3 Resources Students Can Use For Writing A Green Energy Essay

Most high school and college students often go through a major educational ritual: writing essays. As a student, you will most likely find yourself in a situation where you have to write an essay on an unfamiliar or abstract topic such as green energy. If this happens, how do you tackle the assignment?

Well, you can take the easy way out by hiring a college essay writing service to get the job done for you. However, there’s a harder but more fulfilling option: writing it yourself. If you do decide to go for the latter second option, here are some major resources to help you write a winning green energy essay:

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Peer-reviewed Essays

When it comes to writing a green energy essay or any kind of essay at all, peer-reviewed articles should be your primary source of information. This is because they are more authoritative, making it easy for you to include only factual information in your essay.

Generally, peer-reviewed essays or articles are considered reliable hubs of information in the academic field since they have been closely reviewed by a panel of experts who have provided feedback on the ideas and research methods employed in the essay.

However, finding these top-tier essays can be a little difficult if you’re trying to find it on your own. Most websites offer only the abstracts of these articles which isn’t enough for you to write a comprehensive essay. An easy way to find peer-reviewed articles is by using your university’s library website or database to search for them.

Print or online textbooks

If you’re trying to write an essay, a renewable energy one in particular, textbooks are also great resources that could help you write a detailed work. Although these sources are not as reliable as peer-reviewed journals (for obvious reasons), they can be a comprehensive hub of information as well.

Fortunately, it’s easy to find a wide range of textbooks about green energy. All you have to do is search in your school library or do a quick Internet search for textbooks relevant to your essay. For instance, if you’re writing an essay on biorefinery, you could use a relevant textbook such as Biorefinery by Juan-Rodrigo Bastidas-Oyanedel and Jens Ejbye Schmidt.

However, when choosing a textbook, it’s important to choose the one that’s in line with your academic level. For instance, if you’re in high school, don’t use a textbook made for fourth graders or professors. The former will be too simplistic for your essay while the latter may be too advanced for you to understand.

Internet sources

The Internet is one of the most popular sources of information. Most students often run to the internet when confronted with a difficult assignment or task. This is mainly because it’s easy to find any answer you need in just a few clicks. Whether you’re trying to find a picture of a grinning Cheshire cat or get information for an essay on clean energy, this serves as a great option.

However, the Internet is not so reliable since everyone can easily plaster their opinions online without providing evidence to back up their claims. As such, when using online websites or search engines to look for information, it’s advisable to always double check or filter what you see. You can review the information with your teacher or compare it with peer-reviewed journals and textbooks. This way, you can avoid including misinformation in your essay.

Tips for Writing a Comprehensive Essay on Green Energy

If you’re looking to write a winning essay on green energy, here are some tips to guide you:

1. Narrow down your topic

Clean energy is a wide, ambiguous field. If you try to write a generic essay on this field, you’ll most likely get overwhelmed or end up writing an entire book. To make the writing process easier, narrow down your topic to a specific niche. For instance, instead of writing an essay titled “Green energy”, you can whittle it down to the environmental impact of clean energy conversion or its benefits.

2. Come up with an interesting thesis statement

Your thesis statement forms the basis of your entire essay. As such, it’s important to make it clear, arguable and interesting. You should also ensure that it clearly demonstrates your stance on the subject matter.

3. Use examples

When writing your essay, you should back up every claim or topic sentence with alternative energy examples. This way, your audience – and teacher – will know that you have sufficient knowledge about the subject matter.

For instance, if you write a sentence that says “Many companies are now utilizing green energy conversion to help in IT modernization“, don’t just stop there. Add real-life examples to substantiate your claim, such as: “For example, Netimpact Strategies, an IT service provider, recently launched….”

This will lend your paper more credibility and authenticity.

Final Thoughts

Writing an essay on green energy is easy enough once you have the right resources. In this article, we’ve outlined the best resources you can use for writing a winning, comprehensive essay. Good luck!

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Amanda Dudley
Amanda Dudley is a seasoned essay writer who delivers quality academic papers and dissertations at EssayUSA. She earned a Ph.D. in History at Stanford University in 2001 and ever since then, she has pursued a fulfilling career in lecturing and education.

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