6 Risks to Prepare For in the Mining Industry

The mining sector is dedicated to the extraction of precious metals and mineral reserves from the earth. The extracted materials are transformed into a mineralized form that serves an economic benefit to both the mining company and the country. However, working in the mining industry has always been dangerous as fatal accidents in mines are a common occurrence worldwide.


While not all accidents and dangers can be prevented, there are some steps you should take to improve the safety for your workers. Failing to put in adequate safety measures could see you facing serious penalties. Here, we’ll look at 6 risks in the mining industry to be aware of and how to combat them.

1. Dust exposure

While dust may not sound like a particularly harmful risk, it can lead to serious respiratory problems. It is such a common occurrence in the mining industry that it’s been given the term “coal mine dust lung disease”. Some types of respiratory problems cannot be cured, so preventing them is key to your workers safety.

There are numerous dust prevention methods that can be used to combat the issue. Preventing dust from becoming airborne is key and it can be done through water. The type of machinery you use can also determine how much dust is released. Looking at ways to prevent dust build-up is key.

2. Explosions

One of the more serious risks in the industry is the risk of an explosion. This is a particular worry for underground miners. The pipes within underground mines tend to contain flammable gases and chemicals. So, if the ventilation system isn’t maintained, it does pose a risk of an explosion.

Workers should continually check the ventilation system in mines and warning signs should be placed around the mine to remind them of safe practices.

3. Cave ins

There have been a number of cave-ins around the world that have caused devastation within the mining sector. In 2019, 21 miners died in China due to a roof collapse. It is a serious risk that can be difficult to fully prevent. Carrying out regular structural inspections is crucial to maintain the safety of your workers.

4. Electrical hazards

A number of electrical machines need to be used during the mining process. Unfortunately, this increases the risk of shock, fires and falls. If a worker were to get an electric shock, or trip over the equipment, you could end up having to make a large pay-out. You should always have adequate miners’ insurance.

5. Fire

All mines present some kind of fire risk. Even an excess level of dust in the mine can trigger a fire or explosion. The electrical equipment also poses a risk to workers. It’s a good idea to have a fire safety audit carried out before work is undertaken.

6. Noise

Finally, miners are also exposed to high levels of noise. They should be provided with ear protectors to prevent permanent damage. You’ll need to ensure you are providing high-quality protectors for adequate protection.

These are just 6 of the risk’s miners face. It is one of the most dangerous jobs in the world, but there are ways to minimise the risks. Making sure you are adequately insured is important. If your workers are to suffer an accident, they need to know they will be protected. Taking appropriate steps to improve the safety of the workplace is important for both you and your employees.

Reasons Why Greenhouse Ventilation is Essential

The essential function of a greenhouse is to have the right environment for plants to grow. Thus, good greenhouse design is vital. Among the features of a greenhouse is ventilation.

The greenhouse needs excellent ventilation to create a balance in the indoor climate, maximizing the sun’s power while maintaining the air quality and optimal temperature to ensure that the plants will grow vigorously.

Why Greenhouse Ventilation is Essential

Whether operating a backyard greenhouse or a commercial greenhouse, keep in mind that air exchange is vital, not only for providing fresh air and carbon dioxide so your plants can photosynthesize. It will also regulate the indoor temperature in your greenhouse in all weather conditions.

A good ventilation layout is necessary

You need a good ventilation layout so you can effectively cool the greenhouse on a hot day. Use exhaust fans to blow the stale, hot air out of the structure. You also need intake shutters mounted opposite the exhaust system to take in the cooler fresh air.

For a commercial greenhouse, the exhaust fan system should change the air between one to three minutes in summer, which will keep a reasonable temperature inside the greenhouse. If you have a small greenhouse, the system will only need one minute.

Your commercial greenhouse should also have complementary equipment, such as variable-speed motors, motorized shutters and louvered fans. There should also be roof and side vents to keep a steady supply of fresh air and improve the cooling of the greenhouse.

If the summers are long and hot in your area, evaporative coolers could be the solution. They will add humidity, cooling, and air movement inside the greenhouse. You can use evaporative coolers together with the exhaust shutters.

Ventilation tips

It is essential to understand the needs of your specific crops so you can implement the right combination to boost their growth. Working with an expert in greenhouse structures will be beneficial in providing you with the perfect growing space under all weather conditions.

Cooling the greenhouse with wind and thermal buoyancy is one of the concepts that has been around for ages. The concept uses louvers or vents that open to allow excess heat to escape while cooler air from outside is allowed to enter.


But when large polyethylene sheets became a popular covering for greenhouse roofs, placing the vents on the roof became a challenge. So engineers developed a system of using fans to draw outside air through louvers installed in one end of the structure and an exhaust fan system at the other end. The ventilation system using this method uses thermostatic control.

Hoop style greenhouses are more effective in providing ventilation using roll-up sides. But greenhouses with roof and side vents are more effective when there is enough space as the vents should be large enough to allow for good air movement. Many manufacturers are producing open-roof greenhouses. You can easily control the roof’s opening to maximize heat and cool air entry as needed.

Working with an expert greenhouse manufacturer will ensure that the structure will fit the crops you want to grow and maximize all the design features according to your location.

3 Home Designing Tips To Promote Cleaner Air Quality Indoors

While much of the focus has been on the damage air pollution can do, it turns out the air within our homes maybe even more detrimental. Last year’s Clean Air Day campaign showed that particle pollution levels are a staggering 3.5 times higher indoors than they are outdoors. With the average person spending 93 percent of their lives indoors, every effort must be made to promote clean, safe indoor air quality – including when it comes to designing homes.

Designing a home that promotes good indoor air quality not only encourages better health for you and your family but can save you money on heating costs in the long run.

If you exert effort to promote safer air quality indoors, your home will become healthier and cleaner. Contrary to popular belief, promoting cleaner and safer air quality indoors through the right home design isn’t taxing. Making small changes in different areas of your home and investing in the right tools, such as the Needlepoint bipolar ionization, can go a long way for you and your family to enjoy healthier air indoors. To make this process easier, consider the following tips to promote safer air quality indoors:


Control Outdoor Sources Of Air Pollution With Minimal Cracks, Leaks Or Uncontrolled Openings

A large determinant of indoor air quality is the transmission of outdoor pollution into the home. In an Indoor Quality Survey by UCL, nitrogen dioxide accounted for 84 percent of the variations in air quality. Nitrogen Dioxide is linked to asthma attacks and is majorly attributed to traffic emissions. The presence of nitrogen dioxide inside your home can worsen the symptoms of asthma or can increase your susceptibility when developing such disease.

The report went on to highlight just how important a role the airtight design of a building plays in maintaining optimal air quality. When designing an airtight home, ensuring there is adequate insulation and choosing the right insulation material is important.

New home builders can also benefit from new construction methods like insulation within the home’s frame or the use of structural insulated panels. Final checks for unsealed leaks or cracks should also be done. However, homeowners and contractors should also keep in mind that ventilation is also just as paramount in maintaining good indoor air quality. Therefore, the inclusion of ventilation points, such as appropriately placed windows, should be kept in mind.

Moreover, common entryways such as doors and windows should be free from any kind of cracks and leaks. Homebuilders can now install silicon in the frames of doors and windows, so make sure that you use this material when designing your home.

Ensure You Have An Effective Ventilation System Design And Components In Place

A carefully designed ventilation system ensures that there is a free flow of air throughout the home and that any internal pollutants are flushed out. Ventilation is also important in the prevention and control of mold spores, which can have a large and potentially toxic impact on indoor air quality. Since molds thrive in humid or moist environments, proper ventilation can prevent their growth and the resulting health complications of mold exposure, such as the triggering of asthma symptoms or lung infections. Molds can also become an eyesore indoors, which is why you should ensure that your home has proper ventilation. A well-ventilated home can also increase the comfort of the people living in it, making the space more relaxing.

When designing your home’s ventilation system, you will want a contractor that is experienced and an NICEIC approved ventilation installer for the installation. In addition to adhering to building regulations, be sure to include mechanical switches or CO2 powered sensors for your MVHR unit so the speed can adapt according to changing conditions, such as seasons of the year. You should also consider the air filter size: larger filters allow for greater airflow, but those made with a thinner material can come with an extended life and dust loading abilities.

There are many ways on how you can improve the ventilation of your home. For instance, you can install extractor fans and attic vents or invest in a home ventilation system. There are several products available in the market today that can provide ventilation indoors so make sure to ask your contractors about your options. For you to end up paying and using a ventilation system that fits your needs and budget, do some research online on how these products work.

Choose Non-Toxic Building Materials And Furnishings For Your Home

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are one of the leading types of indoor air pollution and commonly stem from certain liquids or substances such as paint varnishes, building materials, and the finishes on indoor furniture. Research has also shown that concentrations of VOCs can be up to 10 times higher indoors than they are outdoors. Exposure to VOCs can result in both long and short term health complications, including headaches, skin conditions and liver damage.

To avoid this, homeowners can opt for chemical-free building materials such as formaldehyde-free boarding, Rockwool for insulation, and low VOC paints for painting and interior designs. Since you’ll be designing your home, make sure that the contractors understand your needs and will only use these materials.

When it comes to furnishing, choose second-hand furniture over new. Preowned furniture is more likely to emit lower levels of VOC when you buy them, since they stop emitting VOC after the first few initial years. As a bonus, it is much easier on your home design budget as preowned furniture is cheaper than buying brand new ones. For you to score great deals, you just have to exert effort when searching for secondhand pieces.

Key Takeaway Points

With so much time being spent in our homes, it makes sense that homeowners would want to design a home that is as safe as possible, including the indoor air quality. Incorporating simple hacks like these into your home design process can help you design the home of your dreams – and a healthy one at that.

8 Ways to Reduce Air Contamination in the Workplace

It’s unsurprising that air quality naturally goes downhill in workplaces. When there are too many people in too small a space, negative effects on the air that employees breathe are to be expected. Those can be exacerbated by building or remodeling projects nearby.

Poor indoor air quality may result in sneezing, itchy eyes, and scratchy throats. Medical experts caution that it may also cause respiratory disorders, asthma, and cancer to worsen and damage the nervous system over time.

Fortunately, no matter where you work, there are ways to improve air quality and provide safe working conditions. You can reduce the likelihood of illness and create a healthy work environment by implementing the following recommendations:

air contamination at workplace

1. Keep Everything Clean And Germ-Free

Mold spores, dust, debris, and toxins shouldn’t be present in the air in a work environment. Instead of using toxic cleaning products that pollute the air, consider going green with cleaning agents that releases no additional pollutants into the environment. Muddy shoes should be cleaned on a scraper mat before entering the building or office to prevent tracking dirt into the establishment.

Do the floors after you’ve finished vacuuming to get rid of any airborne pollutants. Microfiber mops and dusters collect dirt and debris more thoroughly than ordinary cloth, so it’s always a good idea to use them.

By keeping everything clean, you can improve your office and help the environment at the same time.

2. Replace The Air Filters

When air filters get dirty, they stop up the flow of air. Over time, dust and dirt will settle in the air ducts, and people within the property may be at risk. In general, you should change air filters every six months.

3. Maintain An Appropriate Humidity Level

Dust mites and mold can be reduced when the humidity is between 30% and 50%. You can use two types of equipment to maintain a comfortable humidity level in your office: dehumidifiers and air conditioners.

4. Spillage Should Be Cleaned Up At Once

Mold grows in damp environments, and exposure to it can result in allergies and infections. Because it’s more costly to get rid of mold than to prevent it, it’s imperative to wipe away spills as quickly as possible and to watch for signs of leakage in the office.

5. Make Use Of Air Purifiers

Turning to commercial-grade appliances such as dehumidifiers and air purifiers ensures indoor safety without having to employ a technician.

6. Change Air Filters Regularly

To prevent the return of airborne contaminants to the indoor environment, change the filter as often as needed. Blockage or restriction of airflow can increase moisture retention and the buildup of pollutants in enclosed spaces. That’s why it’s advisable to clean air filters in your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system at least twice a year.

7. Make Sure There Is Adequate Ventilation

Open the windows whenever possible to let fresh air into the office and reduce stale air, but never turn off the HVAC system. Check the ventilation system in your workplace to ensure that it’s adequate. Ensure that there are no air leaks in the hoses or pipes within the property. Furniture, boxes, and cupboards placed in front of an air vent can create a stuffy office, so remove those at once.

air quality at the workplace

Having indoor plants is a great way to bring life into your workplace. They can help improve air quality as well because they take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen.

8. Inspections Should Be Made At Least Every Month

Workplace air quality testing will give you the data and insights you need to determine if the methods you’re using to keep indoor air clean are effective. The tests evaluate airflow, humidity, propensity to damage, amount of odor, water in the air, leaks, and the degree of mold growth and contamination. An increase in the number of employees developing an illness or becoming allergic to a change in the environment may warrant scheduling a test.

If you notice any signs that your ducts are causing poor air quality or providing inadequate ventilation, call the professionals right away. With their help, you’ll find out precisely what has to be fixed to get your office back on track when it comes to health standards.


The health and happiness of your employees are directly tied to indoor air quality. That’s why you have to identify ways to make your office’s environment more conducive to productivity and wellness. These can be as simple as changing filters regularly, using air purifiers, and testing the HVAC system.

3 Ways to Make the Most of Your AC Unit

Without a doubt, one of the reasons why so many homeowners are hesitant about the use of their air conditioning unit is due to the potential spike in the utility bills. While it is understandable to want to save money on an AC unit, it makes no sense to have an AC and never use it. It can be challenging to be comfortable in a warmer climate without the help of air conditioning, but a rising utility bill should not deter you from using it when you want to.

That said, there are some ways to help ensure that you are making the most of the AC unit you have. While services such as Elite AC Repair Austin are there for the more severe issues that can pop up, here are a few methods to help you save money by treating your AC unit right.

1. How you handle the ventilation in your home can make all the difference

For example, there are plenty of houses with furniture that ends up blocking the vents, stopping air from effectively moving freely around the home. While it might not be such a big deal, when you are trying to utilize your AC unit to cool things down, it can result in an uneven experience. Before starting, it would be a good idea to check and ensure that the vents in your house are not blocked or clogged in any way.

2. Purposefully blocking ventilation can have its advantages

Once you are confident that everything is in order, there is still the question of which vents to block when the AC is on. After all, there are areas of the home that do not need to be cooled down – such as the basement. By blocking the ventilation in certain areas, you can cool other rooms much faster and save money at the same time.

3. Understand exactly when to have your AC serviced

There are plenty of situations where it seems like the best course of action would be to use a service such as eliteaustinac.com. That said, understanding which situations merit the intervention of a professional can save you plenty of money in the long run. For example, a leak might not be so bad, but it could end up leading to mold as time goes on, eventually turning into a health hazard for you and your family. Clean dirty HVAC air filters regularly to decrease HVAC energy consumption.


There is also the issue of odd smells, as well as the lack of cold air. If you want to save money, it would be a good idea to have your unit serviced by an expert as soon as possible.

Aside from the tips above, ensure that you keep the condenser clean by washing it with a garden hose every now and then. If you are curious about where to find quality AC units, Trane can help provide you with the best air conditioning units around. The tips above will help you save money while simultaneously giving your AC the treatment it deserves!

3 Ways To Improve Your Bathroom

Both the first place we visit in the morning as well as the last stop before we go to bed, bathrooms are used as regularly, if not more so, than any other room in the house. So why don’t we dedicate the same amount of time and resources to making it as aesthetically and practically successful as, say, our kitchens? Besides helping you re-evaluate the importance of the bathroom within the home, we are here to help you enact some changes that will not only improve the appearance of your bathroom but its utility too.

bathroom improvement tips


2. Boost water pressure and flow with a shower pump

A shower is an almost inviolable component of the daily routine and ensuring that it works as efficiently and effectively as possible is imperative. There are a number of different ways this can be achieved. The one change you should be prioritising is the addition of a shower pump. Without sufficient water flow and water pressure, a shower fails to be enjoyable. A shower pump can remedy this.

The kind of shower pump you will need however depends on the positioning of the water tank in relation to the pump. Efficient negative head shower pumps have the ability to act against gravity and will work regardless of their relative position to the accompanying water tank while positive head shower pumps will only work when positioned above or equal to the water tank.

Similarly, you need to determine whether your home is better served by a single or twin impeller pump – the difference being that twin impeller pumps are more adept at propelling water from far apart cold water and hot water tanks.

2. Ventilate your bathroom and ward off threat of damp

Bathrooms are invariably seen as somewhat of an afterthought when it comes to allocating space within a home. Often, but not always, cramped and confined, small bathrooms do little to hamper the presence of moisture in the air that will eventually condense to form water droplets on the cooler tiled or even wallpapered walls which can lead to host of damp problems.

The best way to impede the appearance and advance of damp is to properly ventilate your bathroom. Outside of taking a hammer to the walls to create a custom-made window, your options are relatively limited. The most inexpensive and practical solution is to install an extractor fan or purchase a dehumidifier. Either will help to remove excess moisture – preventing the development of damp and mold in the process. If your bathroom is facing mold infestation, make use of eco-friendly mold removal techniques.

3. Lighten up your bathroom

A complete bathroom décor overhaul can be expensive and time-consuming. Sometimes small alterations can be just as transformative. Electing to lighten up the room is one such example.

Going for lighter hues and tones throughout your bathroom creates the illusion of space, leading to a more spacious and airier-feeling room. This modification doesn’t necessarily require a top-to-bottom repainting; putting up posters, investing in a new and expansive mirror, and altering existing cabinets with fresh exteriors can elicit the same kind of response.