Ways to Give Recognition to Employees

How to Give Recognition to Employees

These days it has become really important to provide recognition to the employees of any organization or company for their hard work, efforts, and contributions. The success and growth of a company highly depend on different factors, such as employee satisfaction, employee morale, employee motivation, employee engagement, etc. And all these factors are heavily reliant on employee recognition.

When an employee gets recognized for their efforts and good performance by the higher-ups of the company, it highly increases their morale. They feel happy and satisfied to work in the company. As the employees feel appreciated and valued if they are provided with the recognition they deserve, it gets them highly engaged with their work and the workplace. As a result, they get highly motivated to keep doing better at their jobs, and bringing in better results for the company. Also, the employee retention rate increases in the company, so it gets to retain the best talents.

Ways to Give Recognition to Employees

If a company invests in providing recognition to its employees and implements a proper employee recognition program, it will get a great return on investment. If the achievements and good work of the employees are acknowledged and recognized, a company can experience a 50% increase in the employee productivity level, and around a 20% increase in the business outcomes. Also, it creates an emotional connection between the employees and the company. All these cater to the massive growth and success of the company. So, it’s really important to give recognition to your employees.

Here are some ways that you can go for to give recognition to your employees

1. Sending Employee Care Packages

You can make care packages for your employees that will be full of an assortment of things like gift certificates, hand-written notes, beautiful stationeries, wholesome snacks, etc. that will show them that you care. You can provide your employees with these care packages to recognize their good work. If the items of the care packages are selected carefully based on the likings of your employees, it will create a great impact on them. They will feel highly valued and appreciated. It will also get them highly engaged with the workplace.

2. Employee Wellness

One of the most effective ways to provide employees with recognition is to arrange wellness programs for them. If you focus on various aspects of employee wellbeing and make sure that your employees are being able to maintain their good health, it will make them feel highly valued and cared for. Based on a recent survey on workplace wellness, around 70% of the employees think that they need help from their employers to stay healthy. So, it’s important that you arrange special wellness programs for your employees such as yoga classes, exercise sessions, etc. It will help your employees keep healthy, and make them feel highly engaged with the company.

3. Giving Creative Feedback

One of the best and most original forms of recognition is providing employees with thoughtful and positive feedback. It is also a really simple and effective way to make the employees feel highly appreciated. It motivates them to keep doing better in their jobs. Also, it helps them understand what they are doing right, and what they are not. It can help them to do better in their jobs and grow professionally. So, it will increase the employee engagement and satisfaction level by a lot.

4. Spot Bonus

If any of your employees manage to do something praiseworthy, meet a target, complete an important project, or go above and beyond for the company, you can show your appreciation to them immediately with words of praise, and recognize them by sending them a spot bonus through the recognition platform you are using. Spot bonuses are an effective way to encourage collaboration between employees. Also, it motivates the employees to highly to keep doing a great job at the office.

5. Company-Wide Shoutout

One of the best ways to provide recognition to employees is to give them a company-wide shoutout through the employee recognition platform you are using, or through social media. You can acknowledge your employees for their achievements, good work, great performance through heartfelt and nice words, and let everyone in the company know about them. It will make your employees feel highly appreciated and valued.

6. Thank You Notes

Sending personalized and simple thank you notes to employees is one of the simplest and most effective ways to provide recognition to employees. You can easily send a note through email or send them a handwritten note that shows them how grateful you are for their good work and efforts for the company. It doesn’t take much time or effort, but it will make your employees feel highly appreciated. Also, they will feel highly motivated to keep going.

How to Boost Employee Wellbeing

7. Celebrating Work Anniversaries

You can recognize your employees for their special achievements, and great performance. But you can also recognize them by celebrating their work milestones and work anniversaries, which are glorious achievements for any employee. If you celebrate the work anniversaries of your employees in a thoughtful and joyous manner with the other employees of the workplace, it will make them feel highly valued and recognized. You can send them special gifts and heartfelt messages on the occasion of their work anniversaries, which will get them even more engaged with the workplace.

8. Taking Your Employees Out for Lunch

You can take your employees out for lunch, and provide them with their much anticipated one-to-one time with their higher-ups. During lunch, you can give your feedback to your employees, and listen to whatever feedback and suggestions they have for the company. If they have any concerns, you can listen to them. Also, you can make them know how much you appreciate all their hard work and contributions to the company. It will make them feel highly recognized.

9. Sending Gift Cards

You can try sending gift cards to your employees as a token of appreciation for their efforts and good work. You can send them gift cards from their favorite restaurants, fashion houses, or something similar. It will make them really happy, and they will also feel highly valued. This is a great way of providing recognition to your employees.

Final Words

These days nothing is as important as providing recognition to employees in a company for its success and growth. Employees of a company are the foundations and life of a company. You can’t get your desired results without keeping your employees happy and satisfied. You can increase their morale, happiness, and engagement level with the company by recognizing their contributions, good performance, and hard work. If your employees feel valued, appreciated, and engaged, it will motivate them to do better and be more productive. The company will enjoy massive growth and success in return.

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