How The Cleaning Industry Can Be More Sustainable

In over 90% of the CPG categories, sustainability-marketed products grew faster than their conventional counterparts. According to Harvard Business Review, products that had a sustainability claim accounted for 16.6% of the market in 2018 and delivered nearly $114 billion in sales. After all, cleanliness is one of the most essential aspects of our lives – the very reason Green Cleaning existed.

For the longest time, we have learned how poor indoor environmental quality has had a significant effect on our health and the economy. Thus, the choices we make in cleaning products, can either save the planet or wreak havoc on future generations. Here’s how the cleaning industry can be more sustainable.


What is Green Cleaning?

According to Stephen P. Ashkin, president of The Ashkin Group; Green Cleaning is simply defined as “cleaning to protect health without harming the environment.” This means using cleaning tools, chemicals, and equipment that have a positive impact on the environment. Green cleaning requires more than using products that are more environmentally friendly through the use of goods that help to promote sustainability.

This starts with the product utilizing natural and renewable resources to where it is packed through the use of recycled materials. Not to mention, sustainable product and packaging help reduce the amount of paper and plastic used as well as the fuel used for transport.

Also Read: Renewable Cleaning Techniques for Rugs

More Companies Adapting To Green Cleaning

In terms of economic growth, several companies are implementing effective green cleaning strategies because they believe that sustainable action has a triple bottom line effect. John Elkington proposed that a green, sustainable company or facility should concentrate on the “three Ps”: profits, people, and the planet.


Studies also show that cost-effective savings are possible when sustainable operations are in place. In 2001, Kimberly-Clark Professional, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of washroom products launched Reduce Today, Respect Tomorrow. This program reflects the company’s philosophy of reducing the use of natural resources throughout the life cycle of its products. Products are manufactured with a source-reduction in mind and designed in such a way that users consume less, either by improved efficiency, more reliable dispensing methods, or both.

With the current global economic and environmental crisis, there are so many reasons for green and sustainable initiatives to be taken. More and more businesses are going green, and more consumers are noticing the value of using eco-friendly, non-toxic products, and preventing harm to nature.

The cleaning industry is one field that needs to be green, as the heavy use of chemicals and other products contribute a great deal to pollution and household safety.

10 Steps to Unlock Your Online Tutoring Earning Potential

Online tutoring as a business or side hustle is not only lucrative but you may already have the skills required for this extremely flexible way to create an additional income. In addition to flexibility and earnings potential, it provides the satisfaction of knowing you are helping someone improve their future through education.

Don’t forget that it has green credentials as well, no travelling to and from work for tutor or Tutee, no paper or books involved as everything can be accessed online.

Online Tutoring as a Successful Side Hustle

How many businesses or side hustles can provide that?

Whether you’re an expert in academic subjects, an aficionado of a musical instrument, or a master coder, tutoring allows you to leverage these talents to unlock a promising stream of income.

Let’s delve into the rewarding world of online tutoring revealing the path to success in this thriving sector. Keep reading to learn more!

How to Master Tutoring as a Successful Side Hustle

Are you brimming with knowledge, a passion for teaching and a desire for an extra income? Well, tutoring could be your ideal side hustle. A successful tutoring venture doesn’t just happen overnight; it requires planning, strategic marketing, and a dedication to delivering high-quality education.

Here are some key steps to guide you through mastering tutoring as a successful side hustle:

1. Identify Your Expertise

The initial step towards establishing a tutoring business is identifying your areas of expertise. This could be a particular academic subject, a language, or even a creative skill such as music or art. Your knowledge and passion form the foundation of your tutoring services and serve to set you apart from the competition.

2. Understand Your Market

Thorough market research is a crucial component of any successful business, and tutoring is no different. Investigate the demand for your services, who your potential competitors are, and the prevailing rates for tutoring in your selected subject.

Once you have this data and analysed it, you will be better equipped to hit the ground running and avoid potentially crippling mistakes.

3. Define Your Target Audience

Consider who will benefit most from your tutoring services. Are you aiming to cater to primary school children, GCSE students, university undergraduates, or adults seeking to acquire a new skill or hobby? Knowing your target audience allows you to tailor both your teaching methods and your marketing strategy to your prospective clients’ needs.

4. Set Up Your Tutoring Business

Now you have a clear vision of your target market and your strengths as a tutor, it’s time to set up your business. The main steps are informed by your market research but the three most basic steps are to.

  • create a business plan
  • decide on a clear pricing plan
  • decide how your tutoring service will be delivered – in person, online or a hybrid service encompassing both.

5. Market Your Services

Getting the word out about your services is a crucial next step. This typically involves establishing an online presence through a professional website or utilising social media platforms. Other strategies can include word-of-mouth referrals or networking in local communities or online groups. Reaching your target audience where the already are is key here, it is important that your service is in front of them in a way that makes it simple to connect with your business.

Tips for Conquering Challenges in the Tutoring Business

Starting any business presents many challenges and your new venture will hit bumps in the road. Identifying problems and resolving them quickly will mean your fledgling business will be better placed to succeed.

Here are some common challenges faced by tutors and practical solutions for overcoming them:

6. Establishing Credibility

As a new tutoring business without any history or reviews, potential learners or their parents may be wary of signing up with you or question your ability. Having no track record is definitely a hurdle to get over..

Solution: Building credibility can start from leveraging your qualifications and past experiences related to the field. Additionally, consider offering initial discounted sessions or even a free introductory lesson. As you gain clients and deliver quality services, word-of-mouth recommendations can help to further establish your credibility.

7. Setting the Right Price

Deciding how much to charge can be tricky. If your rates are too high, you might deter potential clients. If they’re too low, you could undervalue your services.

Solution: Research is key here. Find out what other tutors with similar expertise and experience are charging and position your rates competitively. It’s also important to review your prices regularly and adjust them based on factors such as the complexity of the subject and the going market rates.

8. Keeping Up with Educational Trends

The educational landscape is always changing, with new curricula, teaching methods, and learning tools continually emerging.

Solution: Tutoring, like any business, requires a commitment to ongoing learning and adaptation. Regularly review and update your teaching materials and methods. Professional development training, online courses and professional body qualifications all ensure your knowledge and skills remain current, moreover shows your clients that you are investing in yourself as a tutor. Being adaptable allows you to keep your services relevant and appealing to your audience.

9. Handling Difficult Students

At times, you might encounter students who are disinterested, disruptive, or struggle with the material.

Solution: Again, adaptability is key. Vary your teaching methods to cater to different learning styles and keep lessons engaging. Providing regular feedback, establishing clear goals, and celebrating progress can also help to motivate students.


10. Final Thoughts

In essence, venturing into tutoring as a side hustle is not just about earning extra income; it’s about sharing your passion, fostering knowledge and making a positive impact. With careful planning, an understanding of your market and a dedication to continuous learning and adaptation, tutoring can become a successful venture.

By putting your skills and expertise to good use, helping others with their education you can easily create an extra or full time income. So, why not take that step today and unlock the incredible potential that tutoring as a side hustle has to offer?

Frequently Asked Questions

How much can I earn from a tutoring side hustle?

It may seem obvious to say that it will depend on various things.  As a side hustle the hours you are able to teach may be limited which will affect income.  That said, tutoring as a side hustle can be particularly lucrative as some subjects can demand high hourly rates.  So what you teach and how many sessions you teach will affect your earnings.

Do I need specific qualifications to start a tutoring business?

While having formal qualifications can enhance your credibility, they are not always necessary. What’s crucial is a thorough knowledge of your subject and the ability to effectively impart that knowledge.

Can I start an online tutoring side hustle while working full-time?

Yes, Online Tutoring is particularly suited to this as many students will require sessions outside of normal working hours, evenings and weekend mornings for instance.  It is probably one of the most flexible side hustles in terms of you choosing your own availability.

What if I don’t have experience teaching?

Having teaching experience is not a necessity to offer online tutoring services.  Although having experience may be helpful, your subject knowledge and finding a way to communicate that in a practical way to students is far more important.  There is no need to let a lack of classroom experience be a barrier to your tutoring business.

Sustainability: What It Means and How It’s Changing

Growing demand for sustainable industrial, commercial and development practices is quickly changing the way the world does business.

New technologies, as well as shifting priorities and new agendas, are needed in order to meet and overcome some of the biggest modern challenges.

What is Sustainability?

Sustainability is a concept that allows organizations to exist, function and even expand the scope of their operations without depleting non-renewable resources or doing excessive harm to the natural world.

pillars of sustainability

Sustainable business practices are essential for dealing with threats caused by climate change, species depletion or pollution. Investing in sustainable infrastructure now could allow businesses to have far higher costs these problems may result in should they be ignored.

Why is Sustainability Important?

According to the GetSmarter Sustainability Report, it’s important to understand the crucial business benefits that sustainability offers. Business practices that are unsustainable have the potential to quickly exhaust precious natural resources, destroy ecosystems and natural habitats or to accelerate the process of climate change.

Sustainability is essential for ensuring clean air and water as well as protecting the natural environment and preventing potentially-catastrophic consequences like widespread extinction or ecological collapse.

The 3 Pillars of Sustainability

The core tenets of sustainability are of particular relevance to corporations, businesses and larger organizations whose actions and operations have the potential to make a greater impact.

1. Environmental Protection

The most often discussed aspect of sustainability – protecting the environment, is an important responsibility. Environmental protection involves finding ways to reduce carbon footprints, minimizing waste and pollution or finding sustainable alternatives for both materials and workflow processes.

2. Social Development

Business practices that are less than ethical can cause no end of problems. Social development efforts typically focus on treating employees and associates in sustainable ways or improving a business’s standing within the surrounding community. Providing staff and associates with fair pay and treatment is essential for ensuring that employees are able to create and maintain a safer workplace and social environment.

3. Economic Development

Reinvesting profits and directing revenue in order to fund sustainable development is another essential concern. While many businesses may find it challenging to strike the right balance between profitability and investing in their own future economic development, doing so can be an issue of paramount importance. Ensuring that future growth, expansion and development can be handled in a sustainable manner is never an issue that should be taken lightly.


Adherence to the core concepts of sustainability can help to ensure that businesses are able to make more effective choices and direct their actions in a way that will have the most impact. Incorporating the three pillars of sustainability into either a planned or existing business model can lead to long-lasting benefits that no business can afford to ignore. In addition, it will also help you to avoid being a victim of greenwashing.

Investing in sustainable business practices means investing in our shared future. Businesses would do well to take further action in their efforts to curb carbon emissions, decrease their consumption or resources or to lessen the impact that their operations may be having on the natural world.

4 Ways Businesses Can Become More Sustainable

You’ve probably heard the word “sustainable” many times by now, but you may wonder what it has to do with your business. Sustainable business means that you’ll be you’ll be increasing the odds that you company can continue indefinitely by minimizing social and environmental impacts while ensuring financial stability. Studies have shown that sustainable business perform better financially, including one report by nonprofit CDC, reported by The Guardian that found they secure an 18% greater return on investment (ROI) than organizations that aren’t, and 67% more than companies who refuse to. How can you help your business become more sustainable?


1. Think Greener in Procurement Sources

One of the best, and easiest, things you can do to make your business more sustainable is to practice environmentally-friendly procurement. Take a close look at your current suppliers and make changes as necessary by using suppliers that don’t use excessive packaging or sell products that contain substances that are harmful to the environment.

As often as possible, choose recycled items made from renewable material. Ask plenty of questions when researching various suppliers to find out where their goods are coming from, including whether the manufacturer is a sustainable business.

Whenever possible, use local suppliers, rather than purchasing online.

2. Seek Help from an Energy Broker

An increasing number of businesses are embracing renewable energy and energy management today. Your office can be powered with a variety of alternative sources like biomass, hydropower, geothermal, solar and wind power. There are hundreds of companies that supply energy in a myriad of different ways, affecting your bottom line and sustainability.

While there are usually a few suppliers dominating any given market, many other small suppliers are known for getting more creative in their offerings. Trying to figure out which one is best for your organization can be a very difficult task which is why using an energy broker who is knowledgeable about all the complexities that come with this sector, can best analyze the energy market to provide you with the greenest, most cost-effective options.

3. Reduce Water Usage

Water shortages are becoming an increasingly bigger problem in many places around the world, including North America. Whether your organization is located in a drought-stricken area or not, decreasing water use will help to conserve a valuable resource and help you save money at the same time.

Instead of using a sprinkler system to keep lush lawns around the building, switch to a drip irrigation system to significantly reduce water usage or consider changing the landscaping to something more drought tolerant. Fix plumbing leaks and dripping taps and install low-flow faucet aerators in your bathrooms.

4. Switch From Gas To Electricity

Electricity is much easier to source sustainably than gas and oil, especially if you use solar panels to collect energy from the sun. So by switching over some of your gas-powered company owned equipment to their electric counterparts you can ultimately help your business become more sustainable.

Some equipment to consider switching could include: switching from gas powered to electric vehicles (especially for companies that rely heavily on transportation), switching from gas-powered to electric-powered riding mowers (especially for landscaping businesses).

As there are so many different types of lawn mowers available, sites like home gear expert show us interesting comparisons which will help you find the one which best matches your needs.

A good electric riding mower with good user ratings will cost you a couple thousand dollars but could save you money in the long term plus make your business more sustainable.

Recommended Reading: How to Make Your Business Sustainable

Why Should You Hire a Local Moving Company for Your Next Move?

Moving is a tedious task and can indulge a lot of stress for sure. Shouldering all the moving responsibilities to professionals can help you to get yourself free from unwanted stress. However, most people face a genuine problem while choosing a moving company. A seemingly small mistake in selecting a good mover can make your move a big failure.

Several times, people tend to choose other than local movers. They think that the giant moving companies are the best for shouldering all the moving responsibilities. However, reality speaks a lot different. Selecting a skilled and top-rated local mover has several benefits that can’t be denied.

Well, this article genuinely describes the several benefits of hiring a local moving company for your next move? So, let’s check them out to get a better level of transparencies of the topic.

why you should hire a local moving company

On-site Estimate Facility

Getting an on-site visit is really essential to get an accurate estimate of the overall moving costs. If you consider choosing a giant moving company, you may not get an on-site estimate facility. The end result can be so much disappointing for you as you may get a massive difference in the final bill.

In order to get the most appropriate and accurate moving cost estimate, moving cost calculator can help you to understand how much would it cost you for a local move.

However, choosing one of the top-rated local moving companies can be beneficial to get the on-site visit facility. The local moving companies send their experienced executive to check everything physically so that you can get an accurate estimate. This way, you can save yourself from the unplanned moving expenses if you choose to hire a local moving company.

Adequate Grip over the Location

Most of the time, the movers quote their estimates based on the distance, time, and requirements. The real problem arises if the giant moving companies have no branch at your location. Therefore, if the mover has no branch at your site, there is less chance that a giant moving company will have enough grip on the roadways. So, they can ask you for a hefty amount by just assuming your location and condition of the routes.

However, if you consider choosing a reputed local mover, such as Suddath movers Tampa, you won’t face such difficulties. The local movers have enough grip over the location and roadways. So, they can handle the traffic and take shortcuts in a better way than any other corporate moving company.

Also Read: How to Make the Moving Process More Sustainable

Accepts Any Size of Work

One of the best benefits of choosing a local moving company is that they accept any size of work depending upon your requirements. On the contrary, the corporate moving companies may not be interested in taking smaller moving responsibilities. Usually, the giant companies deal with a flat hourly rate. So, if the moving work is a smaller one, they may not be able to shoulder the responsibilities due to the low-profit margin.

However, considering a local moving company can manage all the moving responsibilities efficiently, resulting in fewer costs.

Low-Risk Factor

Hiring a local mover can enable you to evade risks to a great extent. You might be surprised that how the risk factors are associated with hiring a local mover over a giant one? Well, the reason is very simple. When you hire a comparatively small moving company, the company will try to give you the best experience as they want to grow more with the work experience.

Additionally, under any circumstances, if you’re not happy with the services, you can visit the office of the local moving companies. However, in the matter of hiring a giant moving company, you’ll hardly get any chance to see their office to let them know your feedback.

reasons to hire local moving firm

More Dedicated and Caring Services

Well, most people think that hiring a corporate moving company will do the moving job with ease. However, this isn’t appropriate. The corporate moving companies don’t depend on a few reviews. They have a lot of good customer base. Therefore, they give more importance to get new customers and focus less on reviews. This is the reason that they often lack in providing satisfactory services to their clients.

However, the small but skilled local moving companies are more concerned about providing standard moving services as they have a minimal customer base. They always try to offer best-class services to their customers to get appreciation.


So, as you have gone through the whole topic, now you’re better aware as to why you should hire a local moving company over the giant one. See, we aren’t discouraging you in any manner to choose a corporate mover. However, making you understand that hiring a skilled and professional local mover can perform the moving job for you with a lot of efficiencies. So, next time when you decide to move, don’t ignore the local moving companies of your locality. They can provide superior moving services and that too with adequate efficiency.

How To Prepare Your Business For Christmas?

Christmas is that magical time of the year we all eagerly wait for. Autumn has already begun, and before you know it, people will be carolling in the streets and enjoying lavish Christmas feasts. You know what this means – it’s time to start making plans and gearing up for the festive season. With so much to do, it is never too soon to start Christmas preparations.

In this article, you will learn what you can do to build profit and attract new customers this holiday season, as well as four ways to set your business up for success.

How to Prepare Your Business for Christmas

Things Businesses Should Do to Prepare for Christmas

There is so much to be taken care of at Christmas that it is important to plan things ahead of time. Doing this can help you avoid last minute stress. Make sure you check the following off on your to-do list before Christmas.

1. Check the Inventory and Supplies

Inventory and supplies are vital in any business. This is time to review the year’s sales, and identify your needs for the coming year. If you need to restock supplies, order them in advance because at this time of year suppliers are tight on time and have tonnes of deadlines ahead of them.

It is very much a possibility that your supplier might turn down your last minute orders because of scarce resources. Furthermore, ordering beforehand saves a lot of cash because last-minute orders are expensive, and there is costly shipping on top.

If you are new to the business world and cannot refer to previous records, consult your network for insider tips. Understand and analyse the market, demand-supply ratios, and order accordingly. And lastly, always stock the basics like toiletries, paper rolls, gift cards, sanitisers, and sweets for kids. Don’t forget to buy Christmas jumpers for your loved ones.

Also Read: Enhancing Your Business’s Holiday Retail Experience

2. Coordinate Staff Leave

Every business owner should organize staff leave well in advance. Obviously, your employees have families too, and they deserve time of to spend with their family and celebrate Christmas. However, it is also fair on your part to expect them to meet their work commitments. So, what can you do?

For starters, establish rules and make them clear to all the employees. For example, you may say that leave applications must come through a month in advance. This will help you schedule employee leave and shifts accordingly without burdening anyone with too much work. Make sure that you’re fair to everyone. Nobody should get preferential treatment because, in the end, everybody wants to be with their families.

Furthermore, if you will require seasonal staff, start the hiring process now because getting seasonal staff at the last minute is not just frustrating, but inefficient too. Ensure that the seasonal staff you hire are trustworthy and sincere because the wrong employees could scare away your customers.

Also Read: How to find best Employment Agency?

3. Revamping Marketing and Promotional Strategies

It is critical to have the right marketing and promotional strategies in place so you can market your business effectively at the right time. Go through your feedback and find out what your clients love the most, their preferences, and how you can revamp your strategies to attract more customers.

If you have a website, it’s a good idea to have it temporarily redesigned in a Christmas theme. A little bit of creativity will not harm your brand. Also, make sure your catalogues are up to date with all current products.

And lastly, explore options for marketing your holiday offers and new arrivals. This may include:

  • Email Marketing
  • Facebook/Instagram Ads
  • Address cards and greeting tokens
  • Direct posts to regular clients

4. The Essence of Christmas

It’s important to make your business feel like Christmas – so get decorating! Put some lights on, and make a dazzling Christmas tree. In short, make your office or store feel festive. COVID-19 has taken so much from us, including our ability to celebrate special times of the year. Therefore, use this year to make up for this and really get into the Christmas spirit?

Although these decorations look beautiful, you can’t deny that decorating can be a hassle, not to mention expensive. However, this is where the professionals come in. You don’t need to buy a new Christmas tree – simply hire one from a specialist company like These companies can even incorporate special requests and tailor your Christmas display to your brand’s identity. You can ask them to make the decorations reflect your brand and make the most out of the display.

Wrapping Up

Christmas time can be stressful for businesses if they are not prepared. However, it can be the best and most profitable time of the year if you follow the right strategies. The most successful business owners often start their Christmas preparations in July or even June. If they can, you can too – so get started today!

How To Stay Green With Your Office Cleaning

Businesses are incorporating sustainability into their daily practices in an effort to do their part in creating a more eco-friendly future.  If you’re among the businesses that are adopting eco-friendly business practices such as conserving resources and reducing waste, you’re probably always looking for additional ways to go green.

eco-friendly office cleaning

An area that some businesses overlook is their cleaning practices. Many conventional cleaning products contain chemicals that have a negative impact on people, animals, and the environment. Chemicals in cleaning products can cause health problems such as asthma, cancer, and birth defects. After the products are used, they typically get washed down the drain. Water treatment facilities can get rid of some of the contaminants but not all. These contaminants then get washed into our rivers and lakes, where it can have a negative impact on wildlife.

This is why more and more businesses are incorporating green cleaning into their business practices. If you’re looking for additional ways to stay green, it’s time to look at your cleaning practices.

What is green cleaning?

Green cleaning is when you use cleaning methods and procedures that are designed to preserve human health and the environment. Typically, this means using products that contain environmentally friendly ingredients. Most green products are also manufactured in an environmentally friendly way and are biodegradable.


Most green cleaning products contain a label on their packaging that indicates the company has met certain environmental and labor standards. However, it’s important to remember that some companies can get this label just by donating to environmental causes or using recycled packaging while their products still contain harmful chemicals. You should always check to see what ingredients are in the product to ensure that it is environmentally friendly. Avoid products that use phosphates, chlorine, artificial fragrances, and artificial colors.

The right green cleaning products smell more natural and will still clean your business just as well as conventional cleaning supplies.

How do I switch to green products?

If you would like to practice green cleaning, the first thing you’ll need to do is to find out what you’re currently cleaning with. If your business does its own cleaning, go around your business and make a list of all your products. If you’re using a cleaning company, ask them to provide you with a list.

After you have your list of products, go through and see if any of them are green products. You can do this by seeing if any of them have an ecolabel or checking to see if they are EWG verified.  If any of them are, great! You’re already using green products.

“There are many options for ordering green cleaning products,” says Martha Hernandez of Beyond Eco, a commercial cleaning business in Austin, TX. “Be sure that the label is transparent in the ingredients that are used. Many will withhold information. You also can look up your own recipes for cleaning products. We make many solutions ourselves and utilize reusable bottles or containers to reduce waste in the process.”

If they don’t, you’ll want to see if the vendor you buy your supplies from offers a green product line. If you’re using an outside cleaning company, see if they’re willing to use green products. Most companies will already have alternative products on hand. Some companies, such as Executive Cleaning Services, LLC, will also let you provide your own green cleaning products while still doing the cleaning for you!

Aren’t green products more expensive?

No, not necessarily. Depending on where you buy your products, you can get them for around the same price as conventional products.

There are a number of ways to make green cleaning affordable. If you’re a small business, you can consider making your own cleaners out of natural ingredients. If you purchase your products from a vendor, see if you can buy in bulk or buy concentrated products. You’ll spend more money upfront, but the products will last longer.

You should also eliminate unnecessary products to help reduce costs. There are many all-purpose cleaners out there that can be used on multiple surfaces.


What other ways can I stay green with my cleaning?

Switching to green cleaning products is the best way! If you’re not using green products, then you’re not practicing green cleaning. However, it’s also important that your entire team is on board. If your employees go out and buy conventional cleaning products to clean their own cubicle with, it defeats the purpose of your company using green products. Engage your employees in the process of switching to new supplies so that they have a say.

Some might even start practicing green cleaning at home! If you use a cleaning service, make sure you choose someone who also adopts green cleaning practices. An example of someone who does this is Ideal Cleaning – they only use environmentally cleaning products as they understand how much safer they are to use.

In conclusion

If you’re already practicing sustainable business practices, make sure to add green cleaning to your list of practices. Or, if you’re trying to find ways to start being sustainable, green cleaning is a great first step! It’ll take some time to review your current cleaning products, but once you identify new green cleaning products, you’ll be good to go.

Create a Greener Business with These Changes

Want to make your business greener? It’s easier than you might think to make eco-friendly changes. While there are some challenges you’ll face, implementing green changes into the company delivers a lot of great benefits.

Below, you’ll discover some of the best ways to create a greener business no matter what your budget.

Install solar panels

If you want to really make a difference, you can install solar panels in your premises. This helps to provide greener energy. Using the sun’s rays to power up the building, these panels can also save you a lot of money over the years.


The only trouble is, installing solar panels isn’t cheap. So, if you don’t have the funds available you have two options. You can see whether there are any government schemes to help fund green changes in your business. Or, you could seek business funding from a responsible lender. You’ll get the money back that you borrowed over time through the money saved with these panels.

Add plants in and around the business

Another great tip is to add plants and trees in and around the business premises. Using trees and greenery outside the building helps to improve the environment. They are known to clean the air, benefit local wildlife and they make the premises look much nicer.


Planting more trees and vegetation will go a long way in reducing heat in urban settings.

You can use plants indoors too. Adding plants to the office can not only benefit the environment, but your workers too. Research the best indoor plants to add to your business for the most eco-friendly benefits.

Encourage employees to go green

As a business owner, there’s only so much you can do to make the company greener. You’ll also want to enlist the help of your employees to make greener changes. For example, you could encourage them to cycle to work, rather than driving. Or, you could implement a car sharing scheme to cut down on emissions.


Switch to renewable energy

Finally, another way to create a greener business is to switch to renewable energy. Did you know some companies focus on providing 100% renewable energy? Switching to these suppliers won’t just help you protect the environment; it will also save you a lot of money potentially too.

It’s worth researching your options to see which supplier best fits your needs. Switching suppliers is a fairly straightforward process these days so you should find it an easy task.

These are some of the main ways to make greener changes in your business. By implementing greener policies, you’ll be able to really cut down your company’s carbon footprint. With global warming remaining a very serious threat, anything you can do to reduce your impact on the environment is going to be worthwhile.

What Are The Environmental Effects Of Remote Work

Remote and hybrid work environments have become increasingly common in the past 18 months. There have been downsides for businesses and employees. For example, IT teams are trying to manage cybersecurity in a remote work world. For employees, while they might like the freedom and flexibility of working remotely, there may be a sense of isolation or a lack of connection with corporate culture they don’t like as much.

Even with these downsides, there are plenty of benefits too. Some of these are environmental. We’ve seen more remote and hybrid work does help reduce detrimental environmental effects that come with traditional work, but are there downsides to this as well?

Below, we explore the environmental impacts of remote work in detail:

Environmental Effects of Remote Work

1. Reduced Greenhouse Gas Emissions

One reason that initially so many environmentalists were on board with remote work is that it can reduce greenhouse gas emissions stemming from commutes. When you work from home, it reduces gas emissions from vehicles or public transport. Fewer commuters across the board tend to mean less greenhouse gas emissions.

According to Global Workforce Analytics, if who everyone worked in an office originally were to work from home for only half the week, it would reduce emissions by 54 million tons a year.

Current remote workers before the pandemic avoided the emission of 3.6 million tons of greenhouse gases annually. With this also comes a reduced demand and consumption of fossil fuels.

Reduced GHG emissions and consumption of fossil fuels can then help reduce air pollution and improve air quality. Air quality contributes to many respiratory illnesses, including infections and asthma.

2. Less Paper Usage

Even without the push for remote work due to the pandemic, more and more businesses and office environments were moving toward a paperless model.

This is environmentally friendly not just because there’s less consumption of the paper itself but also other supplies related to paper, such as printer ink.

The benefits from a business perspective include fewer overhead expenses, more efficiency and productivity, and a more digitized work environment that’s secure.

a paper free office

3. Reduced Consumption of Plastic

A lot of the things people typically do during a workday have a significant environmental impact, yet we often don’t consider them in our day-to-day thinking.

For example, when you’re working in a traditional office setting, you may be using a lot more plastic than you do at home.

If you pack your lunch or buy lunch, you’re probably using plastic utensils, cups and more.

It creates a lot of waste, whereas if you’re working at home, you’re probably using your own coffee pot and mugs, and dishware. You’re likely preparing more of your meals, cutting down on packaging.

The world is in the midst of a plastic crisis, so this is especially critical.

4. Cutting Down on Energy Consumption

Most offices utilize more energy than their employees would working from home. There are computers constantly on, as well as massive printing stations. The lights in an office are probably always flipped on, and it’s not common for employees to turn things off when they leave a room. There could still be people in the room, or they might not be as conscious as they are when they’re in their own home and responsible for paying the utility bill.

Energy-Saving Tips for Small Businesses

Heating and cooling a large office is always expensive. Reports show that energy consumption in office spaces is almost twice as high as when people work from home.

5. Migration Away from Urban Areas

We saw a striking move during the pandemic of people away from major urban areas to suburban or even rural places. They were no longer tied to cities for work and could do their jobs from anywhere. That has a positive benefit on the environment, by reducing the harmful congestion in cities.

It’s better for people to spread out, rather than being concentrated in a few areas that can bear the brunt of the effects.

Are There Also Negative Impacts of More Remote Work?

While the benefits of remote work can be significant from an environmental perspective, are there potential downsides too?

One example is that employers may be less likely to support green and renewable energy initiatives. When their employees aren’t working in the office, they don’t have to think about costs and how that might affect them.

It’s also possible that because people are dispersed and can work from anywhere that they might have to fly or travel long distances when they do go into the office or have meetings. That’s not good from an environmental perspective.

With those things being said, the benefits environmentally and on renewable energy efforts of remote work do seem to be greater than the downsides.

4 Eco-Friendly Measures Your Business Could Follow

In recent years, the impact of our behaviour on the environment has been brought into focus. From the plastic bag charge to Sir David Attenborough’s reporting of pollution in the world’s oceans, we’re beginning to take the necessary steps towards being more sustainable and aware of our actions on the planet.

If you’re a manager or owner of a company, you may already be making headway with reducing your carbon footprint and thinking more about waste management. Should you be looking for further ideas to help keep your company green, here are some eco-friendly measures that you could introduce in your day to day operations.


Why go green?

Before we can look at ways to make your business more sustainable, it’s important to know why you’re focusing on this. First, you’ll be helping the climate. Offices tend to consume a lot of energy and the larger the office space, the more energy it consumes. By adopting energy saving and eco-friendly measures, it can be possible to reduce the carbon output of these office spaces and this can impact positively on the environment.

Google, for instance, has been carbon neutral for over a decade. In 2019, the company announced that, for the second year, it matched 100% of its energy consumption with renewable energy, offsetting its output.

That being said, it’s, indeed, possible to make your company carbon neutral while protecting the planet. Thankfully, with the help of eco-friendly organizations, your business won’t only minimize your carbon footprint, but you’ll also be empowered to maintain a sustainability plan and make better choices for the environment. So, if you want to get started, you can work with certain organizations to offset any unnecessary emissions of carbon to balance things out and keep your company green and sustainable.

Second, as a business you can save money. On average, the UK spends £29.1 billion on energy annually. By picking up some simple ideas, you could save on your energy bills and channel this money into other aspects of your business.

So, what can you do to make a difference?

1. Use sea or rail shipments

If you use international couriers to do business, now is the ideal time to rethink how you do this. Whether you’re an e-commerce business that depends on imports and exports or your clients are based around the world and regularly ship products to you, opting to have them get to you via rail or sea can cut down on air traffic pollution.

To find the couriers that specialise in this service, use a price comparison site such as Parcel2Go. This can be an easy way to whittle down your options and find the right fit for your company.

2. Add renewable tech

By introducing smart technology that can keep track of the energy your office or workspace consumes, you can see exactly how much energy is being wasted. This can then give you the numbers to aim for and help you to trial ideas to reduce your output.


Energy monitoring systems are one type of tech that can prove to be a real investment. These can show you in real time how much is being consumed.

Another renewable tech you may want to consider for your business is a solar panel system. It can be one of the most popular eco-friendly technologies designed to generate electricity for business purposes. It can be used to light up your office, and power up office appliances and even your business vehicles, while saving on energy bills and other related business expenses. Switch to e-invoicing to reduce the carbon footprint of your business.

3. Create a green ethos

By making an eco-friendly ethos part of your everyday operations, your employees will follow suit. Getting everyone into the habit of turning lights off when not in use, popping paper into the recycling bin, and ensuring that you are a paperless office are some easy and quick updates that can go a long way.


4. Switch up your lighting

Making the switch from traditional to LED lighting is another energy efficient update. An LED bulb will use just 9 Watts, compared to a standard bulb’s 60 Watts, plus an LED bulb lasts for 23,000 hours longer than a typical bulb. When your current light bulbs run out, it’s worth making a note and adding LED ones in their place.

Which of these methods have you already introduced in your office?


In today’s modern world, increasing your company’s environmental outlook is important for its success. With more and more people looking for companies with green practices, you need to make your business as eco-friendly and sustainable as possible in order to stay on top of the competition. Also, by making your business greener, you can also preserve the environment and the future generation.

So, if you haven’t become a green company yet, keep the information mentioned above in mind to help you get started with the eco-friendly measures your business should follow.