Why Does Waste Matter in the Gaia Theory?

Why Waste Matter in the Gaia Theory

Do you know where your food comes from and where the uneaten leftovers go after you’ve thrown them away? Whether you’re thinking about it or not, every action you take has some effect on the world around you. A chemist named James Lovelock hypothesized that living organisms interact with their surroundings to maintain a livable […]

Plastic Packaging Waste in the Philippines: An Analysis


I recently took a 5-month break from my work as an environmental consultant to volunteer with Marine Conservation Philippines (MCP) on the issue of marine litter. During the first few months of my stint there, we undertook an intense programme of beach cleans across sections of a small sample of local beaches. The idea was […]

10 Ways to Reduce Plastic Waste While Camping


The plastic problem is always a big one and will continue afflicting many parts of the world. Plastics fill our rivers, lands, and even oceans. It is having a great impact on our lives and even affecting marine life. The single-use of plastic is bad, we should always strive to recycle or avoid them altogether. […]

Plastic Waste Reduction Leads to Growth in Plastic Recycling Market

plastic waste

Wide-spread environmental concerns about plastic waste are leading to increased demand for the plastic recycling market that has various uses for plastic waste. At the same time, and in line with this growing need, an increased number of industries that produce plastic products have committed to reducing their use of virgin plastic and ensuring that […]