6 Reasons Every Business Should Consume Energy More Responsibly

There’s a growing energy crisis, and world leaders are expecting more sustainable energy use from individuals and companies. This expectation is especially placed on business owners because their dependence on fossil fuels contributes to global environmental issues.

Energy derived from fossil fuels is causing a devastating impact on the environment. The risks outweigh the benefits. There is, therefore, the need for businesses to do their part in protecting the environment. Everyone has to participate in the fight against climate change, biodiversity loss, food shortage, and global poverty.

So, here are reasons businesses should consume energy more responsibly:

reasons businesses should consume energy more responsibly


1. To Save Money

As a business owner, you don’t have to spend money on everything. You need to save, and one way to do that is to conserve energy. A sustainable business saves more money by using energy-efficient products, tracking energy use, and adopting a complete electrical power management solution (EPMS solution).

Also, being energy-efficient protects your business from fluctuations. This is because no fundamental factors are affecting the use of the wind and the sun. Companies can get pieces of equipment and be rest assured that they have fewer monetary decisions to make for powering them. Hence, conserving energy is needed to carry out cost-effective operations and to improve business stability.

2. To Help The Environment

Today, it’s impossible for businesses to eliminate their carbon footprints. Several business operations still rely heavily on fossil fuels to power their machines. Many business machines were made without considerations for renewable energy. However, carbon footprints can be reduced through responsible energy consumption to help the environment.

Aside from considering clean energy options, companies can help improve air quality by taking proactive measures. Actions, such as turning off the lights in their office when not in use, lowering the heating and air-conditioning systems, and unplugging devices when not needed, are great ways to begin. Every little act of responsible energy consumption counts towards solving crucial environmental concerns.

3. To Promote Health

Carbon emissions from firms have been alarming in recent times. The pollution generated from factories and business machines causes health problems, such as asthma, decreased lung function, and cardiovascular illness. So, without people who are in good health, there’d be no buyers to demand goods, and, therefore, no supply. And if there’s no supply, there’d be no sales to make. In other words, production will be severely affected as a result of poor demand.

Thus, organizations have every reason to consume energy responsibly to profit and scale business operations.

4. To Reduce Poverty

Poverty is detrimental to business. It eats deep into the economy, and it’s one of the negative metrics for measuring the performance of different economies in the world. No thanks to careless energy use, the poverty rate in the world is concerning. While poverty eradication is the duty of everyone, businesses can begin by conserving energy.

Energy conservation improves the environment and addresses food shortages. Farmers would not have to worry about the severity of climate change on their farms when clean or renewable energy is put to great use. Good weather conditions mean improved food production, which helps to end global poverty.

5. To Make A Positive Impact

There’s a growing debate about whether companies should be profit-focused or people-oriented. While some experts believe the nature of companies is to make a profit, others find it too capitalist. This debate led to the development of corporate social responsibility (CSR).

Reasons Every Business Should Consume Energy More Responsibly

CSR, albeit optional, allows companies to make a positive impact and build effective brand management. A good business CSR will consider investing in clean energy sources and regulating energy consumption for the benefit of society. Through sustainable business practices, companies can achieve the triple bottom line of people, planet, and profit.

6. To Promote Employment

Every intentional act behind energy use contributes to overall sustainability. If a company consumes energy responsibly, it adds to the energy sector’s growth. And if it’s negative, it drags down the whole sustainability project. Yet, sustainable advances in the energy sector create more jobs for society and enable economic development and business growth. For instance, specialists in project development, manufacturing, and turbine installation are needed for wind power.

Moreover, when your business saves energy, it gets to enjoy lower energy bills, which will allow you to have more funds to hire more people. This even paves the way for more opportunities for workers, such as the construction sector and other industries that support your investment in energy efficiency.

Therefore, it’d be wise if organizations were to consume energy more reasonably and participate in the drive towards providing more jobs. An increase in employment opportunities leads to a rise in the purchasing power of society. And since society is the consumer, this works in favor of companies.


Creating an environment where everyone embraces renewable energy is the duty of all. But while individuals have obligations to meet, businesses have even more significant roles to play. Every act of responsible energy use is beneficial to society as a whole.

4 Ways Businesses Can Become More Sustainable

You’ve probably heard the word “sustainable” many times by now, but you may wonder what it has to do with your business. Sustainable business means that you’ll be you’ll be increasing the odds that you company can continue indefinitely by minimizing social and environmental impacts while ensuring financial stability. Studies have shown that sustainable business perform better financially, including one report by nonprofit CDC, reported by The Guardian that found they secure an 18% greater return on investment (ROI) than organizations that aren’t, and 67% more than companies who refuse to. How can you help your business become more sustainable?


1. Think Greener in Procurement Sources

One of the best, and easiest, things you can do to make your business more sustainable is to practice environmentally-friendly procurement. Take a close look at your current suppliers and make changes as necessary by using suppliers that don’t use excessive packaging or sell products that contain substances that are harmful to the environment.

As often as possible, choose recycled items made from renewable material. Ask plenty of questions when researching various suppliers to find out where their goods are coming from, including whether the manufacturer is a sustainable business.

Whenever possible, use local suppliers, rather than purchasing online.

2. Seek Help from an Energy Broker

An increasing number of businesses are embracing renewable energy and energy management today. Your office can be powered with a variety of alternative sources like biomass, hydropower, geothermal, solar and wind power. There are hundreds of companies that supply energy in a myriad of different ways, affecting your bottom line and sustainability.

While there are usually a few suppliers dominating any given market, many other small suppliers are known for getting more creative in their offerings. Trying to figure out which one is best for your organization can be a very difficult task which is why using an energy broker who is knowledgeable about all the complexities that come with this sector, can best analyze the energy market to provide you with the greenest, most cost-effective options.

3. Reduce Water Usage

Water shortages are becoming an increasingly bigger problem in many places around the world, including North America. Whether your organization is located in a drought-stricken area or not, decreasing water use will help to conserve a valuable resource and help you save money at the same time.

Instead of using a sprinkler system to keep lush lawns around the building, switch to a drip irrigation system to significantly reduce water usage or consider changing the landscaping to something more drought tolerant. Fix plumbing leaks and dripping taps and install low-flow faucet aerators in your bathrooms.

4. Switch From Gas To Electricity

Electricity is much easier to source sustainably than gas and oil, especially if you use solar panels to collect energy from the sun. So by switching over some of your gas-powered company owned equipment to their electric counterparts you can ultimately help your business become more sustainable.

Some equipment to consider switching could include: switching from gas powered to electric vehicles (especially for companies that rely heavily on transportation), switching from gas-powered to electric-powered riding mowers (especially for landscaping businesses).

As there are so many different types of lawn mowers available, sites like home gear expert show us interesting comparisons which will help you find the one which best matches your needs.

A good electric riding mower with good user ratings will cost you a couple thousand dollars but could save you money in the long term plus make your business more sustainable.

Recommended Reading: How to Make Your Business Sustainable

Easy 10 Steps Towards a More Sustainable Business

Are you looking to make your business more sustainable? This is something that every business owner should be looking to do even during the discovery phase of project and it can bring a multitude of benefits in addition to the ethical reasons, so here are 10 of the best ways that you can go about doing this.

1. Eco-Friendly Products

First, you need to make sure that you are both producing and sourcing eco-friendly products and trying to reduce plastic use as much as possible.


2. Green Energy

Switching to a green energy provider is one of the most effective ways that you can reduce your impact, plus you can make huge energy savings over the long-term on your energy bills, so it is a smart financial move to make.

3. Encourage Cycling

It is important to encourage staff to use green forms of transport as opposed to driving. One way to do this is with bike parking outside of the office and to start a cycle to work scheme.

4. Reduce Food Waste

You should try to reduce food waste as much as possible and the best way to do this is to educate your staff on the importance of only bringing in what they need and using up spare food.


5. Watch Water Usage

Water usage is another area to address and you will want to try to cut down on if possible, particularly when it comes to washing and cleaning.

6. Increase Recycling

Recycling is one of the best ways to be more sustainable but often an area where businesses could improve on. You can do this by educating staff on what they can and cannot recycle and making it easier for them to recycle items, such as placing recycling bins in the office.

7. Reduce Paper Usage

You should also try to minimize paper usage throughout the business. Where this is not possible, you should instead look to eco-friendly alternatives. As an example, you could have loyalty and business cards from eco-friendly supplier.


8. Use Energy-Efficient Equipment

Switching to energy-efficient equipment is smart as it will reduce your energy consumption, which will also help to reduce your utility bills too.

9. Green Shipping and Delivery

Opting for green shipping and delivery can greatly reduce your impact and costs, which can be achieved through green packing materials, minimizing packing materials, and using compact packaging. Also, using a routing app will make delivery more efficient and fast, encouraging the use of bicycles, and reducing air pollution from cars and motorcycles.

10. Charitable Contributions

Business can also be more environmentally sustainable through charitable contributions, such as starting a promotion, donating a percentage of profits to charity or starting a fundraiser.

Hopefully, this post will inspire you to make positive changes to your business and play your role in preventing environmental damage.

5 Effective Green Marketing Strategies

Becoming an entrepreneur steadily becomes a childhood dream for many young people born in the late 1990s and early 2000s, just like only about 30 or 40 years ago people have dreamt of becoming astronauts, policemen, or firefighters. Indeed, doing business today has become not only profitable but also challenging and overwhelmingly intriguing. At the same time, doing business internationally only spices things up. However, doing business just for the sake of it might easily become boring, especially with the younger people, which will not produce the desired results by any means.

To do business with passion, one must pursue a higher goal, which means something more than just making money. One such great goal is sustainability. Not only it looks cool, but it also serves a great deal to the community at large.


Doing the Right Things

When you serve not only yourself or your community but the whole planet, you might say that you’re doing something beyond great. Not only you look cool when you do a sustainable business, but you also manage to save your resources, costs, and, oftentimes, life force by following eco-friendly practices. At the same time, it is somewhat easier to start your business following the green trend. Your store or production facility, for example, might not look smooth but it might be sustainable by saving energy and water, recycling and reusing the office supplies, and being generally made out of different materials and objects available at hand.

Yet, at the same time, maintaining and raising a sustainable business might be quite a challenge. Despite the fact that green business is quite a popular thing today, you might observe this only as long as you stay local.

It’s truly hard to maintain the volumes of production viable for the greater audience and you might find yourself either sacrificing some of the green principles you craved or disproportionally increasing your costs as you grow bigger. Yet, one thing can still help with this problem and that is green marketing.


By following these green marketing strategies, you can at least pay off those massive costs that arise as you expand your green business.

  1. Design your business green. You could have probably used the materials and objects you stumbled upon as you started creating your sign or building the workspace for your employees. Well, as you grow, you can use it effectively. Produce your packaging or even the whole facilities with recycled materials, reuse as much as possible. You can even rebuild the abandoned half-destroyed building into a smaller office for your crew or development team. Not only that will look cool but will also promote you as a 100% sustainable entrepreneur.
  2. Increase online presence. Why even go outside when you can expand your business online. Create a blog if you haven’t done so yet or translate the one you already have. If you don’t have the time or knowledge to do this yourself, hire a digital marketing agency with experience in your industry niche as this will help the process go smoothly. Think about it, an automotive marketing agency would more than likely provide much better marketing results for an auto parts store than a real estate marketing agency. This way you will ensure that more than just one audience will see you. So, it’s worth the effort anyway. Just check out this best translation companies list and look for the one that suits your content the best. You’ll be surprised to find that you don’t have to pay a fortune for such services.
  3. Communicate the green message. Sometimes, simply selling eco-friendly products or having a green design might be not enough, no matter how hard you try. This is where you have to learn to communicate right. And that’s not just about marketing campaigns and blogging like in the point above (yet, you can check out the necessary knowledge for translators to communicate your message in different languages through the best translation service).
  4. Using webinar tools, make sure to let your clients know how they and the environment benefit from their purchase or service you provide. In many cases, one such benefit is financial, which may attract people even more.
  5. Using sustainable web hosting. You might not know it but maintaining a data server is not that all clean and eco-friendly. In fact, running all of the U.S. web servers does as much environmental damage as 5 nuclear power plants. So, partnering with a sustainable data center is a good idea if you truly pursue a sustainable goal. Such a data center will use cutting-edge data science tech, more compact servers and might even be self-sufficient regarding the electricity powering itself with its own solar batteries.
  6. Promote and follow the 3 Rs of sustainability. Those Rs are to reduce, reuse, and recycle. Reduce the number of resources and harmful materials used in your production and main activity. Reuse all materials you can. Recycle the materials that can’t be reused or reduced. This rule is very simple to follow, yet, it largely affects your green mentality and enables your customers to see what you do.

It’s Not Hard at All

Doing the right things and leading your sustainable business through international ventures might seem challenging upon first glance (because it actually is) but the greater the challenge the greater the reward. By letting your customers know that you truly care you get them closer to yourself and vice versa. The bottom line of your pain is that you at least feel better for doing the right thing and being a better person every day.