How to Make Your House More Eco-Friendly?

Most people want to do what they can to help the environment. After all, this planet is our home, and it doesn’t benefit us if we’re destroying it. That being said, it can be incredibly hard to live an eco-friendly life. It often requires time, money, and resources that the average person doesn’t have. Luckily, there are a few ways that you can live a more eco-friendly life that don’t require any major changes or sacrifices. These are changes that most people can easily make. And, as with most things, change tends to start at home. That’s why, in this post, we’ll be discussing four ways that you can make your house more eco-friendly.

1. Support eco-friendly services

We all make use of services when it comes to our house. We constantly call people in to fix things, or to clean things. So, why not rather support a company that isn’t harming the earth?


Other than doing some research and making the switch, this will require minimal effort from your side but can make a big difference when it comes to the environment. For example, next time you need your carpets cleaned, why not try an earth-friendly carpet cleaning system?

2. Recycle

It’s a well-known fact that recycling is one of the most common topics that are brought up when it comes to living a more eco-friendly life. And yet, many people don’t recycle. That’s because many of them don’t know what recycling entails.

We’re not saying you need to make homemade paper out of your old scraps of paper (although you absolutely can, if the idea interests you) but simply separating your recyclable items from the non-recyclable items will make it much better for recycling companies to do their jobs. If you need more information, click here for a list of what can be recycled.

3. Make use of alternative energy sources

Every single day, nearly every person on this planet uses some form of electricity, and a lot of it negatively impacts the world. That’s why more and more people are being encouraged to make the switch to alternative or renewable energy sources. Wind energy is a popular choice, but it’s not suitable for all regions.


Solar panels, on the other hand, can be utilized by most households. While solar energy used to be a rare luxury that few could afford, the increase in demand means that it’s now more affordable than ever.

4. Make your own compost

Compost is great for various reasons. It’s good for the environment, it means that you waste less product, and it’s great for your garden. So, with all that in mind, we can’t think of a single reason not to make your own compost!


Many people shy away from composting because they find the idea of it unappealing, but the truth is that it can be a very rewarding thing. The least you can do is to try composting – if it’s not for you, you can be eco-friendly in other ways!

What Are the Most Common Renewable Energy Sources?

Most of the energy that we use in today’s day and age is non-renewable. However, the concern about using these forms of energy is rising and people are now looking for more sustainable energy sources.

Renewable energy sources are more natural forms of energy, such as sunlight, wind, water, geothermal heat, and tides. Switching over to renewable sources of energy can reduce the use of the Earth’s limited resources, like fossil fuels (natural gas, coal, petroleum, and nuclear energy).

Currently, around 12.4% of energy in the United States comes from renewable sources. Because of this, fossil fuel reserves have been significantly depleted over the last few decades. Scientists suggest that within just a few decades, there will be no non-renewable sources of energy left.

clean energy in italy

However, with renewable energy sources, there is no limit. They won’t run out and they are inexhaustible.

Alongside their inexhaustibility, renewable energies have a second benefit in that they don’t produce greenhouse gases. This means that using these energy sources does not contribute to global warming or climate change.

What Are the Most Common Forms of Renewable Sources of Energy?

The most commonly used renewable energies include wind power, solar energy (photovoltaic and thermal), and the use of biomass (organic matter) for energy.

Let’s delve into each of these in a little more detail.

1. Wind Power

Wind is produced naturally as the Earth’s surface gets heated more in some areas than others. Wind energy can be harnessed by large wind turbines and converted into electricity to power homes across the country.

Wind power is the most commonly used and most widespread renewable energy source that is used in the modern-day. Large wind turbines can generate a large amount of electricity and require very little maintenance, making them sustainable and reliable.

2. Solar Energy

The sun’s energy production is massive and much of this energy reaches Earth through radiation. Solar energy can be split into two categories – photovoltaic and solar thermal. Each of these forms of solar energy uses the sun’s energy in slightly different ways.

Photovoltaic solar energy uses specialized solar cells that convert the energy from the sun into electricity. These cells can be used in solar panels, solar-powered electronic devices, and more.

Solar thermal energy uses the heat that is produced by the sun and converts it into a liquid that produces steam to generate electricity. This electricity can be supplied to homes across the country.

mistakes when switching to solar energy

There are lots of great devices that can harness solar energy from the sun and are perfect to have in your home. For example, the EcoFlow Delta Pro 3600 is a portable power station that can be used to generate energy in your home and elsewhere to help you live more sustainably.

3. Biomass

Biomass power is being used in large-scale biomass projects. This form of renewable energy uses organic matter from animals and plants to provide energy.


A quick glance at popular biomass resources

Biomass sources may include:

  • Agricultural crops and waste
  • Wood waste, including firewood, lumber, and sawdust
  • Biogenic materials, such as paper, wool, and cotton
  • Animal waste