Benefits of Investing in Sustainable Clothing

Why We Should Care About Sustainable Fashion

Creating a better future for the earth requires everyone to do their part. Sometimes this means changing everyday activities, such as shopping for clothes. There are many ways to create a wardrobe that won’t harm the environment.

Below is a list of reasons sustainable fashion is paramount.

Benefits of Investing in Sustainable Clothing

What is Sustainable Fashion?

You may have heard the term but aren’t 100% sure of what it means.

Sustainable fashion is essentially clothing that’s designed, produced, distributed, and used in ways that are better for the environment.

For example, if a company purchased tote bags wholesale from a business that manufactures them in an environmentally friendly way with ethically sourced materials, it would be considered sustainable fashion.

Every time you support companies that show their care for the planet with their products, you’re helping build a better future.

Unfortunately, fast fashion is still widely used, hurting the world in many ways.

Consequences of Fast Fashion

Fast fashion hurts the environment and produces excess waste that harms the earth and living creatures. Additionally, fast fashion production often uses harsh labor conditions.

Employees are under unimaginable pressure working endless hours for staggeringly low wages. Sometimes, even children are forced to work in these circumstances.

For this reason, choosing sustainable clothing is paramount to the health and well-being of the world.

Advantages of Investing in Sustainable Clothing

1. Better Air Quality

Eco-friendly apparel utilizes recycled and ethically sourced materials, lessening the pollution entering the atmosphere.

Fewer greenhouse gas emissions lead to improved air quality, ensuring that plants, animals, and other living creatures remain safe in the future. It also helps with climate change since more greenhouse gas entering the atmosphere means more trapped heat, contributing to global warming.

2. Ethical Working Conditions

Another benefit of sustainable clothing includes better working conditions for employees.

Purchasing attire from companies that provide safe environments, reasonable hours, and fair salaries reduces instances of exploitation. Imagine all the people this would help who have once been exploited by greedy corporations that paid extremely low wages for long, laborious hours.

3. Safer for Animals

Sustainable fashion advocates for animal rights and does not use materials that require slaughtering them.

For example, other materials, such as plant-based alternatives, are used instead of leather. A common misconception is that leather is only a byproduct of the meat industry. But did you know that billions of animals are slaughtered annually for leather?

Many animals’ bodies don’t have enough meat to be used for food but are still killed for their skin. On top of this, many leather products must be treated with harmful chemicals before selling to the public.

why sustainable fashion

4. Safer for Humans

Not only is sustainable clothing safer for animals, but it’s also safer for us! A lot of chemicals are used in the process of making clothing and accessories.

For example, harmful chemicals like formaldehyde, cyanide-based dyes, ammonia, and lead are used to make leather products. Many of the harmful chemicals used to produce clothing are environmental pollutants.

These pollutants are usually released into the air, ground, and water supply, tainting them. This is especially true in foreign countries with no laws to govern factories.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, we should care about sustainable fashion for many reasons. Fast fashion harms people, animals, and the environment, but sustainable clothes help protect and secure everyone and everything around us.

Even doing something as simple as shopping at a thrift store or refusing to purchase leather items can help the environment tremendously.

Protect the planet for future generations by shopping for eco-friendly options instead of ones that will pollute the earth and its living creatures.

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