Foam Packaging: Take the Bull by the Horns


New York City and Oxford are two prominent examples of local authorities that have tried to restrict the use of foam packaging for takeaway food and drink, arguing that doing so would reduce the environmental impact of waste in a way that alternative approaches could not. In both cases, the intervention of packaging manufacturers has […]

What is Tire Recycling and How To Do It?

environmental impact of tire recycling

The old tires of your Subaru Forester are now worn out and no longer safe to be used on the road, says your mechanic. You’ve started shopping for new tires. But you wonder—what can you do with those old tires? You can recycle it! Tire recycling is the most practical and environment-friendly way of disposing […]

Top 5 Tips For Reducing Waste in Your Home


Reducing waste in your home is more important now than ever. As the environment is becoming more in danger because of greenhouse gases, climate change, and pollution, the need for humans to reduce their carbon footprint is imperative. However, even if people want to make an effort to save the environment, many people don’t know […]

11 Ideas for Easier Recycling at Home

Going green isn’t just meant for Earth Day. Going green is a way of life. However, Earth Day is a day we pause and commemorate, acknowledge and support environmental programs and Earth-saving strategies. It is also a great day to commit or recommit to employ earth-friendly practices in your life, at home and in the […]

Community-Based Approaches to Waste Reduction and Energy Recovery

community composting

For years, individual environmental responsibility has focused on what people can do at home. This included the zero-waste movement and buying only cruelty-free products. However, the tone is shifting to more community-based efforts because of their lasting impacts. These are some of the most meaningful ways to connect with neighborhoods to harness power and decrease […]

What You Need to Know About Food Waste Management


Food waste is an untapped energy source that mostly ends up rotting in landfills, thereby releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Food waste is difficult to treat or recycle since it contains high levels of sodium salt and moisture, and is mixed with other waste during collection. Major generators of food wastes include hotels, restaurants, […]

10 Most Common Injuries in the Waste Management Sector


Waste management is a vital part of our lives and one which helps to keep our homes free from pests and disease. Employment within the waste management sector is usually secure and well paid, however, it’s not without its risks. Personal injury solicitors have revealed that a significant number of the claims that they handle […]

Everything You Need to Know About PVC Recycling


PVC is one of the most widely used plastics worldwide. A major problem in the recycling of PVC is the high chlorine content in raw PVC and high levels of hazardous additives added to the polymer to achieve the desired material quality. As a result, PVC requires separation from other plastics before recycling. PVC products […]

Waste Management in Iraq


Iraq is one of the most populous Arab countries with population exceeding 32 million. Rapid economic growth, high population growth, increasing individual income and sectarian conflicts have led to worsening problem of solid waste management problem in Iraq. Iraq generates around 31,000 tons of solid waste every day with per capita waste generation exceeding 1.4 kg […]

Zena Fly- Feeding the World on Insect


Meeting an ever increasing demand for food/feed/energy and managing waste have become two of the major global challenges. The global world population is estimated to increase from 7.3 billion in 2015 to 9.7 billion in 2050. Approximately one third of the global food produced for human composition is wasted. Currently, approximately 1.3 billion metric tons […]

Comparison of MSW-to-Energy Processes

MSW-to-Energy is the use of thermochemical and biochemical technologies to recover energy, usually in the form of electricity, steam and other fuels, from urban wastes. The main categories of MSW-to-energy technologies are physical technologies, which process waste to make it more useful as fuel; thermal technologies, which can yield heat, fuel oil, or syngas from […]

Composting in Qatar: An Overview


Composting in Qatar is mainly done at the Domestic Solid Waste Management Centre (DSWMC) in Mesaieed, which houses the largest composting facility in the country and one of the largest in the world.  The waste that enters the plant initially goes through anaerobic digestion, which produces biogas that can power the facility’s gas engine and […]

Food Waste Management in UK


Food waste in the United Kingdom is a matter of serious environmental, economic and social concern that has been attracting widespread attention in recent years. According to ‘Feeding the 5K’ organisation, 13,000 slices of crusts are thrown away every day by a single sandwich factory. More recently, Tesco, one of the largest UK food retailers, […]

Electrical Waste Collection Strategies in the UK


When disposing of small electrical items from the home, most householders only have the option of visiting their local recycling facility to drop them off. However, in order to meet recycling targets, local authorities in the UK are now considering kerbside (or curbside) collections of small domestic appliances. This is expected to help prevent small […]

Guide to Effective Waste Management

The best way of dealing with waste, both economically and environmentally, is to avoid creating it in the first place. For effective waste management, waste minimization, reuse, recycle and energy recovery are more sustainable than conventional landfill or dumpsite disposal technique. Waste Minimization Waste minimization is the process of reducing the amount of waste produced […]

POME as a Source of Biomethane


During the production of crude palm oil, large amount of waste and by-products are generated. The solid waste streams consist of empty fruit bunch (EFB), mesocarp fruit fibers (MF) and palm kernel shells (PKS). Reuse of these waste streams in applications for heat, steam, compost and to lesser extent power generation are practised widely across […]

Conveyor Systems for Waste Management


Conveyor systems are an integral component of waste management and recycling operations. It works for various types of materials and transports them to different locations.  They play a vital role in the process of sorting waste material and their movements.  Mixed wastes are arranged for inspection over a conveyor, which then moves it from one […]

What Constitutes Hazardous Waste?

what is hazardous waste

Hazardous waste is any waste that poses significant health and environmental risks. This waste comes from various sources, including commercial processes and household activities. Examples of waste generated commercially include painting wastes and cleaning solvents. In homes, common types include batteries, fluorescent lamps, and computer monitors. Characterization of Hazardous Waste The EPA lists four characteristics […]

Food Waste Management


The waste management hierarchy suggests that reduce, reuse and recycling should always be given preference in a typical waste management system. However, these options cannot be applied uniformly for all kinds of wastes. For examples, food waste is quite difficult to deal with using the conventional 3R strategy. Of the different types of organic wastes […]

6 Tips to Start a Career in Waste Recycling

How to Start a Career in Waste Recycling

A career in waste recycling can not only be profitable but can seriously do some good to the earth’s environment. It’s not a surprise to most people that our environment is deteriorating. The majority of the largest companies have not opted out to use alternative resources that are less destructive to the planet. That’s why […]

A Glance at Biggest Dumpsites in Nigeria

Waste dumping is the predominant method for solid waste disposal in developing countries worldwide, and Nigeria is no exception. Nigeria is home to six of the biggest dumpsites in Africa, according to Waste Atlas 2014 report on World’s 50 Biggest Dumpsites published by D-Waste. These dumpsites are located in three most important cities in Nigeria […]

Biomass Wastes from Palm Oil Mills


The Palm Oil industry generates large quantity of wastes whose disposal is a challenging task. In the Palm Oil mill, fresh fruit bunches are sterilized after which the oil fruits can be removed from the branches. The empty fruit bunches (are left as residues, and the fruits are pressed in oil mills. The Palm Oil […]

Municipal Waste Management in Poland


Municipal waste management in Poland has changed dramatically since the early ’90s when, as part of Poland’s privatisation program, municipal authorities were freed of their waste management obligations. The combined Polish recycling rate for dry recyclables and organic waste has increased from 5% in 2004 to 21% in 2010, according to a Copenhagen Resource Institute […]

Behavioral Drivers Behind Food Wastes


By 2075, the United Nations estimates the global population will peak at 9.5 billion, an extra 3 billion mouths to feed by the end of the century. Meanwhile, while we produce about four billion tonnes of food annually, it is estimated that 30-50% of this never reaches our plates. Of the food that does reach us, some western […]

Understanding Non-Hazardous and Hazardous Pharmaceutical Waste

Non-Hazardous and Hazardous Pharmaceutical Waste

For those not familiar with the field of health and medicine, the term non-hazardous pharmaceutical waste could trick you into thinking this is not dangerous. However, it has its own negative effects on the environment. But before we go further, let us understand what pharmaceutical waste is and then the difference between hazardous pharmaceutical waste […]

7 Steps to Hiring a Junk Removal Company

hiring a junk removal company

Springtime is here, which means it is time to open the doors and windows and clean out your home. It might seem like junk removal is as simple as calling up the nearest trash company, but that is not always the case. While you may feel you can do it all by yourself, at times, […]

Benefits of Eco-Friendly Junk Removal Services in 2022

benefits of eco-friendly junk removal

With only nine years until the effects of climate change become irreversible, it is more important than ever that we are all doing as much as we can to look after our planet. One way to make a positive impact on the environment is to sign up with an eco-friendly junk removal service. What is […]

Recycling of EPS Foam Packaging


Municipalities and organisations around the world are facing a growing problem in disposal and recycling of EPS foam packaging and products. EPS foam (Encapsulated Poly-Styrene) packaging is a highly popular plastic packaging material which finds wide application in packaging of food items, electronic goods, electrical appliances, furniture etc due to its excellent insulating and protective properties. […]

The Pyrolysis of Scrap Tires


Pyrolysis of scrap tires offers an environmentally and economically attractive method for transforming waste tires into useful products, heat and electrical energy. Pyrolysis refers to the thermal decomposition of scrap tires either in the absence or lack of oxygen. The principal feedstocks for pyrolysis are pre-treated car, bus or truck tire chips. Scrap tires are […]

Commercial Bins: 8 Amazing Reasons They Are Important

Importance of commercial skip bins

Commercial skip bins are large containers with an open top. The commercial skip bins can be used to dispose of vast quantities of waste at a go. They are a fantastic approach towards waste management in the commercial and industrial sector Even small businesses can hire commercial skip bins to make their project place less […]

A Glance at College Recycling Programs


Just one look at your local landfill is enough to convince you that there is a need for more recycling programs. Recycling should be a priority for all institutions across the country. College recycling programs ensure that such institutions make a contribution to environmental conservation. Every student should have a recycle bin where they dispose […]

Municipal Solid Waste Management in Oman


Municipal solid waste management is a challenging issue for the Sultanate of Oman. With population of almost 3 million inhabitants, the country produces about 1.9 million tons of solid waste each year. The per capita waste generation in Oman is more than 1.5 kg per day, among the highest worldwide. Prevalent Scenario Solid waste in […]

Medical Waste Management in Developing Countries


Healthcare sector is growing at a very rapid pace, which in turn has led to tremendous increase in the quantity of medical waste generation in developing countries, especially by hospitals, clinics and other healthcare establishments. The quantity of healthcare waste produced in a typical developing country depends on a wide range of factors and may […]

Financing of Solid Waste Management Projects


Financing of solid waste management projects can be pretty overwhelming for the city government, especially if the government see it as a critical part of the service they should render to the citizen and if the citizen also hold it as a basis for measuring the performance of the government and using it as one […]

Proactive Prevention of Common Hazardous Waste Violations

what is hazardous waste

In 2019, the EPA levied fines totaling  $170,000 against three Southern California-based companies, namely, Coat Product, Inc., International Aerospace Coatings, Inc., and Goodwest Rubber Linings, Inc. These companies allegedly violated the federal Resource Conservation Recovery Act (RCRA) that oversees the proper management of hazardous waste. Hazardous waste regulations compliance is complex, and businesses of all […]

Solid Waste Management in Kuwait


Kuwait, being one of the richest countries, is among the highest per capita waste generators in the world. Each year more than 2 million tons of solid waste is generated in the tiny Arab nation. High standards of living and rapid economic growth has been a major factor behind very high per capita waste generation […]

Composting with Worms

composting with worms

Vermicomposting is a type of composting in which certain species of earthworms are used to enhance the process of organic waste conversion and produce a better end-product. It is a mesophilic process utilizing microorganisms and earthworms. Earthworms feeds the organic waste materials and passes it through their digestive system and gives out in a granular […]

The Problem of Shipping Wastes

garbage in ocean

Shipping wastes, long a neglected topic, has started to attract worldwide attention, thanks to the mysterious and tragic disappearance of flight MH370. During the search for MH370, a succession of items floating in the sea were identified as possible wreckage, but later confirmed to be simply pieces of marine litter. Whilst it was large pieces of […]

A Guide to Recycling Electronics: Everything You Need to Know

Guide to Recycling Electronics

Did you know that electronic waste (ewaste) is the fastest-growing type of waste in the world? According to the United Nations, ewaste accounted for only 2% of global municipal solid waste in 2009. But this is estimated to grow to 12% by the end of 2022. That represents a lot of old electronics! If you’re […]

Waste Disposal Methods: Perspectives for Africa

Waste disposal methods vary from city to city, state to state and region to region. It equally depends on the kind and type of waste generated. In determining the disposal method that a city or nation should adopt, some factors like type, kind, quantity, frequency, and forms of waste need to be considered. For the […]

6 Strategies To Improve Aerospace Waste Management

Strategies To Improve Aerospace Waste Management

The aerospace industry has numerous waste streams that can produce enough waste to disrupt the world. This is mainly from the manufacture of aircraft, engines, and parts. However, the Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) confirms that the industry is doing its best to prioritize waste management. In fact, the association feels that the industry is making […]

Solid Waste Management in Morocco


Solid waste management is one of the major environmental problems threatening the Kingdom of Morocco. More than 5 million tons of solid waste is generated across the country with annual waste generation growth rate touching 3 percent. The proper disposal of municipal solid waste in Morocco is exemplified by major deficiencies such as lack of […]

Environmental Costs of Glitter


While there are no clear estimates of the amount of glitter sold each year, its distinctive ability to disperse makes it a disproportionate contributor to environmental problems. Glitter particles are easily transferred through the air or by touch, clinging to skin and clothes. Its ability to spread is so notorious that there are companies that […]

Properties and Uses of POME


Palm Oil processing gives rise to highly polluting wastewater, known as Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME), which is often discarded in disposal ponds, resulting in the leaching of contaminants that pollute the groundwater and soil, and in the release of methane gas into the atmosphere. POME is an oily wastewater generated by palm oil processing […]

Why Does Waste Matter in the Gaia Theory?

Why Waste Matter in the Gaia Theory

Do you know where your food comes from and where the uneaten leftovers go after you’ve thrown them away? Whether you’re thinking about it or not, every action you take has some effect on the world around you. A chemist named James Lovelock hypothesized that living organisms interact with their surroundings to maintain a livable […]

The UK’s E-Waste Problem

e-waste crisis in united kingdom

There’s no doubt that the UK is in the midst of an electronic waste crisis with more than two thirds of households sitting on old phone chargers, along with other items. A study by OKdo shows exactly how big our e-waste problem is, why it’s an issue and how we can dispose of electronic items […]

Risk Management in Industrial Waste Management

Risk Management in Industrial Waste Management

Waste management comes with various risks and potential liabilities for your business. Therefore, it’s vital to consider pollution prevention when implementing waste management strategies. It helps prevent air and land contamination while minimizing organizational risks and liabilities. Often, the general public, plant managers, and government regulators may not have sufficient knowledge regarding industrial waste management. […]

Circular Economy: Past, Present and Future

Circular Economy

For a society accustomed to the achievements of a linear economy, the transition to a circular economic system is a hard task even to contemplate. Although the changes needed may seem daunting, it is important to remember that we have already come a long way. However, the history of the waste hierarchy has taught that […]

Waste Management in Peshawar


Peshawar is among the biggest cities in Pakistan with estimated population of 4 million inhabitants. Like most of the cities in Pakistan, solid waste management is a big challenge in Peshawar as the city generate 600-700 tons of municipal waste every day, with per capita generation of about 0.3 to 0.4 kg per day. Major […]

Waste Management Outlook for India

Waste management crisis in India should be approached holistically; while planning for long term solutions, focus on addressing the immediate problems should be maintained. National and local governments should work with their partners to promote source separation, achieve higher percentages of recycling and produce high quality compost from organics. While this is being achieved and […]

Landfill Liners and Alternative Daily Cover

The old garbage dumps of days gone by are no more. Today’s waste disposal solutions are increasingly sophisticated. Environmental regulation, recycling, and the development of plastics – of all things – have contributed to far more tightly managed landfills, with goals inching towards zero waste. Garbage dumps used to be large holes, usually on the […]

Progress of Waste-to-Energy in the USA

Rising rates of consumption necessitate an improved approach to resource management. Around the world, from Europe to Asia, governments have adapted their practices and policies to reflect renewability. They’ve invested in facilities that repurpose waste as source of energy, affording them a reliable and cheap source of energy. This seems like progress, given the impracticality […]

Recycling Hacks For One And All

community recycling

According to research, there are around 100,000 pounds of garbage that your community can create. This can have a great impact on the environment like diminishing resources, pollution, and landfills. Meanwhile, recycling is an activity which you can implement every day. It can help in maintaining a green home. This can aid in the reduction […]

Why Hiring a Waste Production Manager is Crucial: The Importance of Managing Waste in Today’s World

waste production manager

Hiring a waste production manager is crucial for any business that generates waste. Waste production managers are responsible for managing and reducing waste, ensuring compliance with regulations, and implementing sustainable waste management practices. As businesses strive to become more environmentally conscious, waste production managers play an increasingly important role in achieving sustainability goals. Businesses that […]

How to Deal with Old Electrical Items


We all cherish our electronic devices, from our laptops and mobile phones to our beloved household appliances such as our refrigerators and washing machines. But when these electric appliances become outdated or reach the end of their useful life, they become electronic waste and that’s a big problem. Whether they’re complete junk or still in […]

The Technology Revolutionizing Commercial Waste Management


Every single one of us can do something to improve our impact on the planet, but it is a given that businesses of all sizes have a bigger footprint than families – commercial accounts for 12% of total greenhouse gas emissions. A big factor of that is waste management. From the physical process of picking up […]

A Primer on Waste-to-Energy

Waste-to-Energy (also known as energy-from-waste) is the use of thermochemical and biochemical technologies to recover energy, usually in the form of electricity, steam and fuels, from urban wastes. These new technologies can reduce the volume of the original waste by 90%, depending upon composition and use of outputs. Energy is the driving force for development […]

How to Dispose of Plastic Equipment Efficiently

How to Dispose of Plastic Equipment Efficiently

If your company has plastic equipment that’s no longer needed, you can dispose of it by selling the machinery through the most optimal channels. Here’s a guide on how to achieve disposal of plastic machinery efficiently. 1. Sell Your Plastic Equipment Through an Established Company When you offer your used plastic equipment for sale in […]

Robust Techniques for Sustainable Agricultural Waste Management

Biomass from Agriculture

Agricultural waste, encompassing both organic and inorganic materials leftover from farming activities, poses a significant challenge and opportunity in equal measure. The residues from crop production and livestock farming, including crop stalks, animal manure, packaging, and agricultural chemicals, present a dual nature. When managed effectively, these materials hold immense potential due to their biodegradability and […]

The Complete Guide to Disposing of Contaminated Soil

disposal of contaminated soil

Do you need to remove contaminated soil from your property? If so, this article will explain how to dispose of it safely. Hire a professional company Ideally, you’ll want to hire a professional waste treatment company to remove contaminated soil, which will ensure the soil gets properly treated at a facility. If you hire a […]

Circular Economy: Viewpoint of Plastic

circular economy

Pieces of plastic have been trying to get our attention. The first scientific reports of plastic pollution in oceans were in the early 1970s. This waste plastic soaks up other pollutants at up to a million times the concentration in water, harming and killing sea life worldwide. From the point of view of the plastic, […]

Harnessing Bioenergy from Everyday Rubbish

bioenergy from municipal waste

Converting everyday rubbish into usable energy once seemed like science fiction, but bioenergy has made it reality. This sustainable solution transforms waste into valuable fuel sources while also benefiting the environment. Bioenergy provides a profitable way to upcycle discarded items into clean power instead of letting them pile up in landfills. What was once treated […]

Role of Anaerobic Digestion in Food Waste Management

Anaerobic Digestion of Food Wastes

Food waste is one of the single largest constituent of municipal solid waste stream. In a typical landfill, food waste is one of the largest incoming waste streams and responsible for the generation of high amounts of methane. Diversion of food waste from landfills can provide significant contribution towards climate change mitigation, apart from generating revenues […]

Things to Consider While Hiring a Waste Management Company


Whether talking about recycling for a home or business, this type of service is extremely important for the environment. Waste has a negative impact on the environment and can cause pollution of many kinds. Most companies that offer both garbage and recycling services are very organized, and consumers are expected to be equally organized in […]

Solid Waste Management in India – Role of Policies and Planning


Out of all the measures that are necessary in addressing India’s waste management crisis, the most efficient will be changes at the national policy and planning level. It is well known among the small but growing waste management sector that urban India will hit rock bottom due to improper waste management. Unfortunately, they think such […]

3 Ways to Effectively Manage Your Medical Waste


All of the items that are used in healthcare must be disposed of correctly in a way that is environmentally safe and also responsible. This includes syringes, needles, and expired pills. There are a lot of used syringes, dirty needles, pharmaceutical waste such as expired or contaminated drugs, and even infectious waste such as blood, […]

How to Improve the Efficiency of Business Waste Management

ways you can increase the efficiency of your waste management initiatives

When you consider any macro-level activity, every small step counts. The same is true for waste management too. You can reduce the amount of waste reaching the landfill if you can encourage the best practices for your establishment. The increased amount of waste disposal, mishandling of the waste, or ill-treatment of the discarded waste lead […]

Waste Management Outlook for Nigeria


Nigeria, the most populous country in Africa with population exceeding 182 million people, is grappling with waste management issues. The country generates around 43.2 million tonnes of waste annually. By 2025 with a population of 233.5 million, Nigeria will be generating an estimated 72.46 million tonnes of waste annually at a projected rate of 0.85 […]

Pyrolysis of Municipal Wastes


Pyrolysis is rapidly developing biomass thermal conversion technology and has been garnering much attention worldwide due to its high efficiency and good eco-friendly performance characteristics. Pyrolysis technology provides an opportunity for the conversion of municipal solid wastes, agricultural residues, scrap tires, non-recyclable plastics etc into clean energy. It offers an attractive way of converting urban […]

The Role of Bioenergy in Waste Minimization

role of bioenergy in waste management

There is a pressing need more than ever for sustainable, renewable energy sources. In comes the concept of bioenergy – harnessing power from organic matter with multiple benefits including waste reduction. Below, you can explore this further. Defining Bioenergy You’re already familiar with sources like solar, wind or hydroelectric power – these are common renewable […]

5 Interesting Facts About Waste-to-Energy Projects


Waste-to-energy (also known as energy-from-waste) is a complicated technology in the realm of renewable energy. There are a lot of hidden truths and myths about this technology that people need to be aware of. Renewable energy technologies, like solar and wind, have much more simple processes and gain most of the attention from media outlets. […]

Preparing an Effective Industrial Waste Management Plan

industrial waste recycling

Did you realize over 7 billion tons of industrial waste is produced in the United States each year? If you are the owner of an industrial business, having an adequate waste management plan is essential. Without a waste management plan, you run the risk of doing a lot of damage to the environment. If you […]

Plastic Packaging Waste in the Philippines: An Analysis


I recently took a 5-month break from my work as an environmental consultant to volunteer with Marine Conservation Philippines (MCP) on the issue of marine litter. During the first few months of my stint there, we undertook an intense programme of beach cleans across sections of a small sample of local beaches. The idea was […]

Waste Management in Global North and Global South

Waste management is highly context specific. Therefore it is important to distinguish between the conditions in the Global North and the Global South. Recent ILO figures suggest that 24 million people around the world are involved in the informal waste recycling sector, 80% of whom are waste pickers. Some estimates say that 1% of urban population in […]

Plastic Wastes and Role of EPR


In just a few decades plastics have become omnipresent in our society. But, unfortunately, the consequences of their use last far beyond their useful lifetime. Everyone is aware of their overwhelming dispersion in our landscapes. The situation in the oceans is not better [1]. As a reaction, a few thoughts spring to my mind. First of […]

How to Manage COVID-19 Trash?


We might be living amid a pandemic, but that hasn’t slowed down global waste production. If anything, we’re producing more waste now than we were at the beginning of the year with the addition of disposable gloves, masks and other personal protective equipment. What changes do we need to make to manage COVID-19-related waste? Handling […]

Recycling Outlook for Latin America


Latin America has one of the highest rates of urbanization in the world (80% urban population). By 2050, 90% of Latin America’s population will live in urban areas. This high rate of urbanization coupled with the global economic crisis has resulted in a waste management crisis. Municipalities find themselves unable to keep up with providing […]

Here’s What Continues To Ail Solid Waste Recycling Plants In 2023

problems with plastic recycling plants

In the heart of today’s most pressing environmental concerns, the urgency of waste recycling stands out. Yet, even as we confront this crucial part of our global environmental challenge, several conundrums emerge within solid waste recycling plants. Recurring issues are hampering their progress and efficiency. Overcoming these hurdles is not just a herculean task, but […]

WTE Prospects in the Middle East

WTE plant

A combination of high fuel prices and a search for alternative technologies, combined with massive waste generation has led to countries in the Middle East region to consider Waste to Energy (or WtE) as a sustainable waste management strategy and cost-effective fuel source for the future. We look at the current state of the WtE […]

5 Key Tips for a Successful Waste Recycling Strategy

Four recycle bins of different colors

In an era marked by environmental awareness, crafting an effective waste recycling strategy is essential for individuals, communities, and businesses alike. Adopting sustainable practices not only reduces the strain on landfills but also contributes to the conservation of earth’s precious resources. This article presents five crucial tips that can pave the way for a successful […]

Biogas from Slaughterhouse Wastes


Slaughterhouse waste (or abattoir waste) disposal has been a major environmental challenge in all parts of the world. The chemical properties of slaughterhouse wastes are similar to that of municipal sewage, however the former is highly concentrated wastewater with 45% soluble and 55% suspended organic composition. Blood has a very high COD of around 375,000 […]

Concept of Zero Waste and Role of MRFs


Communities across the world are grappling with waste management issues. A consensus is emerging worldwide that the ultimate way to deal with waste is to eliminate it. The concept of Zero Waste encourages redesign of resource life cycles so that all products are reused, thereby systematically avoiding and eliminating the volume and toxicity of waste and materials. The philosophy […]

The Energy Potential of Palm Kernel Shells


The Palm Oil industry in Southeast Asia and Africa generates large quantity of biomass wastes whose disposal is a challenging task. Palm kernel shells (or PKS) are the shell fractions left after the nut has been removed after crushing in the Palm Oil mill. Kernel shells are a fibrous material and can be easily handled in […]

The Environmental Impact Of Tire Recycling

environmental benefits of tire recycling

In a world where sustainability is more critical than ever, recycling has become essential to global discussions around environmental conservation. One aspect often overlooked in the discourse is tire recycling. Before 2013, numerous ecological issues arose from incinerating or sending discarded tires to landfills. A report by the Tire Industry Project for the World Business […]

Wastes Generation in Tanneries

Wastes originate from all stages of leather making process, such as fine leather particles, residues from various chemical discharges and reagents from different waste liquors comprising of large pieces of leather cuttings, trimmings and gross shavings, fleshing residues, solid hair debris and remnants of paper bags. Tanning refers to the process by which collagen fibers […]

The Top 7 Benefits of Composting


The impact of human activities on the environment is rapidly changing. One such activity gaining much attention is waste disposal. A lot of waste products go to landfills despite constituting a reasonable fraction of organic matter, such as paper materials, food wastes, and pet droppings. The new preferred way to dispose of organic waste is […]

How to Deal with Large and Complex Waste in Your Business

Deal with Complex Waste in Your Business

Are you a business owner? Irrespective of the kind of business you’re in, waste management is something that should definitely concern you. Given the amount of waste businesses generate daily, it can become overwhelming to deal with, particularly when it comes to large and complex waste. While there’s no one-size-fits-all solution to waste management, there […]

Dealing with Household Hazardous Wastes

household hazardous wastes

Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) are leftover household products that contain corrosive, toxic, ignitable, or reactive ingredients such as paints, cleaners, oils, batteries, pesticides etc. HHW contain potentially hazardous ingredients and require special care and safe disposal.  A typical home can contain a vast array of household hazardous wastes used for cleaning, painting, beautifying, lubricating and […]

Thermal Conversion of Tannery Wastes


Tanneries generate considerable quantities of sludge, shavings, trimmings, hair, buffing dusts and other general wastes and can consist of up to 70% of hide weight processed. Thermal conversion technologies by virtue of chemically reducing conditions, provides a viable alternative thermal treatment for tannery wastes, especially for chrome containing materials, and generates a chrome (III) containing […]

10 Ways to Reduce Plastic Waste While Camping


The plastic problem is always a big one and will continue afflicting many parts of the world. Plastics fill our rivers, lands, and even oceans. It is having a great impact on our lives and even affecting marine life. The single-use of plastic is bad, we should always strive to recycle or avoid them altogether. […]

CRISPR Technology to Revolutionize Bioremediation

When people think of waste management, gene editing probably does not come to most people’s minds. Yet the innovative CRISPR genome modification technology fits well within the confines of managing pollution and waste on the planet. In particular, scientists are looking at how CRISPR technology can help with bioremediation, or pollutant neutralization. Why Neutralize Pollutants? […]

Say Goodbye to Waste – Why You Need Disposal Services in Sydney

Why You Need Disposal Services in Sydney

f your Sydney household, garage, shed or other shelter area has run out of room to store clutter it may be time to hire a rubbish removal team. Placing piles of garbage around your home or workplace is not only unsightly, but it could also be hazardous, so say goodbye to waste and say hello […]

Anaerobic Digestion of Animal Manure


Animal manure is a valuable source of nutrients and renewable energy. However, most of the manure is collected in lagoons or left to decompose in the open which pose a significant environmental hazard. The air pollutants emitted from manure include methane, nitrous oxide, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, volatile organic compounds and particulate matter, which can cause […]

Municipal Waste Management in Saudi Arabia


Saudi Arabia has been witnessing rapid industrialization, high population growth rate and fast urbanization which have resulted in increased levels of pollution and waste. Solid waste management is becoming a big challenge for the government and local bodies with each passing day. With population of around 35 million, Saudi Arabia generates more than 15 million […]

Use of Sewage Sludge in Cement Industry


Cities around the world produce huge quantity of municipal wastewater (or sewage) which represents a serious problem due to its high treatment costs and risk to environment, human health and marine life. Sewage generation is bound to increase at rapid rates due to increase in number and size of urban habitats and growing industrialization. An attractive disposal […]

Waste Management Scenario in Oman


Waste management is a challenging issue for the Sultanate of Oman due to high waste generation rates and scarcity of disposal sites. With population of almost 3 million inhabitants, the country produced about 1.6 million tons of solid waste in 2010. The per capita waste generation is more than 1.5 kg per day, among the […]

Waste Management in Gaza

Waste Management Gaza

With population of approximately 2.1 million, waste management is one of the most serious challenges confronting the local authorities. The daily solid waste generation across Gaza is more than 1300 tons which is characterized by per capita waste generation of 0.35 to 1.0 kg. Scarcity of waste disposal sites coupled with huge increase in waste generation […]

Benefits of Using Used Cooking Oil as a Biofuel


Used cooking oil is one of the major sources of biofuel. As the push for alternative sources of energy is enhanced, biofuel production has also gone into high gear. As such, it has moved from the unsustainable food sources to more sustainable sources such as used cooking oil. With the adoption of used cooking oil […]

Waste Management in Qatar


Waste management is one of the most serious environmental challenges faced by the tiny Gulf nation of Qatar. mainly on account of high population growth rate, urbanization, industrial growth and economic expansion. The country has one of the highest per capita waste generation rates worldwide of 1.8 kg per day. Qatar produces more than 2.5 […]

Everything You Should Know About MSW-to-Energy

You know the saying: One person’s trash is another’s treasure. When it comes to recovering energy from municipal solid waste — commonly called garbage or trash— that treasure can be especially useful. Instead of taking up space in a landfill, we can process our trash to produce energy to power our homes, businesses and public […]