Top 3 Reasons Why You Should Have a Dehumidifier at Home

Air quality is one of those things that many homeowners frequently overlook. We assume that the air indoors is better or less polluted than the air outdoors because we’re not dealing with things like car fumes and pollution.

However, your indoor air can be just as bad as the atmosphere outdoors, particularly when you have problems with humidity. Too much humidity in your air can increase the risk of things like respiratory problems, mould, and even an overflow of dust. Here are 3 reasons to consider bringing a dehumidifier into your property.

1. They Combat Mould, Mildew and Dust

Damp in your home caused by humidity can lead to mould and mildew. Often, these problems are the root cause of health issues, such as asthma, respiratory conditions, and asthma. What’s more, constant exposure to mildew and mould may even increase your chances of nervous system disorders.

Taking steps to avoid your risk of moisture build-up by keeping your sewer line clear and fixing leaky pipes is great. However, homeowners can consistently keep their risk to a minimum by investing in a dehumidifier. These crucial tools remove the extra unnecessary moisture from the air, so that it can no longer feed mould spores in your home.

Having a dehumidifier can also help you to get rid of other pesky substances like dust on your mattresses, bedspreads, and other furniture too. That’s because it’s easier for dust to cling to your surfaces when there’s moisture in the air. When the air is dry, regularly vacuuming your home will get rid of a larger portion of dust, keeping the risk of allergy to a minimum. Dehumidifiers even eliminate the risk of dust mites by keeping humidity levels at a inhospitable level for those critters.

2. They Reduce Damp and Condensation

Too much humidity in your home causes a “damp” atmosphere. When the air is moist, the most obvious result is discomfort. You might notice that your breathing feels more laboured just because you’re breathing moisture-laden air. Damp doesn’t just stay in the air however, when it reaches excessive levels, it also begins to build up on the surfaces around your home, particularly in the winter when the cold of the outdoors interacts with the warm humidity indoors.

Humidity causes long-term damage to your woodwork and soft furnishings through damp and condensation. Although it’s common to have condensation in your home from time to time, humidity exacerbates it to dangerous levels, potentially causing peeling wall papers, shrinking wood, and stains on your sofas and curtains.

A dehumidifier will reduce the moisture in the air to reasonable levels again, protecting your belongings and your comfort.

3. They Improve Air Quality for Better Health

Finally, the most important reason to invest in a dehumidifier is that they allow you to improve your air quality and eliminate common health problems. Humidity in your home can lead to an increased risk of respiratory conditions, allergens, and even problems with coughs and stuffy noses. As mould and mildew begin to build up, the effects on your health grow even greater.

Placing a dehumidifier into your home does more than just get rid of musty smells throughout your property. It also absorbs the excess moisture that could be harming your health over time. Remember, the quality of the air in your home isn’t just measured by the amount of toxins that you could be exposed to. Your air quality also depends on the level of humidity in the air too.

Dry air is less likely to feed the bacteria in the atmosphere, reducing your risk of catching bugs and respiratory illnesses. According to studies, dehumidifiers are even useful in preventing asthma attacks because they remove asthma triggers like dust mites, mould, VOCs and building wastes.

Should You Get a Dehumidifier?

In a world where indoor air quality isn’t much better than the polluted air that we find outside, it’s important to take steps to protect yourself, your family and even your home. A dehumidifier can help you to improve the air quality that you’re exposed to every day.

By eliminating the unnecessary moisture in your home, your domestic dehumidifier will improve your quality of life, reduce the risk of mould and mildew, and even protect your health.

8 Ways to Reduce Air Contamination in the Workplace

It’s unsurprising that air quality naturally goes downhill in workplaces. When there are too many people in too small a space, negative effects on the air that employees breathe are to be expected. Those can be exacerbated by building or remodeling projects nearby.

Poor indoor air quality may result in sneezing, itchy eyes, and scratchy throats. Medical experts caution that it may also cause respiratory disorders, asthma, and cancer to worsen and damage the nervous system over time.

Fortunately, no matter where you work, there are ways to improve air quality and provide safe working conditions. You can reduce the likelihood of illness and create a healthy work environment by implementing the following recommendations:

air contamination at workplace

1. Keep Everything Clean And Germ-Free

Mold spores, dust, debris, and toxins shouldn’t be present in the air in a work environment. Instead of using toxic cleaning products that pollute the air, consider going green with cleaning agents that releases no additional pollutants into the environment. Muddy shoes should be cleaned on a scraper mat before entering the building or office to prevent tracking dirt into the establishment.

Do the floors after you’ve finished vacuuming to get rid of any airborne pollutants. Microfiber mops and dusters collect dirt and debris more thoroughly than ordinary cloth, so it’s always a good idea to use them.

By keeping everything clean, you can improve your office and help the environment at the same time.

2. Replace The Air Filters

When air filters get dirty, they stop up the flow of air. Over time, dust and dirt will settle in the air ducts, and people within the property may be at risk. In general, you should change air filters every six months.

3. Maintain An Appropriate Humidity Level

Dust mites and mold can be reduced when the humidity is between 30% and 50%. You can use two types of equipment to maintain a comfortable humidity level in your office: dehumidifiers and air conditioners.

4. Spillage Should Be Cleaned Up At Once

Mold grows in damp environments, and exposure to it can result in allergies and infections. Because it’s more costly to get rid of mold than to prevent it, it’s imperative to wipe away spills as quickly as possible and to watch for signs of leakage in the office.

5. Make Use Of Air Purifiers

Turning to commercial-grade appliances such as dehumidifiers and air purifiers ensures indoor safety without having to employ a technician.

6. Change Air Filters Regularly

To prevent the return of airborne contaminants to the indoor environment, change the filter as often as needed. Blockage or restriction of airflow can increase moisture retention and the buildup of pollutants in enclosed spaces. That’s why it’s advisable to clean air filters in your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system at least twice a year.

7. Make Sure There Is Adequate Ventilation

Open the windows whenever possible to let fresh air into the office and reduce stale air, but never turn off the HVAC system. Check the ventilation system in your workplace to ensure that it’s adequate. Ensure that there are no air leaks in the hoses or pipes within the property. Furniture, boxes, and cupboards placed in front of an air vent can create a stuffy office, so remove those at once.

air quality at the workplace

Having indoor plants is a great way to bring life into your workplace. They can help improve air quality as well because they take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen.

8. Inspections Should Be Made At Least Every Month

Workplace air quality testing will give you the data and insights you need to determine if the methods you’re using to keep indoor air clean are effective. The tests evaluate airflow, humidity, propensity to damage, amount of odor, water in the air, leaks, and the degree of mold growth and contamination. An increase in the number of employees developing an illness or becoming allergic to a change in the environment may warrant scheduling a test.

If you notice any signs that your ducts are causing poor air quality or providing inadequate ventilation, call the professionals right away. With their help, you’ll find out precisely what has to be fixed to get your office back on track when it comes to health standards.


The health and happiness of your employees are directly tied to indoor air quality. That’s why you have to identify ways to make your office’s environment more conducive to productivity and wellness. These can be as simple as changing filters regularly, using air purifiers, and testing the HVAC system.

Why You Should Buy a Home Weather Station

With the huge innovation and advancement in home technology, weather stations have become a popular purchase and are something that many homeowners are incorporating in their homes. There are numerous reasons why people are opting for these devices, and the huge array of options available, picking the right one is easier than ever as you can cut out a lot of the work by reading these reviews by Temperaturesensei.

Although there are many people who already have weather stations in their homes, there are still some who are uncertain about this technology and do not know whether they should incorporate it or not. In this post, we are going to discuss everything that you need to know about home weather stations, including the benefits.

What is a Weather Station

A weather station is a relatively small gadget that has various tools that enable it to discern the surrounding weather. It is equipped with an array of temperature monitors and sensors, which give you information about the climate around you and the environment that you might be in. Not long ago, this was technology that was primarily utilized in meteorological departments to gather weather data.

However, innovation in technology has led to the creation of smaller versions while maintaining the same functionality. These gadgets are designed to give localized information regarding the weather conditions around the house or nearby areas. They have proven to be pretty accurate and very efficient in proving the readings you want.

Applications of a Weather Station

These devices have an array of uses that have made them quite popular. Professionally, weather stations are utilized to garner data and provide weather information of a certain area. However, home weather stations take a more practical approach and provide information that you would need.

For instance, a home weather station can give you information on the temperature so that you can dress accordingly. If you’re planning a BBQ party on the weekend, you can use the device to know whether the weather will be conducive that day. There are numerous applications of these gadgets and all can help you be better prepared for any kind of weather condition.

Benefits of Home Weather Station

With the numerous uses of these devices, there are many benefits associated with them. If you are on the fence about purchasing one, then it would help to know the advantages of home weather stations.

1. Accurate Readings

Chances are the meteorological department is located far from your house. In such a case, the weather predictions you get may not be the most precise. That’s because the weather in that region may not be the same as where you reside. This is where home weather stations become more advantageous. These gadgets provide the exact details regarding the temperature of where you live. That’s because the readings are centered around your residence.

2. Real-Time Data

This is probably the reason why most people are opting for the home weather station. The ability to get real-time information makes this device worth the purchase. In the past, people used to rely on weather reports on the news for predictions or reports from the meteorological departments. Well, you no longer have to depend on these sources and get your own precise data on the weather much faster, thus allowing to make plans in a more convenient manner.

3. Real-Time Alerts

The weather changes every time and it can take an unexpected turn that’s not ideal, especially in regions that are prone to hurricanes and storms. Owning a weather station can help you and your loved ones in such situations, stay safe when weather changes are detected. With real-time data and alerts, you will be informed about the weather all the time, thus helping you stay safer.

4. Share Data

Home weather stations can ideally run on multiple devices simultaneously, meaning every family member can be able to use them. This makes it easy to share information regarding weather conditions, thus helping everyone stay up to date and prepared. This is again extremely helpful in regions that experience harsh weather conditions and need to warn each other.

5. Ease of Use

Home weather stations are designed with ease of use and efficiency in mind. They are meant to provide precise weather information in a simple way. If you’re looking for a gadget that’s easy to read and does not bombard you with jargon, then a home weather station is the answer. It is a simple and efficient gadget that’s easy to use even for older people. It is also easy to install, which adds to the advantages.

6. Creates a Smarter Home

Smart homes are the in thing today. Installing a home weather station is certainly a great way to make your home more efficient. The devices were designed with the needs of people who need instant information about the weather in mind and they do a great job at satisfying those needs. If you are looking to create a smarter home that will be efficient for years to come, then this something that you should incorporate today.

7. Precise Forecasting

Knowing the current weather conditions around your residence is just not enough. There are times when you want to know about the weather forecast for the next several days. Well, these gadgets are designed to deliver just that. A weather station can help you prepare better for the weather in the next few days and help you plan your activities better.

8. Helps in Home Maintenance

Protecting your home from weather damage is imperative, particularly if you reside in places that experience drastic weather changes and harsh conditions. Heat, rain and snow can cause substantial damage to your home, causing you to spend thousands of dollars on repairs and replacements. A simple weather station can help you better maintain your house throughout the seasons and even safeguard your house from weather damage.

Tips for Buying a Home Weather Station

To enjoy the benefits of a home weather station, you need to choose the right device. When it comes to picking one, there are two primary things to consider; the sensors and the price.

When purchasing a home weather station, do not lean towards the cheapest in order to save a little money. The more you spend on a device, the more reliable and accurate it will be. Cheaper models are less precise with data, and this defeats the purpose of owning one.

An ideal weather station should have a thermometer for temperature measurement, a barometer for atmospheric pressure, anemometer for wind speed and direction, humidity sensor for humidity levels and rain gauge for rainfall and precipitation.