Save Money with Sustainable Gardening

If you’re looking for ways to create a sustainable and energy-efficient home, make sure to consider your gardening practices. Gardening is a great way to produce your own fruits and vegetables. If you’re gardening, you’re already helping to reduce plastic waste because your food is coming right from your backyard rather than from the store.

You can become even more green by practicing sustainable gardening! Sustainable gardening uses principles and practices that help to protect the environment without doing further harm. It embraces organic gardening methods, conserves resources, and substitutes harmful practices (such as using pesticides) with more eco-friendly practices. And not only is it good for the environment, but it can also help save you money!

Here are 5 ways you can begin using sustainable practices in your own garden.

Reduce energy use

When planting and maintaining your garden, look for ways that you can be more energy efficient and create less pollution. For example, instead of using gas or electric-powered tools, look for tools that you can use by hand. Using a cheap cordless battery powered drill instead of an electric powered drill. Dig with shovels, clip with pruners, weed by hand.

Another way to reduce energy is to consider how you’re protecting your garden. Some people like to put an electric fence around their garden to keep out deer and other animals. Electric fences use painful electric shocks to deter animals from entering; depending on the setting of the fence, these shocks can be harmful to wildlife, pets, and humans. Instead of an electric fence, use a metal fence. A metal critter fence saves energy, is more cost-efficient, and does not harm animals. Another alternative is to install a wooden fence in order to protect your precious greenery.

Conserve water

Water is a precious, limited resource. Instead of watering your garden from a hose, create a collection system out of rain barrels. A rain barrel system collects runoff from your gutters when it rains. It is advisable to use aluminium guttering as aluminium has very strong rust resistance.

You can empty the water from the container as needed to water your garden and other areas of your lawn. Sometimes we water the plants too much than needed. It also helps a lot in saving water that we know how much or when to water our plants. There are freely given learning materials about this all over the internet. One place in particular, the Occupy The Farm website, gives simple yet detailed guides regarding this.

You should also keep in mind that runoff from your garden makes its way back into the water supply. Herbicides or pesticides contain harmful chemicals that can contaminate our water. Using natural herbicides or pesticides, such as vinegar, can still help kill weeds and prevent pests without harming the environment.

Make your garden a habitat

Sustainable gardening can help you create a backyard wildlife habitat. Even if you’re hoping to keep larger animals out of your veggies, there is a way to open up your garden to smaller critters. There are certain plants you can grow that will help provide food and shelter to animals such as bees, butterflies, and birds. Habitats will vary by area.

Grow native plants

Growing plants that are native to your area means that the plants will naturally thrive in their environment. They’ll do well in the existing light, moisture, and soil conditions so you won’t have to put as much effort into taking care of them. Another reason to grow native plants is that they won’t disrupt the ecosystem. Non-native plants can seed and spread to surrounding areas and prevent native species from growing.

You can save seeds from your plants from season to season. For example, if tomatoes are native to your area and did well in your garden, save the seeds from one of your tomatoes to plant again next year. Some people also like to scout out woods and fields near their home for native plants that they can seed in their own garden.

Start composting

Composting is good for you and for the environment! When you compost waste, there is less material going into the landfill. That waste then creates an organic material that you can use in your garden. Compost helps maintain soil quality and fertility, serves as a natural fertilizer,  increases water retention, and improves plant growth.


It is easy to start composting. There are a few different types of composters you can buy or create. Enclosed bins are the most practical method for most home gardeners. The type of materials you can compost will vary slightly depending on your composting strategy. In addition to various types of food waste, you can also add yard waste such as leaves or grass clippings.


Sustainable gardening practices don’t just help you save money, they help you protect the environment. Look over your current gardening practices to see if there are ways that you can reduce the amount of energy you’re using, if there are ways for you to produce less waste, and if there are ways you can help your local ecosystem.

9 Eco-friendly Sustainable Landscape Design Ideas to Lead an Aesthetic Lawn

Landscape designing has been an independent profession for a long time. It revolves around analysing, designing and planning exterior living spaces. Building an eco-friendly landscape design helps to combine nature and culture while designing the exterior living places.

Eco-friendly landscape designs not only provide a conducive living environment but also can influence the social, aesthetic and environmental qualities of the overall housing areas. It also helps you manage your time, money and efforts. Eco friendly landscape design helps to nurture the ecosystem, reduce pollution and also maintain healthy surroundings.

how to maintain a wooden fence

Best sustainable landscaping design ideas

Xeriscaping your landscape

Xeriscaping is a method of landscaping which eliminates the need for irrigation. In simpler words, it is using drought plants and grass to design your exterior living areas. In this, you use agriculture which needs little or no water other than what is provided by the climate of the place.edru9

Adopting this method does not mean turning your landscape into the barren land, it is merely the use of Drought-tolerant plants, Sand, Permeable hardscapes, Mulch etc. this method helps you conserve water that would otherwise be used up in maintaining huge green lands with grass. People have been using this method since 1981.

Despite Earth being 71% water only 2.5% of it is freshwater that is fit for usage. Since converting saltwater to freshwater is possible but it is not a viable solution as too many resources are needed. Thus, we need to conserve water and use it carefully.

2. Install Solar Lights on your Lawn

Installing solar lights lower your electricity bill to a great extent. Moreover, it will let you show off the beauty of your landscapes even at night at a very minimal cost. Instead of connecting the lights in your lawn to a power source, you must install solar panels that convert and store the solar energy into electricity during the day and use the same energy to light up your lawn at night.

Solar lights, unlike regular garden lights do not require to be wired. This makes them highly portable and less messy. Solar lights use batteries instead, eliminating the need of sockets, wires and other electrical components.

solar-based landscape lighting

Solar panels are a one-time investment with a great resale value. It is environmentally beneficial and needs very less to no maintenance. It is an energy-independent source which will help you add beauty to your lawn and at the same time not be harmful to the environment.

3. Rock Garden for landscape

Rock gardens are a unique way to design a landscape. Carefully and creatively arranging rocks in a certain pattern will help you get a very beautiful and unusual landscape. The best part of having a rock garden is that you hardly need to do any work to maintain it. They are visually very appealing and need little or no water.

Rock gardens are very long-lasting as they can withstand harsh and extreme weather conditions and thus look great all year long. It also increases the value of your property as it gives an illusion of free space as they don’t need much greenery and plants

4. Wildlife Garden

A wildlife garden is a garden that is sustainable and habitable for wildlife and domesticated animals. Wildlife gardens contain a variety of habitats that cater to native and local plants, birds, amphibians, reptiles, insects, mammals and so on.

Building a wildlife garden is also better as it helps you reduce your cost for fertilizers and get access to natural chemical-free fertilizers. Wildlife gardening also allows us to connect to nature and provide a sense of peacefulness. It also gives you a sense of well-being and improved mental resilience.

5. Adding a Compost Station

Compost is a waste management facility where solid waste is managed and processed using composting technologies. This processed waste can be reintroduced into the environment. Waste like autumn leaves, grass clipping and yard trimmings can be dumped into the composting pit.

benefits of applying compost in garden

People misjudge the compost station as they think it would look like a pile of garbage on their lawn, but that is not the case. In fact, it is one of the most thoughtful ways to reduce waste in your home. You can make a homemade compost station and manage it pretty well using attractive wooden bins, beautiful flowers and other garden ornaments.

6. Vertical Garden

This method is the best way to make your lawn look beautiful even in a small space. All you need to build this is a vertical wall, it can even be built on a fence.

A vertical garden is a garden in which the plants are supported to grow along vertical, often tiered surfaces, especially fences, posts, trellises, and walls, rather than along the ground. these gardens help save space and also cleans the air we breathe.

It can be made very attractive with the use of gardening ornaments like plant pots etc. since they take up lesser space than traditional vegetable or herb gardens, they use significantly less amount of water. There are some vegetables that work better with vertical gardening than others too. Vertical gardening has become very popular in overpopulated cities due to the lack of space to have an on-ground garden or a lawn.

7. Permeable Hardscapes on Landscape

Permeable hardscapes are an attractive way to improve the sustainability of your property. In case of storms and floods, it decreases stormwater runoff and prevents soil erosion.

Due to its permeability, it helps the rainwater to enter the ground and recharge the groundwater reserves, which in turn can be beneficial for the plants in your lawn.

8. Native plants

Native plants are plants that have been growing in a particular area or habitat for a long time. Planting native plants can always be easier as they have been growing there naturally without any human interference while non-native plants have been introduced by humans.

Thus, native plants can thrive naturally and won’t need as much care as non-native plants. The native plants won’t even require chemicals to maintain and preserve them. The usage of lesser pesticides and fertilisers in turn helps in maintaining the quality of the soil and the plants.

Native plants have a deeper root system which also helps us to save water as they can extract water from the earth’s crust. Native plants are sustainable for your wallet too as you’ll save cash by spending less on chemicals. You also save more if you plant perennial natives because they bloom year after year.

bee-friendly garden

9. Green Wall

Green walls are intentionally created vertical green structures, that have different types of plants or other greenery attached to them. The greenery is often planted in a growth medium consisting of soil, stone, or water. Because the walls have living plants in them, they usually feature built-in irrigation systems.

Both interior and exterior living green walls function to cool the air in the warmer summer months Exterior living green walls can reduce wall surface temperatures resulting in significant energy savings and air conditioning costs.

You can easily grow herbs and flowers here using containers and planters. Apart from serving as an area for more plants, it also improves the appearance of your yard.


An eco-friendly and sustainable landscape is a way by which we can repay society. Having an eco-friendly landscape will make the surrounding a better place for future generations.

With the growing urbanisation and population, we must not forget to take care of our planet, adopting the above methods will help us to be around nature and keep it from being exploited. Moreover, it is budget-friendly so instead of approaching fancy materialistic stuff to improve the visuals of your landscape, we must adopt eco-friendly landscaping ideas to quench our thirst for aesthetics.

Ways to Go Greener

Going green is no longer just a fad, as it’s become a way of life for many. So, when it comes to making your home green, there are plenty of ways to go about it. Below are easy ways to make your home eco-friendlier.

ways to make your home eco-friendlier

How to Finance Going Green

Going green may help the environment and keep climate change at bay, but it’s not exactly free. The cost of the project depends on how you go about things. You generally don’t have to spend too much for small things, like DIY projects and reusing products. But if you plan on doing something more extravagant such as the aforementioned solar panels, you might not have enough to afford it.

You can easily acquire the funding you need by looking to personal loans. This is a loan you can use finance pretty much anything you need. Despite having the freedom to fund anything you need; however, you need to have a good credit score before applying. This is what ultimately determines how much you’re eligible to receive.

Go Solar

Solar panels are one of the most common renewable energy sources, and a great way to heat your home, save money, and protect the environment. They come in a variety of styles and sizes. They can also accommodate most types of homes, making them more accessible than ever before.

factors while buying a solar battery

Photovoltaic models are the most popular, however, they can also be costly. That’s why you need a strategy that works with your budget.

Swap Out Your Cleaning Products

As much as you love the smell of a clean home, the products can be harmful to the ozone layer. Thankfully, there are plenty of non-toxic options you can use. Instead of traditional glass cleaner, you can use white vinegar.

Alternatively, instead of using abrasive bleach products to clean your tub and sinks, you can use baking soda. Both products are safe for the environment and your plumbing fixtures.

Build a Rain Garden

Rain gardens are the perfect way to keep your lawn lush and also preserve water. In a nutshell, a rain garden utilizes water from lindab guttering to nurture your lawn from within. There’s plenty of DIY instructions online, making it a fun weekend project.

Create a Compost Pile

It might look like garbage to you, but your leftover veggie peels and orange rinds are just what your garden needs to grow. In addition to vegetable and fruit scraps, you can also use grass clippings to enrich your soil.

composting with worms

Keep in mind that meat bones and oils aren’t good for the earth, so be sure to dispose of these properly in a sealed trash can to keep your pets and other wildlife safe.

Choose Eco-Friendly Paint

When it comes time to repaint, look for environmentally safe paints. Paint can contain VOCs, which release harmful chemicals into the air. Look for ones that are clearly labeled low or with zero volatile organic compounds.

Buy Native Plants and Shrubs

Native plants are ones that grow naturally without the help of humans. They don’t require fertilizer, which means they require less maintenance and are also less hazardous to your pets and other wildlife. They also require less water, which means less water is used overall.



Remember the days when you would load up on plastic bags at the grocery store, come home and then throw them out? Unfortunately, a large percentage of these ended up in a landfill for years, if not forever. Even if you recycle, you should try to use less plastic overall.

If you do opt for plastic, find ways to reuse it. Plastic grocery bags can be used for trash liners, and plastic storage bags can be washed in the dishwasher and used again.