Top 5 Tips For Reducing Waste in Your Home


Reducing waste in your home is more important now than ever. As the environment is becoming more in danger because of greenhouse gases, climate change, and pollution, the need for humans to reduce their carbon footprint is imperative. However, even if people want to make an effort to save the environment, many people don’t know […]

9 Brilliant Tips To Save Energy In The Winter


When those colder months come, it can feel great to blast on the heating. That feeling of being cozy in your home while it’s freezing outside is something many people love about winter. That’s until you see your energy bill and realize all of that energy has come at a steep cost. Thankfully, it doesn’t […]

6 Tips to Help You Design an Eco-Friendly Bedroom

eco friendly gifts for couples

After you’ve tackled some of the major infrastructure projects that will make your home greener, you’re going to want to start working through individual rooms as well. Small, simple changes throughout your house can help make your home more eco-friendly. Right now, harmful toxins and chemicals are probably lurking all over your bedroom. With a […]

5 Top Ways to Reduce the Impact of Indoor Air Pollution


Indoor air pollution is one of the greatest environmental dangers of the 21st century. According to the World Health Organization, more than 7 million people die each year due to the adverse impacts of air pollution on respiratory, cardiovascular and neurovascular systems. Recent studies have also found that the indoor air pollution can also have […]

How To Find Sustainable Building Material Suppliers: Our Top Tips

choosing sustainable building material suppliers

Transitioning to sustainable building materials offers plenty of advantages for the construction sector and the communities it serves. Sustainable structures reduce the amount of waste associated with building a new property. They’re usually less expensive to maintain and healthier for their occupants. As a result, sustainable construction has become an evolutionary advancement, which involves innovative […]

Water Saving Tips for Schools and Colleges


Like all large organizations, schools and colleges need to examine their environmental impact. In addition to energy usage and waste management, water use is another critical area of environmental health for schools and colleges. With regards to the climate crisis, children and young adults are amongst the loudest voices. Many grassroots campaigns have resulted in […]

5 Benefits of Biodegradable Packaging for Businesses


Consumers want companies to reflect their values. They’re far more likely to purchase from a business with an identity, whether it manifests in charitable efforts or eco-friendly practices. As a greater number of people show interest in green living, biodegradable packaging presents an opportunity for growth. That said, the virtues of eco-friendly packaging extend beyond […]

11 Ideas for Easier Recycling at Home

Going green isn’t just meant for Earth Day. Going green is a way of life. However, Earth Day is a day we pause and commemorate, acknowledge and support environmental programs and Earth-saving strategies. It is also a great day to commit or recommit to employ earth-friendly practices in your life, at home and in the […]

Environmental Benefits of Polyurethane

Stated by urethane manufacturers, today’s manufacturing community is becoming increasingly mindful of environmental impacts that arise during industrial processes. Industrial recycling, waste to energy systems, and emissions improvements are just part of a wide-ranging effort to minimize the impact of manufacturing on the environment. Plastics have become a lightning rod for environmental commentators, as pictures […]

A Beginner’s Guide to Renewable Energy

beginners guide to renewable energy

Renewable energy is all around us; we just need to figure out how to use it in our daily lives. We’ve all heard about renewable energy and the numerous benefits of switching from fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas to wind power, solar power, biofuels, hydroelectricity, and hydrogen fuel cells. But what is […]

Everything You Need to Know About a Paperless Office

a paper free office

Businesses are the largest users of papers and this is taking a heavy toll on the forests and other natural resources. The paper production process consumes a lot of wood and water, besides generating effluents which are harmful for the environment.  One of the best ways a business can become environmentally-friendly is to minimize the […]

The Best Warm Winter Getaways in the US

After working for a long time, it is always advisable to go on vacation especially if there is enough cash. Going on a getaway is one of the few things to do to have fun and keep body and soul together. There are lots of places that one could visit for a getaway especially if […]

A Glimpse Into The Sustainable Megacities Of The Future

Sustainable Megacities Of The Future

Megacities are generally defined as cities with a population greater than 10 million. With this strict definition, it is no surprise that there are only around 30 or 40 megacities across the world. Alongside this, ‘sustainability’ and ‘megacity’ are terms that are almost inherently at odds with one another. By their very design, megacities rely […]

10 Ways To Make Your Lifestyle More Green

a paper free office

We should all be looking for ways to make our lifestyles more green. Of course, it’s up to the major corporations to alter their practices in order to protect the planet as well, but we can all do our part to make things that little bit better for the environment. You might think that doing […]

Best Practices for a Green Business

ecofriendly home

Looking for ways to make businesses greener is a growing trend. Waste and destruction are just bad public relations while making an effort to clean up your act is increasingly supported by customers and employees alike. There are a number of myths about sustainability, such as the belief that it will cost you more money. […]

10 Ways To Be An Eco-Friendly Student


Environmental degradation has led to many devastating effects such as the depletion of the ozone layer, health problems for people living in areas where toxic fumes and chemicals are released and a change in weather patterns. Everyone can contribute to a better and healthier environment by living eco-friendly lives on a daily basis. As a […]

Zena Fly- Feeding the World on Insect


Meeting an ever increasing demand for food/feed/energy and managing waste have become two of the major global challenges. The global world population is estimated to increase from 7.3 billion in 2015 to 9.7 billion in 2050. Approximately one third of the global food produced for human composition is wasted. Currently, approximately 1.3 billion metric tons […]

4 Ways Off-Grid Solar Systems Benefit Today’s Eco-Conscious Families

benefits of going off-grid

Within the past decade we have been hearing more and more about global warming and the need to invest in alternative sources of energy. We have been hearing about the need to reduce our carbon footprint to what is being termed as Net Zero, especially in corporate and government environments. They’ve set a target date […]

Composting in Qatar: An Overview


Composting in Qatar is mainly done at the Domestic Solid Waste Management Centre (DSWMC) in Mesaieed, which houses the largest composting facility in the country and one of the largest in the world.  The waste that enters the plant initially goes through anaerobic digestion, which produces biogas that can power the facility’s gas engine and […]

Up Your Green Knowledge: 5 Ways to Learn More About Plants

Ways to Learn More About Plants

Flora and fauna start to become of great interest to people. A number of ecological problems cause the desire to take care of plants, trees, flowers, etc. But before proceeding to purchase a plant and care for it, there is a need to gain more knowledge about the green world. Have no idea where to […]

Why Should Your Company Commit to Renewable Power?


Roughly one-third of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions come from burning fossil fuels to create electricity, according to Climate Collaborative. Using non-renewable gas, oil and coal adds to a rapidly growing carbon footprint, increases global warming and spells disaster for our fragile planet’s future. Companies and large corporations have the ability to make a positive environmental […]

Finding the Most Appropriate Renewable Energy

Energy is very important nowadays. Contemporary people can hardly imagine their existence without it. Humans has always tried to produce cheaper and safe energy. Nature provides us with the energy we can renew daily. It provides people with the benefit which nobody can argue. It almost has no negative impact on the surrounding and is […]

Why Businesses Need to Reduce Their Carbon Output?

According to a recent Nielsen study, 81 percent of consumers feel strongly that businesses should be taking measures to reduce their impact on the environment. This passion is shared across generations, and it’s safe to say that businesses that have little regard for their corporate social responsibility are significantly less desirable to consumers. Despite this, […]

Tesla Model X: The Electrical Car That Will Change The World

Reasons to lease an electric car

Cars have changed a tremendous amount in recent years and are providing driving experiences that are unlike anything anyone has ever imagined. Electric cars are now available and what an exciting time for the automotive industry. Lease Loco has your curiosity covered with these vehicles. You can get an electric car lease just by the […]

How Solar Roofs Can Minimize The Urban Heat Island Effect?

As cities grow, open spaces, trees and other greenery, and other naturally occurring surfaces diminish, replaced by concrete and asphalt surfaces. When this happens, the heat absorbed by these surfaces has nowhere to go, and so is radiated and reflected into the immediate surrounding areas. This creates an urban heat island. This leads to an […]

Guide to Effective Waste Management

The best way of dealing with waste, both economically and environmentally, is to avoid creating it in the first place. For effective waste management, waste minimization, reuse, recycle and energy recovery are more sustainable than conventional landfill or dumpsite disposal technique. Waste Minimization Waste minimization is the process of reducing the amount of waste produced […]

Top Ways to Save Energy at School


The issue of saving energy amid the exponential advancement of the technology-dependent studying process is one of the critical challenges school systems face today. Modern students are avidly embracing energy-powered tools in class, from learning the techniques of successful coursework on popular websites like EssayShark, to sharing their studying notes with peers via file storage […]

Simple Ways to Transform Your Condo Into an Eco-Friendly Space


Global warming and climate change have been at the forefront of news headlines nowadays. This brings to attention the need to protect the environment. When it comes to going green, every step matters and you can do your share with through your condominium unit. Whether you own a condo unit for personal use or as […]

Global Trends in Solar Energy Sector


Many countries around the world have switched to solar power in order to supplement or provide an alternative source of energy that is cheaper, more reliable and efficient, and friendly to the environment. Generally speaking, to convert solar energy to electricity, there are two kinds of technologies used by the solar power plants – the […]

The Role of Biomass Energy in Net-Zero Buildings

The concept of biomass energy is still in its infancy in most parts of the world, but nevertheless, it does have an important role to play in terms of sustainability in general and net-zero buildings in particular. Once processed, biomass is a renewable source of energy that has amazing potential. But there is a lot […]

Special Attributes of Fiberglass Insulation


Of all the things we want our homes to provide, comfort is usually at the top of the list. In addition to the beauty and usability of the home, comfort also includes the ability to maintain a comfortable temperature, to keep the air clean and healthy, and to provide safety for your family. The most […]

Sustainable Innovations in Train Stations


The growing urgency around climate change and energy consumption has prompted a significant response from the rail industry over the past decade. It has responded with major initiatives around the globe. For example, in Germany, national rail company Deutsche Bahn has replaced tens of thousands of incandescent lights with LEDs. In the United Kingdom, rail […]

Sustainable Agriculture with Organic Liquid Fertilizers

liquid fertilizer

Agricultural practices are increasingly leaning towards committing to a sustainable environment. In light of this, organic farming has become acceptable to many farmers. Many are practicing environmental- friendly practices such as using organic liquid fertilizer instead of the synthetic alternative. The misuse and abuse of synthetic fertilizers is responsible for many of the health problems […]

How Students Can Reduce Energy Consumption in the Dorm Room?

Today´s “eco wave” is a response – a good response – to the climatic crisis the planet is going through. The youth is the one leading this eco-conscious change, and the message is that its time we all get on the same page. Here’s the information on how to conserve energy that every student needs, […]

5 Effective Green Marketing Strategies

ecofriendly home

Becoming an entrepreneur steadily becomes a childhood dream for many young people born in the late 1990s and early 2000s, just like only about 30 or 40 years ago people have dreamt of becoming astronauts, policemen, or firefighters. Indeed, doing business today has become not only profitable but also challenging and overwhelmingly intriguing. At the […]

9 Eco-Friendly Home Features to Check for When Buying a House

bamboo as a construction material

Homeowners are becoming more eco-conscious by the day. From installing water-efficient appliances to solar panels, home buyers are looking to incorporate greener options into their home designs. If you want to reduce your carbon footprint, you’ll need to shop for the following. How to Find a Realtor Who Can Help You Pick the Perfect Home […]

How to Start Eco-Business Internationally?


Doing business today is, perhaps, one of the hottest trends that have held its high position for a number of years now. If you want to make more than enough money, you should totally start your own business or, at least, purchase a franchise and go ahead from there. Yet, if you’re already in the […]

10 Green Business Ideas for Young Entrepreneurs

green entrepreneurship

Out of some of the hottest trends that have been on the top lists for quite a while are choosing an entrepreneur as the primary occupation and doing an eco-friendly business. While the former is primarily motivated by making money to afford quite a comfy living, the latter is usually motivated by something else. And […]

Going Green: Ways to Reduce Business Energy Costs

how to reduce energy bill

Do you stress over your electric bill every month? Or do you assume that’s just part and parcel of owning a business, and you’ll simply have to keep up with costs? Well, that’s not exactly true. You don’t have to endure the increased energy costs; in fact, you can lower your bill while maintaining a […]

Ways to Go Greener

ways to make your home eco-friendlier

Going green is no longer just a fad, as it’s become a way of life for many. So, when it comes to making your home green, there are plenty of ways to go about it. Below are easy ways to make your home eco-friendlier. How to Finance Going Green Going green may help the environment […]

5 Benefits of Vegan Shoes

benefits of vegan shoes

Are you on the fence about making the change from leather shoes to vegan ones? Or, perhaps you’re not entirely sure what vegan shoes are? If you’re looking for more reasons or maybe a compelling reason why you should switch, you’re in the right place. To start off, anything vegan means that no animals were […]

10 Tips For Going Green On A Budget


With modern life being so hectic and demanding, it’s easy to forget that there’s an alternative. Going green can relieve a lot of the pressure on you in terms of environmental concerns, but it can also be a more relaxing and rewarding way to live. Many people think that in order to make the transition […]

5 Ways European Citizens Can Help the Environment

uropean Citizens Can Help the Environment

European residents must do their part to protect the environment, just like all other global citizens. Climate change is real, and thousands of scientists continue sounding the alarm that we need to change our ways. Future generations may have to deal with all kinds of shortages if we can’t figure out methods to reduce our […]

Applications of Epoxy Resin in Clean Energy Sector

how to use more renewable energy

Epoxy resin is a kind of reactive prepolymer and polymer that contains epoxide groups. It is important to note that epoxy resin is different from other polyester resins in terms of curing. Unlike other resins, instead of using a catalyst as a curing agent, it is cured by an agent known as the hardener. It […]

6 Ways Businesses Can Protect The Environment


Over the years, humans have begun to see the negative impact a lot of our behaviors have had on the earth. Whether it is our use of energy, our contribution to growing landfills or a variety of other things, many people are making changes. More and more individuals are looking for ways to reduce their […]

Behavioral Drivers Behind Food Wastes


By 2075, the United Nations estimates the global population will peak at 9.5 billion, an extra 3 billion mouths to feed by the end of the century. Meanwhile, while we produce about four billion tonnes of food annually, it is estimated that 30-50% of this never reaches our plates. Of the food that does reach us, some western […]

The Specifics of A Shipping Container Environment


The use of recycled shipping containers has found excellent footing in today’s society. There are so many different ways that the current modern system has created a new dichotomy of agriculture. If you are curious to understand the concept of the these containers and the specifics that come with them, keep reading! Concept of Shipping […]

More Reasons To Check Out Alternative Energy Sources


In recent years, the world has seen significant economic progress, which greatly relied on energy fueled by coal and petroleum among others. With the continuously growing demand for energy, it is a fact that these energy sources may be depleted in the near future. Apart from this, there are several other reasons why humankind already […]

Why Biofuels Should Be a Key Part in America’s Future

impact of biofuels on air quality

Biofuels are one of the hottest environmental topics, but they aren’t anything new. When discussing these fuels, experts frequently refer to first, second-and third-generation biofuels to differentiate between more efficient and advanced ones currently in development and more traditional biofuels in use for decades. First-generation biofuels are things like methanol, ethanol, biodiesel and vegetable oil, while […]

A Glance at College Recycling Programs


Just one look at your local landfill is enough to convince you that there is a need for more recycling programs. Recycling should be a priority for all institutions across the country. College recycling programs ensure that such institutions make a contribution to environmental conservation. Every student should have a recycle bin where they dispose […]

Are Reusable Freezer Bags An Eco-Friendly Answer?


Everyone’s heard about the damage single-use plastic products are causing. But just in case you haven’t, here’s a quick rundown. Single-use plastic doesn’t biodegrade, and even when it does start to break down, it can still be extremely harmful. Microplastics come from partially degraded plastic products, and it can be extremely harmful to both humans and […]

Factors to Consider Before Subscribing to Community Solar

what is community solar

So you’ve heard of community solar and are now thinking of subscribing to one. Naturally, you want to know if you are qualified for a solar farm subscription. In this article, we will discuss factors that you need to consider before you sign up for a community solar program. What is Community Solar? Community solar […]

How to Reduce Your Digital Carbon Footprint?

Roughly 2.5 billion people around the globe use the internet. Experts predict the energy used to power the internet — as well as the number of greenhouse gases produced — will soon exceed air travel. Your digital carbon footprint is comprised of a number of activities, not just checking email. Digital activities that have an […]

Use Circular Manufacturing to Save Energy and Reduce Waste

environmental benefits of circular manufacturing

The industrial sector is the third biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the world, accounting for over 20% of total emissions (including carbon dioxide and methane), the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reveals. Manufacturing plants (as part of the industrial sector) typically involve significant pollution and energy and resource use. By implementing sustainable methods designed to green the […]

Combating Concrete Through Sustainable Building Materials

hemp as a construction material

Around 5% of the world’s CO2 emissions are caused by concrete production, so finding sustainable alternatives is essential to slowing down climate change. Fortunately, there are plenty of materials out there which are perfect for mass home construction, without the same ecological damage. If you want to continue to do meaningful things, such as travel […]

3 Ways Zero Valent Iron Can Help in Environment Protection

Zero Valent Iron (ZVI) was developed to eliminate chlorinated hydrocarbon solvents in the soil. Industrial solvents are replete with chlorinated hydrocarbon, so much toxic and bad for the environment. They get disposed in the soil along with other toxic elements to cause harm to our surrounding. In the current years, significant improvements have taken place […]

Top 3 Reasons Why You Should Have a Dehumidifier at Home


Air quality is one of those things that many homeowners frequently overlook. We assume that the air indoors is better or less polluted than the air outdoors because we’re not dealing with things like car fumes and pollution. However, your indoor air can be just as bad as the atmosphere outdoors, particularly when you have […]

11 Ways College Students Can Save Paper

a paper free office

Paper, in all of its forms, is one of the most useful and versatile products. It is also one of the most widely used item for college students. The bad news is that our use of paper has some pretty intense impacts on the environment. These include water and air pollution, deforestation, and the accumulation […]

5 Creative Ways to Repurpose Used Auto Parts


There comes a time in every automobile’s life where it’s parts can serve a different purpose, whether it’s recycling, or reusing them in a way that can prove useful to you. It’s not wrong to take your car to the junkyard and salvage what you can for some extra money, but it’s also great to […]

5 Things You Need To Know To Reduce Your Electricity Bill

reduce electricity bill

If you are a homeowner, you have probably thought of lowering your electricity bills every time you get your bill is logical. According to a recent study, the electricity bill is the second-highest cost most homeowners pay every month. That’s not surprising because thanks to modern science, we use electricity to run appliances for everything […]

5 Ethical, Sustainable and Eco-friendly Cost-Saving Tips

Green Finance

Consumers are no longer solely interested in catching a great deal. In fact, it’s the quick and cheap, disposable living mindset that has put the world in such a precarious state. Studies have shown that a business’s impact on the world plays a key role in their purchasing decision. Here are five ethical, sustainable, and eco-friendly […]

Green Ways to Travel the Globe

green travel

According to a recent report, 87% of travelers want to travel more sustainably, but only 39% say that they accomplish the task on most or all occasions. Well, in a world that often focuses so heavily on comfort and convenience, it’s understandable. Many cultures and individuals are certainly making great efforts to lead eco-friendly lives, but many […]

The Pros of Kiln-Dried Logs

Benefits of of Kiln-Dried Logs

Armed with the knowledge on kiln drying and how it handles itself against seasoning, let us add to that the positives that come from using the logs produced through kiln drying. When kiln-dried wood is put side by side with the usually seasoned wood, it seems way more superior. If you remain sceptical of the […]

Everything You Should Know About Sustainable Marketing

Sustainable Digital Marketing

It is worth saying that today sustainable marketing is no longer “just a trend” that companies can follow in some special cases. Every year the number of environmental problems increases, and society becomes really more socially responsible. This fact leads the consumer to look for a company whose concept reflects their values. By the way, […]

Switching To Solar Energy: 8 Mistakes Every Homeowner Should Avoid Making

mistakes when switching to solar energy

Since many household owners are discovering the inflation on electricity prices, some are gradually shifting to changing their utility resources. The installations of solar panels are on the rise today simply because they yield savings and can be used for as long as a quarter of a century. However, it’s understandable why many homeowners hesitate […]

Manage Trees With Sustainability In Mind

ways businesses can become greener

There is growing concern as forest land outside of conservation areas is steadily decreasing. There has been a disturbing reduction in primary forests of 40 million hectares in the last decade. The total area of forest within protected areas has increased by 94 million hectares in the past two decades and now accounts for 13% […]

4 Essential Tips for Building an Eco-Friendly Deck


Building an eco-friendly deck requires carefully sourcing materials, strategically creating designs, and researching quality maintenance practices. If you’re interested in building a beautiful and sustainable deck for your home, follow these 4 essential tips for success. The Importance of Going Green Gradually, the importance of living an eco-friendly lifestyle is gaining in popularity. People strive […]

Top 5 Reasons Why Your Power Bill is Skyrocketing


Working from home does have its perks, but one huge downside is dealing with energy bills that are higher than usual. However, the fact that you’re spending most of your time at home shouldn’t be a reason to simply accept skyrocketing energy bills. There might be a couple of ways you can still bring those […]

7 Energy Saving Tips for Students


Being a student is a wonderful experience that comes with a lot of perks, especially if you’re living on campus. This is the time to explore various experiences, gain personal responsibility, and figure out your meaning in the world. You can have a lot of fun, make a lot of new friends, and enjoy your […]

Is Your Commercial Cleaning Service Sustainable?

commercial cleaning services

It’s becoming more evident with time that people who want to ensure any form of financial security in the future need to start their own businesses. You can’t rely on your day to day job anymore to give you that feeling of financial security, and many are starting to realize this. So, people invest their […]

Why Wastewater Treatment is Crucial in Our Society


Wastewater treatment is essential for maintaining proper balance throughout the world’s ecosystems. Wastewater contains toxic substances that harm wildlife and humans, including (and especially) aquatic life. This toxic water comes from a variety of sources, including sewage systems. When organic matter enters a water source, like a river, aquatic lifeforms consume it as food. As […]

Environmental Costs of Glitter


While there are no clear estimates of the amount of glitter sold each year, its distinctive ability to disperse makes it a disproportionate contributor to environmental problems. Glitter particles are easily transferred through the air or by touch, clinging to skin and clothes. Its ability to spread is so notorious that there are companies that […]

Why Does Waste Matter in the Gaia Theory?

Why Waste Matter in the Gaia Theory

Do you know where your food comes from and where the uneaten leftovers go after you’ve thrown them away? Whether you’re thinking about it or not, every action you take has some effect on the world around you. A chemist named James Lovelock hypothesized that living organisms interact with their surroundings to maintain a livable […]

4 Amazing Benefits of Using Natural Gas for Your Home

Homeowners have a variety of energy sources to choose from to power their homes. Each kind offers its own set of benefits and disadvantages. When you are wanting to be more eco-friendly with your energy consumption, there are many benefits of considering natural gas as your go-to energy source. Uses Of Natural Gas Natural gas […]

5 Ways You Can Protect the Environment as a Student

environmental conservation for students

In today’s world, where environmental concerns like climate change and pollution are at the forefront of global discussions, it’s crucial for individuals, including students, to take actionable steps toward protecting our planet. Students, in particular, have a unique position in society – they are learners, future leaders, and influencers. Here are five practical ways students […]

Tips on Writing a Research Paper on Solar Energy


The share of energy received from the Sun is steadily increasing every year. Last year, the global solar market increased by 26%. According to forecasts, in 2018 for the first time, the mark of 100 gigawatts of new installed capacity per year will be passed all over the world. Writing a research paper on solar […]

The Benefits of Indoor Plants and How to Keep Them Fresh


Having a natural ambiance around your house and workplace is not only aesthetically pleasing but has also proven to increase productivity and positively impact mood and behavior. No doubt that indoor plants trigger a feeling of happiness from inside. Setting up foliage in your environment reduces anxiety and stress since interaction with nature improves self-being. […]

3 Ways to Refresh Your Home in the New Year

ways to refresh your home

You’ve most likely set personal goals for the new year, but have you considered how your personal space can impact your progress?  A clean, healthy, and peaceful home base is necessary for incubating new habits or commitments. Read on for some ideas on how to spruce up your home and give yourself a better chance […]

Why it is Important to Recycle Used Filters and Oil

Illegally or inappropriately disposed of used motor oil can have a grievous impact on the environment. Studies conducted indicate that a single gallon of used oil can pollute up to a million gallons of water. Used oil filters are made of steel which means they can be recycled. In some developed countries, they are the […]

How to Select an Organic Food Wholesale Supplier?

organic food wholesale supplier

The organic food sector accounts for an increasing share of industrial food production year by year. For this reason, obtaining high-quality ingredients, of reliable and confirmed origin, in appropriate quantities is becoming an increasing problem. Organic food wholesale suppliers are difficult to find – many manufacturers of this type of ingredients are small farms that […]

Landfill Liners and Alternative Daily Cover

The old garbage dumps of days gone by are no more. Today’s waste disposal solutions are increasingly sophisticated. Environmental regulation, recycling, and the development of plastics – of all things – have contributed to far more tightly managed landfills, with goals inching towards zero waste. Garbage dumps used to be large holes, usually on the […]

What is Revegetation and Why is it Important?


Revegetation is a vital step in facilitating a successful soil restoration in disturbed lands. It can occur naturally through plant succession and colonization or accelerated human-driven land changes meant to repair damage caused by severe events like floods, wildfire, or mining. The original technique involved applying fertilizer and seeds to vulnerable lands. For those unfamiliar […]

How Eco-friendly Batteries Can Benefit From Biomass Energy?


Organisations and more importantly, battery manufacturers are recognising the need to overcome the problem of global warming. The objective is to develop ways of producing carbon-neutral sources of energy. One of the areas currently being explored is the use of biomass resources to create sustainable, eco-friendly batteries which are suitable for use across a wide […]

How Does a Solar Battery Storage Work?


The idea of having an energy-independent home is quite enticing for any homeowner. It comes with a lot of advantages, the main one being the fact that you won’t be affected by utility rate fluctuations. Also, you’ll be promoting the ‘green energy’ campaign, which is currently being recommended as a way of preserving the environment. […]

Recycling Hacks For One And All

community recycling

According to research, there are around 100,000 pounds of garbage that your community can create. This can have a great impact on the environment like diminishing resources, pollution, and landfills. Meanwhile, recycling is an activity which you can implement every day. It can help in maintaining a green home. This can aid in the reduction […]

Renewable Energy Trends in Germany


Germany has been called “the world’s first major renewable energy economy” as the country is one of the world’s most prolific users of renewable energy for power, heating, and transport. Germany has rapidly expanded the use of clean energy which now contributes almost one-fourth to the national energy mix. Renewable energy contribute as much as […]

How to Deal with Old Electrical Items


We all cherish our electronic devices, from our laptops and mobile phones to our beloved household appliances such as our refrigerators and washing machines. But when these electric appliances become outdated or reach the end of their useful life, they become electronic waste and that’s a big problem. Whether they’re complete junk or still in […]

Reducing Your Swimming Pool’s Carbon Footprint

green swimming pool

Pool ownership has responsibilities. Obviously pools need cleaning and maintaining. But, they also impact the environment. With thoughtful changes, pool owners can reduce their carbon footprint easily. By doing so, pool owners can enjoy cutting costs too while still enjoying refreshing swims. Why Green Swimming Pools? Going green makes sense beyond just being eco-friendly. Greener […]

Essential Vitamins Which A Vegan Diet Should Have

Eating a whole food plus plant-based diet is believed to contain all the nutrient required for your daily needs. Well, this is not entirely the case. When on a vegan diet, you might have the need to add supplements. Although some people advise vegans to not take supplements, this isn’t sound advice. Supplementing your nutrition […]

What are the Benefits of an Organic Greenhouse?

Benefits of An Organic Greenhouse

Growing products in a greenhouse environment are ideal for providing healthy organic options for consumers. Organic means everything used with production is exempt from harmful pesticides and other contaminants. Professional like those with The Prospiant greenhouses incorporate only natural elements to prevent disease and keep plants free of pests. Merely because the products are grown […]

Sustainable Paper And Pulp Production: A Brief Guide

guide on sustainable paper and pulp production

Paper has many different uses. Receipts, paper bags, cartons, and books all use paper. That being said, the utility of paper is quite clear especially given the fact that the world is going greener by the day. However, while there has been a lot of progress in attaining a green standard in the paper and […]

How to Cool Your Home in an Environmentally Friendly Way

Energy Efficiency Guide For Homeowners

When warmer weather hits, you will want to turn on your air conditioning system and enjoy cooler temperatures inside your home as a way to escape the heat outside. In many places, warm weather starts earlier and lasts longer than it did a decade ago, which means a higher cooling bill and more negative environmental […]

5 Tips for Adding Solar Panels to Your Home


Solar panels are technological appliances that generate electricity by converting light energy into direct currents which are applicable for commercial and residential purposes. The advent of solar panels is a major progress in technology, providing the world with a more economically sustainable and reliable power supply for all possible applications. It also savages the situation of spending extra […]

3 Ways Real Estate Firms Can Adopt Environmentally Sustainable Practices

ways real estate firms can adopt a more sustainable real estate portfolio

Real estate accounts for 40% of the world’s energy consumption and 1/3 of all carbon emissions. With that kind of eco-footprint, real estate firms are at the frontlines of climate change risks created by greenhouse gas, making the switch to sustainability necessary. Realtors, brokers, and building owners need to do their part to ensure they […]

What is the True Cost of Sustainable Living in the US?

planting trees

Protecting the environment is something most Americans are passionate about. In fact, a recent study found that over 65 percent of Americans would be willing to make drastic changes to protect the Earth. Fortunately, sustainable living doesn’t require massive lifestyle changes. There are 100 ways to go green which are simple and easy to implement. […]

Australia: A Climate Crisis

climate anxiety

The world, as we know, is getting warmer and warmer. Weather across the globe is changing significantly, and it’s all down to climate change. From increasing sea levels, the melting of polar ice caps and not forgetting constant reports on hurricanes and heatwaves, the world is going through a climate crisis, and there isn’t long […]

Eco-Friendly Wheels: Exploring the Rise of Green Energy Vehicles in Business

Factors When Installing Commercial EV Chargers

The integration of green energy vehicles into business fleets represents a significant step towards sustainability and environmental responsibility. This article delves into the ongoing transformation in the corporate world, highlighting how businesses are adopting eco-friendly transportation solutions and what this means for the future. The Emergence of Green Energy Vehicles in Business The corporate world […]

Share of Renewables in the UK Energy Mix


The Earth is facing a climate crisis, as the burning of fossil fuels to generate electricity and power our cars overloads the atmosphere with carbon dioxide, causing a dangerous atmospheric imbalance that’s raising global temperatures. A report from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released earlier this month cautioned that the planet has […]

Renewable Energy is the Future for Humanity and This is Already a Trend

Throughout the entire contemporary age, human beings have been using fossil fuels to meet their energy needs and requirements. Natural gas, oil, and coal have made it possible for people to receive power in their homes as well as power machinery for many years, thereby pushing civilization forward. However, human development has undergone a steady […]

The Troubling Trend of Greenwashing

how to avoid greenwashing

Greenwashing, also known as green sheen, is a troubling trend that deceives consumers into thinking what they’re purchasing is sustainable or eco-friendly when the opposite is true. With climate change gaining attention, most people are trying to be more conscious of their environmental impact. Read on for information on how to measure sustainability, in what […]