Why Solar Panels Make a Difference in Minnesota

Many would be surprised to know that, despite its cold, northern climate, Minnesota receives a substantial amount of natural solar energy. The amount received is even comparable to places near the equator such as Texas and Florida.

Solar Energy Minnesota users have tapped into this phenomenon more and more. They utilize natural sunlight to power their homes and protect the environment. With the help of monetary incentives, they even save money while doing it!


By analyzing the environmental possibilities of the future and the fiscal incentives of the present, it is astoundingly clear why anyone would choose to invest in installing and maintaining solar panels. Due to its ever-growing importance and accessibility, this choice is only going to become more conventional.

An Eco-Conscious Undertaking

Excess greenhouse gases continue to deteriorate our ozone. Moreover, non-renewable resources risk becoming obsolete with each passing day. The question of how we must prepare ourselves is a recurring theme. We can make everyday decisions, like:

  • Recycling
  • Cutting down on plastic
  • Eating according to a vegan diet

Still, there are also larger steps, like using alternative energy sources. Solar energy is an exemplary renewable resource that is being encouraged for the state of Minnesota. This is because of its usefulness and the state’s considerably substantial accumulation of it.

It has been estimated that Minnesota can garner up to 38.5% of its electricity through solar power. This statistic can be jarring when considering facts like Minnesota used nuclear power for about 24% of its electricity in 2019 and is in the top 10% of ethanol producers in the country. Switching from these finite resources to a renewable one would positively impact both the state and the nation.

Financial Incentives

Just as everyone has a water bill and a cable bill, homeowners and property managers must also manage the responsibility of paying for power usage. The cost of electricity has a significant impact on how one goes about powering their home or business; however, numerous companies are now offering incentives to promote solar power usage.


Many people’s decisions are a matter of price and affordability. By companies distributing incentives for the installation and maintenance of solar panels, plenty of individuals who never expected to partake in such a transformative endeavor can now do precisely that for federal tax credit and/or a utility rebate with up to 51% of the cost credited back. This applies to residential and commercial uses alike.

Personal Savings

Research from 2016 claims that over a decade-long period, solar panels will actually pay for themselves, and in a twenty-five-year span, they will start to make money back. Even dismissing the incentives to get started, solar energy could start making back money once it has found a foothold. This is a consistently discovered statistic in the studies of environmental sustainability—the more effort we put into incorporating renewable resources now, the less long-term climactic troubles we will have that result in displacement or worse.

Additionally, many of these companies that promote solar panel usage also assist with installation and upkeep—maintaining your panels in the frigid Minnesota winter is just one example of aid offered to those who commit to the process.

Bottom Line

Due to eco-conscious values, fiscal incentives, or impending climate change, solar power is taking a front seat in Minnesota’s most commonly used energy sources. Right now may be the best time to invest in solar panels, as those who do are likely to get money back for their contribution to a cleaner, safer world.

While the eco-conscious choices yesterday were a matter of money, it is evident that tomorrow they will be affordable for all.

Also Read: How Long Do Metro Solar Express Panels Last in Texas Weather

4 Ways to Make Your Business More Eco-Friendly

As society moves towards widespread sustainability efforts, more businesses are jumping on opportunities to make their operations eco-friendly. Some initiatives are massive, while others are tiny changes that make a big impact.

Here are a few of the most popular and effective ways to make your business more eco-friendly, so you can benefit from lower utilities, improved brand image, and happier clientele.

Check out these four options to see which you like best.

Ways to Make Your Business More Eco-Friendly

1. Provide Eco-Friendly Transport Options

When every employee drives their vehicle to work, it does more than just crowd the parking lot. Encouraging and creating the opportunity for eco-friendly transport options is one way that a workplace can change its environmental impact.

There are a few ways to get to work that may be better for mother earth than a typical gas-engine car. One of these is public transport. If your city uses a bus or train system, be sure to locate your office space near a stop. This will make it possible for employees to choose that as an alternative to driving.

If your business operates vehicles as part of your services, we recommend choosing a car that runs on fuel-efficient sources, like SimpleFuel. Install the hydrogen fueling stations manufacturer PDC Machines has created to reduce pollution when you use your fuel.

2. Audit Your HVAC

One of the most affordable ways you can invest in an energy-saving initiative is by setting up an audit for your HVAC system. Every business owner wants to effectively keep their facilities cool in the hot summers and warm during bitter winters. If your HVAC system is operating efficiently, this should be easy. The problem is that breakdowns, leaks, and other issues are very common. These issues can worsen your environmental impact. Audit of HVAC system is essential to:

  • Find potential heat or cooling leaks in windows, doors, and more
  • Ensure that insulation is preventing the fast loss of heat or cool air
  • Watch for any spikes in your electricity bill that could indicate unit problems

When there are leaks present or insulation isn’t installed properly, it means your home isn’t cooled or heated properly. As the heat escapes in the winter through leaks, the HVAC unit has to work harder to heat your house as it cools. This causes more frequent breakdowns as your system experiences more wear and tear.

clogged filter of AC

So, we recommend calling in a professional to take a look at your unit and guarantee that it’s not wasting energy.

3. Give Your In-Office Lighting An Audit

Just like your HVAC system, you can upgrade the lighting grid you set up for your office space to save money on utilities and lower energy usage. Performing an audit is a great way to find the small issues that send your bills skyrocketing.

Some of the common ways that you can reduce your environmental impact with small changes in your office lighting are:

4. Switch to Sustainable Products

The supplies you utilize in your workday can quickly add up when you multiply it by the number of employees in the building. That’s why sustainable products are so impactful.

plastic-free bathroom

Buy recycled products, and recycle them after use. This simple step reduces waste, which avoids contributing to toxic landfills. Another way to reduce waste is to use compostable products or biodegradable products. Waterdrop’s countertop reverse osmosis system can help you reduce the consumption of single-use plastic bottles.

If an excessive amount of paper is wasted on memos every day, perhaps switch to digital for that specific item.

The Bottom Line

Owning and operating an eco-friendly business doesn’t have to be a hassle. Once you have some of these initiatives in place, you can focus on operations while benefiting from lower overhead costs and a positive impact on the environment.

Once you try these initiatives, spread the word! Share these impressive new eco-friendly office features in recruitment ads, sales packages to clients, or even just watch how it helps your energy bill each month.

The Benefits of Energy-efficient Living in Los Angeles: Tips for a Sustainable Lifestyle

In Los Angeles, where energy costs are rising and eco-friendly living is more important than ever, finding ways to save power at home is crucial. Energy-efficient living offers a solution that not only cuts down on power use but also helps save on bills.

A solution that can save your budget is spray foam insulation. It creates a seal that keeps your home warm during winter and cooler when the summer days come.

spray foam insulation services in Los Angeles

This is a smart choice for those looking to improve their home’s energy use and comfort. In this article, we will guide you through the benefits of spray foam insulation and how to make your Los Angeles home energy-efficient. Keep reading to learn more.

Benefits of Choosing Spray Foam for Your Los Angeles Home

Choosing a spray foam insulation in Los Angeles by PureEcoInc is a not only a trend. It’s a smart choice for homeowners in Los Angeles looking to save energy and money. Let’s explore how this upgrade can make a difference in your home.

Enhanced Energy Conservation

Notably, spray foam insulation can effectively seal homes, reducing the amount of air that escapes. In Los Angeles, CA, where temperatures change, this insulation helps keep your home heating or cooling throughout the year. By doing this, it uses less energy, which is not only good for your wallet but also for the planet.

Air Quality and Moisture Control

When you insulate your home with spray foam, you’re not just keeping temperatures in check but also blocking out dust and pollen. It creates a barrier in your walls, attic, and crawl spaces that can help stop moisture as well. This means drier, cleaner air in your house.

Longevity and Durability

Los Angeles homes face heat, the cold, and everything in between. Spray foam insulation is tough. Moreover, it sticks around for years, keeping its shape and effectiveness. What this means is that you won’t have to replace it as often as other types, such as fiberglass insulation, saving you the hassle and money.

Noise Reduction and Comfort

Living in a busy city such as Los Angeles, CA, means dealing with noise. However, foam insulation can help with this issue. It can fill the gaps in your walls and ceilings, which can quiet down the sound of traffic or noisy neighbors. Plus, it makes your home more comfortable by helping maintain a steady temperature.

Financial Savings over Time

Installing spray foam might cost you upfront, but the amount you’ll save on heating and cooling bills over time will make it worthwhile. Los Angeles homeowners who choose spray foam often see their energy bills decrease because their homes are tightly sealed and insulated.

By choosing Los Angeles spray foam insulation, you’ll learn how it can help you save energy, improve air quality, and make your home a cozy fortress against noise, all while being kind to your budget over time.

Practical Tips for Implementing Energy-efficient Solutions

Making your Los Angeles home more energy-efficient doesn’t have to be complicated. Here are some straightforward steps to help you start saving energy and money.

Evaluating Your Home’s Needs

First, look at where your home loses most of its air. Usually, this is the attic, walls, and maybe a crawl space. Checking these areas first helps you understand where to add insulation to keep your home’s temperature comfortable.

Choosing the Right Insulation Type

There are two main types of foam insulation: open-cell and closed-cell. Open cells are softer and help with sound, while closed cells are denser, providing a stronger air barrier. Both help with controlling temperature and saving energy, but you’ll need to pick the best one that fits your home’s needs.

The Importance of Professional Installation

It’s wise to call in the pros if you’re planning on insulating your home. Professional foam insulation contractors have the right tools and knowledge to make sure the insulation is installed safely and effectively. Just call Pure Eco Inc. to get more details and ask your questions.

These experts can handle the tricky parts, such as the electrical wiring in walls, and ensure that the foam gets into every nook and cranny.

Plus, they can give you a quote and explain the insulation contractor services they offer, ensuring you get the best value and performance for your Los Angeles home.

Finding the Right Contractors in Los Angeles, CA

Locating the right contractor is vital when you’re ready to upgrade your home with Los Angeles spray foam insulation. You want someone who knows exactly how to install insulation and make it effective for your house. This expertise means they can handle any space, from your attic to the walls, ensuring that every inch gets the protection it needs.

Professional contractors offer various services, from checking your building’s current thermal state to the actual foam insulation installation. They can manage both residential and commercial properties, making sure to do a fantastic job whether you’re looking to insulate a small home or a large building for your business.

To find these experts, start by looking for spray foam insulation services around Los Angeles. A simple call can give you a lot of information. The best contractors will offer to come out, assess your needs, and give you a free quote. Make sure always to check their reputation and experience.

If you don’t want the hassle of researching for hours, don’t hesitate to contact us today to ask about our foam insulation service. Choose our foam insulation contractor services to ensure that you’re on the path to a cooler, more energy-efficient home.

Maximizing Efficiency with Foam Insulation in Los Angeles

Spray foam stands out in the insulation world. Unlike fiberglass, this foam product expands to fill every nook in your building, from wall cavities to hard-to-reach areas. It’s an ideal choice for both commercial properties and homes in Los Angeles, offering superior thermal protection.

If you’re considering attic insulation, spray foam creates a tight seal that traditional materials can’t match. This is not just about keeping a space warm or cool but creating a consistent barrier against the weather.

Moreover, for those in Los Angeles looking to install spray foam, many contractors offer free consultations to discuss terms and show you the benefits firsthand. Foam insulation Los Angeles services are readily available to enhance your property’s energy efficiency.

Making the Most of Your Insulated Home

It’s pretty much worry-free once you install spray foam insulation in your home. This type of insulation doesn’t settle or sag over time, so there’s not much you need to do. Just keep an eye on it. If you ever see cracks or hear more noise, it’s time to call the pros.

However, don’t stop at just insulation. To embrace a sustainable life in Los Angeles, CA, consider other energy-saving ways. Think about solar panels for your roof since they work great on sunny days. Try to fix leaks and maybe plant trees for shade. All these steps add up, making your home more energy-efficient.

how to make your home more energy-efficient

Remember, going green isn’t just about the materials you use but how you live each day. A sustainable lifestyle keeps your home comfy, cuts down on bills, and is good for the Earth as well. If you’re thinking about making these changes, call us now to get a quote and to learn more about your options.

Wrapping Up

Living an energy-efficient way in Los Angeles means more comfort at your home and less strain on your wallet. Choosing Los Angeles spray foam insulation is a big step toward that.

It seals your space tightly, keeps the heat and cool where you want it, and lasts a long time. This spray foam isn’t just good for your home but a better choice for the city as well.

Consider installing spray foam if you’re ready to make your home or commercial area cozier and reduce energy bills. Professional service is just a call away to get your place spray foam insulated and start living more energy-efficient.

Spray insulation helps keep your place warm in winter and cool in summer. In California, you can often get a free check-up to see how this smart fix can work for your thermal needs.

How to Improve the Quality of Your Soil

Soil is important, whether you’re growing prize winning roses, landscape shrubs or your own fruit trees. All need to be in the right type of soil to get the nutrient they need. Even beginners can improve the quality of the soil in the garden. All you need to do is follow these simple steps:

1. Add Compost

Compost is not just for preparing the beds in the spring. Compost can be placed into your raised beds in the fall and improve their conditions over the winter. Because they will be sitting over the beds all winter, this doesn’t even have to be completely broken down compost either. A lot of the process will happen right there on the bed.


The concept of safe food using organic waste generated compost is picking up in South Asia

You can even use this method as a practical way of getting rid of all the waste you pick up from your garden in the fall. Just spread this over the bed and cover with mulch. The mulch protects the soil and the nutrients in the compost.

2. Use Soil Amendments

Different soil amendments can be added to your soil to make it more suitable to your purposes. Choosing which soil amendment to use with your sol will be a matter of matching the proper solution to the problem you are facing. For example, there are amendment for increasing the nutritional content of your soil and others for improving the soil’s texture also known as tilth. For example, if your notice that the water is draining away too fast, you can add an amendment that allows you to soak up the moisture and the reverse is also true.

You can adjust the conditions of the soil to your exact needs with the right soil amendment. This could be compost or other rich matter that absorbs moisture or an amendment like greensand that allows water to drain away more easily.

Here are some common soil amendments that you can consider using for your garden as needed:

  • vermiculite (worm castings)
  • compost
  • greensand (or green sand)
  • grass clippings
  • cornmeal
  • alfalfa meal
  • straw
  • kelp meal

3. Plant a Cover Crop

When you are thinking about improving soil quality, don’t forget the power of cover crops. This is not just an idea for large scale agricultural weed suppression. They are also a major benefit for backyard gardeners as well.

Cover crops are especially good for treating the soil as they provide oxygenation and improved nutrient availability. Alfalfa with its very deep root system pulls nutrients upwards from the lower levels of soil and make these more available in planting season. Then a couple weeks before you begin planting, this cover crop will be tilled back into the soil, increasing its organic composition and nutrient content.

This can also be used to improve the levels of nitrogen in the soil when using legumes as a cover crop. Fava beans, crimson clover and alfalfa are all good examples of nitrogen high crop covers. If you will not be growing anything particular over the growing season, you may consider a cover crop that protect and aerate your beds. (Pro tip: cherry trees are a great choice for the beginner backyard orchardist and benefit greatly from good soil).

4. Try Lasagna Gardening

Also called sheet composting or “No-Till” gardening is another good way to improve your gardens soil quality and a perfect way to begin your raised beds and continue them. As you notice the quality levels of soil in your bed begin dropping down, you will keep adding new layers like lasagna which begins improving the quality of your soil from the top to the bottom. After the end of each growing season new layers are added.

For more information about your garden and the process of sheet composting, check out this article on the lasagna gardening method beginner’s guide. But there is one thing you will need to consider when using the lasagna method of composting. If you will be renovating your raised beds with the sheet composting method, you will need to wait a full 6-months before planting as you will need them to fully break down.

So this method will be best suited to those garden working with rotating beds or those gardeners who only plant one season. The following link included here will give some pointers on how this can be changed about and planting can be done sooner. Basically, if you would like to begin planting sooner, you will need to spread out a layer of compost and or healthy topsoil –– roughly 2 or 3 inches thick. You can then begin planting directly through this top layer.

5. Prepare Raised Beds for the Winter

Never forget the importance of using the end of the year garden season is your opportunity to improve the quality of your soil in a number of ways. This end of the year ritual is like “closing down the shop” till spring. But, if you live in a warmer area of the country this might not even be necessary.

Here are some things to do. First, cut the plants as opposed to pulling them from the soil. Cutting the plant will allow the roots to rot away and this will make your soil lighter and airy. Then you can spread some compost out on the soil and cover this with a layer of mulch, the compost will be feeding nutrients back to the soil while the mulch will protect the soil and keep the nutrients bound in.

You can also just plant a cover crop and call it a year. Be sure to check out our article on winter gardening for some more things to do in the cold months.

How Can Companies and Employees Be Better Motivated to Care About the Environment?

In a world that’s increasingly recognizing the impact of human activities on the environment, it’s paramount for companies and employees alike to step up their sustainability game.

But how can we foster a deeper concern about our planet within the workspace? How can organizations inspire a collective shift toward environmentally conscious behaviors? This entails comprehensive strategies, moving far beyond going paperless or recycling.

It demands clear objectives, meaningful incentives, green policies, and continuous education. Above all, it calls for real dedication to exploring innovative ways of helping the environment.

environmental consciousness at corporate level

10 Ways to Motivate Others to Care About the Environment

Understanding how to inspire environmental consciousness at both the corporate and individual levels is more crucial than ever. Below are ten strategies that companies can use right now.

1. Set Clear Objectives and Goals

Setting crystal-clear objectives and concrete goals around environmental milestones can drive care for the environment among employees. By having well-defined, achievable targets, like reducing energy consumption, companies can enable their workforce to contribute effectively.

2. Create a Rewards Scheme

A rewards scheme is a great motivator for green practices. Giving out ‘Green Awards’ to those employees who show the most commitment or improvement can be a fun and competitive way to inspire eco-friendly behavior. These could involve presenting high-quality award plaques.

3. Introduce Incentives

Introducing other types of incentives can effectively motivate employees to show more concern for the environment. These could be in the form of additional paid time off or discounts on sustainable products. Such tangible benefits help to foster a proactive and accountable culture.

4. Implement Green Policies

Green policies should be a part of every company’s regulatory framework. By implementing procedures that encourage recycling, minimize waste, or promote energy conservation, businesses can encourage their employees to engage in more eco-friendly behaviors.

Finding a green provider for specialty chemicals

5. Educate Employees

Education is key to making employees care about the environment. Companies should strive to hold regular sessions informing their staff about the effects of climate change, the importance of sustainable practices, and the role of individuals in conservation to change people’s mindsets.

6. Promote Green Innovation

Encouraging employees to brainstorm and implement sustainable solutions can trigger creativity and drive an eco-friendly mindset within your company. It also fosters a culture that values the environment, making sure every business process is designed with sustainability at its core.

7. Walk The Talk

Companies must ‘walk the talk’ when it comes to caring for the environment if they want them to follow suit. Demonstrating eco-friendly behaviors such as reducing waste, promoting energy efficiency, and using sustainable resources sets a positive example for employees.

8. Make Sustainability Everyone’s Responsibility

Making sustainability everyone’s responsibility ensures a collective approach. Rather than leaving it to one dedicated team, encouraging all employees to be part of the effort brings broader engagement. When each staff member realizes their role, it creates a drive for change.

9. Invest in Green Tech

Investing in green technology not only honors a company’s environmental responsibility but also motivates employees to follow suit. Utilizing software for digital paperwork or adopting renewable energy tools, for example, can significantly reduce the carbon footprint of a business.

a paper free office

10. Plant Trees Together

Engaging employees in a collective effort, such as planting trees, can be an effective way to foster environmental care. This not only has a direct impact on the ecosystem but also serves as a tangible reminder of the importance of conservation efforts for everyone in the company.

In Conclusion

Taking proactive steps towards making your company and employees more environmentally conscious should not be a choice but a business imperative. With these strategies at hand, you now have the blueprint to foster an eco-friendly culture within your organization. So why wait?

Start implementing these green ideas today, and inspire your team to make a lasting difference.

Infographic created by FIRST

Top Reasons to Convert to LED Lighting

LED Lighting has been in the news quite frequently recently, mostly because it offers a more cost-effective alternative to traditional lighting. If you’ve heard the talk, but are wondering why LED lighting is trending or you’re considering a plan to convert to LED lighting, you may wonder if it’s worth all the hype. Here are the top reasons why converting to LED lighting just makes sense.

Reasons to Convert to LED Lighting

1. Save Money

The most obvious reason why people are converting to LED lighting is that doing so saves them money. Not only do they use 75% less energy than incandescent bulbs, but they also last up to 25 times longer as well. This means that you’re paying less for the energy required to light your home or office and you’re buying fewer bulbs over time. If you don’t like any other reason on this list for converting to LED lighting, saving money is reason enough to do it.

2. Better Technology

LED lights have better technology than incandescent bulbs, which means they’re significantly more efficient. LED lights emit light in one direction, so you can light up a specific area much more easily than with an incandescent bulb that emits light in many directions. You also will limit your need for reflectors and diffusers, particularly if you’re using light to illuminate a specific space. LED lights are perfect for hobbyists who need to direct light immediately in front of them.

3. Safety

Safety is another major reason why people convert to LED lighting, especially parents. LED lights do not emit nearly as much heat as incandescent bulbs, so the risk of burns is almost nonexistent. Additionally, they aren’t going to light anything around them on fire because of their heat, so you can have LED lights near curtains or other fabrics and not worry about them being a fire hazard.

4. Eco-Friendly

Since LED lights use up to 75% less energy than incandescent bulbs, they’re better for the environment. Much of the electricity produced in the world today originates from fossil fuels, which are limited in supply. We need to protect our fossil fuel reserves as much as possible, so using less energy is a critical step toward healing the planet.

5. Better Lighting

When compared with fluorescent lighting, LED lights are much less harsh on the eyes, but they provide the same amount of light or even more. You can actually use fewer LED lights than fluorescent lights to produce the same or better lighting effects. Plus, you’ll get no annoying hum either.

energy efficient home

6. Possible Rebates

In addition to saving money in energy and bulb replacement costs, you may also get a rebate from your utility company or local government for converting to LED lighting. These entities have a stake in reducing the amount of energy you use, so they sometimes offer money back for taking steps to reduce your energy consumption.


There are few downsides to converting to LED lighting. In fact, you will see the benefits of converting almost immediately with better lighting and increased safety. The money savings will come a little later, but once it does, you’ll wonder why you didn’t convert earlier.

5 Eco-Friendly Home Decor Ideas

Global warming is one of the most discussed issues of the present times. Our planet is facing a crisis, and hence, we are all in the midst of danger. However, we have not reached the dead-end yet. So, there is so much that we can still do to save mother earth. The individual efforts count the most and can go a long way if everyone decides to play their part.

If you are a creative person who wants to decorate their home while trying to maintain a sustainable lifestyle, you would have noticed how most ways to decorate a house have a big carbon footprint. Don’t worry, you do not have to give up home decor to care for the environment. The following are some eco-friendly decor ideas that are sure to fetch you a ton of compliments on your aesthetic and mindful approach towards the environment.


Inculcate Houseplants

Who does not love greenery? It is the best way to stay close to nature while staying indoors. In the modern lifestyle, our living spaces are becoming more cramped than ever. Plus, not everyone is lucky enough to have a green bed of twenty-five cubic yards. However, that does not mean that you have to live without a touch of nature.

The easiest way to do so is by cultivating houseplants. It can be done pretty much anywhere and placing them in gorgeous bottles and containers can amplify the appeal. If you plan on adding a lot of houseplants, make sure to get high-quality glass containers from a trusted glass bottles manufacturer.

Go Vintage

The old school décor has been making rounds again. So, this is the perfect time to go thrifting and to rummage through your grandma’s stuff. It is one of the best and responsible ways to save money and to recycle old, discarded things lying in your home.

So, to start with, make use of those vintage suitcases that we all have in our attics. Dust them off and with the help of a little DIY, you can turn them into a table. Attach wooden dowels to the painted suitcase to turn it into a side-table. The fact that you did not have to buy anything new, and didn’t use any fuel to go to the supermarket, gives this DIY a small carbon footprint.

Make Use of Old Textbooks

When you are in the process of redecorating your space, it sounds quite tempting to get rid of everything that has not served you its purpose in years. But do not throw away your old textbooks. Use them to your advantage because there are plenty of DIYs that you can do.


For instance, renew your old lamp by pasting some old pages on your lampshade and stack some books under it. Remember, recycling is the first step to ensuring that you do not produce a lot of waste that is harmful to the environment. So, let your creative side shine and up-cycle old items and turn them into fun home decorations.

Make Your Own Scented Candles

Scent and fragrance have been serving us for ages. When your environment smells great, it gives a sudden uplift to your mood. There is nothing better than coming home after a long day, lighting a candle, and feeling the stresses of the day melt away.

But instead of buying your candles or investing in expensive air freshener dispensers, you can make your own scented candles at home. The following are the supplies that you will need for this:

  • A jar
  • Candle Wick
  • Soy Wax
  • Scissors
  • Spoon
  • Measuring Cup
  • Any essential oil


  • Measure the wax according to your jar size.
  • Melt it and add a few drops of your favorite essential oil.
  • Hold the candle wick into the jar and carefully pour the melted wax.
  • Wait for the wax to become solid and cut the extra wick that is sticking out.
  • Voila! You have your own organic candle!

Invest in LED Lighting

The idea may sound a little intimidating if you look at the cost but there is nothing that pays off like LED Lighting. The traditional lighting system is a huge source of energy waste, not to mention the massive power that they consume. So, it is an excellent decision to invest in LED lighting and ensure that you are not hurting the environment. So, accessorize your home with some elegant LED Lights, that are not just reliable but also completely eco-friendly.



It is truly a domineering task to redecorate your home and to bring novelty to your creativity. To top it all, there is this added pressure of being environmentally responsible. However, if you are determined to contribute to your planet, now is the right time. For starters, just staying conscious about the waste and resources will eventually become your second nature. And soon, you would not have to think twice before taking on a task as daunting as eco-friendly home décor.

5 Interesting Facts About Waste-to-Energy Projects

Waste-to-energy (also known as energy-from-waste) is a complicated technology in the realm of renewable energy. There are a lot of hidden truths and myths about this technology that people need to be aware of. Renewable energy technologies, like solar and wind, have much more simple processes and gain most of the attention from media outlets.

On the converse, renewable energy sources that are highly complex like nuclear energy have a bunch of media attention as well.

So, why don’t we discuss a bit more about this relatively unknown technology and asset class? Here I’ll discuss a number of the most important facts about waste-to-energy (abbreviated as WTE).

Interesting Facts About Waste-to-Energy

Let’s get into our facts about waste-to-energy that you need to know.

1. Waste-to-Energy Can Provide Baseload Power

The most familiar renewable energy resources such as wind and solar can only provide power if the sun is shining or the wind is blowing. WTE projects can actually provide baseload power that is used to serve consumers and the grid no matter the time of day or if the sun is shining or not.

Baseload power is essentially when intermittent resources like solar and wind become more prevalent.

2. Not All WTE Projects are Clean and Green

While waste-to-energy projects would seem to be green and clean because they turn trash into power or gas. However, some projects require long hauling of trash to bring to the actual incineration facility. This actually ends up require much more emissions from the trash haulers than alternatives.

One solution to this would be to help promote the use of electric vehicles and electric vehicle technology to be installed in trucking, like waste hauling.

3. WTE Projects Can Reduce Use of Landfills

Landfills have increased at an exponential pace the in last 100 years. Waste-to-energy projects are an awesome alternative to landfills as the trash is used to provide electricity or fuel.

WTE projects reduce waste volumes by approximately 90%, which results in fewer landfills that are needed to process ash. This ends up protecting our natural resources and land in a dramatic fashion.

5. WTE Projects have Multiple Revenue Streams

Waste-to-energy projects are extremely complicated and expensive to build. Most of the investor economic interest is driven by financial incentives, renewable identification numbers, tax credits, etc. to help these projects get financed.

Beyond these other financial incentives, some of the waste-to-energy projects produce a byproduct, named biochar, which has multiple applications and fetches good prices. The biochar can usually end up providing the most value in the revenue stream or investability of the project itself.

In addition to other economic streams, waste-to-energy projects usually require high tipping fees. A tipping fee is what the trash hauler has to pay in order to dump the trash at the facility. With WTE projects, the tipping fee can end up being 50-60% of the overall revenue stack.

5. WTE Facilities are Net Greenhouse Gas Reducers

Methane has more than 20 times the potency of carbon dioxide and is ranked as a very dangerous contributor to climate change and warming of our planet. WTE facilities avoid the productions of methane and end up producing up to 10 times more the electricity than landfill gas projects. If you didn’t know, landfills can actually end up producing electricity by capture the methane gas and compressing it into a consumable natural gas for power.


Sweden is one of the best proponents of waste-to-energy in the world

WTE projects will usually have much more capacity than any landfill gas projects.


You can’t use waste-to-energy projects at your home similar to solar or even wind to get free electricity. However, knowing about projects in your area and the relevant suppliers will help you understand whether or not the technology is a perfect fit for your community. If you see a project coming online in your surrounding area, you should know how to ask the right questions.

At the end of the day, WTE projects are green and clean. They just need to have the right systems in place to make them more efficient and less risky to appeal new investor appetite. What fact was your favorite about waste-to-energy?

Do you know much about waste-to-energy projects? Let us know in the comments below. We’d love to hear from you.

Growing Organic Plants Indoors: What To Know

Indoor plants are a welcome addition to any home. They help spruce up the atmosphere and bring literal life into the room. But sometimes it is difficult to grow these plants due to a variety of reasons, and one of the bigger reasons is the lighting. Throughout the year, the amount of light changes, and it is difficult to find a single spot in the house where a plant will always get sufficient light, due to the movement of the sun.

To solve this problem, grow lights were created, and have become increasingly more popular for home botanists. People have used different types of lights including fluorescent, incandescent, and LED’s (Light Emitting Diodes).

LED grow lights are quickly becoming the most common choice for growing organic plants indoors.


Why LED’s?

LED lights are the most common choice to go with because they are the most energy-efficient and have a wide variety of colors. The light color that works best for chlorophyll absorption, photosynthesis, and growth is a Violet-blue light in the 400-520 nanometer range. Red light(610-720) promotes flowering and budding.

LED grow lights produce a large spectrum of light, and the ones with the most complete spectrum will be the best ones to grow with. They also put off much less heat than the other options, making it possible for you to put the light closer to the plant in this case.

Types of LED Grow Lights

Standard Purple LED’s are the cheapest option for growing, which is their main selling point. They contain hundreds of small low wattage lights(3-5 watts per LED) composed of red and blue lights to emit a purple light.

COB lights (a.k.a Chip on board) lights have many hundreds of tiny lights to make up the one single small chip on the board. They emit a much stronger and brighter white light, which offers better light penetration than the purple LED’s.


Spread Style LED’s are another powerful light option, and are more specifically tailored to greenhouses with their “rack” style of lighting, which can cover a large area. They are one of the most efficient LED lights on the market, which also leads to them being a rather expensive option.

Plant position and light placement

The position of the plants and the lights should aim to mimic the natural position of outdoor plants.

  • Give each of the plants an even amount of space(unless it is a plant that may help seed another plant), and space the plants accordingly.
  • Use a level surface, and if possible, keep in a spot that is out of a cat’s reach(easier said than done, I know).
  • Hang the lights straight over top of the plants to mimic the sun, at about roughly 6-12 inches over(this distance can change depending on the plant type) Adjust the lights accordingly as the plants grow.
  • Make sure to test the lights out and confirm that all the plants are getting sufficient light. If you are looking to invest in more lights and more plants, testing out the amount of coverage that the lights have over a certain amount of plants may be the best way to determine how many more lights you should purchase.

How long should you leave the grow light on?

This again depends on the type of plant. Most flowering plants or vegetables grow optimally with a long summer day’s worth of light (12-16 hours), but remember that darkness is an important part of the cycle as well. Plants use the darkness to break down the energy that they produce during the day for growth and flowering, a process known as respiration.

To make sure that you do not exceed the recommended time to keep the lights on, you can set them up with timers. Once you set these timers up to go off at the appropriate time, it’s one less thing that can go wrong.


As stated multiple times, everything tends to be plant-specific, and even if you set something perfectly at first, the constantly changing plants will most likely require readjustment of the lights. Pay attention to the plants especially in the early stages to make sure they do not fall victim to LED burns or other complications from improper placement.

Waste Management in Global North and Global South

Waste management is highly context specific. Therefore it is important to distinguish between the conditions in the Global North and the Global South. Recent ILO figures suggest that 24 million people around the world are involved in the informal waste recycling sector, 80% of whom are waste pickers. Some estimates say that 1% of urban population in developing countries makes their primary household income through informal sector waste management activities.  In Latin America alone, 4-5 million waste pickers earn their livelihood by being a part of the global recyclables supply chain.


Municipal budgets in the Global South are often limited and only a small percentage of that budget is assigned to waste management as compared to other municipal services. In the Global North waste management is recognized as a necessary public good and there is a greater willingness to pay for this service. Solid waste management (e.g. waste collection, transportation and recycling) is generally more labour intensive than in North America and Europe.

Urbanization in the Global South is often haphazard and unplanned; creating pockets of high and low income neighbourhoods. This creates logistical issues for the waste management service provision limiting options for viable waste collection and transportation. It is often the informal sector that steps in to fill this service gap.

The maturity and strength of the legal framework differs between the Global South and Global North. In North America and Europe the legal framework of waste management actively promotes and provides incentives for waste reduction, reuse and recovery whereas, despite recent developments in some countries, in Latin America legal frameworks remain focused upon mixed waste collection, transportation and disposal.

Recycling rates in Argentina are at 11% of the total waste stream with 95% of this material is recovered by the informal sector. This situation is replicated in many other countries. The informal sector recovers between 50% (e.g. Mexico) and 90% (e.g. Nicaragua) of the waste recovered and in the different countries of the region. Resource recovery and recycling is driven by market conditions. Materials that have a value are diverted from landfill through an informal network of recyclers and waste collectors.

The composition of waste is also very different in the Global South where organic waste is a much larger percentage of the waste stream. Because of the high percentage of organics in the waste stream in many cities in the Global South, innovations in decentralised composting and small scale biogas have been seen across the Global South (particularly in India) and can be used effectively by the informal sector, making a zero waste future a real possibility.

Role of Informal Recycling Sector

The informal sector can be highly effective at collecting and diverting garbage from landfill. When empowered with a facilitating legal framework, and collectively organized, the informal sector can be a key part of a sustainable resource recovery system. Using people power to increase recycling and diversion rates decreases the need for expensive, fixed, high technology solutions.

Understanding that the context for waste management is different between the Global North and Global South, and even in different areas within a city or region, means that no two situations will be the same. However, if there is one principle to follow it may well be to consider the context and look for the simplest solution. The greenest cities of the future may well be those that use flexible, adaptable solutions and maximize the work that the informal sector is already doing.

Note: This excerpt is being published with the permission of our collaborative partner Be Waste Wise.