Scalability of Bitcoins: Everything You Need to Know

Have you got bitcoins in your pocket? Having bitcoin is not enough; you also need to know about the scalability option of bitcoins. In this world full of numerous currencies and cards, how scalable are bitcoins? In this article, we will discuss the scalability of bitcoins.


How competitive are bitcoins?

The competitiveness aspect of bitcoin has been in the debate in the crypto community for a long duration now. Satoshi Nakamoto has programmed the block of size up to 1MB to prevent the network spam, but he also created bitcoin liquidity.

Each bitcoin block takes up to an average of 10 minutes to process, and only a small proportion of transactions can go through. For a system that claims to replace fiat payment, this is a significant barrier related to bitcoins. Let’s look at this scalability aspect of bitcoins with an example. While the visa payment system can process up to 1700 transactions in a second, bitcoins handles up to 7 trades in a second. Thus, an increase in demand for bitcoins will cost more transaction fees, and therefore, the utility of bitcoins will get affected.

The scalability aspect of bitcoins has led to numerous technological advancements and innovations in this field. Undoubtedly, much design has been made over a decade, but a sustainable solution is still unclear.

A few years back, few researchers claimed that increasing the block size could be a significant solution to solve the scalability option, but the process and the idea were not as simple as it seemed. This innovative approach just remained on paper as it could not be finalized how much the block size could be increased. While some proposals climbed to increase the block size by two MB, others climbed that eight MB could be useful.

The core team who focussed on the development of blocks argued that the increase in block size would weaken the process of decentralization, and it will also give more powers to the bitcoin miners who have more giant blocks. In addition to this, miners would look for bigger and faster machines, which may influence the bitcoins’ profitability aspect.

One of the most significant issues faced by bitcoins was that everyone did not agree with the changes needed. People claimed that how can a system-wide change be made if the participation is decentralized.

In addition to this, few strategists and scholars claimed no need to mess with bitcoins. If you don’t like it, you can easily modify the open-source code, and you can quickly launch your coin.

Pieter Wille developed one of the most significant solutions to this issue, and the process was called SegWit. As per this new process, bitcoins’ capacity could be easily increased without changing the size limit. The SegWit system was initially started by the Bitcoin system in the year 2017 by a soft fork to make it compatible with nodes that could not be upgraded. While different types of bitcoin wallets are adjusting their software, others do not agree to this, as they think about the risk and additional cost associated with it.


In the year 2017, another significant change came up in the field of bitcoin. A new approach was revealed, which was called Segwit 2X. This idea was backed by different bitcoin exchanges. As per the changes, it was decided to increase the block size up to 2 MB. This change was expected to increase the capacity of the transaction up to 8 times.

Over the past few years, different technological advancements have taken place to increase block capacity. One of the most significant advancements associated with bitcoins is the Schnorr signatures. This approach will help in consolidating signature data, and it will also reduce the space taken by bitcoin blocks. Thus, the process would lead to a more significant number of transactions without changing the limit or the size of blocks.

The need for a more significant number of transactions is still the need of the hour. The development of new features will increase the functionality, and it will unlock the vast potential of bitcoins.

Understanding the Difference Between Bitcoins and Bitcoin Cash

Many of us know Bitcoin was introduced in 2009. Initially, it was not that familiar among all, and they were costly also. Later on, with technical advancements, bitcoin’s hidden colonization took its stand and became the top first cryptocurrencies in the world. Still, as the number of users increased, there was a reduced speed in the processing of transactions. This happened because of the size restrictions of blocks in the blockchain of 1MB.

To solve this issue, Bitcoin cash, which can store blocks of sizes 1MB to 8MB. This article discusses Bitcoin cash and the differences between Bitcoin cash and Bitcoins. You can invest in bitcoins using bitcoin trading wih the app btc loophole


The Emergence of Bitcoin Cash

The blocks in the blockchain are set to the size limit of 1 Mb due to various reasons. To make the system complex from the access of malicious users, the blockchain size was limited to 1 Mb. At those times, the Bitcoin users were also minimal. But as the number of bitcoin users increased, this size restriction produced increased transaction times, and many users complained that it was taking three days to complete a Bitcoin transaction. To overcome this situation, the users were paying higher transaction fees even for transferring $3 worth Bitcoin with $15 as a transaction fee.

The Bitcoin community overcame these problems by proposing the following solutions.  They are:

  • Bitcoin Unlimited
  • SegWit (Segregated Witness)
  • SegWit2x

Bitcoin Unlimited

The Bitcoins unlimited allowed the miners to hard code 1 MB block size, and the transaction that falls within 1 MB size can be allotted. If greater than 1 MB size comes, the space of unused blocked are added up to fit the block size. This might increase the speed of transactions by avoiding all the transaction traffic. But the miners have to be paid with higher fees and bonuses.

SegWit (Segregated Witness)

In this method, the miners adopted an idea of storing information related to the blocks outside of the blockchain, to some other storage space. By doing so, there will be no sizing issue, and the transaction time and confirmation time will be speedy. But as time went on, this system also became complicated.


Later during August 2017, the SegWit2x protocol was implemented, in which the part of the information is stored outside of the blockchain, and at the same time, the block size can be increased to 2 MB. But still, there were transaction timing issues.


On August 1st, 2017, a Hardfork was introduced, were a new Bitcoin network with 8 MB block size was introduced. Hardfork is just updating the existing Bitcoin software to a new version, and the entire Bitcoin network is split into Normal blockchains and hard forked blockchains. These two networks function independently. After the hard forking, the user with a standard Bitcoin network will receive the equivalent amount of Bitcoin cash tokens to the total Bitcoins they held.


After this challenging forking process, the Bitcoin cash was being prevalently used by most of the people than Bitcoins. The Bitcoin cash was also very cheaper in terms of the transaction fee than the Bitcoin transaction fee.

Difference between Bitcoin cash and Bitcoins

  • The Bitcoins have a block size capacity of 1 MB leading to prolonged transaction time. Bitcoin cash, on the other hand, the Bitcoin cash has a size of 8 MB, allowing fast transaction time.
  • The Bitcoins have only one mining pool, whereas the Bitcoin cash has three mining pools.
  • The Bitcoin cash has a unique hash signature for each Bitcoin cash use. But in Bitcoins, the previous block’s information will also be available at the next block.
  • Bitcoin cash has a unique verification process that is secured when compared to Bitcoins.
  • A new algorithm was developed in maintaining the mining process of Bitcoin cash to ensure efficient work when there is scarcity in the number of miners.
  • The bitcoin cash has a speedy transaction when compared to all cryptocurrencies.

Thus, this section has provided a deep insight into what Bitcoin cash is and how it is different from Bitcoins.