Top 5 Eco-Friendly Cryptocurrencies That Will Make Our Future More Green

The future of our planet is a topic that can’t be ignored, and the crypto world has taken notice. Here we explore five trailblazing, eco-friendly cryptocurrencies that are making strides towards a greener future. Our experts at CryptoGamepad did their research and concluded that these next tokens will have the most impact in the future.

top 5 eco-friendly cryptocurrencies

1. Meet the Eco-Friendly GreenTrust Token (GNT)

First up is the GreenTrust Token, GNT. This token isn’t just digital money – it’s a stand for the environment.

GreenTrust commits itself to offsetting carbon emissions generated by blockchain technology. They’re not just talking the talk; they’re walking the walk by integrating sustainable practices into the core of their operations.

This blockchain-based project invests in eco-projects and aids in the development of green technologies. Now, isn’t that a crypto you could get behind?

2. Going Green with the Chia (XCH) Token

If the GreenTrust sparked your interest, wait until you hear about the Chia token.

This green digital currency works on the premise of ‘proof of space and time’ rather than the conventional ‘proof of work’. This novel approach results in a drastic reduction of energy usage, making Chia an eco-conscious investor’s dream.

Beyond its environmental benefits, Chia’s unique algorithm offers enhanced security and a more decentralized network, making it a potential game-changer in the crypto space.

environmentally-friendly cryptocurrencies to watch out

3. Welcome the Planet Friendly IMPT (IMPT) Token

On the journey to eco-friendly crypto, we stumble upon the IMPT token. The creators of this token have sustainability at the heart of their operations.

Powered by the Etherum blockchain, the IMPT token aims to revolutionize the renewable energy sector. It focuses on funding innovative, clean energy projects, contributing to a more sustainable and eco-friendly world.

Investing in IMPT isn’t just about growing your digital assets; it’s about supporting a vision for a green planet.

4. The Environment-Friendly BitGreen (BITG) Token

Next on our list is the BitGreen token. Built on the BitGreen platform, this token promotes eco-friendly decisions within its blockchain ecosystem.

The BitGreen platform incentivizes environment-friendly behavior. Each BITG token saved reduces the energy usage of the platform, helping to create a sustainable blockchain network.

So if you’re keen on crypto and want to make a positive impact on the environment, the BitGreen token is for you!

5. The Eco-Conscious Signum (SIGNA) Token

Last, but by no means least, is the Signum token. Formerly known as Burstcoin, Signum offers an energy-efficient alternative to traditional blockchain technology.

Unlike most cryptocurrencies, Signum operates using a ‘proof of capacity’ model. This method drastically reduces energy consumption, making Signum a leading player in the realm of green digital currencies.

So, if you’re an investor looking to make an impact, keep an eye on Signum.

Wrapping up, the rise of eco-friendly cryptocurrencies showcases an exciting shift in the world of blockchain technology. It’s a clear sign that the crypto industry can evolve to meet the urgent demands of our changing planet.

Remember, the tokens listed here aren’t just cryptocurrencies – they’re our chance to shape a greener future.

This list was brought to you by CryptoGamepad, your top source for crypto gaming news and token price predictions. Stay tuned for more insightful takes on the world of cryptocurrency.

Eco-Friendly Invoicing: How to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint and Streamline Business Operations

Did you know that there’s an eco-friendly way to go about invoicing for your business? When you switch to an electronic or digital system, you can significantly decrease your carbon footprint and the impact that you have on this planet.

E-invoicing is every business’s answer to greener accounting and administration.

Environmental Benefits of Ecofriendly Invoicing System

What is E-Invoicing?

Some people call it e-invoicing, others call it digital or online invoicing. Whatever name it’s given, it means taking your entire invoicing system and making it paperless. Instead of using a traditional invoice book and handwriting your invoices, or even using a computer and then printing them out, you keep all your invoicing on your computer and online.

From creating the invoice to emailing it to your client, as well as your tracking system for invoices and payments—it’s all done using modern technology.

The Environmental Benefits of a Digital Invoicing System

Of course, one of the biggest draws for businesses these days is that digital invoicing is a far more environmentally friendly way to operate than the old paper methods. So, how exactly does e-invoicing help the environment?

  • The average invoice is about 2.5 pages long, so you need to use three pieces of paper for each invoice that you print out.
  • If you post an invoice, you also have to consider the paper used for the envelope and for the stamp.
  • You can’t be sure that those invoices will ever get recycled by your client.
  • Physical paperwork needs to be stored somewhere, often in files or folders that are yet more paper or card, or they’re made of plastic—which is bad for the environment.
  • If you use any embossing or most fancier papers, you’ll find that your invoices are no longer recyclable.

Other Advantages for Your Business

Digital invoicing isn’t just good for the environment; it’s actually good for business. There are plenty of advantages to making the switch, including:

1. Save on Money

It actually costs your business less to use a digital system than a paper system. For one, you don’t have to continually buy paper and envelopes, ink and toner for your printer, invoice books, and other re;ated equipment or tools. True, you can spend money on invoicing or accounting software, but that expense is significantly less when you take the whole system into account.

Another way you save money is that your invoicing system becomes a lot simpler. Remember, time is money, and when you’re spending time writing out invoices or printing and posting them, you’re costing your business money.

Sterling Commerce did a study that showed the exact costs saved by a business that went digital back in 2010. On average, a company went from spending $30 on processing one invoice down to $3.50 after making the switch. That’s a huge saving, and has only increased in the last decade.

2. Reduce the Risk of Human Error

Depending on how advanced your invoicing system is, you can almost entirely cut out the possibility of human error. Even if you use a spreadsheet to create invoices and track them, you can ensure that you don’t make calculation errors by letting the software do it for you. It’s also possible to have your spreadsheets talk to each other, so that important information like invoice totals is automatically copied into your tracking spreadsheet.

If you use a more advanced software for your digital invoicing system, you can set it to auto-populate your invoices based on the codes you input. The software will automatically calculate line-item totals, VAT or tax, shipping costs, and anything else relevant to a particular invoice.

There’s simply nothing more painstaking than writing out each item on an invoice and breaking out the calculator to tally it up.

3. Streamline Your Entire Process

No matter the size of your business, the invoicing process is a big part of your operations. If you can streamline the system, you can boost your productivity and improve your bottom line. It’s a win-win.

It might take a bit of time to set everything up properly, but once your system is running smoothly, you’ll find invoicing a lot simpler to do. Additionally, by streamlining the process, you can free up time for other tasks within your business. This is useful whether you run your invoicing on your own or you have an entire team for your business accounts.

Statistics show that you can reduce your processing time for one invoice from 15 days to just three. This is a massive time saver for businesses of all sizes.

4. Get Paid Quicker

Following on from the point of reducing the time of invoice processing, you can see how you might end up helping your cash flow when you switch to digital invoicing. Due to the fact that the invoice and its trail is all digital, you can track exactly where it is, and so can your client.

You can see exactly when it was sent to the client, and you can see when the invoice is due, and therefore, when you should send follow-ups. What’s more, you can automate the process of sending and chasing, and even thanking the client when payment is received.

a paper free office

You no longer have to manually create the invoice, wait for the postal system to get it to your customer, and then wonder if enough time has passed before you follow up. You’ll know precisely when the client received the invoice, and you can be certain that it didn’t get lost in the mail or sent to the wrong person at your client’s company.

Make the Switch to Eco-Friendly Invoicing

Digital invoicing is, quite simply, the smart choice for any business in today’s world. Drawing up these documents now only takes a few minutes at most and invoice processing is made quicker, easier, and more effective. E-invoices are also good for the environment, making your business a greener supplier; which is something that many people look for today when choosing a company to buy from.

When you look at all the positives for the environment and your business, there’s really no reason why you shouldn’t make the switch—if you haven’t done so already!

Ways New Windows and Doors Can Make Your Home Eco-Friendly

Windows and doors are an important part of any home, both aesthetically and functionally. Not only do they let in light and provide access to the outdoors, but they also play a crucial role in energy efficiency. Older windows and doors can be a significant source of energy loss, which can have a negative impact on both the environment and your wallet. Fortunately, upgrading to newer, more energy-efficient windows and doors can help to reduce your home’s carbon footprint and save you money on your energy bills.

Here are some of the ways that updating windows and doors can make your home more eco-friendly:

ways new windows and doors can make your home eco-friendly

Improved Insulation

One of the primary benefits of upgrading your windows and doors is improved insulation. Older windows and doors may have gaps or cracks that allow air to leak in and out, which can cause your home’s heating and cooling system to work harder to maintain a consistent temperature. This not only wastes energy but also increases your energy bills.

Newer windows and doors are designed with improved insulation technology that helps to minimize air leaks and keep your home more comfortable. This can help to reduce your energy consumption and save you money on your heating and cooling bills.

Energy-Efficient Glass

The use of energy-efficient glass is another way that new windows and doors can make your home more eco-friendly. Windows and doors that feature double or triple-pane glass with low-emissivity (Low-E) coatings are designed to reduce heat transfer and improve insulation, making them highly effective at reducing energy consumption.

Double and triple-pane windows feature multiple layers of glass with an insulating layer of air or gas trapped between them. This helps to reduce heat transfer between the inside and outside of your home, providing better insulation and reducing the amount of energy required to heat or cool your home. The insulating layer of air or gas can also help to reduce noise pollution, providing a more peaceful and comfortable living environment.

In addition to double and triple-pane glass, Low-E coatings can be applied to the glass to further improve energy efficiency. These coatings are designed to reflect heat back into your home in the winter, keeping your home warmer and reducing the need for heating. In the summer, the coatings help to block heat from entering your home, which can reduce your cooling costs and minimize the need for air conditioning.

By choosing windows and doors with energy-efficient glass and Low-E coatings, you can reduce your energy bills and carbon footprint while also creating a more comfortable and sustainable living environment. In fact, energy-efficient windows and doors can save homeowners up to 15% on their energy bills, making them a smart investment in the long run.

Sustainable Materials

When it comes to choosing new windows and doors for your home, one important factor to consider is the environmental impact of the materials used in their production. Many manufacturers now offer sustainable options that can help to reduce the environmental impact of window and door production and contribute to a more sustainable future.

how to improve the energy efficiency of your home

Choosing eco-friendly materials for your home’s windows and doors not only helps to reduce the environmental impact of their production but also contributes to a more sustainable future overall. By supporting responsible forestry practices, reducing the demand for new vinyl production, and exploring other sustainable material options, you can help to create a more eco-friendly home that is both beautiful and functional.

Increased Natural Light

Upgrading your windows and doors can have a significant impact on the amount of natural light that enters your home. This can not only improve the aesthetics of your living space but can also help to reduce your reliance on artificial lighting, resulting in lower energy bills and reduced carbon emissions.

By increasing the amount of natural light that enters your home, you can make better use of the sunlight during the day and reduce your dependence on electric lights. This can lead to significant energy savings over time, particularly if you choose to install windows and doors that are specifically designed to maximize natural light.

Moreover, exposure to natural light has been shown to have a range of positive health benefits. Natural light has been linked to improved mood, increased productivity, and reduced stress levels, among other things. By upgrading your windows and doors to increase natural light, you can create a more comfortable and inviting living space that promotes wellness and reduces your carbon footprint at the same time.

In addition, maximizing natural light can also help to reduce your home’s heating costs. During the winter months, natural light can provide a source of passive solar heating, which can help to keep your home warm without relying on your heating system. By choosing windows and doors that are designed to maximize natural light and passive solar heating, you can reduce your heating costs and lower your carbon emissions even further.

Commercial bi-fold doors are an excellent upgrade that can add a lot of natural light to your commercial space. These doors are designed to fold back in sections, creating a large opening that allows natural light to flood your space.

Improved Air Quality

Older windows and doors may allow drafts and other outdoor pollutants to enter your home, which can have a negative impact on indoor air quality. This can be particularly problematic for individuals with respiratory issues or allergies. For instance, if your home has drafty windows, pollen, dust, and other outdoor pollutants can easily find their way indoors, which can trigger allergy symptoms and exacerbate asthma.

how to improve indoor air quality

By upgrading to newer windows and doors with improved insulation, you can help to minimize these issues and keep your home’s air clean and healthy. Newer windows and doors are designed to be airtight, which means they are better at preventing drafts and keeping outdoor pollutants at bay. This can help to create a healthier living environment for you and your family, particularly if you live in an area with high levels of outdoor pollution.

In addition, newer windows and doors can also be designed to provide better ventilation. This is important because proper ventilation can help to reduce the concentration of indoor pollutants, such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and carbon dioxide (CO2). Improved ventilation can also help to control humidity levels, which can reduce the risk of mold growth and other moisture-related issues.

Reduced Noise Pollution

New windows and doors can also help to reduce noise pollution in your home. If you live in a noisy area, such as near a busy street or airport, upgrading to new windows and doors with improved insulation can help to block out unwanted noise. This not only makes your home more comfortable, but it also reduces the need for you to use noisy appliances like fans or air purifiers to drown out the sound.

In conclusion, upgrading to new windows and doors can have a significant impact on your home’s energy efficiency, environmental impact, and indoor air quality. By choosing windows and doors with improved insulation, ventilation, and other eco-friendly features, you can create a more comfortable and healthy living environment while also reducing your carbon footprint and saving money on energy bills.

Why Should Banks Implement Eco-Friendly Payment Solutions?

Banks play an important role in facilitating investment flows and financing economic activity. However, most banks do not think about the effect they have on the environment or society when making strategic decisions. Revenue is the main priority in the banking industry. However, many consumers are now asking for change. They want the banking industry to become more eco-friendly.

Banks who choose to favour more eco-friendly solutions can do their part in reducing the strain on the planet’s resources and better align with their customer’s expectations at the same time. One way banks in which can become more eco-friendly is by introducing more eco-friendly payment solutions. By introducing these solutions, banks will not only improve their bottom line, but they will also be embracing the environmental aspirations of their customers.

Here are some of the ways that banks can make their payment solutions more eco-friendly:

ecofriendly payment solutions for banks

1. Encourage Circular Thinking

For a long time now, businesses have followed the take, make, dispose-of paradigm, the ‘linear economy’, in which resources are seen as endless. In fact, evidence suggests that only 9% of 89 billion tons of materials are re-used or recycled.

Today, single-use plastic accounts for over 40% of the world’s plastic production. Thanks to this, plastic pollution is now one of the most serious environmental issues in the world. However, plastic still remains one of the main materials of the modern world and despite more and more people understanding the issues we face, plastic production is still on the increase.

With this in mind, we need to think of ways to overcome these issues, such as changing behaviours, business models and consumption models. Changes to plastic recycling and plastics will have a huge impact on taking care of the world around us by reducing oil consumption, saving landfill space, reducing emissions, and saving energy. Banks need to challenge the take, make, dispose linear model, and instead replace it with a reduce, reuse, recycle way of thinking.

circular economy

2. Introduce Greener Payment Solutions

If banks want to continue to thrive in this eco-conscious world, they need to consider offering their customers more eco-friendly payment solutions. A recent survey suggested that nearly 90% of consumers expected their banks to offer more eco-friendly cards. In fact, many of these consumers also stated that they would change banks if their bank wasn’t eco-conscious.

3. Have an All-Inclusive Eco-Friendly Approach

Customers have begun to demand that banks offer eco-friendly solutions in the payment value chain. Evidence suggests that 65% of customers expect banks to offer digital statements as an alternative to paper documents, and over 70% of consumers believe that banks should offer a recycling service for old, unused cards.

a paper free office

As a result of this, banks should consider making their payment cards out of more eco-friendly materials. However, this is not the only thing they need to do. They should also consider reducing their carbon footprint, recycling expired cards, replacing paper statements with digital alternatives, and introducing more eco-friendly packaging.

Green banking is no longer something to simply consider; it is something that needs to be done now. Banks that move from a linear to a circular economy are not only aligning with their customers’ expectations who decide whether a brand flourishes or withers, but they are also taking responsibility from an ethical perspective.

Check out Pay iO if you are looking for a trusted banking partner for your business.

How Can Managed IT Services Help Your Business Become More Sustainable

How sustainable is your IT strategy? Sustainability in business is a significant concern, especially when incorporating it into your tech stack.

Your business needs to balance innovation and growth with environmental consciousness and responsibility. This effort involves considering the hardware and software systems you choose, among other IT assets. Most importantly, how you manage and dispose of these assets reflects your business’s sustainability efforts.

how to make your business more sustainable with managed IT services

However, not all businesses have the right people, infrastructure, and experience to manage IT assets and address their challenges, vulnerabilities, and threats. That’s where managed IT services come into play.

But how can a managed IT service help you promote a greener business footprint? Learn more about making your business more sustainable with managed IT services below.

Establish Benchmarks For Smarter Roadmaps

Many companies want to align their technology approach with broader sustainability goals. But the problem is the lack of knowledge and understanding of their technological needs and unclear sustainability goals. In addition, going paperless isn’t enough, and embracing digital technology generates a considerable digital footprint.

Managed IT services can help businesses establish benchmarks for smarter roadmaps to meet tech needs and sustainability objectives. Environmental benchmarking aims to reduce a business’s carbon emissions by continuously evaluating solutions, workflows, and equipment.

Without environmental benchmarking, evaluating if your business is progressing in its sustainability efforts is difficult. A managed IT service company can help prioritize this task to make your business more sustainable.

You can get managed IT in Phoenix or your area to kickstart your business’s sustainability journey.

Provide Flexible IT Infrastructure

Is your IT infrastructure obsolete? How do you want to have a flexible IT infrastructure without generating dramatic environmental impacts?

As companies accelerate their digital transformation efforts, their tech requirements change. Businesses want to upgrade their IT infrastructure to the latest operating systems, hardware models, and other tech advancements to keep up with the tough competition.

However, the challenge lies in maintaining a flexible IT infrastructure. If you want your business to maximize benefits from your legacy systems and existing technology, think of a more informed approach.

A managed IT service company can assess your existing business system and help you develop a more flexible IT infrastructure to scale your business.

Recommend Sustainable Products And Solutions

Managed IT service companies have highly trained, experienced, and qualified technology professionals who can recommend sustainable products and solutions for your business.

These professionals can assist you in comparing different tech products considering their lifecycle and environmental performance.

For instance, a managed IT service can recommend the best renewable energy to run your business systems without compromising performance. An IT expert can recommend brands of sustainable laptops, computer systems, servers, and other hardware solutions that generate less emissions.

You can also get expert tech insights about smart data asset management and how to empower your employees with data and tech tools to boost sustainability consciousness and proactive efforts.

Assist In Cloud Migration

Drive business sustainability with cloud hosting. Instead of using local servers that generate much power, cloud computing utilizes a network of internet-hosted remote servers for data management, processing, and storage.

Cloud migration is a sustainable effort. It can reduce the electrical consumption from energy sources. As a result, this technology can significantly reduce climate impact with fewer emissions and greater energy efficiency.

Moreover, cloud hosting reduces your on-premises footprint by powering and cooling your hardware. A managed IT service company can help you move your data and application to the cloud.

managed IT services and sustainability

In addition, a reputable managed IT service provider can help build cloud workloads sustainably which involves understanding and quantifying the service impacts. Implementing the best practices and applying design principles to decrease these impacts is crucial.

Assist In Proper Electronic Waste Disposal

Businesses can help minimize electronic waste to reduce the amount of energy and conserve the earth’s resources.

ways you can use your old computer

Managed IT services can assist in electronic waste management. They can help businesses connect with recycling companies that practice sustainable practices, such as recycling. Proper e-waste disposal ensures that electronics don’t end up in landfills.

Furthermore, managed IT services can help set up a business to automate waste management tasks. They can recommend apps or solutions to organize storage better, ease waste verification and provide real-time waste monitoring from collection and segregation to its conversion into power and other useful products.

Make Your Business More Sustainable Today

Now more than ever, businesses take sustainability as one of the keys to success. As more customers patronize brands with sustainability advocacy, businesses aim for innovation and growth while promoting a greener footprint. Managed IT services offer solutions that can help you attain these goals.

Ingredients of Environmental Sustainability

Global interest in environmental sustainability is on the rise. Businesses and individuals are making efforts to engage in more environmentally conscious practices, thanks in part to a growing worldwide population and dwindling natural resources. Ultimately, sustainability is the practice of finding long-lasting methods of maintaining our existing quality of life while still preserving the environment and natural resources.

Proponents must consider all aspects of environmental sustainability for it be successful. Additionally, eco-conscious thought must be applied to multiple professions to achieve deep-rooted results. Here are three ingredients to ensure the continued success of environmental sustainability.

Economic Incentives

Everyone knows change can be difficult. Making the shift toward more eco-friendly practices is no different. One way to initiate this change is through financial incentives. Money is an essential factor for families and companies. If sustainable options and practices are too expensive the majority of the population can’t afford to implement them, the environmentally-conscious movement will come grinding to a halt.

Environmentally-friendly technology often carries higher upfront costs but pays off through long-term benefits, both to the environment and to individuals. Additionally, companies that invest in environmentally conscious technology can potentially market to a broader range of consumers with similar interests and values.

When considering options to follow more sustainable practices, consumers need to set specific goals they would like to achieve and define their plan of action. This will also help maintain perspective and keep the focus on the long-term incentives, which will keep everyone motivated to continue down the road to sustainability.

Environmental Protection

Another key factor in environmental sustainability is protecting and preserving the environment. Part of this practice includes sustainable use and management procedures. While specific materials may be renewable over time, overuse can deplete these resources and lead to shortages. Industry professionals must give careful consideration to planning how, when and in what quantity resources will be used.

Surprisingly, several sustainable methods exist to renew depleted environmental resources in a fast and environmentally conscious manner. Agricultural practices often strip fields of necessary minerals and nutrients while leaving behind harmful inorganic residuals from fertilizers.

Naturally occurring microorganisms will eventually restore the soil’s nutrients and neutralize noxious compounds, though this process takes a long time. Bioremediation can expedite this process. Industry professionals can introduce higher numbers of the naturally occurring microbes and then create their optimal living conditions by varying the amount of water and food they have available.

Once the harmful pollutants are neutralized, farmers can resume planting operations. In addition to bioremediation, sustainable agricultural practices include rotating crops and using cover crops. Rotating crops and using cover crops can help reduce the occurrence of weeds and the impact of pests. In turn, farmers can use less fertilizer and maintain soil health for more extended periods.

Fostering interest in sustainability at a young age will encourage future leaders


Without proper education, the general public won’t understand the importance of sustainability. This may lead to a decreased demand for sustainable products and procedures, which will foster growth in non-sustainable markets and practices. Future generations will then be left with the task of preserving and repairing the environment.

Fostering interest in sustainability at a young age will encourage future leaders to create innovative solutions to meet the current demands of society through unconventional and eco-conscious lifestyle. The future youth will also need the proper educational background to develop the tools they need to cultivate these solutions.

Environmental education also helps adults understand the impact their choices have on themselves and society. Uneducated adults may not recognize their choices to pollute or use toxic chemicals are degrading the local water supply for their neighbors or are harmful to their health. Once they understand the full weight of their decisions, they will be able to make the most informed choices.

With proper management and forethought, environmental sustainability can be fully achievable in our society today.

A New Form of Ecotourism in Cyprus

Ecotourism has gained popularity as different states seek sustainability. It was one of the millennial goals at the global level, and many states have invested money and ideas into the project. Cyprus has not been left behind and has done a lot to promote a new form of ecotourism in the country. If you are planning to obtain a Cyprus immigration with One Visa, their agents definitely mention a few things about ecotourism in Cyprus. Now that you are reading this publication, you have come to the right place to get insights on a new form of ecotourism.

Guided Walks

Cyprus has a plethora of trained guides to lead you on nature walks. You can easily choose the destination from a list of many depending on what you want to view and experience. Some are best suited for the family while others are suited for explorers.

For walks and expeditions in the forest and on the beaches, the guides will explain all the regulations that seek to protect the habitat by leaving it as natural as possible. Unfortunately, Cyprus’s government does not allow collection of souvenirs and artifacts.

Cyprus Village Tours

Cyprus still has people living in villages in rural areas. However, the villages are becoming smaller by the day, and the government is encouraging their growth. This is one way to preserve the original culture of the Cypriot people.

The number of people who can take bus tours to the villages is highly regulated. If you would like to visit these villages, make sure that you book well in advance and follow the given regulations.

Marine Tours

Cyprus is an island and has breathtaking and clean beaches. The marine department is obsessed with maintaining the original form of both the beaches and the marine life. However, this does not mean that people cannot go to visit the marine life.

The country offers guided tours to the beach, shallow sea and deep sea. Some of the best scenery can be found at the untouched shipwrecks and with the marine life that dwells in and around the shipwrecks. The diving tours are guided and regulated by the government to make sure that the untouched environment is maintained.

A breath-taking natural attraction in Cyprus

Preserving the Historic Sites

Any tour in Cyprus cannot be complete without touring the historic and cultural ruins. However, have you ever wondered how these sites still exist or why they get recognized all over the world? It has taken great efforts to protect them and let nature take its course.

Even though Cyprus has modern architectural buildings, none has interfered with these cultural and historic sites. They spread all over the island and carry a rich history for all people to enjoy.


Finally, it is worth mentioning that Cyprus has zoos and modern parks that protect indigenous plants and animals. The public is allowed to visit under certain regulations. The government strives to preserve the country’s tourist attractions through the employment of ecotourism strategies. If you visit the country as a tourist or an expat, remember to check the regulations that govern ecotourism.

How Nature Supports Mental and Physical Health

Presented by BetterHelp

Since the beginning of recorded history, it seems like humans have known that their relationship with nature is something pretty special. From the romantic poets to the likes of Ralph Waldo Emerson and more, artists, writers and the rest of us have been fascinated by nature’s effects. And we were right to respect nature’s power. Today, a robust body of research helps us understand a little more about why nature is so important to us, along with how exposure to nature can help make us both physically and mentally healthier. Keep reading for more.

relationship between nature and mental health

Why is Nature So Important?

The short answer is that we aren’t entirely sure – but researchers have offered up several theories. First, there’s the assumption that our connection to nature stems from our ancestors’ reliance on their physical environment for their literal survival – perhaps we’re hard-wired to crave and revere a natural setting that sustained us in generations past. Or, there’s the theory that being in nature simply lowers our stress levels, or that exposure to nature replenishes our cognitive reserves.

While we may not fully understand the mechanism behind it, we do have good reason to believe that exposure to nature is good for us – in fact, nature has been linked to many physical and mental benefits. And like other approaches, including in-person or online therapy, spending time in nature can be an effective tool in the toolbox when it comes to managing the symptoms of many physical and mental health conditions. Let’s take a closer look.

Physical Benefits of Spending Time in Nature

We know that we often feel better after spending time in nature – and the effect is a pretty big deal. In fact, some studies support the idea that time spent in nature can help reduce blood pressure, improve immune function and even speed up post-operative recovery. It’s important to keep in mind, though, that spending time in nature often involves physical activity, such as running, walking or cycling, so it’s been difficult for researchers to isolate the exposure to nature as the cause of improved physical characteristics.

green entrepreneurship

Some of that improvement may also be because of the physical activity participants are engaging in while outdoors. In any case, below we’ve outlined some of the physical benefits attributed to spending time outdoors.

Weight Management

Research shows a positive relationship between time spent in nature and improved physical health. For example, exposure to outdoor spaces has been linked to lower levels of obesity, but it’s difficult to determine whether the natural environment or the related physical activity is the key variable. In one study, U.S. children exposed to green space had lower recorded Body Mass Index numbers, and in another, areas with high tree density were linked to lower rates of obesity. 

Healthy Sleep

Nature also may help us sleep – some research shows a positive link between nature exposure and high quality sleep. There’s some indication that the more time we spend in nature, the more likely we are to sleep longer and with better quality. There’s also a healthy body of research showing that sleep is essential to good health, both physical and mental. So by improving the quality of our sleep, exposure to nature may also make us healthier overall.

Preventing Heart Disease

Enjoying nature has been shown to lower both stress and high blood pressure, which ultimately is good for our cardiovascular health. Some studies have shown that participants with lower exposure to green space are more likely to experience poor outcomes after a stroke and report higher mortality rates from cardiovascular disease and coronary heart disease.

In addition, nature exposure has been shown in some research to have a positive effect on diabetes, some types of cancer and overall mortality rates.

 Mental Health Benefits of Spending Time in Nature

Stress is seemingly around us all the time – but the great news is that spending time in nature may reverse the negative effects of stress on our mental health and foster more positive feelings of well-being. In fact, a collective body of research supports the notion that time spent outdoors can reduce the levels of the stress hormone cortisol in our bodies, plus lowering blood pressure, heart rate and our own perceived level of threat. All of this contributes to a stronger sense of overall well-being.


In addition, spending time in natural environments has been shown to reduce feelings of anxiety and depression among adults. Many study participants have reported that spending time in nature provides a sense of escape from their everyday lives and encourages feelings of relaxation. Other research has suggested that spending time in nature may reduce depressive feelings. In particular, results of one recent study indicated that spending time in nature reduced feelings of isolation, promoted calm, and lifted mood among psychiatric patients. In short, all indications are that nature is powerful medicine when it comes to supporting our mental health.

Cognitive Benefits of Spending Time in Nature

Some research suggests that spending time outdoors may actually help us think more clearly and process information more effectively. It has been shown, for example, that children in schools with ample access to green space enjoy greater cognitive development and may even more quickly learn to regulate their emotions. Similarly, adults in housing situations that offer access to green space have shown improvement in concentration, executive function and focus of attention.

Some experiments also suggests that exposure to nature may increase working memory and cognitive flexibility. In fact, in one study, participants who listened to natural sounds, like the crash of waves or the song of cicadas, performed better on highly demanding cognitive tasks than those who listened to a more urban soundtrack, like sirens, honking horns, etc.

How Much Time in Nature Is Enough?

If you’re not naturally attracted to the outdoors, it might sound like a daunting task to increase your exposure to nature. But take heart – if you can spend a total of two hours per week outside, that may be the sweet spot for getting the most mental and physical benefits. And that means two hours spent all at once, or spread out among smaller experiences throughout the week. According to a study from the University of Exeter, the two-hour mark is essential. Those in the study who spent at least two hours per week outside reported better mental and physical health than participants who spent less time outdoors. But for participants who spent less than two hours in nature, no significant benefits were reported.

The Takeaway

It seems clear that spending time in nature is good for us – and it’s never too late to increase your time spent outdoors. You can start small by taking a daily walk in your neighborhood and then progress to whatever makes sense for you – whether that includes a beach vacation or repelling in the mountains. Or just eating your lunch in the park every day. However you choose to engage with the outdoors, we’re confident you’ll find that it makes you feel better, both physically and mentally. And that’s a great thing.

How To Deal With Domestic Oil Spills

Having your own private oil tank can be beneficial as you do not have to rely upon the main network which is typically less cost-effective and gives you less control over energy consumption. But having an oil tank installed also has its drawbacks. You have to be extra careful with it as not only its installation is complex but its maintenance requires a lot of hard work.

From ensuring that all the complex technicalities of installation are met to ensuring that the tank is in proper condition to function, now and then, you have to be careful at every single step.

And if you fail to do so or even lag slightly, you would expose yourself to the possibility of experiencing oil leakage or oil spills.

how to deal with domestic oil spills

What happens if domestic oil spills?

If your tank starts spilling oil, the oil won’t just stay there but it will flow out to contaminate the adjacent areas. And if left untreated, it could go on to contaminate groundwater and soil.

This could lead to contamination of wells and water supplies of adjacent properties. Once the water supplies are contaminated, it could cause a myriad of drinking water problems. For example, oil damages the plastic water pipes so when it seeps into the underground water channel, it can affect the water pipelines that will ultimately lead to bad taste and foul odor in the drinking water.

Apart from this, oil spills can have a serious impact on human health as well. The first threat to human health spilled oil is through contaminated drinking water.

The second harmful impact they can have on our health is through disastrous fumes. As all petroleum products contain volatile compounds therefore when the oil is spilled it releases gases. If people nearby inhale these fumes or are surrounded by the vapors that linger in the air longer than usual, they can experience eye irritation, nausea, dizziness, headaches, drowsiness, and disorientation.

However, these symptoms are related to short term exposure to oil fumes. When a person is exposed for a very long time, which could happen if the smell of the fumes does not erupt shortly, then he could experience more serious conditions that would require a doctor’s consultation.

Skin irritation can also arise due to prolonged exposure or contact with the fumes. One could experience redness, severe irritation, and swelling.

How to handle oil spills at home?

Oil spills happen at both small and large scales. The larger ones require proper oil contamination treatment but the smaller ones can be dealt at home. But, this will require all of your attention and efforts. However, a domestic oil spill is not always easy to deal with, especially when the spill is massive and gets out of your hands.

Regardless of that, we should know a few tips and tricks to be well prepared to handle any such mishap because once an oil spill skyrockets, it causes severe damage to the surrounding and human health -as we discussed above.

The first thing that you must do when you have an oil tank placed in your residence, always check it regularly to look for any rusting or other damage to the tank. This way you can easily be one step ahead to deal with any leakage.

Somehow, if you fail to attend to any such damage and the leakage eventually occurs but it is small, place a pan where the tank is leaking to collect the spilling oil before it even touches the ground.

If this too gets out of hands and the oil starts spilling on the floor, try blocking that area to prevent the oil from spreading any further. You can do this by placing small dams as barriers and if that does not work then try using absorbents like cat litter, or sand.

If the flow of the oil dripping from the split of the tank gets a bit controlled then you can easily apply a sealant on the split. However, this is not a permanent solution as sealant only works temporarily. But this should give you enough time to contact professionals who deal with oil contamination treatment.

On the other hand, you have to protect yourself and your family in the midst of dealing with this chaos. This first thing you should do when your home smells of oil is to ensure maximum ventilation.

Open all the windows as well as doors so that the strong oil smell does not accumulate inside. This will also help in warding off the harmful petroleum fumes.

The next thing you have to do is to make sure that all of your family members, and especially children and pets are away from the spill location. If possible, have them evacuate the house for at least the time when the house is cleared of the smell and fumes.

While dealing with domestic oil spill, make sure that your skin and clothes do not come in contact with the oil. Remember to avoid smoking, drinking, and eating during and after you finish dealing with the oil spill. Also, try to examine the tank for the origin of the leak, and before doing that, make sure that the oil supply is turned off.

Who deals with the cleaning of oil contamination?

You can take care of the oil spill to some extent, but cleaning is entirely another process. All the things that have been contaminated with the oil, be it water, ground, or soil, only a team of specialists can do it properly.

Therefore, you should first call the professional before taking on the mission of curing the leakage flow, and when the team arrives, you leave the place immediately to ensure your health.

Bottom line

Dealing with domestic oil contamination might not be impossible but it is not recommended. The only thing you must do after calling the professionals is to ensure no one is around the site. Then let the expert team, who come with efficient methods of oil spill clean up and bioremediation, take care of the rest.

Eco-Friendly Tea Bags: How Do They Work?

Tea is one of the most popular beverages in the world, with millions of cups consumed daily. Moreover, it is in a solid second place behind water. Tea remains a top pick for many, whether black, oolong, green, or yellow.

Statista reports that countries like Japan, England, Turkey, and the Middle Eastern regions have the largest tea consumption. This hot beverage is synonymous with family, friends, and good times for most of these cultures.

Benefits of Eco-Friendly Tea Bags

But have you ever contemplated the impact of tea bags on the environment? Traditional tea bags consist of non-biodegradable materials that end up in landfills. In turn, this contributes to environmental pollution. However, there is a solution: eco-friendly tea bags.

Below, you can explore the basics of eco-friendly tea bags and how they work:

Tea Bags Aren’t Eco-Friendly

According to Rare Tea Company even biodegradable tea bags aren’t eco-friendly, because they used precious natural resources and use monoculture crops like corn to make plastics called silken. However, these materials are still better for the environment than traditional tea bags.

Eco-friendly tea bags contain more natural fibers like cotton, hemp, or corn starch-based materials. They decompose quickly. In contrast, other tea bags could take years to disintegrate.

Below are some of the harmful materials found in traditional tea bags that could make them hazardous to the consumer and the environment:

  • Epichlorohydrin and other microplastics lend stability to the artificial bag.
  • Metal staples to hold the tags in place on the bag.
  • Synthetic chemical glue to seal the edges of the bag.
  • Whitening agents, like bleach, give tea bags their distinct white appearance.

Although we don’t consume tea bags or their tags, chemicals and other harmful components could still end up in our tea. The hot water could dissolve or react to them, mixing them within the liquid.

basics of eco-friendly tea bags

“Green Tea from”

How Eco-Friendly Tea Bags Work

Eco-friendly tea bags work in the same way as traditional tea bags. The only difference is the material used to make them. When you steep the tea bag in hot water, the water extracts the flavor and aroma from the tea leaves, just like with any other tea bag.

What Makes Tea Bags Eco-Friendly?

Although most eco-friendly tea bags still contain some form of synthetic material, like glue, there are varying degrees of sustainability. There are other factors to consider, including the following:

  • Method of production: Some tea manufacturers use renewable energy or similar sustainable practices. Thus, it reduces their carbon footprint.
  • Recycled materials: The packaging of some tea bags comes from recycled materials. Because of this, they save the environment one box at a time. On top of that, the used packages go back into the recycling bin to become the next package.
  • Materials of the bags: When manufacturers don’t add bleached paper, synthetic materials, or plastic components to the teabags, they don’t contribute to plastic pollution.

Naturally occurring fibers prevent pollution and provide a fuller and richer flavor to the tea after brewing. And that is only one of the many benefits.

The Benefits of Eco-Friendly Tea Bags

Eco-friendly tea bags offer several benefits to both consumers and the environment. Unfortunately, not many are aware of them. It’s easy to grab a traditional tea bag without considering the consequences.

Perhaps the benefits listed here could give you food for thought:

  • Reduced environmental impact: Eco-friendly tea bags minimize landfill waste.
  • Healthier cup of tea: Eco-friendly tea bags don’t contain harmful chemicals or additives that can affect the taste and quality of the tea.
  • No compromise on convenience: Eco-friendly tea bags are as convenient as traditional tea bags.
  • Ethical production and farming: Many eco-friendly tea bag productions use fair trade and sustainable practices. In other words, the tea farmers receive reasonable payment while protecting the environment.

Drinking tea doesn’t have to include a guilty conscience. Switch to eco-friendly tea bags and ditch the negatives to focus on the benefits.

The Tea Bag Alternatives

Even with much convincing and after displaying all the benefits, some may still prefer to go without. But how can you drink tea without a disposable tea bag? It’s simple.

Choose one of the brewing methods below for a completely natural approach:

  • A teapot with loose tea leaves
  • Reusable tea bags
  • Tea pods or strainers

Of course, any of these are more natural and environmentally friendly than any disposable. Nevertheless, it remains a personal preference. As long as you enjoy your tea responsibly, the brewing method shouldn’t be the deciding factor.


Eco-friendly tea bags are an excellent alternative to traditional tea bags, especially regarding environmental impact. So, consider eco-friendly tea bags to enjoy your tea while contributing to cleaner practices.