4 Tips For Keeping Your Home Energy Prices Low

Heating can be very expensive nowadays and keeping the heat contained within your home can be a challenge. You will see that energy prices manage to hike year after year and it is important to keep the heat contained in a home where there is particularly cold weather outside to assist with your overall energy costs. Read on to know more about the easy ways to keep your home energy prices at the lower end:


1. Ensure efficient heating system

Modern houses normally have a good heating system and there is a lot of regulation around this to ensure that when people are buying new homes, the efficiency has been taken into consideration from the manufacturers. There are websites like myjobquote.co.uk that you can use in order to arrange local boiler engineers to come out and review your current heating systems to ensure they are effective.  They would also offer services such as a boiler power flush if it is required – again supporting the effectiveness of your appliance.

If your boiler or radiators are not working greatly then a boiler service cost quote may be required in order to make sure they get repaired and are working as well as possible. If any of your heating equipment is faulty and not working correctly then you will overcompensate in terms of the heating you put on in the home which would then significantly increase your costs.

2. Take action on drafts

If there are any potential drafts and air seeping out of the home, then it will affect the warmth of your home and ultimately your energy bill.  Be sure to take action when you recognise any of these problems.

Some common draft points will be doors and windows and are usually pretty noticeable if there is a problem. Nowadays most homes have double glazed windows and secured doors where this shouldn’t be an issue. If your house has a chimney, then this is another potential area for cold air to get in. If not in use you may wish to consider sealing this off in totality.

3. Set timers for heating

Putting the home heating on and off all the time could also be affecting your bills. Consider getting a timer where you can control the heating at intervals that suit you. Clearly, this wouldn’t be suitable all the time and if you are in the home and there is additional heat required then you can “boost” to allow more heat to come out for longer.


Setting the timers will assist with being disciplined on a routine and you can know pretty accurately what it is that you will be spending every month.

4. Energy monitors

Energy monitors are becoming really popular nowadays with the users able to then see immediately how much energy they are consuming.  Most energy providers now give this service where you can get one of these appliances installed (generally for free or a very little cost).

The government is also doing a lot more to try and encourage every household to have one of these to help with the energy cost hike challenges.

Bonus Tip: Wood-based stoves offer an alternative and efficient way to produce heat. Click here to know more.

Why Your Business Needs Energy Quoting Software

In today’s fast-paced business landscape, staying competitive requires more than just delivering quality products and services. It also means effectively managing costs and maximizing efficiency across all aspects of your operations. One area where businesses can significantly streamline their processes and cut expenses is energy procurement. That’s where energy quoting software comes into play. In this blog post, we’ll explore why your business needs energy quoting software and how it can revolutionize your energy procurement strategy.

benefits of energy quoting software for businesses

What is Energy Quoting Software?

Before we delve into the benefits of energy quoting software, let’s first understand what it is. Energy quoting software is a technological solution designed to simplify and optimize the energy procurement process.

It allows businesses to quickly and accurately compare energy prices from multiple suppliers, analyze different contract terms, and make informed decisions based on their specific energy needs. With energy quoting software, businesses can efficiently navigate the complex energy market and secure the best energy deals tailored to their requirements.

Streamlined Energy Procurement

One of the key advantages of energy quoting software is its ability to streamline the energy procurement process. Traditionally, sourcing energy suppliers involved manual research, multiple phone calls, and tedious negotiations. This time-consuming process often led to missed opportunities and less favourable contract terms. However, with energy quoting software, businesses can automate the entire procurement process.

The software aggregates data from various suppliers, allowing users to compare prices, contract lengths, and other relevant factors on a single platform. This streamlines the entire process, saving time and effort while ensuring businesses secure the best energy deals available.

Cost Savings and Budget Control

Effective energy procurement is crucial for controlling costs and maintaining a healthy bottom line. Energy quoting software empowers businesses with the necessary tools to identify the most cost-effective energy suppliers. By easily comparing prices and contract terms, companies can make informed decisions that align with their budgetary requirements.

How to reduce energy bills of your business

Additionally, the software enables businesses to accurately forecast energy expenses, helping them set realistic budgets and avoid unexpected financial burdens. With energy quoting software, organizations can optimize their energy procurement strategy to achieve significant cost savings in the long run.

Enhanced Decision-Making

The energy market is dynamic and complex, with prices and contract terms constantly fluctuating. Keeping track of all the available options manually can be overwhelming and prone to human error. Energy quoting software provides businesses with real-time data and market insights, empowering them to make informed decisions.

By leveraging accurate and up-to-date information, companies can negotiate better contract terms, identify trends, and capitalize on favourable market conditions. This enhances decision-making and ensures businesses secure the most advantageous energy deals available.

Increased Efficiency and Productivity

Implementing energy quoting software into your energy procurement process can have a profound impact on your business’s overall efficiency and productivity. By automating manual tasks and simplifying complex processes, the software frees up valuable time for your employees. They can now focus on strategic initiatives and core business activities rather than spending hours researching and negotiating energy contracts.

Energy-Saving Tips for Small Businesses

The streamlined process also reduces the risk of errors and delays, ensuring a seamless procurement experience. Ultimately, energy quoting software allows your team to work more efficiently, maximizing productivity and driving business growth.

Final Thoughts

In a rapidly evolving business landscape, optimizing energy procurement is essential for maintaining competitiveness and achieving cost savings. Energy quoting software provides businesses with the necessary tools to streamline the procurement process, control costs, make informed decisions, and enhance efficiency.

By leveraging this powerful technology, your business can stay ahead of the competition, achieve long-term cost savings, and allocate resources more effectively. If you haven’t already, it’s time to consider integrating energy quoting software into your energy procurement strategy and unlock its numerous benefits for your business.

10 Tips For A Greener Kitchen: Create an Eco-Friendly Culinary Haven

An eco-friendly kitchen not only contributes to a healthier planet but also promotes a sustainable lifestyle. By implementing green practices in your kitchen, you can reduce waste, conserve energy, and make environmentally conscious choices. This article presents nine practical tips for creating a greener kitchen, helping you minimize your carbon footprint and embrace sustainability.

how to make your kitchen ecofriendly

1. Opt for Energy-Efficient Appliances

Investing in energy-efficient appliances is a significant step towards a greener kitchen. Look for appliances with the ENERGY STAR label, as they consume less energy and are designed to minimize environmental impact. Switching to energy-efficient refrigerators, dishwashers, and ovens can significantly reduce your energy consumption, leading to long-term energy and cost savings.

2. Choose Sustainable Cookware and Utensils

Revamp your kitchen with sustainable cookware and utensils. Opt for materials like stainless steel, cast iron, and glass, which are durable, non-toxic, and have minimal environmental impact. Avoid non-stick coatings that can release harmful chemicals into the environment. Additionally, replace disposable plastic utensils with reusable alternatives made from bamboo, wood, or stainless steel, reducing waste and promoting a greener kitchen.

3. Reduce Food Waste with Proper Storage

Minimizing food waste is essential for a greener kitchen. Invest in airtight containers and jars to store leftovers and ingredients properly, keeping them fresh for longer periods. Labeling and organizing your pantry and fridge will also help you keep track of food expiration dates and avoid unnecessary waste. Consider composting food scraps to create nutrient-rich soil, reducing the amount of waste sent to landfills and promoting a sustainable cycle.

4. Embrace Organic and Locally Sourced Foods

Supporting organic and locally sourced foods is not only beneficial for your health but also for the environment. Opt for organic produce to reduce exposure to harmful pesticides and support sustainable farming practices. Additionally, choose locally sourced ingredients to minimize carbon emissions associated with long-distance transportation. Shopping at farmers’ markets or joining community-supported agriculture programs are excellent ways to access fresh, seasonal, and locally grown food.


5. Conserve Water

Water conservation is crucial in a greener kitchen. Install low-flow faucets and aerators to reduce water usage while washing dishes or cooking. Thaw frozen foods in the refrigerator instead of using running water, and reuse water from rinsing fruits and vegetables for watering your plants. Furthermore, fix any leaks promptly to avoid unnecessary water wastage. These small adjustments can significantly reduce your water consumption and contribute to a more sustainable kitchen.

6. Ditch Single-Use Plastics

Eliminating single-use plastics is an important step towards a greener kitchen. Avoid using plastic bags, disposable cutlery, and plastic food wrap. Instead, switch to reusable options such as cloth bags, beeswax wraps, and glass containers. Invest in a water filter to reduce the need for bottled water, and choose bulk options for pantry staples to minimize packaging waste. These small changes will help you significantly reduce your plastic footprint and create a more sustainable kitchen.

7. Optimize Energy Usage

Efficient energy usage is crucial for a greener kitchen. Take advantage of natural light by opening curtains or blinds during the day. When using artificial lighting, replace traditional incandescent bulbs with energy-efficient LED lights. Additionally, remember to turn off lights, appliances, and electronics when not in use. Consider using timers or smart power strips to regulate energy consumption. By being mindful of your energy usage, you can save electricity, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and create a more environmentally friendly kitchen.

8. Grow Your Own Herbs and Vegetables

One of the most rewarding ways to create a greener kitchen is by growing your own herbs and vegetables. Utilize any available outdoor space or set up a small indoor herb garden. This practice reduces the need for store-bought produce, which often involves packaging, transportation, and pesticides. By growing your own, you have control over the cultivation process and can opt for organic methods. It not only promotes sustainable living but also provides fresh, flavorful ingredients right at your fingertips.

sustainable options to turn your garden greener.

9. Practice Mindful Cleaning

Cleaning products can have a significant environmental impact. Opt for eco-friendly, non-toxic cleaning agents or make your own using natural ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, and lemon juice. These alternatives are not only safer for the environment but also for your health. Reduce paper towel waste by using reusable cloths or microfiber towels for cleaning. Similarly, switch to biodegradable dish soap and laundry detergent to minimize water pollution. By practicing mindful cleaning habits, you can maintain a clean and healthy kitchen while minimizing your ecological footprint.

10. Embrace Biodegradable Bags for Waste Management

An additional tip for a greener kitchen is to embrace the use of biodegradable bags for waste management. Instead of traditional plastic garbage bags that take hundreds of years to decompose, opt for biodegradable alternatives made from plant-based materials like corn starch or compostable paper bags. These bags break down naturally and quickly in composting or landfill environments, reducing the environmental impact. By choosing biodegradable bags, you contribute to minimizing plastic pollution and promote a more sustainable waste disposal system in your kitchen. Remember to check the packaging labels to ensure the bags meet recognized composting standards.

Creating a greener kitchen is within everyone’s reach. By implementing these 10 tips, you can make significant strides toward sustainability, reducing waste, conserving energy, and making environmentally conscious choices. Embrace an eco-friendly culinary haven and contribute to a healthier planet, one step at a time. Start small and let your greener kitchen inspire others to adopt sustainable practices.

This article was written with help from the experts at Biotuff – Australia’s leading provider of biodegradable bags. Visit their website today for a whole range of eco-friendly biodegradable freezer bags, compostable bin liners, cling wrap, gloves, and much more.

Ways New Windows and Doors Can Make Your Home Eco-Friendly

Windows and doors are an important part of any home, both aesthetically and functionally. Not only do they let in light and provide access to the outdoors, but they also play a crucial role in energy efficiency. Older windows and doors can be a significant source of energy loss, which can have a negative impact on both the environment and your wallet. Fortunately, upgrading to newer, more energy-efficient windows and doors can help to reduce your home’s carbon footprint and save you money on your energy bills.

Here are some of the ways that updating windows and doors can make your home more eco-friendly:

ways new windows and doors can make your home eco-friendly

Improved Insulation

One of the primary benefits of upgrading your windows and doors is improved insulation. Older windows and doors may have gaps or cracks that allow air to leak in and out, which can cause your home’s heating and cooling system to work harder to maintain a consistent temperature. This not only wastes energy but also increases your energy bills.

Newer windows and doors are designed with improved insulation technology that helps to minimize air leaks and keep your home more comfortable. This can help to reduce your energy consumption and save you money on your heating and cooling bills.

Energy-Efficient Glass

The use of energy-efficient glass is another way that new windows and doors can make your home more eco-friendly. Windows and doors that feature double or triple-pane glass with low-emissivity (Low-E) coatings are designed to reduce heat transfer and improve insulation, making them highly effective at reducing energy consumption.

Double and triple-pane windows feature multiple layers of glass with an insulating layer of air or gas trapped between them. This helps to reduce heat transfer between the inside and outside of your home, providing better insulation and reducing the amount of energy required to heat or cool your home. The insulating layer of air or gas can also help to reduce noise pollution, providing a more peaceful and comfortable living environment.

In addition to double and triple-pane glass, Low-E coatings can be applied to the glass to further improve energy efficiency. These coatings are designed to reflect heat back into your home in the winter, keeping your home warmer and reducing the need for heating. In the summer, the coatings help to block heat from entering your home, which can reduce your cooling costs and minimize the need for air conditioning.

By choosing windows and doors with energy-efficient glass and Low-E coatings, you can reduce your energy bills and carbon footprint while also creating a more comfortable and sustainable living environment. In fact, energy-efficient windows and doors can save homeowners up to 15% on their energy bills, making them a smart investment in the long run.

Sustainable Materials

When it comes to choosing new windows and doors for your home, one important factor to consider is the environmental impact of the materials used in their production. Many manufacturers now offer sustainable options that can help to reduce the environmental impact of window and door production and contribute to a more sustainable future.

how to improve the energy efficiency of your home

Choosing eco-friendly materials for your home’s windows and doors not only helps to reduce the environmental impact of their production but also contributes to a more sustainable future overall. By supporting responsible forestry practices, reducing the demand for new vinyl production, and exploring other sustainable material options, you can help to create a more eco-friendly home that is both beautiful and functional.

Increased Natural Light

Upgrading your windows and doors can have a significant impact on the amount of natural light that enters your home. This can not only improve the aesthetics of your living space but can also help to reduce your reliance on artificial lighting, resulting in lower energy bills and reduced carbon emissions.

By increasing the amount of natural light that enters your home, you can make better use of the sunlight during the day and reduce your dependence on electric lights. This can lead to significant energy savings over time, particularly if you choose to install windows and doors that are specifically designed to maximize natural light.

Moreover, exposure to natural light has been shown to have a range of positive health benefits. Natural light has been linked to improved mood, increased productivity, and reduced stress levels, among other things. By upgrading your windows and doors to increase natural light, you can create a more comfortable and inviting living space that promotes wellness and reduces your carbon footprint at the same time.

In addition, maximizing natural light can also help to reduce your home’s heating costs. During the winter months, natural light can provide a source of passive solar heating, which can help to keep your home warm without relying on your heating system. By choosing windows and doors that are designed to maximize natural light and passive solar heating, you can reduce your heating costs and lower your carbon emissions even further.

Commercial bi-fold doors are an excellent upgrade that can add a lot of natural light to your commercial space. These doors are designed to fold back in sections, creating a large opening that allows natural light to flood your space.

Improved Air Quality

Older windows and doors may allow drafts and other outdoor pollutants to enter your home, which can have a negative impact on indoor air quality. This can be particularly problematic for individuals with respiratory issues or allergies. For instance, if your home has drafty windows, pollen, dust, and other outdoor pollutants can easily find their way indoors, which can trigger allergy symptoms and exacerbate asthma.

how to improve indoor air quality

By upgrading to newer windows and doors with improved insulation, you can help to minimize these issues and keep your home’s air clean and healthy. Newer windows and doors are designed to be airtight, which means they are better at preventing drafts and keeping outdoor pollutants at bay. This can help to create a healthier living environment for you and your family, particularly if you live in an area with high levels of outdoor pollution.

In addition, newer windows and doors can also be designed to provide better ventilation. This is important because proper ventilation can help to reduce the concentration of indoor pollutants, such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and carbon dioxide (CO2). Improved ventilation can also help to control humidity levels, which can reduce the risk of mold growth and other moisture-related issues.

Reduced Noise Pollution

New windows and doors can also help to reduce noise pollution in your home. If you live in a noisy area, such as near a busy street or airport, upgrading to new windows and doors with improved insulation can help to block out unwanted noise. This not only makes your home more comfortable, but it also reduces the need for you to use noisy appliances like fans or air purifiers to drown out the sound.

In conclusion, upgrading to new windows and doors can have a significant impact on your home’s energy efficiency, environmental impact, and indoor air quality. By choosing windows and doors with improved insulation, ventilation, and other eco-friendly features, you can create a more comfortable and healthy living environment while also reducing your carbon footprint and saving money on energy bills.

How to Choose the Most Efficient Air Compressor for Workshop

Air compressors are energy-generating appliances that can be used pretty much anywhere. When you have a workshop, you care a lot about the condition of all the appliances used in it and their efficiency because these are the tools that help you get work done. Buying your first air compressor, for any purpose, can be incredibly overwhelming. The specific details you should be aware of for each compressor can be complicated and confusing, which will leave you baffled as to which one will best suit the specific needs of your workshop. Here are some tips to help make that decision easier for you.


Choosing Between a Piston and a Portable Air Compressor

When it is time to choose an air compressor for your workshop, you are likely to come across numerous types of compressors which will make your decision even harder. However, for workshops, there are two popular and basic compressor types to choose between; piston and portable air compressors. According to Brett Patterson of Ablesales, a piston compressor is an excellent source of portable air supply for farms and workshops. Just like any other type of air compressor, the piston’s motor works on collecting the air in a set tank and pressing it with the degree of pressure needed. The more you use it, the more pressure the compressor will generate.

On the other hand, a portable air compressor does the exact same job as the piston compressor, just without the need for an air tank. The main perk of a portable air compressor is that it is easy to move around wherever you need it. It might not be as powerful when it comes to pressing the air, but it is quite versatile, especially if you have a large workshop where you might need it in different places at different times. It is also excellent in reducing waste that is harmful to the environment.

Consider the Size of the Compressor

Almost all workshops are known for having large machines and appliances. Essentially, an air compressor would be another machine added to your working space, so you would need to consider the size of the compressor you will be investing in to ensure the best efficiency and ease of work. Whether your workshop is big or small, you need to think about the load of work you are planning to do with the air compressor as that will determine the size of the tank required.

Compressors that need an air tank are usually more efficient for more demanding workshops, however, they are quite large. On the other hand, compressors with small or no air tanks can be more suitable for workshops with small workloads and smaller working spaces.


Check the Features

Efficiency and durability are essential features that workshop owners or managers look for in their appliances. The durability of an air compressor determines how much work it will be able to offer you as well as the life span of its productivity.

When you choose an air compressor, features like the coating of the tank and the strength of the steel build of the compressor itself should be at the top of your list. Read reviews on the supplier and manufacturer before you purchase to get a better idea of how reliable that specific machine will be for your workshop’s needs.

How is the Compressor Powered?

Workshop owners invest in air compressors to generate energy used in manufacturing products or powering certain appliances. However, the compressors themselves need to be powered in some way. Compressors can be powered by electricity, petrol, or diesel. Electric compressors are the most popular because of how energy-efficient and economical they are. However, they are not as powerful as their petrol-powered counterparts, which can be more reliable when it comes to pressing air.

Diesel compressors are similar to petrol-powered ones, but they can be a bit more harmful to the planet as they emit larger amounts of nitrogen compounds and particulate matter, which pollute the air and contribute to climate change.

Investing in an air compressor can be beneficial for your workshop, regardless of how big or small it is. But when it comes to deciding which compressor is best suited for your needs, the choice can be challenging. Your best bet is to do some research in advance and compare different types, sizes, and prices so you can choose which best fits your needs and budget. It also pays to read up on the different power sources and try your best to opt for a unit that doesn’t contribute as much to environmental degradation.

Simple Home Renovations That Can Improve Energy Efficiency

There is almost nothing more satisfying than a clean, fresh, and sustainable home. You may think that renovating your home is a hassle, not to mention expensive, but there are plenty of small changes that can make a home really feel like it’s yours. Something as simple as a new garage door, or a small solar panel can bring personality and life to your home while saving energy and giving you a boost of pride for your house.

1. Doors and Windows

When thinking about renovating your house, you probably think, new basement, new roofing, and much more expensive and time consuming projects. But do not write off home improvement just yet! There are plenty of small changes that can make a huge difference to the style of your home and even boost its overall value.

Doors and windows play a huge part in energy efficiency as air enters and escapes your home. This makes these options a great place to start as they add a personal flair to your home’s look as well as being environmentally friendly. Below is a short list of these green home renovations that can improve energy efficiency:


Garage Doors

When thinking about the outdoor curb appeal of your home, an often overlooked detail is the garage. This may seem silly but just think about how much visual space your garage door or doors take up.

A new or refurbished garage door can not only up the style and personality of your home, but can make your home more energy efficient and secure. And with companies like CSSGarageDoors there are so many styles to choose from.

Front Door

A unique front door also helps your house stand out and adds your own personal touch to your home. Keep in mind the style of your garage doors and make sure your other doors do not clash. Replacing old front doors can also save you money and energy, as air often escapes from unseen cracks in old doors and windows.

There are hundreds of style choices to choose from, and many energy efficient sustainable options too. Not only will this give your home an instant personality boost, it will raise the value of your home significantly.


While this one may be a little more on the pricey side of renovations, it is yet another example of boosting your homes personality, value, and energy efficiency. Not only can you choose from styles of windows, you can choose how you want the glass and frames to make them custom just for you and your home.

New windows will save you money on heating and air and some even keep out the noises of busy streets or noisy neighbors. Depending on the climate and place you live, these replacements could be a life saver. Lowes has an excellent selection of beautiful window and door replacements.

2. Energy Efficiency and Sustainability

While improving the overall look of your home can give you a sense of personal pride in your home, less visible but sustainable options can give you comfort and help the planet. If you want to live more sustainably but do not have the funds to build a whole new eco-friendly home, there are small changes that can boost your home’s energy efficiency and sustainability. Below is a short list of options to improve your home from the inside out.

Tankless Water Heaters

Water heaters are probably something you do not often think about when going on home energy efficiency upgrades. However, that tank that sits in your garage or basement is constantly using energy. Even when you are not using your hot water, the tank is busy working away using energy and costing you money. Switching to a tankless or on-demand water heater means that it will only be using energy when you need it.

Solar Panels

Solar panels are becoming better and better, and adding one to your homes exterior no longer seems like a dream. While there is a lot to consider before installing solar panels, they can be an amazing way to reduce energy and a great investment.


Although solar panels can last for up to 30 years, you do not need to be afraid of wasting money when you move as they can increase the value of your home significantly. You can also get a sizeable tax return for installing solar panels, so it is a great option to look at for sustainable living.

Tips to Make Your Bathroom More Energy-Efficient

The recent intense and repeated heat-waves suggest that we stop taking our environment for granted. In fact, it is now high time for us to ‘man up’ and pay attention to our environmental responsibilities so that our planet can regain its much-needed equilibrium. Today we live in an otherwise environmentally conscious era. So it is imperative that we all pay due attention to our overall energy usage.

There is sound reasoning behind this strategy. In fact, essentially lowering our overall use of energy means that we can reduce our ‘environmental footprint,’ that is, the overall impact of our energy usage on not just the environment alone, but also lessen the burden on our wallets as well, great deals on https://www.bellabathrooms.co.uk/

It is pertinent to note that the bathroom is one of the single most wasteful places in the house, in terms of prolonged energy usage.

When you take those long, warm sand luxuries showers, Flush the commode all too frequently or have plenty of dripping faucets, then all of these activities conspire and contribute towards putting a substantial dent in your wallet in the form of hefty bills, that just keep racking up at the far end of the month.

Now, the question arises how precisely, can we go about substantially reducing this almost inevitable use of such energy?

Making a few small changes is not very difficult but doing so can help you save a ton in terms of energy-related bills. Here is how:

Changing the shower head as well as sink mixer

Changing to a high-efficiency showerhead and sink mixer and faucet combo can effectively slice your shower and shave water consumption by half. As a matter of fact, newer models of faucets and showerheads can now easily provide the same sense of luxurious ‘feel’ of various other models while simultaneously using considerably less energy, in the bargain.

With the help of these models, you will not only be able to enjoy the same showers you had before but will be able to tell the difference only and only when you get your water bill at the end of the month!

Saving electricity with energy savers and solar panels

Many, if not most people are completely unaware of the fact that those extra bright lights above their sinks are actually power guzzlers, in every sense of the term. This is why it would be prudent to figure out if there are actually energy efficient light bulbs in your bathroom, or not.

The thing is that most people use at least 4 to 5 light bulbs in their bathrooms to make the place nice and bright. However, not using energy savers can be a huge waste of energy. This wastage can efficiently be curbed with energy efficient bulbs as well. It will be well worth it, since it is possible to curb energy usage by as much as 80% when using energy savers, in lieu of ordinary bulbs as such. If you want to go further into the picture, then you can also opt for solar panels to run your bathroom lights.

Curtail these really bad energies wasting habits

From using a hair dryer to an electric razor and trimmer combo, the odds are that the average house owner probably uses a lot of electrical appliances in the washroom on a more or less daily basis. If such is the case with you as well, then you should always unplug every device once you are done using it to see the huge amount of energy savings on the next monthly bill that you receive.

A rule of thumb: Even if the appliance has been powered off, it will nevertheless still continue to consume minute amounts of energy. This is why it is standard best practice to unplug the devices from the mains outlets to ensure that there is no additional drain on your power resources.

Always turn the faucet off whenever you can

One of the most harmful things you can do while being in the washroom is to keep the water running at full blast while you wash your hands and face or brush your teeth. The prudent thing to do is to turn off the water tap when you do not need all that water. Remember, should you leave the water running even as you brush your teeth, then you will almost certainly end up using between an estimated 4 to 5 gallons of water, every time you do so.

Now, just imagine that you repeat this behavior at least three times a day each and every time, you either wash your hand and face or brush your teeth. That is an estimated 12 to 15 gallons of precious water wasted just because you leave the faucet open.

Being environmentally responsible means being completely conscious of all of your bathroom related energy usage, so that you know when you should turn off the tap and save your water supply (and decrease your water bills as well, in the bargain).

Get into the shower when you open the faucet

If you are guilty of opening the shower and letting the water flow while you prepare breakfast or try to find your socks, when going for work, then this is something that you should really take care of, post haste. Apart from that, you can also get a smart meter installed so as to keep track of your energy usage.


In the light of the above, we can safely conclude that taking care of these small issues can lead to great benefits not just for the environment, but also decrease your power bill burden as well. So whether you are renovating your home or moving to a new house, these ideas can help you make your bathrooms more energy efficient.

How Does a Solar Pool Heater Work?

One can greatly reduce the swimming pool by installing a solar pool heater. Solar pool heaters are cost-effective whether you are using a gas or heat pump pool heaters. Individuals using solar pool heaters claim they have a low operating cost.  Most pool owners do not understand how solar pool heaters work and that that is why we have prepared this guide. Read on to learn more about how solar pool heaters work.


Basics of Solar Pool Heater

To understand how solar pool heaters work, it is best to start looking at major components of solar pool heating systems.

  • A pump– Pumps help circulates water through the collector and filter and back to the pool.
  • A solar collector– A collector is a device through which pool water is circulated for it to be heated by solar energy.
  • A filter– Before water is pumped through the collector, it’s vital to remove any leaves, debris, and dirt present. A filter helps get rid of any occurring debris.
  • Dirty filters use a lot of power to circulate the water. In order to maintain a solar pool effectively, you need to ensure that the cartridge filter is clean. Check https://roboticpoolcleanerscompared.com/ for more tips on how to maintain filters for optimal functioning.
  • A flow control valve– when you have plans to install a solar pool heater, one requires an automatic or manual device to divert water to the solar collector.

Working of a Solar Pool Heater

Pool water is pumped to the collector. Before water gets to the collector, it goes through a filter to remove any leaves, debris, and dirt.  In the solar collector, the water is heated by the sun before it’s returned to the pool.  If you live in a hot climate area, the collector can be used to cool the pool during summer months.  This is possible if you circulate water through the collector at night.

With a flow control valve, water is diverted to the collector the moment the collector temperature is higher than that of the pool.  However, when the collector temperature is equal to the pool’s temperature, the filtered water only bypasses the collector before it’s returned to the pool.


Solar pool collectors vary in type and material used depending on your climate and also how you purpose to use the collector.  Unglazed collector systems are best when you mainly use your pool when the temperature is above the freezing point.  These types of collectors do not have a glass covering (The glazing). Such collectors are made of heavy plastic treated with UV light inhibitors or heavy-duty rubbers.

Due to their inexpensive designs and parts, unglazed collectors are less expensive when compared to their glazed counterparts.  If you have an indoor pool, unglazed collectors are also effective, especially when designed to drain back to the pool when they not in use.

Tips to improve

Unglazed collectors are the best option considering they are cost-effective and easy to install.  Note the type of collector you use in your pool highly influences how effective your solar pool heater is. Now that you understand unglazed pool heaters are unmatched when it comes to performance let’s now look at how to buy the best solar pool heater.

Selecting the right collector can be a daunting task but for the best results, make sure you choose the right heater. Most people buy the right solar pool heater, which makes the whole process a waste of time and money. To correct this problem, lets us look at how one should select a solar pool heater.

How to Select the Right Solar Pool Heater?

Buying a solar pool heater can be an expensive exercise considering it might cost you between $3,000 and $4,000. A car title loan can be the perfect way to cover those costs and keep your pool heated year- round. Once you install a good solar heater, it provides a payback of 7 to years depending on the quality of the solar and how it was installed among other factors.

Before you buy and install any solar heating system, make sure you look into the following

  • Evaluate your site’s solar resource – This is an important consideration bearing in mind the effectiveness of a solar pool heater depends on the amount of solar energy that reaches your pool.
  • Sizing a solar pool heater – The size of a solar pool heating system is determined by several factors.  For example, you need to consider your pool size, length of the swimming season, collector efficiency, desired pool temperature, and average regional temperatures.
  • Sitting a solar pool heating system on a collector – This is another major factor one should look at considering collectors have to be mounted on roofs or anywhere near the pool for better orientation and exposure.
  • Checking the efficiency of the solar pool heater – one should also consider how efficient a given heater is before buying by checking the heater’s thermal performance rating.  A thermal performance rating is either measured in Btu (British thermal unit) or megajoules (MJ) per square meter.
  • Comparing solar swimming pool heating system cost – Before making a purchase, one should estimate and compare the cost associated with different solar heater models.  To estimate and compare cost, one should look at the total installation cost, the number of collector panels required to heat your pool, and a collector’s thermal performance rating.
  • Building codes and costs – one should also take time to consider installation costs before buying a solar pool heater.
  • Installation and maintenance – One should also be considerate about how a solar pool heating system will be installed before buying. The installation process depends on several factors such as climate, building codes requirements, and safety issues. After installation, one should also consider how the system will be maintained considering proper maintenance; solar pool heaters can run smoothly for 5-10 years.

For best results, there are a few practices adopted when installing a solar pool heater. One of these practices involves using unglazed collectors which are cheap yet effective. Additionally, pool owners are advised to go for top-rated solar pool heaters available on sale.

Evaluate Your Current Pool Maintenance Costs

It is also beneficial to think about how much you’re currently spending on your pool, between pool chemicals, water, and electric costs of running the pump. There’s also always the potential for pools to leak and cause flood damage in homes, for which you need to have a reserve, or extra monthly insurance cost. Once you know your pool’s current monthly cost, it’s easier to determine the real value that a solar pool heater can provide.

Tool Required for Installation

When installing a solar pool heater, there are several tools one should use.  Most of these tools are also vital as they highly influence how a solar pool heater works.   These tools include:

  • A solar collector
  • A filter
  • A pump
  • A flow control valve

What is a Power Inverter and Why do I Need One?

Are you the owner of an RV, SUV, car, boat or other vehicle with enough free space like Honda BR-V, and want to be able to watch TV, cook, or power a laptop onboard? If yes, you’ll be needing a power inverter. But what are they, and what do they do? Read on to find out why you’ll need one to power your gadgets on the road. As a fun fact, power inverters are now also becoming more commonly used in air conditioning units for homes with ess battery but these will require an HVAC technician to install. Use of the technology is expanding. On a side note, if you’re property or business owner and would like to protect your assets, please refer to this guide here.


What is a Power Inverter?

Basically, they are devices that turn your vehicle battery’s direct current (DC) into alternating current (AC) – the kind of electricity you have in outlets in your house, that are connected to the energy grid. Power inverters are not to be confused with catalytic converters, which control exhaust emissions.

Having a power converter means you can plug in your appliances and devices, and power them like you would through an electricity outlet in a house.

In your car, you can get USB adaptors for your cigarette lighter so that you can charge your phone or plug in your satnav. But for larger gadgets and electronics with proper plugs, you’ll need an inverter.

Working of a Power Inverter

Like we said, they convert currents to a type safe for use in vehicles. Your vehicle’s battery voltage provides a current that powers its internal workings – you’ll need to know which voltage your vehicle’s battery uses to choose the correct inverter.

The current supplied by a battery sticks on one circuit, in one direction – where the name ‘direct current’ comes from.

However, to power your gadgets, you’ll need alternating current, as those electronics need more power to function than the DC can provide. They’re made to function with the high-voltage AC current supplied in homes. If you are wondering ‘how to do my homework‘ to write a high-quality essay on electricity, consider EssayDoc.

Power inverters increase the DC voltage, change it to AC, then use it to power your devices. They amp up your battery’s voltage so you can play video games and use a kettle in your RV. Cool, huh?

Size Selection

These babies come in a variety of sizes – most commonly 1000, 3000 or 5000 watts.

It’s recommended that a 3000 watt inverter is the happy medium between inverter sizes and best choice to get. They’re not too small like the 1000, or too powerful and overcharged like the 5000. If you need a little extra boost, there are 3500 watt capacities available.

We spoke to a representative from Crusader Vans, who has a lot of knowledge on the topic at hand and they said, “The size you choose depends on the watts or amps of what you want to run (find the power consumption by referring to the specification plate on the appliance or tool). We recommend you buy a larger model than you think you’ll need (at least 20% more than your largest load).

Determine Continuous Load and Starting (Peak) Load: You need to determine how much power your tool or appliance (or combination of them that you would use at the same time) requires to start up (starting load), and also the continued running requirements (continuous load).” Follow this link to know more about them: https://www.crusader-vans.co.uk/

Modified or Pure Sine Wave Inverter?

Besides the sizing, there are two main types of inverter – the modified sine wave, and the pure sine wave.

So, what’s the difference, and which one will you need?

  • Modified Sine Wave: These tend to be cheaper, and less powerful. However, they’re good for most everyday electronics you will want to use, just not very large ones.
  • Pure Sine Wave: These are compatible with pretty much all electronics, gadgets, and appliances, and produce a powerful current most like the one supplied by the electric grid. These are the most common choice, because they’re more likely to be compatible with anything you need to plug in.

Power inverters are useful for charging on the road without having to cart around adaptors and large plugs

Other Features and Tips

  • Power inverters are especially useful if you are setting up a solar power system – they convert energy from the sun into electricity you can use to power your gadgets within your vehicle. This is renewable energy that isn’t a drain on your best car battery.
  • Power inverters aren’t just for vehicles – if you have a small cottage or outhouse, they’re very useful for setting up a small power source there.
  • Many (but not all) power inverters come with USB outlets, useful for charging on the road without having to cart around adaptors and large plugs. For ease of use, get one compatible with USB.
  • The best inverters have digital screens which show you how much energy has been consumed and information about battery voltage. It’s useful to know these things at a glance, so consider getting one that has a screen.
  • Modern inverters, such as a solar inverter, have been made to be extra-quiet, so you won’t be woken up by a noisy machine while trying to simultaneously get some sleep and charge your phone in your RV.

Recommended Reading: Factors affecting the price of a home inverter

5 Surprising Benefits of Annual Boiler Servicing

Homeowners are well aware that they should have their boilers serviced on a yearly basis in order to prevent breakdowns and save a ton of money on repairs. However, many are oblivious to the fact that annual boiler service comes with additional benefits worth exploring.

This article is going to cover five of these surprising benefits that will have you shake your head in disbelief, such as improved energy efficiency, lower fuel bills, and longer lifespan. Scroll down to get all the info.

benefits of annual boiler service

Key Takeaways

  • One of the surprising benefits of annual boiler servicing is improved safety
  • A properly maintained unit will generally offer optimal performance and efficiency
  • This will also extend its lifespan
  • At the end of the day, you will have the peace of mind that you will always have hot water and a warm home

Increased Efficiency and Lower Energy Bills

Energy efficiency is one of the biggest benefits of a well-maintained machine. Regular boiler servicing will definitely increase the efficiency of your unit, which will result in a reduction in your energy bills.

The reason is simple. A boiler that works at optimal levels will use less energy to heat your home. The number one cause of a poorly efficient system is everyday wear and tear as well as accumulation of sediment and debris.

When you have your boiler serviced annually, the technician will normally take care of those. They will check different parts of your appliance to make sure it’s in tip-top shape. And if it isn’t, the right steps will be taken to get it fixed.

Improved Safety

Boilers that are not properly maintained can present a health risk. Annual boiler servicing can help identify potential safety hazards like gas leaks or carbon monoxide leaks, ensuring that your unit is functioning as it should.

It is vital to address them before they become more serious problems. Not only will you save money in the long run, but you will have hot water at all times. This means not having to limit your showers.

The bigger the fault you have to deal with, the more time you will spend in a cold house. That’s very inconvenient for a small household, let alone a large family. By having a qualified engineer check your boiler every year, you can also guarantee that the unit is installed correctly and working as intended.

Extended Boiler Lifespan

Regular maintenance can help prolong the lifespan of your boiler by identifying potential problems before they escalate into more serious issues. This can help you avoid costly repairs or replacements in the future.

Regular maintenance can help prolong the lifespan of your boiler. By catching problems early on and addressing them before they become more serious, you can avoid costly repairs or replacements in the future. Additionally, a well-maintained boiler is less likely to suffer from breakdowns, which can also help to extend its lifespan.

Improved Performance

Regular servicing serves to ensure that your unit is operating at optimal performance, reducing the risk of system failures and breakdowns. Thanks to annual maintenance, your boiler will be balanced correctly and the radiators will be bled on an as-needed basis, enabling the system to heat your home much more quickly.


The team of technicians can also make the necessary adjustments to the settings so that the unit’s performance can meet the hot water needs of your household. Since these needs will change over time, you can rest assured your boiler is set up accordingly.

Peace of Mind

Without a doubt, having your boiler serviced annually can give you peace of mind, knowing that the system is running safely and efficiently. Professional boiler service experts, who are Gas Safe registered, like Gas Boiler & Heating Repair LTD, recommend having your boiler serviced annually to ensure it is running safely and efficiently. This can give you peace of mind, knowing that the system is in good working order and prevent unexpected boiler breakdowns, especially during those cold winter days. With their expertise and quality service, you can trust them to keep your boiler in top condition. Contact Gas Boiler & Heating Repair LTD at 49 Pendragon Rd, Bromley BR1 5JZ, United Kingdom, or call them at +44 7795 034003 to schedule your annual boiler service today.


Q: What is annual boiler servicing?

A: This is a routine checkup carried out by a qualified technician known as a heating engineer. The goal is to ensure that your boiler is working at its best without compromising your safety.

Q: How does annual boiler servicing reduce energy bills?

A: It’s simple. A well-maintained boiler will need less energy to heat your home, which will lead to smaller energy bills. In turn, this will reduce your energy waste, which is great for the environment. Great for your wallet, great for nature – it’s a win-win.

Q: How does annual boiler servicing reduce the risk of breakdowns?

A: When a boiler is not serviced right, it’s not uncommon for small issues to turn into major problems. One thing leads to another and soon you have yourself the very first breakdown. To reduce the need for emergency repairs, which are in no way gentle on your wallet, schedule that annual service.

Q: How does annual boiler servicing improve safety?

A: During your regular servicing appointment, the technician will not only clean the unit but also check for faults that could signal harmful chemical leaks. More specifically, they will want to verify that there are no carbon monoxide emissions. Carbon monoxide is an odourless gas, which means you may not know it when there is a leak.

Q: How does annual boiler servicing extend the lifespan of the boiler?

A: It’s simple. When your boiler is regularly cleaned and maintained, this can prevent the accumulation of corrosion and debris. And these do damage the system over time. Therefore, if your unit doesn’t have to deal with the aforementioned offenders, it will have a longer lifespan.