The Future of Gas Boilers – Hydrogen or Heat Pumps?

Due to the international crisis of global warming, the majority of western countries are now set on a course to become carbon neutral and at the Paris Accord, they agreed to achieve this by 2050. This is an impressive feat for countries still so reliant on fossil fuels for major industries like heating and transport.

Residential heating is one area that is currently in the spotlight, for instance, in countries like the UK, it is currently responsible for around one-third of carbon emissions. As a result and understandingly it is set to undergo major reform over the next 10 years.

What’s the problem with current heating?

Heating in the UK is still heavily reliant on fossil fuels, either directly or indirectly. For instance, the vast majority of homes are supplied with natural gas which is burned in fireplaces and gas combi boilers to provide homes with heat.


The major issue is that burning natural gas releases carbon into the atmosphere, which is a gas that doesn’t leave the atmosphere, resulting in heat being trapped in the atmosphere, leading to global warming.

Therefore, the UK government is looking at low carbon heating alternatives as a route to transforming the current situation, which includes the likes of heat pump, hydrogen boiler and solar.

As Heatable states, residential boilers have already been under considerable scrutiny and the government has banned non-condensing boilers, driving up the efficiency of boilers to above 90%, as well as a total outlaw on all gas boilers in new homes from 2025.

Yet, it’s important to note that most industry commentators consider replacing gas boilers with solar and heat pumps completely unrealistic. Major concerns include their expensive and disruptive installation, as well as their reliability when compared to conventional boilers.

As a result, replacing the fuel is seen as a much more realistic approach with the fuel of choice being hydrogen. This can be fed into the current infrastructure and used with hydrogen-ready boilers, which are almost identical to current natural gas versions.

Hydrogen Boilers vs. Heat Pumps

There are many issues when it comes to the transition from high to low carbon heating technologies. So much so, that the Environmental Audit Committee (EAC) estimated that it would take almost 1,000 years to make the switch if the current trajectories continued.

Even worse, the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) highlighted that it would cost on average £26,000 for each home to install a low carbon heating alternative, rending the whole idea completely unviable.


The only sensible solution is the adoption of hydrogen fuel as an alternative to natural gas instead. This fuel is able to make use of the current gas networks infrastructure which is already connected to the vast majority of properties.

From an environmental standpoint, hydrogen is also seen as highly desirable.

Why? When hydrogen is burned it produces only vapour and absolutely no carbon dioxide making it ideal for a carbon-neutral future.

Disadvantages of Heat Pumps

As well as that, there are also other issues with heat pumps, of which there are three main types: air source, ground source and hybrid. All of which works by sucking in heat from the surrounding air, ground or water and are able to supply heat to water and central heating.

Hybrid heat pumps are different in that they utilise a boiler to provide supplemental heat if the weather becomes severely cold.

The good point of heat pumps is that they only use small amounts of electricity to operate and combined with the fact that they absorb heat from the environment, they are extremely efficient. In fact, they can achieve energy efficiency ratings exceeding 300%, compared to modern gas boilers that are around 94%.

However, it’s not all positive sadly and heat pumps are unable to provide the same, consistent heat output that gas boilers are able to. For this reason, they are usually installed with oversized radiators and/or underfloor heating and only in properties that are extremely well insulated.


Heating is without a doubt going to change and countries like the UK are going to transition away from gas boilers, but what will win – heat pumps or hydrogen?

It seems that hydrogen has the advantage from a feasibility standpoint, but there’s little doubt that heat pumps will be part of the mix too.

It’s becoming more common for gas boilers to be installed with a hybrid heat pump system.

The first homes fitted with hydrogen boilers and appliances are going to be installed in Fife, Scotland from next year, so progression is certainly accelerating.

Recommended Reading: Benefits of Regular Boiler Maintenance

4 Ideas to Redesign Your Kitchen Units in a Sustainable Way

Whether the trends have changed or you’re tired of seeing the same old design in your room, it may be time for a change. However, redesigning your kitchen units (and maybe the whole kitchen) can be costly, especially if you purchase too many supplies or need to stick to a budget. Even so, you can change whatever you like through sustainable practices that will allow you to buy affordable things. A penny saved is a penny earned, so let’s get into it.

redesign kitchen units in ecofriendly manner

1. Try sustainable paint

The easiest and less pricey option for redesigning your kitchen units is to paint them. Green products are accessible, but first, you need to consider a few things. To keep the paint on for a longer time, you must be careful how you strip off the old paint. For example, you might want to get a lead-based paint remover that will safely alter it. Removing and cleaning the waste won’t be a hassle anymore, and you’ll be able to dispose of it properly.

Secondly, when looking for sustainable paint, the best options are products with low or no VOC (volatile organic compounds). For durability, check if the paint is oil-based or water-based with 100% acrylic resin. You may also add a clear sealer top on the paint for more protection. Finally, regarding the sealer, you’ll find polyurethane products that will care for your cabinets against fingertips and other strains.

Know that sustainable paint is not only good for the environment but your health too. If you don’t choose protective equipment, your lungs may be affected by the fumes and chemicals, and in the worst cases, those paints can even contribute to respiratory diseases and cancer. So, besides choosing sustainable paint, make sure you properly ventilate the room and wear a mask to minimise the risks.

Look for sustainable materials

When choosing sustainable materials for your cabinets, you’ll have two options: either purchase high-end products that will last forever or look for recycled countertops. The expensive materials will surely last for a longer time, but depending on how much you want to invest in your house, they might not be the best solution if you’re not already settled in your own household.

Then, if you choose recycled products, they might not look that good so they may need another repaint, but the prices are more accessible, like:

  • FSC-certified and bamboo plywood;
  • FSC-certified wood
  • Wood Veneer
  • Renewable wood like lyptus (made from two species of eucalyptus)

Still, if your budget allows it, look for these high-end materials:

  • Maple
  • Cherry
  • Alder
  • Red birch

The less expensive products are not less durable, they’re only not that fancy-looking, but you can still change their appearance. Salvaged wood and reused wood pallets are better than having furniture containing certain toxins that can affect your health. For example, some semi-volatile organic compounds found in such materials have been found to contribute to asthma and wheezing.

3. Shop from local manufacturers

One great way of being a sustainable customer is to support your local businesses and purchase their products. By doing this, you’ll offer them the opportunity of creating new and better products and also provide qualitative furniture to their clients. What’s best about local manufacturers is that they can make custom kitchen units that will suit your tastes better. They may cost you a little bit more, but the investment is worth it.

However, if there are no local businesses in your area and you have no choice but to buy from regular suppliers, you can at least check their ethical and eco policies to ensure they respect the environment and don’t waste resources. Be aware of greenwashing and check if there are rumours around the company’s practices because, most times, if other people sense there’s something wrong with a business, it might be true.

Greenwashing happens when companies invest more in advertising and promoting their intentions and practices. Still, in reality, they don’t implement sustainability into their culture to minimise their impact on the environment. So, if one of your suppliers seems to insist too much on green products and such, make sure you research them thoroughly before purchasing their products.

4. Buy second-hand

Second-hand shops are not only great for reusing clothes but also for furniture. Some showrooms will work by displaying used units, cabinets and such at a discount price. The only disadvantage is that you may find cracked or broken things, so they will need reparations, repainting and much more. Still, the advantage of such showrooms is that you’ll find plenty of unique products, from vintage units to some of the latest designs that you may not find on the internet anymore. Plus, some of these products are made with high-end materials, which is why some of them are very heavy.

Regarding the design, if you’re lucky to find a furniture auction near you or selling online, you might be able to get your hands on:

  • Mid-century modern furniture with organic and geometric shapes, minimal ornamentation and neutral and bold colours;
  • Modern furnishings, with smooth surfaces, straight lines and warm neutral colours;
  • Art deco furniture, with angular lines, bold patterns and prints and animal themes;
  • Chippendale furniture that has wooden lattice-shaped curves and elaborated ornamentation;
  • Rocco furniture brings the 18th century into your kitchen with lighter woods and pastel colours;
  • Victorian furniture is represented by heavy fabrics, ornate carvings and inlays;
  • The mission-style furniture features include straight lines, squared legs and durability;
  • The Queen Anne design involves curving shaped-furniture, delicate fan or shell patterns made from maple or mahogany woods;

Wrapping up

What do you think about these ideas? We believe anyone can redesign their kitchen units and furniture by making a small effort to look for something more than you’d typically find at the regular supplier. Painting furniture is also a sustainable method of caring for and changing your cabinets. Make sure you choose the proper paint and product and equip yourself with masks. So, what’s your next plan for transforming your kitchen units?

6 Easiest Ways to Save Money on Your Utility Bills

As the climate warms, it’s more important than ever to consider how you can lower your carbon footprint as a homeowner.And lowering your carbon footprint has another huge benefit: you can often save money as a result of green upgrades to your home. For example, solar energy can save you around $600 a year in energy costs. Of course, there are many other reasons why you should use solar energy, but the primary reason to use it is that it is a renewable source, i.e., it will last for billions of years.

Besides making structural changes—like adding solar panels, for example, to your home, there are other ways to save on your utility bills such as turning off lights you’re not using. Below, we’ve gathered our tops tips for saving money on utility bills – and helping out the planet, too!

1. Take advantage of sunshine during the winter

The sun is basically free heat for your home. Homeowners can take advantage of what’s called passive solar design. During the day, open the curtains on south-facing windows to let the sunshine inside so it can warm up your house. This will keep your home considerably hotter during the colder months.

Don’t forget to close the curtains when the sun sets so you can keep as much of that trapped solar heat as possible. Consider investing in thick, insulated curtains, which will help keep heat inside your living spaces.

2. Pay attention to your ceiling fan’s rotation in winter and summer

As you may know, warm air rises. Instead of letting that warm air go up, up and away, you can leverage your ceiling fan to keep that warm air close to you and your family. Reverse your ceiling fan’s rotation so that it turns clockwise instead of counterclockwise. This will keep the hot air in your living spaces. And during the hotter months, make sure the fan is spinning counterclockwise to pull hot air away from you. It is also advisable to hire reputed electricians like ADC Electric who provide quality service and safety to electrical systems in residential properties.

3. Get a new roof

A new roof can make a huge difference in your energy savings. Best of all? Energy-efficient roofing helps you save money in both the colder and warmer months. Many new types of roofing are “cool roofs” which reflect more of the sun’s rays instead of allowing solar heat to permeate into the home. This means that you don’t have to run the AC as low or as often. In the winter, a new roof helps prevent warm air from escaping.

Plus, in many areas, you might be eligible for a government tax incentive for replacing an old roof with an energy-efficient version.

4. Seal drafts around windows, doors, and other areas of your home

One of the best methods for determining what areas of your home can be more energy-efficient is by conducting a DIY energy audit. To do an energy audit, light an incense stick and watch to see if smoke is pulled to cracks in the windows or under the doors. You can also sometimes feel drafts by simply putting your palm up around the edges of windows and doors. Once you find drafty areas, it’s important to seal up those holes with weather stripping or caulking.

Fixing air leaks will benefit you both in the summer and the winter because it helps keep your HVAC system from working overtime.

5. Invest in a smart thermostat

A smart thermostat is a prudent investment, especially if you regularly forget to turn off the A/C or heat when you leave for work or errands. That wasted energy can add up to a big utility bill at the end of the month. A smart thermostat regulates the temperature and automatically programs a specific range to keep you comfortable but turns off in unoccupied rooms.

6. Schedule regular maintenance

Routine maintenance is essential to promote the longevity of your HVAC system and to ensure that your home isn’t wasting energy. Make sure to replace filters at least once a month and keep tabs on how old your HVAC system is, most systems need to be replaced every 15-20 years.


There are a variety of reasons as to why it’s in your best interest to find ways to make your home greener. Not only do green upgrades ultimately save you money, they also help the planet during a time when a climate emergency is threatening our very existence. If you want to see a smaller utility bill and live a more eco-friendly life, utilize some of the tips mentioned in this article. You’ll save money and help save earth, too. However, if you can’t pay your bills with savings, consider getting a loan. KashPilot does not consider your credit history when granting loans.

Water Conservation: 8 Easy Ways to Save Water at Your Home

The importance of saving water cannot be understated, especially as many countries around the world are facing drought conditions. Of course, there is an endless list of small changes you can make as a homeowner to improve the water-saving efficiency of your home, and they add up to a potentially significant difference in the long-term.

1. Repurpose Water

A staggering amount of water literally goes down the drain each day, when there are plenty of smart, safe ways to conserve as much of it as possible. Your bathroom is a key contributor to single-use wastage, and by keeping a container on the floor of your shower you can collect liters with each use. Meanwhile, in the kitchen, even seemingly small things like using a container to catch the water used in washing fresh produce can make a difference over time.

2. Get Smart About Lawn Care

It’s a common misconception that maintaining a healthy lawn requires a plentiful supply of water. Even during water-restricted periods, keeping your grass green is possible – you just have to get clever about your lawn care practices. Depending on the severity of restrictions, you may only be allowed to water your garden and lawn on certain days and at set times of day, and this will probably be enough, as long as you follow a few guidelines.

If possible, it’s best to water your plants and grass in the evening so that the water has plenty of time to soak into the soil and roots without the threat of evaporation. In case you’re unsure whether to water or not, feeling the topsoil for dryness will give you the best indication. Another interesting option for a smart and healthy lawn is to go for artificial grass or drought-tolerant landscape.

3. Use the Half-flush

The second button on the toilet is more than just an aesthetic feature. In fact, the half-flush button can save as much as 70% of the water used in a full flush, owing to the difference in flushing design. A wash-down design and a large trap way make it easier for waste to flow down the drain, meaning less water is required. If you can afford to replace an old, inefficient system, you stand to save a lot of water (and by extension, money) in the long-term.

4. Use Dual Sinks

Washing dishes by hand gets a bad rap in terms of water efficiency, and it often uses more water than a dishwasher, but it’s possible to prevent a great deal of wastage by using your sink effectively. If you have a double-barreled sink, using one side for washing and the other for rinsing will allow you to wash an unlimited load without needing to refresh the water.

5. Check the Ratings

Every water-using device has an efficiency rating, and choosing a well-rated model will help you prevent unnecessary wastage at the source. In some countries, large devices like dishwashers and washing machines come with a star rating to give an indication of their efficiency, and even if they don’t, you can still do your own comparative checks.

In the US, the toilet is typically the biggest source of water wastage, followed by the shower and faucets, but with modern water-efficient designs like water-saving vacuum toilets and low-flow showerheads, much of that water could be preserved.

6. Install Water-Saving Faucets

The only thing more efficient than collecting and re-using run-off from the shower is using less water at the source, and the right faucet can help with that. You can use touchless faucets in your kitchen as well as it can save a lot of water. According to myhomeneedz, a touchless kitchen faucet can save up to 20% water compared to normal faucets.

Just like dishwashers and washing machines, faucets often come with a water-efficiency rating, but they can also be made more eco-friendly through simple add-ons like aerators. An aerator installation is a perfect project for eco-conscious lovers of DIY – once it’s done, the difference will be practically undetectable, and you’ll be saving liters without even trying.

7. Buy Smaller Machines

Devices like dishwashers and washing machines are becoming more water-efficient with each passing year, but the fact remains that large machines tend to use much more water than their smaller counterparts. A smaller device will also make it easier to commit to only running full loads, since it will take less time to fill.

You might even consider investing in a double-gallon dishwashers, designed to run smaller loads with half the amount of water – there’s plenty of technology available to help in your quest to use less.

8. Install a Water Tank

If you have the money and the space available on your property, a water tank is one of the best long-term water-saving investments you can make. Even the average backyard water tank allows for the collection of several hundred liters, which is more than enough to keep your yard in good condition or fill your bathtub many times over. Tanks can be expensive to buy, but the savings you stand to make on your water bills will make it all worthwhile.

Fresh drinking water is a precious resource, and developing efficient usage habits and adopting eco-friendly plumbing has never been more important. The bottom line is that saving water isn’t difficult, and with a few tips and tricks up your sleeve, you’re fully-equipped to start doing your bit for the environment and the world as a whole.

Home Value-Increasing Plumbing Improvements

You can do things to boost your home’s worth whether or not you plan to sell it soon. Many property owners fall prey to the false notion that they must undertake significant improvements, such as adding square footage, updating appliances, demolishing walls, etc.

However, there are some plumbing modifications whose worth to your property will astound you, even after accounting for the improvements above.

plumbing modifications to increase home value

Regarding plumbing in the United States, team emergency plumber is the company to call. From our observations, we’ve learned that plumbing is frequently disregarded as an element of a home’s overall appeal. We’ve compiled a list of major plumbing updates that can help you get the most money out of your house sale.

1. Upgrade To Newer Pipes

One of the most beneficial renovations you can perform is invisible until you start digging into the concrete. The plumbing in many houses is really old and runs everywhere. Your home’s pipes might be made of subpar materials or even lead, depending on when it was built.

Prospective purchasers of your property will feel more at peace if you upgrade their plumbing lines to copper, PVC, or PEX, which are non-corrosive and non-toxic.

2. Set Up A Second Toilet

A second or third bathroom in your house is convenient, so why not consider installing one? Adding a second bathroom may boost your home’s value by a sizable amount. A steam shower, jetted bathtub, or brass fittings are all things that might be included in a new bathroom installation.

3. Replace Water Heater

The replacement of an old water heater is a worthwhile investment that may raise the value of your property. Think about how old your water heater is. On average, humans live for roughly 12 years.

If you go on living like that, you’ll never have enough time! Both conventional and tankless water heaters have improved features. This improvement may be made even more eco-friendly and energy-efficient by using a solar-powered water heater.

benefits of heat pump water heater

4. Quality Faucets

Faucets, whether for the sink or the shower, are among the most worn and often replaced fixtures in the home. Investing in brass or stainless steel faucets is not only a smart move from a design perspective, but also sends a positive message to potential buyers about the quality of your house.

5. Put In A Garbage Disposal

One of the most necessary yet underappreciated appliances is the garbage disposal. One of the most underappreciated kitchen upgrades that may significantly increase your home’s resale value is the installation of new trash disposal that is appropriately sized for your kitchen. These sorts of subtle improvements boost buyer confidence.

6. An All-New Steam Generator

A 2% increase, or almost $9k, may be added to the worth of your property simply by upgrading your boiler. Potential buyers may be scared off by spending their money to update the home’s heating system. A 7-to-10-year boiler warranty is an upgrade that may be taken with you if you decide to sell your home.

A well-maintained, dependable, and energy-efficient heating system is a worthwhile investment for the duration of your stay in the home and any possible buyers on the road. No one wants to purchase a house and then worry about replacing the boiler in a few years, so do the easy thing and offer the next owner peace of mind.

7. Replace Your Shower and Faucet

You can give your bathroom and kitchen a fresh, modern look without breaking the bank by installing new faucets and fixtures. Faucets and toilets that are difficult to use and a shower that drips and is otherwise antiquated will not appeal to buyers.

If you can make these crucial spaces as comfortable and stylish as possible, do so. Make getting out of bed in the morning more pleasurable by installing a high-powered digital pressure shower or one with additional water jets, replacing your old, leaking taps with gleaming new ones, and installing a new, water-efficient toilet. Click here to learn how to hire a reliable plumber.

8. Modernize Your Appliances

Since these items are used frequently and can get quickly worn, lowering the house’s appeal, replacing them with new ones can boost efficiency and provide for a cleaner, more welcoming home.

Fixtures and components that have been in place for a while may wear down over time and require maintenance. If you’re thinking of selling your house soon and don’t want potential buyers to perceive this as a difficulty or cost for them shortly, it’s far more effective to replace them all at once than to update them as and when needed.

9. Renovate Your Kitchen or Bathroom

Many potential buyers would only consider a home if it has a modern and attractive bathroom or kitchen. If you have the funds, renovating your kitchen or bathroom (or both!) will significantly increase your home’s value.

Meanwhile, you’ll be able to enhance your daily life. Pick a reliable plumbing and heating business in your area if you want to update your plumbing and give your kitchen or bathroom a makeover. You can get ideas for your next bathroom to remodel by reading this source.

10. Adopt More Efficient Methods

Instead of letting your monthly savings dwindle, why not use that money to invest in your future? Greenhouses are a priority for many purchasers, so updating to more eco-friendly features like new toilets and low-flow shower heads and faucets can save you money in the long run and attract more potential buyers.

11. A Dual Flush Toilet

There is just one flushing method available in older toilet designs. Every time you flush a toilet manufactured before 1980, you waste between five and eight gallons of water.

The ability to select a flush force makes the dual flush toilet stand out. There’s a weaker flush for when you need to get rid of liquids and a full-force flush for when you need to get rid of anything else. The typical user of a toilet will only flush away liquid waste.

Less than three liters of water is required when using the weaker flush option. Additionally, the strong flush option requires around six liters of water to flush solid waste thoroughly. Using a toilet consumes the most water of any appliance in your home.

12. Routine Upkeep

Inspecting and maintaining your plumbing system is the best method to ensure it continues functioning. Your system will function better and require fewer repairs as a result. Your plumbing provider can better anticipate and prevent future issues with regular inspections. They will let your plumber see what’s going on in your pipes, allowing them to prevent future issues.

How to Finance Your Home Renovation

You want to keep your house in the best condition because it’s your castle. However, improving your home is not always cheap, especially if you completely remodel the space. Installment loans can be incredibly beneficial in these circumstances.

For you to decide whether or not to apply, this guide will teach you everything you need to know about installment loans, including how they can be used to finance home improvements. We will also advise on choosing the best installment loan for your requirements. No matter where you are in the renovation process—whether you are just starting to plan your project or already in the middle—you will find this guide helpful.

how to finance your home improvement project

How to choose the best contractor for your home improvement project?

  • After obtaining pre-approval for a loan, the next step is to locate a contractor.
  • If you are unsure of where to start, here are some suggestions:
  • Consult with friends and family: Inquire with your friends and family about reputable local contractors.
  • Obtain several estimates: Once you’ve determined which businesses are of interest to you, obtain multiple quotes before making a final decision.

There are numerous benefits to utilizing the installment loan service provided by GADCapital. Installment loans from GADCapital can be a great option if you want to finance an expensive home improvement project but do not have the time or funds to invest in a lengthy one.

Installation of a new kitchen or bathroom, wall painting, and deck construction are popular home improvement projects.

Regardless of the renovation you intend to undertake; an installment loan can be a useful funding source. Simply compare the total cost of each loan before deciding which is the best option.

Also Read: Special Needs Financial Planning

How can you pay for a project to improve your home?

If you want to make changes to your home, you may need to borrow money. There are several choices, and each has its pros and cons. Here is a quick look at a few of the most common ways:

One of the easiest ways to pay for a small home improvement project is to use a credit card. It could get pricey if you don’t pay attention to interest rates and fees.

With a home equity loan, you may be able to borrow money against the value of your home if it has equity. In general, the interest rates on home equity loans are lower than those on credit cards, but the time it takes to pay them back is often longer.

Personal loans are another way to pay for home repairs or improvements. They can be used for anything and usually have lower interest rates than credit cards. The downside is that they might need something as collateral, like a car or savings account.

Installment loans are a type of loan that is paid back in fixed payments at regular intervals. They can be used for many things, like making home improvements. Installment loans are a good way to pay for a big renovation project because their interest rates are usually lower than those of credit cards and personal loans.

Now that you have a general idea of how to get money let’s look at installment loans in more depth.

How can installment loans be used to help finance home renovations?

An installment loan requires regular, predetermined payments to repay it. The loan term can last anywhere from a few months to several years, and it is customary to make payments every month. Financing home improvement initiatives is just one of the many uses for installment loans.

You should make a few adjustments when considering an installment loan for your home renovation. These are what they are:

  1. The interest rate: Unlike credit cards and personal loans, installment loans typically have lower interest rates. They are, therefore, a great option for financing a sizable remodeling project.
  2. How long the repayment period will last: When compared to a personal loan or credit card, an installment loan typically has a much longer repayment period. This will give you more time to pay back the loan, but it will also lengthen the period over which you must pay interest.
  3. The costs: Some installment loans come with origination fees and other fees. Make an exhaustive comparison of the total costs of each loan option before deciding which one is best for you.

Now that you know the basics of installment loans let’s look at how they can be used to help finance the home improvements you want to make. Home improvement projects can be expensive and time-consuming, but you can easily and quickly get the money you need with an installment loan from Work on home improvements can be time- and money-consuming.

Before applying for an installment loan, make sure you can afford the monthly payments because the repayment period is typically longer than that of a credit card or personal loan.

Where is pre-approval for installment loans for your home improvement project available?

When you’ve decided that an installment loan is the best way to finance your home improvement project, the next step is to apply for one and get pre-approved.

Obtaining loan pre-approval has several advantages, including the following:

  • You’ll know how much money you’ll be able to borrow: Using this information, you can calculate the portion of your renovation that can be financed with a loan.
  • You can expect the interest rate to fall: Interest rates on loans with pre-approved installments are typically lower than those on unsecured loans.
  • You will have more bargaining power if you: When negotiating the financing of your home improvement project with a contractor, having a pre-approved loan gives you more negotiating power.
  • You must submit a loan application and certain documentation, such as proof of income and employment history, to obtain pre-approval for an installment loan. This will enable the lender to determine your loan eligibility. Depending on the lender, the process could take a few days or weeks.

How do you create a project plan and stick to your budgetary restrictions?

Once you have chosen a contractor to work with and have received preliminary financing approval, it is time to develop a project plan. This will help you stay on track and keep you from spending more than you had planned.

Here are some suggestions:

  • Making a list of everything you want to accomplish will help you decide what to tackle first when it comes to your renovation projects.
  • Obtain several quotes: After compiling a list of your projects, contact several contractors for estimates. With this, you can compare prices and find the best offer.
  • Establish a budget: It’s time to make a budget for the project once you’ve got the quotes for your home renovation. When creating your budget, remember to account for the cost of labor, materials, and any required permits.
  • Maintain your financial plan: Once a budget has been created, it must be followed strictly. One way to achieve this is to set up a payment schedule with your contractor. This will help you stay on track and keep you from spending more than you had planned.

If you spend time and effort planning and researching the project in advance, an installment loan is a viable option for financing home improvements.

Make an exhaustive comparison of the total costs of each loan option before deciding which one is best for you.

If you intend to carry out a home improvement project, an installment loan might be a good option for financing it. Remember that an installment loan typically has a longer repayment period than a personal loan. As a result, before selecting the option that is best for you, it is crucial to compare the total cost of the loan.

The Impact of Clogged Air Filters On HVAC Energy Consumption

As soon as the chill begins to set in with fall, the need for indoor heating starts to push electricity bills up significantly with each passing month. This continues until winter finally arrives and skyrockets electricity bills to ridiculous amounts. This is pretty much what happens in summer too if you happen to live in Texas, Florida or any of the other hot states.

In both situations though, it’s the HVAC system that consumes all the energy, which is not exactly unexpected. What most of us don’t realize is that it’s most likely those clogged air filters that are making the HVAC waste more energy than it should need. Let’s talk about the impact of clogged air filters on HVAC energy consumption

How Do Clogged Filters Affect Your HVAC System?

Before we can discuss how clogged filters affect electricity bills, it is important to understand how clogged filters affect HVAC units in the first place.

The role of an air filter is simple enough; it stops as much of the air impurities as possible from entering and circulating in the indoor environment. After a while, all that dirt, dust, debris, etc., that the filter prevented from getting in begins to congeal together, slowly closing off the airways.

Once the accumulated gunk becomes heavy enough, the HVAC system has to work extra hard to push air past these narrow airways. This is where the problem lies, as a number of negative effects from the increased exertion and dirty filters are seen.

The Effects of Extra Load on HVAC Units

Given that an HVAC system isn’t equipped to handle all that extra load on a regular basis, a number of negative impacts are seen as a result of clogged air filters.

  • The unit begins to consume more power, to be able to push air past the dirty air filters
  • The increased power consumption becomes evident, as energy bills surge in direct proportion
  • Excess load decreases the potential lifetime of an HVAC unit
  • The heat exchange mechanism can overheat and short-circuit
  • The cooling coil may freeze in absence of sufficient airflow for dissipating condensation during summer
  • Breakdowns become more common, further adding to the maintenance expenses
  • Both the heating and cooling capacities of the unit suffers; slower and less effective heating/cooling
  • Since the air is pushed through the gunk with force, it circulates all the dispersed pollutants throughout the house

How to Know When Your HVAC System Needs a Filter Change?

Some of the signs are pretty obvious, but you should act before they become too obvious and your unit breaks down in the middle of January! It can get a little costly to change air filters on a regular basis for sure, so try to get them from

Go through the following and it should provide a decent guide towards detecting the need for a HVAC filter change before the problems get too serious.

  • It has been more than three months since your last filter change
  • The filters are starting to look grey or develop spots
  • Increase in indoor dust accumulation
  • Increase in allergic reactions such as sneezing, skin rashes, etc.
  • Heating/cooling seems to be taking a lot longer than expected
  • Heating/cooling isn’t as effective as before

Air filters serve the vital function of keeping the indoor environment fresh and healthy for everyone, but those same filters can also become the cause for health and financial problems unless they are changed in time. As long as you keep track of the change cycle though, none of what we discussed should be a cause for concern.

Why You Should Buy a Home Weather Station

With the huge innovation and advancement in home technology, weather stations have become a popular purchase and are something that many homeowners are incorporating in their homes. There are numerous reasons why people are opting for these devices, and the huge array of options available, picking the right one is easier than ever as you can cut out a lot of the work by reading these reviews by Temperaturesensei.

Although there are many people who already have weather stations in their homes, there are still some who are uncertain about this technology and do not know whether they should incorporate it or not. In this post, we are going to discuss everything that you need to know about home weather stations, including the benefits.

What is a Weather Station

A weather station is a relatively small gadget that has various tools that enable it to discern the surrounding weather. It is equipped with an array of temperature monitors and sensors, which give you information about the climate around you and the environment that you might be in. Not long ago, this was technology that was primarily utilized in meteorological departments to gather weather data.

However, innovation in technology has led to the creation of smaller versions while maintaining the same functionality. These gadgets are designed to give localized information regarding the weather conditions around the house or nearby areas. They have proven to be pretty accurate and very efficient in proving the readings you want.

Applications of a Weather Station

These devices have an array of uses that have made them quite popular. Professionally, weather stations are utilized to garner data and provide weather information of a certain area. However, home weather stations take a more practical approach and provide information that you would need.

For instance, a home weather station can give you information on the temperature so that you can dress accordingly. If you’re planning a BBQ party on the weekend, you can use the device to know whether the weather will be conducive that day. There are numerous applications of these gadgets and all can help you be better prepared for any kind of weather condition.

Benefits of Home Weather Station

With the numerous uses of these devices, there are many benefits associated with them. If you are on the fence about purchasing one, then it would help to know the advantages of home weather stations.

1. Accurate Readings

Chances are the meteorological department is located far from your house. In such a case, the weather predictions you get may not be the most precise. That’s because the weather in that region may not be the same as where you reside. This is where home weather stations become more advantageous. These gadgets provide the exact details regarding the temperature of where you live. That’s because the readings are centered around your residence.

2. Real-Time Data

This is probably the reason why most people are opting for the home weather station. The ability to get real-time information makes this device worth the purchase. In the past, people used to rely on weather reports on the news for predictions or reports from the meteorological departments. Well, you no longer have to depend on these sources and get your own precise data on the weather much faster, thus allowing to make plans in a more convenient manner.

3. Real-Time Alerts

The weather changes every time and it can take an unexpected turn that’s not ideal, especially in regions that are prone to hurricanes and storms. Owning a weather station can help you and your loved ones in such situations, stay safe when weather changes are detected. With real-time data and alerts, you will be informed about the weather all the time, thus helping you stay safer.

4. Share Data

Home weather stations can ideally run on multiple devices simultaneously, meaning every family member can be able to use them. This makes it easy to share information regarding weather conditions, thus helping everyone stay up to date and prepared. This is again extremely helpful in regions that experience harsh weather conditions and need to warn each other.

5. Ease of Use

Home weather stations are designed with ease of use and efficiency in mind. They are meant to provide precise weather information in a simple way. If you’re looking for a gadget that’s easy to read and does not bombard you with jargon, then a home weather station is the answer. It is a simple and efficient gadget that’s easy to use even for older people. It is also easy to install, which adds to the advantages.

6. Creates a Smarter Home

Smart homes are the in thing today. Installing a home weather station is certainly a great way to make your home more efficient. The devices were designed with the needs of people who need instant information about the weather in mind and they do a great job at satisfying those needs. If you are looking to create a smarter home that will be efficient for years to come, then this something that you should incorporate today.

7. Precise Forecasting

Knowing the current weather conditions around your residence is just not enough. There are times when you want to know about the weather forecast for the next several days. Well, these gadgets are designed to deliver just that. A weather station can help you prepare better for the weather in the next few days and help you plan your activities better.

8. Helps in Home Maintenance

Protecting your home from weather damage is imperative, particularly if you reside in places that experience drastic weather changes and harsh conditions. Heat, rain and snow can cause substantial damage to your home, causing you to spend thousands of dollars on repairs and replacements. A simple weather station can help you better maintain your house throughout the seasons and even safeguard your house from weather damage.

Tips for Buying a Home Weather Station

To enjoy the benefits of a home weather station, you need to choose the right device. When it comes to picking one, there are two primary things to consider; the sensors and the price.

When purchasing a home weather station, do not lean towards the cheapest in order to save a little money. The more you spend on a device, the more reliable and accurate it will be. Cheaper models are less precise with data, and this defeats the purpose of owning one.

An ideal weather station should have a thermometer for temperature measurement, a barometer for atmospheric pressure, anemometer for wind speed and direction, humidity sensor for humidity levels and rain gauge for rainfall and precipitation.

The Ultimate Guide To Convert Your Home Into A Smart Home

With more and more brands and companies launching a variety of different smart lighting systems, speakers, sensors, it is easier than ever to convert your home into a smart home. If you have no prior experience in creating a smart home, it can be a confusing task to choose the right kind of devices. Moreover, you might not even know the solutions available to convert your home into a smart home. That is why it is vital to first understand how to transform your home into a smart home.

If you’re worried about the expenses, there are many ways in which you can create a smart home within your budget. It will allow you to control the various aspects of your home without having to spend a significant amount of money.

Moreover, the products available these days are becoming more and more affordable. As a result, it is easier to build a smart home. We will today list a step-by-step guide which will allow you to convert your home into a smart home.

1. Smart lighting

Lighting systems are the best way to control the appearance of your home. Moreover, when you opt for a smart lighting system, you can easily control the ambiance of the house with the help of a Wi-Fi connection. Most of them offer a mobile application through which, you can efficiently manage the entire lighting system. Every light on the lighting system connects to the central hub.

Therefore, controlling it is easier than ever. When you’re looking at the individual bulbs which you can buy and integrate with the Wi-Fi connection at home, you can opt for the ones from TP-Link and LIFX. These products are not only compatible with the Wi-Fi connection, but many of them work along with Bluetooth as well.

Some of the other well-known companies who sell such smart bulbs include Philips Hue, Sengled Element. These, however, can be controlled by Zigbee signals which in turn work along with the Wi-Fi signal. Ultimately, A router can control them. You can manage these with the help of the app on your smartphone. The app will work on any Android-based device. As a result, programming the light according to the theme selected in the app is not a problem at all.

In case, you want to automate your existing lighting system you can change the switches and replaced them with smart switches and cameras. You can use smartphone applications to control them. Some of the companies which sell the smart switches are TP-LINK, Ecobee, Leviton, etc. these switches are directly controllable through Wi-Fi. It will not require a central hub.

That is why; you can save a significant amount of money by going for the switches. If you want a centralized system, you can go with Noon Home’s system. It is comparatively expensive, but it allows you to have complete control over the lighting system. Thus, when it comes to smart lighting, there are a wide variety of options available.

2. Smart speakers

Smart speakers play a significant role in a smart-home. You can control the various functions of the house using the voice commands. As a result, they work as an assistant to control every aspect of your home. You can go with the Google home speaker or the Amazon Echo speaker. The choice is entirely up to you. If you want a single speaker to control the various options, you can go with Amazon Echo speaker.

On the other hand, if you’re going to create a series of such points in your home, you can go with the Google home series. Google series works on the fact that you can install multiple speakers throughout your home and one in each room to control every aspect of your home. That is why, if you want to create a network of smart devices, Google home is the perfect option for you.


Google home is controlled using Google assistant. Amazon Echo devices are controlled using Amazon Alexa. Even Lenovo sells quick display series which work using Google home.

Lenovo is not alone, which is integrating these devices along with its offerings. Various other device manufacturers are doing the same. That is why, when you want to incorporate the smart speakers in your home, it is easier to do so. You can create the entire ecosystem of smart devices and control TVs, lights, thermostats, and a variety of other functions of your home with the help of these speakers.

3. Smart thermostats

Climate control systems in our home consume the maximum amount of energy. Moreover, when the weather is at extremes, they make sure that the ambiance in your home is entirely comfortable. You can go a step further and save even more energy with the help of smart thermostats. These ensure that you can easily control the ambiance of your home. These thermostats have a predictive system which means that they can set the temperature of the house conveniently and on their own.

When you look at the basic working of these thermostats, they require you to set up sensors everywhere in your home. They control the temperature precisely in the part of the house where you are present. They also keep the rest of the home like the passageways at a comfortable temperature. However, precise control is in the area in which the individuals are present. HVAC companies recommend pairing your system with smart vents for optimal efficiency. Hence, there is a significant amount of energy saving.Thus, when you want to control the temperature of your home efficiently, smart thermostats are the perfect option.


4. Home Security Cameras

When converting your home into a smart one, it is also essential to make it more secure. The smart-homes are easy to secure as they rely on sensors and devices rather than individuals. It is even more affordable as compared to hiring security guards. The best tool which you have got to handle the security of your home in a smarter way is the smart camera. With the help of the smart CCTV camera, it is easier to monitor your home.

Moreover, when there is any unusual activity in your home, you can get alert easily. Also, the smart cameras which we are speaking about are not just helpful for detecting intrusions or burglary, but also can help you in monitoring your children and pets. They are multipurpose which means that you can use them for the application which you prefer.

Some of the options which you have when it comes to smart cameras are:

  • Ring
  • Netatmo
  • Maximum

The advantage of smart cameras is that they incorporate lights and a variety of different motion sensors into the security system. They also integrate the doorbell so that you can easily monitor the entry and exit points of your home. You can communicate with the individuals at the entrance and exit points without having to open the door at all. You can do so remotely as well. As a result, you can control the access to your home remotely or from your smartphone without any problem. Video doorbells are very popular these days not only for security reasons but also for smart features.

The motion sensors ensure that you get an alert whenever there is unusual activity in the monitored area. As a result, you always get alerts about any intrusion or unfriendly individuals even before they enter your home. The smart cameras are easy to install and do not require any unique fixtures which ensures that you can make the security of your home smarter by merely installing these cameras and connecting them with the Wi-Fi system.

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5. Smart audio systems

The multi-room audio systems ensure that you can get that you get entertainment in every room. There are options to choose from like:

  • Sonos
  • Yamaha
  • HEOS

These are self-contained speakers. You can keep them in every room and connect them with the Wi-Fi. They will help you to stream the music. Moreover, they can stream music from a variety of different services like Spotify. You can also select the tracks through your smartphone.

The difference between the speakers and something like Amazon Echo or Google home systems is that these speakers have a much better audio quality. They are not just for listening to commands, but actually up the entertainment quotient. Moreover, they can be integrated with TV and enhance your music watching experience. You can control them with the help of the tablet or the smartphone without any problem.

When speaking about something like Sonos, it works with the help of Amazon Alexa digital assistant. As a result, you can integrate it into your smartphone without any problem. Thus, when looking up the entertainment question and make your entertainment devices smarter, these are the speakers which you should choose.

6. Smart sensors

The sensors play the role of eyes and ears in any smart-home system. Without sensors, it will be challenging to control the functions of a smart-home. The smart sensors ensure that they detect motion inside and outside the home. Inside the house, they correct the climate control system to make the ambiance more habitable. Also, they can switch on and off the lights depending on whether a room is vacant or not. Hence, it becomes easier for you to automate the climate control system.

Additionally, some of the sensors are used for smoke detection as well. The smoke detection sensors alert the smartphone numbers which you input as well. You can authorize a contact to get an alert with the help of the smart sensors. As a result, whenever there is a problem at your home, the authorized contacts will get an instant alert as well. When those contacts get a warning, they can act accordingly and arrange for the emergency services to reach your home as well. The sensors are not just available for fire detection.

There are the sensors which monitor the air quality of your home as well. These sensors, especially monitor the carbon monoxide levels. Accordingly, it instructs the climate control system to filter the air or the air purifier to activate. The more the number of sensors the more precisely each smart device can operate.

Also, there are smart smoke alarms available. The Nest Protect is such a smoke alarm system. It has emergency lights as well to show you the way out. Moreover, it sends an alert to your contacts as well. When it comes to sensors, they can accomplish a wide variety of factors. It is wise to use such sensors in your home to make your home smarter and safer.

7. Smart irrigation system

Technology is available to automate every system of your home. That is why, if you’re worried about manually doing the lawn and garden irrigation, you don’t need to worry anymore. The smart irrigation systems can automatically detect the moisture in your lawn or your garden. As a result, they can use the irrigation devices to ensure that you can water the garden or backyard. They also take into account the type of plants which you have.

Moreover, if you do not want to automate them, you can control them through your app. You can install duplicators or sprinkle indicators. When you manage them with the help of the app, they will start and stop according to your commands. As a result, without having to control the irrigation devices manually, you can efficiently manage your garden or your lawn. When you do that, you can be sure that the plants or the garden will always be in proper condition.

The advantage of smartphone app control is that even when traveling, you can water your lawn as well as your garden without any problem. It will ensure that you don’t need to hire anyone else to take care of the lawn or garden irrigation.

Final Words

So, when it comes to converting your home into a smart home, these are the seven steps which you need to follow. Each of the above steps deals with a different system. With the help of these seven smart home systems, it is easier than ever to automate various aspects of your home. According to VIP Realty, homes will also sell faster and for more money.

You can control them from your mobile application as well which will ensure that you can customize each element of your home remotely. In the process, you can also save a significant amount of resources and utilities. With smart systems becoming more and more affordable, now there is no reason why you should not convert your home into a smart home.

8 Ways To Make Your Property More Energy Efficient

There are many ways to make your property more energy efficient regardless of your budget. If you have more money to spend, then you can invest in some renovation work that will help you to reduce energy expenses. However, suppose your budget is on the lower side. In that case, you can purchase some features that are small and inexpensive but can have a massive impact on your final bill. But keep in mind that you should carry out extensive research for each energy-saving solution you would like to try. That will help you to determine what your final savings will be and which solutions are not ideal for your property.

How To Make Your Property More Energy Efficient

1. Get A Quality Roof That Will Keep All The Heat Inside

A quality roof is a key to every safe and energy-efficient property. Companies such as ClearAmber Shop offer roofing sheets made of various materials, such as corrugated roofing sheets or plastic roof sheets that will help you to keep all the heat inside the building. As a result, there will not be any heat leaking outside, and you will stop cold air from flowing inside.

Like this, heating will need a shorter time to make the interior warm, and you will use much less gas or electricity, depending on the radiators you have. Cutting down your gas and electricity usage will make the building more efficient and lower your energy bills at the same time.

2. Close Off Any Gaps In The Construction

Filling any gaps in your construction, also called draught proofing, will stop any cold air from flowing into the building. You can find these gaps anywhere around windows, doors, exposed piping, fittings, floorboards or loft hatches. You should also pay attention to any cracks in the walls. However, there are several easy ways how you can fix the issue. You can use silicone sealant to hold water away. Or there are other options such as self-adhesive foam strips, flexible fillers or shaped rubber or plastic.

For any larger gaps, you should consider trying expanding polyurethane foam which expands while drying and then sets hard. This way, you will be able to have the heating on for a shorter time during the colder months and save on energy expenses.

3. Use Smart Meter To Stay On Track With Your Electricity Usage

Having a smart meter will allow you to see how much electricity you use in real-time. This way, you will be able to identify your weaknesses. From there, you can plan what you will do to make your home more energy efficient. The smart meter will also allow you to set a timer for your heating. This way, the heating will be on only for a specific part of the day.

Energy-Saving Tips for Small Businesses

During the colder months, it can be tempting to leave the heating on for a bit longer. However, if you push turning the heating off further and further, you will need to pay more than you would like to. The timer will help you to make sure that you do not have your heating on for too long. Regulating the time will allow you to control your energy usage, and you will save money on your bills.

4. Wall Insulation Can Help You Cut Your Energy Bills In The Long Run

Wall insulation can be a costly procedure. However, it will become a worthwhile investment in the long run. Of course, the overall price depends on whether you want to have cavity, internal or external wall insulation. Then, you need to take into account the size of the property, as each type of wall insulation has a different price per square meter.

Each insulation has a different process and finish. However, they all have one purpose in common. They help you to ensure that there is no heat escaping through the walls and keep your energy usage balanced. This way, your building will be more energy efficient and will allow you to save the expenses on the bills every year.

5. Keep Your Home Warm With Floor Insulation

Just like with walls, many homes have problems with heat escaping from the room through the floor. There are different kinds of floor insulation, and you need to know which floor you have in order to pick the right solution for your property. You usually do not need to put floor insulation into rooms that are located upstairs.

But suppose a room is located above a space that is not heated, like, for example, a garage. In that case, you should consider floor insulation as a solution to make the building more energy efficient. You also need to remember that your building may have more than one type of flooring. Then, you will need to inquire about more kinds of floor insulation.

6. Consider If Solar Panels Are The Right Solution For You

It is no secret that solar panels are expensive and require a lot of space. However, if you have the financial means and enough space, then they will become one of the most effective features on your way to a more energy-efficient building. You should also carry out extensive research in order to find out if solar panels are a suitable solution for your building.

solar energy diy

If your research brings good news, then you will be able to generate your own renewable electricity. But there is one more obstacle that could ruin your plans for solar panel installation. If the building is in an area that is often covered in the shade, then it would not be the best investment for your property.

7. Include Energy Efficient Fittings In Your Property

Including energy-efficient fittings in your property can be a more affordable way to reduce your energy usage. For instance, you can place LED light bulbs throughout the property. Like this, you will save a significant amount of electricity, and they last up to 10 times longer than regular light bulbs. You can also invest in water-saving shower heads. These features regulate the amount of water you are using and can help you to cut down your expenses.

For the same purpose, you should consider purchasing low-flow taps that will help you to reduce the water usage in sinks. On top of that, you can also invest in low-flush toilets that will help you to regulate the flow of water even further. Such solutions can be affordable and easy to install. This way, you will reduce your energy usage significantly and stay within your budget.

8. Switch Off Devices When You Are Not Using Them

By switching off devices when you are not using them, you can save around £55 a year. In the long run, this can become a significant amount of money that you could use on some of the different needs of your property. You can turn the devices off at the plug. These days, most modern appliances are set in a way that will not upset their programming if turned off.

To make your job easier, you can also get a smart plug that will help you to turn off the devices all at once. Suppose you are not sure about any of your appliances and their settings. In that case, we recommend you check the manufacturer’s manual and follow the instructions.