Things to Know About Backup Batteries for Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is a force that can help combat climate change. However, without the right proactive steps, there can be pitfalls. For instance, solar power is becoming more widely available but can use some improvements. Solar backup batteries are a critical solution when renewable energy fails.


The Need for Renewability

Renewability is one of the keys to stopping and reversing the climate crisis. It’s time to phase out fossil fuels and harmful environmental practices and focus on sustainable energy sources. There are various deadlines when people must act, and stopping climate change becomes more pressing every day.

However, while renewable energy is a solution, these sources may need a backup system. Often, resources like solar and wind energy are durable and hold up through harsh weather and high demands. When they fail, though, it can leave millions without power. A full renewable system requires constant clean energy.

During the 2020 California wildfires, residents reported their photovoltaic (PV) panels were no longer working, and they were losing power. The ash from the fires was covering the panels, and the smog in the sky was disrupting the transfer of sunlight. During instances like these, a backup plan is necessary.

Battery power is the solution. If solar fails, then the backup system can kick in and keep residents’ homes, schools and companies running.

Integrating Backup Batteries

A backup battery system will most prominently help solar energy setups. While PV panels are versatile, they can nevertheless use assistance. Microgrids will especially benefit from solar backup batteries. The ultimate goal is to keep emissions low at all times — but people will still need power. If a solar system fails, like those in California during the wildfires, then it’s not operating on a fully renewable level.

Experts can integrate batteries into the electrical setup with the proper enclosing tools to prevent surges and stalling. They’ll connect to the lights, HVAC system and other necessities of the building. For schools, internet access may be required to contact parents during blackouts. Businesses may need to keep computers running to prevent data loss.


Each system will depend on the supply demands of the location. A smaller home may not need a large network. However, if a solar microgrid powers a university, then the backup battery system will need to account for that demand. Experts must consider the power level of the PV panels, too. That is what will bring solar backup batteries to the next level.

Battery systems can generate power when renewables can’t. It maintains a sustainable impact while still providing people with electricity at all times.

Why It Matters

Renewable energy is groundbreaking. It shows the way forward with no carbon emissions, lower pollution and benefits for public health as well as the environment. While there can be power outages and mishaps with fossil fuels, renewable energy can draw more people in with foolproof generation.

Batteries don’t produce any emissions, so the renewability continues — as does the consistent supply of power. Outages and surges can become less common and not as much of a setback if they do happen.

The partnership of batteries and renewable energy opens up the future. From here, experts will want to work on scalability. Microgrids are a prime area for integrating backup batteries with renewable energy. On larger scales, though, the possibilities could be endless.

Better system setups mean bigger solar and wind farms could also use battery power. While these operations have less chance of failure due to the amount of energy going into them, batteries could still facilitate optimal energy flows and provide backup assistance.

In Development

With energy companies expanding their renewable energy services and integration, every step must receive a backup. Batteries are long-lasting and durable. Adding them to renewable energy setups will create a more foolproof dynamic — one that’s sustainable and always providing power.

Factors to Consider Before Subscribing to Community Solar

So you’ve heard of community solar and are now thinking of subscribing to one. Naturally, you want to know if you are qualified for a solar farm subscription. In this article, we will discuss factors that you need to consider before you sign up for a community solar program.

What is Community Solar?

Community solar or shared solar is one of the biggest renewable energy trends to have emerged in the past decade. Compared to residential solar which is mostly individualistic, a community solar project allows several neighboring households to tap into a single solar farm installation.


Instead of installing panels on residential roofs or backyards, solar farm owners set them up at a central location like an open field or even an open body of water. Since it is subscription-based, you will simply receive a portion of the solar energy generated by these farms. Usually, this power will be coursed through your existing power lines, which means you don’t have to get any new gear just to enjoy your subscription. Sounds promising, right?

Am I Qualified for a Subscription?

Just like traditional solar panels, though, community solar programs are not for everyone. Here are some factors that make you a great candidate for community solar:

1. Your utility provider has a solar project

A lot of local energy providers own or manage their own solar farms. This way, you can buy in and ‘fund’ the community project in exchange for rebates in your monthly energy bill. Supporting these utility-sponsored projects will allow you to reduce your own electricity costs while helping your provider reach their goals in terms of building a more balanced energy portfolio.

Check with your utility provider if they have such a project. If they do, then chances are you are automatically qualified to subscribe to it.

2. You live near a solar farm

Utility providers are not the only entities that can own and manage solar farms. Private companies, non-profit organizations, and even local government units can run shared solar projects that you can easily subscribe to.

Sometimes, members of the actual community come together to pitch in the capital for the solar farm, making it purely community-owned and for the benefit of the general public.

In any case, it is required that you live close enough to a solar farm for a viable subscription.

3. You can’t put up solar panels at home

One of the most important considerations when choosing your solar-generating system of choice is feasibility. PV panels will require you to have ample space at home, not to mention the authority to make such installations on the roof (or even on the ground surrounding your house.)

More often than not, you will not be allowed to make modifications to a rented house, even if it’s for something as beneficial as a solar panel system. In this case, subscribing to a community solar program would be your best bet.


Even if you live in your own house, though, solar panels may not always be suitable. Not all roofs can accommodate those installations. If your area gets more shade than sunlight, sourcing your solar energy from a shared solar garden might still be the most cost-efficient solution.

4. You move a lot

Flexibility is a prime benefit of having a community solar subscription, as opposed to investing in your own solar system at home. If the nature of your job or lifestyle is that it requires you to move a lot, it just won’t be practical to invest in your own panels because of the sheer effort it would take you to uninstall, transport, and install them all over again with every move.

Going for a solar farm subscription will give you more flexibility when moving since it’s typically easy to suspend or cancel your subscription to one and just subscribe to a different project that’s nearer the place where you’re moving. It’s also a great way to maintain environmental sustainability with every move.

If any or all four of these factors are attendant in your case, then you already know that you possess the golden opportunity to try out a community solar program and see how it works out for you.

Solar-Powered Pumps are Game-Changing for Agriculture

The first thing that comes to mind when you hear solar power is a solar panel placed on a rooftop for creating electricity for commercial or residential use. However, solar power has another important function – to mine and deliver water to improve productivity. This is especially applicable in sunny nations like Australia and most countries in Africa since its main industry is agriculture. Still, their productivity is suffering since their fields don’t get sufficient irrigation. Though, using solar pumps, they can double or even triple their profits. These economic gains can improve the lives of many farming communities.

Importance of Water in Agriculture

Our lives depend on clean water. The developed countries can sometimes take water for granted, but the evolving economies understand the significance of this commodity. A solar pump is an ecological option to get water for the crops and deliver drinkable, clean water.

The founder and CEO of the British-American company Ignite Power, Yariv Cohen, confirmed that solar pumps brought more efficiency, leading to bigger disposable income and more employment. Farmers can now grow three seasons per year instead of one. So, disposable income increased by 20% to 30%.

60% of the Sub-Saharan Africa population is employed in agriculture. Therefore, agriculture is accountable for 60% of economic output. This is less productive than the other regions in the world since only a part of the farmland gets constant irrigation – just 6% across Africa. Most farmlands go without irrigation, so most farmers in Africa rely only on rain for the larger lands, while they take care of the smaller areas with manual effort.

What is Solar-Powered Pumping System

The solar-powered pumping systems include a solar panel array, which fuels an electric motor. The motor, in turn, fuels the surface pump. The water is pumped from the stream or ground into a storage tank, utilized to water crops. If the farmland is irrigated consistently with solar pumps, the farmers will double the production compared to farmlands irrigated by rainwater or with manual effort.

Life-changing mechanism

About 600 million who live in Africa don’t have consistent electricity access. This is damaging the economic health of the continent. Everyone knows the ideal solution is to expand the electrical grid, but financial and geographical considerations prevent that. Ignite Power provides off-grid solutions to African countries in rural places like Nigeria, Mozambique, Rwanda, and Sierra Leone.

Cohen explains how solar pumps allow the farmers to irrigate their lands by using the sun. They first connect the homes, and then they utilize the same solar panels to water the fields. Using solar power, the pump enables a big area to be regularly irrigated. This improves the yield affordably.

Ignite Power has 1.1 million customers in Africa. So, there is room for enormous growth for his company and other providers of solar power in the continent. Cohen aims to reach 500 million houses.

They work with the bank and try to find the ideal solutions. They want to provide the best solution for the country with the help of the government. They can connect any payment providers or manufacturers to their system. They can connect all the suppliers, so many people could join.

The case of the two Rwandan women Grace Uwas (23) and Tharcille Tuyisenge (20) is admirable. They started working with Cohen’s company and bought solar systems for homes in Rwamagana, so people there have sustainable and safe electricity. Until now, they have installed twenty-five solar systems and more are coming!

Bottom Line

Electricity is the quintessence for any country. The solar power is game changing for African evolving communities to get access. In this way, they won’t just keep their lights on, but their agricultural productivity will be improved.

How Can Renewable Energy Companies Increase Their Recognition and Reach?

Globally, the renewables market has multiplied as more consumers are concerned about climate change. Renewable energy companies must understand how building awareness is crucial for their business in an increasingly prevalent era of clean energy.

Despite many opportunities in the renewable energy sector such as hydroelectric energy, some companies need help to navigate it. However, any business looking to expand or dominate the renewables market and have an international presence must stand out.

Here is how renewable energy companies can increase their recognition and reach. Let’s get started.

renewable energy businesses

Steps Renewable Energy Businesses Need To Take  To Stand Out

New renewable energy businesses are growing worldwide due to the rapid growth potential. Due to the growing competition, each business must stay ahead of the curve.  To achieve this, these sustainable energy companies need to employ the following strategies.

Form Strategic Partnerships With Other Sustainable Organizations

Strategic partnerships can help renewable energy companies build brand awareness and access new markets. One crucial thing you can do for a startup is to let people know who you are and what you do. Similarly, partnerships will increase the competitive advantage of this business by giving it access to new technologies and services.

Invest in Innovation and  R&D

Sustainable businesses understand that continually investing in innovation and R&D can help produce products that meet customers’ demands.

Develop Global PR and Media Outreach

Global PR is a crucial strategy for green energy companies to stand out.  Through PR and media outreach, these businesses can utilize storytelling to increase their brand awareness.  Being featured in respectable publications is vital as these sources are trusted and have many readers or viewers.

Implement Sustainable Practices

Renewable energy businesses need to be at the forefront of integrating sustainable operations into their operations to reduce their carbon footprint on the planet. The use of eco-friendly materials and waste reduction strategies are some examples that will make sustainable companies stand out and increase their reach.

Develop a Strong Online Presence

A solid online presence enables your business to reach a larger audience.  With the right resources and promotion, these green hydrogen companies can establish a reputation and level of trust with customers, which in turn helps to drive sales and gain new customers.

Add your Organization To Online Directories

Listing your business in online directories is vital as it helps new customers find you.  Online directories act as middlemen connecting firms and clients. EcoHubMap is a well-known and established online directory that supports sustainable businesses. You can list your company in the business directory to be discovered and connect with others.

how to start a career in renewable energy

Implementing the above top strategies and continuously assessing your sustainable companies can lay a foundation for successful businesses. Let’s look at why you should consider listing your sustainable business on EcoHubMap.

Importance of Including Your  Renewable Energy Company in this Directory

The EcoHubMap online directory offers a valuable platform for sustainable businesses, including those focused on various renewable energy sources. Here is how:

Increased Visibility and Reach

The EcoHubMap is a dedicated eco-business directory for eco-conscious consumers and businesses seeking green solutions. You can easily add your renewable energy company to the eco-directory to increase its visibility and reach the targeted audience actively searching for sustainable options.

Networking and Collaboration Opportunities

The EcoHubMap fosters a community of like-minded businesses and individuals passionate about sustainability. After listing your company in the business directory, you gain access to valuable networking and collaboration opportunities with other companies in the actor.

Enhanced Credibility

A presence in a curated list of green businesses can strengthen your company’s credibility and reputation as a legitimate and serious player in the renewable energy sector.  As the renewable energy industry grows, being listed on the EcoHubMap positions your business as credible in this innovative and sustainable sector.

Supporting the Green Transition

By joining a sustainable business directory, you contribute to the global goal of sustainability, which aligns with environmental goals and demonstrates corporate responsibility.

Joining this growing community of sustainable businesses, you can showcase your commitment to environmental responsibility, contribute to a comprehensive resource for eco-conscious consumers, and leverage the platform’s growth to reach a wider audience.


In summary, listing your renewable energy company to a directory like EcoHubMap helps promote your business while aligning with sustainability and environmental responsibility values, which are increasingly important to consumers and investors alike.

The renewable energy sector is still growing and has the potential to build a sustainable future. Renewable energy companies need to leverage the top strategies discussed in this article to ensure lasting success while positively impacting the environment.

Facts About Cleaning Solar Panels

Once you have solar panels installed, you may think your work is done. After all, you’re doing your part to lessen dependence on fossil fuels and increase usage of renewable energies. But, if you don’t properly maintain your solar panels, they won’t work nearly as efficiently as they should. Just as you regularly wash your windows or change the oil in your car, so should you employ professional solar panel cleaners to keep your solar panels working well. These facts about cleaning solar panels explain why keeping them clean is so important.

facts about cleaning solar panels

Dust and Leaves Block Sunlight

Over the years, it’s common for dust and leaves to accumulate on your solar panels. They’re just like any other surface in that grime builds up over time if you don’t remove it. While a small amount of dust or just a few leaves won’t affect the efficiency of your solar panels much, if you let dust and leaves fully cover the panels’ surfaces, less sunlight will get through to the solar panel receptors. Therefore, your solar panels won’t be absorbing as much light as possible, making them work harder than necessary.

Bird Droppings Block Sunlight

Even more harmful than dust to your solar panels’ ability to work efficiently are bird droppings. Sunlight simply can’t penetrate bird droppings, so if you let it build up on your solar panels, you’re not fully taking advantage of the sunlight to store energy. This is especially true if you have a lot of trees in your yard that are shedding leaves and providing a haven for birds, who then naturally do their business onto your solar panels. The combination of leaves and bird droppings can really make it difficult for your solar panels to do their job.

Energy Loss is Real

Studies show that by not cleaning your solar panels regularly, you’ll have a 5% energy loss after just three months. This increases by 5% every three months that you go without cleaning your solar panels until you’re experiencing a 35% energy loss 24 months after you’ve installed your solar panels. This means you’re spending more money for energy than you should be because your solar panels aren’t working efficiently.

Professional Solar Panel Cleaning is the Way to Go

You may think that cleaning your solar panels is simple and a task that you can do on your own without professional assistance. But, keep in mind that professional solar panel cleaners are experienced with working on roofs and have all the necessary safety equipment to ensure they don’t take a dangerous fall. It’s always advised that if you want to clean your own solar panels that you do it by implementing a long-handled cleaning tool that allows you to reach the panels from the ground.

solar panels pigeon issue

Additionally, you may not want to add another chore to your to-do list, especially one that comes with a risk of falling (if you decide to clean them from the roof). Purchasing safety equipment along with the right cleaning tools may be too much of a hassle when you can simply call up a solar panel maintenance expert and have the task taken care of for you in no time at all.


No one really thinks about cleaning their solar panels until they realize how much energy (and money) they’re losing by allowing dust and debris to build up on them. Add solar panel cleaning to your regular house maintenance schedule and you’ll keep reaping the maximum energy production from your solar panels.

Recommended Reading: Why Do Solar Panels Degrade

Switching To Solar Energy: 8 Mistakes Every Homeowner Should Avoid Making

Since many household owners are discovering the inflation on electricity prices, some are gradually shifting to changing their utility resources. The installations of solar panels are on the rise today simply because they yield savings and can be used for as long as a quarter of a century. However, it’s understandable why many homeowners hesitate to participate in this switch. After all, the initial investment for changing to solar panels can be hefty.

Some people are afraid to take the leap because they’re not well-informed about the do’s and don’ts when installing solar panels. Considering the price you need to shell out initially, you can’t afford to make room for mistakes. Costly mistakes can be a burden and might lead to regrets. However, these can be prevented by doing your assignment early. Reputable contractors like Smart Solar Energy and other high-rated companies can guide you throughout the process.

Discover some of the common mistakes when switching to solar energy:

mistakes when switching to solar energy

1. Procrastinating On Deciding To Go Solar

A solar energy system is a significant investment, so it’s only natural that you have many questions and underlying doubts. Due to the cost of solar power for the home, many people hesitate to go solar. However, when you procrastinate on this decision, you’re actually losing out on the savings that are supposed to be earned early on.

Because current solar rebates and tax credits will soon be phased out as solar panels become more popular, the urgency for you to adopt this type of energy is increased. You may not be able to take advantage of these incentives until you decide to install your panels. Chances are, many other homeowners are on the same page as you, and the governments have then stopped awarding incentives.

Hence, before regrets eat you up, later on, you should act and decide now. Although your monthly electricity costs will always be saved, getting financial rewards from the government is also a significant advantage that you can’t miss out on.

2. Going For Sub-Standard Equipment

The upfront cost of solar panel installation that most homeowners find to be the most significant barrier to owning solar panels. This often leads potential solar customers to seek out the lowest possible installation prices. However, like other home project investments, going for the price over quality will usually result in regrets later.

When choosing a solar company, you should always prioritize other essential factors and not just the cost. For example, there should be a reason why the price is too low compared to other contractors. Companies that provide low quotes may have sourced inferior panels or cut corners. When you go for sub-standard equipment, this can only result in disasters and possibly roof leaks later. You always get what you pay for, so paying cheap will mean you’re getting cheap quality too.

It’s essential to buy solar panels from a reputable source if you want them to last for decades to come. By spending more on quality installation, you’ll also be less likely to face problems down the road. The panels should be evenly spaced, and all conduit runs should be hidden, making for an aesthetically pleasing installation.

3. Expecting Wrongly

Another mistake many homeowners make is to expect wrongly. Just because they invested in solar panels, they’d think that the return on investment can happen in a few years, which is far-fetched in some cases. Even though solar panels can be an excellent investment for your home, it’s essential to know that they can be expensive and take many years to pay off, depending on where you live. Solar panels last for about 25 years, sometimes even longer, so you’ll have ample time to recoup your investment.

You’ll be better positioned to decide how to finance your system and discuss the payback period with installers if you have a reasonable estimate of the timeframe. It’s critical to research beforehand and inquire about the possible return of investment rate for your solar panel installation. You can ask your installation company so your expectations can be corrected. You can also ask about solar panel degradation in case of future preparations.

Unrealistic expectations often arise from homeowners overlooking the sun’s variability. Solar panel output will vary depending on cloud cover and daylight hours, as well as the time of day. Therefore, you need to take this into consideration when deciding to switch to solar energy. It’s best to look at the long-run scenario and not focus on the short term. By doing so, you’ll better expect how advantageous solar panels can be for your long-term expenses as well as reducing your carbon footprint.

4. Judging Their Roofs Are Incompatible

Solar panels are commonly installed on roofs facing a specific direction, which is a myth. Solar energy production is influenced by roof angle, but it doesn’t drastically affect how much energy your panels produce. Therefore, it’s best to let this misconception go, and it’d be best to communicate with your solar panel installer instead directly.

energy efficient technologies

Furthermore, solar panels can be installed on a variety of roof types. Whatever material you use on your roofs, whether they’re tiles, metal, or asphalt shingles, solar panels can be installed in them. Since a few roof tiles will need to be removed to prevent breakage, tile roofing will incur additional installation costs. However, the savings will quickly offset the extra cost.

For homes that come with flat-surfaced roofing, solar panel installers can make way to angle the panels to receive enough sunlight.

5. Going For The Wrong Warranties

You can save yourself from myriad future issues with a solar warranty included in the package. In many cases, solar panels come with a warranty from the company. Solar panels for your house are composed of so many parts and components that even the most minor defect can compromise the system’s performance, leaving you with significant maintenance costs. When choosing the solar panel company, ensure that the warranty covers more than the solar panel itself. Selecting a company that covers the entire system is advisable rather than just solar panels.

Find a company that can handle repairs with whatever is broken on your entire solar panel system. They should provide the replacement parts with no additional charge, even for shipment when the parts are delivered from somewhere else. This would be the best warranty to find.

Some companies may not clearly state what type of warranty they offer, so make sure to discuss this element thoroughly before dealing with them. Make sure there won’t be any hidden fees and additional charges when they fix something that’s still covered by their warranty.

6. Settling For One Quote Only

Anytime you switch to solar energy or purchase a service of any kind, you should be sure to get several quotes. This is a no-brainer tip but should be emphasized more often as there might be instances when one contractor can be too good at sales talking. It’s not uncommon for unscrupulous service providers to overcharge for panels and installation, resulting in you losing money and time that could go towards saving energy.

It’s always wise to seek quotations from several reputable solar energy companies. Ask these companies to break down each component of solar power costs so that you’ll know precisely what you’re buying. The highly reputable companies are usually transparent with their prices, and it won’t be an issue for them to explain every detail to you.

When estimating the size of your solar system and the installation cost, make sure that each potential installer considers different factors such as the orientation of your home and the size of your roof. All these aspects will impact the overall price of your solar panel installation. Try to give out more information about your roofs and home, so they can better give you an estimate.

7. Doing It Yourself

Another disastrous mistake is to do the solar panel installations by yourself. Sure, there are certain advantages to being a DIY-er, but in this situation, this won’t be fitting as solar installation requires technical and specialized skills. You can end up doing more harm than good. You can decide what best solar panel to use for your home, but you need to leave the installations to the professionals.

Watching a few YouTube videos won’t suffice to install solar panels. Experts in this field have undergone months or years of training, and it’s not something you can achieve just by reading manuals and watching guide videos. Regardless of the optimal direction for the panels or wiring issues, leaving the installation to the professionals is better and more cost-effective. You can rest easy knowing that all the lines and wires are perfectly in place when you hire professionals to do it.

Making the connections yourself will require more costs as you experience trial and error situations. By hiring a contractor, they can design a custom system that saves you money, calculate the savings on your monthly electric bill, show you how much clean energy you’ll receive, provide a quote, and explain all available incentives and tax credits. Whatever questions, concerns, worries, and doubts you have can be handled and tackled by these professionals. It’s part of their job to answer all your questions.

solar energy diy

8. Not Considering The Financial Incentives

Solar tax credits, solar rebates, and other financial incentives will be discussed by reputable solar installers, and they’ll even be able to assist with the paperwork. Still, you should also be aware of these programs. At the end of the day, you’ll be the one to pay for your system and benefit from these programs, so you should make sure you don’t overpay.

Try to learn about the incentives and rewards offered to neighborhoods and houses that comply with solar panels. You’ll be armed with all the information you need when you begin speaking with installers, and you can make the best financial decision. Managing your expectations during the process will also be helpful.


You should now consider requesting a quote from reputable solar panel companies around your area. Also, try to avoid the same common mistakes mentioned in this article. You can save money and the environment by switching to solar energy. However, before making the switch, you should be prepared. Apply all the pointers mentioned in this article, and you’ll be ready to start your switch.

Analysis of Agro Biomass Projects

The current use of agro biomass for energy generation is low and more efficient use would release significant amounts of agro biomass resources for other energy use. Usually, efficiency improvements are neglected because of the non-existence of grid connections with agro-industries.

Electricity generated from biomass is more costly to produce than fossil fuel and hydroelectric power for two reasons. First, biomass fuels are expensive. The cost of producing biomass fuel is dependent on the type of biomass, the amount of processing necessary to convert it to an efficient fuel, distance to the energy conversion plant, and supply and demand for fuels in the market place. Biomass fuel is low-density and non-homogeneous and has a small unit size.


Consequently, biomass fuel is costly to collect, process, and transport to facilities.  Second, biomass-to-energy facilities are much smaller than conventional fossil fuel-based power plants and therefore cannot produce electricity as cost-effectively as the fossil fuel-based plants.

Agro biomass is costly to collect, process, and transport to facilities.

The biomass-to-energy facilities are smaller because of the limited amount of fuel that can be stored at a single facility. With higher fuel costs and lower economic efficiencies, solid-fuel energy is not economically competitive in a deregulated energy market that gives zero value or compensation for the non-electric benefits generated by the biomass-to-energy industry.

Biomass availability for fuel usage is estimated as the total amount of plant residue remaining after harvest, minus the amount of plant material that must be left on the field for maintaining sufficient levels of organic matter in the soil and for preventing soil erosion. While there are no generally agreed-upon standards for maximum removal rates, a portion of the biomass material may be removed without severely reducing soil productivity.

Technically, biomass removal rates of up to 60 to 70 percent are achievable, but in practice, current residue collection techniques generally result in relatively low recovery rates in developing countries. The low biomass recovery rate is the result of a combination of factors, including collection equipment limitations, economics, and conservation requirements. Modern agricultural machinery can allow for the joint collection of grain and residues, increased collection rates to up to 60 percent, and may help reduce concerns about soil compaction.

Bioenergy Developments in Malaysia

Malaysia is blessed with abundant renewable sources of energy, especially biomass and solar. Under the Eighth Malaysian Plan, renewable energy was added in the energy mix to unveil a Five-Fuel Strategy to achieve 5 percent contribution by 2005.

Among the various sources of renewable energy, bioenergy seems to be the most promising option for Malaysia. The National Biofuel Policy, launched in 2006 encourages the use of environmentally friendly, sustainable and viable sources of biomass energy. Under the Five Fuel Policy, the government of Malaysia has identified biomass as one of the potential renewable energy.

Malaysia produces atleast 168 million tonnes of biomass, including timber and oil palm waste, rice husks, coconut trunk fibres, municipal waste and sugar cane waste annually. Being a major agricultural commodity producer in the region Malaysia is well positioned amongst the ASEAN countries to promote the use of biomass as a renewable energy source.

Malaysia has been one of the world’s largest producers and exporters of palm oil for the last forty years. The Palm Oil industry, besides producing Crude Palm Oil (CPO) and Palm Kernel Oil, produces Palm Shell, Press Fibre, Empty Fruit Bunches (EFB), Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME), Palm Trunk (during replanting) and Palm Fronds (during pruning).

Malaysia has approximately 4 million hectares of land under oil palm plantation. Over 75% of total area planted is located in just four states, Sabah, Johor, Pahang and Sarawak, each of which has over half a million hectares under cultivation. The total amount of processed FFB (Fresh Fruit Bunches) was estimated to be 75 million tons while the total amount of EFB produced was estimated to be 16.6 million tons. Around 58 million tons of POME is produced in Malaysia annually, which has the potential to produce an estimated 15 billion m3 of biogas can be produced each year.

Malaysia is the world’s second largest producer of crude palm oil. Almost 70% of the volume from the processing of fresh fruit bunch is removed as wastes in the form of empty fruit bunches, palm kernel shells, palm oil mill effluent etc. With more than 451 mills in Malaysia, this palm oil industry generate around 100 million dry tonnes of biomass. Malaysia has more than 2400 MW of biomass and 410 MW of biogas potential, out of which only a fraction has been harnessed until now.

Rice husk is another important agricultural biomass resource in Malaysia with good potential for power cogeneration. An example of its attractive energy potential is biomass power plant in the state of Perlis which uses rice husk as the main source of fuel and generates 10 MW power to meet the requirements of 30,000 households. The US$15 million project has been undertaken by Bio-Renewable Power Sdn Bhd in collaboration with the Perlis state government, while technology provider is Finland’s Foster Wheeler Energia Oy.

Under the EC-ASEAN Cogeneration Program, there are three ongoing Full Scale Demonstration Projects (FSDPs) – Titi Serong, Sungai Dingin Palm Oil Mill and TSH Bioenergy – to promote biomass energy systems in Malaysia. The 1.5MW Titi Serong power plant, located at Parit Buntar (Perak), is based on rice husk while the 2MW Sungai Dingin Palm Oil Mill project make use of palm kernel shell and fibre to generate steam and electricity. The 14MW TSH Bioenergy Sdn Bhd, located at Tawau (Sabah), is the biggest biomass power plant in Malaysia and utilizes empty fruit bunches, palm oil fibre and palm kernel shell as fuel resources.

9 Amazing Things You Didn’t Know About Tesla Solar Batteries

Tesla has been making headlines for a while, but they’re not just about their electric cars. They’ve also made some waves with Tesla solar batteries. Tesla solar batteries store solar energy from solar power systems.

We’ll take you through 9 of the most amazing things that you may not know about Tesla’s solar battery products, so let’s get started!

facts about tesla solar battery

1. Tesla solar batteries are the most efficient on the market

The Tesla Powerwall is the most efficient solar storage solution on the market. Tesla’s new product is 30-40% more efficient than its competitors! This increased efficiency translates to a cost saving of about $3000 for every 20 years you use the battery (depending on energy prices).

2. Tesla’s solar batteries can last up to 20 years with little maintenance

Nobody wants to be bothered with repair problems! With Tesla solar batteries, you don’t have to be. These babies deliver long-lasting performance (up to 20 years) with little required maintenance.

Just in case you’re wondering what happens after those 20 years? The Tesla solar battery will still hold about 80% of its capacity after that time! So although not recommended to keep using a solar battery forever, your investment will last a good while.

3. Tesla is aiming to produce 3,000 GWh of energy storage by 2030

Yes, Tesla is ambitious! And it plans on producing an astounding amount of Tesla solar battery storage by 2030. You see, Tesla manufactures the Tesla Powerwall and commercial-grade Tesla batteries that can power electric vehicles, entire buildings and larger communities!

All this means you’ll probably have access to Tesla’s large scale energy storage technologies much sooner than you thought! And it may not cost so much more either.

4. The Tesla solar battery has a built-in inverter that converts DC power into AC power

A Tesla solar battery eliminates the need for a separate solar inverter. That’s a huge plus – considering a solar inverter can be the most expensive part of a solar energy system. The Tesla battery uses its built-in inverter to convert the DC power into AC and send it directly to your home or business.

This integrated conversion feature is one reason many experts say that Tesla batteries could help bring down the cost of solar electricity even more – making it available for everyone!

5. The battery works best in areas with a high electricity demand or zones that suffer from frequent blackouts

The ideal use cases for Tesla solar batteries are areas that can generate a lot of solar energy and have high utility costs or frequent blackouts. If you’re looking to invest in Tesla solar batteries, consider how much daily sunlight your location receives!

Tesla’s new Powerwall battery is not the same as an AC coupled system. There are no complicated wiring configurations required. Just plug your generator into the wall outlet, and voila! You now have all the benefits listed above at your disposal without spending thousands on traditional UPS systems. You can also use a generator to charge the Tesla solar battery!

6. It also stores surplus renewable energy during off-peak hours to use during peak hours when prices are higher

Not sure you can use all the free electricity you generate during the day? No worries! A Tesla solar battery allows you to sell any extra energy your solar panels generate back to the power grid.

What does this mean? It means that if there is an excess of electricity generated during off-peak hours, your Tesla Powerwall will store it in its battery bank until peak hour begins. Then, as soon as prices shoot up (which they tend to do at around mid-day), your system kicks in and starts selling all the stored power right back to the electric company’s grid.

This way, you can optimize all the solar electricity generated by your system!

7. The cost of Tesla solar batteries is decreasing as the technology improves

Yes, terrific news! Tesla solar solutions keep dropping in price as the technology improves. Tesla solar batteries have no moving parts, which means they can last for decades with absolutely zero maintenance costs.

Their design also allows them to run at 100% efficiency even after a few years of use without needing replacement. Traditional batteries used by UPS systems degrade over time and lose their capacity to store power safely. With Tesla, you buy it once and never again!

8. Installing a Tesla solar battery can be done in a few hours

With a Tesla approved installer, you can have your solar battery system up and running in as little as a few hours. This quick installation is a tremendous advantage over traditional solar storage systems that could take days to install correctly.

Tesla solar battery

Tesla’s solar batteries are perfect for home or business owners who want to go off the grid or reduce their reliance on traditional utilities. Thanks to Tesla’s innovation, this is now more affordable than ever before!

9. The payback time for a TESLA solar battery is 2-5 years.

The payback time for a TESLA solar battery will vary depending on the size of your home, the amount of sunlight your location receives, and the current cost of electricity. That said, here’s a general overview of what you can expect:

  • If you live in a sunny location and have a large home, your payback time for a TESLA solar battery could be as few as two years.
  • If you live in a less sunny location or have a smaller home, your payback time could be closer to five years.

Why you should get a Tesla solar battery

Tesla’s solar batteries are the most efficient on the market. The battery has a built-in inverter that converts DC power into AC power to help with electricity needs in areas with high demand or frequent blackouts. It also stores surplus renewable energy during off-peak hours, which can be used during peak hours when prices are higher.

Tesla solar batteries will only become more popular as their efficiency improves. Discover how you can take advantage of solar storage technology in your home or business!

6 Reasons Solar Is Your Best Investment In the Future

It’s no secret that solar power is the future. There are solar panels on rooftops worldwide, and solar panel installation has gone from being a niche energy option to one that many experts predict will be used in most places by 2050.

reasons why solar is your best investment

Why is solar power so popular in Australia?

There are a few reasons why solar power is such a big hit in Australia.

  • For one, the cost of solar panels has come down in recent years, making them more affordable for homeowners and businesses.
  • Additionally, Australia has a lot of sunshine, making it an ideal place for solar energy.
  • And finally, Australians are increasingly interested in renewable energy sources, and solar power is one of the most popular forms of renewable energy.

How can solar power contribute to restoring our natural environment?

Solar power is a renewable energy source that doesn’t pollute the air like burning coal and other fossil fuels. It also reduces our reliance on greenhouse gas-emitting power plants, which helps to mitigate climate change. Solar panels installed on your home or business can help Australia reach its emissions targets set by the Paris Agreement. Other countries like Germany are already touted as renewable energy leaders!

But what does this mean for you? Should you invest in solar panels now or wait until they’re more mainstream?

Here are six reasons why solar is your best investment in the future!

1. Solar energy is a renewable resource that won’t run out

Unlike fossil fuels, solar energy is a renewable resource you can harness indefinitely. As long as the sun continues to shine, you’ll be able to use solar power to generate electricity and heat. The fact that solar power is renewable makes it a more sustainable option than other forms of energy generation.

2. Solar energy is environmentally friendly and doesn’t produce harmful emissions

Did you know? Solar energy accounts for only 0.01% of global greenhouse gas emissions!

Compare this to coal, which accounts for 41% of global greenhouse gas emissions!

Fewer emissions are excellent news for the environment – and there’s even better news for your wallet since solar is becoming increasingly affordable.

3. Solar energy is becoming more and more affordable as technology improves

Yes, there has never been a better time to go solar!

Solar technology is advancing rapidly, and solar panels are becoming more efficient at converting solar energy into electricity. More efficient solar technology means solar will continue to get cheaper as time goes on.

One of the most popular solar technologies available today – thin-film solar – has dropped in price by 50% since 2009!

The cost of solar power installation per watt currently averages between $0.60-$0.70/watt in Australia (depending on where you live). In some areas, it’s even less than this! That’s a fraction of the cost that people paid just a few years ago for solar installations. And there are still significant solar incentive programs run by governments designed to reduce costs further if you choose to install a solar system yourself or through an installer.

4. Solar panels can be installed on most roofs, regardless of their shape or size

Think you can’t install solar panels on your roof? Think again! Solar panels can be installed on most roofs, regardless of their shape or size. This versatility makes solar a viable option for both residential and commercial properties.

Plus, the technology is constantly evolving, with new solar panel designs and materials developed all the time. So even if you’ve already got solar panels installed on your roof, there’s a good chance that you could upgrade to newer, more efficient models and see an increase in your solar energy output!

The future of solar power in Australia is looking brighter than ever – so make sure you get on board now and start enjoying the savings!

5. Installing solar panels can increase your home’s value by up to 20%

Installing solar panels not only saves money on costly electricity but also adds to the value of your home.

When homeowners install solar panels, they can bank on a minimum of 20% increase in the value of their property. That’s because solar panels improve your house’s energy efficiency and curb any concerns potential buyers might have about high electricity bills as well!

energy efficient technologies

So if you’re looking to cash out when it comes time for selling your home – an investment in solar is one that will pay off right away!

Whether you decide to sell or not after purchasing solar power equipment, some people want proof that they’ll be able to save money on monthly utility bills – but how do you know this? One way is by getting quotes from multiple companies; comparing estimates with similar hardware/solar panel brands and sizes (capacity).

6. You can sell excess solar energy back to the grid for a profit

Want to make some extra cash? If you produce more solar energy than you need, you can sell the excess back to your local utility company! This process is called net metering, and it’s a great way to make some extra money each month.

All of these are excellent reasons to consider making the switch to solar power – but remember, not every home is a good candidate for solar. Contact a solar specialist in your area to see if your home is suitable for installation – they’ll be more than happy to help!

Start benefiting from free electricity

If you’re considering the idea of a solar panel installation for your home but are afraid it’s too expensive or that it won’t work in a few years – think again. Solar power is an investment in your future and is affordable for everyone! As experts in solar energy, we have seen firsthand how solar energy can change lives by helping families live more comfortably while reducing their utility bills.

Contact a solar specialist for a free on-site consultation so you can get all of your questions answered before deciding on going green with sustainable solar electricity from the sun.

Do you have a solar panel installation at your home? Have you ever had an issue with having solar panels on your roof? Let us know what you think about solar panels in the comments section below.