Tips To Improve Indoor Air Quality Without Sacrificing Energy Efficiency

Every year, illnesses caused by household air pollution from incomplete combustion of fuels used for cooking, like kerosene and biomass, claim the lives of 3.2 million people, according to The World Health Organization. Many people believe that indoor air quality in homes is cleaner than outdoor air, and preventing outside air from seeping into living spaces can help reduce pollution. Unfortunately, these assumptions aren’t true because indoor air is highly polluted and poor ventilation increases pollutants and energy consumption.

how to improve indoor air quality

Typically, moving to a well-designed energy efficient building helps you manage a home’s indoor air quality effortlessly. However, there are several ways to reduce the impact of indoor air pollution even if your home doesn’t feature energy-efficient designs. Below are the best tips to improve indoor air quality without sacrificing energy efficiency.

Use Natural Ventilation Strategies

Natural ventilation strategies rely on wind and buoyancy to enhance air circulation and cool buildings. For example, opening a window at night during summer is an easy way to let fresh air in your home. The cool air then pushes pollutants outside and creates a cooling effect inside the building without artificial cooling equipment.

Other effective natural ventilation strategies include the chimney effect and allowing the cooling sea breeze to ventilate homes through large, operable windows facing the ocean. The chimney effect uses convention, where cool air enters the home in the basement or first floor, absorbs hot air, rises and escapes through upper floor windows.

Add Indoor Plants

Findings from a study on the impact of indoor plants on air quality published in the Air Quality Atmosphere and Health Journal reveal that plants can reduce nitrogen dioxide, a common pollutant, by up to 20%. Since plants absorb pollutants and release oxygen, they are a perfect option for purifying indoor air. Plants also increase humidity and reduce dust levels, thus improving indoor air quality.

Ways to Learn More About Plants

Popular plants that people add to their living spaces, like the pothos plant, peace lily, English ivy, and bamboo palm plants, are effective in improving indoor air quality. However, you can add to your indoor plant collection house plants with fuzzy leaves, such as the green goddess, pussy willow, chenille plant, lamb’s ears, and old man cactus.

The leaves of these indoor plants have tiny hairs on the surface that give them a velvety texture. Besides adding character to your space while improving air quality, these plants are low maintenance. That’s because the tiny hairs also help plants draw moisture from the air, so they can survive on regular spritzes of clean water.

Replace Filters in AC Systems Regularly

Your AC filters play a significant role in trapping pet dander, pollen, dust, and spores to keep indoor air clean. But as dust and other pollutants accumulate on air filters, your AC stops circulating clean air in your home, thus increasing pollution. When air filters are dirty, your AC works harder and consumes a lot of energy. With this in mind, changing your air filters regularly helps enhance air quality and keep your AC system working efficiently.

clogged filter of AC

Contrary to popular belief, indoor air isn’t cleaner or healthier than the air outside. Also, allowing fresh air from outdoors to infiltrate your house doesn’t push energy bills up. With this in mind, using natural ventilation strategies is one of the best ways to improve indoor air quality without sacrificing energy efficiency. Other practices for improving your home’s air quality include adding house plants and changing AC air filters regularly.

Top 7 Tips To Make Your Home Energy Efficient During Summer

Your home is a full-fledged system. And you’re the person who decides how to run its operations. This goes for the appliances you choose, and the equipment you install. So naturally, when you implement cost-effective measures, you’re able to save money, energy, and improve performance. As a homeowner, there are two particular seasons in which you wish your home to be the most energy efficient. Those are summer and winter. So how do you keep cool in the hot weather without overworking your AC? Here are our top 7 tips to make your home energy efficient in summer.

Importance of energy efficient appliances and equipment

Energy efficient appliances and equipment use the least amount of energy to perform their required tasks by default. So if you get energy efficient appliances such as refrigerators, air conditioners, dishwashers, and laundry machines, you’ll be conserving energy. This automatically translates into reduced utility bills. You will be saving money and protecting the environment.

Energy efficiency in home appliances is extremely important. Especially when you consider how the energy and money you saved could be used for something else. So, you get a discounted bill with minimum exploitation of natural resources.

how to make your home energy efficient

How to Make Your Home Energy-Efficient in Summer

1. Check your home insulation

A good insulation system will keep your home well protected against the elements. One of the main places that people tend to ignore is the attic. When your attic is poorly insulated you’ll notice that during the cold months, snow on your roof will melt faster. This means that a substantial amount of warm air is leaking from your home. Similarly, during summer, poor insulation will allow cool air out. This will automatically make your heating and cooling system work harder to compensate for the air leaking.


According to the Environmental Protection Agency’s research, proper insulation will help you save 15% on heating and cooling costs. So, if you want to make your home more energy-efficient, you need to seal any crack and openings. Inspect your floors for any possible crawl spaces and your doors and windows for caulking that could have degraded.

2. Optimize your thermostat settings

If you’re looking to save up on energy bills during summer, you need to tackle the source of the issue. That is your cooling system. It might feel really nice to blast your AC when it’s unbearably hot outside. However, you don’t want the temperature inside your home to be so cold that you need to use a blanket. In fact, you can be comfortable enough with your thermostat set at 78 degrees.


For every degree below 78, your energy increases by 6 to 8%. Accordingly, your energy bill increases as well. For instance, if you raise your thermostat from 74 to 78, you save 24% in energy usage. Keep the thermostat as high as possible before you leave the house, or turn it off altogether. The bigger the difference between the temperature outside and inside, the higher your energy bill will be.

3. Replace your air filters

When your air filters are dirty and deteriorating, your HVAC is going to overwork itself to keep your house cool. This will result in poor energy efficiency and higher utility costs. Cleaning your air filters might not be enough since you’re supposed to replace them every three months. The same goes for your air vents.

You need to clean those as well on a regular basis. And if you have pets, you will need to clean them more frequently. Not to mention the allergens and dust that circulate through your ventilation system. If you don’t have much experience in home maintenance, you need to call a professional to check them for you.

4. Use fans strategically

You might be reluctant to exclusively rely on fans to cool your home in summer, especially during heatwaves. After all, fans don’t do much except move the existing air in a particular space around over and over again. However, you can place fans throughout your home in a strategic manner so that they work more efficiently.

One great way to increase energy efficiency is to work both your cooling system and fans at the same time. The thing is that you only need to put your AC on at a higher degree than you normally would. Then, plug a fan and direct it towards the AC so that it propagates cool air throughout the whole room.\

You may think that in a place like your garage an air conditioner might be the right choice, but unless it’s insulated, it’ll only run up your energy bill. It’s wise to install a garage ceiling fan instead to avoid this issue.

5. Install double glazed windows

Upgrading your windows is the best thing you can do to enhance your home’s energy efficiency, both during summer and winter. The gap between the two glass panes in double glazed windows acts as an additional layer of insulation. Like so, this layer creates thermal resistance that obstructs the outdoors air from coming in and indoor air from escaping. This means that in winter, warm air won’t leak outside of your home. The double glazing will also prevent the harsh cold from infiltrating your living space.

On the other hand, when the weather is really hot, your double glazed windows have the reverse effect. They hinder warm air from creeping in, and they block the cool air inside your home from seeping outside. Double glazed windows also have the added benefit of minimizing the outside noise, limiting UV damage, and increasing security.

6. Upgrade your light bulbs

If you’re still using incandescent lighting then it’s time to make the switch to LED light bulbs. Incandescent bulbs actually generate way more heat than their LED counterpart. This gives your HVAC system one more thing it has to contend with. Not just that, incandescent lights only last for 1,000 hours. They convert a mere 5% of the energy they receive to light, while the rest 95% gets lost as heat.

energy efficient home

On the other hand, LED bulbs last 25 times longer, they consume 75% less energy, and they run cooler. If buying LED light bulbs seems a bit out of your budget, you could consider compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs). Their lifespan is 10 times longer than that of incandescent bulbs. And you’ll still be saving about 67% in electricity usage.

7. Unplug energy-sucking appliances

Consider this a rule of thumb to energy efficiency in summer: if you’re not using it, then unplug it! Think of it this way: any appliances that use electricity will also generate heat. If you want to keep your home cool and comfortable enough during the hot weather, unplug electronics you’re not using. That goes for anything from your coffee machine and toaster, to your phone chargers and computers.

Air Conditioner or Heat Pump: How to Make a Choice?

Is the summer getting intolerable for you? If so, then most probably you’re thinking of getting the best technology or device for your home or office space to deal with it.

It is very obvious that you’re facing a little dilemma on whether to go with a heat pump or an air conditioner; which one would be the best option to serve your purpose. Don’t forget to check out the heat pump glossary to spruce up your knowledge.

In this article, we will help you figure out just that. You will get everything you need to know about heat pumps and air conditioners starting from their basics to the pros and cons followed by a comparison.

Analyze them, know your priorities, and make the decision. Are you ready? Let’s get started!

air conditioner benefits

What is a Heat Pump?

A heat pump is a technology that transfers the inside heat of the house to the outside or vice versa. Generally, a heat pump is used to eliminate the heat that is inside a house or building to the outside air in summer.

But in winter, the function of the heat pump just reverses. In cold weather, when you need heat in your homes, a heat pump extracts the heat from the outside air and transfers it to the inside.

Types of Heat Pump

Heat pumps are broadly divided into two major types. They are:

Air Source Heat Pump

This kind of heat pump uses the heat from the outside air in winter and expels the hot air from the inside to the outside in summer.

Geothermal Heat Pump

This type of heat pump utilizes the heat from the soil in winter to supply hot air into the house and expels the heat from the inside air to the soil or water in the hot weather.

Considering the design of the heat pumps, they are divided into two types. Those are as follows:

Split Type

This type of heat pump consists of two different indoor and outdoor units.

Packaged Unit

Such heat pumps contain all the components of the system combined within one single cabinet.

Heat Pump Components

The heat pump constitutes a good number of components. Each is required for different functions. The components that more or less all  heat pumps possess along with their functions are as follows:

Compressor: Transports refrigerant which is a compound responsible for heat exchange converting liquid to gas and absorbing the heat from the environment to transfer it somewhere else.

Coils: Condenser and evaporator coil for heating and cooling the air.

Reversing Valve: Changes the refrigerant flow.

Thermostatic Expansion Valves: Regulate the refrigerant flow.

Accumulator: To adjust with the season and the weather.

Air Ducts: To allow the hot or cold air released from the heat pump to flow throughout the house.

Refrigerant Lines: This component is applicable only for split-type heat pumps to connect the components from the inside to the outside.

Heat Strips: This generally comes with the packaged unit for providing extra heat on cooler days.

How does a Heat Pump Heat?

In winter, the reversing valve of the heat pump changes the system from cooling to heating. So that the heat from the outside air is extracted and pulled inside the house.


Generally, a heat pump has the ability to heat up a house up to 70 degrees, but as long as the outside air is above 30 degrees. So, if the temperature goes below 30 degrees, the heat pump needs to utilize the additional heat sources.

Advantages of a Heat Pump

There are several advantages to having a heat pump. Some of the most mentionable are listed below.

  • Reducing the need to access natural gas or keeping a propane tank.
  • The home duct system of the heat pump ensures heat is distributed equally to every corner of the house without leaving any spaces cold.
  • As heat pumps don’t consume fossil fuels, they are more environmentally friendly.
  • The biggest advantage of a heat pump is providing two separate services in two different seasons, saving money for any other device or their maintenance.

Disadvantages of a Heat Pump

Even though heat pumps offer some very impressive benefits, there are few drawbacks as well.

  • In freezing winters, heat pumps won’t be enough to warm up the entire house.
  • In colder winters, you might have to use additional heaters or furnaces along with a heat pump to heat up your house.

What is an Air Conditioner?

The air conditioner does the same work as the heat pump in summer, that is, eliminating the heat inside the house to the outside air. But it also cools down the air inside by releasing cool air.

Types of Air Conditioner

There are different types and designs of air conditioners. The most usual and popular among them are listed below.

Central Air Conditioners: This type of AC packs the evaporator, compressor, and condenser in one single unit. The unit is connected by supply and return ducts that are installed in the walls of the houses.

Split-type Air Conditioners:  These air conditioners have two different outdoor and indoor units and the air supply takes place through the ducts.

Window Air Conditioners: This kind of air conditioner is ideal for a room as it combines all the components in one box that can fit a window.

Air Conditioner Components

The components of the air conditioner are somewhat similar to the heat pumps. This includes an outdoor unit consisting of the condenser, compressor, and fan.

The indoor unit has an evaporator and a fan. The refrigerant moves through the condenser and evaporator and the cool air produced moves through the ducts with the help of the fan.

AC components

AC Coils of HVAC systems require regular cleanup

Advantages of an Air Conditioner

An air conditioner bears some advantages compared to heat pumps. Those are as follows :

  • AC’s are very efficient for cooling down larger rooms and keeping the house cool for a longer period.
  • Air-conditioned rooms reduce dehydration.
  • AC improves the air quality of the room by removing allergens and is beneficial to patients with respiratory problems like Asthma.

Disadvantages of an Air Conditioner

There are some clear and obvious disadvantages of air conditioners. They are:

  • AC’s cannot produce or extract heat from the outer environment like heat pumps.
  • AC generally requires fossil fuel to run.

Comparison Between an Air Conditioner and a Heat Pump

To make it easier for you, let’s make a short comparison between heat pump vs air conditioner on some important factors to consider while buying them.

Purchase Cost: Generally, air conditioners are way costlier than heat pumps.

Installation Cost: Usually, the outdoor units of the heat pump cost more for installation than installing AC or indoor heat pumps.

Energy Efficiency: If you’re looking forward to improving your energy efficiency in the house, the heat pump should be your ideal option. Because heat pumps are more effective in saving energy than ACs.

Durability: If you’re not down for compromising the durability and longevity of your cooling device, then go for air conditioners. Because heat pumps don’t last more than 15 years.

Final Words

Do you still have confusion about which one to go for? Think about what matters to you more; saving money and energy or durability and longevity. Then choose wisely by evaluating heat pump vs air conditioner.

Hope this article was able to help you solve your dilemma. Thanks for reading till the end.

Health And Safety Considerations In Plumbing: What You Need To Know

It goes without saying that plumbing can be a hazardous job. From exposure to harmful materials, electric shock, or potential falls through roofing, the risks of injury are real. As an experienced plumber, you should always take safety precautions before starting any job.

This article will delve into some of the key health and safety considerations when it comes to plumbing work.

health and safety considerations in plumbing

1. Keep It All Clean

Using an effective drain cleaner can help prevent blockages that can lead to plumbing problems down the line. Choose a product which is designed specifically for use on toilets, sinks, bathtubs and showers in both residential and commercial buildings.

Alternatively, you can invest in professional drain cleaning services, eliminating the need for more drastic measures down the road.

2. Wear Protective Gear

The most important precautionary measure is wearing protective clothing such as gloves, goggles and boots while on the job site. Make sure these items fit correctly and are in good condition at all times for maximum effectiveness.

Additionally, always wear a hard hat when working on roofs or any other elevated areas.

3. Check Tools

Inspect all tools and equipment before using them, as they could be dangerous if not in proper working order. Make sure clamps and blades are sharp, pipe cutters are aligned correctly, and wiring is secure and insulated.

Also check for gas leaks at each job site, and take the necessary steps to make sure it’s safe to proceed with work.

4. Be Aware Of Your Surroundings

As a plumber, you’ll be working in many different environments. Make sure to pay close attention to your surroundings at all times and keep an eye out for potential hazards such as wet floors or sharp objects.

Additionally, be aware that certain areas may contain hazardous materials like asbestos and make sure to take the necessary precautions when handling them.

5. Take Breaks

It’s important to take regular breaks while on the job site so that fatigue doesn’t set in and cause a serious accident. Try to stick to a regular schedule throughout the day and make time for lunch, snacks and water.

Additionally, be aware of any signs of dehydration or exhaustion so that you can take a break when necessary.

6. Practice Good Hygiene

Plumbing work often involves coming into contact with waste, dirt and other potentially dangerous materials. As such, it’s important to practice good hygiene both on the job site and when you return home.

How Much Does Plumbing Cost For A New House

Make sure to use gloves while working and clean your tools thoroughly after each job; it’s also a good idea to shower as soon as possible after finishing up for the day in order to reduce any risk of exposure to contaminants.

7. Wear Fall Protection

If working in an elevated area, it is essential to use fall protection equipment like harnesses and lanyards. Be sure to inspect this gear before each use, secure it properly and always follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

Additionally, take appropriate precautions such as setting up guardrails or using protective scaffolding when necessary.

8. Read Instructions Carefully

Familiarize yourself with any product you are using for a plumbing job, including safety warnings and usage instructions. Always read labels carefully before handling materials and be aware of any potential risks associated with the product or procedure being used.

Taking some extra time to review the instructions can help ensure that everything is done safely and correctly without putting yourself or others at risk.

In Conclusion

No matter how experienced you are at plumbing, it’s essential to always take steps to ensure your safety and the safety of those around you.

Wearing protective gear, regularly inspecting tools, using drain cleaners whenever necessary and taking regular breaks throughout the job site are just some of the key health and safety considerations that should be followed when performing any kind of plumbing work. Doing so can help reduce the risk of injury or illness while on the job.

Recommended Reading: Things to Look For in a Plumbing Service Provider

How To Make Your Home Energy Efficient

The issue of energy efficiency and high energy costs is a growing concern for many homeowners. To reduce energy consumption and save money, it is essential to take a comprehensive approach to improve the energy efficiency of one’s home. This involves analyzing both the big picture and daily habits to identify areas for improvement and making strategic investments in energy-saving solutions. With the right approach, significant energy and cost savings can be achieved. In this article, we will explore what is home energy efficiency, how can you get your solar panels and maximize energy efficiency, and the energy efficiency gap and look into some steps that can be taken to create a more energy-efficient and cost-effective home.

how to make your home more energy-efficient

What does home energy efficiency mean?

You know what they say, “old habits die hard,” but that doesn’t have to apply to our energy usage in our homes. Any house, new or old, can be more energy efficient. Sure, new construction has to meet higher energy standards, but older homes can be upgraded too. And, let’s not forget, the people living in these homes can do their part in being more energy efficient too.

When we talk about an energy-efficient home, we mean…

1. Cost-effective

  • Has a high EnerGuide rating, meaning it’s well-insulated and airtight
  • Has energy-efficient heating and cooling equipment to keep utility bills low
  • Has low-flow accessories to lower water consumption and costs
  • Residents keep inside temperatures reasonable and use electricity wisely
  • Uses ENERGY STAR® certified products and appliances

2. Comfortable and healthy

  • Warm in winter, cool in summer, and draft-free
  • Has excellent ventilation and air quality
  • Uses a programmable thermostat for heating and cooling management

3. Energy-efficient upgrades add resale value

  • Home fixtures that promote energy efficiency provide more resale value.
  • New windows and doors save energy and add on resale value
  • Investments in renewable energy like solar panels pay off in the long run

4. Kind to the environment

  • It lowers energy consumption and reduces greenhouse gas emissions
  • Shrinks the home’s carbon footprint.

What’s the “energy efficiency gap”

People aren’t investing in energy-efficient devices as much as they should, leading to the “energy efficiency gap.” This means there’s a difference between the potential savings from these investments and the actual investments made. The gap is even larger from a societal perspective, taking into account environmental costs and public benefits.

For example, reducing energy consumption might make more sense than building a new gas plant with higher economic and environmental costs. To help facilitate this gap, society should invest in energy efficiency improvements with lower combined private and ecological costs than alternative investments. If you are seeking more sustainability pieces of advice, you can learn more on eco-oriented websites like EcoAdvice.

Why is there an energy efficiency gap

There are potential reasons for the energy efficiency gap.

Market failures: People make good decisions for themselves, but sometimes the market doesn’t accomplish the best outcome. Take energy efficiency, for example. Suppose a landlord owns a home’s appliances, but the tenant pays the electricity bill. In that case, the landlord might not want to buy energy-efficient appliances even though they save money because the tenant gets the benefit, not the landlord.

Lack of information: When you don’t have all the info, it can mess up your chances of making an intelligent decision. If a car salesperson lies to you about how much gas a car uses, you might buy a different vehicle if you had the correct information. In theory, people are supposed to make smart choices based on their information, and if they lack info, it can stop people from making energy-saving investments. A lack of information is considered a market failure.

Behavioral failures: When people don’t act rationally, that’s called behavioral failure. Take loss aversion, for example. That’s when people put more weight on losses than gains, which can make them shy away from buying an appliance with a higher upfront cost, even if it would save them money in the long run. Another behavioral failure is inattention. This happens when people need to pay attention to or understand important information when deciding. For instance, information about a product’s energy use might be available, but the customer may need to take the time to read it before buying it.

Hidden Cost: Sometimes, the energy efficiency gap might be smaller than it seems. For instance, someone might choose a gas car over an electric one because of reasons like driving performance or the unavailability of charging stations. But when you consider these factors, the market will naturally reach an efficient outcome. While there could be some hidden costs that contribute to the energy efficiency gap, studies suggest that there could be other reasons, too, like market failures or human behavior.

Tips for improved home energy efficiency (steering clear of the energy efficiency gap)

1. Request for an energy audit

Get a free energy checkup from your utility provider. They’ll give your house a once-over and look at your energy use and past bills. This way, they can spot where you’re wasting energy and help you save. It’s a simple but super helpful first step in figuring out how to use energy more efficiently.

Ways to Make Your Business More Eco-Friendly

2. Upgrade Your Windows

Swap out those old, drafty windows for some new ones, and you’ll be chillin’ (literally) in the summer and toasty in the winter. Sure, it might be a pricier project, but think about all the long-term energy savings you’ll rack up. Look for windows with argon gas insulation between the panes and a low-emissivity coating on the glass for ultimate energy efficiency.

3. Switch to Energy Efficient Light Bulbs

They might cost a bit more upfront, but they last way longer than traditional incandescent bulbs, so you won’t have to replace them as often. Plus, they use less energy, so you’ll see those savings on your electricity bill in no time. CFLs run about $3 to $5 each and last 10x as long as standard bulbs, while LED bulbs cost about $15 each but are worth the long-term savings. There are even LED options that work with Alexa and Google Assistant!

4. Update Your HVAC System

Swapping out your old HVAC for a new one can mean significant savings on your energy bills all year round. You’ll stay warm in winter and cool in summer without breaking the bank.

When shopping for a new HVAC, look for one with a high rating from Energy Star. And make sure it’s the right size for your home – you can get a heat-loss calculation from a contractor to figure that out.

Some Mitsubishi Electric Heating and Cooling Units are Energy Star certified and allow you to control different parts of your home separately for even more efficiency. Remember that a complete replacement will cost at least $5,000.

solar cooling system

Once your new HVAC is installed, get it serviced once or twice a year to maintain it operating smoothly. And remember to use media filters with an antimicrobial coating for improved air quality.

5. Invest in Energy Efficient Appliance

If you’re looking for a new washing machine, dishwasher, or other appliance, look for one with the ENERGY STAR certification. This means they use less energy than similar models and can help you save in the long run.

Energy-efficient appliances might cost more upfront, but they can save you money in the long term by reducing your energy bills. So don’t be discouraged by the sticker price. Think about the yearly operating costs too.

6. Install Solar Panels

Solar panels for homes are a popular way to turn the sun’s energy into electricity. They’re a clean, renewable source of power that’s growing in popularity for homes and businesses.

Installing solar panels can be pricey, around $12k on average, after tax breaks, but they generate their power and can seriously cut your electricity bill. Plus, they last forever without needing any repairs or replacements, so it’s worth considering as an investment.

mistakes when switching to solar energy

7. Take advantage of the sun or natural light

Taking advantage of natural light is an easy way to make your home more energy efficient. Using the sun or natural light can reduce the need for artificial lighting and save on your energy bill. This can be done by installing large windows facing the sun or using skylights or light tubes to bring in natural light. Use reflective surfaces like mirrors or light-colored walls to bounce light deeper into your home. Not only will this help reduce your energy consumption, but it will also create a brighter and more inviting atmosphere in your home.

You can make smart decisions about your next investments by taking a step back and analyzing your home’s energy inefficiencies. Don’t feel like you have to do it all at once – be strategic and slowly integrate innovative energy solutions into your home improvement plan. Before you know it, you’ll be enjoying a more energy-efficient, cost-effective home!

Thank you for reading.

Saving Money With Effective Heating and Air Conditioning

Did you know that heating and air conditioning systems can make up for half of your total energy bill? That’s a lot of money and a lot of energy use. If your heating and air aren’t working properly they can’t effectively use that energy and that costs you money and sends more greenhouse gases into the environment. Below we will list a few ways you can keep your energy bill low and your heating and air conditioning systems running smoothly and efficiently.

1. Limit Use

Use the seasons to your advantage and limit your use of heating and AC. Close your blinds in the summer to keep the sun from working against your air conditioning and open the curtains in the winter time to have the sun help your heating.

Consider if your thermostat has a feature that can be set on a timer so you can limit the use of your heating and air conditioner when no one is in the house or at night. These seem like simple things but they can reduce your costs significantly when done regularly.

2. Regular Maintenance

Don’t forget to do regular maintenance to ensure your HVAC system is working efficiently. Simple things like changing you air filters can make a huge impact on how well your heating and air conditioning runs. Have a professional come at least once a year to check for any problems you may miss and ensure everything is OK.


Your contractor should measure the voltage of your motors and tighten electrical connections. They should also check for drainage that may cause water damage to your home. These regular check ups also ensure your systems are running properly and safely.

Also Read: Why You Should Prep Your Heating System Right Now

3. Sealing Ducts and Leaks

Ducts are responsible for distributing the air around your home. However, about 20 percent of air is lost through leaks and poorly connected ducts. This means you’ll be pumping up the AC to no affect and losing money in the process.

Sealing leaks that are visible in the attack, crawl space, or basement of your home is as easy as buying a sealant or tape meant for insulating your ducts. Check for and seal any visible leaks or poor connections. If you prefer to stay away from dirty attics or crawl spaces a contractor can easily do this for you as well.

4. Insulation

Insulating your home can save you up to 10 percent on your annual energy bill and make your home comfortable all year long. The attic is an ideal place to add insulation to your home and when done correctly can save the most money and energy. Also consider your windows and doors.

Heating and cooling can easily escape through old doors and windows making your system inefficient. Have a contractor look at these places in your home and see if they can help insulate your home so it can run comfortably.


These are just a few examples of ways you can make your home more energy efficient thus saving your wallet and giving a little help to the environment. Find a contractor like Empire HVAC that can look at your home and determine the best route for your house. Different systems have different needs and a professional can tell you everything your house needs to keep you comfortable, regardless of weather  conditions.

5 Reasons Why You Should Switch to LED Lights

Saving the Earth is on top of the list of most product designers these days. On a daily basis, we contribute to global pollution. From our homes to our jobs, lighting is a big factor in our everyday life. Our goal is to find life-changing ways to save Mother Earth from destruction.

Let’s start in places we usually go to like the house, office, restaurants, and malls. One of the factors contributing to environmental pollution is lighting materials. Most lighting materials increase the consuming of carbon footprint and chlorofluorocarbon. With the advancement of technology comes the birth of LED (Low Emitting Diode). It is the next big thing when it comes to interior and exterior architecture without compromising the Earth’s current state.

Commercial LED lights are brilliant to ensure the safety of earth because they don’t add to the heat. These are energy efficient and a perfect option for saving the planet from global warming.

With these in mind, we have four convincing reasons why LED lights are saving the Earth.

1. LED Lights are Made from Non-toxic Materials

Unlike incandescent and other traditional lights, a LED bulb is made of non-toxic materials. This does not just affect the environment but as well as its users. LED lights are carefully manufactured with the idea that it frees the Earth from contamination and pollution. Efficient disposal is also what makes it environment-friendly. It alleviates the toxic waste produced by the material composition of traditional lighting.

LED lights are established to lower the environmental impact of lighting. The absence of mercury makes it easier to use and to dispose of. Traditional lights can produce a toxic gas which can harm both the environment and the people.

Moreover, LED lights sold in the market is a big step to the people they cater to. They do not contribute to the increase in temperature because they don’t produce ultraviolet rays. Their excessive heat and vibrancy can cause a hazard to our environment.

2. Durable Lighting Design

What we loved the most about LED lights is their durable design. On average, an LED bulb can last from 10 to 15 years. Their lifespan is six times more than a traditional bulb. Even after a decade, the vibrancy of the light is maintained regardless of the daily usage. Since it’s energy efficient, it reduces the number of times required for replacing your lights. The longer lifespan offered by LED lights results in lower carbon emissions.

The durable lighting design of LED lights ensures the safety of the Earth. Lowered number of replacements mean lowered costs in purchasing, delivery, and installation of lights. In line with this, you get to minimize the waste product produced by your home or establishment. The composition of LED lights promotes the efficiency of utilization and disposal. Even at the last second, you get the best value for your money without compromising the safety of the Earth

3. LED Lights Comes in Different Variants

Apart from the amazing specifications of LED lights, they come in different shapes and sizes too. The birth of LED lights introduced the art of lighting. Some light variants feature different colors and vibrancy you can play in just a click away. Smartphones and remotes are used to take control. Moreover, LEDs are more than just bulbs. They come in different types too. Bulbs, floodlights, decorative, strip, and downlights are what the LED light family is comprised of.


With these features, you can choose the best LED lights depending on utilization. Some can work indoors, outdoors, and some can be used in both. They are considered as a piece of unique lighting equipment because it gives you the ability to be creative with lighting design. You can use it for home and establishments’ to promote its atmosphere. These lights are commonly found in factories, restaurants, offices, streets, hotels, and walkways.

4. LED Lights are Energy-efficient

On average, you can save up to 90% of electricity costs with LED lights. Unlike traditional lighting, they are an economical choice. Their lighting capability will not require you to fill the room with a number of lights. LED lights are the best example of direct lighting. Lesser number of lights are required to give you the same amount of lighting as traditional lights. There is no energy wasted because it is capable of emitting lights in all directions.

Using LED lights are ideal especially for office buildings and factories. Since they light a bigger space, they save a bigger percentage designated for electricity. LED lights convert 95% of their consumed energy into light and 5% into heat. They will give you the same amount of light as traditional lights with 36 watts consumed. This is a big help to the environment considering that they will demand less energy from power plants and fewer greenhouse gases emitted.

Also Read: Benefits of LED Street Lighting

5. LED Lights Promotes Productivity

LED lights have different benefits for their users. They the ability to promote productivity since the lights give you a cool relieving feeling compared to incandescent. These lights enhance your sense of concentration and energy.

Incandescent lights, on the contrary, give you a warm and lazy atmosphere. The heat they produce tends to make you feel cozy. That is why most occupational buildings switch to LED lights to give the employees a sense of focus.


Switching to LED lights alleviate the demand and pressure on the resources of the Earth. We save money and energy from using these and at the same time, we are saving our environment. Knowing that the quality and brightness are not compromised, it’s an economical choice to make. Use these 4 reasons as an eye-opener on why you should switch to LED lights!

How to Choose Weather-Resistant Siding for Your Home?

There used to be only a couple of options available to cover the exterior of your home. Nowadays, new products are hitting the market with fervor. The problem is that with added options come both advantages and disadvantages. It is no longer just a question of wood, aluminum, or vinyl siding. Now you have better and longer-lasting materials to choose from, but the cost of siding can vary significantly, and it can become overwhelming to choose a material based on budget, weather conditions and aesthetic desire.


The biggest problem with exterior siding, especially in warm or humid regions, is going to be its weather resilience. Water build-up is going to be one of your biggest enemies.

There are four types of siding to choose from. Each has their own advantages and disadvantages. If you are limited either by your climate or the money you must spend, below is a breakdown to help explain which might be the best for your area, seeing as how the harshest home sidings are tested on the farm. Read to know more about how to choose weather-resistant siding for your home:

1. Vinyl siding

Vinyl siding is going to be one of the least-expensive materials you can put on the exterior of your home. That makes it one of the most common types of materials used. The advantages to vinyl siding aren’t just the price. It is impervious to water and many insects.

The biggest disadvantage is that it can melt, burn or crack. In high winds, it can also make rattling noises. Also, if you are going for an upscale look, vinyl doesn’t have the same aesthetic appeal that other siding materials can deliver, and it typically isn’t used on higher-priced homes.

2. Plastic siding

Plastic siding is a relatively new alternative. The advantage of plastic siding is that it can resemble more expensive roofing material and requires very little upkeep. It is much thicker than its vinyl alternative, but that makes it more expensive.

Although it’s costlier, if you are looking for a good weather-resistant siding, it is a grade above vinyl and may save you money in the long term as it is less prone to damage or necessary repairs.

3. Fiber cement siding

Fiber cement siding is also a new material on the market. It is typically a blend of cellulose, sand and cement and gives a much more aesthetically appealing look to the house. It looks much more like real wood than both plastic and vinyl. Its advantages are that it is insect- and fire-resistant. However, if you live in a harsh climate, it is probably not going to be your best choice.

Plastic siding is one of best options for weather-resistant conditions

Plastic siding is one of best options for weather-resistant conditions

Water that can accumulate from the freeze-thaw cycle can damage the siding if you don’t maintain it correctly by painting it with water-resilient paint. You can buy it pre-painted, but it is much costlier and the colors that you must choose from can be somewhat limited. The pre-factory paints tend to last longer. Although higher-maintenance than plastic and vinyl siding, it still requires less maintenance than wood siding.

4. Wood siding

Wood shingles and clapboard are considered the most aesthetically pleasing materials for your siding. They are also going to be the costliest and require the most maintenance. Wood siding is easily attached using a coil siding nailer and they have a traditional charm that you can’t get from other materials. Clapboard is going to be less expensive than wood siding, but it is still pricier than other alternatives such as vinyl, plastic and cement board.

Wood shingles are not going to be the best weather-resistant materials for harsh conditions. It is not uncommon for them to succumb to insects, be less fire-resistant and to twist or warp when subjected to harsh climates. Overall, it requires the most maintenance too. Painting frequently is a must. Although being capable of being factory-primed and painted, it will take periodic maintenance to keep it looking good and safe from exterior conditions.


Of all the choices, available, plastic siding may be the best for weather-resistant conditions. Offering you a hardy material, it can stand up to a lot. It may not be as aesthetically appealing as the other options, but you don’t have to worry about maintaining it or siding replacement. Whether budget is an issue or not, plastic siding offers the best protection against the harsh conditions of nature.

Clever Ways to Improve Energy Efficiency in Domestic and Commercial Property

The world’s energy bill is expected to reach $48 trillion by 2035 for power supply, fossil fuel extraction, and investment in renewables and nuclear, among other elements. Unfortunately, the cost of increased expenses goes beyond denting household or business budgets: it also affects the environment, making it more polluted and contributing to global warming. Improving energy efficiency in home and business life is vital in order to eliminate waste, save money, and help rescue the planet. Here are a few clever ways to improve energy efficiency in the domestic and commercial property:

Insulation and Air Sealing

The structure of a home or a commercial property is one of the key determinants in energy efficiency. When designing a home or renovating a building, it’s important to pay attention to insulation and air sealing. Roof cladding is vital in order to conserve heat and keep the structure cool. Double or triple-glazed windows ensure that heat is retained indoors, and stops the cold from entering a room to make a structure energy-efficient.


When paired with energy efficient heating and cooling appliances, this can make a huge difference to the amount of energy used within the building. It’s also a good idea to customize your windows, and choose an efficient frame that is appropriate for your climate.

For doors, caulking and weather stripping safeguard your home and enhance energy efficiency. In some cases, it makes sense to replace a door to retain energy and keep away draughts. Properly installed and conceived skylights allow you to benefit from daylight and improve ventilation. New technologies already incorporate glazing technologies in skylights to reduce the impact of summertime heat gain and winter heat loss.

Coherent Heating, Cooling and Hot Water Systems Using Renewables

It’s also imperative to think of a coherent heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) and hot water systems. One way to do this is to select effective cooling and heating equipment. Opt for dehumidifying heat pipes to reduce indoor humidity and increase comfort. Along with other actions such as increasing the thermostat and using ceiling fans, you can reduce the power consumption of aircons by 20-50%, according to

air quality at the workplace


Consider using renewable energy systems to provide electricity and cool and heat homes. Solar photovoltaics (PVs) are forms of clean energy that can provide unlimited power. Investments can be recuperated within a short time. Solar power technology has evolved for the better in the last few decades, and the costs of installing panels have gone down. In addition, many governments offer incentives to switch to clean energy, making it a win-win situation.

Upgrade Appliances And Lighting Systems

Homes and buildings can also benefit from reduced electricity use by upgrading lighting systems. Switching to light emitting diode (LED) bulbs lowers power consumption by as much as 75%. In addition, they last 25 times longer than incandescent lighting, and offer better or higher illumination without increasing energy usage – useful for areas that require constant lighting such as corridors or offices.


Appliances also make a difference. Switch to energy-rated appliances, from washing machines and dishwashers to coffeemakers and copiers. When purchasing news appliances and gadgets, consider the cost of operating them. Think of smart appliances that can be connected to home or building energy management systems. These types of appliances not only shut down during peak electricity demand, but also shift energy use, smartly running when utility charges are lower, such as in the middle of the night.

Energy spending worldwide has been increasing, and will continue to do so in the future. Investing in energy efficiency will not only save money for both households and businesses, but will also help the environment and make people feel good about their commitment to the planet.

Eco-friendly Benefits of Fiberglass Insulation For Metal Buildings

Fiberglass insulation was first put on the market in 1938, and in all the years since, no alternative has really challenged its preeminent position as the most effective choice for insulation on both commercial and residential construction projects. Fiberglass insulation improves a structure’s energy efficiency, reduces heating and cooling costs, and makes occupants more comfortable. These are just a few of the advantages that make it the insulator of choice, even in the latest eco-friendly projects. Below are  additional benefits of fiberglass insulation:

1. Moisture Resistance

Fiberglass insulation does not absorb or retain water according to who utilise it in some instances. It can still be contaminated or compromised by moisture; insulation that has gotten wet needs to be inspected and dried to ensure that it does not lose its insulating properties.

Wet insulation can be successfully re-installed and deliver its full R-value as intended by the manufacturer so long as installers confirm that the insulation and the area around it in the structure have not been compromised by water.

In order to provide full insulating value, fiberglass insulation requires a vapor barrier. When properly selected and installed, a vapor barrier catches condensation before it can penetrate the building envelope and reach the insulation. The vapor barrier’s perm rating must be appropriate to the structure and the local climate, and it must be sealed into place with a proper adhesive so that it does not leak.

2. Fire Resistance

Fiberglass insulation is inherently non-combustible because the materials from which it is made – sand and/or recycled glass – are non-combustible themselves. Fiberglass insulation does not need to be treated with chemicals to make it fire-resistant, and it does not become any more combustible as it ages.

In many areas, local building codes even allow the use of fiberglass insulation as an effective fire stop in wall assemblies made of wood or steel.

3. Sound Dampening

Fiberglass insulation absorbs sound, and this means it reduces sound transmission through walls, ceilings, floors, and HVAC ducts where it is used. As a general rule of thumb, one inch of fiberglass insulation increases the sound transmission class, or STC, of a building assembly by three or even four points. Additional inches of fiberglass insulation each add two more points to the STC rating.

4. Use Of Recycled Materials

The manufacture of fiberglass insulation has come to rely on incorporating a significant amount of recycled material. Between 1992 and 2000, insulation manufacturers used over 8 billion pounds (3.6 billion kg) of recycled glass from pre and post-consumer sources. Using this material productively saved millions of cubic feet in landfill space.

The total amount of recycled material used in fiberglass insulation varies from brand to brand and product to product, but some products are made with as much as 80 percent recycled glass. Fiberglass insulation also requires the use of silica sand, which is an abundant and naturally-renewing resource.

Bottom Line

Fiberglass insulation remains a highly competitive and attractive insulation option, even when considered according to environmentally-friendly “green” priorities. In the decades it has been used, it has proven time and again to be a reliable and effective material.