6 Tips to Save Money On Your Electricity Bill

Utilizing energy more efficiently not only saves you money on your electricity bill, but also helps meet the ever-growing energy demand. High energy efficiency reduces greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants and water usage. It also stabilizes electricity volatility and prices. Here’s how you can save big on your electricity bill.

tips to reduce electricity bill

1. Switch your provider

Switching your energy supplier can help you cut your electricity bills significantly. Shop around to find the cheapest rates for your business and home to save money each month. You can use a price comparison site to find the fairest offers in the market. You may also shift to retail energy providers such as Energy Texas for affordable green energy options. Consider managing your electricity bills online because sending paper bills may attract additional costs.

2. Conduct an energy audit

An energy audit gives you a clear picture of your home’s energy usage, safety, and comfort. It helps you determine how much energy you’re using, what part of your home is inefficient, and what you can improve. It helps know the changes and improvements you can make to become more energy-efficient, so consider conducting your energy audit before finding ways to reduce energy usage to identify cost-saving opportunities.

3. Use programmable thermostats

A programmable thermostat allows you to control your home’s temperature regardless of your location, helping you save money on your heating and cooling costs. Your thermostat settings will differ depending on seasons, local climate, and your home’s condition. With a programmable thermostat, you can use a pre-set schedule to regulate the times your heating and cooling system turns on.

eco friendly business practices

Don’t set your thermostat at settings colder than usual when turning your AC to unnecessary energy expenses. Place your thermostat far from windows, doors, direct sunlight, kitchen, drafts, and hallways to prevent it from changing the temperature unnecessarily.

4. Insulate your roof

If your home is adequately insulated, less warm air will escape during the winter and summer, reducing the amount of heating and cooling energy. Insulation reduces heat exchange through walls, attic, roof, and ducts. Well insulated walls, ceilings, and floors require less energy to heat and cool your home. Seal and insulate your ducts to heat and cool your home. Warm or cool air can escape through gaps and cracks, so consider weather stripping and caulking to prevent air leaks, saving energy.

5. Be careful with lighting

While switching off your lights when not in use can save energy, changing your lighting can yield more energy savings. Consider replacing your bulbs with energy-efficient light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) to make your home more energy-efficient. Place lamps in corners and use daylighting techniques and automatic dimmers for improved energy efficiency. You can also use task lighting, including reading lamps, bedside and desk lights, to meet specific needs.

Reasons to Convert to LED Lighting

6. Use energy-efficient appliances

Using energy-efficient appliances reduces home energy bills, saving you money. When shopping for energy-efficient appliances, consider available space to ensure ventilation clearance. Look for the Energy Star logo to ensure your appliances are energy-efficient. Consider replacing your clothes dryers, refrigerators, dishwashers, and other appliances in your home with Energy Star labels to save electricity.


If not controlled, your monthly energy costs can be very high. Use these tips to save big on your electricity bill.

4 Practical Tips To Find the Right Energy Provider

There is little doubt that energy bills are a big drain on your finances, what with the Big Six energy providers hiking their prices recently, with two of them doing it twice within a year! What is one to do? Toe their line or search for the best and cheapest energy tariffs? Of course, you will save a pretty packet if you search for the cheapest energy rates. Find below certain practical tips that will enable you to find the right energy provider and save on money.

1. Avoid standard variable rate tariff

You need to be careful when your fixed tariff deal ends, for it is then that your energy provider will nudge you towards standard variable rate tariff. Their reason for doing so is simple, that is, to make money. These variable rate tariffs are expensive. According to the figures of previous year obtained from First Utility, will escalate your energy bill by an average of £262 annually. Not only are these variable rate tariffs expensive, but they also provide leeway for your energy supplier to hike costs.

The way out of this is to search for smaller suppliers that offer the best-buy tables and better services. You can do this by manually researching lists of energy suppliers or using online comparison sites. Spending time doing manual research can pay dividends as you can often find deals not apparent on switching sites, however the latter are much faster to use.

Power tip: When using switching sites, always check the box that says something like ‘include plans that require switching directly though the supplier’ as this will reveal even cheaper deals.

Today, the minnows are giving a run for money to the Big Six energy providers. These suppliers offer you a choice of long-term fix and even variable rate that are well under £1,000. Opting for a fixed rate tariff will give you a secure price on each unit of electricity for a set period, whereas variable rate tariff, where the price can fluctuate up and down.

So, to get the full price advantage don’t stick to your original supplier, but switch to a smaller one. It will certainly help in saving cash.

2. To fix or not to fix

In the past, variable rate tariffs tended to be cheaper, but this trend has changed. Today, the cheapest rates are offered on one-year fixes. Opting for it will save you money. This is because this type fixes the rate you pay for each unit of electricity, usually for a 12- to 18-month period.

The latest trend is to opt for two-year fixed deals. Whether it is one-year or two-year fixed deals, the idea is to avoid expensive variable standard tariffs. It needs to be noted that fixed deals are slightly more than the cheapest deals, if you are going in for long-term security. However, it certainly does not mean that you pay a fixed amount and be done away with it. It will still depend upon the amount of energy consumed, only the tariff per unit is somewhat reduced.


You need to be careful about some fixed deals that charge exit fees if you decide to leave early. Also, there is no guarantee that a fixed deal is the best long-term option, but if you want to give certainty over bills, this is the best choice.

3. Benefits of energy switching

Your local energy suppliers are the real beneficiary since they tend to charge more for electricity from people living in their vicinity. This is because they build a monopoly in the region and dictate the energy rates.

To break the stranglehold of your local energy supplier, you will do well to explore the possibility of moving away. This switching will certainly save you money. Of course, finding the cheapest supplier will primarily depend upon where you live. A little search will not only help you find cheap suppliers but also help you in comparing prices to find the best price.

If you are scared that switching from your current energy supplier will attract a penalty, if you decide to leave before the term expires, it will still be worth it. So, accept the penalty and you will still end up saving big. Check out Simply Switch for some current deals.

4. Cutting your energy bills

If you are still in two minds regarding switching to a smaller energy supplier, you can still limit your energy bill in the following ways:

  • Ask for return of credited money: If you are paying a set amount by direct debit pay each month for gas and electricity, it will be a good idea to ask for a return of money during summer and spring. You may get it back with interest.
  • Save energy: Change the way you use your gas and electricity. This will reduce usage and save money.
  • Pay online: This could cut more than £10 off your annual bills.


Switching energy supplier is a big decision. However, if your current supplier is offering cheaper tariff than what you are currently using, it is wise to switch to it, rather than opt for a new energy supplier. You still end up saving money.

Why You Should Work Towards an Energy-Efficient Home?

An energy-efficient home is something we should all work towards. It will save you money, decrease your carbon footprint, and make your home and lifestyle more environmentally friendly. Most of us think that achieving an energy-efficient home is difficult, expensive, and time-consuming, but it doesn’t have to be. There are so many little things we can do to decrease the amount of energy we waste and to reduce the amount of money we spend on running our homes. Today, we will be taking a look at what you can do to improve the energy efficiency of your home and why this will benefit you in the long run.

Upgrade Appliances

If your home appliances are old, chances are they are not very energy efficient and will be costing you more than they should to run. When you purchase any new appliance, you should look for one that comes with a stamp of approval, also known as an ‘Energy Star’ rating. This means the new appliance is classed as energy-efficient, which means you will save money on energy bills in the future.

Check Boiler Efficiency

In most UK households, the cost of running a boiler will be more than all of the other home appliances combined. To ensure that you aren’t spending too much on your boiler, you should assess its efficiency levels. There are simple tools you can use to do this. If you are spending too much, replacing a boiler is an option, but it’s expensive. Instead, you can look into cheaper ways of improving its efficiency. It is also important to get your boiler serviced annually in order to get the most out of your boiler without compromising on its efficiency.

Install Insulation

Energy that should be heating your home will be lost through your windows and doors when your home is poorly insulated. If your home is properly insulated, you will pay less to heat your home because the building will retain the heat more efficiently. It doesn’t cost too much to do and the money you spend on it will be made back over a couple of years through reduced energy costs.

Switch Energy Supplier

Some energy suppliers are greener than others, and many of the more sustainable ones also offer surprisingly cheap tariffs. By using an energy comparison website you should be able to find a new supplier that can improve your household’s carbon footprint while also lowering your household bills.

Use Renewables

Renewable energy comes from a resource that is naturally replaced on a human timescale. This includes wind, sunlight, waves, tides, rain, and geothermal heat. Using renewable energy is a great way to help the environment and to save money on energy bills. It can be expensive to install, but it comes with many benefits for you, your home, and the environment.

As you can see, the main reason many of us should choose to have a more energy-efficient home is to save us money, but it helps the environment too. We are all aware of the changes taking place in our environment, so protecting it and saving money while doing so is an offer we shouldn’t refuse.

Things to Consider When Choosing an Energy Supplier

When taking global warming into consideration, providing affordable and sustainable energy is a step towards a better future; however, the idea of spending energy differs from person to person. It is important to find an energy supplier that can meet an individual’s energy requirements.

Creating a strategic partnership with the right supplier can also help you deal with costs and improve the efficiency of your energy supply. Here are a few things you should consider beyond price while choosing an energy supplier.

what to consider when choosing an energy supplier

Sustainability options

A credible energy company will help you boost efficiency and choose the best energy supply alternatives. This can vary from Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) to in-house generation and tailor-sourced renewable energy.

Choose a supplier like Origin Electricity/Origin Energy. Origin Energy has the expertise to seamlessly integrate renewable sources into your existing energy portfolio. Origin Energy can also assist you in achieving a sustainability certification. Often, these brands are committed to lowering (if not eliminating) the negative impact energy production has on the environment. Depending on the supplier, you can source between 25% to 100% of your electricity usage from renewable sources.


Nobody likes to read through lengthy contracts, but we also want to have the terms of the contract explicitly mentioned. Whenever you choose an energy supplier, ask them to mention all the essential points and keep the paperwork minimal. Make sure the provider explains how demand and supply components will impact your energy bills.

The best energy supplier will compare the cost imputation of pass-through elements and find the best fit for you. The best supplier will allow you to choose between a fixed rate, a market-based rate, or a calculated mixture of both. Some suppliers will also allow you to buy electricity monthly. Knowing the contract terms will enable you to understand the variable components of energy prices.


A customer must know if the provider they are choosing is financially stable, reliable, and credible. A financially sound supplier ensures that they will be there to supply you with energy, even during the ups and downs of the market.

The price will vary, it is inevitable, but the energy supply should not be ceased. A credible supplier must have business longevity, a reputation, a credit rating, and good customer reviews.

Customer service

Look for an energy provider that provides reliable customer service and replies promptly to queries. Make sure that the company offers excellent post-sale customer service. A proficient supplier will help you know about fluctuations in energy supply, prices, and deals (which happens quite frequently). Choose an energy company that proactively suggests savings opportunities and programmes related to energy effectiveness.

Licensed supplier

First identify what energy (solar, renewable, electric, or natural gas) your home will require. Afterwards, you must look for a supplier that offers those energy sources within your region. Try to figure out if the price includes taxes such as a state sales tax, fees, or charges. All the crucial facts must be available readily and transparently. Check if the company has a licence to serve your locality. If the company is licensed, then the licence number should be easy to find in your state utility committee.

Ways to Make Your Business More Eco-Friendly

Industry suppliers

If selecting an energy provider for business purposes, your energy company should understand your business needs based on its size and industry. The energy provider should have experience assisting businesses like yours to succeed.

A total electricity management technique incorporates several energy resolutions with guidance from energy experts to create a personalised strategy that helps customers take advantage of both demand and supply-side elements.

Final Thoughts

While choosing the best energy supplier for your home or business, look for these factors listed above. Find a well-rounded company that prioritises your requirements and helps streamline energy success.