The Pros of Kiln-Dried Logs

Armed with the knowledge on kiln drying and how it handles itself against seasoning, let us add to that the positives that come from using the logs produced through kiln drying. When kiln-dried wood is put side by side with the usually seasoned wood, it seems way more superior. If you remain sceptical of the fact, below is a list of pluses from certainly wood about using kiln-dried logs:

Benefits of of Kiln Dried Logs

1. It Burns Cleaner

A common complaint among the many, from using the usually seasoned wood, is the fact that it leaves creosote and soot. Creosote, if you don’t familiarize yourself with it, is a sticky substance that is usually deposited by burning wood. After the fire cools down the substance is left stuck inside the fireplace or even your woodstove. When you light your fireplace again when it is there, it can catch fire resulting in a safety hazard. Moreover, creosote has been considered to be a poisonous substance that may cause several health issues when inhaled. It can cause serious effects, especially to those that have respiratory problems.

Kiln-dried logs, compared to seasoned wood, are a safer option as they do not produce creosote during combustion. This is a better investment since it burns cleaner and also because, in the case of families with children or seniors, they are safe from the effects of the creosote substance.

2. It’s Easily Ignited

Consider occasions like camping when it is usually grizzly, cold, and wet, kiln-dried wood can relieve you of this discomfort. You know that to fully enjoy a camping trip, you need wood not only to cook but to also keep you warm.

Kiln-dried wood saves your time, and effort when lighting a fire because it ignites quickly from just a spark. Kiln-dried wood can be a camper’s way to keep everyone in the camp warm because the fire from this wood is quite long-lasting.

3. It Burns For Longer

Typically firewood is not very costly, but using a lot of firewood for only a short while can be. kiln-dried wood can save you money since it will be more economical compared to seasoned wood.

By only lighting a few of these logs they can keep you warm for the rest of the night. This way, the moments spent chatting with your family or even reading a book will not be interrupted by the need to add a few logs to the fireplace. Not only are you able to save money through this but you also play a positive active role in reducing the amount of wood consumed hence the environment is protected.

4. It Does Not Produce Smoke

Imagine those scenarios in movies where stars or heroes put out their campfires to avoid being spotted by the bad guys. Well with kiln-dried logs this would not be necessary. This is because they burn clean, meaning that they do not produce smoke. Other options of wood like seasoned or greenwood do produce smoke.

Greenwood is especially known that when burned can result in pitch-black smoke, which can be very stinging to the eyes, nose, and lungs. Even when seasoned wood does not produce as much or stinging smoke as greenwood, it still produces a degree of it. Kiln-dried wood is still a better and cleaner option compared to the two.

5. It Smells Great

Regardless of whether you enjoy camping or not, the smell that is left behind cannot be ignored. This terrible smell can linger on you for days, on your clothes or hair even after attempts of getting rid of it. This smell usually comes from the wood used to light your campfire.

As noted earlier, seasoned wood and greenwood produce smoke, in which the scent from it can be smelt on clothes, or the food cooked using this wood can have a burnt taste. So why go through all this, when you could use a way better option? Kiln-dried wood does not mess with the food’s taste or even leave an awful smell on your clothes.

6. It Can Be Easily Stored

Traditionally, firewood is stored in an outside shed. This is because the wood can contain pests, as well as bug eggs hence storing it in your house, is not a good option, since it can add to developing an infestation that can be hard to get rid of.

On the flip side, kiln-dried logs are perfectly safe to be stored inside your house. Arrange them in a raised place, keep them on a platform to avoid the logs touching the floor or getting moisture in them.

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Salman Zafar
Salman Zafar is the CEO of BioEnergy Consult, and an international consultant, advisor and trainer with expertise in waste management, biomass energy, waste-to-energy, environment protection and resource conservation. His geographical areas of focus include Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Salman has successfully accomplished a wide range of projects in the areas of biogas technology, biomass energy, waste-to-energy, recycling and waste management. Salman has participated in numerous national and international conferences all over the world. He is a prolific environmental journalist, and has authored more than 300 articles in reputed journals, magazines and websites. In addition, he is proactively engaged in creating mass awareness on renewable energy, waste management and environmental sustainability through his blogs and portals. Salman can be reached at or

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