly to transitions, which connect ideas and give your reader an easy way to follow along. When a transition does not sound right when you read through it, you should probably change or delete it altogether.


Essays are written to persuade or inform readers. Make sure all time taken to write the essay will be transparent with the point you are trying to get across. Also, ensure a clear introduction body paragraphs are organized into a logical order—lastly, a conclusion to drive home your message.

Create a compelling story

Your essay must have a clear theme that is present throughout the piece. A central storyline should develop in each paragraph and carry through from the introduction to the conclusion for narrative essays. Each paragraph should support your thesis statement when writing an expository essay. Your sentences should connect back to this central idea. Therefore, your reader understands how the paragraphs fit together into one cohesive whole.


Evaluate your essay’s structure and organization

Strengthen the organization of your paper by making sure that there is a clear introduction, body, and conclusion to each paragraph. The most standard way to accomplish this is by creating a simple outline or a bulleted list of topics covered in the paper.

Final Takeaway

A self-edited essay is an essential tool for any student. Ensure you do not cut yourself off too soon. Also, try to keep in mind that there is no such thing as a perfect essay. There will always be others on a similar topic, or even competing with yours. Read the material carefully, check grammar and spelling mistakes, proofread, and add new material when needed.

A Glance at College Recycling Programs

Just one look at your local landfill is enough to convince you that there is a need for more recycling programs. Recycling should be a priority for all institutions across the country. College recycling programs ensure that such institutions make a contribution to environmental conservation.

Every student should have a recycle bin where they dispose of recyclable materials like paper, batteries, water bottles, and so much more. The world is going through a green resource transition, and college institutions such as essay writer helper should not be left behind.


Local communities can also borrow a leaf from college institutions and recycle their waste. The internet is quite resourceful when it comes to researching how a recycling program should work. Students can also use online resources to make their school life easier. For instance, thesis writing services ensure students get the marks they need to graduate.

1. American University

American University strives to be 100% waste-free. Its zero waste policy was adopted in 2010, and since then, the institution has had significant milestones. The system ensures that all university wastes are diverted from landfills. AU uses only renewable materials to ensure no waste is going into the environment.

The university’s environmental conservation efforts ensure it maintains a healthy student community. AU’s fraternity practices sustainable purchasing to maintain an environmentally-friendly campus.

AU makes paper towels from restrooms as well as kitchen wastes. The elimination of water bottles and food trays also helps cut down on wastes. The kitchen grease is recycled for electricity to help manage utility bills.

This institution has one of the finest recycling systems in America’s academic scene. In 2012, the school beat over 600 other universities at a RecycleMania contest.

2. Valencia College

Valencia College has a decade-old recycling system that’s updated each year. The institution has established itself as the model for university sustainability by bagging RecycleMania gold for waste minimization from 2012 through to 2014.

The school encourages students to reduce their waste output. It has a seamless paper, aluminum, plastic, and e-waste management system in place. The school no longer uses water bottles as this is the source of plastic waste in many institutions. Valencia College recycling program aims to reduce the institution’s carbon footprint.

3. College of the Atlantic

College of the Atlantic is well known as the greenest university college in the country. The institution’s recycling system is a comprehensive program that offers outlets for all types of waste.

Aside from outlets for food, the university also has units for composting disposable flatware and kitchen napkins. For foods that cannot be recycled, the campus uses these as a source of renewable energy. The recycling program is run by students to teach them the importance of environmental conservation.

4. University of California

One of University California’s goals is to achieve zero waste by 2020. A 90% waste diversion from landfills will have a significantly positive impact on the environment. The campus also aims to phase out procurement and distribution of Expanded Polystyrene.

Within the institution, is a hub for repurposing items. Students also collect leftover food in their rooms. The school rethinks daily operations to achieve a comprehensive diversion campaign.

5. Kalamazoo College

Kalamazoo College is another higher learning institution with comprehensive waste management and recycling program. The school not only recycles but also donates stationery, mirrors, lamps, and so much more to the surrounding community.

The school’s recycling department handles the exportation of food waste to a local pig farm. Kalamazoo College also recycles e-wastes like batteries, calculators and electric motors.

In addition to recycling, the department also takes up reuse and waste reduction responsibilities. The recycling department is run by students under the supervision of staff in charge. This way, students can understand just how much waste goes into the environment. The campus has two dedicated electric-powered golf carts that help with transportation of waste.

6.     Harvard University

Harvard University is one of the institutions that adopted the single-stream recycling. This means that all recyclable materials are mixed together in one waste receptacle. This is an effective system because it eliminates any confusion or guesswork.

The school runs a recycling program for different kinds of waste, including e-waste, food, ink, paper, and cartridges. Over the years, the recycling program has evolved and improved in efficacy. The school uses competitions to encourage students to reduce waste.


College recycling programs ensure students learn the importance of environment conservation. Institutions of higher learning are an excellent platform to teach students about environmental friendliness. Diverting waste from landfills ensures they don’t overflow with items that can be reused or recycled.

What College You Have to Graduate from to Apply for Tesla Engineering Team?

Tesla is recording exponential growth lately in its production and sales units. Currently, the company has advertised for various vacant positions. By studying for a degree in engineering, you get good career opportunities in the world.

You stand better chances to join the major automotive companies in the world. Different universities offer engineering majors at different levels. They offer majors like mechanical, computer science, and electrical.

Below is the list of the best colleges to graduate from to apply for Tesla and other top automotive companies

best colleges to join for tesla engineering team

1. Harvey Mudd College

Students who want to study engineering will find Harvey Mudd College a good choice. The college is located in Claremont, California. It is a not-for-profit institution with a smaller student population. The school ranks number 1 out of 2,576 schools which makes it a top choice. Students from the college are marketable globally. They get jobs in some of the best companies around the world.

Engineering programs are course-intensive programs. They require students to commit a lot of their time to study. Students have to develop critical thinking skills to succeed in their studies. They also need to commit a lot of their time to study and critical thinking. You will spend a lot of time in practical and theoretical training too. These skills will help develop experience in paper writing. Use the Fixgerald plagiarism checker to help you write an original paper. It is a useful tool for students in college and other institutions of higher learning. By using this plagiarism checker, you will be certain to submit an original paper. You will also earn better scores and stand out in the classroom.

2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Massachusetts Institute of Technology focuses on modern technology and science. The school is a private grant-based institution located in Cambridge, Massachusetts. It offers majors in mechanical engineering, computer science, aeronautical engineering, physics, and mathematics. The school trains students to develop various soft skills. They learn analytical thinking, problem-solving skills, and big new ideas.

3. Harvard University

The faculty of arts and sciences at Harvard University offers students different programs. The faculty offers both undergraduate and graduate degrees in applied sciences and engineering. There are several majors the students can choose from. They can choose electrical, applied math, and bioengineering. They also offer applied computation, applied physics, and computer science. The school ranks number 1 as the best school in Massachusetts.

4. Technische Universitat Munchen, Germany

Technische Universitat Munchen offers the most marketable degrees in the world. Starting in 1868, the university ranks as a top university in the world for many years. The university trains students in research-oriented courses. They help them get career opportunities globally.

Students can register for a wide range of engineering degree programs. The engineering majors offered by the institution are mechanical and mobility systems engineering. The other majors are energy and process engineering and materials engineering.

5. The University of Melbourne, Australia

The University of Melbourne’s faculty of engineering and IT trains future innovators. The university prepares students to face the real-life challenges of engineering. The training helps them build a sustainable future. Students can major in transport engineering, infrastructure design, and water resource management. The institution ranks number 1 in Australia.

6. Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

Huazhong University of Science and Technology is a government-sponsored school. It focuses more on research and training. Located in Wuhan, Hubei province, the school ranks as a top school in China. Its majors include electrical and masters in mechanical. They also have majors in new energy science and a master in civil.

how to join Tesla engineering team

7. Imperial College London, UK

Imperial College London, UK, offers majors in design, electrical and mechanical engineering. Students can also enroll in materials and earth science engineering. The school ranks number 8 as the best college globally. Its school of engineering ranks 5th best school of engineering in the world.

8. The University of Waterloo

The University of Waterloo ranks number 38 in the world. It is the best engineering and technology school in the world according to the ranking. It is the most innovative school in Canada in 2022 by Maclean. It ranks number 1 best mechanical engineering school in Canada. The university majors in electrical, civil, automotive, and computers.


Majoring in engineering gives you the advantage of working with some of the best companies in the world. There are different universities in the world that you can join. You can major in mechanical and electrical engineering. Other majors are physics, mathematical, and environmental engineering. Most majors take between four and five years in most universities.

Top 10 Best Degrees to Get in 2022

Choosing a degree is the first step to deciding what type of career you want to have in the future. Some majors offer stability, higher employability rates, and competitive salary more than others for 2021.

If you are on the fence about choosing a degree to pursue in the current job market, below are the top 10 best degrees to get in 2022:

  • Cybersecurity
  • Software Engineering
  • Physics
  • Petroleum Engineering
  • Information Technology
  • Economics
  • Nuclear Engineering
  • Computer Science/Artificial Intelligence
  • Chemistry
  • Electronics Engineering

top 10 degrees

Top 10 Degrees in 2021

The Bureau of Labor Statistics has the following degrees listed as some of the top-rated careers in 2022.

  1. Cybersecurity – more so than ever before, has become a job that is in high demand. A bachelor’s degree in this major provides a career in coding, software development, a large corporation, or a government position.
  2. Software Engineering – the technology field is expanding by the minute. With a degree in software engineering, a student can obtain programming, web development, and many more technology-based jobs.
  3. Physics – given the current state of the world and the need for medical professionals, degrees in this field can lead to careers based in laboratories, medical research, and academia.
  4. Petroleum Engineering – the job market in this career field is highly competitive. Still, it has a lucrative payout if you land a position in areas such as economics, engineering, or environmental study.
  5. Information Technology – This degree can land you a job in a plethora of technology fields, to name a few:
    • Programming
    • cybersecurity
    • software development
    • application development

6. Economics – most economists work in government-based jobs, but a degree in economics can also open up possibilities in data analyst careers.  Economy and finance, like technology, are careers that will always be a necessity.

7. Renewable Energy Engineering– a degree in this field is on the list as renewable energy becomes a significant source for our planet. Engineers typically find careers in power plants, machinists, field engineer project managers, and so much more.

8. Computer Science/Artificial Intelligence – anticipated to be the fastest-growing job field, students obtaining this degree will dive into skills such as artificial intelligence, computer science, machinery, and robotics.

9. Chemistry – as one of the most popular of the science majors, a student earning a degree in chemistry can look towards careers as a chemist, laboratory researcher, biotechnologist, or chemical engineer, to list a few.

10. Electronic Engineering – students with a degree in this major are in high demand as they are the designers and creators of electronic devices. Aerospace, broadcast, and design engineers are some of the careers these degrees can fulfill.

Writing A College Essay

Using online essays for sale websites is a college student’s best friend when writing papers. College essays are nothing like the high school papers we are used to. For starters, there are factors like APA/MLA, citations, references, thesis paragraphs, and many other parts that were not required in high school. This resource will save you many hours pulling an overnighter in the library.

things to consider before starting college

College Admissions Requirements

Once you have narrowed down the college that best suits your career needs, the lengthy college admissions application is your next step. A crucial part of the acceptance criteria is your essay; the most challenging part is figuring out what to say. Looking through a myriad of essay samples on various topics is a great way to get those juices flowing.

Finding a major aligned with your interests is just as important as finding one that will eventually be financially beneficial for your life. You have a better chance at successfully graduating if the major you choose also helps you achieve a sense of happiness and purpose.