Why Has Armenia Invited Crypto Mining and Installation of Coin Minting Hardware

The Armenian government authorized leasing an old space heating facility during a meeting on January 19. Since it generates expensive electricity power, the authorities have considered the equipment just at Hrazdan thermoelectric power project obsolete and ineffective. Hrazdan is one of Armenia’s most important sources of energy plants. The administration has decided that the ancient radiative heat facility would be shut down eventually. The TPP will be swiftly deactivated, and the national administration believes in leasing it to profitable business operations. Known as the bitcoin-profitapp.com, today’s world might have specific objections owing to the mining of crypto assets because it has a particularly harmful effect on the atmosphere and environment.

crypto mining in Armenia

The Hrazdan heating facility’s buildings may be leased to other enterprises, including equipment comprising power lines, electric and sewer connections. In this sense, the administration would encourage miners to install unique fiat currency technology inside the decommissioned thermal system. The mining has also praised the decision to build data centers on the country’s old steam-generating station.

Reasons behind Armenia inviting crypto miners

Crypto mining refers to the process of adding new bitcoins into circulation. It is a process of giving the nod to recent transactions and settlements to maintain and develop the ledger of a new distribution chain. However expensive and detailed the procedure of crypto mining may be, it is highly lucrative due to the constant creation of new rewards, which is why so many digital currency investors are drawn to it nowadays.

In recent trends, bitcoin mining has been banned across various countries because of its detrimental effects on the economy. It also severely impacts good governance and public goodwill, which is why it is increasingly being touted as illegal. Constant crypto mining creates a vicious chain of overall increased prices. This is why it is negatively impacting countries’ economies where crypto mining is rampant.

bitcoin servers

Recently, Armenia was dragged into controversy since it invited crypto-mining and coin installation hardware. Here are some key takeaways from this issue:

  1. In Armenia, an old thermal power plant was shut down in January 2022. Instead, it was converted into a hosted zone for digital mining currency, i.e., bitcoin. Crypto mining was legalized in 2018, so it was easy to set up this economic zone.
  2. The infrastructures involved in the mining business will have complete access to sources of electrical energy
  3. Hrazdan Thermal Energy Plant is the name given to the plant where crypto mining will take place. It is said that the electricity generated in the crypto mining in Armenia will be more expensive than the one it uses.
  4. The Thermal Energy Plant is likely to be decentralized, and the Central Government may try to disinvest it to crypto mining businesses and lucrative industrial houses.
  5. The Thermal Energy Plant will also host certain knowledge facilities.
  6. There are multiple reasons why Armenia deemed it fit to invite crypto mining. Even though it may be harmful to the economy, bitcoin mining may be profitable to the individuals undertaking it, provided it is done correctly.
  7. Also, digital currency is now becoming part and parcel of modern economies. To catch up with the pace of these economies, Armenia may have invited crypto mining and set up coin-installation hardware to ensure smooth creation and circulation of the digital currency. This will also actively encourage individuals to invest in cryptocurrency and gain from the transaction.
  8. Cryptocurrency also contributes to industry growth in multiple ways. A country like Armenia must actively invest its resources in building all possible industrial bases, and crypto mining is an excellent way to start.

The final takeaway

Reading the article above, you might have got acquainted with one thing. Armenia has allowed crypto miners to mine and process the procedure for the number of reasons listed above. Whatever the points to consider might have paved the way towards the mining at Armenia, one thing to focus on is crypto mining poses several disadvantages to the environment.

How Does the Process of Bitcoin Mining Work?

Unlike traditional currencies, bitcoins are not printed; instead, bitcoins are mined. If you think that bitcoins are mined by using shovels and other equipment, just like the gold are mined from gold mines, you are mistaken.

Bitcoin is not a physical currency. Thus, the process of getting bitcoins is not the same as the process of getting traditional currencies.


Why is the process called bitcoin mining?

Well, just like the gold occurs in gold mines, bitcoins occur in protocol design. As per the bitcoin protocol, only 21 million bitcoins can be mined. By the process of bitcoin mining, miners will bring these 21 million bitcoins to light. Once all of 21 million bitcoins are mined thoroughly, there won’t be any bitcoins left to be mined. Miners involved in the bitcoin mining process get transaction fees for creating blocks and validating different bitcoin transactions.

How does bitcoin mining work?

The working of bitcoin mining is pretty simple and straightforward. To understand how mining works, you have to know about nodes. A node is a powerful computer that runs the software, which helps validate the bitcoin transactions and blocks. The bitcoin network works in a decentralized form, and thus the nodes are collectively responsible for validating bitcoin transactions.

Anyone can quickly run a node. All you need to do is download the bitcoin software. The most significant advantage with the node is that it consumes lots of energy, and it needs lots of storage space; thus, a standard computer with limited storage won’t be able to mine bitcoins. The bitcoin network writes hundreds of gigabytes of data. The nodes are used to properly spread bitcoin transactions across the network. One node helps in sending information to a few nodes that it already knows about. Then the other nodes relay information to a few others, and in this way, the bitcoin network functions. You can visit Like this website to get details about how nodes functions.

Among all these types of nodes, some nodes are called mining nodes, and they are usually called miners. These nodes help collaborate different transactions into chunks or blocks, and then, these are added to the bitcoin network. Blockchain technology is the idea behind these fantastic tasks performed by nodes.

The addition of these bitcoins into blocks and networks is like solving a puzzle. When data is combined in the blocks, it has to pass through a hash function. The hash function makes it quite challenging to know what output it will get. Thus, the miners have to guess the mystery number, and they apply the hash function to the combination of the guessed number and the data stored in the block. The hash mostly begins with a certain number of zeroes. There are almost negligible chances of people knowing which number will work. This is because two consecutive numbers used can give a varied range of results. Thus, the miners keep on trying with different block configurations.


The calculations are pretty tricky as the miners don’t have any idea or information about how many zeroes are needed at the time of creating hash strings. Thus, it takes at least 10 minutes on an average to process the block.

Ten minutes is needed to process blocks as this is the amount of time required that bitcoin developers think that it will be required to get a steady and diminishing flow of new coins till the time goal of 21 million is reached. As per a few research, the purpose of 21 million will be reached sometime around 2041.

Numerous miners are involved in this task, and the first miner who gets the result announces his/her victory to the rest of the network. Then, all other miners stop working on that block, and they start figuring out the mystery of the next block. As a reward for getting the victory, the miner gets some new bitcoins as rewards.

At present, the reward for getting a victory is 6.25 bitcoins per block. This means it is almost worth $60,000 in June 2020.

Hundreds of miners work day and night to get the reward. The more and better calculation you can perform, the more victory you will get. We hope this article will help you in understanding the functioning of bitcoins.

Green Hosting Solutions For Bitcoin Mining

The popularity of Bitcoin mining has surged in recent years as more individuals see it as a lucrative opportunity to make money with cryptocurrencies. However, the conventional method of Bitcoin mining is detrimental to the environment as it contributes to the emission of greenhouse gases, which exacerbates the issue of global warming. As an expert in the field of cryptocurrency, I understand the importance of seeking sustainable options for bitcoin mining server hosting to minimize its environmental impact.

green hosting solutions for bitcoin mining

This article will delve into the necessity for eco-friendly hosting solutions for Bitcoin mining and enumerate the advantages and various types of sustainable hosting alternatives that are currently available. The adoption of green hosting solutions will enable us to promote a more environmentally conscious approach to Bitcoin mining, while still capitalizing on the benefits of this emerging technology.

Traditional Bitcoin Mining and Its Environmental Impact

The procedure of Bitcoin mining entails the validation and inclusion of transactions in the blockchain ledger by resolving intricate mathematical equations. The conventional method of Bitcoin mining is notorious for its high energy consumption, which has a considerable impact on the environment. It is estimated that Bitcoin mining consumes energy equivalent to that of a small nation, and the environmental impact of conventional mining practices is significant.

The conventional approach to Bitcoin mining is heavily reliant on non-renewable sources of energy, primarily fossil fuels, which emit greenhouse gases and contribute to the issue of global warming. Therefore, it is imperative to find sustainable and environmentally friendly hosting solutions for Bitcoin mining servers to mitigate the impact of this process on the environment.

Green Hosting Solutions for Bitcoin Mining

As the world becomes more aware of the environmental impact of traditional bitcoin mining practices, the demand for eco-friendly hosting solutions for bitcoin mining servers is growing. Green hosting services aim to reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainable practices by using renewable energy sources.

Green hosting solutions for bitcoin mining offer numerous benefits, including lower energy costs, improved efficiency, and a smaller carbon footprint. These solutions include renewable energy-powered servers, low carbon footprint hosting providers, and carbon offsetting hosting services.

Renewable energy-powered servers use clean energy sources like solar or wind power to operate their servers. Low carbon footprint hosting providers prioritize energy-efficient hardware and strive to minimize carbon emissions. Carbon offsetting hosting services focus on offsetting the carbon emissions associated with bitcoin mining through activities like planting trees or investing in renewable energy projects.

Adopting sustainable hosting solutions can significantly reduce the environmental impact of bitcoin mining, and it’s a step towards creating a more sustainable future.

crypto mining in Armenia

Case Studies: Green Hosting Solutions for Bitcoin Mining

Numerous companies have realized the significance of eco-friendly and sustainable hosting solutions for bitcoin mining servers and have started providing green hosting options.

One such company is Minery.io, which uses hydropower, a renewable energy source, to power its mining operations.

BitRiver, another company, provides colocation services powered by hydroelectricity and has plans to expand to other renewable energy sources.

Giga Watt offers carbon offsetting hosting services, which helps to counterbalance the carbon emissions associated with bitcoin mining by investing in renewable energy projects.

These companies have demonstrated the possibility of green hosting solutions for bitcoin mining and the favorable environmental impact that can be achieved. By adopting green hosting solutions, bitcoin miners can lower their carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable and eco-friendly future.

Future of Green Hosting Solutions for Bitcoin Mining

The call for sustainable and eco-friendly hosting solutions for bitcoin mining is on the rise, indicating that green hosting is poised to play a significant role in shaping the industry’s future. With an increasing number of individuals and companies recognizing the environmental impact of conventional bitcoin mining practices, the need for green hosting solutions is expected to grow.

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Innovations in renewable energy sources and energy-efficient hardware are making it increasingly feasible to power bitcoin mining servers using clean energy. The development of green hosting solutions for bitcoin mining is an exciting area of innovation, with numerous companies working to develop new, sustainable technologies.

Regulations can also promote the use of green hosting solutions for bitcoin mining by encouraging sustainable practices and setting standards for eco-friendly hosting services. The future of bitcoin mining and green hosting solutions is one that emphasizes progress and innovation, with a focus on sustainability and eco-friendliness.


In summary, it is increasingly clear that the environmental impact of traditional bitcoin mining practices necessitates the adoption of sustainable and eco-friendly hosting solutions for this industry. Green hosting solutions offer a range of benefits, including reduced energy costs, increased efficiency, and a smaller carbon footprint. Through the use of renewable energy sources and energy-efficient hardware, green hosting solutions can significantly reduce the environmental impact of bitcoin mining.

The future of sustainable mining practices is bright, with technological advancements and a growing demand for eco-friendly crypto solutions. It is crucial for bitcoin miners to prioritize sustainability and work towards minimizing their impact on the environment. By transitioning to green hosting solutions, we can create a more sustainable and environmentally conscious future for bitcoin mining.

Measures To Decrease The Pollution Caused By Bitcoin Mining

The Bitcoin community is facing a serious problem of pollution. A study conducted by different sources showed that the electricity consumed by Bitcoin mining is equivalent to the annual energy usage of entire countries like Ireland and Hungary, being a shocking revelation surrounding the crypto realm. With this alarming situation, the community needs to find ways to reduce the amount of pollution in their system. This article discusses some methods that can be adopted by the community to control bitcoin pollution. But, before that we have a podium that offers you all the potential of crypto investments: BitQL, it offers a secure crypto space to all the crypto enthusiasts.

how to decrease pollution caused by bitcoin mining

Measures that can prove to be beneficial

Bitcoin mining is a process where miners are rewarded for their efforts by being given a specific number of bitcoins. However, in order to mine bitcoins, a lot of energy and hardware is required, which means that it pollutes the environment. Therefore, there has been an increasing need to reduce bitcoin pollution. There are four ways in which this can be achieved.

1. Introduction of taxes on mining

Mining is a process where computational power is used to verify and add transactions to the blockchain. Mining requires large amounts of energy and thus, it can be said that bitcoin miners are polluting the environment with their activities. They do this by producing heat, which causes global warming, and also by creating noise pollution. Therefore, it can be concluded that there should be some kind of tax in place on such activities.

The government can introduce a tax on mining to reduce the pollution caused by it. This is because mining will be profitable only if there is a high demand for bitcoin, which might lead to an increase in the number of miners. The cost of mining depends on the price of electricity, so if the government increases the price of electricity, then more people may stop mining and reduce pollution.

2. Creating awareness among people

Bitcoiners should be informed about the effect that mining has on the environment so that they can make an informed decision about whether or not they want to continue using bitcoin or not. The government can create awareness among people about bitcoin mining pollution so that they do not start mining themselves. It can educate them about how much energy is used in mining and what are some alternative ways to earn money without using electricity or any other resources like water and food, etc.

In order to achieve this goal, there needs to be more education about bitcoin’s environmental impact on people who live near mining farms or even those who do not know much about cryptocurrencies at all yet but are interested in learning more about them through various sources available online such as forums or articles written by experts in this field who specialize in writing content related specifically towards educating others about these topics (such as myself). This could also include writing articles for magazines/newspapers etc., making videos explaining how bitcoin mining works from an environmental perspective.

3. Introducing better eco-friendly methods

There are many ways to reduce bitcoin pollution. Some examples include using renewable energy sources like solar or wind power instead of coal or natural gas; adopting new technologies like blockchain instead of traditional methods; or setting up facilities near rivers so that wastewater can be recycled back into nature after going through treatment plants first before being released back into rivers again at high temperatures so they don’t cause much harm when they touch land again later on downriver after going through treatment.

crypto mining in Armenia

4. New policy measures

A fourth way is introducing new policy measures such as introducing taxes on mining activities, making it mandatory for miners to use renewable energy resources and imposing fines when they do not comply with these rules, etc. The government can also take steps towards reducing bitcoin pollution by introducing new policy measures that encourage people who mine bitcoins through environmentally friendly methods such as using renewable energy sources over those who don’t care about their impact on nature.

The way ahead

Bitcoin mining is an energy intensive process that uses a lot of electricity. This has led to concerns about the environmental impact of Bitcoin mining and also the potential for bitcoin to contribute to global warming. Thus, given above are some measures which can be adopted at administration and personal level to reduce the pollution level.

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