How Does a Solar Battery Storage Work?

The idea of having an energy-independent home is quite enticing for any homeowner. It comes with a lot of advantages, the main one being the fact that you won’t be affected by utility rate fluctuations. Also, you’ll be promoting the ‘green energy’ campaign, which is currently being recommended as a way of preserving the environment. Fortunately, it’s an attainable dream given the rapid advancement in the world of energy storage. All you need is a set of solar panels or a solar energy provider, and a battery backup to satisfy your needs.

Solar batteries are an integral part of this setup since they ensure a continuous supply of power if the grid goes down. This article will break down the seemingly complex operation of these storage devices into a few easy-to-understand steps. The discussion will revolve around a battery that’s already paired with a solar system rather than a standalone solar battery storage.


Feeding the Solar Energy

When sunlight rays hit the panels, the visible light is converted to electrical energy. The electrical current flows into the battery and is stored as DC electricity. It’s worth noting that there are two types of solar batteries: AC-coupled and DC-coupled. The latter has a built-in inverter that can convert the electricity current to DC or AC. As such, the DC solar electricity will flow from the panels to an external power inverter, which will convert it to AC energy that can either be used by your home appliances or stored in the AC battery. What the built-in inverter will do in this case is convert the AC electricity back to DC for storage.

As for a DC-coupled system, the battery doesn’t have a built-in inverter. As such, the DC electricity from the solar panels flows to the battery via a charge controller. Unlike in an AC setup, the power inverter in this system is only connected to your home’s wiring. As such, electricity from the solar panels or your storage battery is converted from DC to AC before flowing to your home appliances. What determines how much energy is stored in the battery?  Read on to find out more.

The Charging Process

As power flows from the solar panels, your home’s electricity setup will take precedence. Therefore, electricity directly feeds your appliances, like refrigerators, TVs, and lights. Often, this energy from solar panels can be more than what you need. For instance, on a hot afternoon, a lot of power is produced, yet your home isn’t using much of it. In such a scenario, net metering occurs, wherein the extra energy flows back to the grid. However, you can use this overflow to charge up your batteries.


The amount of electricity stored in the battery depends on how fast it charges up. If, for example, your home doesn’t use up too much power, then the charging process will be quick. Also, if you’re connected to huge panels, then a lot of electric energy will flow to your home, which means the batteries will charge up a lot faster. Once your battery is full, the charge controller will prevent it from overcharging.

If you are actively looking towards the idea of having clean, free energy, but don’t have enough money to invest in solar panels, you should definitely consider buying a solar generator. Solar generators utilize solar panels, capturing the sun’s energy. The solar energy is stored in a batter. A solar generator has four components, including the solar panels, controller, inverter, and solar battery.

Solar generators don’t require fuel to work—all you need to do is set up the solar panel, and you’ll benefit from clean, renewable energy. Because solar generators don’t release pollutants, you can safeguard your family’s health and protect the environment. Solar generators are highly preferred over traditional generators because they’re quiet, low-maintenance, and cost-effective.

Why Do You Need A Solar Battery?

Homeowners can use Plico Energy’s solar calculator or any similar online tool to determine how much solar energy they need. But even if you have a rough idea of the amount of solar power you need to sustain your daily tasks, it’s still important to buy a solar battery. Here are some of the reasons why you should invest in a solar battery:

1. To shield you from power outages

If you’re connected to a grid, there’ll always be a few moments when the transmission system malfunctions or is shut down for maintenance. As soon as this happens, the system will isolate your home from the grid and activate the backup source. In this case, the battery will operate like a backup generator.

Having backup power through solar batteries can prevent the inconveniences associated with outages. Hence, you can continue using your appliances for household chores, entertainment, studying, or working at home. Most of all, if you have a sick family member needing a piece of medical equipment, such as an oxygen tank or a respirator, you won’t face problems with sourcing a generator or a power backup.

2. Time-of-use rate plans

On these plans, you’ll be charged according to the amount of electricity you use, as well as the time during which you use it. TOU states that the power drawn from the grid at night is more valuable than the extra energy produced during the day. As such, by storing the extra energy and using it at night, you’ll reduce the overall cost of electricity in your home.

Governments around the world are recognising the benefits of solar batteries. So much so, that they are offering rebates for homeowners to help with the upfront cost of buying a solar battery. These rebates for solar batteries are becoming more and more popular and are a sign of the huge benefits batteries provide to homeowners and the world. Solar battery rebates are helping to promote the adoption of solar energy systems in many countries.

Closing Remarks

With the world embracing ‘green energy,’ solar panels are gradually replacing the traditional sources of electricity. Solar batteries play a crucial role in ensuring that you have a reliable power supply in your home. AC-couple storage batteries have a built-in inverter, which converts the electric current to DC or AC, depending on the direction.

On the other hand, a DC-couple battery doesn’t have this feature. Both batteries, however, store electric energy in DC regardless of the setup. The speed at which electricity is stored in the batteries depends on the size of the panels and the amount used by your home appliances.

Maximizing Solar Energy Efficiency In Residential Areas

Solar energy stands as a cornerstone of sustainable living, offering a clean, renewable power source. Its principles revolve around harnessing sunlight and converting it into electricity, a process that proves increasingly vital in today’s energy landscape. For homeowners, this energy form is not just environmentally friendly but also cost-effective in the long run.

The essence of this article lies in exploring diverse methods to enhance solar energy efficiency in residential areas. We delve into practical strategies and innovative technologies that can significantly boost the performance of solar systems in homes.

how to maximize solar efficiency in residential areas

1. Assessing Residential Solar Potential

Evaluating your home’s suitability for solar energy is a crucial first step toward efficient utilization. Key factors influencing this potential include geographic location, which determines the amount of sunlight your area receives.

Equally important is your roof’s orientation; a south-facing roof in the Northern Hemisphere catches more sunlight. Additionally, consider the angle of your roof, as certain slopes capture sunlight more effectively.

Another aspect to consider is shading. Nearby trees, buildings, or other structures can cast shadows on your solar panels, reducing their efficiency. Assess the extent of shading during different times of the day and across seasons. This assessment helps in strategically placing panels where they receive maximum sunlight, enhancing overall energy production.

2. Latest Solar Technologies For Homes

Advancements in solar technology are revolutionizing how homes harness and utilize solar energy. These innovations are not only elevating efficiency but also making solar power more accessible and user-friendly.

High-Efficiency Solar Panels

Recent developments have led to solar panels with significantly higher efficiency rates. These advanced panels convert more sunlight into electricity, maximizing energy production even in limited spaces. Homeowners looking for top-tier solar solutions, similar to solar panels Tucson, can benefit greatly from these high-efficiency options.

Solar Batteries

The integration of solar batteries has transformed how homes store and use solar energy. These batteries store excess energy generated during peak sunlight hours. This stored energy is then available for use during evenings or cloudy days, ensuring a consistent energy supply.

Smart Energy Management Systems

Smart technology is playing a pivotal role in enhancing solar energy efficiency. These systems allow homeowners to monitor and manage their energy usage in real time. Users can optimize their energy consumption, aligning it with the solar energy available, leading to more efficient use of solar power.

Building-Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV)

BIPV technology integrates solar cells directly into building materials, such as roof tiles or windows. This not only saves space but also enhances aesthetic appeal, making solar panels a seamless part of home design.

Transparent Solar Panels

Innovations have led to the development of transparent solar panels. These panels can be installed as windows, capturing sunlight without obstructing the view. This technology opens up new avenues for solar energy in urban and residential settings.

The realm of solar technology is continuously evolving, offering homeowners a plethora of options to maximize solar energy efficiency. From high-efficiency panels to smart management systems, these technologies promise a sustainable and cost-effective future for residential solar energy.

3. Optimizing Solar Panel Placement

Harnessing the full potential of solar energy in your home hinges on strategic panel placement. The right location can significantly boost the efficiency of your solar setup.

Sunlight Exposure

Aim for areas that receive maximum sunlight throughout the day. Typically, this means installing panels on the south-facing side of your roof in the Northern Hemisphere.

Avoiding Shade

Keep panels clear of shade from trees, buildings, or other structures. Even partial shading can greatly reduce a solar panel’s efficiency.

Roof Angle And Condition

Ensure your roof is in good condition and has the right angle for optimal sunlight absorption. Panels should be angled to capture the most sunlight based on your geographic location.

Ground-Mounted Systems

If your roof isn’t suitable, consider ground-mounted solar panels. These can be positioned to perfectly capture sunlight, unimpeded by roofing constraints.

Professional Assessment

A professional solar installer can provide invaluable insights. They can assess your home’s unique characteristics and recommend the best placement for maximum efficiency.

Securing the ideal placement for solar panels can seem daunting. However, with thoughtful consideration and expert advice, you can achieve an efficient solar setup. This not only increases your energy yield but also contributes to a more sustainable future.

solar efficiency improvements

4. Integrating Smart Home Technology

Smart home technology is revolutionizing the way solar energy is managed in homes, making it more efficient and user-friendly. These systems allow homeowners to monitor and control their solar energy use in real-time. For example, smart thermostats can adjust heating and cooling based on solar energy availability, ensuring energy is used most efficiently.

In addition to thermostats, smart lighting systems and appliances can be synced with solar panel outputs. This ensures that these devices operate primarily during peak solar production hours, reducing reliance on grid power. Integrating these technologies not only maximizes solar efficiency but also provides a seamless, automated living experience.


Exploring these strategies allows homeowners to significantly improve their solar energy use. This process goes beyond just technical upgrades; it reflects a thoughtful approach to living sustainably. With each home that optimizes its solar efficiency, there’s a collective move toward a more environmentally responsible world.

7 Key Factors Affecting the Lifespan of Home Solar Panels

Installing solar panels in homes is becoming more popular due to increase in the efficiency and availability of solar panels, besides the public concern for environmental preservation. According to experts, “green” energy should eventually replace the traditional sector of the world economy. Solar panels for the home combines several modules of photovoltaic cells that convert solar energy into electrical energy.

different surveys when building a new home

The excess energy generated by solar panels during the day is stored and used when needed. Batteries can be used as a backup power source in the absence of a centralized power supply. They allow significant cost savings when utility rates are too high. For example, the price of residential electricity in 2022 averages 14.6 cents per kilowatt hour (kWh), up 6.1% from 20211.

Solar energy accounts for 3.7% of global electricity production and this figure will steadily increase over time2. According to statistics, every second buyer of solar panels is interested in purchasing them in addition to the system already working in the house. These energy sources are a long-term and significant investment in home improvement. Therefore, the service life of a home solar panel is an important factor for manufacturers and buyers. Manufacturers must ensure that their products are reliable and durable.

Most homeowners prefer power system brands that supply the best solar batteries with a guarantee of reliability and durability. The service life of home energy storage is 5 to 15 years. Solar panels are made from recyclable materials with a guarantee of their operation for 25 years. They can be replaced after the warranty period of use.

Factors Affecting the Lifespan of Home Solar Panel

The service life of solar panels is an important factor for both manufacturers and owners. It shows how the modules are durable, reliable and make it easy to produce power when needed. The lifespan of solar energy storage devices is affected by the following factors:

1. Degradation of panels (gradual loss of efficiency of modules)

The duration of their operation depends on the degradation factor of the solar energy storage. This indicator is influenced by the manufacturability and quality of the manufacturer’s products. The best manufacturers estimate the annual power loss of the solar panel in the amount of 0.8-1%. This guarantees the buyer that in 20-25 years his solar installation will produce at least 80-85% of the originally installed power rating per year of production.

2. Features of the operation of the solar battery

The life span of a solar panel depends on the cycle of use. The solar panel is a deep cycle unit that can discharge up to 80% of stored energy before recharging. Batteries charge level depends on characteristics such as model and size, which increase their potential. When buying a device, you should pay attention to the manufacturer’s depth of discharge (DoD): the larger it is, the longer the battery will last.

solar energy diy

3. The impact of adverse environmental factors

The relevant environmental factors include difference in night and day temperatures, the influence of ultraviolet radiation, overheating in the daytime, strong gusts of wind. When the air temperature rises, the material of the battery expands, and when the ambient temperature drops, it contracts. Such a temperature difference leads to the formation of microcracks on the panel, which reduces its performance. The air temperature and excessive ultraviolet radiation eventually destroy the hermetic elements of the module, causing loss of their elasticity and mechanical damage.

4. Properties of the material from which the module is made

Polycrystalline systems wear out more than mono crystalline modules. The payback period for batteries made from polycrystalline modules is much faster. However, they also require replacement faster after 25 years of operation. This is especially true for solar panels of the middle and low price segment. Therefore, polycrystalline modules are not recommended to buy and install.

5. Type of solar battery

According to the chemical composition, lead-acid, lithium-ion, salted (with sea water) batteries are distinguished. Among them, lithium-ion panels are characterized by greater depth of discharge (DoD), durability, lightness and compactness3.

6. Heating temperature of the solar battery

The battery pack lasts longer in moderate ambient temperatures. In this case, it is better to install it on the roof of the house. At low temperatures, the battery will work fine if it is operated in a garage or basement. The higher the air temperature, the more the solar panels power generation performance decreases in summer.

7. Quality assurance and regular maintenance of the solar battery

They play a leading role in ensuring the durability of the device. Manufacturers must guarantee the performance and life expectancy of a solar power system. Regular maintenance always costs less than replacing or buying a new battery. For example, maintenance of a battery costs between $150 and $300 per year, but you can spend $100 to $3,200 to repair it4.

In addition to these factors, the performance of a solar station is affected by the presence of a shadow, the orientation and angle of inclination of the batteries, the quality of design and installation work carried out by the installer. When choosing a contractor who will mount your station, you should contact companies with experience in the field of solar energy. A professional installation company will offer you solar energy system maintenance and repair service.

How to extend the life of solar panels

The owner of a home power plant himself can extend the life of solar energy system if he observes the following rules:

  • timely cleaning of panels after snow sticking to them;
  • avoid damage or scratches to the module;
  • protection from strong winds by barrier structures;
  • regular cleaning of panels from dirt and dust with water from a hose;
  • continuous battery charging, as a battery that is not charged for a long time wear out prematurely;
  • regulation of the optimal number of batteries in the solar system, which contributes to its uniform charging.

The solar company offers a full range of services from materials for the production of home energy systems to their installation. Convince yourself of the efficiency and quality of home solar installations offered by this company.

7 Ways To Maximize Solar Energy In Your Home

Solar energy is rapidly gaining popularity among many homeowners due to being a reliable and efficient renewable energy source. Investing in a solar system can help you reduce your energy bills.

Solar energy depends on the power from the sun. It’s eco-friendly and can help you reduce your carbon footprint. Finding ways to maximize your solar energy can ensure that the system delivers as much as possible to meet your home’s power needs and save money.

Below is an outline highlighting how you can maximize solar energy in your home:

How to maximize solar energy in your home

1. Perform An Energy Audit

An energy audit can help you gauge if your solar system is fit to serve your energy needs and reduce energy consumption. Different home appliances differ in how they consume energy. Therefore, it would be wise to understand how you use solar energy to adjust the devices that draw more power. Besides being able to know your daily solar power production, some systems include online monitoring technology that offers live feeds and graphs of your solar energy production.

Installing a solar energy meter can give you a detailed audit of individual home appliances, providing you with solar and live-on-grid consumption data. You can study the information you get from the solar meter to determine the high energy use patterns, helping you introduce measures to reduce energy consumption. If you’re looking for the best services in the solar market in Colorado, Bex Solar can install the best solar panels with up-to-date features.

2. Use High-Consumption Appliances During The Day

Your solar panels can only produce electricity during the day since they generate energy from sunlight. Therefore, it would be wise to use as much energy as possible during the day. Appliances that consume a lot of energy include the washing machine, dishwasher, and kitchen stove. Running these appliances when energy production is at its highest can help maximize your home’s energy consumption as you would be using this energy directly as it originates from your solar panels.

3. Install A Solar Battery

Solar energy is produced by solar panels during the daytime when the sun is shining. Solar batteries work by storing the energy your solar panels make for use at night or during storms when there’s inadequate sunlight. Additionally, you can use the solar energy you store in your solar batteries during power outages. Installing solar batteries can help reduce your carbon footprint as they reduce your dependence on the energy from the grid.

4. Use Your Solar Energy Wisely

Each home appliance drains solar energy. The number of home appliances you can run at a go depends on your solar system’s size and the amount of energy the appliance draws. Running them constantly and simultaneously throughout the day can quickly deplete the energy you draw directly from your solar panels, placing unnecessary strain on your solar system.

Using one appliance at a time would be best to ensure that you’re wisely consuming your solar energy. For instance, consider running your dishwasher after using the washing machine, taking a shower after using the dishwasher, or turning on your television after cooking dinner.

beginners guide to renewable energy

It’s also wise to turn off standby mode. Electrical appliances like computers, televisions, HiFi systems, and gaming consoles consume electricity on standby. A single household can have most of these electric devices; hence the standby energy consumption can add up to high figures. Therefore, it’s crucial to use switchable sockets to separate these devices from the circuit when not in use.

5. Insulate Your Home

A poorly insulated home typically uses up more solar energy. You can cut energy costs through home insulation by helping it remain cool when hot and warm when it’s cold outside. Hence, your HVAC systems would require less energy than necessary to keep you comfortable with changing temperatures. Therefore, insulating your home can help you divert the energy you would’ve used for heating or cooling your home for other energy needs.

6. Maintain Your Solar System

You can also maximize your solar energy by keeping your solar system in proper working order. Your solar panels can lose efficiency when they’re dirty. It’s crucial to frequently clean them to free them from dirt, leaves, bird droppings, and mold that reduces the amount of sunlight your solar panels receive. Cutting any surrounding vegetation that blocks the solar panel’s access to sunlight is also crucial. Additionally, scheduling regular maintenance of your solar system by a professional can help you identify issues and fix them in time to avoid costly repairs.

facts about cleaning solar panels

7. Install LED Lights

Due to the glowing tungsten filament, incandescent lights typically emit more heat than light. As a result, they consume more energy, leading to higher bills. On the other hand, LED bulbs use all the electricity they receive to produce light, consuming less energy. Installing LED light bulbs can reduce solar energy consumption, helping you maximize the solar energy in your home.


We are currently living in an eco-friendly world. Therefore, most homeowners appreciate solar energy in their homes as it’s affordable, reliable, and environmentally friendly. The guide above can take you through ways to maximize solar energy in your home.

Comparing Solar Battery Prices? Here’s Everything to Keep in Mind

A solar battery is a device that stores electricity for later consumption and is connected to the solar power system. It can help you keep your appliances running during nighttime, power cuts, or whenever the need arises. However, to pick a solar battery that serves your requirements, you should understand what makes a good solar battery. And apart from the solar battery price, there are many other factors you must consider.

In this article, we will look at the things you need to focus on when buying a solar battery, so let’s get started!

factors while buying a solar battery

Things to Keep in Mind When Comparing Solar Battery Prices

Energy storage systems like solar batteries provide several benefits, from emergency power backup to cost savings; however, due to their complex terminology, people usually find solar batteries hard to understand.

So, to make it accessible, here are the key things you need to keep in mind when buying a solar battery:

1. Power Rating

The power rating of a solar battery refers to the kilowatt of power that it can provide at one time. In other words, the power rating shows both: the number of appliances the battery can handle at once and which are those appliances.

Different appliances use a different amount of power. For example, a lightbulb uses 12 watts of power, a 3-ton AC consumes about 4.8 kW, and so on. Power rating is an important factor to consider apart from the solar battery price.

2. Battery Storage Capacity

The storage capacity of a solar battery is the amount of electricity that it can store and supply to your house. The battery storage capacity simply tells you how long the solar battery can power your house. Therefore, make sure to check the battery capacity as it represents the amount of electricity stored that you can access during emergencies.

3. Efficiency

Efficiency is a metric that measures how well the solar battery system converts and stores electricity. There are always losses with an electrical process, which means that you will lose some electricity while converting it from Direct Current (DC) to Alternating Current (AC). The efficiency of a solar battery tells how many units of electricity you can get out of every unit of electricity you put into it.

4. Battery Life and Warranty

The battery life is another important factor to consider other than the solar battery price. Make sure that the battery you buy provides a long warranty. The warranty period of a solar battery is usually specified in terms of the number of charging and draining cycles it can endure, or the years it will function.

5. Depth of Discharge

Depth of discharge is the measure of the battery capacity that can be used. Manufacturers specify this metric because the battery needs to retain some charge at all times to provide efficient and optimal performance. This is a vital factor you should consider other than the solar battery price.

6. Safety

A solar battery must meet certain safety requirements. The safety of a solar battery is determined by its performance at high temperatures. The best solar battery performs well at all temperatures. Apart from the solar battery price, safety is one of the most significant factors that must not be overlooked.


7. Chemistry

The chemistry of the solar battery is the primary compound that is used to store electricity. It may be the most important characteristic to consider other than the solar battery price. The solar batteries with different chemistries come at significantly different price points, so make sure to choose a battery with a composition that fulfils your power requirements.

8. Brand

The lifespan and warranty of the solar battery depend on the brand. Make sure to buy the battery from a reputed brand to get a battery that provides sufficient capacity and optimal power backup in times of need.

Make sure to keep the above factors in mind when comparing solar battery prices, as investing in high-grade solar batteries can continue to benefit you for many years to come.