5 Ways You Can Protect the Environment as a Student

In today’s world, where environmental concerns like climate change and pollution are at the forefront of global discussions, it’s crucial for individuals, including students, to take actionable steps toward protecting our planet. Students, in particular, have a unique position in society – they are learners, future leaders, and influencers. Here are five practical ways students can contribute to environmental conservation and inspire others to do the same.

environmental conservation for students

1. Embrace a Sustainable Commute

One significant way students can protect the environment is by rethinking their daily commute. Opting for greener modes of transportation such as walking, biking, carpooling, or using public transport can drastically reduce carbon emissions and decrease the ecological footprint. Walking or biking, for instance, conserves energy, reduces pollution, and promotes physical health. Public transport is more eco-friendly for longer distances than personal vehicles.

By making conscious choices about how to get to school or college, students can play a crucial role in mitigating air pollution and contributing to cleaner, healthier air in their communities.

Many learners have numerous assignments on their hands, preventing them from adopting various practices to protect the environment. This is where a uk custom essay writing service can come in handy. Outsourcing some of your assignments allows you to free your schedule and spend adequate time incorporating effective environmental solutions.

2. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

The “reduce, reuse, recycle” mantra is more relevant than ever in our consumer-driven society. Students can lead by example by minimizing waste, reusing products, and recycling materials. Start by reducing consumption – ask yourself if you need that new item or if there’s a way to use what you already have.

Embrace digital note-taking and textbooks to cut down on paper usage. Opt for products with minimal packaging, and always carry a reusable bag, water bottle, and coffee cup. Participate in or organize recycling drives in your school or community to ensure that recyclable materials don’t end up in landfills, contributing to pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

3. Support and Promote Sustainable Practices on Campus

Students can be powerful advocates for sustainability within their educational institutions. Join or start a green club to promote environmental awareness and initiatives such as campus cleanups, tree planting, or establishing a community garden.

Advocate for using renewable energy sources for campus facilities, and encourage the administration to adopt sustainable policies, including waste reduction and recycling programs. By mobilizing fellow students and working together, you can create a more sustainable campus environment that sets a precedent for other institutions.

4. Educate Yourself and Others

Knowledge is power, especially when it comes to environmental protection. Take the time to educate yourself about our planet’s challenges, including climate change, deforestation, and biodiversity loss. This knowledge will empower you to make informed decisions and take effective action.

Share what you learn with others through social media, blogs, school projects, or casual conversations. Raising awareness and spreading knowledge can inspire your peers and community members to take steps toward environmental conservation.

5. Volunteer for Environmental Causes

Active engagement in environmental causes can make a tangible difference. Look for project opportunities to volunteer with local environmental organizations and participate in reforestation projects, beach cleanups, or wildlife conservation efforts. These activities contribute directly to environmental protection and provide valuable hands-on experience and the chance to connect with like-minded individuals. Volunteering can be a powerful way to demonstrate your commitment to the environment and inspire others to take action.

Summing Up

As students, you have the energy, passion, and potential to impact environmental conservation significantly. By adopting sustainable habits and advocating for change within your communities and institutions, you can contribute to protecting our planet

5 Easy Ways Businesses Can Reduce Their Carbon Emissions

As businesses continue to feel the pressure to operate more environmentally friendly, many are looking for ways to reduce their carbon emissions. Here are five easy ways that businesses can make a difference:

Ways Businesses Can Reduce Carbon Emissions

Increase Energy Efficiency

Lighting businesses and offices are bulky, expensive, and incredibly difficult to manage, particularly in the long run. Not only do bulbs require frequent, if not downright constant replacing, but they also generate a considerable amount of heat and suck up enormous amounts of energy. Utilizing LED lighting also has many benefits, ranging from improved utility bills to greater health and safety benefits for employees.

Promote Sustainable Practices Among Employees

Sustainable practices can include recycling work materials, turning off lights and electronics when unused, and unplugging devices from the wall. It would be best if you also considered donating or repurposing office furniture, electronics, and other materials that still have some life. You can also avoid using disposable products or single-use plastics whenever possible. Instead, opt for reusable items and consider investing in a recycling program for your business.

green entrepreneurship

Additionally, consider creating a green team to promote environmentally-friendly initiatives within your business. This can be a great way to get employees involved and build company culture as you strive for sustainable practices. By encouraging your employees to adopt sustainable practices, you can reduce your business’s carbon emissions, save money, increase efficiency, and boost morale in the long run.

Switch to Renewable Energy Sources

Installing solar panels is one of the most effective ways to reduce your business’s carbon footprint and contribute to the fight against climate change. Not only does it reduce your dependence on fossil fuels and traditional electricity sources, but it also allows you to take advantage of available tax credits, which can end up saving you money in the long run.

Additionally, since solar power uses energy from the sun rather than power grids or other non-renewable resources, you won’t be subject to price hikes and other fluctuations associated with traditional electricity providers. If you are considering switching to renewable energy sources, explore local providers and their available options. Working with an experienced Commercial Solar Installer can help you get the most out of your solar panels and the peace of mind that comes with a worry-free energy solution.

Implement Green Transportation Solutions

Encouraging public transportation, cycling, and walking are all great ways to reduce CO2 emissions in your business. Additionally, consider transitioning to electric or hybrid cars if you have a fleet of vehicles for deliveries or other purposes. This switch can significantly reduce your carbon footprint and save money on fuel costs over time. If you organize business trips, encouraging carpooling is also a great way to save money and reduce emissions.

Reduce Risk of Injury When Cycling

Support Eco-Friendly Initiatives in the Community

This can include sponsoring green events, volunteering with environmental organizations, and donating to make a difference. In addition, consider offering incentives or discounts for customers participating in sustainable activities. This can be a great way to reduce your business’s carbon footprint, engage with the community, and create a positive public image.

By taking these proactive steps and promoting sustainable practices, you can play an essential role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and helping preserve our planet’s resources. Not only will this benefit the environment, but it will also give you a competitive edge in the market.

Create a Sustainable and Energy-Efficient Home on a Budget

In the US, the typical home and family spend an average minimum of $2,200 on energy costs per year, according to the US Department of Energy. Understandably, homeowners are aiming to cut costs and seeking to save oodles of money down the road. With that being the case, it isn’t surprising to find that more and more people are turning to smart home technology. What about those that can’t exactly afford all the tech-led bells and whistles, however? Read on to know how to create an energy-efficient home on a budget:

1. Think Long-Term Package

Instead of looking at the things to put in a home, it’s smart to consider the entirety of the home itself—from conceptual plans to layouts and building materials. Planning and choosing a home that is affordable and fashioned to be conducive to a sustainable and energy-efficient build will save you thousands of dollars in the future.


For example, you can try living in a mobile home. Lenders and lending institutions like mobile and manufactured homes so you won’t have trouble securing a loan. These types of homes come in a wide gamut of sustainable materials to choose from like recycled steel. So it provides a good marriage between budgets and sustainability.

2. Enforcing Helpful Practices

Beyond having a home that’s built to be conducive for sustainability and energy-efficiency, you need to take a long hard look at the habits of the people in the home. When you’re on a budget, fancy things like smart thermostats can be a tad out of reach. So what can you do? You can try enforcing helpful practices.


For example, lowering the water heating temperature can lower your energy consumption by 22% annually. Other good practices are sealing any air leaks so you can avoid any excessive use of heating. Not only will these help you save money but they’ll help keep everyone on the same page when it comes to being energy-efficient. But if it surpasses your budget, taking SMS loans in Sweden can be an ideal option to cover for the extra cost. By taking out this micro loan, you will be able to pay your bills while enforcing helpful habits to minimize your spending.

3. Seek Sustainable Technology

All the savings you get from a well-built home and sustainable practices will eventually give you more options. Sustainable technology can help boost your home’s energy efficiency. While tech like solar panels can be expensive, it is always worth noting that there are Federal Tax Credit plans that allow homeowners to claim at least 30% of installation costs, according to NerdWallet. Other good options are biogas digesters and active recycling posts on the property.


When it comes to creating a sustainable and energy-efficient home, there are always a lot of options to choose from. It is all a matter of doing the right research to find which solutions help you best with the budget that you presently have. Always remember that whatever you spend now toward sustainability will eventually mean triple in savings and more down the line.

Recommended Reading:

How to improve home energy efficiency

Energy efficiency guide for homeowners

Dealing With Pessimism About the State of the World? 7 Ways to Calm Climate Crisis Anxiety in 2022

This article was developed via a partnership with BetterHelp.

Anxiety and stress are common side effects of the state of our world in 2022. Climate change was a big thing on many people’s radars until 2020 when the Covid-19 pandemic hit. Since then, the world has been flung into a state of chaos, and the climate crisis has been put in the back of many people’s minds.

For those who are passionate about sustainability and climate, we know the importance of a zero net carbon future. It can start to feel extremely overwhelming to see that no one is talking about these topics anymore, and it might feel like the world has given up.

Even when it feels pointless, activism is important. It changes the way the world works, and it makes our voices heard. If you’re feeling pessimistic, upset, anxious, or stressed about the state of the climate, here are a few ways to find calm in the midst of the (literal and figurative) storm.

ways to calm climate crisis anxiety

1. Spend Time in Nature

Our planet is beautiful, and there’s more time than ever to spend outside appreciating the beauty of what it offers, especially during the pandemic, when it’s safer to be outside than in.

Nature also has profound positive effects on your mental health, according to several studies. If you find yourself feeling panicked, scared, upset, or angry, spend some time under some trees or near a river, where there aren’t any people or reminders of the stresses you face.

If you live in a big city, consider taking a weekend trip to a smaller town that allows you to be closer to nature. Or try to find a park with lots of trees and open spaces, where there aren’t as many people present. Just be sure to be safe.

2. Spend Time With Pets and Family

Being close to those you love is another excellent way to feel safe and get some relief from stress and anxiety. If you’re feeling pessimistic, reminding yourself of the positive people and pets in your life is essential to make sure you don’t get stuck in a pattern of feeling like there’s nothing good in the world.

After all, animals are some of the purest beings on the planet, and they never give you a reason to feel hurt or angry. They’ll always love you unconditionally. If you have a dog, even going for a brisk walk with them is a great way to get exercise and bond with your pet.

If you have a cat, their purring can even help soothe you, as vibrations are comforting for humans as well as animals.

Try to avoid spending time with family members who cause you stress or may incite conversations that will cause fear or anger.

3. Join a Protest

Sometimes the best way to take action against pessimism is to be optimistic and continue to fight hard for what you believe in. For some people, this is the best and most productive way to fight anxiety. For others, it may make it worse.

If being part of a cause and making a change would help you, look for protests or peaceful demonstrations in your area related to climate change. If there are none and you know enough people, consider planning your own!

Planning an event is another great way to get your mind focused on something other than the thoughts inside of it.

4. Volunteer for an Environmental Organization

If you prefer to do something more long-term with your anxiety about the state of the climate, joining an organization or volunteering for an environmental non-profit is an excellent idea.

These organizations often make long-term efforts to help the community be greener and more sustainable, and they donate to larger organizations and offer political support. You can even sign up to help educate the public on voter information and environmental rights.

Some organizations simply need volunteers to help with cleaning, organizational tasks, money, etc. No matter where your skills lie, there’s like a spot for you.

If you have the time and money, there are some sites online that allow you to volunteer in other countries for environmental-impact projects in exchange for food and housing. You just have to pay for your plane ticket and dedicate a certain amount of hours.

ways to use persuasion to bring awareness to the reality of climate change

5. Change Your Sustainability Practices in Your Own Life

Opting for sustainable practices in your own life can make you feel like you’re making a change. Even if it feels useless or like one person can’t possibly do enough to change the world, every effort helps.

Not giving up on your goals and knowing that you’re doing something to help the environment is a great way to feel more optimistic.

6. See a Therapist

For some people, the anxiety, pessimism, and anger that comes with the state of the world during this time can be too much to handle on their own. That’s okay! These feelings are completely natural, and thousands, if not millions, of people feel the same way as you do.

Therapists are available online, as well as in person. However, if you’re looking to reduce emissions by not driving or using public transport, it’s always a possibility to see an online therapist from the comfort of your home! You can even utilize video chat, phone calls, or regular chat to speak to your therapist!

7. Stop Compulsively Checking the News

Finally, compulsively checking the news for new information on climate crises can often cause more anxiety and pessimism. If you are susceptible to these things and very sensitive, try to give yourself a break. Although it’s important to be informed, you’ll likely get more accurate information from scholarly sources, such as the ones on Google Scholar.


If you want to learn more about pessimism in general and how to combat it, check out BetterHelp’s advice column and blog today. You can also learn more about how to get help for common mental health conditions and symptoms so that you feel safe and ready to get back to your advocacy for the environment!