Facts About Cleaning Solar Panels

Once you have solar panels installed, you may think your work is done. After all, you’re doing your part to lessen dependence on fossil fuels and increase usage of renewable energies. But, if you don’t properly maintain your solar panels, they won’t work nearly as efficiently as they should. Just as you regularly wash your windows or change the oil in your car, so should you employ professional solar panel cleaners to keep your solar panels working well. These facts about cleaning solar panels explain why keeping them clean is so important.

facts about cleaning solar panels

Dust and Leaves Block Sunlight

Over the years, it’s common for dust and leaves to accumulate on your solar panels. They’re just like any other surface in that grime builds up over time if you don’t remove it. While a small amount of dust or just a few leaves won’t affect the efficiency of your solar panels much, if you let dust and leaves fully cover the panels’ surfaces, less sunlight will get through to the solar panel receptors. Therefore, your solar panels won’t be absorbing as much light as possible, making them work harder than necessary.

Bird Droppings Block Sunlight

Even more harmful than dust to your solar panels’ ability to work efficiently are bird droppings. Sunlight simply can’t penetrate bird droppings, so if you let it build up on your solar panels, you’re not fully taking advantage of the sunlight to store energy. This is especially true if you have a lot of trees in your yard that are shedding leaves and providing a haven for birds, who then naturally do their business onto your solar panels. The combination of leaves and bird droppings can really make it difficult for your solar panels to do their job.

Energy Loss is Real

Studies show that by not cleaning your solar panels regularly, you’ll have a 5% energy loss after just three months. This increases by 5% every three months that you go without cleaning your solar panels until you’re experiencing a 35% energy loss 24 months after you’ve installed your solar panels. This means you’re spending more money for energy than you should be because your solar panels aren’t working efficiently.

Professional Solar Panel Cleaning is the Way to Go

You may think that cleaning your solar panels is simple and a task that you can do on your own without professional assistance. But, keep in mind that professional solar panel cleaners are experienced with working on roofs and have all the necessary safety equipment to ensure they don’t take a dangerous fall. It’s always advised that if you want to clean your own solar panels that you do it by implementing a long-handled cleaning tool that allows you to reach the panels from the ground.

solar panels pigeon issue

Additionally, you may not want to add another chore to your to-do list, especially one that comes with a risk of falling (if you decide to clean them from the roof). Purchasing safety equipment along with the right cleaning tools may be too much of a hassle when you can simply call up a solar panel maintenance expert and have the task taken care of for you in no time at all.


No one really thinks about cleaning their solar panels until they realize how much energy (and money) they’re losing by allowing dust and debris to build up on them. Add solar panel cleaning to your regular house maintenance schedule and you’ll keep reaping the maximum energy production from your solar panels.

Recommended Reading: Why Do Solar Panels Degrade

5 Tips for Adding Solar Panels to Your Home

Solar panels are technological appliances that generate electricity by converting light energy into direct currents which are applicable for commercial and residential purposes. The advent of solar panels is a major progress in technology, providing the world with a more economically sustainable and reliable power supply for all possible applications. It also savages the situation of spending extra money on energy bills which can be high, depending on the amount of energy consumed.

In recent times, the installation of solar panels to homes has been a prominent activity of homeowners, especially in the United States. A solar-powered home will not only boost the value of your home, but also give room for savings, and provide a safe and healthy environment. But yet, so many people shun the prospect of installation because it seems like a formidable task.

Today, the addition of solar panels to your home is not a big deal as it was, as the choice of system size, component selection, and mounting and appropriate safety disconnection can be achieved with proper information and knowledge.

These are five tips that you will need to successfully power your homes with solar panels:

1. Budget

Although there has been a common misconception that solar panel installation is expensive, it is indeed an incredible way of saving money. It helps in minimizing the rate at which you depend on electricity from the power grid, resulting in you saving money in the long run. Even though the initial expenses during the first action solar installation might seem much, it becomes a cost-saving electricity generating facility over time.

Over time, the cost of procuring solar panels is consistently dropping since many people are installing it because is one of the cheapest forms of electricity worldwide. Nevertheless, your financing options is an important thing to consider before anything else – the more financially buoyant you are, the more the utility that will be derived from it. Estimate how much cost that the procurement and the installation of the entire solar set up will incur. The strength of the panels affects the price – the more powerful it is, the more expensive each panel will be.

2. Roof Condition and Position

Solar panels are very durable and they can have a lifespan of 25 years or more. Considering the longevity of most roofing materials that are affected by some environmental conditions like snow, hail, rain, hurricane, and sunshine, most home roofs don’t last more than 20 years especially most asphalt shingle or composition roofs. So, the condition of the roof of your home must be in the best condition before setting up solar panels.

In addition to the age and condition of your home roof, the positioning in terms of the layout and the direction that it’s facing should be considered. It should be in such a way that sunlight shines on it daily so as to be able to reap all the amazing benefits that exist with going solar if your home qualifies.

If for the most part of the year, your roof is exposed to a considerably significant quantity of sunlight, installing solar panels would be an excellent idea. The more sunlight that is shining on your solar panel is, the more the energy produced. The presence of huge trees around your roof will cast shades enormously, therefore depriving the panels of direct exposure and also of maximizing the energy coming from the sun. When panels are being installed, they should be fixed in such a way that will prevent the accumulation of dirt and debris that could hinder the hitting of the panel by enough sunlight exposure.

Both factors ensure the longevity of an economically stable power supply from the solar panels in your homes.

3. Activities undertaken in homes

The nature of activities done in the home greatly affects the energy consumption rate. The monthly energy consumption rate of your household may differ in a year due to the fact that you will need to run activities and appliances because of the peculiarity of the season. For example, your electricity bill might be higher in summer months than other months in a year because you will probably run the air conditioner more in this season.

If the energy consumption rate is less, then an undersized solar setup will be sufficient and conversely. An estimate of the number of solar panels that will enough to meet your electricity consumption daily, monthly or yearly should be done appropriately. Fortunately, not all of your appliances will be running at the same time and with usage of smart electrical panels you can optimize the power usage and even automate some of the tasks

So, the knowledge of your home energy consumption rate and your home dimensions allows momentum solar experts to help you design solar systems that best suits your energy use and budget.

4. Types of Solar Panels

There are different solar panel types based on functions. In the market, the two most sought after solar setups available are:

  • Photovoltaic – which converts sunlight into light energy by using arrays of cells
  • Thermal – which heats up water or air with energy from the sunlight.

So, your choice can be made between the two solar technologies depending on your intended purpose.

According to make-up, solar panels are distinctly grouped into two major categories:

Each option should be examined carefully, not forgetting to measure how efficient the solar panel is going to be and the right fit for you. Do you have questions? Companies like https://customenergy.solar/ are here to help! SunPower by Custom Energy is a leader in residential solar power. Offering efficient, customizable energy solutions to the entire state of Utah.

5. Warranty Details

Solar panels that are installed in homes have chances of performing efficiently and hassle-free for years. Solar panels can last for as long as twenty-five years under normal conditions. Nevertheless, in rare situations, issues can occur. That’s more of a reason why you should make your buy from a dependable buyer in order to ensure a money-back guarantee and be assured of a lengthy time of performance without breaking down.

Purchasing the right solar panels for your home enables you to enjoy the numerous benefits that come with it. So, do go for a solar panel that suits your home best rather than going for the current fads of the market.

Going Green: Ways to Reduce Business Energy Costs

Do you stress over your electric bill every month? Or do you assume that’s just part and parcel of owning a business, and you’ll simply have to keep up with costs? Well, that’s not exactly true. You don’t have to endure the increased energy costs; in fact, you can lower your bill while maintaining a fully functioning business.

Here are some simple changes you can make today that will ensure you’re conserving energy.

1. Turn Off Lights And Devices

Yes, this one is self-explanatory; however, you will be surprised how often it gets overlooked. How many vacant rooms have all their lights switched on? And how many temporarily unused computers are sitting there? Make sure, whenever leaving a room, turn off all lights and equipment such as printers, coffee machines, televisions, or heaters. 

2. Use Natural Sunlight

Absorb as much as you can from natural sources if you happen to work in the day time.  Switch off unnecessary lights and take advantage of that glorious sunshine! Why increase costs on lighting when you have the brightest light of all, the sun!

3. Consider Alternative Suppliers

If you are feeling run-down by overpriced utilities, or perhaps struggling to stick to a budget, it is vital that you become aware of the different business utilities where you’re located. Not only will this generate more power, but it will also help your organization thrive toward success.

4. Input LED or CFL bulbs

Save energy, costs, and the environment at the same time with light-emitting diode (LED) or long-lasting compact fluorescent light (CFL). They can really make a drastic, positive change to your savings. These energy-efficient bulbs will not only decrease your electric bill, but will also last a lot longer than the average light bulbs.

5. Upgrade To Energy-Efficient Office Equipment

Whenever you are in need of photo-copiers, monitors, scanners, or any other appliances, consider purchasing office equipment that is energy efficient. But these will still need to be unplugged when not in use, as some equipment still consumes energy while switched off.

6. Invest In Programmable Thermostats

Installing programmable thermostats will automatically adjust the temperature of your workplace. This will reduce the use of heaters and air conditioners, and will result in significant business savings!

7. Energy Audits

Getting an energy audit will benefit your business’ energy usage and costs. These will help you identify what exactly is consuming the most energy and where you can increase energy efficiency while trimming down your electric bills.

8. Go Green, Literally!

Spend your free time gardening and discover how trees save energy through cooling the room in the summer, and blocking cold wind in the winter. This will reduce your usage of heaters and air conditioners. Just make sure to plant them strategically. 

9. Get Motion Detectors

Lighting is a huge factor to consider when it comes to high electricity bills. So using motion detectors with automatic dimming controllers, where lights are constantly necessary, can fulfill your energy needs.

Now you can follow these simple steps and have a clear understanding of how impactful energy-efficiency is. You can save plenty on your electric bill, reduce energy costs, and use renewable energy sources at your workplace. Your business energy costs will no longer be an obstacle in your organization. 

Bonus Tip: If you want to avoid budget overrun for your sustainable installation project, check out this guide.