Water Hardness: Knowing and Calculating The Perfect “Mineral Water”

Water hardness seems to be a common problem among households worldwide, but there seems to be a certain ignorance as to what this is. What this does is it does more long-term harm despite the beneficial uses. Being a problem of this nature, we must know how to calculate water hardness level and what the desired level of water hardness is.

What is Water Hardness?

Ironically, water hardness has nothing to do with water turning into a solid block of ice or anything involving a transition into something solid. However, the reason for this name is because of what is actually in the water we use or drink.

Sometimes the water we use seems to be different despite the whole house being a general example of cleanliness. For example, one may notice some minerals that are present in cooking dishes or the more obvious scum that seems to be resistant to cleaning.

The simple reason for this would be the existence of “hard water” or water that appears to be infused with undesirable metals, the more prominent ones being calcium and magnesium. These are usually caused by water travelling through places filled with soil and rock, but some have found that water from wells is a breeding ground for this kind of water.

how to calculate water hardness

As a simple experiment to test if your home does have hard water, you may take a bottle and fill it up to one-third of it, and you should apply a few drops of soap. From here, shake or mix the solution well, and naturally, the mixture should be clear with bubbles at the top.

However, if it turns milky and lacks bubbles, your water is hard. The water does not cause any severe problems for the consumer, but these will cause some pipes, appliances, and other parts of the house that use water.

How do you calculate water hardness?

Before knowing how to calculate the possible hardness present in your water, you need to know that there are two types of this hardness, temporary and permanent. Since we want to know more about water hardness, measuring hard water would mean we would be looking for permanent hardness.

This, unlike temporary hardness, cannot be removed by heating the undesirable aspects of the water.

An option for calculating water hardness is to manually calculate the hardness using calcium and magnesium values. However, you would need to submit samples to the lab to receive the exact amount of the minerals found in the water. Nevertheless, it would require the use of equations.

The general equation would be as follows:

CaCO3 (Total Permanent Hardness) = Mg (mg/L) as CaCO3 + Ca (mg/L) as CaCO3

The general equation is the sum of both the hardness of Magnesium and Calcium. However, Magnesium and Calcium hardness is determined by another equation in the form of:

Ca or Mg hardness mg/L as CaCO3 / Equivalent Weight of CaCO3 = Ca or Mg in mg/L / Equivalent Weight of Ca or Mg

Calculating the equivalent weight would involve dividing the atomic weight by the valency, and these hold values. For example, calcium would be 20.04 while Magnesium would value at 12.15.

For Calcium Carbonate, this requires the molecular weight, which would be set at 50.04.

In sum, we must first determine the hardness first of the minerals, using the given values of Calcium or Magnesium in milligrams per litre and the set equivalent weights from the mineral being calculated and Calcium Carbonate. You can use the ISCO water sampler for the same.

Once with the two values, they may be added up to form the total permanent hardness of Calcium Carbonate.

Since one calculates for any concerning value, it would also be wise to know the desired water hardness level. It is important to remember that water still possesses minerals that are helpful to the body. However, much like everything in daily life, an excess can cause future problems.

The healthy amount would be at 10 to 50 parts per million of the Calcium Carbonate, while the slightly hard would range from 50 to a hundred. The actual hard water is seen when the amount hits 100, while 200 parts is an amount in which it is incredibly excessive.

Negative Impacts of Hard Water

As mentioned before, hard water does not have any serious problems when consumed by drinking.

This could be a great help for the body as it can give minerals that it could lack. However, this causes much more visible problems when used as bathwater as it interferes with soaps and other cleaning regiments, eventually leaving the skin to become irritated and dry.

disadvantages of hard water

These also affect pipes, boilers, and other water-using items in the household as this could affect their daily functions.

We can appreciate the use of hardness as a benefit, but this causes more damage in the long term. Therefore, it is important to be aware and stop this at the earliest possible moment.

Recommended Reading

The Business Case For Water Conservation

The majority of properties globally waste water, and commercial properties are no different. According to EPA statistics, a single toilet can leak a gallon of water every two minutes; an unattended hose, 20 gallons every two minutes. This is a huge amount of water when you multiply that by the hundreds of thousands of businesses in every country around the world. For businesses, there is a moral and ethical imperative to save water – everyone needs to get involved in tackling climate change. However, there’s a business case to be made, too, starting with your bottom line.

Business Case For Water Conservation

Maximizing profits, minimizing waste

The impact of decreasing water levels and the rise of droughts is already having a serious impact on businesses. According to ABC, rising costs are inevitable, and that includes in traditionally water-rich areas such as Illinois, USA. Water can be lost through faulty plumbing, but also through business groundwork and premises. Too many non-water-retaining surfaces, such as asphalt, concrete and imitation lawns, can lead to water runoff, giving no benefit to the business and creating losses.

There is a clear business case for trying to trap this water. Studies have shown that huge savings can be made by installing infrastructure and policies that seek to retain water. Going in at the base level is a great place to start in generating real long-term savings.

Long-term impacts

Fighting water loss will also help to combat climate change, an area in which there is already untold damage being done to businesses. According to CNBC, the accumulated damage caused by climate change will cost businesses $2 trillion by the end of the century – every single year. This is a 7.1% loss in revenue in the USA alone. Businesses in less well protected areas of the world, especially around the equator, can stand to lose even more in the short term.

A proper climate change action policy is essential in getting involved in the fight against this, and that includes retaining as much water as possible – in the USA, and further afield, drought is already a major problem.

A sustainable generation

When it comes to business reputation, savvy owners know that it’s the opinion of their customers that really matters. The customer’s need trump everything else, and there’s a lot of evidence to back up just how much the customer really cares about the impact on the environment of the business they are purchasing from.

How is RO Water Harmful to Health

According to Forbes, 58% of consumers – all consumers, not just the typically more progressively-minded youth – will now pay more for products that come from companies with considerable green credentials. This is a massive opportunity for businesses to get ahead of competition and cement a long-term name in the industry.

As you can see, water saving policies aren’t only common sense – they’re a real action to take in the fight against climate change, and improving company profits. A business stands to benefit to a large degree from embracing pro-green policies.

Morton M30 Water Softener – Should You Get It?

A 30,000-grain water softener by Morton is the System Saver M30. It removes calcium and other hardness minerals from hard water by ion exchange. More efficient use of soaps and detergents owing to greater lathering, brighter laundry, and clean and spot-free dishes are all possible outcomes. In addition, the plumbing system and appliances in your home will be safeguarded against scaling.

Morton M30 Water Softener Review

Key features

How many hardness granules may be treated per gallon? Water that is up to 95 gpg is extremely hard.

Morton water softeners, by the way, are built in the United States and may be used with both city and well water.

According to WQA test results, the M30 can even remove up to 7 parts per million of clear-water iron, which many homes on a private well struggle with. No, ferric, iron bacteria, or organic iron compounds are not affected.

The given flow rate of 7 gpm is enough for families with up to three occupants.

The minimum operating pressure for this device is 20 psi. 125 psi is the maximum pressure.

If you’re unsure about which salt to use, Morton advises System Saver II Pellets (of course). However, any high-grade softening salt in pellet form should suffice.


Because it can treat water with up to 95 grains of hardness, the Morton System Saver M30 softener is one of the higher performing salt-based water softeners on the market. As a result, the System Saver M30 may be used with water of virtually any hardness, even private well water.

During regeneration, all salt-based water softeners waste water, but this best Morton softening feature employs sophisticated technology to minimize this waste as much as possible. It evaluates your household’s average water consumption and forecasts how often the system will need to renew, saving water waste and salt replenishment.

The System Saver employs ion exchange to soften water as a salt-based softener. Ion exchange is a typical method for softening water that often delivers the greatest results. The system may also remove up to 7ppm of iron, preventing rust from forming. The system is designed to create soft water for four-person households and has a grain capacity of 30,000 grains.

Installation and Maintenance

The Morton M30 might be difficult to install. Many individuals prefer to hire a professional plumber instead of doing it themselves. Although the device comes with an installation instructions, if you don’t have much plumbing knowledge, you may find it difficult to set up the system on your own.

Outside installation is possible, but only if you live in an area where the temperature does not dip below freezing. With a height of 43 inches and a width of 17 inches, it’ll help you save room or fit neatly into a smaller space.

The System Saver’s maintenance consists of filling up the salt and cleaning up the tanks on a regular basis. Because the Morton system is dependent on salt to function, you’ll need to keep a check on the salt levels and replenish them as needed. You’ll also need to wipe out the interior of the tank and remove any sediment or slime, as directed in the user handbook.

System info

The Morton System Saver softens water with a single tank and ion exchange. Sodium (or salt) ions exchange places with hardness ions, resulting in calcium and magnesium ions when they flow through the tank’s resin. While the soft water exits the tank and travels through your home’s plumbing, the calcium and magnesium remain trapped in the resin.

With this Morton softener, you should be able to enjoy a variety of soft water perks. Because your soft water lathers better, you’ll be able to reduce your use of soaps and detergents. You won’t have to clean as often since your water won’t create limescale deposits, and your appliances will last longer. You should have whiter, fresher laundry as well.

The system also eliminates iron, and if your water is unusually rich in iron, the creators recommend using Morton® Rust Remover salt. Although there is some debate over whether a salt-based softener with a filter can genuinely remove iron, many customers have commended the Morton M30 for its rust-removal skills. If your water contains a lot of iron, you should probably invest in a separate iron filter.

Final verdict

Leaks were a problem for certain consumers. Morton customer service received diverse reviews, ranging from terrible to excellent.

Another disadvantage is the exorbitant cost of replacing parts, such as the control board. Finally, the installation instructions should be improved.

The Morton System Saver M30 softens water in the proper manner. It can even manage modest iron levels and is simple to set up. However, it appears that overall quality and customer service are a problem. Nonetheless, we believe it is a reasonably excellent water softener on the market.

Save Energy and Money – With a Heat Pump Water Heater

With the high cost of living today, everyone’s looking for a way to save money and if they can also save energy in the process and help the environment, even better. Installing a heat pump hot water heater is one way to do both at the same time. Here’s how:

benefits of heat pump water heater

What are Heat Pump Water Heaters?

Before you can understand how heat pump water heaters save money and energy, you need to know how they work and what makes them different from other types of water heaters.

Typical water heaters work by generating their own heat through electricity, which means they have to expend energy creating the heat that is then transferred to the water. Conversely, a heat pump water heater uses electricity to move heat from one place to another. Since it doesn’t have to create the heat, it’s up to three times more efficient than a traditional water heater.

A heat pump water heater draws in heat from the air around it, heats it to a higher temperature, and transfers it to the water in the storage tank. Heat pump water heaters come in various models, including standalone units, integrated units that include a storage tank, and retrofit units that can be added to a traditional storage water heater.

Saving Energy, Saving Money

The way in which heat pump water heaters save homeowners money is simple: they require less electricity to operate than traditional models. When you use less electricity, you spend less money on your energy bills. With a unit that is up to three times as efficient as a traditional electric water heater, you can save some serious cash each year.

Of course, this benefits the environment as well. When you use less electricity, you effectively reduce the demand for fossil fuels, which are a finite resource. While it might not seem like you’re doing a lot to help the environment just by changing the type of water heater you use, you are actually making a big difference. The more homeowners who make this switch, the better off the surrounding environment will be.

Climate Matters — Somewhat

Homeowners should be aware that heat pump hot water heaters don’t work as well in all climates. The year-round temperature should be between 40°F and 90°F so the pump has heat in the air that it can transfer to the water. In cold climates that dip below 40°F at least part of the year, heat pumps will not do a great job of heating the water.

In fact, by installing a heat pump in a space that has excess heat, such as in a furnace room or a stuffy attic, will increase its efficiency, since it has more heat to work with from the start. This doesn’t mean you can’t install a heat pump in a cooler climate because they will still work. They just won’t be as efficient as they are in a hot environment.


The next time you find yourself in the market for a new hot water heater, give a heat pump model a shot. You’ll be pleased with the savings you gain, both in money and in energy

Choosing the Right Hot Water System Size

When getting a new hot water system, you have to think about the hot water system size you need for your home. Believe it or not, there are numerous hot water system sizes that make shopping for a new one somewhat challenging. Fortunately, you can follow some simple guidelines to help you choose the right hot water system size for your needs. While your individual hot water needs might differ slightly from these recommendations, they will give you a good idea of what size will work best for your home.

how to choose the right water system size

General Estimate

To really understand what size hot water system you need, you’ll want to calculate the amount of hot water your household uses during the time of day when you use the most hot water. However, if you just need a general estimate for size to start shopping around or to get a loose idea of how much it’s going to cost you to buy a new hot water system, you can use these basic numbers to find the right water heater size:

  • If there is one or two people in your household, choose a 30-40 gallon system.
  • If there are two or three people in your household, choose a 40-50 gallon system.
  • If there are three or four people in your household, choose a 50-60 gallon system.
  • If there are five or more people in your household, choose a 60-80 gallon system.

As you can see, there is some overlap in the right size hot water system when there are two or three people in your household. This is why you’ll need to more carefully consider your household’s hot water usage before actually deciding on a system and having one installed.

Hot Water Usage Habits

The larger factor in what size hot water system you should purchase is your household’s hot water usage habits. Some families of five might be perfectly fine with a 30-gallon system because they don’t use very much hot water. Maybe they’re used to taking short showers and washing their clothes in cold water. Perhaps they have very few hot water appliances in their home and are very conservative when using hot water throughout the day. A 30-gallon system might make perfect sense for them.

Conversely, a couple could need a 60-gallon hot water system because they enjoy taking long, luxurious or multiple showers and believe their clothes can’t get sanitized without being washed in scalding water. They may also run their dishwasher frequently, which also increases the usage of hot water. In their case, the smaller recommended size hot water system for one or two people wouldn’t meet their needs.

hot water guide

Calculate Your Exact Usage

As previously mentioned, the best way to determine the right size hot water system for your household is to calculate your actual hot water usage. You can do this by estimating the amount of hot water you use for various activities (10 gallons for a shower, four gallons for handwashing dishes, six gallons for using an automatic dishwasher, and seven gallons for a clothes washer) and multiply each activity by the number of times it happens during your peak hour of usage.


Once you’ve calculated your exact water usage, you can find the first hour rating (FHR) for a hot water system that matches your peak hour usage. This will ensure you have the right amount of hot water for even you heaviest usage times.