Manage Trees With Sustainability In Mind

There is growing concern as forest land outside of conservation areas is steadily decreasing. There has been a disturbing reduction in primary forests of 40 million hectares in the last decade. The total area of forest within protected areas has increased by 94 million hectares in the past two decades and now accounts for 13% of the total of forests globally.

ways businesses can become greener


Tree healthcare for humans

Trees are well known for providing oxygen as a result of their photosynthesis process. It is in fact the carbon dioxide (CO2) that is removed during this process therefore helping to mitigate the negative effects of burning fossil fuels ie. CO2 production. The benefits to the world of this process make the existence and importance of the Amazon rainforest especially significant.

Trees benefit cities too

Not only are trees a beautiful addition to any city, they also serve a practical purpose by absorbing pollutants. Their presence makes a city appear more vibrant and more friendly. For example, San Francisco is home to 105,000 trees. Tree planting should be kept in pace with tree mortality and tree removal. A tree management plan is essential to ensure sustainability.

Tree management for woodland

Trees should be checked for health and also for the merchantability of the trees. When areas of the woodland require thinning out it is useful to produce a product that has a commercial value. This way waste management has been prioritized and has turned a Liability into an Asset.

The harvested wood/logs can be considered an asset and can be sold as fuel. Always ensure trees are removed when over-crowding is an issue to allow for tree growth of the remaining trees. The woodland is sustainable by including sufficient planting of new trees.

Arborists are trained to evaluate the health and ongoing sustainability of a tree. Oftentimes they can prescribe solutions to prolong a tree’s life, thereby protecting the environment as well as improving surrounding property values.

Most cities have tree service companies that offer trained arborists who can provide consultations. Depending on the depth of the consultation it may be free or at a very low price.

An ISA-certified arborist can make qualified decisions on whether a tree needs to be removed or if it can be saved.

Additionally, during their consultation, they will be careful to not damage the tree further. Trufast Tree Care has a certified arborist on staff for helping with these tree evaluations

Maintaining the urban trees

Your arborist can advise you of local procedures and the law regarding your trees which if not properly managed can become a legal liability. Some types of trees do not take well to heavy pruning, for example the Southern Live Oak is best not located in restricted areas where heavy pruning to clear avenues may be required. It is better to grow it in a larger landscaped area where it can grow with minimal pruning. They often reach 60 to 80 feet in height with a 60 to 100 foot spread. Check this website if you are looking for a reliable tree care service in San Jose, CA.


The branches of Live Oak tend to droop as they grow so some careful pruning will be necessary especially as this type of growth can be a problem for vehicular or pedestrian clearance beneath. Many trees are not permitted to be removed without obtaining a tree removal permit first. This is good as it provides some protection for the trees.

Other tree varieties to grow with sustainability

The beautiful red maple is a great yard tree being very tolerant and is able to grow in nearly any conditions but especially in acid to neutral soils. Plant away from paths etc. as the roots can raise sidewalks if too close. A good layer of organic mulch should be placed around the roots to feed and help retain moisture.

Presence of trees make a city appear more vibrant and eco-friendly

Another commonly found tree in the US is the Loblolly Pine. When found in plantations it provides the perfect habitat for wildlife such as deer, squirrels making it a very sustainable choice. Being a faster growing tree it requires more regular pruning.

Enjoy our future with sustainability for trees

Sustainability ensures we leave the world in a good state for future generations to enjoy, whilst still meeting the needs of the current population. Keep your trees maintained moving forward and always pay attention to the type of tree and manage accordingly. This way you can enjoy the many beautiful trees around you.

CRISPR Technology to Revolutionize Bioremediation

When people think of waste management, gene editing probably does not come to most people’s minds. Yet the innovative CRISPR genome modification technology fits well within the confines of managing pollution and waste on the planet. In particular, scientists are looking at how CRISPR technology can help with bioremediation, or pollutant neutralization.

Why Neutralize Pollutants?

The planet is in dire need of help as the negative impact of climate change hovers on the horizon. One of the ways that researchers are revolutionizing waste management and environmentalism is by neutralizing the pollutants that are taking up space in our landfills and oceans.

Scientists have noticed that certain organisms are particularly good at removing toxins from pollutants while others have the advantage of immobilizing toxins. Researchers are connecting the dots in order to figure out how CRISPR can help make these processes more efficient.

CRISPR-Aided Bioremediation

While it is great that scientists have discovered microorganisms that can metabolize pollutants and produce less toxic matter, what if those properties could be expanded?

CRISPR researchers are trying to do just that by using genetic editing to transfer more advantageous genes to other organisms, thus giving them even more power over toxic pollutants. This would speed up the process of natural bioremediation techniques without adding high costs and dangers.

An Edge Over Traditional Techniques

Using CRISPR technology, especially the promising CRISPR/Cas9 lentiviral system, will not only speed up the process but it will do a better job than traditional methods of bioremediation. By using the gene editing technique, scientists can create more chemically superior microorganisms that have more advantageous enzymes. That results in better neutrality of harmful pollutants in the planet’s soil and oceans. In turn, this also ramps up molecular biodiversity, which improves the cleanup process.

Speaking of molecules, the CRISPR method targets different molecular processes within a microorganism’s cells, either to regulate an existing gene or to create an entirely new one. When looking at a particular gene, scientists analyze its ability to target pollutants as well as its process for remediation.

Enhancing Bioremediation with CRISPR

Experts need to keep several aspects in mind when improving the abilities of a remediating organism and ramping up its efficiency. First of all, they need to look at the molecular pathways that lead an organism to remediate or neutralize a pollutant. Are there changes or improvements scientists that can make to these pathways? What can they add or take away?

They do a similar thing with the organism’s enzymes. Next comes bioprocessing and biosensor development, which allows scientists to test the microbial cells for chemical testing and removal efficiency.

Removing Harmful Pollutants

Take mercury, for example, which is a metal that is harmful to the planet as well as those who live on it. The E. coli bacteria has a removal efficiency of 96 when it comes to eradicating mercury.

Scientists can take that Hg2 gene and transporter and perhaps transport it to another microorganism that can metabolize and neutralize another type of pollutant. Researchers continue to look at how this technique can help us clean up the growing number of pollutants in the environment.

It is not just microorganisms that they’re working on, either. Genetic manipulation in plants is another exciting endeavor that could help out in the bioremediation field. By looking at the detoxification processes in certain plants, scientists are trying to figure out how to use CRISPR technology to amp up bioremediation or, rather, phytoremediation efforts.

Some human genes could be especially useful to certain plants that can target heavy metals in the soil. Whether they enhance existing plant species or generate completely new ones, this is an exciting development in remediation efforts against pollutants.

An Essential Guide to Catalytic Converters

In the early days, cars were way more toxic than they are today. As vehicles became more widespread and their pollution more prevalent, manufacturers decided that it was necessary to install catalytic converters to keep cars exhaust fumes out of our bodies and the environment. Today, catalytic converters are used around the world in all vehicles. Many online shop even sell the Honda Jazz Catalytic Converters for replacement to your car. This is the part of a car that converts toxic gases into less harmful pollutants.

Catalytic converters, like cars, only have a certain lifespan and will to be replaced at some point. Given that they are required by law all around the world, it is important to know when your car’s needs replacing, but how can you tell? And, just as tricky, what should you do about it?

Here’s an essential guide to determine when your catalytic converter needs replacing.

Signs of a Failing Converter

Catalytic converters use precious metals such as rhodium, platinum and palladium. These are the catalysts to transform pollutants into less harmful gases. As gases from the engine fumes pass over the catalyst, the pollutants break down into gases that are safe enough to be expelled. Over time, however, converters can become damaged, blocked or contaminated, which reduces the engine’s performance.

Here are the common symptoms of a faulty catalytic converter:

Smell of sulfur

If you begin to smell a rotten egg-like odor coming from your car, that’s an indication your catalytic converter is starting to wear down. A converter in good working order should produce an odorless sulfur dioxide, but this smell means it is no longer converting the hydrogen sulfide produced in the combustion process. The smell of sulfur will often be accompanied by a stream of thick and black smoke coming out of your exhaust pipe. The black smoke alone would be enough to suspect your catalytic converter is not working as it should.

Poor engine performance

A faulty converter will quickly affect your engine because it is built into the vehicle’s exhaust system. As a result, it will reduce engine power, fuel economy, and acceleration. Any of these symptoms could result from either:

  • A clogged converter that is no longer circulating air properly
  • Or a cracked converter that is now leaking harmful gas

A clogged converter is a common reason for losing acceleration or power going uphill. To test if your converter is clogged, ask a friend to hold your car’s revs per minute between 1800 and 2000. If exhaust flow is hot, that means your converter is clogged.

‘Check engine’ light is on

Vehicles today are made with oxygen sensors that monitor a converter’s efficiency at transforming harmful gases. The ‘check engine’ light will appear on your dashboard if the gases aren’t being catalyzed. While the light itself may not indicate it is a problem with the converter, you can check the error number with a car manual or a diagnostic scan tool.

What to do about it?

Catalytic converters should last for about ten years. If you are still looking to hold on to your car at that point, then it will probably be time to replace the converter.

Getting rid of your converter is easy today, as there are firms that will buy your converters to recycle the precious metals inside. All you need is the reference number for your catalytic converter and you can then check to see how much you would earn on a recycle catalytic converter price list.

Changing the converter

Most of the cost involved will be for the converter, which can cost up to $2500, but changing it should take less than an hour. If the catalytic converter is welded in place, then it is best to see a mechanic rather than change it yourself. Unless you are a mechanic, of course!