Electric Car Technology: What Your VIN Can Tell You

The electric car revolution is reshaping the automotive industry, and comprehending your EV’s technology is now more vital than ever. Often underestimated, the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is a goldmine of information about your electric car. In this comprehensive article, we will delve into VIN decoding and explore how it can provide invaluable insights into the technology that powers your electric vehicle.

benefits of electric car VIN

Decoding the Electric Car VIN

Decode VIN: Let’s start by demystifying the VIN, or Vehicle Identification Number. This unique 17-character code is your electric car’s digital fingerprint. Recent industry data reveals that electric vehicle sales surpassed over 2.5 million units worldwide in 2020, with projections of continued exponential growth. The VIN isn’t just a random assortment of letters and numbers; it’s a treasure trove of information about your EV’s origin, features, and tech specifications. Let’s take a deep dive into this fascinating code.

Revealing the Electric Car’s Origin

The initial three characters of your VIN unveil your car’s origin and manufacturer. For electric car enthusiasts, this section offers insights into the global reach of EV production. Each character signifies distinct information, such as the country of origin or the automaker’s identity.

Understanding the Electric Car’s Model and Features

Delving further into the VIN, you’ll uncover intricate details about your electric car’s model, trim level, and features. This is where decoding the VIN gets exciting for tech-savvy EV owners. By unraveling the code, you can pinpoint specific technologies and enhancements that come standard or as options in your electric car model.

Safety and Recall Information

Safety is paramount in the electric car world, and your VIN can provide valuable insights. Certain characters in your VIN may reveal safety features integrated into your vehicle’s design. Furthermore, automakers use VINs to monitor recalls and safety-related data. Recent data shows that electric cars boast lower accident rates compared to traditional vehicles. Deciphering your VIN helps you stay informed about recalls or safety concerns associated with your electric car.

Maintenance and Repairs

When it comes to maintaining and servicing your electric car, having accurate information about its technology is indispensable. Your VIN can offer clues about the compatibility of replacement parts and assist you in locating the right manuals and resources to ensure your EV remains in top-notch condition.

Customization and Modifications

Electric car enthusiasts often seek to customize or modify their vehicles to suit their specific needs or preferences. Your VIN can play a significant role in this process. It provides essential details about your EV’s original configuration, making it easier to identify compatible aftermarket upgrades or modifications.

advantages of electric cars

Future-Proofing Your Electric Car

As technology in the electric car industry evolves rapidly, future-proofing your EV becomes crucial. Your VIN can give you insights into your vehicle’s compatibility with upcoming software updates or hardware improvements. Staying informed about potential upgrades can help you extend the lifespan of your electric car and enhance its performance.

Environmental Impact and Sustainability

Another aspect illuminated by your VIN is the environmental impact of your electric car. By decoding the VIN, you can access information related to the materials used in its construction, energy efficiency, and emissions ratings. This knowledge enables you to make more informed choices in line with your sustainability goals.

Vehicle History and Ownership

Beyond the technical aspects, a vehicle check can also reveal critical information about the car’s history and ownership. It may include details about previous owners, service records, and even whether the car has been involved in any significant incidents or accidents. This insight can be invaluable when buying a used electric car.


In the world of electric cars, knowledge is power, and your VIN is your key to unlocking a wealth of information about your vehicle’s technology. From its origin to safety features, maintenance needs, customization possibilities, environmental impact, future prospects, and even its history, decoding your VIN empowers you to make informed decisions and fully embrace the technological marvels of your electric ride.

4 Top Benefits of a Hybrid Car

Are you thinking about buying a new car? If yes, then you may seriously want to consider getting a hybrid car as there are many benefits to this type of car and more and more motorists are making the switch. Read on to discover a few of the main benefits of hybrid vehicles.


1. Eco/Power Balance

One of the primary advantages of owning a hybrid is that you get a good balance of eco-friendly driving and power. You get the best of both worlds with a hybrid because they are more environmentally-friendly than a typical car but they also still have a lot of power, so there is no compromise on performance which is key for those that spend a lot of time behind the wheel.

2. Battery Charging

Many motorists are hesitant to make the switch to electric due to range anxiety. This is less of a concern with hybrid cars because you do not need to use or own a charging point as the vehicles charge up their own batteries, meaning that you can easily travel long distances without having to worry about stopping and recharging the battery.

3. Reliability

Reliability is key when deciding on a car and modern-day hybrids are highly reliable. The technology has come on leaps and bounds in recent years as the demand has soared, so you can be sure that any hybrid vehicle that you purchase will be a car that you can rely on each and every day.

4. Running Costs

Of course, another major advantage to buying a hybrid is that you can make huge long-term savings when it comes to running costs. Hybrids consume less fuel and emit less CO2 which means that you are spending far less on petrol than a typical automobile and you will pay less in road tax, plus you will also avoid congestion charges which are on the rise and being introduced in cities up and down the country. While they can cost more to buy, you can recuperate the cost that you save on fuel and you can make the cost easier to manage with a finance deal from somewhere like Go Car Credit.

These are the main benefits to buying a hybrid car over a conventional automobile but there are many others. It is easy to see why so many motorists are now making the switch and there are many excellent models to choose from, so it should be easy to find one that fits in with your lifestyle.

Unveiling Adventure: Journeys with a Mystery Car Rental

Travelling is often associated with adventure and discovery, two pillars defining every journey’s core essence. The freedom to traverse landscapes, connect with diverse cultures, and make memories steeped in spontaneity and surprise elevates the spirit of travel. In the world of car rentals, a thrilling new trend embodies this sense of surprise in every booking – enter the world of Mystery Car Rental.

Reasons to Choose Mystery Car Rental

What is a Mystery Car Rental

Imagine arriving at the rental counter with your booking details, excitement bubbling at the thought of the vehicle awaiting you. You don’t know the brand or model, but you trust it will cater to your requirements and enhance your journey. This is the experience of Mystery Car Rental.

When booking a car through a service that offers a mystery car option, you aren’t choosing a specific car model. Instead, you’re electing to be surprised. The category of car you’re booking is guaranteed, but the exact make and model are revealed only at the collection point.

The Mystery Car Rental concept transforms the often straightforward process of booking a hire car into something far more exciting, urging adventurers towards a three-dimensional experience that electrifies the beginning of your journey.

The Advantages and Drawbacks of Mystery Car Rental

Like every choice we make, selecting a Mystery Car Rental comes with a unique set of perks and challenges. It offers an intriguing twist on what is usually a plainly transactional process.

The Perks

  1. Supreme Surprise: Mystery Car Rental infuses an element of suspense into your travel plans. The thrill of not knowing which car model awaits adds an adventurous edge to the experience, making it much more than just a rental service: it’s a game of delightful anticipation.
  2. Wallet-friendly: Mystery car rental deals are often priced highly competitively. You are guaranteed a car at least equivalent to the selected category at a price lower than booking a known model, making it a savvy choice for travellers on a budget.
  3. Quality Assured: Despite the car model’s mysterious nature, quality and comfort aren’t compromised. You can rest assured knowing your vehicle will align correctly with the broad specifications outlined during booking regarding passenger capacity, luggage space, and more.
  4. Potential Upgrades: A joyous possibility with this type of rental is landing an unexpected upgrade. Though not guaranteed, there are instances when you might discover a higher-class vehicle ready for you at the pick-up point with no extra cost attached.

The Drawbacks

While unlocking a sense of adventure, selecting the Mystery Car option might not be ideal for everyone. It requires particular flexibility and, potentially, relinquishing some control over detailed preferences.

Should you desire a specific make and model for your journey, standard rental options assure you know exactly what vehicle you’ll be driving.

However, those willing to take a chance and enjoy the thrill of the unknown might find that Mystery Car Rental adds a certain zest to their travel experience.

The Mystery Car Rental Process

Subscribing to the thrill of the unexpected with Mystery Car Rental is a simple process. During your booking, simply choose the ‘Mystery Car’ option. Your booking will ensure you a car equivalent to, or better than, the class you usually opt for.

Your reservation is confirmed like any other car booking. However, the anticipation builds as you approach your pick-up date. It’s not until this point that you learn the brand and model of your vehicle, a moment that could reveal you’ve hit the car class jackpot with an upgrade!

Things To Remember When Opting For Mystery Car Rental

Every car hire comes with its considerations, and Mystery Car Rentals are no different. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Prepare for Surprises: Be prepared to drive any car from within your chosen range. Remember, the mystery lies in the make and model, so keep your expectations flexible.
  • Research Ahead: Having a solid understanding of what you might receive is vital. Research the range of cars typically seen in your selected category.
  • Understand Your Terms: Make sure you’re thoroughly aware of the terms and conditions of your mystery car hire agreement.
  • Insurance Check: Understanding your rental insurance policy, coverage, and any additional charges in case of an accident or damage is essential.
  • Vehicle Inspection: Ensure a thorough inspection of the vehicle at the pick-up point, then note any pre-existing damages or issues to avoid contention later.

Why Choose Mystery Car Rental?

Mystery Car Rental is not a random decision but a choice made by travellers craving an added dose of adventure. It’s an option for those who love a good surprise, a rollercoaster of anticipation, and, most importantly, a truly memorable experience. Regardless of the actual vehicle make or model, the real value lies in the path you chart on your journey. It’s all about the thrill of the drive, the fascination of the unpredictable, and the allure of all that awaits you on your exciting voyage.

Electric cars are the future of eco-friendly transportation

Venturing into the realm of Mystery Car Rental caters to the adventurous spirit yearning to experience something distinct and perhaps slightly unconventional. Why keep the thrill restricted to the destination? Let the joy of uncertainty creep into your journey, making every moment of your adventure an event to remember.

Why not sprinkle in the mystery and invite the unexpected for your next journey? Choose Mystery Car Rental to create an incredible travel memory, beginning the trip long before you reach your destination. Your biggest adventure awaits you – not on the distant horizon, but right here in the driver’s seat.

Electric Vehicle Uptake in Australia: Driving Towards a Sustainable Future

Electric vehicles (EVs) have emerged as a promising solution to address environmental concerns and reduce greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. Australia, with its vast landscapes and unique environmental challenges, is no exception. In recent years, the country has seen a gradual increase in electric vehicle adoption as individuals, businesses, and policymakers recognize the importance of transitioning towards a more sustainable transportation system. In this article, we will delve into the factors driving the uptake of electric vehicles in Australia and the challenges that lie ahead in accelerating their widespread adoption.

Why Electric Cars are the More Sustainable Choice

1. Environmental Consciousness

Australia is known for its stunning natural beauty, but it also faces significant environmental challenges, including climate change, air pollution, and reliance on fossil fuels. As people become increasingly conscious of their carbon footprint, there has been a growing interest in cleaner and greener modes of transportation. Electric vehicles, with zero tailpipe emissions, offer a compelling alternative to traditional internal combustion engine vehicles and are viewed as a crucial step towards a more sustainable future.

2. Government Incentives

Federal and state governments in Australia have recognized the importance of promoting electric vehicle adoption and have introduced various incentives to encourage consumers to make the switch. These incentives may include grants, rebates, tax credits, reduced registration fees, and access to bus lanes or toll discounts. Additionally, governments have been investing in charging infrastructure development to address range anxiety concerns.

3. Advancements in Technology

One of the initial barriers to electric vehicle adoption was the perception of limited driving range and lack of charging infrastructure. However, technological advancements in battery technology have significantly improved EV range, making them a viable option for many Australians. Moreover, faster-charging options, such as DC fast-charging stations, have become more prevalent, reducing charging time and enhancing the convenience of owning an electric vehicle.

types of EV charging stations

4. Cost Savings

Though electric vehicles may have a higher upfront cost compared to traditional vehicles, the total cost of ownership over the vehicle’s lifespan can be lower. Electric vehicles generally have lower operating costs, as electricity is cheaper than gasoline, and they require less maintenance due to fewer moving parts. As consumers become more aware of these cost-saving benefits, the financial appeal of electric vehicles continues to grow.

5. Corporate Commitments

Businesses in Australia are also playing a vital role in driving electric vehicle uptake. Many companies have adopted sustainability targets and are incorporating electric vehicles into their fleets. Besides the environmental benefits, using electric vehicles in commercial operations can yield significant cost savings and enhance the company’s green image.

6. Charging Infrastructure Expansion

A robust charging infrastructure is critical to the widespread adoption of electric vehicles. Recognizing this, both public and private entities have been investing in charging station deployment across Australia. Charging stations can be found in public parking lots, shopping centers, hotels, and along highways. This expansion has alleviated range anxiety concerns and instilled confidence in potential electric vehicle buyers.

Challenges and Roadblocks

While the progress in electric vehicle uptake is promising, there are still challenges that need to be addressed to accelerate the transition towards a more sustainable transportation future:

1. High Upfront Cost

The initial purchase price of electric vehicles remains a significant barrier for many potential buyers. While ongoing reductions in battery costs are expected to alleviate this issue over time, government incentives and subsidies can play a crucial role in making electric vehicles more affordable for a broader audience.

2. Range Anxiety

Although range anxiety has been alleviated to some extent with improved battery technology and charging infrastructure, it remains a concern for some consumers. Expanding the charging network further and promoting public awareness of charging station locations can help address this issue.

3. Limited Model Availability

Currently, the selection of electric vehicle models available in Australia is more limited compared to traditional vehicles. Encouraging automakers to offer a broader range of electric vehicle options can cater to different consumer preferences and needs.

4. Grid Infrastructure

The mass adoption of electric vehicles will place additional demands on the electricity grid. To ensure a smooth transition, grid infrastructure must be upgraded to accommodate the increased load and ensure stable and reliable power supply for electric vehicles. As the number of EV charging stations increases, so too will demand.


Australia’s electric vehicle uptake is on an upward trajectory, driven by increasing environmental awareness, government incentives, technology advancements, cost savings, corporate commitments, and charging infrastructure expansion. As these trends continue, the country moves closer to a future where sustainable transportation is the norm rather than the exception. However, to achieve widespread adoption, addressing challenges related to upfront costs, range anxiety, model availability, and grid infrastructure is crucial. Through collaborative efforts from governments, industries, and consumers, Australia can accelerate the transition towards a cleaner and greener transportation system, contributing significantly to global efforts to combat climate change and create a more sustainable future for generations to come.

Your Ultimate Guide to Finding the Cheapest 4×4 Wheels Online

Looking to upgrade your 4×4’s performance without blowing your budget? You’re in the right place. In this article, we’ll walk you through the best strategies for finding the cheapest 4×4 wheels online without compromising quality and durability.

how to buy 4x4 wheels online

1. Visit Online Marketplaces

The first place to start your hunt for affordable 4×4 wheels is reputable online marketplaces. Websites like eBay, Amazon, and Craigslist often have an extensive range of options available. These platforms allow sellers from around the globe to offer products, leading to competitive pricing that can work in your favor.

2. Check Out Specialized Online Stores

Several online stores specialize in automotive parts, including 4×4 wheels. Stores like AutoAnything, Tire Rack, and our very own website provide a myriad of choices for every type of vehicle. We take pride in offering a variety of quality wheels at some of the most competitive prices on the market.

3. Use Price Comparison Websites

Price comparison websites are an invaluable tool for anyone shopping for the cheapest 4×4 wheels online. Websites such as Google Shopping, PriceGrabber, and Shopzilla compile prices from various online retailers, enabling you to quickly compare prices and find the best deal.

4. Wait for Seasonal Sales

If you can afford to wait, most online retailers have seasonal or holiday sales where they offer significant discounts on their products. Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and end-of-year sales are perfect times to bag a bargain on 4×4 wheels.

5. Sign Up for Newsletters

Many online stores offer exclusive discounts to their newsletter subscribers. By subscribing to these newsletters, you can get early access to sales, exclusive deals, and even special coupons to help you save on your 4×4 wheel purchase.

6. Check for Overstock or Clearance Sales

Overstock or clearance sales are another great way to find cheap 4×4 wheels online. These deals usually come up when stores want to clear out old inventory to make room for new stock.

While finding the cheapest 4×4 wheels online is a great goal, it’s crucial to balance cost with quality. Remember, your vehicle’s safety and performance largely depend on the quality of its components. Therefore, while hunting for the best deal, ensure you’re also getting a reliable, sturdy product that will serve you well for years to come.

Here at our website, we are committed to providing quality 4×4 wheels at the most affordable prices. We invite you to browse our extensive collection and find the perfect set for your vehicle today.

The Future of Mobility: Exploring Electric Car Charging Solutions

As the world shifts towards a more sustainable future, electric vehicles (EVs) have emerged as a key component of the transition to clean and efficient transportation. With the rise of EVs, the development of reliable and accessible electric car charging solutions becomes increasingly important. In this article, we will delve into the future of mobility by exploring the various electric car charging solutions available today. From home charging to public infrastructure, we will provide friendly and helpful insights into the evolving landscape of electric car charging. So, let’s dive in and discover the exciting world of electric vehicle charging!

types of EV charging stations

1. Home Charging

Home charging is the most convenient and accessible option for many electric vehicle owners. By installing a dedicated charging station at home, EV owners can conveniently charge their vehicles overnight or during periods of low electricity demand. Here are a few key points about home charging:

Charging Equipment

Home charging stations, also known as Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE), provide a safe and efficient way to charge your electric vehicle. These stations can be installed by certified installers such as Pro EV and are compatible with various EV models.

Level 1 vs. Level 2 Charging

Level 1 charging utilizes a standard 120-volt household outlet, offering a slower charging rate, typically adding 2-5 miles of range per hour. Level 2 charging, on the other hand, requires a 240-volt outlet and provides faster charging speeds, typically adding 10-25 miles of range per hour.

Smart Charging

Some home charging stations come equipped with smart charging capabilities, allowing users to schedule charging sessions, monitor energy usage, and take advantage of off-peak electricity rates. This helps optimize charging efficiency and reduce costs.

2. Public Charging Infrastructure

To support long-distance travel and provide charging options for those without access to home charging, public charging infrastructure plays a vital role. Public charging stations are strategically located in parking lots, shopping centers, highways, and other public spaces. Here’s what you need to know about public charging infrastructure.

Level 2 and DC Fast Charging

Public charging stations offer Level 2 (240-volt) charging as well as DC Fast Charging (DCFC). DCFC stations provide high-power charging, allowing EV owners to rapidly recharge their vehicles, typically adding 60-80 miles of range in just 20-30 minutes.

Network Providers

Various charging network providers offer access to a wide range of public charging stations through membership programs or pay-as-you-go options. These providers maintain and expand the charging infrastructure, ensuring a reliable network of charging stations.

Mobile Apps and Maps

EV drivers can easily locate and navigate to available charging stations using mobile apps and online maps. These tools provide real-time information about station availability, pricing, and compatibility with different EV models.

3. Workplace and Destination Charging

Workplace and destination charging stations are increasingly common, providing EV owners with additional charging opportunities while they work, shop, or dine. These charging stations contribute to the overall accessibility and convenience of electric vehicle ownership. Consider the following points:

Employer Support

Many companies and organizations are installing charging stations in their parking lots to support employee adoption of electric vehicles. Workplace charging allows EV owners to conveniently charge their vehicles during working hours, increasing EV adoption rates.

Destination Charging

Hotels, shopping centers, and other destinations often offer EV charging stations to attract environmentally conscious customers. Destination charging provides peace of mind for EV owners, knowing they can top up their vehicle’s battery while enjoying their visit.

Why Electric Cars are the More Sustainable Choice

4. Emerging Technologies

The future of electric car charging is continually evolving, with ongoing advancements and emerging technologies on the horizon. These technologies aim to improve charging efficiency, reduce charging times, and enhance the overall EV ownership experience. Here are a few noteworthy advancements:

Ultra-Fast Charging

Researchers and industry experts are developing ultra-fast charging technologies that can add significant range to an EV’s battery in a matter of minutes. These advancements are poised to revolutionize long-distance travel and address range anxiety concerns.

Wireless Charging

Wireless charging systems, also known as inductive charging, are being developed to allow EVs to charge by simply parking over a charging pad. This technology eliminates the need for physical cables and connectors, further streamlining the charging process.

Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) Integration

V2G technology allows electric vehicles to not only draw power from the grid but also send excess electricity back into the grid when needed. This bi-directional flow of energy has the potential to stabilize the grid and create a more dynamic and sustainable energy ecosystem.


Electric car charging solutions are rapidly evolving to meet the growing demand for sustainable mobility. From home charging to public infrastructure, workplace and destination charging to emerging technologies, the future of electric car charging holds great promise. As the world shifts towards cleaner transportation, it is essential to embrace and support the development of reliable and accessible charging solutions. By exploring these various options and advancements, we can drive the transition to a sustainable and electrified future of mobility.

Where Are All the Electric Vans?

The USA is way behind Europe when it comes to electric vehicles, with sales in Europe exceeding 1 million in 2018, while US figures stood at just 750,000. This is despite the giants of Silicon Valley, including Google, Amazon and Tesla, all making strides to offer electric vehicles to the mass market. The area where the contrast is most clear is in regards to vans. While Europe has many on offer, electric vans are almost non-existent on American roads. Where does this leave commercial enterprises looking to cut their carbon emissions?

Europe Leading the Way

Although hardly the norm, it isn’t uncommon to see fully electric commercial vehicles on European streets. German based DHL are selling over 5000 StreetScooters a year, allowing companies to offer battery powered deliveries. Meanwhile, the UK’s best selling plug in van is the Nissan e-NV200. This attractive commercial vehicle is on sale throughout Europe, selling more than 4000 a year. Unfortunately, it is not available in the US.

If you are a businessman looking to cut fossil fuel usage, while driving a commercial vehicle, then you may be better off moving to Europe. Greenhouse gases in the continent fell 22% between 1990 and 2016. The USA is struggling to keep up with the switch to renewable energy sources.

Is Tesla the Only Game in Town?

Don’t worry – it isn’t all bad news for the USA. With companies like Tesla offering their own electric pickup and semi vehicles, there could be a shift in sale trends soon. However, neither of these vehicles are yet to hit the mass market. Other electric truck or van options are few and far between. The likes of Google are focusing their efforts on creating self-drive vehicles rather than venturing into commercial electric automobiles that are wheelchair accessible as well.. 

Other Ways to Cut Carbon Emissions

Keep searching for the perfect electric van for your company. If Europe has them, then you can find one in America. In the meantime, however, consider other ways to cut your carbon footprint. For the running of any electronics, invest in solar power. This has really taken off in the USA and is one of the cheapest options available. You should also try to source products locally and remove plastic packaging from your goods.

EVs really can’t arrive soon enough, but commercial vans and trucks are yet to become mainstream. The USA needs to take a leaf out of Europe’s book and invest in electric vans. In the meantime, consider switching to solar power and taking other steps to reduce your company’s carbon emissions.

4 Benefits of Switching to Electric Cars

Electric vehicles or EVs are still a relatively new concept in the automotive industry, but as they’re becoming more mainstream, they’re also becoming more affordable. Due to the greater variety of options, it’s much easier to find an EV that suits your needs and budget, making EVs more accessible than ever before.

And switching the EVs comes with some significant benefits that we will explore in this article.

benefits of switching to EVs

Better for the Environment

This is the most obvious advantage of driving an electric car. Conventional vehicles generate exhaust emissions that have harmful effects on the environment. Switching to EVs would reduce pollution and improve air quality in cities.

Although they still need to be charged from the grid, their carbon footprint is between 17 and 30% lower than that of conventional cars, and if you want to reduce it even further, you can get electricity from renewable sources through your electricity provider or charge it using a solar PV system.

They’re Cheaper in the Long-Run

Before electric cars become mainstream, there were only a few manufacturers you could buy from, but these days there are a lot more options and, as we already mentioned in the introduction, this has resulted in better technology at a lower cost. Plus, there are usually discounts and other incentives that further reduce their price. Insurance can also be more expensive, but not by a lot, and you can use online comparison tools to find the best car insurance quotes.

For drivers looking for a more cost-effective and efficient method of transportation, EVs offer great long-term value and can be a terrific investment. Their prices are already comparable to those of diesel and petrol automobiles, but their long-term ownership costs are far lower. Because of tax breaks, special government grants, improved fuel efficiency, lower maintenance requirements, and lower electricity costs, you can save a lot of money by switching to an electric car.

Also Read: Why Electric Cars are a Luxury – Understanding Cost and Benefits

Better Performance

It’s a common misconception that conventional cars provide better performance. In reality, electric vehicles are superior in terms of power, torque, and acceleration. The batteries are installed in the chassis, which gives them a lower center of gravity, making them easier to maneuver as well.

It’s true that because of limited battery capacity, combustion engines still perform better on the track over long distances, but technology continues to advance, so this might change soon. Plus, this is a difference that’s not likely to cause inconveniences outside a racetrack.

electric cars in usa


First of all, electric vehicles have to pass the same safety tests as their gasoline and diesel-powered counterparts.

They’re easier to maneuver because of the lower center of gravity, and they are fitted with the newest safety technologies like cruise control, sensors, and monitoring systems.

Upon impact, the airbags will deploy, and the battery’s electrical supply will be cut off. Electric vehicles must be “intrinsically safe,” which means that as soon as a problem is detected in the battery, the power flow is interrupted to prevent further damage. In the event of an accident, the battery is isolated from the other high-voltage components within milliseconds.

Aside from that, they do not use flammable fuel, which can result in explosions and severe injuries.

Recommended Reading: Electric Car Technology – What Your VIN Can Tell You

Choose a Car That Fits Your Lifestyle: 4 Great Options to Consider

Buying a car is a big decision. You’ll be spending a lot of money on something that will be your primary mode of transportation to and from work, school, and other important events. When looking for the most memorable vehicle or any other vehicle, it’s a good idea to think about what types of vehicles ideally suit your lifestyle. It’s normal to want a car that looks good and is fun to drive, but cars aren’t just beautiful things. Also, you have to think about how the vehicle will be used. Here’s a breakdown of Gurney’s Automotive vehicle types and why they’re best suited.

Electric cars are the future of eco-friendly transportation

 4 Vehicle Types to Consider

1. Cars

Most vehicles are available in two entry-level packages, known as roadsters, or in four entry-level packages, known as cars. Vehicles are the most common vehicle type and are useful for a variety of purposes. Cars are very popular with drivers who have to commute to work or school as they tend to have the highest miles per gallon. Many gaming vehicles are roadsters, and these are well-known choices for people who like convertibles or want to go fast. The vehicles are also ideal for couples or families with younger people.

2. Vans

There are two types of vans. A typical van is a large vehicle that is often used by businesses. Drivers who need to transport their children often use minivans. A minivan is a smaller version of a minivan that handles more like a car than a truck. A van usually has a lot of storage space and can usually carry up to seven people. Even smaller vans than expected can easily be converted into wheelchairs.

3. SUVs

SUVs were originally intended as commercial vehicles but have recently become popular family cars. Many SUVs are equipped with all-wheel drive, which allows driving on difficult terrain. Like minivans, SUVs offer space for five to nine people, depending on the model. If you have to drive every day, an SUV might not be the best choice as it tends to be low on fuel.

Transport Fleets Using Telematics

4. Trucks

Trucks are often chosen for people who frequently need to transport equipment or materials. Because many truck models can accommodate up to five passengers, they’re a popular choice for active families. Another option for trucks is an RV shell that provides weather protection in the bed area.

When choosing a model, consider your preferred style and the functions you want your vehicle to have. Choosing the perfect vehicle for your lifestyle is a difficult decision that requires careful thought.

Factors to Consider When Installing Commercial EV Chargers

More and more businesses are moving away from their fossil-fuel fleets to plug-in hybrid and adopting all-electric vehicles these days. It is easy to see why when so many companies have sustainable motoring as a part of their corporate and social responsibility policies. Why would you continue to run old technology when electric vehicles (EVs) provide so many advantages, not least in boosting a brand’s green credentials?

Factors When Installing Commercial EV Chargers

And yet there is a cost associated with switching from fossil fuels to EVs. Not only do you have to establish the capital cost of the fleet whether you intend on buying vehicles outright or leasing them but you also need to consider the necessary charging infrastructure, as well. Although charging an electric car’s battery from a three-in mains outlet is technically possible, it will be slow and, worse still, could be unsafe. Given that the production of fossil-fuel-powered cars will cease at the end of this decade, it is consequently not surprising to hear how many companies are buying their own commercial EV chargers.

Indeed, as the 2020s draw to a close, you can only expect the demand for commercial EV charging equipment to grow. Therefore, forward-thinking businesses are already focussed on perhaps the most important consideration of all – adopting this new technology sooner rather than later. If you and your businesses are already committed to such a switchover, what are the other considerations you should be weighing up? Read on to find out.

1. Location and Property

To begin with, you will need somewhere suitable for your EV chargers to go. In many cases, businesses already possess suitably sized car parks outside of their offices where charging equipment can be located. Typically, wallboxes will be fixed to parking bays close to the main building for security and convenience. However, robust floor-standing units are also available that can be fitted further afield and, perhaps, charge multiple cars in neighbouring bays simultaneously.

Please note that it is possible to install EV chargers even if you have no car park but you do have access to off-street parking. In addition, the lease of your business premises will make a difference. Owner-occupiers will be fine but if you rent your commercial premises, then you ought to check what is allowed outside. For now, the main thing to take on board is that in the majority of cases, fitting EV chargers at rented commercial premises is possible.

Why Electric Cars are the More Sustainable Choice

2. EV Fleets and Capacity

The next thing to consider is how much charging capacity you will need. Some offices may want to be able to charge their entire sales team’s cars when they turn up for the weekly sales meeting. Others may have electrically powered delivery vans that they want to charge up overnight and on weekends. The size and scale of your electric fleet will impact on the capacity you need.

As previously mentioned, some EV chargers can charge more than one electric car at a time. This may affect how fast the process is, however. Therefore, you may still need to ramp up capacity to meet peak demand. Fortunately, there are many different chargers around from the likes of Sevadis and EO, to name but two manufacturers, that will offer a range of charging capacities to suit all business models.

3. Public and Private Usage

Although many businesses will want the sole use of their EV chargers, not all will. If you run a restaurant or a visitor attraction, for instance, then providing EV chargers for customers may be a good way to monetise their use of the car park. There again, you may have a forecourt where you will want to charge your own car while also levying a fee for others to do so at other times. If so, then check out the commercial options available, some of which also double-up as electronic advertising hoardings, before opting for a particular charger.

4. Installers and Suppliers

If you have decided on an EV charger manufacturer, then don’t immediately jump into purchasing your chosen system. Many businesses will benefit by turning to an approved installer instead. According to Go Electrix, an established EV charging equipment fitter that covers London and Essex, it is often more cost-effective to buy your equipment through the company that will go on to install it for you. This is because they tend to offer favourable pricing thanks to pre-existing arrangements with charger manufacturers.

In addition, when you buy your EV charger from an approved installer, you should be better placed to purchase the right equipment. Typically, professional installation companies will conduct site surveys at commercial premises so that the equipment you buy doesn’t just do the job for which you intend it but also looks good, as well.


5. Three-Phase Versus One-Phase Installations

Note that not all commercial premises have three-phase wiring installations as many factories or other places of work that have a high energy demand may enjoy. This may place a limit on the sort of EV charging equipment you can invest in. Typically, single-phase wiring systems can only support up to 7kW chargers while three-phase ones often go up to 22kW. Therefore, if you are considering switching from fossil-fuel cars in your fleet to EVs, then you might also weigh up the merits of a complete rewire so that a three-phase installation will be possible.

6. Grant Funding

Finally, you need to know that you are not on your own when it comes to funding the installation of a commercial EV charger system at your place of work. This is because the government provides grants to businesses so long as the sort of EVs they have bought and the charging equipment they intend on installing are compliant. Many are, so there is still plenty of choice.

Check out the government’s OZEV scheme. Up to £15,000 is available for commercial EV charger installations per application. In fact, you could get as much as £500 per parking bay you convert into a charging zone. This dramatically reduces the amount of finance you’ll have to find from within your business development budget, of course, so don’t miss out.