Here’s How to Decarbonize the Global Energy System

This pandemic has been a huge wake-up call for both the society and our industries. Everyone, from huge manufacturers to the common person, is finally beginning to choose environment-friendly options. We have slowly but eventually come to understand the importance of our individual roles in saving the planet. Leading companies and industries are figuring out ways on how to decarbonize their global energy systems in the most efficient ways possible. If we achieve 100% decarbonization in our global energy systems, which, as of now, seems like a complex task, the results can be momentous.

decarbonize global energy system

Let us begin by understanding what do we mean by decarbonization of global energy systems. In layman terms, it refers to a decrease of carbon emissions per unit of primary energy. In order to reach this benchmark, there has to be a shift in 3 major domains of the energy systems:

  • Structural Change
  • Technological change
  • Change in the Economic structure

To save maximum energy that is derived from fossil fuels, we see that there is deep electrification of all sectors of the economy, from air conditioners, cars, buses to food production, everything is being electrified. So, is this the way to achieve 100% carbonization? The answer to that is complex. Electrification can largely contribute to achieving net-zero emissions, but other ways, including decarbonization services would play a crucial role.

Let’s take a look at some prominent solutions on how to decarbonize the future:

1. Increased Digitization

To get a hold of environmental deterioration, the first step is to switch energy sources and change energy consumption patterns. The world is drastically transitioning to renewable energy sources from the use of fossil fuels.

In the industrial sector, decarbonizing energy systems can be a reality only if the decision-makers become mindful of their responsibilities and actions. It is imperative for them to adopt technically advanced decarbonization solutions based on extensively researched data. They can even collaborate or partner with other companies to leverage robust decarbonization services and solutions.

2. Low-Carbon Electricity

Low-carbon electricity is the way of the future. It requires reduced dependence on fossil fuels like coal and oil and increasing the use of renewable energy sources. These sources include solar, hydro, and wind. They capture energy from natural sources like the sun, water and wind from wind turbines. Since none of them emits carbon, they are the best way forward in the process of decarbonization and an answer to ‘how to decarbonize’.

The cost of alternative energy systems has dropped sharply in recent years

3. Introduction of Artificial Intelligence

Even though the concept of artificial intelligence is still in progress, it carries the potential to change the face of almost every sector of our society. It will gather and provide insights into more data, bringing the companies’ carbon footprints under purview.

AI’s capabilities can turn out to be extremely profitable for gigantic organizations since their size allows them access to massive data sets, automatically speeding the decarbonization process.

how to decarbonize energy system

4. Partnering With Digital Ecosystems

Decarbonization, as an idea, is dynamic in nature. Hence, the field goes through a minor evolution from time to time, coming up with new technologies, concepts, and methodologies. It is nearly impossible for a person to track and apply all these changes.

Diverse service providers are coming up with a plethora of decarbonization services and facilities. Finding an appropriate technology partner is the quickest method to meet decarbonization targets in the most competent way possible.

Bottom Line

The decarbonization of energy sector requires a lot of planning, data collection, research, and organization. To make the project successful, one has to seek expert advice from service providers that share your vision and understand your need for change. So, avail of exceptional decarbonization services to speed up your project for a better future.