Impact of Whitening Mouthwash on Teeth Whitening Treatment

According to a study published in the American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, more than 90 percent of dental and orthodontic patients also request tooth whitening. The fact is, as no less than Inc. magazine recently reported, having a bright white smile you love to show off is important for every goal you have in life. People who smile more tend to make more money, receive more frequent promotions, look younger, have more friends and connections, feel better, live longer, lead better and be happier.

No wonder there is so much demand for teeth whitening services! But how can you tell all the different options apart and figure out which is best for you? And how can you maximize the results of your in-office teeth whitening? Should you use over-the-counter options like whitening mouthwash or will that hurt your results? Find out in this blog post.

How the Teeth Whitening Process Works

The American Dental Association (ADA) highlights how important it is to understand how the process of teeth whitening really works.

Once you understand the basic underlying mechanism behind teeth whitening you will be in a much better position to maintain your teeth whitening results long term.

The ADA explains that there are two basic types of teeth whitening and both are bleaches. The two types are carbamide peroxide and hydrogen peroxide.

Regardless of the bleaching type you choose, the way they work is basically the same. Once applied, the bleaches go to work to dismantle tooth stains bit by tiny bit, almost like a tiny eraser.

How Do Tooth Stains Develop?

Tooth stains can develop in any number of ways and for a wide variety of reasons. Different stains may be easier or harder to lift. Generally, lighter stains such as yellowing are easier to bleach away, while gray or brown stains are more resistant to whitening efforts. Some stains, such as those caused by mouth trauma or injury, may not respond to bleaching much if at all.

As well, it is important to be aware that teeth whitening treatments generally do not work on dental prosthetics such as implants, bridges, veneers or crowns.

The most common causes of tooth stains include:

1. Food and drink

If you have ever had to go to the sink to wash dark blueberry stains off your fingertips, you already understand how food and drink can stain your teeth.

Over time and with repeated exposure (such as that daily morning cup of coffee) your teeth will become increasingly less white.

2. Smoking and nicotine use

Smoking, vaping, snuff, gum and other sources of nicotine can stain your teeth quite badly over time, and the brown stains are some of the harder stains to lift.

3. Injury or trauma

If you have experienced an injury or trauma to your mouth or teeth, injured nerves and blood vessels may cause tooth discoloration.

4. Medication use

Medications used to treat cancer such as chemotherapy and radiation are some of the best-known drugs that can cause tooth discoloration. Another common culprit is the acne medicine tetracycline, which can cause lasting tooth discoloration.

5. The natural aging process

The natural process of aging can also cause the tooth enamel to wear thin and look less white and more yellow over time.

Will Whitening Mouthwash Help or Hurt?

To date, research shows that whitening mouthwash is not harmful to teeth that have been professionally whitened.

While a whitening mouthwash is unlikely to deliver comparable results to the outcome of a professional teeth whitening treatment, even when used consistently over time, it is equally unlikely to degrade or interfere with the results you get from professional teeth whitening.

Too-frequent use of any product designed to bleach and whiten teeth can sometimes cause temporary tooth sensitivity. Patients who experience tooth sensitivity from any tooth whitening product generally find that this side effect fades after a few days of not using the product.

How to Choose a Whitening Mouthwash

According to the ADA, the best whitening mouthwash will also provide other important oral health benefits, such as helping to control tartar and plaque buildup on teeth, guarding against decay and dental caries, fighting back against gum inflammation and infection (gingivitis/periodontal disease) and, of course, improving breath.

The ADA specifies two different categories of mouthwash: cosmetic and therapeutic. It is important to note that a mouthwash can serve both purposes, such as a whitening mouthwash that also provides health benefits such as the ones just mentioned here.

Some of the best whitening mouthwashes will themselves require a prescription from your dentist or orthodontist. These mouthwashes are often recommended as a follow-up to a professional teeth whitening treatment and for daily use after preventative dental care or dental treatment.

The more you can do to improve your overall oral health by brushing, flossing, gargling with mouthwash and choosing your daily menu with tooth health and color in mind, the longer your teeth whitening results will last.

How to Reduce Your Digital Carbon Footprint?

Roughly 2.5 billion people around the globe use the internet. Experts predict the energy used to power the internet — as well as the number of greenhouse gases produced — will soon exceed air travel. Your digital carbon footprint is comprised of a number of activities, not just checking email.

Digital activities that have an impact on the environment include:

  • Streaming music
  • Watching Netflix
  • Posting on Twitter
  • Buying an e-book
  • Reading online news

Today’s eco-conscious consumers and businesses are looking for ways to reduce their digital carbon footprints and implement sustainable practices.

1. Reach Out to Tech Companies

Tech companies like YouTube can reduce their digital carbon footprint by changing how their design. In 2016, people streamed about 1 billion hours of YouTube videos each day, producing 10 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) — the same as the City of Glasgow.

For users who only listen to YouTube for the audio, the option to turn off the video could save 100 to 500 Kilotons of CO2e each year — comparable to the carbon footprint of 30,000 homes in the U.K. For consumers, it’s imperative to reach out to your favorite brands and request eco-conscious features.

2. Unsubscribe from Unwanted Emails

In 2018, more than 281 billion emails were sent and received each day, a number that’s expected to grow to more than 347 billion by 2022. Like anyone else, you probably have multiple brands who send you unwanted emails. To reduce your carbon footprint, make use of the unsubscribe button.

Look through your inbox for any unwanted emails you’ve yet to delete. You should also go through your promotions and spam folder. The unsubscribe button is typically at the very bottom of the email. Some brands attempt to hide it by making the text a similar color as the background.

3. Optimize Your Charging Routine

How many digital devices do you charge? There’s the laptop, cellphone, tablet and smartwatch. To reduce your carbon footprint, optimize your charging routine. Once a device is fully charged, unplug the power supply. Not only can you reduce your energy consumption, but you’ll also improve the lifetime of your battery.

Reduce your reliance on fossil fuels by investing in a solar charger. There are many solar charging stations available that range in capability and price. You can find a quality set-up under $50 for a smartphone, tablet and watch. If you want to power heavy-duty devices like laptops and film equipment, you’ll want to research options $75 and above.

4. Hang Onto Your Old Device

In the U.S., 44% of smartphone users said they replace or upgrade their phone as often as their provider allows, typically every two years. Many of these working devices end up cluttering landfills, while others are broken down into usable materials. Consumers and businesses alike can reduce their digital footprint by holding onto devices longer.

If you have a cracked screen, look into DIY tools online, or visit a local shop. The cost is remarkably affordable compared to the latest phone model. If your device is running slow, delete unused or unwanted apps, photos, videos, files and more. Most smartphones have a built-in storage cleaner that can free up space.

5. Download Instead of Stream

Video streaming makes up a large chunk of internet traffic. Data centers that host streaming sites like Netflix, YouTube and Facebook consume around 1% of the world’s electricity each year, a number that’s expected to grow. More demand for this type of technology means more consumed energy.

To minimize carbon output, data centers need to be fed by renewable energy sources, such as solar, hydroelectric or nuclear power. As a consumer, you can reduce the amount of time you spend streaming videos and music each day. Try to download content ahead of time, which puts less strain on networks. If you do stream video, connect to Wi-Fi instead of 4G to consume less energy.

Most of the resources we rely on are finite. It’s crucial to make sustainable choices and reduce your carbon footprint. Reach out to your favorite tech companies and request eco-friendly alternatives. Pare down your inbox and delete any offers for a phone upgrade. You can also invest in a solar charger and reduce your streaming time.

For most of us, it’s impossible to cut out internet use entirely. However, it’s still possible to make eco-friendly decisions.

5 Ethical, Sustainable and Eco-friendly Cost-Saving Tips

Consumers are no longer solely interested in catching a great deal. In fact, it’s the quick and cheap, disposable living mindset that has put the world in such a precarious state. Studies have shown that a business’s impact on the world plays a key role in their purchasing decision. Here are five ethical, sustainable, and eco-friendly cost-saving tips to help you cut back on your spending, and your carbon footprint.

Green SMEs

Evaluate your Utility Providers

Take a look at your utility providers to see what they’re doing to make a positive impact on the world around them. For those that are bill tracking, it is important to note that many energy service providers offer special rates and rebates for lower consumption. Using Energybot, you can contrast and compare providers in your area. You can visit their website to find the most affordable, eco-friendly option for you.

In areas where providers are limited, you can still look at their environmental initiatives and programs that will save you money while making a positive impact. Many utility providers conduct energy audits or provide rebates for swapping out appliances and faucets for eco-friendly versions.

Hit the Thrift Shop

Online shopping makes it easy to get anything you could dream of at an affordable rate. However, there’s a good chance that someone like you had a similar item and discarded it.

Hitting the thrift shop before shopping online will not only save you money but will also have a positive environmental impact. The clothes you buy online are manufactured and shipped from all over the world. This creates carbon emissions that have a detrimental effect. There’s a hidden cost to affordable online shopping; buy local whenever possible.

Eat Seasonally

Eating food from local sources is better for the environment and the economy. By ensuring that your money stays in the local economy, you’re stimulating growth that will ultimately benefit you over time. Furthermore, you aren’t paying to have food manufactured, shipped, and stored from thousands of miles away.

Eating seasonal produce will help you save money on fresh food and improve the diversity of your diet. By consuming seasonal, local produce, you’re saving money, boosting the local economy, positively impacting the environment, and improving your health. It’s a win for all involved.

Be Water Savvy

Minimizing your water consumption will help keep your budget low and the environment thriving. Start by monitoring your consumption at home and making small changes. Shut the water off while brushing your teeth. Don’t rinse your dishes before putting them in the washer. Wait until you have a full load to do laundry.

To take it to the next level, swap your faucet and showerheads out with aerators and low-flow alternatives. Start collecting and reusing rainwater for gardening. Replace your hot water tank with a “tankless” alternative. Look at your meter usage and set reduction goals.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Recycling is a great initiative that can make an incredible difference in the environment when done correctly. However, recycling is just one of the “Three R’s” to remember.



Reduce and reuse often go hand-in-hand. Reduce your packaging consumption by buying food in bulk and using reusable grocery bags. Before you recycle something, think about ways to give it new life. Mason jars can be used to store dry goods and pack lunches rather than using plastic containers. Keep a few large jugs handy to fill with water, rather than adding to the single-use bottle problem. Instead of plastic toothbrush, use a bamboo toothbrush from Ecoy.

There are plenty of ways to lower your spending while taking care of the environment. Use a budgeting app like Mint to gain awareness about where your money is going. Then, use a carbon footprint calculator to evaluate your consumption. By making some simple changes to your lifestyle, you can limit harmful spending.

4 Fresh Spring Decorating Ideas

Spring is just around the corner, so it’s the perfect time to start thinking about all the ways you can decorate your home to set the refreshing mood and show everyone that you’re ready for the longer and warmer days.

However, some things are easier said than done, and even something seemingly as simple as decorating can prove to be a real challenge if you try it without any plan in mind. For example, you might want to start by reconsidering your color palette. Do you want to use delicate pastels, or maybe you prefer the intensity of hot pink, canary yellow, and sky blue? Or maybe you prefer to decorate using faux flowers instead of real ones?

If you’re looking for some of the best spring decoration ideas to breathe new life into your home, you’re in a good place. Read on to learn more about spring decorating ideas that will make your home look fresh and cozy!

spring decorating ideas

1. Personalize Your Doormat

You can also choose to personalize your doormat, so every guest who visits you feels even more welcome. Try buying a regular plain doormat along with outdoor acrylic paint in bright colors so they show up well. Let your creativity thrive – paint some flowers, add a nice big “welcome” in the middle. If you want to get even more crafty, consider getting some transfer vinyl that you can order, and then just peel and stick on your doormat for a perfectly polished look. To get the best deals on your project, check out the best graphic design codes.

2. Make Your Porch a Stunner

If you want your home to look welcoming and charm everyone who passes it, you’re going to have to start with your front porch. One of the best ways to do so is to add some flowers. However, early spring days and nights might still be too cold for the fresh flowers depending on where you live. That’s why you should visit your local craft store to make a perfect spring wreath.

You can also choose to buy a premade wreath made of spring flowers such as tulips of lavender, miniature roses, ferns, or even moss. To top it off, decorate with a big festive ribbon tied into a bow. Hang the wreath on your door and consider putting more flowers and greenery into a tall vase or even a planter.

3. Decorate Your Fireplace Mantel

In any room, the fireplace is a focal point. It immediately draws the attention of everyone that’s entering, so why not make it beautiful with spring in mind? You can set up some decorative baskets and fill them with greenery and flowers – once again, faux options might be your best bet, as you won’t have to worry about the excess heat from the fireplace killing the real ones. While you’re at it, you should also give your whole fireplace a good cleaning – dust the surfaces before setting any decorations, and if your fireplace is painted, consider doing some touch-ups if the pain starts to flake off in some spots.

The fireplace mantel is also a perfect spot for decorative signs. You can buy them pre-made from sites like Etsy to get something custom, but the home decor section at your local Target, or, even better, thrift store, might also be worth checking out. Look for signs with colorful writing so the lively colors can make your space look more appealing. Spring is definitely not a time when you should limit yourself to white decor only.

4. Decorate the Windows

Spring is the perfect time to take down the heavy winter curtains, put them in a washing machine, and store them safely in the linen closet until the cold season comes back again. For the springtime, consider hanging up light and airy sheer curtains. Sheer curtains are wonderful items that are both decorative and functional. They can enhance a room’s ambiance through the softening of incoming light, making them perfect for this season. Of course, this solution is going to work best for the rooms where no one is sleeping, such as the living room.

home redecoration in 2022

You can also feel free to decorate the window sills with cute trinkets such as decorative figurines, potted plants, or even set up or hang some crystals that will reflect the warm spring sun rays and create beautiful rainbows. If you want to transform the look of the glass in the windows, consider getting clear, opaque, or frosted decals that can be used to create beautiful compositions that look great in the sun and during the night when you turn the light in your rooms on.

In Conclusion

As you can see, there are no strict rules telling you what you can and what you can’t do when it comes to freshening up your house for spring with new decorations. You can feel free to use fresh flowers or choose the convenience of the faux ones. For this season, it might be a great idea to greet your guests with a personalized doormat and beautifully arranged porch. Inside, you can decorate the mantel of your fireplace, hang some airy curtains, and change the look of your windows using potted plants, crystals, and fun decals. Don’t be afraid to experiment and show off your personality through the decorations that you choose.

Green Ways to Travel the Globe

According to a recent report, 87% of travelers want to travel more sustainably, but only 39% say that they accomplish the task on most or all occasions. Well, in a world that often focuses so heavily on comfort and convenience, it’s understandable. Many cultures and individuals are certainly making great efforts to lead eco-friendly lives, but many are still left wondering how to make those changes. Read on to explore a wide array of green ways to travel the globe.

Where You Go

Carefully choose your destination. Shorter distances without air travel are ideal, but obviously, that’s not always possible. So, if you’re planning to travel a little further, look into visiting destinations that value sustainability as well. It will be easier if the surrounding culture has the same eco-goals.

Places like Amsterdam are great because they do not rely heavily on vehicular transportation. They stick to bikes and their own two feet most of the time which makes a huge difference. Additionally, make sure that you’re not visiting a destination that is already overwhelmed with tourists and travelers to the point of causing harm. You don’t want to be a part of the problem.

How You Get There

It’s no secret that air travel is a non-ideal form of transportation right now, but since it is often unavoidable, there are a few small things that can help. First, do your research and choose the most fuel-efficient airline and second passport. When you do, book a non-stop, flight and sit economy.

A significant portion of a flight’s emissions is during take-off and landing, and business select or first class is responsible for three times more emissions than economy seating. And in preparation, pack lightly because an aircraft burns more fuel when it is carrying a heavier weight.


But, if you can avoid flying, go for a relaxing train ride. Traveling by train is widely popular in places like Europe and in the United States, you can make it the highlight of your journey.  If you need to rent a car, you can check eco friendly car rental before you book.

Rentagile as a reliable source for EVs & hybrid car rentals. If you are visiting Los Angeles, Blink Mobility can help you out in electric car rental.

Where You Stay

Look for accommodations that prioritize sustainability, like those Rutherglen area accommodation. Do your research and look for places that have certifications from a third party, like the Global Sustainable Tourism Council or the Rainforest Alliance. It doesn’t mean that you won’t have the amenities that you may want or need, it just means that they abide by a particular set of global standards that aim for a more “green” operation.

Parting Shot

Even if you aren’t able to choose the ideal location, avoid air travel, or stay at a certifiably eco-friendly hotel, don’t worry. There is still plenty that you can do to lighten the load. Support the local economy, bring a reusable water bottle, carry a rain jacket, take shorter showers and go for ecotourism. Just do the best that you can, and you’ll be on the right track.

Top 5 Reasons Why Your Power Bill is Skyrocketing

Working from home does have its perks, but one huge downside is dealing with energy bills that are higher than usual. However, the fact that you’re spending most of your time at home shouldn’t be a reason to simply accept skyrocketing energy bills. There might be a couple of ways you can still bring those monthly charges down despite your high consumption while working from home.


Here are the top reasons why power bills spike and what you can do to mitigate the situation.

1. Failure to upgrade appliances

Most new appliances have been equipped with energy-efficient and power-saving features. Old appliances were not required to have these features, which is why ‘vampire charges’ were such a big deal in the past. Once you upgrade to newer appliances, you’ll find that you won’t even have to religiously unplug your devices since they stop consuming substantial electricity once they’re turned off.

Furthermore, old, rickety appliances lose efficiency as they degrade, so they might be consuming more power to do simple, everyday tasks. You might think you’re saving money by sticking to appliances that are decades-old, but you will undoubtedly feel an improvement in your power bills once you make the shift.

2. Overusing ‘big’ appliances

Even with new appliances, frequent usage is still a major problem. This is especially true for power-hogging devices such as your washing machine or dishwasher. The best strategy is to wait until you have enough laundry or dirty dishes to run your machines at full-load or capacity.

This will lessen the frequency with which you run these major power-hugging appliances, therefore reducing your overall power consumption in the long run. If there is an urgent need to free up some clean dishes or clothes, handwashing them is a better alternative than running the washer just for a few items.

3. Late detection of leaky ducts

Poorly sealed or weakly insulated ducts can add thousands of dollars to your yearly power bills. This is because they release hot air into unheated spaces in your home. Make sure you are not spending more than necessary for your home’s heating or cooling systems by maintaining vents and ducts.

Aside from sealing or insulating ducts, you also have to ensure that your airflow is not restricted by furniture and other large objects. Keeping registers clean can also help optimize ducts, therefore helping with the power bills.

4. Higher rates

If you live in an area where electricity markets have been deregulated, like in Connecticut, then know that you have a choice regarding your third party power supplier. Now, unless you’re closely watching spot market news, you might not have noticed that your energy provider has been secretly hiking rates.



To take better control of your power bills, compare the rates charged by power suppliers in your area, then change electricity providers so that you will get the most value for your money.

5. Not exploring cheaper power sources

If you’re already subscribed to the cheapest energy provider in your area but are still struggling with power bills, then you might want to check alternative power sources like installing solar panels or keeping solar batteries at home.

Now, unless you have an industrial-level solar energy system, it’s highly unlikely that you can cover all your power needs using PV panels, but this would at least reduce your dependence on provider-supplied electricity, thus substantially reducing your power bills.

Wrapping Up

Of course, there are several other tips and tricks that could chip away at your huge power bills like replacing your lights with LED bulbs and setting a timer on your A/C, but if you really want a substantial reduction in what you’re paying for energy, you have to make big changes around the house, such as the ones mentioned and discussed in this article.

As more and more companies mull letting employees work from home permanently, you must be able to do so without forever stressing about those monthly power charges.

7 Energy Saving Tips for Students

Being a student is a wonderful experience that comes with a lot of perks, especially if you’re living on campus. This is the time to explore various experiences, gain personal responsibility, and figure out your meaning in the world.

You can have a lot of fun, make a lot of new friends, and enjoy your independence to the maximum. There are no parents to tell you what to do, no bedtime hour, and very few rules to follow.

Nevertheless, the biggest problem comes when you realize that your money reserves are slowly fading away. In fact, money management is one of the biggest problems that students face when parents aren’t really an option.

The most obvious way to get more money is to get a part-time job.  A good way for students to save time for jobs is to use assignment-helping sources. Just search on Google “help me with my paper“. The less obvious way is to become disciplined and reduce your energy bills and expenses. If you haven’t thought about that yet, here are some of the most important benefits of saving energy during college time:

  • You’re significantly reducing your energy bills.
  • You’re improving your self-discipline.
  • You’re understanding how a few simple actions and habits can boost your financial life.
  • You’re protecting the environment
  • You’re gaining health benefits
  • You’re learning to become a responsible person

If you’ve never done it before, there’s no need to worry about it. You can make a decision now and commit to being a part of the energy efficiency movement. College and university life can be so much better with more money in your pockets. We know the financial burden of carrying personal loans and student debt through college, while also knowing that you’re contributing to a higher purpose.

In today’s article, I’m sharing 7 ways to save energy for students who are eager to reduce the costs of their bills and reduce unnecessary waste.

1. Turn Off the Lights

Spend less time with the lights on and you’ll soon notice a significant difference in your energy bills. This is a simple habit that needs to be implemented through lots of practice. To make it easier, place a note near the switch that says “TURN ME OFF” or “green to go”.

2. Unplug Unused Devices

Once I decided to cut down the energy waste, I have realized that my energy bills were huge because I was always forgetting to shut down my computer and online learning devices.

Don’t repeat my mistake. Simply unplug all the unused devices, including the phone and laptop chargers. Even when you’re not charging, the chargers are still wasting energy. Also, if you really want to save energy, reduce the TV time and don’t forget to turn it off before you leave or fall asleep.

3. Dry Your Clothes Naturally

Most students are used to drying their clothes on radiators because it’s fast and convenient. However, besides the fact that they’re wasting energy throughout the process, they’re also putting their health at risk.

Clothes are absorbing heat from the radiator while pouring condensation into the air. This creates damp and mold.

The simplest solution is to dry your clothes naturally on a rack, especially when the sun is out and you don’t need them immediately.

4. Use Dishwashers

There’s a false belief that washing dishes manually consumes less energy than a dishwasher. Well, that’s a myth that needs to be treated like a myth. To be truly energy efficient, make sure you fill your dishwasher entirely before turning it on.

5. Keep the Door Closed

What’s the point of using energy to create heat if you leave the door open? This is common sense advice that should stick with you immediately. Don’t let the heat go out by simply making a habit of keeping the doors closed.

6. Turn Down the Thermostat

Your thermostat is a very tricky device. If you set the temperature high, the thermostat won’t stop heating until it reaches the values that it has been instructed to reach. It is said that turning the thermostat down can reduce your heating bills by up to 10%.

7. Turn Down the Temperature of the Washing Machine

Whenever you wash clothes, you should consider two important aspects: First of all, use your washing machine only when you can fill it up with a lot of clothes. There’s no point in using it twice a week when you can be disciplined and wait until more dirty clothes are gathered up.

Secondly, make sure you turn down the temperature of your washing machine to approximately 30 degrees. Because washing machines leverage the same amount of water to get the job done, the temperature doesn’t need to be high.


Saving energy in college is easier than you may think. Every time you turn off the light and consciously think about the fact that you’re saving energy, you will be laying the foundation of a new habit.

Start developing more and more energy-saving habits and you’ll notice the amazing benefits in a very short time. Besides the fact that you’ll feel good about yourself, your energy bills will put you in less trouble every time they pop. More money for you, more benefits for the planet!

Environmental Costs of Glitter

While there are no clear estimates of the amount of glitter sold each year, its distinctive ability to disperse makes it a disproportionate contributor to environmental problems. Glitter particles are easily transferred through the air or by touch, clinging to skin and clothes. Its ability to spread is so notorious that there are companies that will ‘ship your enemies glitter’ that is guaranteed to infest every corner of their home.

Glitter has even been used in forensic science to show that a suspect has been at a crime scene. This characteristic, and the plastics it contains, makes it something of an environmental peril. It causes problems for paper recyclers: glitter on cards and gift wrap can foul up the reprocessing equipment, and even contaminate the recycled pulp.

Glitter is a Growing Problem

Most glitter is cut from multi-layered sheets, combining plastic, colouring, and a reflective material such as aluminium, titanium dioxide, iron oxide, or bismuth oxychloride. It therefore contributes to the more than 12.2 millions of tonnes of plastic that enters the ocean each year – not least when people wear it and then wash it off. Worse still, glitter is a microplastic, and there are growing concerns about these tiny pieces of material entering the marine food chain and harming marine life.

The polyethylene terephthalate (PET) that is often used in glitter is thought to leach out endocrine-disrupting chemicals, which, when eaten by marine creatures, can adversely affect development, reproduction, neurology and the immune system. According to Evol Power, PET can also attract and absorb persistent organic pollutants and pathogens, adding an extra layer of contamination.

When molluscs, sea snails, marine worms, and plankton eat pathogen or pollutant-carrying particles of glitter, they can concentrate the toxins; and this concentration effect can continue as they in turn are eaten by creatures further up the food chain, all the way to our dinner plates.

Time for Action

As consciousness of the environmental damage caused by glitter increases, some are taking drastic action. In November 2017 Tops Days Nurseries a group of English nurseries banned glitter for its contribution to the plastic pollution problem. But our attraction to sparkly things is literally age old, and won’t be given up easily.

Research has demonstrated that humans are attracted to shiny, sparkly things, which is thought to stem from our evolutionary instinct to seek out shimmering bodies of water. As early as 30,000 years ago, mica flakes were used to give cave paintings a glittering appearance, while the ancient Egyptians produced glittering cosmetics from the iridescent shells of beetles as well as finely ground green malachite crystal. Green glitter fans might well wonder if environmentally friendly glitter is available, and there is in fact a growing market of products that claim eco credentials.

Shining examples

British scientist Stephen Cotton helped develop ‘eco-glitter’ made from eucalyptus tree extract and aluminium. This appears to be sold by companies like EcoStarDust, whose short list of materials included only ‘non-GMO eucalyptus trees’. Their website explains if you leave your glitter in a warm, moist and oxygenated environment then it will begin to biodegrade, with the rate depending on the mixture of these factors. However, it is not clear that a product that may release aluminium into the environment deserves a green vote of confidence.

Wild Glitter another company also explains their sparkles are made from natural plant based materials but they don’t a lot of detail about how they’re made and what happens to them once used. Other brands, such as EcoGlitterFunBioGlitz and Festival Face, offer biodegradable glitter made from a certified compostable film.

Awareness about the environmental damage caused by glitter is steadily increasing

However, it is difficult for a consumer to be sure, without a good deal of research, that such products will break down quickly and harmlessly in the natural environment – or whether they require specific industrial composting processes.

Other manufacturers are turning instead to natural ingredients that add shine and sparkle; environmentally conscious cosmetic brand LUSH uses ground nut shells and aduki beans in its products. They also started using inert mica to create sparkly things, like the cave painters from millennia ago. Unfortunately, this meant trading an environmental problem for a human rights one: difficulties with the natural mica supply chain made it impossible to guarantee that the process was free from child labour, prompting a forthcoming switch to synthetic mica.

Parting Shot

There’s a lot of grey area when it comes to choosing greener glitter, and little objective evidence available regarding the environmental impacts of the different alternatives. I’ve seen little sign, for example, of a glitter product that claims to be compatible with paper and card recycling processes. But it’s crystal clear that, with enormous variety of options available, it should be possible do without glitter made from PET – even at Christmas.


Note: The article has been republished with the permission of our collaborative partner Isonomia. The original version of the article can be found at this link

Why Electric Cars Are A Luxury: Understanding The Cost And Benefits

Electric cars have been gaining popularity in recent years due to their environmental benefits and technological advancements. However, it is important to acknowledge that electric cars are still considered a luxury item for many consumers. While the cost of electric cars has decreased over time, they are still significantly more expensive than traditional gas-powered vehicles.

is electric car a luxury

One reason why electric cars are a luxury is due to their advanced technology. Electric cars use complex batteries and motors that require specialized maintenance and repairs. The cost of these services can be significantly more expensive than traditional cars, making electric cars a luxury item for those who can afford the additional expenses. Additionally, the infrastructure for charging electric cars is still developing, making it difficult for those without access to a personal charging station to use electric cars as their primary mode of transportation.

Another reason why electric cars are a luxury is due to their limited availability. While many major car manufacturers have started producing electric cars, they are still not as widely available as gas-powered cars. This limited availability can make it difficult for consumers to find the specific electric car they want, forcing them to pay a premium price for a luxury item. Additionally, many electric cars come with additional features and amenities that further increase their price, making them even more of a luxury item.

  1. Economic Implications of Electric Vehicles
  2. Technological Advancements in Electric Cars
  3. Environmental Considerations and Social Status
  4. Market Trends and Consumer Behavior
  5. Charging Infrastructure and Range Anxiety

Economic Implications of Electric Vehicles

Electric vehicles (EVs) have long been seen as a luxury item due to their high cost. While the price of EVs has been decreasing over the years, they are still more expensive than their gasoline-powered counterparts. This is due to several factors, including the cost of batteries, which are the most expensive component of an EV.

However, there are also economic benefits to owning an EV. For one, EVs are significantly cheaper to operate than gas-powered vehicles. According to a study by the Union of Concerned Scientists, the average EV owner can save over $700 per year in fuel costs alone. This is because electricity is generally cheaper than gasoline, and EVs are much more efficient at converting energy into motion.

In addition, EVs require less maintenance than gas-powered vehicles. This is because they have fewer moving parts and don’t require oil changes. This can save owners hundreds or even thousands of dollars over the lifetime of the vehicle.

Despite these benefits, the high upfront cost of EVs can be a barrier for many consumers. However, there are government incentives available to help offset the cost. For example, in the United States, there is a federal tax credit of up to $7,500 for the purchase of a new EV. In addition, many states and local governments offer additional incentives, such as rebates or tax credits.

Overall, while EVs may be seen as a luxury item due to their high cost, there are economic benefits to owning one. As the cost of batteries continues to decrease and more government incentives become available, EVs may become a more affordable option for consumers.

Technological Advancements in Electric Cars

Electric cars have come a long way since their inception, with significant technological advancements being made in recent years. These advancements have made electric cars more efficient, reliable, and luxurious. Here are some of the significant technological advancements in electric cars:

Increased Range

One of the most significant advancements in electric cars is the increase in range. With the development of high-capacity batteries, electric cars can now travel further on a single charge. This has eliminated range anxiety, making electric cars a more practical option for long-distance travel.

Faster Charging

Another significant advancement is the development of faster charging technology. With the introduction of fast-charging stations, electric cars can now be charged in a matter of minutes rather than hours. This has made electric cars more convenient for daily use, as drivers can charge their vehicles while running errands or grabbing a quick bite to eat.

benefits of electric car VIN

Enhanced Performance

Electric cars are also becoming more powerful and faster. With advancements in electric motor technology, electric cars can now accelerate faster and reach higher speeds than ever before. This has made electric cars more appealing to car enthusiasts who value performance and speed.

Increased Charging Points

With the increase in the popularity of electric cars, there has been a significant increase in the number of charging points available. This has made it easier for electric car owners to find a charging station when they need one, eliminating the fear of running out of power.

Overall, these technological advancements have made electric cars more luxurious and appealing to a wider audience. As technology continues to advance, we can expect electric cars to become even more efficient, reliable, and luxurious in the future.

Environmental Considerations and Social Status

Electric cars have been touted as a more environmentally friendly alternative to traditional gasoline-powered vehicles. While this is true to some extent, it is important to consider the entire life cycle of an electric car, from production to disposal.

The production of electric cars requires rare metals such as lithium and cobalt, which are often mined in environmentally damaging ways. Additionally, the production of electric car batteries requires a significant amount of energy, which often comes from non-renewable sources.

However, once an electric car is on the road, it produces zero emissions and can help reduce air pollution. This is especially important in urban areas, where air quality is often poor.

Aside from the environmental benefits, owning an electric car can also be seen as a status symbol. Electric cars are often associated with wealth and technological sophistication, as they are typically more expensive than traditional cars.

In some circles, owning an electric car can signify a commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility. This can be seen as a form of social status, as individuals who prioritize these values may be seen as more virtuous or enlightened.

Overall, while electric cars may offer some environmental benefits and social status, they are still a luxury item that is out of reach for many people. It is important to consider the full impact of electric cars and the societal implications of their ownership.

Market Trends and Consumer Behavior

Electric cars have become increasingly popular in recent years, but they are still considered a luxury item for many consumers. Market trends show that electric cars are often purchased by individuals who are financially stable and can afford the higher upfront costs associated with these vehicles.

According to a report by McKinsey & Company, consumers who purchase electric cars tend to be highly educated and have higher incomes. These consumers are often interested in the latest technology and are willing to pay a premium for it. In addition, many electric car buyers are environmentally conscious and want to reduce their carbon footprint.

Despite the higher upfront costs, the demand for electric cars is growing. In 2020, electric car sales increased by 43% compared to the previous year, according to the International Energy Agency. This growth is expected to continue as more countries implement policies to encourage the adoption of electric vehicles.

Electric cars are the future of eco-friendly transportation

However, there are still some barriers to widespread adoption of electric cars. One major factor is the lack of charging infrastructure, which can make it difficult for consumers to use these vehicles for long trips. In addition, some consumers may be hesitant to switch to electric cars because of concerns about range anxiety and the availability of charging stations.

Overall, market trends and consumer behavior show that electric cars are still considered a luxury item for many consumers. While the demand for these vehicles is growing, there are still barriers to widespread adoption that need to be addressed.

Charging Infrastructure and Range Anxiety

Electric cars are often seen as a luxury due to the current state of charging infrastructure and range anxiety. While gas stations are plentiful and easily accessible, charging stations for electric cars are still limited and can be difficult to find. This can be a significant issue for those who rely on their car for long-distance travel or daily commutes.

Range anxiety is a common concern for electric car owners, as the limited range of electric cars can make it difficult to plan long trips without worrying about running out of power. While many electric cars now have a range of 200-300 miles, this is still significantly less than most gas-powered cars, which can travel 400-500 miles on a single tank.

To combat range anxiety, electric car manufacturers have been working to improve battery technology and increase the range of their vehicles. However, this can come at a significant cost, making electric cars even more of a luxury item.

In addition to range anxiety, charging infrastructure can also be a significant barrier to electric car ownership. While many cities and towns now have public charging stations, they are often limited in number and can be difficult to find. This can make it difficult for electric car owners to plan trips and ensure that they have access to charging when they need it.

Overall, while electric cars offer many benefits, including lower emissions and reduced fuel costs, they are still seen as a luxury item due to the current state of charging infrastructure and range anxiety. As technology continues to improve and charging infrastructure becomes more widespread, electric cars may become more accessible to the average consumer.

5 Ways You Can Protect the Environment as a Student

In today’s world, where environmental concerns like climate change and pollution are at the forefront of global discussions, it’s crucial for individuals, including students, to take actionable steps toward protecting our planet. Students, in particular, have a unique position in society – they are learners, future leaders, and influencers. Here are five practical ways students can contribute to environmental conservation and inspire others to do the same.

environmental conservation for students

1. Embrace a Sustainable Commute

One significant way students can protect the environment is by rethinking their daily commute. Opting for greener modes of transportation such as walking, biking, carpooling, or using public transport can drastically reduce carbon emissions and decrease the ecological footprint. Walking or biking, for instance, conserves energy, reduces pollution, and promotes physical health. Public transport is more eco-friendly for longer distances than personal vehicles.

By making conscious choices about how to get to school or college, students can play a crucial role in mitigating air pollution and contributing to cleaner, healthier air in their communities.

Many learners have numerous assignments on their hands, preventing them from adopting various practices to protect the environment. This is where a uk custom essay writing service can come in handy. Outsourcing some of your assignments allows you to free your schedule and spend adequate time incorporating effective environmental solutions.

2. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

The “reduce, reuse, recycle” mantra is more relevant than ever in our consumer-driven society. Students can lead by example by minimizing waste, reusing products, and recycling materials. Start by reducing consumption – ask yourself if you need that new item or if there’s a way to use what you already have.

Embrace digital note-taking and textbooks to cut down on paper usage. Opt for products with minimal packaging, and always carry a reusable bag, water bottle, and coffee cup. Participate in or organize recycling drives in your school or community to ensure that recyclable materials don’t end up in landfills, contributing to pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

3. Support and Promote Sustainable Practices on Campus

Students can be powerful advocates for sustainability within their educational institutions. Join or start a green club to promote environmental awareness and initiatives such as campus cleanups, tree planting, or establishing a community garden.

Advocate for using renewable energy sources for campus facilities, and encourage the administration to adopt sustainable policies, including waste reduction and recycling programs. By mobilizing fellow students and working together, you can create a more sustainable campus environment that sets a precedent for other institutions.

4. Educate Yourself and Others

Knowledge is power, especially when it comes to environmental protection. Take the time to educate yourself about our planet’s challenges, including climate change, deforestation, and biodiversity loss. This knowledge will empower you to make informed decisions and take effective action.

Share what you learn with others through social media, blogs, school projects, or casual conversations. Raising awareness and spreading knowledge can inspire your peers and community members to take steps toward environmental conservation.

5. Volunteer for Environmental Causes

Active engagement in environmental causes can make a tangible difference. Look for project opportunities to volunteer with local environmental organizations and participate in reforestation projects, beach cleanups, or wildlife conservation efforts. These activities contribute directly to environmental protection and provide valuable hands-on experience and the chance to connect with like-minded individuals. Volunteering can be a powerful way to demonstrate your commitment to the environment and inspire others to take action.

Summing Up

As students, you have the energy, passion, and potential to impact environmental conservation significantly. By adopting sustainable habits and advocating for change within your communities and institutions, you can contribute to protecting our planet