How to Create Presentations for Your Studies

Writing research seems to a lot of people to be a difficult task which makes them feel nervous and requires a lot of time, urging them to look for a legit essay writing service  like EssayShark or EssayBulls. However, it is only a part of the working process which also includes a preparation of useful presentation which can help the speaker to represent the information from the study in the most effective and understandable way.

We used to think that a process of development of the presentation is a difficult and complicated process because it seems impossible to choose only important parts of the study, as all parts which are included in this study we consider to be essential for the audience. Also, the problem with the preparation of presentation is related to the fact that the speech and slides should be structured in the way which is interesting to the people who will listen to it.

I think that the main task of the presentation is to demonstrate the findings from the study in the way which makes the audience to concentrate on the research and understand its importance, but it is impossible to do this if the presentation provokes the desire to fall asleep or contain too much unnecessary information. So, in this article, you will find a few tips which will make the process of creation of presentation to be easier for you, and with the help of these pieces of advice, you will get a better result in the process of demonstration the findings of your research to the audience.

Prepare a good plan

You know that for the good research you should develop a well-structured outline first of all, as it is a basic step which helps to make the working process to be easier and more effective. If you want to prepare a successful presentation you should develop a plan which will help you to structure the working process and the whole presentation as well. So, you need to understand the basic steps which you will follow during the working process on your presentation in order not to miss anything important for a good result in the end.

You need to analyze your research, to make sure that you understand the perspective which you want to present to the audience, and highlight the most essential parts of your study in order to use this information in your presentation.

The presentation as an additional tool

One of the biggest mistakes is done by people who prepare their presentation is the lack of understanding of the main function of the presentation. A presentation is an additional tool which helps you to represent your main ideas and findings to the audience. A lot of people perceive the information more effectively if they have visual materials which are related to the presented information.

Speech is the main part in the process of demonstration to the audience your findings, but a presentation is a tool which can help audience to see the most important facts or information on the screen in order to remember it in the most effective way. You have to understand that there is no necessity to put all your speech on slides, as people should not read your speech, but you can use pictures, graphics, and other visual materials in order to help the audience to understand better the information which you present to them. A lot of people put too much unnecessary information on slides, so the audience is distracted from the main points of the speech.

Design and visual effects

Presentation is not only about the content, but also it is about the way in which you represent this content to the audience. It is important to remember that a lot of people perceive information visually, so you should think about the design and visual effects such as transitions between slides in order to make the presentation to be perceived in a better way.

For the best choice in design, you should analyze the topic of your presentation. In the case of presentations for studies, it would be better not to choose too bright or too dark colors. It is important not to distract the audience from the information which you present to them, but make them focus on the main points. Also, if you use too much animation in transitions between slides, it will distract the audience as well or make them nervous. So, the best tip in this aspect of the preparation of presentation is based on total simplicity as design should be a helpful tool but not a distraction from the content of the presentation.


Content of presentation consists not only of the information which you use but also of images and other visual effects. As it was stated above, presentation is a helpful tool which is developed to help people to perceive information using their visual senses. However, it is important to find a balance in your presentation. As we speak about presentations for studies, it is essential to remember that too many images or memes can be inappropriate in this situation, so you should use pictures in order to make your presentation less boring and more informative, but do not focus only on this visual effect.

In addition, you have to find a balance between the amount of text which you put on each slide and the number of images and graphics. The best way to represent information to the audience is to use bullet points in order to help them to define the main aspects of your research and understand better your findings. People cannot remember instantly a great amount of information, and they will memorize the information from your presentation partly, so you have to show them which parts are the most important and what they should understand at first.

Parting Shot

These tips can help you to create a presentation for your studies in a fast, easy, and effective way. A lot of people think that the process of preparation of presentation is based on the necessity to put the information from the speech or research on the slides, but it is related to the importance of visual perception. You should develop your speech and presentation in a way which will not be boring to your audience but will help them to understand your study more effectively.

In this process, everything matters: the choice of font, the number of slides, the order of slides, the choice of images, and visual effects using graphic design tools. Balance is the most important thing in the process of preparation of presentation, so you should think about the content of the slides and design keeping this rule in mind. Also, try to think like your audience, and if you consider your presentation to be interesting and informative, it means that you did a great job.

10 Effective Tips for a Successful Presentation at Work

Are you feeling uneasy as jitters crowd your stomach due to an imminent presentation at work? Pressured and nervous and experiencing headache? While it’s normal to feel that way, knowing how to get along well with glossophobia or speech anxiety will enable you to reach your full potential in delivering your talk; thus, a successful presentation.


In this article, you will discover ten effective tips towards an accomplished and awesome presentation. These pieces of advice will surely help you no matter what type of presenter you are a newbie or veteran. Remember, your goal is always to convey the right message with clarity and conviction.

Let’s begin!

1. Be prepared with all the needed materials

The advent of technology made this generation almost paperless in the academic and professional field. Storing and transferring of files, documents and presentations are made a whole lot easier with a portable flash drive, laptop or smartphone. This diminishes the possibility of forgetting what needs to be brought with you that will be used during the presentation.

Save all your materials in one folder. Distribute them in appropriate subfolders – documents, Powerpoint presentations, videos, images, etc. Do this so you won’t have a hard time navigating your computer or libraries as you find your files. Make sure that your file names can quickly be identified to avoid confusion.

During the presentation, you can use a laptop floor stand that will prevent you from experiencing discomfort due to back or neck pain. At the same time, it will keep your machine from overheating. Tablet stands are also available in the market if you’re using this gadget.

2. Start with a bang!

Astonish your bosses and colleagues by surprising them with your ‘front act.’ On top of your milestone list is to capture their attention. Show them something different–try imposing an idea or question that will pique their interest or that will make them think and wonder. Or you can try to let them watch a video clip that will give them a glimpse of your presentation.

Know that your energy at the beginning usually determines your audience’s desire to pay attention. Set an atmosphere driven by attention and interest. Let them think and feel that your presentation is worth their time.

3. Be concise and precise

What do you really wanna say? Which part of your talk do you want to put an emphasis on?

If you don’t know yet, then you must figure them out first. From your pool of concepts, encapsulate essential ideas into short phrases with brief yet accurate explanations. People can’t stand too many flowery words. They can’t even tolerate repetitive ideas. So, what do you do?

Cut to the chase. Do not take the longer, winding course. Identify which is the fastest route without compromising the quality of the content, then take that trail. Your viewers will regard that as an act of being kind and considerate towards them.

4. Use a conversational tone

Despite the fact that you are facing the holders of the top positions in the company and that you find it difficult to make good eye contact with them, you need to convince your mind that you are all friends here. Imagine that you are only taking your turn in telling a compelling story.

No pressure. Do not be overly formal with your language and tone. Use simple words as you aim to be understood. Just relax, take deep breaths, make necessary pauses, and wear your best smile.

5. Keep your audience’s needs in mind

Remember your first milestone? To capture your audience’s attention. Now, your challenge for the rest of the presentation is to hold it. But don’t worry, it’ll be fun when you know just how to do it.

Keep your audience’s needs in mind. One of the typical errors of speakers is being too self-centered when they get much carried away while explaining their subject. They forget that this isn’t about them, this is about what they can contribute to the viewers as they propose a certain notion to them.

If you are a part of the audience, the first question you would think of is: “What’s in it for me?” or: “What’s in it for the company?” or: “Will it benefit everybody in this institution?” That is why you need to be careful and thorough in addressing their concerns.

6. Play with voice intonation

The greatest speakers put everything at hand into good use. One of which is the voice. Of course, you wouldn’t want to lose the progress you have made as you go on with your presentation just because you are getting monotonous and boring.

The changes in intonation actually increase the intensity of the words you speak. It accentuates the most important parts of your speech. Also, it drives your audience to lend their ears all the more.

7. Master your content

We all know that it is very tempting to keep on branching out and touching all topics related to your subject. But it won’t help you communicate your main idea very well. It might also cause confusion in the minds of your audience.

It is important that you watch out the words coming out of your mouth while you speak. See to it that you are going towards the direction you’ve set for your presentation. Keep your focus. Instead of diverting to a different path, make your statements stronger by giving supporting ideas.

8. Move around graciously

Your body plays an integral role as well in your delivery. Feel free to move around and use proper gestures. Pace a little bit, and reposition yourself in front naturally. Avoid becoming stiff while you do your job.

9. Tell stories that will move them

Stir up some entertainment inside the meeting room. Or some compassion and genuineness. You do this by telling stories. Compelling stories add up to the interest and comprehension of your listeners. Why? Because narratives are humane. They are relatable–connecting to people powerfully. They evoke emotions and thoughts that improve engagement.

10. Give them a valuable takeaway

Ascertain that after your presentation, your audience will go out of the room informed and influenced. Give them a valuable takeaway–a lesson, a reminder, a call to action. Something that would encourage them to intentionally press on until they achieve a particular goal in career and life.


Nothing and no one can impede a very determined person. That’s you! So, shake off every doubt and skepticism. You are meant to triumph over your speech anxiety. Prepare enough, master your craft, be confident and keep your eyes on your goal.

We hope these tips will help you with your successful presentation!

5 Social Media Tips to Boost Your Fundraising Campaign this Giving Tuesday

Given that Giving Tuesday is a worldwide movement that began with a hashtag, it stands to reason that it receives a tonne of attention on social media. Thinking about how big it is? 2019 had more than 20 billion social media impressions for the hashtag #GivingTuesday. Social media usage was widespread in 2020 across all nations and regions.

Giving Tuesday, also called Charity Tuesday, generates most of its traffic (and donations) through social media. One must recognize the most effective approaches for involving current supporters, luring new followers, and receiving new donations. These 5 tactics will leave a lasting impression on anyone who contacts your nonprofit organization.

Social Media Tips to Boost Fundraising on Giving Tuesday

1. Use Hashtags Carefully

Since its beginning in 2012, #GivingTuesday has generated billions of impressions directly from strategic marketing. Use hashtags strategically in your Giving Tuesday social media postings to significantly expand your audience, like Gilda’s Club Chicago did for their 2020 campaign.

An effective hashtag strategy may increase interaction, but utilizing hashtags improperly might present problems. It may cause specific algorithms to move your content lower down in visitors’ feeds. Learn the best practices for each platform, then use your imagination to choose the strategy to employ this giving season to promote your cause.

2. Use Video to Increase Giving Tuesday Participation

Across all platforms, video has become a crucial component of social media. To connect with your audience and inspire action, focus on innovation and a compelling narrative. There are several benefits to using video in your Giving Tuesday social media plan. Here are a few of those:

  • Increase exposure and participation by holding a viewer’s attention for longer.
  • Increase interactions to extend content life and keep it in the online ecosystem.
  • Use social media to reach Generation Z contributors, who are most inclined to learn about new causes.
  • Create material at home that tells a compelling tale and has a real feel.
  • Using video instead of words may make your message simpler to remember.
  • The good news is that engagement levels are not influenced by production value. First-person, unscripted, single-take films made up the bulk of the most interesting videos.

3. Maintain Your Social Media Plan

While combining fresh strategies into your Giving Tuesday, Social media plan is essential for long-term success. You must never wait until the event to give anything a shot. Keep using the platforms that you’ve successfully used in prior campaigns.

Find out which platform best conveys your message, and analyze your performance numbers across all your platforms. Do you notice that your audience seems especially active on any platform?

Here is a list of Social networking platforms that appeal to contributors across generations:

  • Facebook: 37% Boomers, 45% Gen Z, 66% Gen X, and 66% millennials.
  • YouTube: 42% Gen X, 18% Boomers, 59% millennials, 56% Gen Z
  • Instagram: 35% Gen X, 11% Boomers, 53% Gen Z, 51% millennials
  • TikTok: 47% Gen Z, 37% Millennials, 17% Gen X, and 3% Baby Boomers and older
  • Twitter: 36% Gen Z, 34% millennials, 23% Gen X, and 8% boomers and older
  • Snapchat has a 25% Gen Z, 34% millennial, 17% Gen X, and 2% boomer user base.

Any article that inspires you on Giving Tuesday should be noted. The secret to having a great marketing presence is seeing arising trends and thinking of creative ways to apply them to your upcoming efforts. Keep asking questions so you’ll have a list of suggestions when Giving Tuesday 2022 rolls around.

4. Produce Superior Content for Giving Tuesday

Even though it might seem apparent, producing top-notch content is one of the most crucial—and most overlooked—parts of a successful Giving Tuesday social media strategy. Emotionally charged material can assist supporters of a concept in committing to it.

Consider posting a bespoke image with a compelling statistic that underlines the urgency of your request, or consider sharing an infographic to highlight crucial arguments that support your call to action. Additionally powerful in creating an emotional connection with donors are quotes and testimonials.

video marketing tips

Maintain brand consistency, stretch your material across numerous platforms, and optimize your picture and video specs to ensure your content surpasses donor expectations.

Also Read: How To Advertise Your Fundraiser for Almost Free

5. Combine Authentic Engagement with Your Audience

Social media’s fundamental goals are interacting with others, making connections, and creating deep ties. Consider your feed a live discussion where you may respond to comments, recognize achievements, and thank your fans.

To express your gratitude for their support, speak with your contributors in the weeks preceding Giving Tuesday. You can also engage in active likes, favorites, shares, direct messages, and comments on an actual day.

Give funders, board members, or sponsors a special mention by tagging them. Another excellent method to make kids feel important is to include them in your stories.


Social media is an essential marketing tool for every online fundraising effort, especially on Giving Tuesday. Thanks largely to the massive audiences it reaches on websites like Instagram, Facebook, Telegram and Twitter, the worldwide giving day has developed rapidly.

Use these social media best practices for Giving Tuesday to engage current supporters, get new ones, and motivate your community to take action this year.