How To Choose A Green Provider For Specialty Chemicals

Sustainability is a societal goal to meet everyday needs without negatively harming the environment. This whole concept is commonly referred to as ‘going green.’

Various global industries aim to run operations without causing harm to the environment and, consequently, to future generations through sustainability standards and practices. With this in mind, businesses that have gone green prefer to work with others who’ve implemented the green concept. It ensures their efforts aren’t futile, and they protect the environment throughout the product cycle.

Green Provider For Specialty Chemicals

Finding suppliers that have gone green can be challenging if you’re sourcing specialty chemicals. Here’s a guide on picking the most suitable provider:

1. Research Their Sustainable Practices

Specialty chemicals providers follow sustainable practices to deliver products and materials with less environmental impact. These practices include waste management, carbon footprint, and the use of renewable sources of energy.

Waste Management

First, ask – what are the provider’s waste management protocols? It’s no news that plastic waste is one of the biggest threats to our environment. What are they doing to mitigate their plastics use? What is their disposal system? A good specialty chemicals provider is an active participant in sustainability efforts and will not just pass the burden on the consumers of their products.

Carbon Footprint Management

Their website, collaterals, and company information should also mention their plans to minimize their carbon footprint. Carbon footprint refers to the amount of carbon dioxide a provider releases into the environment. Did you know that the industrial sector, the specialty chemicals industry is the 3rd highest contributor of carbon emissions? This statement emanates from the fact that the industry utilizes many toxic raw materials to make specialty chemicals. Therefore, an ideal green provider puts measures to prevent these toxic emissions from getting into the environment.

Use of Renewable Energy

Specialty chemicals providers are racing to adopt green energy in their operations. In the next few years, we can expect these companies to wean off fossil fuels and be run by renewable energy completely. Is your provider adopting a similar strategy?

These sustainable practices are at the forefront of the chemicals industry’s effort to positively impact the planet. Choose a provider that’s actively adopting sustainable practices.

2. Compare Several Providers

Suppose in your search for a green provider for specialty chemicals, you find several. How will you choose?

It’s best to compare them on the extent of their sustainability. First, do they meet your definition of being green? If yes, what else do they offer beyond that?

The aim is to work with a green provider who provides more than the bare minimum. You’ll get value for your money and will have less to worry about whether or not you’re protecting the environment.

3. Get Recommendations

Finding a green provider for specialty chemicals can be arduous, especially if you only rely on general Google searches. That’s why it’s important to get recommendations from other customers that seek services from green businesses.

They’ll have a rough idea of green providers they’ve previously worked with who sell these products. With the list at hand, the process is easier and faster.

In addition, it’d help to look at reviews of the green provider. Reviews are feedback from the provider’s current and previous clients. Look out for comments about their sustainability. Do the clients fully confirm this, or are there doubts? Your chosen provider should have a clean record regarding sustainability.

4. Ask For Proof Of Sustainability

Your specialty chemicals provider may claim to be sustainable. However, how true is this?

Various regulating bodies like the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) issue certifications to sustainable businesses. These are the certifications you should ask to see from a given provider. Ensure the certifying body exists and is legitimate.

The other way of proofing a provider’s sustainability is by requesting a tour of their premises. During the tour, focus on how they run operations. Where do they source their raw materials; is it from sustainable suppliers? Do they have waste in their production process? If yes, how do they manage the waste? Do they recycle the waste, or is it taken for disposal?

These should give you a good grasp of the company’s sustainability efforts.

Finding a green provider for specialty chemicals

5. Look At Costs

Affordability is key when seeking a product or service; you should pay reasonable prices.

Specialty chemicals green providers will charge different prices for these goods. It’d help to compare these costs to get the most affordable one. As you do this, you’ll find that some providers will charge more because they’re green. Consider understanding why they’ve arrived at the said price. You want to maintain sustainability in your search for affordability.

Ensure you settle for a green provider whose prices you’re willing and able to pay, all factors considered.


Consciously taking care of the environment, directly or indirectly, is a commendable practice. The discussion above has established that one of the ways to do it indirectly is by buying products from sustainable vendors. Before choosing an eco-friendly specialty chemicals provider, do your research, check out their sustainable practices, and compare them with other providers.

Barcode as a Tool to Reduce Plastic Pollution

The measures implemented by the current recycling model, which are focused on producer responsibility and final consumer awareness, are not enough to prevent the continued accumulation of plastic waste in the oceans. For example, the Mediterranean Sea currently experience high levels of plastic pollution even if its coastline meets advanced countries.


“Barcode v/s Plastic Waste” continues forward the argument, including and controlling a crucial and forgotten player in the current model of consumption: retail or supermarkets. “Barcode vs Plastic Waste” offers an efficient, win-win-win model: a sustainable and dynamic circle, a cradle to cradle controlled process for this currently destructive material.

Consumers must continue recycling, but reality shows clear that the potential to decrease plastic waste could not depend only upon consumer awareness. A high percentage of plastic waste passes through supermarkets and, subsequently, the entire distribution channel.

While supermarkets do hold responsibility for ENCOURAGING THE USE of plastic and packaging, they also have the potential, although never considered before, to encourage and provide incentives to producers and consumers to reduce their plastic quantities or eliminate it all together.

Following “Barcode v/s Plastic Waste”, Governments should request supermarkets to be responsible for all plastic recollection associated with products they sell, while Public Administration would maintain the duty of control: the barcode which identifies any item sold, offers the possibility to track and account all plastics, containers or packaging by simply adding these information into the barcode.

Having the package information -weight and material composition- inside the barcode will offer an extremely easy way to obtain the necessary data to apply follow-up control over its recollection. We would be able to monitor the recyclable materials per gram through the entire transaction system in real-time, allowing us to review any cash register day by day.

Having the package information (weight and material composition) inside the same barcode will offer an extremely easy way to obtain the necessary data to apply follow-up control over its recollection. (i.e. PET 2/45gr. – PET5/75gr. – etc.)

Supermarkets should be responsible for all plastic recollection associated with products they sell

Supermarkets should be responsible for all plastic recollection associated with products they sell

This new recycling process could reach the full capacity in three years, requesting 30% of plastic recollection quantity the first year, 60% the second 90-100% the third.

Considering that from the very first year, supermarkets would very likely push producers to introduce dispensers with refilling containers wherever possible, we would have a considerable reduction of single use plastic at the very beginning.

Along with a necessary law, just new software and a new logistic inside supermarkets will be enough to produce the change. By simply adding future trash into the same barcode already used on any item sold, we would transform millions of negative actions into positive, preventing the loss of tons of raw material with a final reduction of petrol demand. This information would be provided just as the cash register’s account balance appears at the end of the day. Supermarket cash registers are the last control in the commercial process.

Full length proposal is available here

Sustainable Rice Farming and How It Impacts the Planet

Rice has been around for an extremely long time. You can trace its origin back thousands of years. It’s filling, versatile, and many cultures use it as a staple.

Most people do not spend much time thinking about rice farming, though. They might buy rice at their local grocery store, but they don’t consider how it got to them. They don’t ponder the best rice farming practices that let them enjoy this side dish they set down on the table for lunch or dinner.

Let’s talk about sustainable rice farming practices now.

how sustainable rice farming is good for the planet

What are Sustainable Rice Farming Practices?

When we talk about getting the best rice for consumption, we’re essentially discussing the implementation of sustainable rice farming practices for improved yield. A crop’s yield means how much edible food the farmer gets from it. Farmers want better yields from their crops, but they also must practice sustainability.

Sustainable farming means practices that don’t harm the environment. When we talk about this, we don’t just mean rice farming. We also mean any farming or agriculture method that produces food and don’t impact the planet.

Why Does Sustainable Farming Matter?

Agriculture helps humans, but it frequently harms the planet. You might plant a simple vegetable garden in your backyard and water it with a watering can. The sun warms the earth and helps the plants grow. That won’t harm the environment.

If you plant crops that might feed thousands of people, though, you need more soil, water, and other resources. In these instances, you must practice sustainable agriculture. Humans can understand this when they look at what mass food manufacturing does.

If you utilize sustainable farming practices, you protect the planet for future generations. You can also harvest food crops while expanding the Earth’s natural resources, not depleting them.

If you can plant and harvest crops so that you maintain or improve soil fertility, that’s even better. Some farmers do these things. Others are not so conscientious.

Soil Enrichment and Clean Air and Water

Any time you can grow rice, or any other crop, so that you’re implementing soil enrichment, that’s excellent. You want to let the soil retain water while storing carbon. You should keep the water and air clean while you farm.

You should also create greater biodiversity through your farming practices if you can. Most critically, though, you should use farming methods that continue these practices indefinitely. If you’re farming correctly, you have implemented practices that someone could continue, in theory, one hundred years or even five hundred years from now.

Obviously, that is wishful thinking. Sustainable farming practices do not guarantee a crop like rice can continue growing the same way when future generations take over. If you use sustainable farming practices, though, you give those generations the best possible chance to enjoy the same crops that we do today. The rest of the world must cooperate to achieve that goal, though.

What Should You See from Your Rice Company?

Getting back to buying rice in the grocery store, you might feel you should support sustainable farming, even if you’re a consumer and not a farmer yourself. You can do that.

Start by researching your rice company. Look at the name on the box or bag and look it up online. You should see that the rice company from which you buy supports large-scale and small-scale farmers. You should also look at any information the company provides about its distribution network.

Their distribution, sales, and warehousing should all exist as harmoniously as possible. They should not pollute the planet, but they should also treat their employees respectfully. They must pay them a good living wage and not overwork them.

The company from which you buy should operate transparently. They should show you on their website the process by which the rice gets to you, even from halfway around the world.

rice farming in vietnam


Rice Companies Should Work Closely with Their Suppliers

Rice companies should know their rice’s origin. They can tell you where they grow it and how they gather it. They should only source and supply the highest quality rice.

They must improve rice farmer livelihood whenever possible. They should mention the agricultural practices they use and how they don’t harm the planet. They should support agricultural development chances for local farmers.

Their distribution networks and storage should produce a consistent product that tastes great and lets you know you’re supporting the most modern, sustainable practices.

You’re Part of a Global Network When You Purchase Rice

If you toss some rice in your shopping cart, you may not ponder where it comes from or how a farmer produced it. However, you are the end user following a complicated growing, harvesting, storing, and distributing system that takes many months. If you know more about your place in this complex economic dance, you can decide whether you should continue supporting this particular company.


Don’t assume all rice manufacturers have similarities. If you learn about them, you might learn some harm the planet, while others will immediately mention their sustainable practices.

The rice you put on your plate may come from a different country, but the farmers and harvesters that produce it work hard to feed their families, just as you do. You should support them as they put themselves out there every day, growing and cultivating the rice you use as a staple.

A little effort on your part increases your awareness. If you learn about sustainable rice planting, harvesting, shipping, and storing, you might learn about other food companies and how they operate as well. By supporting the ones that don’t inflict environmental harm, you’re helping the planet, even in just a small way.

If you have doubts regarding your rice company, you can contact them and ask them any questions about their sustainability and general farming practices. Some will gladly talk about these things. They want their customers well informed, and you’ll feel good about yourself as you become better educated.

Why We Should Care About Sustainable Fashion

Creating a better future for the earth requires everyone to do their part. Sometimes this means changing everyday activities, such as shopping for clothes. There are many ways to create a wardrobe that won’t harm the environment.

Below is a list of reasons sustainable fashion is paramount.

Benefits of Investing in Sustainable Clothing

What is Sustainable Fashion?

You may have heard the term but aren’t 100% sure of what it means.

Sustainable fashion is essentially clothing that’s designed, produced, distributed, and used in ways that are better for the environment.

For example, if a company purchased tote bags wholesale from a business that manufactures them in an environmentally friendly way with ethically sourced materials, it would be considered sustainable fashion.

Every time you support companies that show their care for the planet with their products, you’re helping build a better future.

Unfortunately, fast fashion is still widely used, hurting the world in many ways.

Consequences of Fast Fashion

Fast fashion hurts the environment and produces excess waste that harms the earth and living creatures. Additionally, fast fashion production often uses harsh labor conditions.

Employees are under unimaginable pressure working endless hours for staggeringly low wages. Sometimes, even children are forced to work in these circumstances.

For this reason, choosing sustainable clothing is paramount to the health and well-being of the world.

Advantages of Investing in Sustainable Clothing

1. Better Air Quality

Eco-friendly apparel utilizes recycled and ethically sourced materials, lessening the pollution entering the atmosphere.

Fewer greenhouse gas emissions lead to improved air quality, ensuring that plants, animals, and other living creatures remain safe in the future. It also helps with climate change since more greenhouse gas entering the atmosphere means more trapped heat, contributing to global warming.

2. Ethical Working Conditions

Another benefit of sustainable clothing includes better working conditions for employees.

Purchasing attire from companies that provide safe environments, reasonable hours, and fair salaries reduces instances of exploitation. Imagine all the people this would help who have once been exploited by greedy corporations that paid extremely low wages for long, laborious hours.

3. Safer for Animals

Sustainable fashion advocates for animal rights and does not use materials that require slaughtering them.

For example, other materials, such as plant-based alternatives, are used instead of leather. A common misconception is that leather is only a byproduct of the meat industry. But did you know that billions of animals are slaughtered annually for leather?

Many animals’ bodies don’t have enough meat to be used for food but are still killed for their skin. On top of this, many leather products must be treated with harmful chemicals before selling to the public.

why sustainable fashion

4. Safer for Humans

Not only is sustainable clothing safer for animals, but it’s also safer for us! A lot of chemicals are used in the process of making clothing and accessories.

For example, harmful chemicals like formaldehyde, cyanide-based dyes, ammonia, and lead are used to make leather products. Many of the harmful chemicals used to produce clothing are environmental pollutants.

These pollutants are usually released into the air, ground, and water supply, tainting them. This is especially true in foreign countries with no laws to govern factories.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, we should care about sustainable fashion for many reasons. Fast fashion harms people, animals, and the environment, but sustainable clothes help protect and secure everyone and everything around us.

Even doing something as simple as shopping at a thrift store or refusing to purchase leather items can help the environment tremendously.

Protect the planet for future generations by shopping for eco-friendly options instead of ones that will pollute the earth and its living creatures.

5 Reasons Why You Should Switch to LED Lights

Saving the Earth is on top of the list of most product designers these days. On a daily basis, we contribute to global pollution. From our homes to our jobs, lighting is a big factor in our everyday life. Our goal is to find life-changing ways to save Mother Earth from destruction.

Let’s start in places we usually go to like the house, office, restaurants, and malls. One of the factors contributing to environmental pollution is lighting materials. Most lighting materials increase the consuming of carbon footprint and chlorofluorocarbon. With the advancement of technology comes the birth of LED (Low Emitting Diode). It is the next big thing when it comes to interior and exterior architecture without compromising the Earth’s current state.

Commercial LED lights are brilliant to ensure the safety of earth because they don’t add to the heat. These are energy efficient and a perfect option for saving the planet from global warming.

With these in mind, we have four convincing reasons why LED lights are saving the Earth.

1. LED Lights are Made from Non-toxic Materials

Unlike incandescent and other traditional lights, a LED bulb is made of non-toxic materials. This does not just affect the environment but as well as its users. LED lights are carefully manufactured with the idea that it frees the Earth from contamination and pollution. Efficient disposal is also what makes it environment-friendly. It alleviates the toxic waste produced by the material composition of traditional lighting.

LED lights are established to lower the environmental impact of lighting. The absence of mercury makes it easier to use and to dispose of. Traditional lights can produce a toxic gas which can harm both the environment and the people.

Moreover, LED lights sold in the market is a big step to the people they cater to. They do not contribute to the increase in temperature because they don’t produce ultraviolet rays. Their excessive heat and vibrancy can cause a hazard to our environment.

2. Durable Lighting Design

What we loved the most about LED lights is their durable design. On average, an LED bulb can last from 10 to 15 years. Their lifespan is six times more than a traditional bulb. Even after a decade, the vibrancy of the light is maintained regardless of the daily usage. Since it’s energy efficient, it reduces the number of times required for replacing your lights. The longer lifespan offered by LED lights results in lower carbon emissions.

The durable lighting design of LED lights ensures the safety of the Earth. Lowered number of replacements mean lowered costs in purchasing, delivery, and installation of lights. In line with this, you get to minimize the waste product produced by your home or establishment. The composition of LED lights promotes the efficiency of utilization and disposal. Even at the last second, you get the best value for your money without compromising the safety of the Earth

3. LED Lights Comes in Different Variants

Apart from the amazing specifications of LED lights, they come in different shapes and sizes too. The birth of LED lights introduced the art of lighting. Some light variants feature different colors and vibrancy you can play in just a click away. Smartphones and remotes are used to take control. Moreover, LEDs are more than just bulbs. They come in different types too. Bulbs, floodlights, decorative, strip, and downlights are what the LED light family is comprised of.


With these features, you can choose the best LED lights depending on utilization. Some can work indoors, outdoors, and some can be used in both. They are considered as a piece of unique lighting equipment because it gives you the ability to be creative with lighting design. You can use it for home and establishments’ to promote its atmosphere. These lights are commonly found in factories, restaurants, offices, streets, hotels, and walkways.

4. LED Lights are Energy-efficient

On average, you can save up to 90% of electricity costs with LED lights. Unlike traditional lighting, they are an economical choice. Their lighting capability will not require you to fill the room with a number of lights. LED lights are the best example of direct lighting. Lesser number of lights are required to give you the same amount of lighting as traditional lights. There is no energy wasted because it is capable of emitting lights in all directions.

Using LED lights are ideal especially for office buildings and factories. Since they light a bigger space, they save a bigger percentage designated for electricity. LED lights convert 95% of their consumed energy into light and 5% into heat. They will give you the same amount of light as traditional lights with 36 watts consumed. This is a big help to the environment considering that they will demand less energy from power plants and fewer greenhouse gases emitted.

Also Read: Benefits of LED Street Lighting

5. LED Lights Promotes Productivity

LED lights have different benefits for their users. They the ability to promote productivity since the lights give you a cool relieving feeling compared to incandescent. These lights enhance your sense of concentration and energy.

Incandescent lights, on the contrary, give you a warm and lazy atmosphere. The heat they produce tends to make you feel cozy. That is why most occupational buildings switch to LED lights to give the employees a sense of focus.


Switching to LED lights alleviate the demand and pressure on the resources of the Earth. We save money and energy from using these and at the same time, we are saving our environment. Knowing that the quality and brightness are not compromised, it’s an economical choice to make. Use these 4 reasons as an eye-opener on why you should switch to LED lights!

5 Ways Artificial Intelligence is Helping to Save Our Planet

It takes a high level of data analysis to predict the effects of climate change and the implications of our actions to stop and adapt to it. Often, scientists have terabytes of data, but not the computing power to make sense of climate issues like hurricanes. But this level of analysis is possible with artificial intelligence (AI). In fact, AI may be the best weapon we have to combat and adapt to the effects of climate change. That’s because it can analyze large chunks of data from past events and make accurate predictions about future ones.

Today, AI is helping to monitor and predict everything from glacier retreat to commercial waste management. As innovations in “deep learning” march on, AI’s prescience will help inform scientists about climate impacts and policymakers on the most prudent steps for adaptation. Here are some critical ways AI is helping to preserve our planet.

1. Smarter Home Energy Use

AI is helping save the planet by assisting homeowners through energy-efficient smart homes. The Internet of Things and today’s “smart devices” let homeowners control their energy use and lower their monthly bills. Smart thermostats can adjust temperature settings for specific rooms in a house. Smart water sprinklers can change water usage based on weather forecasts. And smart security systems can cut down on false alarms calls — so fewer gas-guzzling trips by first responders. The automation, connection, and prediction power built into these smart devices allow homeowners to lower their carbon footprint.


But smart energy use is not just about conservation — it’s also about the best time to use energy. Peak energy hours like evenings are higher-demand, higher-cost times. Smart devices can automate energy use for low-demand hours. Plus, off-peak times like mid-day are when alternative energy sources like solar and wind contribute the most. Therefore, smart technology promotes renewable energy.

2. Soil Conservation

Soil degradation is a problem often overlooked in the media. But it has serious consequences for humanity’s ability to adapt to and survive climate change. It takes a millennium to generate only three centimeters of topsoil, and soil degradation is happening at a much faster rate. Chemicals, deforestation, erosion, and global warming are major contributors to soil degradation. And if the current rate of degradation continues, the planet’s farmable land could disappear within 60 years, according to United Nations officials.

sustainable agriculture

But farmers and scientists are using AI to help conserve the soil by marshaling complex algorithms along with robots and drones to detect erosion and monitor soil health. For example, one company has developed an agricultural app to help farmers identify nutrient deficiencies within their soil. And farmers are using machine learning to predict the best times to plant, irrigate, and harvest crops based on weather changes. Accurate predictions mean less need for pesticides and fertilizers, which degrade the soil.

Also Read: Role of Machine Learning in Data Science

3. Exploring and Protecting Oceans

Scientists watch and test the health of oceans because they’re the best indicators of Earth’s health. Microplastics, increased CO2 levels, and ocean acidification are changing the surface of the planet. The key to protecting oceans is exploring and monitoring them for changes. Climate scientists and oceanographers are using AI technology to drive autonomous marine vehicles to the deepest depths. And some companies are developing autonomous garbage collection systems that would help remove plastics and floating debris.

garbage in ocean

Another emerging technology — blockchain — is helping to track fishing and identify illegal behavior. Blockchain is the same technology that powers cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. The technology acts as a transparent ledger for transactions. Blockchain is a decentralized system, which means it operates autonomously and isn’t subject to misuse and abuse. Trust is critical to international treaties that regulate fishing quotas and manage overfishing. Blockchain technology can record each fish (e.g., tuna) with a scannable code uploaded to the ledger. Therefore, retailers, customers, and regulators can confirm that fish are legally caught.

4. Air Pollution Detection

AI is becoming an invaluable tool for tracking our air quality and identifying sources of pollution. During accidental emissions, city air quality officials need to identify and respond quickly. Some European cities are using leak sensors and AI to help create emission maps, predict mortality rates, and estimate financial costs of emergency responses. These data points give decision makers a more accurate view of the air pollution along with more targeted remediation.


In addition to monitoring air pollution, AI is also cutting tailpipe emissions. AI manages self-driving cars to make getting from point A-to-B more efficient. Self-driving automobiles can cut oil consumption and greenhouse gas emissions by 2% to 4% annually. AI and global positioning systems operating driverless tractor-trailer rigs will make deliveries non-stop, faster, and less costly to the planet. Complex algorithms, sensors, and traffic lights are directing traffic flow in some cities. These systems are currently reducing travel time by 25%, braking by 30%, and idling time by 40%.

5. Evaluating the Efficacy of Action

AI is bringing powerful ways to monitor and predict threats to our environment. Synthetic thinking adds value for scientists, officials, and policymakers by giving them deeper looks into current environmental situations. Perhaps, more than anything, AI’s biggest potential lies in figuring out where solutions hit the mark and where they miss. It’s counterproductive to invest resources and time into bad solutions. But that’s highly likely, given the complexity of climate change and adaptation.

Where do we invest? Which coastline needs saving the most? What communities are at a higher risk? With dwindling resources and bigger dangers, we will face some hard decisions in the future about where to deploy our efforts. At some point, those decisions will mean life or death. We will need quick thinking and accurate data. Evaluating our options and predicting their implications is where AI will bring the most value.

5 Ways The Oil Industry Helps To Keep The Environment Clean

When you think of oil companies, it’s likely you don’t also think of “environmentally-friendly”. We see news about spilled oil, burning tankers, and other issues, and assume that all oil companies are disregarding the health of our planet. This simply isn’t the case, and you’ll be happy to know that the oil industry is actually working to keep the environment clean.

Here are five ways the oil industry is helping out with Mother Earth.

1. Information

The first step to improving anything is realizing there’s a problem to begin with, then gathering necessary information on the problem. Every time an oil spill, accident, or fire occurs, the oil industry is gathering precious data to use to combat future problems.

When a spill occurs, it can be devastating for the local ecosystems. Flora and fauna alike are affected by the viscous liquid, often restricting their ability to move, breathe, or perform daily functions. The Deepwater Horizon Rig that caused a massive spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010 was much more than just an industrial and environmental disaster; it was a learning experience for the oil industry.

Scientists and researchers from all over the world descended on the Gulf after the spill, and though we’re still learning from it a decade later, the information that was collected has been incredibly beneficial to the industry and has helped pave the way for new containment processes.

2. Better Pipe Maintenance

Maintaining pipelines is a crucial component of keeping the environment clean. Pipes can rupture, leaking oil or natural gas into the environment or even causing explosions and fires under the right conditions. The oil and natural gas industries have focused heavily on creating better maintenance processes and safety standards for pipelines across the country in recent years.

Not only do faulty pipelines put the environment at risk, but they also put thousands of workers at risk as well. Keeping workers and the environment safe not only shows care for the Earth and the industry’s employees but also helps potentially save millions in cleanup dollars.

3. Decreasing Freshwater Usage

Certain processes, such as fracking or separating oil from sands, use millions of gallons of fresh water. This is incredibly damaging to the environment not only because there’s already a shortage of freshwater on a global scale, but also because the wastewater that’s produced is stored in man-made containment units that aren’t always good at containing it.

Fracking wastewater is laced with chemicals that are both harmful to the environment directly and can contaminate other freshwater sources. The oil industry is working hard to minimize the use of freshwater in fracking and separation processes, as well as reducing the amount of wastewater and improving containment.

There’s also some promise in the area of recycling the water itself for use in future processes. In the US, produced water from fracking is being used in certain applications and even some water treatment plants are focusing on better treatment processes to make the water drinkable.

4. Investing In Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is on the horizon, and with the continued focus on wind, solar, hydro, and even tidal energy, the oil industry is starting to take notice. These energy sources offer a promising future, but as of yet, they’re not able to meet the world’s energy demands in an affordable way.

Right now, gasoline, natural gas, and crude oil are much cheaper and more profitable to source, acquire, and sell to the public. Pipelines can transport natural gas thousands of miles away, serving isolated regions and maintaining a constant flow of raw resources throughout the country.

Not to mention, the Canadian economy is highly invested in oil and natural gas, being the 5th and 6th largest producer of each respectively. However, the oil industry isn’t ignoring renewables. With continued investments, we could see a partial or full transition to renewable energy within our lifetime.

5. Using Technology For Better Planning

As technology improves, so too do the processes by which pipelines are planned and built. With new software, engineers can better plan a pipe’s path through an ecosystem in order to minimize the environmental impact. Better diagnostic software can identify issues long before they become spills or ruptures, and even AI tech is playing a role in the oil industry.

Moving Forward

Believe it or not, the oil industry is committed to a safer and more sustainable world. By using technology and data, the industry is improving its processes and ensuring that renewable energy remains an option for the future of energy production.

How Eco-Friendly Packaging Can Impact Your Business

In today’s world plastic has become an everyday item.  We use plastic in most areas of our lives.  In the home, in schools and workplaces.  Even in the cars and transport we use. But while there is a lot of talk about how bad for the environment plastic is, not a lot of people realise how many types of plastic there are and that not all of them are damaging to the planet.  There are a lot of eco-friendly packaging innovations that are using bio-plastics to offer sustainable solutions.

With a worldwide focus on global warming, there are a lot of ways we can all make changes to help reduce greenhouse gasses.  Studies have shown that close to half of all emissions from the USA can be linked back to the energy used in the production, packaging, shipping, and disposal of food and other consumer products.  If packaging worldwide changed to using sustainable plastics it could have a massive shift in the environmental impact.

What is sustainable packaging?

How can you know if the industrial packaging uses is made from sustainable materials?  A major element to consider is where the materials have been sourced from. For plastic to be classed as sustainable, the raw materials need to be extracted using clean methods.  The chemical properties used are also important as they need to be safe for consumption and won’t release toxins into the products packaged. In these difficult times of the pandemic, sustainable ecommerce packaging is also gaining popularity among leading online stores,

Also Read: Environment Impacts of Packaging Materials

Why should you make the switch?

Cost-saving is always going to be a major factor in motivating manufacturers to change to more eco-friendly packaging options.  And when they can reduce their impact on the environment and reduce their expenses at the same time then it’s a no-brainer.

Luckily there are quite a few cost-effective options available for most packaging needs.  Polyolefin is a lightweight material that can be used in the place of corrugated paper or glass.  When it’s produced it uses less energy than to make the alternative materials which mean fewer greenhouse gasses are emitted.   It also reduces transport and storage costs as it is a much lighter material.  Polyolefin is also easy and cheap to dispose of as it is recyclable, reusable and often compostable as well.  It’s very durable and easy to handle and process so will also cut down on time and labour.

Using recyclable materials is a great way to minimize the amount of plastic waste, but it also has other benefits for your company.

With consumers becoming increasingly aware of the impact of plastics on the environment, it pays for companies to show their customers what they’re doing to help.  Recent surveys in multiple countries found that one in four people would choose a brand that clearly showed their packaging was made with sustainable materials over those that didn’t.  Up to 80% of consumers in America agreed they felt better when they chose to buy items that show they are sustainably produced.

Using more environmentally-safe packaging can also help you increase your market share and expand into countries that have stricter restrictions on product packaging.  When Hewlett Packard made the decision to stop using lead soldering during manufacturing, it gave them access to sell products to countries in the European Union which had previously been unavailable due to the ban on lead products.  This exposed the company to millions of new customers.

What are your choices?

Depending on your industry, there are already a number of sustainable packaging options available on the market. Polyolefin is just one of the materials available but is versatility sees it used in multiple products.  There are shrink film and stretch wrap as well as carded packaging options you can try. Many packaging companies offer rentals on certain machines and equipment.

By making some small changes to your packaging choices, you can have an impact on how your customers view your brand and help the environment at the same time.

How to Reduce the Ecological Footprint of Wind Turbines

Wind power is the second most widely used renewable energy source in the U.S., just behind hydropower. Unlike solar, wind power creates little to no pollution and requires very little maintenance. However, it has one significant problem — a detrimental effect on wildlife and the local ecosystem.

Industrial wind farms wreak havoc on bird and bat populations, plus they pose an ecological disturbance to the land. While the energy generation is incredibly sustainable, the influence turbines have on local wildlife populations adds controversy to the success of this energy source.


The future implementation of wind as a leading source of energy will depend on our ability to reduce its ecological footprint. Employing best practices that work to minimize adverse effects on local habitats will play an integral role in the construction of new farms.

Analyze Data

Determining the exact impact of wind turbines on wildlife is hard to discern. The number of birds and bats killed from direct contact is only one variable. The long-term effects on food chain supplies, population and habitats are hard to quantify. The first step in reducing the environmental impact is determining where the influence is greatest.

Research estimates that in North America alone, wind turbines kill an estimated 140,000 to 328,000 birds each year. This statistic does include other flying creatures, like bats, whose populations have been significantly affected by wind farms.

Bats are essential to the function of our ecosystem and food system. In 2015, the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) added guidelines about the voluntary process of halting turbines at lower speeds during periods of the night when these animals are most active. These efforts may reduce deaths by up to 30%, though research demonstrates an extra delay could potentially increase that number to 90%.

Land Use Planning

Close attention to site selection and preparation may curtail the consequences of wind farms on the surrounding environment. Construction is a major ecosystem disruptor, as installing transmission lines and removing soil can hurt plants and animals in the vicinity. Experts encourage many wind companies to engage in erosion control practices, which includes re-establishing native vegetation and other restoration techniques.

Wind farms are generally criticized by their inflexibility when it comes to site location. Compared to solar panels, which can be installed on buildings and utilized across a diverse array of environments, wind farms are more limited. One benefit, however, is that people can establish these turbines on abandoned industrial land. The ability to re-purpose previously degraded land with a renewable energy source is a victory for wildlife and humans alike.


If the wind is too strong, wind turbines can’t operate safely and must shut down.

A final consideration when it comes to reducing ecological impact includes preventative measures, such as monitoring a habitat before construction. By tracking the environment before breaking ground, builders can better determine the best location for the farm.

Innovative Technology

As wind power becomes a cost-effective and energy-efficient option, advanced technology will lessen the impact of turbines on wildlife. According to U.S Energy Information Administration, the wind industry is collaborating with the U.S government to find optimization solutions.

Several ways exist in which wind farms can reduce their impact on local habitats and take preventative steps affecting animal and bird populations. One example includes Ultrasonic Acoustic Deterrents (UADs), which emit a loud noise that deters bats but is incomprehensible to the human ear.

Other solutions include painting wind turbines purple or shining ultraviolet lights on the structures to alert migratory species. Some manufacturing companies plan to make innovations in how to construct these structures. Changes include alterations to the blade surfaces and more sound-absorbent materials.

A Comprehensive Approach

The cost of wind power has dropped almost 50% in the last four years. With an increased incentive to invest in renewables, experts predict the number of wind farms around the world to grow rapidly in the next decade.

Wind power has many benefits, one of which being that, unlike solar, return on investment for the production and installation of turbines is five to eight months, with each structure designed to produce for at least twenty years. With an increase in implementation, the ecological impact is unavoidable. As a result, the focus will be on reducing the environmental impact of wind turbines, rather than decreasing their utilization as an energy source.

Top 5 Environmentally Friendly Construction Materials

Whether you are a custom home builder, or you are designing your own custom home, it’s worth your while to know about eco-friendly construction materials. Eco-friendly construction materials are becoming increasingly more important as more and more people are realizing the importance of creating a more sustainable world.

Eco-friendly construction materials are a great way to minimize the negative environmental impact that building a home may have. Additionally, homes that are constructed with sustainable building materials are increasing in popularity because of the vast amount of benefits that they have to offer.

An expert from a custom home builder in New Jersey pointed out, “There are a variety of benefits of using sustainable materials when building a home; the most notable is that green materials ultimately save the homeowner money down the line; in addition to the amount of waste that they [green materials] eliminate.”

Sustainable construction materials save homeowners money because they typically keep a house more insulated; cutting down on the use of heating and air conditioning systems, therefore using less electricity, gas, and oil. Below are some environmentally friendly construction materials to consider including in a custom home design.

Top Eco-Friendly Construction Materials

Eco-friendly construction materials should not only be sustainable, but they should also not cause any negative effects on the environment. Typical construction materials are detrimental to the environment because of the harsh chemicals they produce; directly causing air pollution. Or, they are detrimental because they use resources that are limited. Here are some safe alternatives to typical construction materials:

1. Hemp Concrete

Hemp concrete is a biocomposite material which is made up of hemp and a lime-based binder. Hemp concrete is a great alternative to regular concrete because it’s biodegradable and more sustainable.

Not only does hemp concrete act as an insulator and moisture regulator, but it is also extremely durable and will last just as long as regular concrete. Hemp concrete is a great sustainable material to include in your custom home design and will keep both cool and warm air, reducing the need to run heating and cooling systems, therefore also conserving energy.

2. Sheep’s Wool

Sheep’s wool is a great construction material because it can be regrown quickly and the sheep are not harmed in the process. Sheep’s wool can be used for its insulating benefits in ceilings, attics, and walls. In fact, sheep’s wool is a great insulator for both thermal and acoustic insulation purposes.

Though sheep’s wool is slightly more expensive than other insulation options, the longevity of this insulator is much longer and will reduce electricity bills significantly by keeping cool and warm air in.

3. Recycled Steel

Rather than using new steel during construction-which uses natural resources during production – consider using recycled steel. Recycled steel will produce less amount of waste in the environment, and will prevent the use of resources that are necessary to create steel.

Steel is relevant in the construction process, especially for beams that will hold up the house, therefore it’s practical to choose steel that is kind to the environment.

4. Bamboo

Bamboo is an eco-friendly building material that can be used for a number of different things. Some of the main benefits that bamboo has to offer include:

  • A durable surface
  • Strength to support other materials upon construction
  • It grows quickly, so is a very sustainable option

Bamboo can be used for both flooring and walls of a home and has a long lifespan, meaning, walls and floors that are designed with bamboo will not have to be replaced often, creating less waste in the environment.

5. Cork

Similar to bamboo, cork is a fast-growing material and is harvested from a living tree, so no trees need to be cut down in order to produce this material. Cork is most commonly used for flooring because of its resilience and durability. However, cork is another insulation option too because it is impermeable, meaning water will not make its way into it; it’s also soundproof.

Cork, if left uncoated, is naturally fire-resistant so it will not produce toxins if it is burned after replacing it with new cork later down the road.

Make Environmentally Informed Choices in Your Home

If you are a home builder or if you are simply a homeowner that wants to assist in the building process, it’s’ important to know how to make environmentally informed choices when it comes to custom home building. These eco-friendly building materials will not only benefit the environment, but they will also positively impact the homeowner. Keep these sustainable and green building materials in mind as you begin your custom home design.