6 Tips to Save Money On Your Electricity Bill

Utilizing energy more efficiently not only saves you money on your electricity bill, but also helps meet the ever-growing energy demand. High energy efficiency reduces greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants and water usage. It also stabilizes electricity volatility and prices. Here’s how you can save big on your electricity bill.

tips to reduce electricity bill

1. Switch your provider

Switching your energy supplier can help you cut your electricity bills significantly. Shop around to find the cheapest rates for your business and home to save money each month. You can use a price comparison site to find the fairest offers in the market. You may also shift to retail energy providers such as Energy Texas for affordable green energy options. Consider managing your electricity bills online because sending paper bills may attract additional costs.

2. Conduct an energy audit

An energy audit gives you a clear picture of your home’s energy usage, safety, and comfort. It helps you determine how much energy you’re using, what part of your home is inefficient, and what you can improve. It helps know the changes and improvements you can make to become more energy-efficient, so consider conducting your energy audit before finding ways to reduce energy usage to identify cost-saving opportunities.

3. Use programmable thermostats

A programmable thermostat allows you to control your home’s temperature regardless of your location, helping you save money on your heating and cooling costs. Your thermostat settings will differ depending on seasons, local climate, and your home’s condition. With a programmable thermostat, you can use a pre-set schedule to regulate the times your heating and cooling system turns on.

eco friendly business practices

Don’t set your thermostat at settings colder than usual when turning your AC to unnecessary energy expenses. Place your thermostat far from windows, doors, direct sunlight, kitchen, drafts, and hallways to prevent it from changing the temperature unnecessarily.

4. Insulate your roof

If your home is adequately insulated, less warm air will escape during the winter and summer, reducing the amount of heating and cooling energy. Insulation reduces heat exchange through walls, attic, roof, and ducts. Well insulated walls, ceilings, and floors require less energy to heat and cool your home. Seal and insulate your ducts to heat and cool your home. Warm or cool air can escape through gaps and cracks, so consider weather stripping and caulking to prevent air leaks, saving energy.

5. Be careful with lighting

While switching off your lights when not in use can save energy, changing your lighting can yield more energy savings. Consider replacing your bulbs with energy-efficient light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) to make your home more energy-efficient. Place lamps in corners and use daylighting techniques and automatic dimmers for improved energy efficiency. You can also use task lighting, including reading lamps, bedside and desk lights, to meet specific needs.

Reasons to Convert to LED Lighting

6. Use energy-efficient appliances

Using energy-efficient appliances reduces home energy bills, saving you money. When shopping for energy-efficient appliances, consider available space to ensure ventilation clearance. Look for the Energy Star logo to ensure your appliances are energy-efficient. Consider replacing your clothes dryers, refrigerators, dishwashers, and other appliances in your home with Energy Star labels to save electricity.


If not controlled, your monthly energy costs can be very high. Use these tips to save big on your electricity bill.

How to Cool Your Home in an Environmentally Friendly Way

When warmer weather hits, you will want to turn on your air conditioning system and enjoy cooler temperatures inside your home as a way to escape the heat outside. In many places, warm weather starts earlier and lasts longer than it did a decade ago, which means a higher cooling bill and more negative environmental effects.

It’s no secret that our heating and cooling systems are not as efficient as they should be, and many of them are harmful for the environment, especially when used continuously during the summer months. If you want to cut your power bill and do your part to conserve energy, then here are a few tips to help you out. Just making these changes can have a big impact.

Energy Efficiency Guide For Homeowners

Use a Smart Thermostat

The modern thermostat can be an energy saving tool that only cools your home when people are present. If you don’t have a programmable thermostat already, it may be time to upgrade. You can set your thermostat to detect when there is no one home and turn itself off. It can also be programmed to modify the level of humidity in the home.

If your thermostat is doing all of that for you, then you won’t have to constantly adjust it yourself, and you can let it save energy on its own without you having to put much thought into it.

Switch Out Air Filters When Needed

If you want to cut back your energy usage, one of the simplest and most effective ways to do that is to change out air filters when they are dirty. Your HVAC air filter ought to be changed out when it has lots of dust and dirt in it, otherwise your system will have to work much harder to make your home cool. The HVAC system will be struggling to maintain the temperature you set for inside your home if the filter is in need of changing, and that expends a lot of unnecessary energy.

If you haven’t been changing your air filters regularly, then you should start doing that. This is something that is simple enough to do on your own, and air filters make a big difference in air quality and purity as well as how cold the temperature is. Clean air filters cut down on pollution inside your home, making it easier to sleep well and feel well. Dirty air filters produce a lot of dust and allergens that will irritate your sinuses and make you feel like you are suffering from a cold or an allergy attack. Change out those filters for your health and for the environment.

clogged filter of AC

Have Your HVAC System Serviced

A dirty air filter makes your system struggle, and an HVAC system in need of cleaning or servicing is going to struggle as well. You can cut your energy consumption by having the system regularly serviced. When the ducts clog up and the condensers start to leak, you might not notice these things. They happen gradually and cause your system to work harder to produce the same cool temperatures. These problems drain the HVAC system’s energy and cost you a lot of money over time.

When you have your system serviced regularly, you can catch these problems in their early stages and prevent unnecessary energy usage. A clean, well maintained HVAC system will run more efficiently, produce cool air easily and quickly, and preserve the environment just a little bit more.

If you want to change your filters out less often and service your system less frequently, then you should keep a clean home. Hire independent maids to clean your home often so that there is little dirt and debris to go into the filter and clog up the cooling system.

Use Your Cooling System Sparingly

You don’t always have to turn on the air conditioner when your home feels warm. There are other ways to cool the house down without using the higher energy HVAC system. You can simply open up some of the doors and windows. This will let warm air out and allow cooler air in. The air in your home can get stuffy and heat up in the summertime, and just airing the place out every now and then will save you a bundle on your energy bill and still allow you to feel comfortable.

You can also use ceiling fans and box fans to circulate cool air and keep the house from feeling too hot and stuffy. If you don’t have ceiling fans installed in the most used rooms of the house, then you may want to consider doing that. The initial cost can be high, but you will save money with these over a period of time. They do a good job of moderating the temperature for you and saving you from having to use the AC system as often.


Ensure Your Home is Well Insulated

We often think of insulation as something that keeps the house warm in the winter, but it also seals up cracks and prevents air from escaping or entering. If you use your HVAC system to cool the house down, you don’t want to lose all of that cool air as it is produced. A well-insulated house will trap the cool air inside so that you don’t need to continuously run the AC system.

If it has been a while since you checked your insulation or you simply don’t know what the insulation situation is, then have your home insulation inspected. If you are not able to do this yourself, then call for an insulation expert to help. See if your home has enough insulation, if that insulation is in good condition, and if all cracks and holes are sealed properly.

These tips will help you to conserve energy, and most of them are simple changes you can make that don’t cost a lot of money. If you are looking for ways to protect the environment and cut your energy usage without having to make a lot of sacrifices, then try these methods.

Wonderful Tips to Avoid Heat Loss from Your Home

Heat loss is a big problem to homeowners. It comes with various issues including a skyrocketing energy bill. Most of the heat is lost through the windows and doors. Luckily, there are some ideas that can help you improve insulation and lessen loss of heat. When choosing fixtures, timber doors and windows are a wonderful option for their amazing insulating properties. Additionally, here are 5 tips to avoid heat loss from your home.

Install curtains

Thick close fitting curtains and blinds will keep warm air inside your home. The curtains and blinds hit the colder window class and cools it down plus lessening draught. Consider installing a pelmet above your curtain rail to enhance thermal insulation more.

Blinds offer tremendous versatility and boost insulation in your home. These leave a smaller gap between slats where less heat escapes from. you can open the curtain and blinds to let the sun enter and close them in the night to lessen heat loss. Installing curtains is a wonderful idea to enhance the security of your home. These windows have hook shaped locks embedded in the window frame leaving them untouchable.

Choose an appropriate glass type

There are various kinds of glass offering different thermal efficiency. Luckily, modern double glazed windows have low emissivity coating. This means they can reflect heat back into your home. Therefore, they are a wonderful option because they offer better thermal insulation compared to plain glass with no coating.

Opt for double glazed windows

You should consider double glazed timber windows and doors in Melbourne to prevent heat loss. Single glazed options lose about 20 percent of the heat in your home. double glazed options have a gap between the panes of glass full of gas such as argon, xenon, and krypton, which is a poor conductor of heat. This helps to lessen chances of heat loss. A reliable company should offer slimmer glazing units for a contemporary and elegant appeal.

Use warm edge spacer bars

A perimeter spacer bar sits between 2 panes of glass holding them apart in double glazing. Spacer bars have desiccant for absorbing moisture that might be in the unit. It is made of aluminium for its high conductivity and ability to lose heat fast.

Warm space bars made of pre desiccated structural foam help enhance the temperature in the internal edge of glass by up to 65 percent. This is better than the use of aluminium spacers. Additionally, warm spacer bars reduce noise by about 10 percent to keep your home quieter and warmer.

Consider draught proofing

These windows allow the breeze to move at acute angles along your house. Therefore, with curtains windows, you will catch side breezes inside your house.It is a wonderful idea to consider modern windows and door but you have to realise that there is a chance of your home getting draughty with time. Consider installing draught proofing to enjoy more energy efficiency, sound proofing, and no chance of draught in your interior.

Mind your style

Choosing the right colour for curtains windows is a personal decision. Therefore, always ensure to choose a colour that effortlessly reflects your style. Luckily, wooden windows offer a wide range of colour options. It is very important to consider the design you are seeking to achieve. Crisp white is a wonderful option if you want a simple but timeless appeal on your home

Final thought

There are various consideration when choosing the best windows for your home. Keeping your home well insulated is a wonderful option. It comes with a variety of benefits including enhancing the appeal of your home, lowering energy bills, increasing comfort in your interior, and making your home more attractive to prospective buyers. A wonderful trick is to opt for double glazed timber windows that help lessen heat loss.

The Concept of Passive House: An Interview with Toyin-Ann Yerifor

Green building concepts have come a long way. As architects, designers, and builders gain access to better tools that help push the limits of construction energy efficiency; we see longer strides made towards more mainstream adoption of green building standards. One such standard that is coming of age is passive houses. The concept of passive houses was first mooted in the early eighties when the idea of green homes was still in its infancy. Today, the concept is well entrenched with over 25,000 houses and buildings across the world qualifying as passive houses.

We recently caught up with Toyin-Ann Yerifor, an architectural consultant focused on exploring new and innovative ways to design with reduced impact on the environment to explain what passive houses are and their benefits. She holds an MSc in Architecture (AEES) from the University of East London, an MBA from the University of Northampton and an MSc in Computer Science and Engineering from the Université Grenoble Alpes.

What is a Passive House?

First, what is a passive house? Toyin-Ann explains: A passive house is any building that adheres to rigorous energy efficiency standards. The term passive comes from the fact that the building’s energy efficiency comes from its passive structures, which include the roof, walls, windows, doors, and floor. By radically improving the building’s insulation and energy conservation features, it is possible to reduce its heating requirements by up to ninety percent. As such, passive housing as a standard is focused on helping reduce the energy requirements of buildings through insulation, and by extension, their overall energy footprint.

When you reduce a building’s energy footprint, says Toyin-Ann, several benefits accrue, including environmental, health, and cost efficiency benefits.

Environmental Benefits of Passive Houses

According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), “energy efficiency is the first fuel of a sustainable global energy system. It can mitigate climate change, improve energy security, and grow economies while delivering environmental and social benefits.” Passive houses deliver on this mandate superbly, says Toyin-Ann Yerifor.

One of the biggest challenges traditional buildings face is energy loss. When a building easily loses energy in the form of heat, it takes burning more fuel to heat the building. When this happens, overall energy consumption goes up, which is bad for the environment because a major portion of heat generation comes from burning fossil fuels. When buildings are radically energy efficient, on the other hand, less energy is required, and so fewer fossil fuels need to be burned.

While this is the macro view of the environmental benefits of passive houses, are there any micro benefits of investing in this technology? Here are two, says Toyin-Ann Yerifor. First, think of the air quality that comes with less energy consumption. In homes that rely on furnaces, doing away with the furnace improves the air quality in and around the home significantly.

Second, sound pollution is eliminated if you no longer need to use a furnace, HVAC units around the home, or any other heat generation and management devices. Essentially, says Toyin-Ann Yerifor, passive houses reduce the need to burden the environment. Through radical energy efficiency and self-sufficiency, passive house buildings become a part of the environment and not just an addition to it.

Health and Comfort Benefits

When most people hear about passive houses, they imagine living in a sealed paper bag. That thought can be quite disheartening because issues of quality of air, air adequacy, and comfort come to mind. Although the idea behind passive houses is energy efficiency through a tightly sealed envelope (building), this does not mean health and comfort are compromised. Take air quality, for instance. Most people consider opening a window the best way to guarantee air quality in a room. Now, passive houses rely on closed windows to ensure no heat escapes, which presents a dilemma. Passive houses address this dilemma well, says Toyin-Ann Yerifor.

Although you can open a window in a passive house, even if you do not, the heat recovery ventilation system ensures there is enough quality air circulating the house. Regarding comfort, passive houses maintain a comfortable temperature regulated by the passive heat sources in the house like appliances, body heat, and lighting. Also, they tend not to have cold spots or hot spots, which is often the case with traditionally heated homes. Through rigorous design standards afforded by tools such as the Passive House Planning Package, homes built on the passive house standard adhere to comfort standards as rigorous as the energy efficiency standards stipulated.

Cost Efficiency Benefits

Cost efficiency is at the heart of the passive house concept. When a building is exceptionally well insulated, it can use as little as 10 percent of its regular heating energy requirements. This, of course, also significantly reduces the costs associated with heating the building. So, how does the passive house concept achieve such a radical reduction in energy needs? The answer is insulation, says Toyin-Ann Yerifor. Passive houses rely on extensive insulation to gain this level of energy efficiency. Why is insulation so effective?

Traditional buildings lose a lot of heat through the roof, walls, floor, doors, and, most of all, windows. With a passive house, each of these structures is carefully designed and built to ensure close to zero loss of heat. When you look at the thermal scan of a passive house next to a traditional house, you’ll notice the passive house is almost entirely blue, meaning there’s close to no energy loss. The other building is close to all red, meaning it is losing a lot of energy. This level of energy conservation and efficiency is what leads to the massive energy savings that make passive houses so cost-efficient.

Passive houses are a concept that is yet to hit mainstream construction. However, this does not mean it is impractical to build passive houses. What it does point to is the need for better awareness of the concept. Toyin-Ann Yerifor recommends anyone interested in the concept to visit a passive house showcase home to experience its benefits firsthand. She says this is the only way to understand and internalize this breakthrough energy efficiency concept.

8 Eco-Friendly Solutions For Your Home Remodeling

Environmental awareness is spreading around the globe, and that is good. The more we know about what we can do to save the planet, the more we actually do. And, fortunately, it doesn’t take much – you can simply bring your reusable coffee cup to work, buy green vehicles, or use environmentally friendly solutions for your next home remodel.

If you want to know what they are, you should keep reading – we have prepared this article especially for you. Here, you will learn to buy reclaimed items, donate stuff you don’t use, re-face items instead of replacing them, insulate, use low or no VOC paints, and some more. Read on and make sure that you can make informed decisions when opting for eco-friendly home remodeling.

ecofriendly home remodeling

1. Buy Reclaimed Materials

This is probably the easiest thing you can do to help the environment while doing eco friendly home improvement. Reclaiming is the process of recycling materials that people would usually throw away. You might be surprised to learn that quite a large percentage of the things we discard can actually be recycled.

Reclaimed materials include products that have been used before, like bricks, wood, clay, concrete, stone, glass, etc. These items are usually in good condition, so you won’t need to spend a lot of time and money on restoring them. Moreover, buying reclaimed stuff is an investment in the future because you are contributing to saving the environment.

On the other hand, you can also reclaim and salvage some materials yourself. For example, if you are looking for a garage door repair in Tulsa or consider replacing it completely, do not rush to throw your old garage door away. Instead, you can think about repurposing it to use it for longer – like creating a DIY bench for your patio. Or, you can look for local charities nearby and donate the materials to them.

Many other items can also be reclaimed. Don’t forget about your cabinets, countertops, and flooring. These things can be donated to local charities as well or used in other homes where they are needed. It is also good to know that salvaging and reclaiming do not just benefit the environment but also save money for homeowners.

skip bins

2. Donate Stuff You Don’t Need

Another thing that you can do for the environment when remodeling is donating things that you don’t use anymore. This is an excellent way to put them into good use while making a difference at the same time. Donating items means that they will not end up in a landfill, meaning less pollution and reduced landfill bills for taxpayers.

If you donate something, you should make sure that it is in good condition so that someone else can actually use it. That is why many people tend to re-gift items instead of donating them. If you’re uncertain whether an item is good enough to be donated, think about how many times you have used it in the past few months and whether it still has a few more years left in it. If not, ask yourself whether someone else might be able to use it.


3. Re-Face Old Furniture

Do you want to replace your old furniture items, but you don’t have the budget for that? Consider re-facing them instead of replacing them. You will need to sand off the finish and then apply several layers of paint. Make sure that you use paint with low VOCs. It is essential to protect indoor air quality, so it is crucial to choose paints that do not emit toxic substances.

Re-facing furniture is a great way to save money and help the environment at the same time. It is incredibly easy and inexpensive, and the results can be amazing. Re-facing is often much cheaper than replacement because you don’t have to buy all the materials and hire a professional worker for installation – you just get some paint or other material and do it yourself! If you want your home to look great without breaking the bank, this is something you should consider.

4. Insulate Your Home Wall

Do you want to save energy? You can do it by insulating your home wall. In fact, insulation is one of the most effective ways to cut down your heating and cooling bills throughout the year and reduce energy use in general. Proper insulation will also help prevent condensation and mold, so it is definitely worth investing in this process.

If you want to get a proper insulation job done, you should hire a professional team of contractors that will install insulation in your attic as well as in your walls. This is a large job that requires pro attention, so make sure that you find a great team of specialists who will ensure quality work that will result in lower heating bills and lower energy consumption in general.


Before hiring insulation contractors, make sure that they use high-quality construction materials and are familiar with local building codes (if applicable). If you are not sure whether you need insulation or how much of it you should have, contact an experienced contractor who will inspect your house to determine what kind of insulation suits it best and whether insulating will be worth it in the long run.

5. Use Low or No VOC Paints

VOC stands for volatile organic compounds. They are found in paints, and most of them are toxic to people and animals. That is why it is crucial to check paints before using them – imagine how many toxins people inhale when painting their home walls.

ecofriendly home remodeling

Luckily, there are paints with low or no VOCs, so you should go for them. These products do not harm the environment, and you can be safe using them during your next home remodel. If you want to know whether a particular paint has low or high VOCs, ask for a VOC emission rate from the seller. Many stores are obliged to tell you how many VOCs you will inhale during the painting process.

6. Don’t Use Conventional Paints

Conventional paints are loaded with solvents that can irritate your skin and eyes. They can also cause respiratory problems, so you shouldn’t use them when painting your home walls or furniture pieces. The good news is that there are many eco-friendly paints out there that are non-toxic and environmentally friendly. These paints will not pose any danger to your health or the health of your family members – they are safe to use anywhere in your home.

7. Use Green Power

If you are going to use electricity, it is important to use green power – renewable energy. That means that you should consider investing in solar energy panels or wind turbines. It might be a bit pricey to buy these items, but it is definitely worth it. By using green power, you contribute to a greener future – which is our only hope if we want to have a planet to live on.


8. Use Low-Maintenance Materials

You can save money and protect the environment at the same time by choosing low-maintenance materials for your green home renovation. For instance, you can choose stone or brick as exterior surfaces – these materials are durable and will not have to be repainted or stained more often than once every 5-10 years. And because they don’t need much maintenance, they won’t emit VOCs into the air.

The key to environmentally friendly home remodeling is to stay away from toxic paints, materials, and products. By using low or no VOC paints, reclaimed wood, and other recycled items, you will not only save money, but you will also contribute to a better planet for your children and grandchildren.


When renovating your home, you can do it in an eco-friendly way. In fact, you will be doing something good for the environment when buying reclaimed materials, using low VOC paints, insulating your home well, and many other things.

You should definitely think about these eco-friendly home features the next time you are planning a new home improvement project. You will be able to save money and help the planet – which is a great thing!

Saving Money With Effective Heating and Air Conditioning

Did you know that heating and air conditioning systems can make up for half of your total energy bill? That’s a lot of money and a lot of energy use. If your heating and air aren’t working properly they can’t effectively use that energy and that costs you money and sends more greenhouse gases into the environment. Below we will list a few ways you can keep your energy bill low and your heating and air conditioning systems running smoothly and efficiently.

1. Limit Use

Use the seasons to your advantage and limit your use of heating and AC. Close your blinds in the summer to keep the sun from working against your air conditioning and open the curtains in the winter time to have the sun help your heating.

Consider if your thermostat has a feature that can be set on a timer so you can limit the use of your heating and air conditioner when no one is in the house or at night. These seem like simple things but they can reduce your costs significantly when done regularly.

2. Regular Maintenance

Don’t forget to do regular maintenance to ensure your HVAC system is working efficiently. Simple things like changing you air filters can make a huge impact on how well your heating and air conditioning runs. Have a professional come at least once a year to check for any problems you may miss and ensure everything is OK.


Your contractor should measure the voltage of your motors and tighten electrical connections. They should also check for drainage that may cause water damage to your home. These regular check ups also ensure your systems are running properly and safely.

Also Read: Why You Should Prep Your Heating System Right Now

3. Sealing Ducts and Leaks

Ducts are responsible for distributing the air around your home. However, about 20 percent of air is lost through leaks and poorly connected ducts. This means you’ll be pumping up the AC to no affect and losing money in the process.

Sealing leaks that are visible in the attack, crawl space, or basement of your home is as easy as buying a sealant or tape meant for insulating your ducts. Check for and seal any visible leaks or poor connections. If you prefer to stay away from dirty attics or crawl spaces a contractor can easily do this for you as well.

4. Insulation

Insulating your home can save you up to 10 percent on your annual energy bill and make your home comfortable all year long. The attic is an ideal place to add insulation to your home and when done correctly can save the most money and energy. Also consider your windows and doors.

Heating and cooling can easily escape through old doors and windows making your system inefficient. Have a contractor look at these places in your home and see if they can help insulate your home so it can run comfortably.


These are just a few examples of ways you can make your home more energy efficient thus saving your wallet and giving a little help to the environment. Find a contractor like Empire HVAC that can look at your home and determine the best route for your house. Different systems have different needs and a professional can tell you everything your house needs to keep you comfortable, regardless of weather  conditions.

Clever Ways to Improve Energy Efficiency in Domestic and Commercial Property

The world’s energy bill is expected to reach $48 trillion by 2035 for power supply, fossil fuel extraction, and investment in renewables and nuclear, among other elements. Unfortunately, the cost of increased expenses goes beyond denting household or business budgets: it also affects the environment, making it more polluted and contributing to global warming. Improving energy efficiency in home and business life is vital in order to eliminate waste, save money, and help rescue the planet. Here are a few clever ways to improve energy efficiency in the domestic and commercial property:

Insulation and Air Sealing

The structure of a home or a commercial property is one of the key determinants in energy efficiency. When designing a home or renovating a building, it’s important to pay attention to insulation and air sealing. Roof cladding is vital in order to conserve heat and keep the structure cool. Double or triple-glazed windows ensure that heat is retained indoors, and stops the cold from entering a room to make a structure energy-efficient.


When paired with energy efficient heating and cooling appliances, this can make a huge difference to the amount of energy used within the building. It’s also a good idea to customize your windows, and choose an efficient frame that is appropriate for your climate.

For doors, caulking and weather stripping safeguard your home and enhance energy efficiency. In some cases, it makes sense to replace a door to retain energy and keep away draughts. Properly installed and conceived skylights allow you to benefit from daylight and improve ventilation. New technologies already incorporate glazing technologies in skylights to reduce the impact of summertime heat gain and winter heat loss.

Coherent Heating, Cooling and Hot Water Systems Using Renewables

It’s also imperative to think of a coherent heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) and hot water systems. One way to do this is to select effective cooling and heating equipment. Opt for dehumidifying heat pipes to reduce indoor humidity and increase comfort. Along with other actions such as increasing the thermostat and using ceiling fans, you can reduce the power consumption of aircons by 20-50%, according to Energy.gov

air quality at the workplace


Consider using renewable energy systems to provide electricity and cool and heat homes. Solar photovoltaics (PVs) are forms of clean energy that can provide unlimited power. Investments can be recuperated within a short time. Solar power technology has evolved for the better in the last few decades, and the costs of installing panels have gone down. In addition, many governments offer incentives to switch to clean energy, making it a win-win situation.

Upgrade Appliances And Lighting Systems

Homes and buildings can also benefit from reduced electricity use by upgrading lighting systems. Switching to light emitting diode (LED) bulbs lowers power consumption by as much as 75%. In addition, they last 25 times longer than incandescent lighting, and offer better or higher illumination without increasing energy usage – useful for areas that require constant lighting such as corridors or offices.


Appliances also make a difference. Switch to energy-rated appliances, from washing machines and dishwashers to coffeemakers and copiers. When purchasing news appliances and gadgets, consider the cost of operating them. Think of smart appliances that can be connected to home or building energy management systems. These types of appliances not only shut down during peak electricity demand, but also shift energy use, smartly running when utility charges are lower, such as in the middle of the night.

Energy spending worldwide has been increasing, and will continue to do so in the future. Investing in energy efficiency will not only save money for both households and businesses, but will also help the environment and make people feel good about their commitment to the planet.

Eco-friendly Benefits of Fiberglass Insulation For Metal Buildings

Fiberglass insulation was first put on the market in 1938, and in all the years since, no alternative has really challenged its preeminent position as the most effective choice for insulation on both commercial and residential construction projects. Fiberglass insulation improves a structure’s energy efficiency, reduces heating and cooling costs, and makes occupants more comfortable. These are just a few of the advantages that make fiberglass insulation the insulator of choice, even in the latest eco-friendly projects. Below are  additional benefits of fiberglass insulation:

1. Moisture Resistance

Fiberglass insulation does not absorb or retain water according to www.cyclonebuildings.com who utilise it in some instances. It can still be contaminated or compromised by moisture; insulation that has gotten wet needs to be inspected and dried to ensure that it does not lose its insulating properties.

Wet insulation can be successfully re-installed and deliver its full R-value as intended by the manufacturer so long as installers confirm that the insulation and the area around it in the structure have not been compromised by water.

In order to provide full insulating value, fiberglass insulation requires a vapor barrier. When properly selected and installed, a vapor barrier catches condensation before it can penetrate the building envelope and reach the insulation. The vapor barrier’s perm rating must be appropriate to the structure and the local climate, and it must be sealed into place with a proper adhesive so that it does not leak.

2. Fire Resistance

Fiberglass insulation is inherently non-combustible because the materials from which it is made – sand and/or recycled glass – are non-combustible themselves. Fiberglass insulation does not need to be treated with chemicals to make it fire-resistant, and it does not become any more combustible as it ages.

In many areas, local building codes even allow the use of fiberglass insulation as an effective fire stop in wall assemblies made of wood or steel.

3. Sound Dampening

Fiberglass insulation absorbs sound, and this means it reduces sound transmission through walls, ceilings, floors, and HVAC ducts where it is used. As a general rule of thumb, one inch of fiberglass insulation increases the sound transmission class, or STC, of a building assembly by three or even four points. Additional inches of fiberglass insulation each add two more points to the STC rating.

4. Use Of Recycled Materials

The manufacture of fiberglass insulation has come to rely on incorporating a significant amount of recycled material. Between 1992 and 2000, insulation manufacturers used over 8 billion pounds (3.6 billion kg) of recycled glass from pre and post-consumer sources. Using this material productively saved millions of cubic feet in landfill space.

The total amount of recycled material used in fiberglass insulation varies from brand to brand and product to product, but some products are made with as much as 80 percent recycled glass. Fiberglass insulation also requires the use of silica sand, which is an abundant and naturally-renewing resource.

Bottom Line

Fiberglass insulation remains a highly competitive and attractive insulation option, even when considered according to environmentally-friendly “green” priorities. In the decades it has been used, it has proven time and again to be a reliable and effective material.

How to Navigate Electricity Usage During the Colder Months

As the colder months approach, many people find that their electricity usage increases significantly. This may lead to higher energy bills and a greater strain on the power grid. However, you can take several steps to manage your electricity usage during the colder months to keep your bills under control and help conserve energy. This includes finding out how to save on business electricity.

For example, you can research ways to find cheaper electricity rates to ensure that your electricity bill doesn’t get too high during these colder months.

Conserving Energy During Colder Months

The Basics of Conserving Energy During the Colder Months

Conserving energy during the colder months is crucial to our environmental responsibility. It pays to reduce our carbon footprint and save money on our energy bills. Different strategies for conserving energy can be implemented, such as using insulation and weather-stripping, taking advantage of natural light, and investing in energy-efficient appliances.

1. Insulate Your Home for Maximum Efficiency

Insulating your home is an effective way to help reduce energy costs and improve the comfort of your living space. It can also help protect against extreme temperatures and reduce noise levels. With the right insulation, you can ensure that your home is as efficient as possible while still providing a comfortable environment for you and your family.

2. Optimize Your Home’s Energy Efficiency and Reduce Your Electricity Bill

Are you looking to reduce your electricity bill and optimise the efficiency of your appliances? You can do this by following a few simple steps.

One of these is to take the time needed to make sure that your appliances are running efficiently. This way, you’ll save money on your energy bills and help reduce your carbon footprint.

The most effective way to reduce your electricity usage during the colder months is to properly insulate your home. This can include adding weather stripping to doors and windows and insulation to your attic and walls. By properly insulating your home, you can significantly reduce the amount of heat lost through drafts and gaps, which will help keep your home warmer and reduce your need for heating.


Another important step that you can take to manage your electricity usage during the colder months is to invest in energy-efficient appliances and light bulbs. Energy-efficient appliances use less energy to operate, which can help reduce your overall energy usage and lower your bills. Additionally, energy-efficient light bulbs use significantly less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs. They can last up to 10 times longer, saving you money on your energy bills and lighting costs.

You can also reduce your electricity usage by being mindful of how you use your heating and cooling systems. For example, you can lower your heating bill and set your thermostat to a lower temperature when you are away from home or when you are sleeping. Additionally, you can use a programmable thermostat to automatically adjust the temperature in your home based on the time of day and your schedule. This can help you conserve energy and reduce your bills.

Another way to manage your electricity usage during the colder months is by using alternative heating sources. For example, you can use a wood-burning stove or a fireplace to supplement your heating system, which can help reduce your reliance on electricity. Additionally, you can use a space heater to heat a small area of your home rather than heating the entire house.

Finally, you can also reduce your electricity usage by being mindful of your overall energy consumption. This can include turning off lights and appliances when you are not using them, unplugging chargers and other devices when they are not in use, and using power strips to reduce standby power consumption.

Lessons Learned

We’ve discovered that it can be very challenging to keep energy bills low while still keeping your home comfortable. Fortunately, there are several strategies that you can use to limit your electric use and save money on your energy bills.

Smartly implementing these strategies can reduce your electricity usage while keeping your home warm and cosy during the winter months. From using smart thermostats to investing in energy-efficient appliances

Being mindful of your overall energy consumption can reduce your energy usage and lower your bills. By doing what is suggested, you can help save energy and make sure you use electricity in a responsible way that won’t hurt the environment.

Top 5 Environmentally Friendly Construction Materials

Whether you are a custom home builder, or you are designing your own custom home, it’s worth your while to know about eco-friendly construction materials. Eco-friendly construction materials are becoming increasingly more important as more and more people are realizing the importance of creating a more sustainable world.

Eco-friendly construction materials are a great way to minimize the negative environmental impact that building a home may have. Additionally, homes that are constructed with sustainable building materials are increasing in popularity because of the vast amount of benefits that they have to offer.

An expert from a custom home builder in New Jersey pointed out, “There are a variety of benefits of using sustainable materials when building a home; the most notable is that green materials ultimately save the homeowner money down the line; in addition to the amount of waste that they [green materials] eliminate.”

Sustainable construction materials save homeowners money because they typically keep a house more insulated; cutting down on the use of heating and air conditioning systems, therefore using less electricity, gas, and oil. Below are some environmentally friendly construction materials to consider including in a custom home design.

Top Eco-Friendly Construction Materials

Eco-friendly construction materials should not only be sustainable, but they should also not cause any negative effects on the environment. Typical construction materials are detrimental to the environment because of the harsh chemicals they produce; directly causing air pollution. Or, they are detrimental because they use resources that are limited. Here are some safe alternatives to typical construction materials:

1. Hemp Concrete

Hemp concrete is a biocomposite material which is made up of hemp and a lime-based binder. Hemp concrete is a great alternative to regular concrete because it’s biodegradable and more sustainable.

Not only does hemp concrete act as an insulator and moisture regulator, but it is also extremely durable and will last just as long as regular concrete. Hemp concrete is a great sustainable material to include in your custom home design and will keep both cool and warm air, reducing the need to run heating and cooling systems, therefore also conserving energy.

2. Sheep’s Wool

Sheep’s wool is a great construction material because it can be regrown quickly and the sheep are not harmed in the process. Sheep’s wool can be used for its insulating benefits in ceilings, attics, and walls. In fact, sheep’s wool is a great insulator for both thermal and acoustic insulation purposes.

Though sheep’s wool is slightly more expensive than other insulation options, the longevity of this insulator is much longer and will reduce electricity bills significantly by keeping cool and warm air in.

3. Recycled Steel

Rather than using new steel during construction-which uses natural resources during production – consider using recycled steel. Recycled steel will produce less amount of waste in the environment, and will prevent the use of resources that are necessary to create steel.

Steel is relevant in the construction process, especially for beams that will hold up the house, therefore it’s practical to choose steel that is kind to the environment.

4. Bamboo

Bamboo is an eco-friendly building material that can be used for a number of different things. Some of the main benefits that bamboo has to offer include:

  • A durable surface
  • Strength to support other materials upon construction
  • It grows quickly, so is a very sustainable option

Bamboo can be used for both flooring and walls of a home and has a long lifespan, meaning, walls and floors that are designed with bamboo will not have to be replaced often, creating less waste in the environment.

5. Cork

Similar to bamboo, cork is a fast-growing material and is harvested from a living tree, so no trees need to be cut down in order to produce this material. Cork is most commonly used for flooring because of its resilience and durability. However, cork is another insulation option too because it is impermeable, meaning water will not make its way into it; it’s also soundproof.

Cork, if left uncoated, is naturally fire-resistant so it will not produce toxins if it is burned after replacing it with new cork later down the road.

Make Environmentally Informed Choices in Your Home

If you are a home builder or if you are simply a homeowner that wants to assist in the building process, it’s’ important to know how to make environmentally informed choices when it comes to custom home building. These eco-friendly building materials will not only benefit the environment, but they will also positively impact the homeowner. Keep these sustainable and green building materials in mind as you begin your custom home design.