Bioenergy and Its Endless Possibilities

Bioenergy is a renewable energy source derived from biological materials, such as plants, animals, and their byproducts. It has been used for thousands of years, dating back to the use of wood for heating and cooking. Today, bioenergy has evolved into a diverse and rapidly growing industry, with applications ranging from electricity generation to transportation fuels and bioproducts. This article will explore the various forms of bioenergy, their benefits, and the endless possibilities they offer for a sustainable future.

future of bioenergy

One of the most common forms of bioenergy is biomass, which refers to organic materials that can be used as fuel. Biomass can be obtained from various sources, including agricultural residues, forestry residues, and dedicated energy crops. These materials can be converted into different forms of energy, such as heat, electricity, and biofuels, through various processes, including combustion, gasification, and fermentation.

One example of biomass utilization is the production of biogas, a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide produced by the anaerobic digestion of organic matter. Biogas can be used as a fuel for heating, electricity generation, and transportation. It can also be upgraded to biomethane, a renewable natural gas that can be injected into the natural gas grid or used as a vehicle fuel. Biogas production not only provides a renewable energy source but also helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions by capturing methane that would otherwise be released into the atmosphere.

Typical layout of a modern biogas facility

Another form of bioenergy is biofuels, which are liquid fuels derived from biomass. There are several types of biofuels, including ethanol, biodiesel, and advanced biofuels. Ethanol is the most widely used biofuel, primarily as a gasoline additive to reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. It is typically produced from sugar- and starch-rich crops, such as corn and sugarcane. Biodiesel, on the other hand, is made from vegetable oils, animal fats, and recycled cooking grease. It can be used as a diesel fuel substitute or blended with petroleum diesel to reduce emissions.

Advanced biofuels, also known as second-generation biofuels, are produced from non-food biomass sources, such as agricultural and forestry residues, municipal solid waste, and dedicated energy crops like switchgrass and miscanthus. These biofuels have the potential to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions compared to fossil fuels and do not compete with food production. Examples of advanced biofuels include cellulosic ethanol, renewable diesel, and biojet fuel.

hazards of biofuel production

In addition to energy production, bioenergy can also be used to produce various bioproducts, such as chemicals, materials, and pharmaceuticals. These bioproducts can replace petroleum-based products, reducing our dependence on fossil fuels and lowering greenhouse gas emissions. One example of bioproducts is bioplastics, which are made from renewable biomass sources like corn starch, cellulose, and vegetable oils. Bioplastics can be used in various applications, including packaging, automotive parts, and consumer goods.

The development of advanced biomanufacturing technologies has opened up new possibilities for bioenergy and bioproducts. For instance, GBI Biomanufacturing is a company that specializes in the production of high-value bioproducts using advanced fermentation processes. Their expertise in bioprocess development and optimization allows them to produce a wide range of products, from biofuels to specialty chemicals and pharmaceuticals. This demonstrates the versatility and potential of bioenergy in various industries.

One of the main benefits of bioenergy is its potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate climate change. Unlike fossil fuels, which release carbon dioxide when burned, bioenergy is considered carbon-neutral because the carbon dioxide released during combustion is offset by the carbon dioxide absorbed by plants during photosynthesis. Moreover, the use of bioenergy can help reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, enhancing energy security and diversifying the energy mix.

Another advantage of bioenergy is its potential to support rural economies and create jobs. The production of biomass and biofuels can provide new income opportunities for farmers and rural communities, as well as stimulate investment in infrastructure and technology. Furthermore, the development of advanced biomanufacturing facilities can create high-skilled jobs in research, engineering, and production.

bioenergy and rural development

Despite its numerous benefits, bioenergy also faces several challenges. One of the main concerns is the competition between bioenergy and food production, as some biofuels are produced from food crops like corn and sugarcane. This can lead to higher food prices and land-use changes, potentially affecting food security and biodiversity. However, the development of advanced biofuels from non-food biomass sources can help address this issue.

How Can Bioenergy Change The World?

In recent years, the world has been grappling with the effects of climate change, dwindling natural resources, and increasing energy demands. As a result, there has been a growing interest in finding sustainable and renewable energy sources to meet these challenges. One such source is bioenergy, which has the potential to revolutionize the way we produce and consume energy. In this article, we will explore the various aspects of bioenergy, its benefits, and how it can change the world for the better.

why bioenergy is the future

Bioenergy is a form of renewable energy derived from organic materials, such as plants, animals, and microorganisms explains Scorpius Bio. These materials, known as biomass, can be converted into various forms of energy, including heat, electricity, and biofuels. The process of converting biomass into energy is called bioenergy production, and it can be achieved through various methods, such as combustion, gasification, and fermentation.

One of the main advantages of bioenergy is its renewability. Unlike fossil fuels, which are finite and take millions of years to form, biomass can be replenished relatively quickly through natural processes, such as photosynthesis and decomposition. This means that bioenergy has the potential to provide a sustainable and long-term solution to our energy needs.

agricultural wastes

Storage of biomass fuels is expensive and increases with capacity.

Another significant benefit of bioenergy is its potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. When biomass is burned or decomposed, it releases carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere. However, this CO2 can be absorbed by plants during photosynthesis, effectively creating a closed carbon cycle. This is in stark contrast to fossil fuels, which release CO2 that has been locked away for millions of years, contributing to the greenhouse effect and climate change. By replacing fossil fuels with bioenergy, we can significantly reduce our carbon footprint and mitigate the effects of climate change.

Bioenergy can also contribute to energy security and independence. Many countries, particularly those with limited fossil fuel resources, rely heavily on imports to meet their energy needs. This dependence can lead to economic and political instability, as well as vulnerability to supply disruptions. By investing in bioenergy production, countries can reduce their reliance on imported fuels and increase their energy self-sufficiency.

biomass collection

Moreover, bioenergy can play a crucial role in rural development and poverty alleviation. In many developing countries, agriculture is the primary source of income for rural communities. By integrating bioenergy production into existing agricultural practices, farmers can diversify their income sources and improve their livelihoods. For example, they can grow energy crops, such as switchgrass or miscanthus, alongside food crops, or use agricultural residues, such as straw or manure, to produce bioenergy. This can create new job opportunities, stimulate local economies, and contribute to sustainable development.

However, it is essential to recognize that bioenergy is not a one-size-fits-all solution. The sustainability and feasibility of bioenergy production depend on various factors, such as the type of biomass, the conversion method, and the local environmental and socio-economic conditions. Therefore, it is crucial to carefully assess the potential impacts and benefits of bioenergy projects on a case-by-case basis.

In addition to its environmental and socio-economic benefits, bioenergy also has the potential to drive technological innovation and scientific discovery. The development of advanced bioenergy production methods, such as genetic engineering, synthetic biology, and nanotechnology, can lead to new breakthroughs in various fields, from medicine to materials science. Furthermore, the interdisciplinary nature of bioenergy research can foster collaboration and knowledge exchange between scientists, engineers, and policymakers, ultimately contributing to a more sustainable and prosperous future.

Despite its many advantages, bioenergy also faces several challenges that need to be addressed to fully realize its potential. One of the main concerns is the competition between bioenergy and food production. The cultivation of energy crops can lead to land-use changes, deforestation, and biodiversity loss, as well as increased pressure on water and soil resources. To minimize these impacts, it is essential to promote sustainable land management practices, such as agroforestry, crop rotation, and conservation agriculture.

Another challenge is the need for significant investments in infrastructure, research, and development to scale up bioenergy production and make it cost-competitive with fossil fuels. This requires strong political commitment and public support, as well as collaboration between governments, industry, and academia. Incentives, such as subsidies, tax breaks, and feed-in tariffs, can also help stimulate investment and innovation in the bioenergy sector.

Biogas in Agriculture Sector in India: Key Challenges

Although the conversion of agriculture waste – cattle dung and crop residues –  to biogas and digested slurry is an established and well-proven technology in India, it has been under-used, probably because until recently, firewood was easily available and chemical fertilizer was relatively affordable to most of the farmers in India.

The National Biogas and Manure Management Programme (NBMMP) was put in place to lower the environmental degradation and prevent greenhouse gas emissions, like carbon dioxide and methane, into the atmosphere. However, this objective of the program is less likely to motivate the farmers and their families to install biogas plants.

This program rolled out by Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources (now Ministry of New and Renewable Energy), New Delhi, with heavy subsidies for family-type biogas plants to increase adoption, was successful with lakhs of biogas plants being installed across the country till now.

It was realised that due to poor dissemination of information and unsatisfactory communication about the plant operation & application of the digested biogas slurry, and unable to perceive the return in terms of value resulted in discontinuation of lakhs of biogas plants across the country.

The entire biogas technology marketing efforts failed to highlight major advantage – an increased revenue from agriculture with the use of high quality and a low-cost homegrown digested biogas slurry as fertiliser. Another advantage was to help farmers’ understand that their land quality and output per acre will increase over the years by the use of digested biogas slurry which has been degraded from the rampant use of chemical fertiliser and pesticides.

Challenges to be addressed

The farmer’s communities today are required to made to understand that their revenue from agriculture is decreasing year on year due to increasing deforestation, degradation of land quality, rampant use of chemical fertiliser and pesticides, lack of farm cattle, injudicious use of water for irrigation, and use heavy vehicles for ploughing.

These ill-advised decisions have made the farmers poorer, impacted the health of their families and the rural environment of villages. The years ahead are crucial if this trend is not reversed.

Unending benefits of biogas technology

Most of the rural and semi-urban areas have a poor perception of the Anaerobic Digestion (or biogas or biomethanation) technology. This technology offers benefits to all spheres of society but have a particular emphasis on the needs of the farmers in rural areas.

Farmers with dairy animals generally have free access to animal waste (dung), which provide input feed for the biogas digesters. Normally, these farmers stock-pile the dung obtained from their cattle as a plant fertilizer, but this has lower nitrogen content than the digested biogas slurry created by the biogas digestion process, which is odorless and makes a better fertilizer to substitute chemical fertilizers. They can use the gas for cooking or heating, for running power generators. The biogas technology helps farmers reduce their burden to buy LPG and harmful chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

In short, biogas technology is an integrated solution for sustainable agriculture, improving health and lowering environment degradation.

The promise of biogas technology

Biogas technology can help in the following manner:

  • Enhance bio-security for dairy animals – being fully fermented, bio-slurry is odorless and does not attract flies, repels termites and pests that are attracted to raw dung.
  • Provides high quality and low-cost homegrown fertiliser for sustainable agriculture.
  • Reduce energy poverty and ensure energy security.
  • Digested biogas slurry is an excellent soil conditioner with humic acid.
  • Save time for women for education and livelihood activities.
  • Increase forest cover as less firewood would be needed on a daily basis.
  • Reduce weed growth

Importance of Government Efforts

The agriculture sector is playing a major role in India economy and it comprises a huge vote bank. Our government has launched various initiatives like GOBAR-DHAN (Galvanizing Organic Bio-Agro Resources Dhan), Sustainable Alternative towards Affordable Transportation (SATAT), and New National Biogas and Organic Manure Programme (NNBOMP) in attempt to revive interest in biogas technology for farmers and entrepreneurs.


Agricultural residues, such as rice straw, are an important carbon source for anaerobic digestion

These initiatives are aimed at developmental efforts that would benefit the farmers, vehicle-users, and entrepreneurs. These initiatives also hold a great promise for efficient solid waste management and tackling problems of indoor air pollution caused by use of firewood, deforestation and methane gas release in the atmosphere due to open piling of cattle dung.

These initiatives aren’t marketing the value which solves a major challenge – degradation of agriculture land for farming in rural India. The initiative and efforts are majorly focused on waste management, environment and towards behavioral change. These changes are of global importance and can be managed effortlessly by generating tangible results for farmers.

India has an aspiring young workforce which is moving to urban settlements in hope for better opportunities, therefore, productivity and revenue from agriculture needs to grow. The biogas sector in India can restore agriculture productivity and strengthen revenue to make it attractive.

How Does a Solar Pool Heater Work?

One can greatly reduce the swimming pool by installing a solar pool heater. Solar pool heaters are cost-effective whether you are using a gas or heat pump pool heaters. Individuals using solar pool heaters claim they have a low operating cost.  Most pool owners do not understand how solar pool heaters work and that that is why we have prepared this guide. Read on to learn more about how solar pool heaters work.


Basics of Solar Pool Heater

To understand how solar pool heaters work, it is best to start looking at major components of solar pool heating systems.

  • A pump– Pumps help circulates water through the collector and filter and back to the pool.
  • A solar collector– A collector is a device through which pool water is circulated for it to be heated by solar energy.
  • A filter– Before water is pumped through the collector, it’s vital to remove any leaves, debris, and dirt present. A filter helps get rid of any occurring debris.
  • Dirty filters use a lot of power to circulate the water. In order to maintain a solar pool effectively, you need to ensure that the cartridge filter is clean. Check for more tips on how to maintain filters for optimal functioning.
  • A flow control valve– when you have plans to install a solar pool heater, one requires an automatic or manual device to divert water to the solar collector.

Working of a Solar Pool Heater

Pool water is pumped to the collector. Before water gets to the collector, it goes through a filter to remove any leaves, debris, and dirt.  In the solar collector, the water is heated by the sun before it’s returned to the pool.  If you live in a hot climate area, the collector can be used to cool the pool during summer months.  This is possible if you circulate water through the collector at night.

With a flow control valve, water is diverted to the collector the moment the collector temperature is higher than that of the pool.  However, when the collector temperature is equal to the pool’s temperature, the filtered water only bypasses the collector before it’s returned to the pool.


Solar pool collectors vary in type and material used depending on your climate and also how you purpose to use the collector.  Unglazed collector systems are best when you mainly use your pool when the temperature is above the freezing point.  These types of collectors do not have a glass covering (The glazing). Such collectors are made of heavy plastic treated with UV light inhibitors or heavy-duty rubbers.

Due to their inexpensive designs and parts, unglazed collectors are less expensive when compared to their glazed counterparts.  If you have an indoor pool, unglazed collectors are also effective, especially when designed to drain back to the pool when they not in use.

Tips to improve

Unglazed collectors are the best option considering they are cost-effective and easy to install.  Note the type of collector you use in your pool highly influences how effective your solar pool heater is. Now that you understand unglazed pool heaters are unmatched when it comes to performance let’s now look at how to buy the best solar pool heater.

Selecting the right collector can be a daunting task but for the best results, make sure you choose the right heater. Most people buy the right solar pool heater, which makes the whole process a waste of time and money. To correct this problem, lets us look at how one should select a solar pool heater.

How to Select the Right Solar Pool Heater?

Buying a solar pool heater can be an expensive exercise considering it might cost you between $3,000 and $4,000. A car title loan can be the perfect way to cover those costs and keep your pool heated year- round. Once you install a good solar heater, it provides a payback of 7 to years depending on the quality of the solar and how it was installed among other factors.

Before you buy and install any solar heating system, make sure you look into the following

  • Evaluate your site’s solar resource – This is an important consideration bearing in mind the effectiveness of a solar pool heater depends on the amount of solar energy that reaches your pool.
  • Sizing a solar pool heater – The size of a solar pool heating system is determined by several factors.  For example, you need to consider your pool size, length of the swimming season, collector efficiency, desired pool temperature, and average regional temperatures.
  • Sitting a solar pool heating system on a collector – This is another major factor one should look at considering collectors have to be mounted on roofs or anywhere near the pool for better orientation and exposure.
  • Checking the efficiency of the solar pool heater – one should also consider how efficient a given heater is before buying by checking the heater’s thermal performance rating.  A thermal performance rating is either measured in Btu (British thermal unit) or megajoules (MJ) per square meter.
  • Comparing solar swimming pool heating system cost – Before making a purchase, one should estimate and compare the cost associated with different solar heater models.  To estimate and compare cost, one should look at the total installation cost, the number of collector panels required to heat your pool, and a collector’s thermal performance rating.
  • Building codes and costs – one should also take time to consider installation costs before buying a solar pool heater.
  • Installation and maintenance – One should also be considerate about how a solar pool heating system will be installed before buying. The installation process depends on several factors such as climate, building codes requirements, and safety issues. After installation, one should also consider how the system will be maintained considering proper maintenance; solar pool heaters can run smoothly for 5-10 years.

For best results, there are a few practices adopted when installing a solar pool heater. One of these practices involves using unglazed collectors which are cheap yet effective. Additionally, pool owners are advised to go for top-rated solar pool heaters available on sale.

Evaluate Your Current Pool Maintenance Costs

It is also beneficial to think about how much you’re currently spending on your pool, between pool chemicals, water, and electric costs of running the pump. There’s also always the potential for pools to leak and cause flood damage in homes, for which you need to have a reserve, or extra monthly insurance cost. Once you know your pool’s current monthly cost, it’s easier to determine the real value that a solar pool heater can provide.

Tool Required for Installation

When installing a solar pool heater, there are several tools one should use.  Most of these tools are also vital as they highly influence how a solar pool heater works.   These tools include:

  • A solar collector
  • A filter
  • A pump
  • A flow control valve

ROI of Commercial Solar Panels for Business Owners

The way business owners think about solar panels has changed. Less than ten years ago, businesses were concerned about whether solar power would provide them with the energy they need. Now, that question is almost never asked, because it’s been answered. Two of the biggest companies in the world, Google and Walmart, have installed dozens of solar plants at their headquarters. Solar energy has been shown to work well for big business. Now florida llc want to know how solar panels can provide them with a strong ROI.

It’s said money doesn’t grow on trees, but in the case of solar panels, it does fall from the sky.


Commercial Solar Panels Decrease Energy Costs

Solar panels cut down on the amount of energy you pay for, because all day every day, you’re producing your own.

There is a common misconception that solar panels only work when the sun is blaring but this isn’t the case. Even on an average day in the depths of a British Winter, solar panels produce enough energy.

When you generate your own solar power, you only have to switch to the National Grid at night. With most small businesses using less power at night, this can offer huge savings.

More than that, small business owners protect themselves from losses due to energy price increases. As the cost of using the National Grid rises, solar panels save a small business owner more and more money.

Generate a Passive Income

Feed-in-tariffs (FIT) offer a big ROI for business owners who want to install solar panels. FIT is a government scheme which intends to encourage people to adopt low-carbon and renewable energy technologies, by paying them to do so.

Under FIT, every unit of energy your solar PV system generates is paid for whether you use that energy or not, and you’re paid for any energy your system produces that goes back into the national grid.

This allows small business owners to generate a passive income for twenty years, guaranteed by the UK government. As if it couldn’t get any better, all the money earned under FIT is completely tax free.

The Cost of Installation Has Decreased

Many small business owners were reluctant to switch to solar panels because of the high initial outlay. Since the launch of the FIT scheme, the cost of installation has decreased dramatically, which means business owners will see their solar panels generate returns faster now than at any other point.

There are plenty of subsidies available to those who are looking to install commercial solar panels, because the government wants renewable energy to work for individuals and businesses. This also means the return on investment for solar panel technologies is at a high.

Helping the Environment Helps Your Business

If businesses are looking for sustainable and long-term growth, thinking conscientiously about the environment is crucial. With global temperatures rising, the rising costs of food and energy are going to have a massive impact on how consumers spend their money.

Solar panels have low maintenance cost

Switching to sustainable energy now has a positive impact on the ecosystem, which protects the pockets of consumers of your products for years to come. Decreased outgoings for energy means greater savings, and a show of environmental care can increase your prestige in a crowded market.

The Return on Investment

The safest commercial solar panels for investment cost very little to maintain once they’re installed, and can last up to thirty years. The estimated savings for residential properties over a twenty-year period is around £9,000, and for commercial properties that figure extends even higher; a small business can look to save £16,000.

No planning permission is required for businesses to install solar panels, saving you time which can save you money. Low installation costs, a decrease in energy outgoings and the generation of a passive income means the ROI of solar panels is higher now than at any other point. Solar energy works wonders for your business and the planet.

Green Hosting Solutions For Bitcoin Mining

The popularity of Bitcoin mining has surged in recent years as more individuals see it as a lucrative opportunity to make money with cryptocurrencies. However, the conventional method of Bitcoin mining is detrimental to the environment as it contributes to the emission of greenhouse gases, which exacerbates the issue of global warming. As an expert in the field of cryptocurrency, I understand the importance of seeking sustainable options for bitcoin mining server hosting to minimize its environmental impact.

green hosting solutions for bitcoin mining

This article will delve into the necessity for eco-friendly hosting solutions for Bitcoin mining and enumerate the advantages and various types of sustainable hosting alternatives that are currently available. The adoption of green hosting solutions will enable us to promote a more environmentally conscious approach to Bitcoin mining, while still capitalizing on the benefits of this emerging technology.

Traditional Bitcoin Mining and Its Environmental Impact

The procedure of Bitcoin mining entails the validation and inclusion of transactions in the blockchain ledger by resolving intricate mathematical equations. The conventional method of Bitcoin mining is notorious for its high energy consumption, which has a considerable impact on the environment. It is estimated that Bitcoin mining consumes energy equivalent to that of a small nation, and the environmental impact of conventional mining practices is significant.

The conventional approach to Bitcoin mining is heavily reliant on non-renewable sources of energy, primarily fossil fuels, which emit greenhouse gases and contribute to the issue of global warming. Therefore, it is imperative to find sustainable and environmentally friendly hosting solutions for Bitcoin mining servers to mitigate the impact of this process on the environment.

Green Hosting Solutions for Bitcoin Mining

As the world becomes more aware of the environmental impact of traditional bitcoin mining practices, the demand for eco-friendly hosting solutions for bitcoin mining servers is growing. Green hosting services aim to reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainable practices by using renewable energy sources.

Green hosting solutions for bitcoin mining offer numerous benefits, including lower energy costs, improved efficiency, and a smaller carbon footprint. These solutions include renewable energy-powered servers, low carbon footprint hosting providers, and carbon offsetting hosting services.

Renewable energy-powered servers use clean energy sources like solar or wind power to operate their servers. Low carbon footprint hosting providers prioritize energy-efficient hardware and strive to minimize carbon emissions. Carbon offsetting hosting services focus on offsetting the carbon emissions associated with bitcoin mining through activities like planting trees or investing in renewable energy projects.

Adopting sustainable hosting solutions can significantly reduce the environmental impact of bitcoin mining, and it’s a step towards creating a more sustainable future.

crypto mining in Armenia

Case Studies: Green Hosting Solutions for Bitcoin Mining

Numerous companies have realized the significance of eco-friendly and sustainable hosting solutions for bitcoin mining servers and have started providing green hosting options.

One such company is, which uses hydropower, a renewable energy source, to power its mining operations.

BitRiver, another company, provides colocation services powered by hydroelectricity and has plans to expand to other renewable energy sources.

Giga Watt offers carbon offsetting hosting services, which helps to counterbalance the carbon emissions associated with bitcoin mining by investing in renewable energy projects.

These companies have demonstrated the possibility of green hosting solutions for bitcoin mining and the favorable environmental impact that can be achieved. By adopting green hosting solutions, bitcoin miners can lower their carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable and eco-friendly future.

Future of Green Hosting Solutions for Bitcoin Mining

The call for sustainable and eco-friendly hosting solutions for bitcoin mining is on the rise, indicating that green hosting is poised to play a significant role in shaping the industry’s future. With an increasing number of individuals and companies recognizing the environmental impact of conventional bitcoin mining practices, the need for green hosting solutions is expected to grow.

How scientist use data in green energy

Innovations in renewable energy sources and energy-efficient hardware are making it increasingly feasible to power bitcoin mining servers using clean energy. The development of green hosting solutions for bitcoin mining is an exciting area of innovation, with numerous companies working to develop new, sustainable technologies.

Regulations can also promote the use of green hosting solutions for bitcoin mining by encouraging sustainable practices and setting standards for eco-friendly hosting services. The future of bitcoin mining and green hosting solutions is one that emphasizes progress and innovation, with a focus on sustainability and eco-friendliness.


In summary, it is increasingly clear that the environmental impact of traditional bitcoin mining practices necessitates the adoption of sustainable and eco-friendly hosting solutions for this industry. Green hosting solutions offer a range of benefits, including reduced energy costs, increased efficiency, and a smaller carbon footprint. Through the use of renewable energy sources and energy-efficient hardware, green hosting solutions can significantly reduce the environmental impact of bitcoin mining.

The future of sustainable mining practices is bright, with technological advancements and a growing demand for eco-friendly crypto solutions. It is crucial for bitcoin miners to prioritize sustainability and work towards minimizing their impact on the environment. By transitioning to green hosting solutions, we can create a more sustainable and environmentally conscious future for bitcoin mining.

Biomethane – The Green Gas

Biomethane, also known as the green gas, is a well-known and well-proven source of clean energy, and is witnessing increasing demand worldwide, especially in European countries, as it is one of the most cost-effective and eco-friendly replacement for natural gas and diesel.

Advantages of Biomethane

The key advantage of biomethane is that it is less corrosive than biogas which makes it more flexible in its application than raw biogas. It can be injected directly into the existing natural gas grid leading to energy-efficient and cost-effective transport, besides allowing natural gas grid operators to persuade consumers to make a smooth transition to a renewable source of natural gas.

Biogas can be upgraded to biomethane and injected into the natural gas grid to substitute natural gas or can be compressed and fuelled via a pumping station at the place of production. Biomethane can be injected and distributed through the natural gas grid, after it has been compressed to the pipeline pressure.

The injected biomethane can be used at any ratio with natural gas as vehicle fuel. In many EU countries, the access to the gas grid is guaranteed for all biogas suppliers.

A major advantage of using natural gas grid for biomethane distribution is that the grid connects the production site of biomethane, which is usually in rural areas, with more densely populated areas. This enables biogas to reach new customers.

Storage of Biomethane

Biomethane can be converted either into liquefied biomethane (LBM) or compressed biomethane (CBM) in order to facilitate its long-term storage and transportation. LBM can be transported relatively easily and can be dispensed through LNG vehicles or CNG vehicles. Liquid biomethane is transported in the same manner as LNG, that is, via insulated tanker trucks designed for transportation of cryogenic liquids.

Biomethane can be stored as CBM to save space. The gas is stored in steel cylinders such as those typically used for storage of other commercial gases.

Applications of Biomethane

Biomethane can be used to generate electricity and heating from within smaller decentralized, or large centrally-located combined heat and power plants. It can be used by heating systems with a highly efficient fuel value, and employed as a regenerative power source in gas-powered vehicles.

Biomethane, as a transportation fuel, is most suitable for vehicles having engines that are based on natural gas (CNG or LNG). Once biogas is cleaned and upgraded to biomethane, it is virtually the same as natural gas.

Because biomethane has a lower energy density than NG, due to the high CO2 content, in some circumstances, changes to natural gas-based vehicle’s fuel injection system are required to use the biomethane effectively.

Top 4 Benefits of Biomass Energy

Biomass is material originating from plant and animal matter. Biomass energy uses biomass to create energy by burning organic materials. The heat energy released through burning these materials can heat homes or water. Heated water produces steam, which in turn can generate electricity. Using organic materials to create heat and power is an eco-friendlier alternative compared to using fossil fuels. Here’s more about the benefits of biomass energy


1. Indefinitely Renewable

The majority of the world’s energy comes from burning fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are a finite resource. Once fossil fuel resources run out, new fuel sources will be needed to meet global energy demands. Biomass offers a solution to meet this need.

Organic waste material from agriculture and logging operations, animal manure, and sludge from wastewater treatment are all viable fuels for generating biomass energy. As long as the earth is inhabited, these materials will be readily available.

2. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Organic waste that would typically be disposed of in landfills could be redirected for biomass energy use. This reduces the amount of material in landfills and slows the rate at which landfills are filled. Some of the most common waste products used for biomass energy are wood chips and agricultural waste products. Wood materials can easily be converted from already existing wood structures that will be destroyed, such as wooden furniture and log cabins, preferably both would also come from responsible logging and practices as well.

As more organic waste is diverted from landfills, the number of new landfills needed would be reduced. Older landfills are at risk for leaking leachate. Leachate contains many environmental pollutants that can contaminate groundwater sources.

Burning fossil fuel releases carbon into the atmosphere which was previously trapped below ground. Trapped carbon isn’t at risk for contributing to global climate change since it can’t interact with air. Each time fossil fuels are burned, they allow previously trapped carbon to enter the atmosphere and contribute to global climate change. In comparison, biofuel is carbon-neutral.

The materials used to create biomass energy naturally release carbon into the environment as they decompose. Living plants and trees use carbon dioxide to grow and release oxygen into the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide released by burning organic material will be absorbed by existing plants and trees. The biomass cycle is carbon-neutral as no new carbon is introduced to the system.

3. Smaller Carbon Footprint

The amount of unused farmland is increasing as agriculture becomes more efficient. Maintaining open land is expensive. As a result, farmers are selling off their property for new developments. Unused open agricultural land could be used to grow organic material for biofuels.

Converting open tracts of land to developed areas increases the amount of storm-water runoff. Storm-water runoff from developed areas contains more pollutants than storm-water runoff from undeveloped areas. Using open areas to grow biomass sources instead of creating new developments would reduce water pollution.


A quick glance at popular biomass resources

Forested areas also provide sources of biofuel material. Open land converted to sustainable forestry would create new animal habitats and offset carbon emissions from existing fossil fuel sources as more plants and trees would be available to absorb carbon dioxide.

4. Social Benefits of Biomass Energy

Burning fossil fuels releases sulfur dioxide, mercury and particulate matter into the atmosphere which can cause asthma, cancer and respiratory problems. Biomass energy emits less harmful byproducts compared to fossil fuels, which means cleaner air and healthier people.

Biofuel can improve rural economies by providing more people with unused land the opportunity to grown biomass material for energy use. Workers would be needed to harvest and process the materials needed to generate biofuel.

Since biomass is a renewable energy source, energy providers can receive tax credits and incentives. Countries with land resources will be less reliant on foreign fossil fuel providers and can improve their local economies.

Increasing biomass energy usage can reduce forest fires. Selectively reducing brush can still reduce the risk of wildfires spreading. Exposing underbrush and groundcover to rainfall decreases the change of it drying out and creating optimal, fire spreading conditions.

Biomass Energy in Denmark

Denmark is an example of how effective biomass energy can be in improving energy efficiency. Approximately 70 percent of renewable-energy consumption in Denmark comes from biomass.

Woody biomass creates an increasing percentage of heating from combined heat and power (CHP) plants with a goal to for 100 percent of hearing to be derived from woody biomass by 2035. Another form of biomass is agricultural biomass. This form utilizes materials such as straw and corn to create end-products like electricity, heating and biofuels.

The Danish Energy Agency has developed a plan including four scenarios that will help Denmark become fossil fuel free by 2050. The biomass scenario involves CHP for electricity and district heating, indicating that biomass energy is important in Denmark’s energy sector today and will play an increasingly important role in the future.

Biomass offers an eco-friendly and renewable method of reducing pollution and the effects of global climate change. And, like other forms of renewable energy, the products needed to develop biomass energy are readily available.

A Blackout, Big Oil, and Wind Energy

The annual wind turbine capacity additions in the United States totaled 14.2 gigawatts, surpassing the previous record of 13.2 GW added in 2012. The whole world is seeing similar growth.  The wind industry isn’t without controversy. Critics blame it for the scope of a blackout in Australia. On the other hand, international oil companies have begun to build off-shore wind farms.

Critics’ case against wind energy

According to its critics, wind power is unreliable. The wind doesn’t blow all the time. It doesn’t blow on any predictable pattern. Wind turbines require some minimum wind speed for them to work at all. And if the wind is too strong, they can’t operate safely and must shut down.


Wind can cross one or the other of these thresholds multiple times a day. They operate at full capacity for only a few hours a year. So the theoretical capacity of a wind farm greatly exceeds its actual output.

The times turbines can generate electricity do not coincide with rising and falling demand for electricity. This variability creates problems for stabilizing the grid. Critics further claim that the wind industry can’t operate without massive government subsidies.

Wind power and South Australia blackout of 2016?

South Australia depends on wind energy for about 40% of its electricity. It suffered seven tornadoes on September 28, 2016. Two of them, with winds almost as fast as Hurricane Katrina, destroyed twenty towers that held three different transmission lines. Nine wind farms shut down.  Within minutes, the entire state suffered a massive blackout.

What contributed the most to the blackout? South Australia’s high dependence on wind power? The weather? Or something else?

Renewable energy skeptics quickly claimed the blackout justified their position. The wind farms simply failed to provide enough electricity in the emergency. Wind and solar energy, they say, are inherently unreliable. South Australia’s heavy reliance demonstrates an irresponsible policy based on ideology more than technological reality.

Certainly, the weather would have caused a disturbance in electrical service no matter what source of electricity. People near the downed transmission lines could not have avoided loss of power. But prompt action by grid operators makes it possible to bypass problem areas and limit the extent of the outage.

On closer examination, however, the correct answer to the multiple-choice question above is C: something else.

Wind turbines have “low voltage ride through” settings to keep operating for brief periods when voltage dips below the threshold at which they can operate correctly. If low-voltage conditions occur too frequently, the wind turbines have a protection mechanism that turns them off.

  • Ten wind farms experienced between three and six low-voltage events within two minutes. But the turbines were operating on factory settings. No one performed any testing to determine good settings under local conditions.
  • The agency that regulates the Australian electricity market knew nothing about the protection feature. It blamed the wind farms, but surely someone on staff should have been familiar with the default operation of the turbines. After all, the agency approved purchase and installation of the turbines. It had all the documentation.
  • Two gas generating plants that should have supplied backup power failed to come online.

The weather caused a problem that became a crisis not because of technical limitations of renewable energy, but because of too many different organizations’ incompetence.

If the wind is too strong, wind turbines can’t operate safely and must shut down.

One homeowner in South Australia didn’t suffer from the outage. He didn’t even know about the blackout till he saw it on the news. He had to test the accuracy of the news reports by opening his oven and noting that the light didn’t come on.

It turns out he had installed solar panels just a few weeks earlier. And since power outages in his part of South Australia occur almost every month, he decided to install a Tesla Powerwall as well.

He can’t use it to power his entire house, but it takes care of the lights and the television. It stores enough electricity for 10 hours of off-grid power.

Big oil and wind power

International oil companies have not joined the chorus of wind-industry skeptics. Several of them, including Royal Dutch Shell, have begun to invest heavily in off-shore wind farms. Especially in the North Sea. Oil production there has steadily declined for about 15 years.

Exploring for new oil fields has become too risky and expensive. These oil companies have decided that investing in wind energy helps their cash flow and makes it more predictable.

Oil companies have more expertise in working on offshore platforms than do companies that specialize in wind energy. Instead of building a foundation for turbines on the ocean floor, at least one oil company has begun to explore how to mount them on floating platforms.

Traditional wind energy firms have been operating turbines in the North Sea for years, but the oil companies have begun to outbid them. Their off-shore expertise has helped them drive down their costs.

So far, American oil companies have shown less interest in wind farms. If they decide they’re in the oil business, they will eventually lose market share to renewable energy companies. If they decide they’re in the energy business, they’ll have to start investing in renewable energy. And if any decide to invest heavily in solar power besides or instead of wind, they will still be following the lead of Total, a French oil company.

For that matter, the coal business is dying. Perhaps some of them will have enough sense to invest in renewables to improve their cash flow.

Why You Should Be Investing in Solar Panels?

The future is green, and it’s more important to get on board with it than ever before. The past year has seen countless climate change related natural disasters, from the recent devastating mega-fires in California to frequent hurricanes sweeping the US and the Caribbean.

Solar panels are becoming much more accessible, for homeowners and for businesses. Traditional roof-rack solar panels can now be installed for as little as around $3,000, and are practically a no-brainer due to the energy savings you’ll make over time (you could even totally eliminate your electricity bill). Not to mention that you’ll be doing your part to help the environment in our planet’s time of need.


Solar panels are becoming more accessible, for homeowners and businesses

If you’ve always found chunky solar panels ugly and off-putting, business magnate Elon Musk has a solution. His electric car and solar panel company Tesla has recently unveiled invisible solar roof tiles. The tiles look exactly like normal roof slates, but capture the sun’s energy without drawing attention. These tiles are paving the way to normalizing sustainable, beautiful eco-homes.

To further convince you about seriously considering installing solar panels for your home, check out our list of top reasons why solar panels will benefit your household or business.

Slash Your Energy Bills

After the initial investment of purchasing the panels and installation, the energy produced is all yours. Even if you consume more energy than your panels can produce, you’ll make drastic savings on what you are currently paying by purchasing all your electricity from the grid.

You’ll make even more amazing savings if you live in a sunny state or country – prices in Brisbane, Australia, are particularly low to purchase and install solar panels. And as the city enjoys on average 261 days of sun per year, panels there will produce more than enough energy to power homes all year round.

Energy costs are only set to rise and rise – meaning that by investing in solar panels now, you’ll never feel the strain of your electricity bills going up again. This is an especially smart idea for business owners with fluctuating income, as you can more easily predict your cashflow with fixed energy prices.

Increase the Value of Your Home

If you are open to the possibility of moving to a new house in the future, you will be able to sell your current property at an increased value by equipping it with solar panels. It’s an attractive prospect for buyers if a potential home comes with very small or no electricity bills, so you’ll be making a huge return on your investment in this way, too.


Note: Be wary of ‘renting your roof’ to solar panel companies if you can’t afford to purchase the panels outright. You may want to ‘go green’ in any way you can, but buying panels is by far the most practical way to enjoy the benefits. The lengthy leases that come with rental panel contracts (often 25 years) have been seen to put off mortgage lenders.

It’s highly recommended that if you want to benefit from free electricity and help the environment with solar, you should save up first to increase the value of your property – not render it unsellable.

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

As we said, it’s never been so important to do your bit to save our eco-system. The polar ice caps are melting faster than has ever been recorded, and the earth is suffering terrible effects. As well as hurricanes and fires, we’ve also experienced floods, earthquakes and landslides all over the world this year.

In the large scheme of things, installing solar panels doesn’t seem like it will help much, but if everyone did their part to be more eco-conscious, we could significantly reduce the strain of destructive fossil fuels on the environment. By equipping your property with solar panels, you will save money while making steps to saving the environment – a tough offer to turn down!

Utilizing green energy within your business has even better rewards. Marketing your business as eco-conscious and sustainable is a great way to attract customers and impress existing ones. In recent years, studies into consumer activity have found that sustainability is a big shopping priority, especially among the millennial generation. Corporate solar panels will increase your revenue by expanding your customer base AND saving your business’s energy bills.

So – what are you waiting for? Contact a solar energy company today, who will be more than happy to assist you on your green energy journey.

Recommended Reading: Marketing Strategy for Solar Companies