What College You Have to Graduate from to Apply for Tesla Engineering Team?

Tesla is recording exponential growth lately in its production and sales units. Currently, the company has advertised for various vacant positions. By studying for a degree in engineering, you get good career opportunities in the world.

You stand better chances to join the major automotive companies in the world. Different universities offer engineering majors at different levels. They offer majors like mechanical, computer science, and electrical.

Below is the list of the best colleges to graduate from to apply for Tesla and other top automotive companies

best colleges to join for tesla engineering team

1. Harvey Mudd College

Students who want to study engineering will find Harvey Mudd College a good choice. The college is located in Claremont, California. It is a not-for-profit institution with a smaller student population. The school ranks number 1 out of 2,576 schools which makes it a top choice. Students from the college are marketable globally. They get jobs in some of the best companies around the world.

Engineering programs are course-intensive programs. They require students to commit a lot of their time to study. Students have to develop critical thinking skills to succeed in their studies. They also need to commit a lot of their time to study and critical thinking. You will spend a lot of time in practical and theoretical training too. These skills will help develop experience in paper writing. Use the Fixgerald plagiarism checker to help you write an original paper. It is a useful tool for students in college and other institutions of higher learning. By using this plagiarism checker, you will be certain to submit an original paper. You will also earn better scores and stand out in the classroom.

2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Massachusetts Institute of Technology focuses on modern technology and science. The school is a private grant-based institution located in Cambridge, Massachusetts. It offers majors in mechanical engineering, computer science, aeronautical engineering, physics, and mathematics. The school trains students to develop various soft skills. They learn analytical thinking, problem-solving skills, and big new ideas.

3. Harvard University

The faculty of arts and sciences at Harvard University offers students different programs. The faculty offers both undergraduate and graduate degrees in applied sciences and engineering. There are several majors the students can choose from. They can choose electrical, applied math, and bioengineering. They also offer applied computation, applied physics, and computer science. The school ranks number 1 as the best school in Massachusetts.

4. Technische Universitat Munchen, Germany

Technische Universitat Munchen offers the most marketable degrees in the world. Starting in 1868, the university ranks as a top university in the world for many years. The university trains students in research-oriented courses. They help them get career opportunities globally.

Students can register for a wide range of engineering degree programs. The engineering majors offered by the institution are mechanical and mobility systems engineering. The other majors are energy and process engineering and materials engineering.

5. The University of Melbourne, Australia

The University of Melbourne’s faculty of engineering and IT trains future innovators. The university prepares students to face the real-life challenges of engineering. The training helps them build a sustainable future. Students can major in transport engineering, infrastructure design, and water resource management. The institution ranks number 1 in Australia.

6. Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

Huazhong University of Science and Technology is a government-sponsored school. It focuses more on research and training. Located in Wuhan, Hubei province, the school ranks as a top school in China. Its majors include electrical and masters in mechanical. They also have majors in new energy science and a master in civil.

how to join Tesla engineering team

7. Imperial College London, UK

Imperial College London, UK, offers majors in design, electrical and mechanical engineering. Students can also enroll in materials and earth science engineering. The school ranks number 8 as the best college globally. Its school of engineering ranks 5th best school of engineering in the world.

8. The University of Waterloo

The University of Waterloo ranks number 38 in the world. It is the best engineering and technology school in the world according to the ranking. It is the most innovative school in Canada in 2022 by Maclean. It ranks number 1 best mechanical engineering school in Canada. The university majors in electrical, civil, automotive, and computers.


Majoring in engineering gives you the advantage of working with some of the best companies in the world. There are different universities in the world that you can join. You can major in mechanical and electrical engineering. Other majors are physics, mathematical, and environmental engineering. Most majors take between four and five years in most universities.

Where Are All the Electric Vans?

The USA is way behind Europe when it comes to electric vehicles, with sales in Europe exceeding 1 million in 2018, while US figures stood at just 750,000. This is despite the giants of Silicon Valley, including Google, Amazon and Tesla, all making strides to offer electric vehicles to the mass market. The area where the contrast is most clear is in regards to vans. While Europe has many on offer, electric vans are almost non-existent on American roads. Where does this leave commercial enterprises looking to cut their carbon emissions?

Europe Leading the Way

Although hardly the norm, it isn’t uncommon to see fully electric commercial vehicles on European streets. German based DHL are selling over 5000 StreetScooters a year, allowing companies to offer battery powered deliveries. Meanwhile, the UK’s best selling plug in van is the Nissan e-NV200. This attractive commercial vehicle is on sale throughout Europe, selling more than 4000 a year. Unfortunately, it is not available in the US.

If you are a businessman looking to cut fossil fuel usage, while driving a commercial vehicle, then you may be better off moving to Europe. Greenhouse gases in the continent fell 22% between 1990 and 2016. The USA is struggling to keep up with the switch to renewable energy sources.

Is Tesla the Only Game in Town?

Don’t worry – it isn’t all bad news for the USA. With companies like Tesla offering their own electric pickup and semi vehicles, there could be a shift in sale trends soon. However, neither of these vehicles are yet to hit the mass market. Other electric truck or van options are few and far between. The likes of Google are focusing their efforts on creating self-drive vehicles rather than venturing into commercial electric automobiles that are wheelchair accessible as well.. 

Other Ways to Cut Carbon Emissions

Keep searching for the perfect electric van for your company. If Europe has them, then you can find one in America. In the meantime, however, consider other ways to cut your carbon footprint. For the running of any electronics, invest in solar power. This has really taken off in the USA and is one of the cheapest options available. You should also try to source products locally and remove plastic packaging from your goods.

EVs really can’t arrive soon enough, but commercial vans and trucks are yet to become mainstream. The USA needs to take a leaf out of Europe’s book and invest in electric vans. In the meantime, consider switching to solar power and taking other steps to reduce your company’s carbon emissions.