Top 10 Best Degrees to Get in 2022

Choosing a degree is the first step to deciding what type of career you want to have in the future. Some majors offer stability, higher employability rates, and competitive salary more than others for 2021.

If you are on the fence about choosing a degree to pursue in the current job market, below are the top 10 best degrees to get in 2022:

  • Cybersecurity
  • Software Engineering
  • Physics
  • Petroleum Engineering
  • Information Technology
  • Economics
  • Nuclear Engineering
  • Computer Science/Artificial Intelligence
  • Chemistry
  • Electronics Engineering

top 10 degrees

Top 10 Degrees in 2021

The Bureau of Labor Statistics has the following degrees listed as some of the top-rated careers in 2022.

  1. Cybersecurity – more so than ever before, has become a job that is in high demand. A bachelor’s degree in this major provides a career in coding, software development, a large corporation, or a government position.
  2. Software Engineering – the technology field is expanding by the minute. With a degree in software engineering, a student can obtain programming, web development, and many more technology-based jobs.
  3. Physics – given the current state of the world and the need for medical professionals, degrees in this field can lead to careers based in laboratories, medical research, and academia.
  4. Petroleum Engineering – the job market in this career field is highly competitive. Still, it has a lucrative payout if you land a position in areas such as economics, engineering, or environmental study.
  5. Information Technology – This degree can land you a job in a plethora of technology fields, to name a few:
    • Programming
    • cybersecurity
    • software development
    • application development

6. Economics – most economists work in government-based jobs, but a degree in economics can also open up possibilities in data analyst careers.  Economy and finance, like technology, are careers that will always be a necessity.

7. Renewable Energy Engineering– a degree in this field is on the list as renewable energy becomes a significant source for our planet. Engineers typically find careers in power plants, machinists, field engineer project managers, and so much more.

8. Computer Science/Artificial Intelligence – anticipated to be the fastest-growing job field, students obtaining this degree will dive into skills such as artificial intelligence, computer science, machinery, and robotics.

9. Chemistry – as one of the most popular of the science majors, a student earning a degree in chemistry can look towards careers as a chemist, laboratory researcher, biotechnologist, or chemical engineer, to list a few.

10. Electronic Engineering – students with a degree in this major are in high demand as they are the designers and creators of electronic devices. Aerospace, broadcast, and design engineers are some of the careers these degrees can fulfill.

Writing A College Essay

Using online essays for sale websites is a college student’s best friend when writing papers. College essays are nothing like the high school papers we are used to. For starters, there are factors like APA/MLA, citations, references, thesis paragraphs, and many other parts that were not required in high school. This resource will save you many hours pulling an overnighter in the library.

things to consider before starting college

College Admissions Requirements

Once you have narrowed down the college that best suits your career needs, the lengthy college admissions application is your next step. A crucial part of the acceptance criteria is your essay; the most challenging part is figuring out what to say. Looking through a myriad of essay samples on various topics is a great way to get those juices flowing.

Finding a major aligned with your interests is just as important as finding one that will eventually be financially beneficial for your life. You have a better chance at successfully graduating if the major you choose also helps you achieve a sense of happiness and purpose.

Upgrading the Future of Defense with Data Science

We have entered the second decade of the 21st century and thinking of setting up colonies on the moon. The technological advancement has been huge in the past decade, with the latest technologies becoming obsolete within a matter of months. We live in the age of the internet where everything and everyone is connected every moment with the help of the internet.

The average number of people using the internet has risen considerably in the past few years thanks to the decreasing prices of internet services and automation of most work processes. The majority of the jobs and professions has evolved and become more advanced, so they continuously use the internet for their work process. We buy most of our things be it our party clothes or even our daily groceries from online sellers. The world is now running on another fuel and that is the internet.

With all these increased consumption of the internet, another factor has entered the play and that is the concept of Data Science. Whenever we use the internet or any digital medium for any purpose some data is generated.


Once the scientists and engineers solved the problem of storage of the exorbitant amount of data that is produced daily, we moved on to devising new and innovative ways to utilize this data and obtain the necessary and useful information.

Data Science Certification in Hyderabad is the implementation of various analytical methods on the data to reveal useful information. It is a wide area and consists of a large number of methods and processes.

Application of Data Science in Defense Sector

The threats from terrorism and trade wars are now more than ever and since the major portion of national income of any country goes into improving the defense systems of the nation, it is understandable that technological advancements would also be applied to the systems to make them stronger.

Constant research and development by the data scientists have provided us with much-advanced technology that can be efficiently implemented in the defense systems. Data science has radically changed the landscape of defense and military industry of almost all the major nations in the past 2 or 3 years. Many technologies that we had seen before only in Hollywood sci-fi movies are a reality now and most of them owe their existence to data science.

Every potential threat to the security of the nation is also equipped with modern technologies and hence to tackle them, we also need to make technologically advanced defense mechanisms.


Some of the common applications of data science in defense systems are as follows:

  • For improving transportation and logistics. Various data about previous transportation and logistics could be processed with the help of data science and we can obtain the most efficient routes and techniques.
  • The most popular use of data science is to extrapolate the enemy history data to extract various patterns in their attacks and routes and we can take the measures to prevent them accordingly.
  • Data science is used to reinforce digital security to provide better protection for the sensitive information that might be hacked from any digital platform.
  • It can be used for threat monitoring 24/7 and also for detecting potential threats.
  • Data science is increasingly being used for creating virtual medical assistants for soldiers to provide the most effective care and medical help on the battlefield.

Every day the data scientists are working hard to come up with new and more efficient applications of data science in the defense systems. The market for data science is ripe right now and if you are a data scientist or interested in becoming one then you should be putting your pedal to the metal and explore the applications of Data Science Training Institute in Hyderabad in defense.

Coping With Threats to U.S. Water Infrastructure

U.S. water utilities face a trio of major threats: leaking pipes, natural disasters, and digital insecurity. In response to many recent hacks of our water systems, the federal government is acting to toughen cybersecurity in the water sector. But although the destruction wrought by hackers is more attention-grabbing, larger-scale if more mundane threats also need to be triaged by government and managers of the water infrastructure.


Which is worse for water infrastructure: cyberattacks—or a more ordinary kind of hazard that is almost universal and has been decades in the making? Read on to know more:

Cyber Defense

At a recent hearing of the House Committee on Homeland Security, David Gadis, CEO of DC Water, explained that maintaining a strong cyber defense “is just as much a part of our infrastructure as maintaining our pipes and filtration systems. Robust planning for cybersecurity is no longer optional in the water sector. It is a key part of what we do every day.”

As an example of the kind of attacks that must be prevented, attendees cited the 2021 hack of the Oldsmar, Florida, water system. The bad guy entered a command to increase the concentration of lye to over 100 times the normal concentration.

Lye is used to raise the pH of water in order to minimize corrosion. High concentrations can cause difficulty breathing, internal bleeding, esophageal burns, vomiting, collapse, shock, and even death. Fortunately, the increase in lye was detected almost immediately and reversed before the water supply of Oldsmar could be appreciably affected. No one was poisoned.

Also dramatizing the problem is a more successful attack on a water treatment plant in San Francisco that had occurred a few weeks earlier. The hacker deleted programs used to treat drinking water, and the problem was not discovered until the next day. So far as is known, no one got sick as a result of the temporary interruption of water treatment.

Both incidents call attention to the fact that the nation’s largely independent and insecure water systems are vulnerable to cyber assault: “50,000 security disasters waiting to happen,” in the words of NBC News.

Among critical infrastructures, water systems may be the most vulnerable to cyberattacks — and the hardest to harden against them.

Yet water infrastructure may also be the target of highest value for hackers eager to cause trouble on as large a scale as possible. (Meanwhile, as if to increase our anxiety about the vulnerability of digital systems, we’re learning that various foreign spy agencies often seem to be able to traipse through government and private networks in the US at will.)

To improve the cybersecurity of public water systems, the Biden administration has recommended new rules that place more responsibility at the state level and that require cybersecurity audits in addition to existing sanitary surveys. But experts have criticized the plan for doing too little and also for overlooking many practical difficulties.

The Greatest Threat to Water Systems?

Although cyber threats are a great and growing problem, water infrastructure in the United States is facing a homegrown threat that is even larger — orders of magnitude larger. Indeed, it’s everywhere. And the cost of saving the nation from this threat and providing more sustainable water management may run into the trillions.

Why Salt-Free Water Softeners Are Critical for Wastewater Management

Hackers can attack a single water system: one system among tens of thousands of independent systems. But the larger threat we’re talking about is already attacking a large number of water systems at once, knocking entire municipal systems offline and turning pipe networks into Swiss cheese. Alas, the problem is so familiar that, for the most part, it’s not really setting off any alarms.

This threat is simple wear and tear. Water systems are falling apart.

Normally, the pace of wear and tear is more manageable. But for historical reasons, a great deal of the country’s water infrastructure is breaking down at the same time — now. Part of the explanation is that as U.S. pipe networks were being laid from the late 19th century through the 20th century, the quality of the pipe was diminishing. So over a century’s worth of pipe all has roughly the same expiration date. As a result, the costs involved in detecting and fixing leaks are pervasive and growing.

Concern about hackers targeting our communities is understandably more immediate and intense than concern about gradual deterioration. The rising number of cyber assaults on critical infrastructure, including water infrastructure, is definitely a crisis. But it shouldn’t steal the spotlight from the much bigger threat to water infrastructure we must grapple with: old age.