How to Contribute in Saving the Environment: 5 Effective Ways

The year 2020 was a great example of how worse things can get when we humans do not stop messing around with the planet. The Amazon fire, Australian bushfires, tsunamis, climate changes, the cyclones across the globe, and the list is never-ending. And trust me, they are just the start of our downfall if we do not stop.

Finally, when the pandemic forced all of us within locked doors, that’s when nature was finally healing itself. But now, when things are getting back to normal, things are only getting worse.

The lockdown definitely hit us with a realization that there isn’t much that you have to do in order to save nature. In fact, the earth heals itself, but only if we let it. Whether you are a student, a working professional, or a homemaker, all of us can contribute to the environment and try to make it a better place. And trust me, it is not much you will have to do.

Below, I’ve compiled 5 things that you can do to make a real and positive impact to save our planet.

How to Contribute in Saving Environment

1. No plastic bags

Right from childhood, we were taught not to use plastic bags but we, as world citizens have never really taken it seriously.

Definitely, plastic bags are easily available, cheap, and quite handy at times. But the thing is, all of this doesn’t cover up for the fact that they are the 3rd biggest ocean polluters and probably one of the hardest things in the world to dispose of.

In fact, there are water animals worldwide choking on plastic only to die. Besides, plastic has so many substitutes easily available. All you need to do is make an effort to not use plastic as much as possible.

2. Plant trees

Can you imagine how quickly the crux of global warming will resolve itself if even half of the world population plant a single tree? Something as basic as planting trees can save us from extreme weather patterns.

planting trees

Planting more trees and vegetation will go a long way in reducing heat in urban settings.

So, without giving a second thought, plant a tree today and you will be done a lot more than what has been asked of you.

3. Don’t waste energy

Most people think that because you have been paying for electricity, you can also waste it. But you fail to understand that there is a limited supply of energy and if you consume it mindlessly, it impacts nature.

Today, we are all surrounded by electronic devices at all times. This is the modern world’s need; you cannot help with that. But you can definitely make it a point to not waste electricity, and turn off the devices when not in use.

Not only will your monthly electricity bill reduce but you will also be contributing to the planet.

Energy-Saving Tips for Small Businesses

4. Conscious consumption of water

While you have your tap water constantly dripping, there are parts of the world where people die daily due to dehydration and malnutrition. When you dig deep into the numbers, you will be shocked to know how much water is wasted, every day.

This needs to change and like it’s said, change begins at home. So, don’t waste water. No more dripping taps and then gradually move to taking 5-minute showers, rather than showering for hours. In fact, something as basic as turning off the tap while brushing can do wonders.

5. Switch to solar energy

Although not everyone reading this will be able to switch to solar energy sources, but for those who can, this can be one of the best decisions you have ever made, both financially, as well as morally.



Solar panels, solar inverters for PV systems, might look like quite a big investment initially but in due time, you will realize how this clean source of energy helps you save a lot of money and even provides relief from long and frequent power cuts. These are the major reasons why you must encourage people to switch to solar energy.

It might not seem as important and urgent as it actually is but honestly, humans are themselves the biggest danger to fellow humans and to this beautiful planet. But if you want, you can alter that!

10 Ways to Reduce Plastic Waste While Camping

The plastic problem is always a big one and will continue afflicting many parts of the world. Plastics fill our rivers, lands, and even oceans. It is having a great impact on our lives and even affecting marine life.

The single-use of plastic is bad, we should always strive to recycle or avoid them altogether. Unfortunately, when you go camping, you will have very few options. It may not be easy to avoid plastics. Luckily, there are things you can do to reduce plastics consumption.


The best camping site will be an off-grid location situated in a remote area. Obviously, you will not have a designated place where to dispose of the plastic bags. Here are 10 ways to reduce plastic waste while camping

1. Pre-Plan Your Trip

If you do not plan in advance, it is easy to get trapped. You will end up picking plastic and paper plates. The results will be creating unnecessary plastic waste. Pre-planning helps you to get organized.

If you are tech-savvy, you may use an app to help you plan. If the campsite has Wi-Fi, it will make things better for you. It will allow you to utilize your phone. Also, plan to shop for groceries in bulk. This way, you will avoid the small plastic container.

Instead, you will have the foods packed in big containers that can be recycled and reused. It reduces the number of plastics you carry to the camping site.

If you will prepare some of the meals at home, pack them in reusable containers. It allows you to easily dispose of some of the plastics you carried from the grocery.

2. Store Food Wisely

You don’t need to pack the food in sandwich bags. Instead, use bowls, food coolers and mess kits. These items can be used to pack food and could be reused multiple times. Using them ensures that you have enough food throughout your camping trip.

Also, it guarantees to keep the camping environment free from plastics. Packing glass and silver cutleries may look cumbersome when going on a camping trip. But, it is the only way to ensure that your camping environment is plastic-free.

So, ensure you shop for enough sporks, and mess kits beforehand. It will help you reduce the plastics you carry to your camping site. Mess kits could be the best option when you go camping. You can use them to store the food and put them to multiple other uses.

However, if you are going to a bear trail, all your items should be bear proof. A traditional storage won’t work. You must use a bear canister to store foods.

However, to keep the foods in good shape in warm weather, you must have the best bear proof coolers from IBC7 Outdoors. Bears are very sensitive to smell. Hence, you must plan wisely.

3. Pick Simple Foods

You will get involved in so many activities while in the camp. So, it requires that you carefully select the dishes to prepare. Thus, picking on simple foods could help to save your time. It greatly reduces the plastics you will need to deal with.

Some of the foods you may consider are:

  • Dehydrated Foods

The foods are easy to pack and require little cooking. Besides, they are nutritious, and you will not need to worry about flavor. If you have challenges in cooking food, they are among the options you may need to consider. For these we actually recommend some pouches that protect from oxygenation like these.

  • Nuts, Trail Mix and Bars

They make an enjoyable camping snack. They are easy to make and can be packed in renewable containers. Packing these foods in mess kits reduces the need to carry unnecessary camping bags.

  • Dried Fruits and Beef Jerky

They contain protein and are the best option if you are looking forward to something to reduce hunger pangs quickly. They are easy to pack in containers and may not require the use of plastic bag.

4. Use Safe Plastic Bags

Buying reusable oversized BPA free plastic containers will reduce the plastic bags and containers to carry. Besides, the BPA free bags can easily be packed transported and reused. They are easy to clean and reused.

5. Rubbish Disposal Point

By organizing a rubbish disposal point, you reduce sending wastes to a landfill. You can do this by setting aside a few specialized vessels to collect plastics and other waste products. If you are camping in a remote location, be proactive if the bin service is not available.

You may sort this out by selecting an ideal place where all the wastes and plastics can be stored. It allows you to organize to dispose of the plastics in a designated area. But as you do this, ensure that it doesn’t lead to an unpleasant odor.

Also, don’t let them overstay to attract flies, rodents, and other unwanted animals. Later, the litter must be collected packed and taken to the nearest collection point. If no such a point exists, take it home.

6. Store Dehydrated Food in Mess Kit

If you buy dehydrated food packed in a paper bag, portion them in the mess kit. This should be done at home to avoid carrying unnecessary plastics to the camping site.

To preserve the food, you will need to boil some water and pour it into the mess kit. The content should then be shut with a lid. It will rehydrate the food and will be ready to be prepared for lunch or dinner.

7. Prepare Trail Snacks

Energy snacks can make great snacks when you are on the trail. But they are always packed in plastic bags which create an eyesore if disposed carelessly.

So, instead of buying snacks that are already packaged in plastic bags, make some at home. They are better compared to the ready-made snacks that come packaged in the sandwich bag.

8. The Bamboo Mess Kit

Having a bamboo mess kit should be encouraged. It reduces the number of plastic bags you are likely to carry to the camp. It is heavier than the mess kit, but it saves you from taking plastics to the camping site.

9. Bring Your Mess Kits

When going to the grocery or your local farmer, make it a habit to carry your own mess kits. Let the vendor pack whatever you buy in the kits.

It helps you to avoid carrying home plastic bags that would be difficult to dispose of. It also reduces plastic waste that you will carry to your camping site.

10. Carry Reusable Items

Having a reusable water bottle is essential. Choose only environmentally friendly bottles. It will save you from the need to buy water bottles that are always laced with microplastics.


Many manufacturers are replacing plastic drinking straws with titanium.

Consider reusable containers made from stainless steel. They are sustainable and will allow you to enjoy your outdoor adventures. Double-walled stainless-steel bottles are the best. They can keep your drinks either hot or cold.

That aside, carrying reusable conditioners and shampoo when on a camping trip is a great idea. The reusable conditioner bars and shampoos do not contain carcinogenic chemicals.

Also, the conditioner bars and shampoos last for long. It saves the environment from plastics associated with bottle shampoo.


It feels daunting and inconveniencing to limit the number of plastic bags you use during camping trips. But if you remain consistent, it can make a huge difference. It keeps the environment clean and reduces pollution.

Ways to Go Greener

Going green is no longer just a fad, as it’s become a way of life for many. So, when it comes to making your home green, there are plenty of ways to go about it. Below are easy ways to make your home eco-friendlier.

ways to make your home eco-friendlier

How to Finance Going Green

Going green may help the environment and keep climate change at bay, but it’s not exactly free. The cost of the project depends on how you go about things. You generally don’t have to spend too much for small things, like DIY projects and reusing products. But if you plan on doing something more extravagant such as the aforementioned solar panels, you might not have enough to afford it.

You can easily acquire the funding you need by looking to personal loans. This is a loan you can use finance pretty much anything you need. Despite having the freedom to fund anything you need; however, you need to have a good credit score before applying. This is what ultimately determines how much you’re eligible to receive.

Go Solar

Solar panels are one of the most common renewable energy sources, and a great way to heat your home, save money, and protect the environment. They come in a variety of styles and sizes. They can also accommodate most types of homes, making them more accessible than ever before.

factors while buying a solar battery

Photovoltaic models are the most popular, however, they can also be costly. That’s why you need a strategy that works with your budget.

Swap Out Your Cleaning Products

As much as you love the smell of a clean home, the products can be harmful to the ozone layer. Thankfully, there are plenty of non-toxic options you can use. Instead of traditional glass cleaner, you can use white vinegar.

Alternatively, instead of using abrasive bleach products to clean your tub and sinks, you can use baking soda. Both products are safe for the environment and your plumbing fixtures.

Build a Rain Garden

Rain gardens are the perfect way to keep your lawn lush and also preserve water. In a nutshell, a rain garden utilizes water from lindab guttering to nurture your lawn from within. There’s plenty of DIY instructions online, making it a fun weekend project.

Create a Compost Pile

It might look like garbage to you, but your leftover veggie peels and orange rinds are just what your garden needs to grow. In addition to vegetable and fruit scraps, you can also use grass clippings to enrich your soil.

composting with worms

Keep in mind that meat bones and oils aren’t good for the earth, so be sure to dispose of these properly in a sealed trash can to keep your pets and other wildlife safe.

Choose Eco-Friendly Paint

When it comes time to repaint, look for environmentally safe paints. Paint can contain VOCs, which release harmful chemicals into the air. Look for ones that are clearly labeled low or with zero volatile organic compounds.

Buy Native Plants and Shrubs

Native plants are ones that grow naturally without the help of humans. They don’t require fertilizer, which means they require less maintenance and are also less hazardous to your pets and other wildlife. They also require less water, which means less water is used overall.



Remember the days when you would load up on plastic bags at the grocery store, come home and then throw them out? Unfortunately, a large percentage of these ended up in a landfill for years, if not forever. Even if you recycle, you should try to use less plastic overall.

If you do opt for plastic, find ways to reuse it. Plastic grocery bags can be used for trash liners, and plastic storage bags can be washed in the dishwasher and used again.