11 Storytelling Tips To Make Your Videos Pop

Video marketing is an excellent way to reach your target audience. Have you considered creating a series of videos that can be used on social channels? It is a great way to establish an audience and build engagement over time.

Video posts can demonstrate your creativity, knowledge, and abilities as a marketer, using storytelling techniques that will keep your audience coming back for more. This article provides insight into eleven storytelling tips that you might find helpful when creating videos for use on social channels. It also includes some ideas for how you can use these tips to produce engaging content. Start editing videos on an Online Video Editor and try adding voice overs to your videos using best text to speech software. It is the best and the cheapest way to start.

video marketing guide

Video Storytelling – A Complete Guide

1. Identify Your Goals and Target Audience

Carefully consider the goals you want to accomplish with your videos. What exactly do you want to convey? What do you want to make sure the audience understands? Make sure that your video aligns with your marketing objectives.

Also, consider who will be watching your video and what they already know. It will help you decide how to explain concepts and things in common terms rather than industry jargon.

2. Create a Storyboard

Storyboards are a great way to plan out the content of your videos by showing the audience exactly what you want them to see. By creating a draft, you can begin building your script, making sure the audience will follow along. You can then give it to your team for them to review and comment on.

3. Create Memorable Characters

Create characters that are easy to remember. One of the most important aspects of the video is the characters. They should instantly grab your viewers’ attention and will help them connect with the video. If they’re not interesting enough, viewers may get bored and

4. Create Emotional Value That Connects

Create videos that will interest your audience and that they will be compelled to watch. Each video should convey the emotion you want to inspire your audience, so they will feel something while watching it. It can be done by telling a good story, making good use of visuals, or by using only the right words to evoke feelings or emotions in your audience. Good visuals for your videos can be provided by Depositphotos.

5. Use Music Intelligently

Music can greatly enhance the emotional value that videos convey. Different songs evoke different emotions, but it is up to you which songs you use. Music can be used to create suspense, to make your audience feel anxious or threatened. Music can also be used to make them laugh or make them cry. You can also add music post video production by using an online video editor.

use of music in video marketing

Use the music in your video to enhance the emotion of the video, and help them immerse themselves in it more fully.

6. Use an Online Video Editor Trendy Video Editing

Video editing has become a very popular trend on YouTube and other social media. People use it to make videos more interesting and engaging. Although the trend may be growing, it is important to establish your style of video editing.

Don’t copy other people’s styles just because they’re popular, but do take inspiration from the popular video editing styles to help you create the distinctive style that will set you apart from others. You can find many trendy transitions on An online video editor. It will help you give direction to your video.

7. Pick A Video Style

When creating videos, it is important to choose a style for your videos. You can choose one that’s serious or one that’s funny. The most important part of any video marketing campaign is the goal.

If you want to drive web traffic, you’d probably use a different strategy than if you wanted to increase brand awareness. It depends on your overall objective and what your video needs to accomplish.

8. Add Humor To Your Videos

Videos that contain humor and entertainment tend to go viral more often. Humor can be used to make your videos more engaging and more appealing. Even if they’re not funny, adding comedy to your videos will help you stand out from the crowd by making your video stand out from the rest.

9. Use A Theme In Your Concept

You can play with colors and various themes on an Online Video Editor. Choosing a theme can help establish a consistent look for your videos. You’ll also be able to add special effects that will enhance the mood of your video and make it stand out from an otherwise blurry one. It will help establish an identity for your brand and make your videos more recognizable.

10. Keep Things Short And Snappy

Given that people often use their social media channels to relax and unwind, it is important to keep your videos short. It is ideal given the amount of time people are willing to spend on social media.

People are likely to be more engaged if you make your videos short, fast-paced, and fun; similarly, if you want your audience to engage with your video longer, make sure the content is engaging enough for them not to feel like scrolling away after a few seconds of watching it.

11. Understanding Video Impact On Various Social Media Platforms

When you’re creating videos for use on social media, you need to understand the media’s impact on different networks. Each platform is completely different from the others, and marketers need to understand this when deciding how to use videos.

video marketing tips

Videos work best on Instagram and Snapchat, and they can also be very effective on Facebook and Twitter. YouTube works well for longer videos, but most videos shared only get three seconds of viewing time before viewers move on to something else. It makes it essential for you to create high-quality content that gets people’s attention instantly so that many people will see your video.

You can find various video templates for different platforms on an Online Video Editor.


These tips can be implemented when making videos for any social media channel, but they are most suited to creating videos for Facebook and Twitter.

If you follow these 11 simple steps in creating videos for social media, you’re sure to get good results in executing your video marketing campaign. It would help if you learned to make the most of an online video editor to enhance your video furthermore.

There is a lot of money to be made in this niche, and if done right, video can help you build your brand and improve your conversions for whatever it is that you’re trying to promote.

7 Ways to Live a Stress-Free Life in College

Everybody knows that college is not just about long lessons, wise teachers and interesting acquaintances. Sometimes it’s get harder to be in a harmonious and amicable mood when everything starts to fall apart, and students are trying to fix it but at the same time making the situation much worse.

The most common reasons of stress in college are as follows:

  • Different conflict situations with teachers and other students;
  • Huge lack of sleep and ineptitude to manage time;
  • Getting low grades and not completed homework and tasks;
  • Fears of the unknown and uncertain future;
  • Large amount of educational materials to study;
  • Difference between expectations and reality of chosen profession;
  • Intensive mental activity with a huge quantity of information.
  • Environmental crisis

There are some ways and tips how to live without stress at college, which can help you tackle with stressful situations by yourself.

1. Think about your time management

Try to do all the complicated lessons first and don’t leave your homework until midnight. Start with compiling a task list every week. Write down at least three important, short-term goals that you want to achieve. No matter what kind of your goals are, stick to them and do your best to achieve them! You can do more and you will feel better without delaying things “later”. Make small changes in your life and self-organization —find a place for each thing. Self-pity is a waste of time.

2. Acquire colorful and bright stationery

It will always make you smile in any way. Notebooks with your favorite flowers or animals will bring you peaceful mood and it will help you to be concentrated on pleasant thoughts. Buy some nice pens, pencils and other stationery and you will feel the difference and motivation to do something with these cute things.

3. Eat only healthy and wholesome food

“We literally are what we eat”, says chief editor at Pro-Papers. If you feel stressed, instead of reaching a pack of biscuits or the nearest fast-food chain restaurant, try to eat something healthy and it will help you manage the stress.

For example, avocado and bananas are loaded with potassium, a vital mineral which can keep blood pressure within normal parameters. Feeling low? Eat some almonds, pistachios or walnuts and your immune system will be boosted by vitamins and zinc!

4. Sleep well, at least 8 hours per night

Lack of sleep can cause bad mood, concentration problems and a general severe fatigue. It also affects our ability to perceive and memorize information, which can cause a strong stress when you have to learn a lot. If you have good sleep, it increases your attention, self-confidence, memory, social skills, and appetite. Use a weighted blanket in order to reduce stress and anxiety.

5. Think of your new hobbies

Do you know the best way to put an end to all the stressful situations? Knitting and painting increases the activity of the prefrontal cortex and improve your creativity skills. Scientists have found that gardening improves mental health and physical health, as well as reduced levels of depression.

Cooking is a rather meditative exercise and a great way to deal with stress. Everything that you need to do — is to find your own hobby and get the benefits from it!

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6. Listening to peaceful music

Music not only affects our mood, but also inspires, relieves stress, calms and even heals. Gentle music with a harmonic tune will help reduce the level of the stress hormone cortisol, which causes damage to our mind and body. Just turn on the new album of your favorite band and start relaxing after nervous day at college.

7. Go to shopping

Sometimes all we need to feel happy is a new dress or new sneakers, isn’t it? According to psychologists, shopping is one of the most effective ways to help relieve depression.

The main thing is not to get nervous about some little things. It’s undeniable that these little things cause a serious stressful condition which is too destructive for our nervous system and mental health. Avoid contact with people who are sources of negative emotions, thoughts, moods. If you think, “I will never finish on time,” stop thinking that way. Better imagine your success — visualize how you will feel, shaking the hand of your professor, how he says that you have done a great and important job.

Your hard work will pay off as soon as you leave the tears and regrets behind you. Do not accumulate anger and negative, make a decision, shake off the burden of negative emotions and go on. When you arrange your priorities properly, you will become more organized and have your stress relieved by focusing more on your success. Only then, you are likely to become a confident student for whom studying is just a piece of cake.