Financing of Solid Waste Management Projects

Financing of solid waste management projects can be pretty overwhelming for the city government, especially if the government see it as a critical part of the service they should render to the citizen and if the citizen also hold it as a basis for measuring the performance of the government and using it as one of the conditions for re-election.

The increasing cost of waste disposal is a cause of major concern in developing nations

Solid waste management entails different aspects. Generally speaking, waste management consists of pre-collection, collection, transportation, storage, treatment, and disposal. The modern hierarchy of waste management includes prevention, minimization, reuse, recycling, energy recovery, and disposal.

All these aspects require proper funding in rendering a good waste management service to the society. As citizens, we hardly give any thought to the different aspects and what it takes to ensure it is carried out efficiently and effectively.

Financing Options for Solid Waste Management

There are four different options for financing of solid waste management projects. The option chosen will be dependent on various factors. The chief factor will be “what is the end goal of providing waste management service to citizen” and this is to be determined by the city government. Therefore, we say finance option is directly related to waste management goal of a city or State.

Public Financing

This primarily involves funding of waste management service entirely by the government through budgetary allocation. The government determines how it will generate the cash for service and this can be through taxation or redistribution of funds generated from other sources like sales of city natural resources or combination of various sources of funds.

In developing countries, this is generally inefficient due to the corruption within the government and lack of proper waste management capabilities in most instances. The government might decide to charge a service fee or not.

Private Financing

This involves infusing funds from the private sector into waste management service and also overseeing day-to-day running of the service. However, the hired company will charge a service fee which will be determined by calculating the amount of invested funds, operating cost, and profit envisaged. This will be spread over a period of time.

This financing option can deliver optimal result in providing waste management service but the private sector needs to be checked in order not to set a high fee that will end up scaring citizens which might lead to citizen abhorring the service.

Public-Private Partnership (PPP)

This is a special type of arrangement which brings together the government and private sector in providing funds and management capabilities for the delivery of waste management service.

All things being equal, this arrangement is best because the government will be able to regulate and have a say in how the service should be delivered especially as it relates to the setting of service fees which might be difficult in the solely private financing option. The PPP can equally be extended to be a Joint Venture (usually termed as Institutional PPP).

Recycling trash adds value to the community’s economy and allows those in need of money to find new work. If you need money quickly, banks, credit unions, and reputable lenders like PaydayChampion are common options.

Donors and Grants

This funding mechanism is dependent on the interest of the donor organization. While it is a good way to develop a city’s waste management infrastructure, attracting and utilizing grants is solely reliant on what the donor considers as important. Hence, it might be difficult for a city government to dictate how the funds should be distributed among the various aspect of waste management.

Waste management projects based on public-private partnership (PPP) model has more chances of success in developing countries

However, this type of financing can be combined with a PPP arrangement to cater for a specific waste management aspect that is in tandem with the interest of the donor and can be part of the city government contribution to the PPP.


In conclusion, waste management financing is quite dynamic just like many other services and infrastructure provided by a city government and the best option for financing the provision of waste management service can only be made after appropriate due diligence and consultation with relevant stakeholders has been made and observed.

How To Choose A Green Provider For Specialty Chemicals

Sustainability is a societal goal to meet everyday needs without negatively harming the environment. This whole concept is commonly referred to as ‘going green.’

Various global industries aim to run operations without causing harm to the environment and, consequently, to future generations through sustainability standards and practices. With this in mind, businesses that have gone green prefer to work with others who’ve implemented the green concept. It ensures their efforts aren’t futile, and they protect the environment throughout the product cycle.

Green Provider For Specialty Chemicals

Finding suppliers that have gone green can be challenging if you’re sourcing specialty chemicals. Here’s a guide on picking the most suitable provider:

1. Research Their Sustainable Practices

Specialty chemicals providers follow sustainable practices to deliver products and materials with less environmental impact. These practices include waste management, carbon footprint, and the use of renewable sources of energy.

Waste Management

First, ask – what are the provider’s waste management protocols? It’s no news that plastic waste is one of the biggest threats to our environment. What are they doing to mitigate their plastics use? What is their disposal system? A good specialty chemicals provider is an active participant in sustainability efforts and will not just pass the burden on the consumers of their products.

Carbon Footprint Management

Their website, collaterals, and company information should also mention their plans to minimize their carbon footprint. Carbon footprint refers to the amount of carbon dioxide a provider releases into the environment. Did you know that the industrial sector, the specialty chemicals industry is the 3rd highest contributor of carbon emissions? This statement emanates from the fact that the industry utilizes many toxic raw materials to make specialty chemicals. Therefore, an ideal green provider puts measures to prevent these toxic emissions from getting into the environment.

Use of Renewable Energy

Specialty chemicals providers are racing to adopt green energy in their operations. In the next few years, we can expect these companies to wean off fossil fuels and be run by renewable energy completely. Is your provider adopting a similar strategy?

These sustainable practices are at the forefront of the chemicals industry’s effort to positively impact the planet. Choose a provider that’s actively adopting sustainable practices.

2. Compare Several Providers

Suppose in your search for a green provider for specialty chemicals, you find several. How will you choose?

It’s best to compare them on the extent of their sustainability. First, do they meet your definition of being green? If yes, what else do they offer beyond that?

The aim is to work with a green provider who provides more than the bare minimum. You’ll get value for your money and will have less to worry about whether or not you’re protecting the environment.

3. Get Recommendations

Finding a green provider for specialty chemicals can be arduous, especially if you only rely on general Google searches. That’s why it’s important to get recommendations from other customers that seek services from green businesses.

They’ll have a rough idea of green providers they’ve previously worked with who sell these products. With the list at hand, the process is easier and faster.

In addition, it’d help to look at reviews of the green provider. Reviews are feedback from the provider’s current and previous clients. Look out for comments about their sustainability. Do the clients fully confirm this, or are there doubts? Your chosen provider should have a clean record regarding sustainability.

4. Ask For Proof Of Sustainability

Your specialty chemicals provider may claim to be sustainable. However, how true is this?

Various regulating bodies like the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) issue certifications to sustainable businesses. These are the certifications you should ask to see from a given provider. Ensure the certifying body exists and is legitimate.

The other way of proofing a provider’s sustainability is by requesting a tour of their premises. During the tour, focus on how they run operations. Where do they source their raw materials; is it from sustainable suppliers? Do they have waste in their production process? If yes, how do they manage the waste? Do they recycle the waste, or is it taken for disposal?

These should give you a good grasp of the company’s sustainability efforts.

Finding a green provider for specialty chemicals

5. Look At Costs

Affordability is key when seeking a product or service; you should pay reasonable prices.

Specialty chemicals green providers will charge different prices for these goods. It’d help to compare these costs to get the most affordable one. As you do this, you’ll find that some providers will charge more because they’re green. Consider understanding why they’ve arrived at the said price. You want to maintain sustainability in your search for affordability.

Ensure you settle for a green provider whose prices you’re willing and able to pay, all factors considered.


Consciously taking care of the environment, directly or indirectly, is a commendable practice. The discussion above has established that one of the ways to do it indirectly is by buying products from sustainable vendors. Before choosing an eco-friendly specialty chemicals provider, do your research, check out their sustainable practices, and compare them with other providers.

Green SMEs: Catalyst for Green Economy

With ‘green’ being the buzzword across all industries, greening of the business sector and development of green skills has assumed greater importance all over the world. SMEs, startups and ecopreneurs are playing a vital role in the transition to a low-carbon economy by developing new green business models for different industrial sectors. Infact, young and small firms are emerging as main drivers of radical eco-innovation in the industrial and services sectors.

Green SMEs

What are Green SMEs

Green SMEs adopt green processes and/or those producing green goods using green production inputs. A judicious exploitation of techno-commercial opportunities and redevelopment of business models, often neglected by established companies, have been the major hallmarks of green SMEs.

For example, SMEs operating in eco-design, green architecture, renewable energy, energy efficiency and sustainability are spearheading the transition to green economy across a wide range of industries. The path to green economy is achieved by making use of production, technology and management practices of green SMEs. Impact investment platforms allows individuals to invest in environmentally sustainable companies.

Categories of Green Industries

Environmental Protection Resource Management
Protection of ambient air Water management
Protection of climate Management of forest resources
Wastewater management Management of flora and fauna
Waste management Energy management
Noise and vibration abatement Management of minerals
Protection of biodiversity and landscape Eco-construction
Protection against radiation Natural resource management activities
Protection of soil, groundwater and surface water Eco-tourism
Environmental Monitoring and Instrumentation Organic agriculture
Research and Development Research and Development

Key Drivers

The key motivations for a green entrepreneur are to exploit the market opportunity and to promote environmental sustainability. A green business help in the implementation of innovative solutions, competes with established markets and creates new market niches. Green entrepreneurs are a role model for one and all as they combine environmental performance with market targets and profit outcomes, thus contributing to the expansion of green markets.

Some of the popular areas in which small green businesses have been historically successful are renewable energy production (solar, wind and biomass), smart metering, building retrofitting, hybrid cars and waste recycling.

As far as established green industries (such as waste management and wastewater treatment) are concerned, large companies tend to dominate, however SMEs and start-ups can make a mark if they can introduce innovative processes and systems. Eco-friendly transformation of existing practices is another attractive pathway for SMEs to participate in the green economy.

The Way Forward

Policy interventions for supporting green SMEs, especially in developing nations, are urgently required to overcome major barriers, including knowledge-sharing, raising environmental awareness, enhancing financial support, supporting skill development and skill formation, improving market access and implementing green taxation.

In recent decades, entrepreneurship in developing world has been increasing at a rapid pace which should be channeled towards addressing water, energy, environment and waste management challenges, thereby converting environmental constraints into business opportunities.

Sustainable Solid Waste Management: Need of the Hour

The primary aim of sustainable solid waste management is to address concerns related to public health, environmental pollution, land use, resource management and socio-economic impacts associated with improper disposal of waste. “This growing mountain of garbage and trash represents not only an attitude of indifference toward valuable natural resources, but also a serious economic and public health problem”. These words from the former US President Jimmy Carter is enough to understand the social, economical and environmental impact of mismanaged waste disposal and an urgent call for help to look for innovative, smart, sustainable and effective waste disposal techniques.

As a citizen of a community is imperative to contribute to keeping it clean. Waste management can be challenging if you’re not sure how to do it correctly; your best option is to look for an expert. For instance, if you need a Philadelphia dumpster rental, you can find many great companies that will get rid of your waste, preserving the image of your house and your neighborhood.

According to UNEP, around 3 billion tons of waste is generated every year, with industrial waste being the largest contributor, especially from China, EU and USA. There has been a steady increase in the quantity of e-wastes and hazardous waste materials. The UNEP study observed a drastic shift from high organic to higher plastic and paper corresponding to increase in the standards of living and also made an interesting correlation between the higher GDP and the quantity of municipal waste collections.

In developing and under-developed countries, the use of open dumps to dispose of the solid waste from different sectors is staggeringly high compared to the developed and high income countries that are more dependent on recycling and use of sanitary landfills that are isolated from the surrounding environment until it is safe.

There are serious concerns on the increasing cost of waste disposal, especially in developing countries. It is estimated that around $200 billion are being spent on waste management in the OECD countries for both municipal and industrial waste.

For developing countries, at least 20-50% of its annual budget is devoted to waste management schemes and strategy that has been reported insufficient and inefficient at the same time. In these countries, use of unscientific and at times unethical and outdated waste management practices have led to various environmental repercussions and economic backlashes. Even the relatively small proportion of waste recycling and other waste minimization and re-use techniques for waste disposal is alarming.

The increasing cost of waste disposal is a cause of major concern in developing nations

As sustainable solid waste management evolves through waste awareness among general public, efforts within the industry, and waste management becoming not just an environmental concern but a political and strategic apprehension too, there are realistic chances of advancements and scientific innovations.

Innovation will then give birth to revolutionary and self-sustaining ideas within the industry, which earlier focused on basic waste management, will now grow towards maximum utilization and sustainable management of waste.

In the last couple of decades, sustainable solid waste management has become a matter of political significance with robust policies, strategies and agendas devised to address the issue. The good thing is that the industry has responded with innovative, cost-effective and customized solutions to manage solid wastes in an environmental-friendly manner.

Commercial Bins: 8 Amazing Reasons They Are Important

Commercial skip bins are large containers with an open top. The commercial skip bins can be used to dispose of vast quantities of waste at a go. They are a fantastic approach towards waste management in the commercial and industrial sector

Even small businesses can hire commercial skip bins to make their project place less messy. However, you need to hire the right skip bin to enjoy its amazing benefits according to your purpose. Have a deeper look into this article and understand the advantages of bin hire in Moorabbin.

Importance of commercial skip bins

8 Benefits of Commercial Skip Bins for Your Business

By 2050, the global share of solid waste is expected to rise to 3.4 billion metric tons. Using commercial skip bins is becoming more relevant in the current context. Go through the amazing advantages of hiring commercial skip bins for your business.

1. Decluttering Your Project Area Without Hassle

Rubbish lying all over your project area can create an uncomfortable atmosphere at work. The mess and litter all around your workspace can affect productivity and cause several inconveniences. You might lose important tools or equipment in the waste leading to hindrances in your workflow.

With commercial dumpsters, all the waste can be dumped in them. Especially in small working areas like homes, working becomes easier with no waste lying around you. Place the skip bin in a place where it can be easily accessed by everyone.

2. Increased Safety

Waste generation in your project area is inevitable, but you don’t find sustainable ways for disposing of it. For instance, it’s a construction area with several workers doing their job throughout the day. Bits of metal, glass, cement and various other things might be lying around the entire area.

It can be unsafe for the individuals who are working in your project area to complete the construction project on time. But with the rental skin bin industry at your service, you can prevent such accidents by dumping all waste products inside the skin bins.

3.  Save Time

Disposing of waste on your own can make you feel more productive. But using a skip bin is quite a convenient option and causes less stress. If you are working on a construction or remodelling site, you can’t fathom the amount of waste that will be generated.

Sorting through the accumulated waste will take a lot of time. Apart from that, you will also have to choose a transportation vehicle for driving out the waste. There’s also the hassle of loading and unloading the waste products.

Having a skip bin will ensure that your waste disposal process can be streamlined. You only need to hire the right skip bin to save yourself from taking trips to the landfill.

4. Reduce Carbon Footprint

With environmental issues on the rise, people should start developing waste management strategies. Using bin hire services for your businesses is a responsible thing to do in current times. Using skip bins prevents the extremely detrimental habit of illegal waste dumping anywhere and everywhere.

Illegal dumping of waste leads to the release of harmful chemicals in the environment. Waste products containing harmful chemicals should never be mixed with components that can lead to the emission of toxic substances into the air.

Using skip bins help in ensuring the safety of workers in the project spaces. It also makes the workers more conscious about the environment and the impact of harmful waste on the environment.

5. Increased Space for Business Operations

Apart from the obvious benefit to the environment, skip bin hire services can also help you get more business space. Job sites get messy all the time. Sometimes so much waste is generated that little space is left to conduct business operations. But having a practical solution for filtering all the waste, workers have sufficient space for their assigned jobs.

skip bins

Dumping waste in the skip bins will help your business run smoothly and finish tasks on time. The right skip bin for your business can also keep unhygienic practices at bay. Especially in the hospitality industry, skip bins can increase the efficiency of a business despite the number of waste products.

6.  Transform into a “Green” Business

As people are becoming more environmentally conscious, green businesses are earning a positive reputation. People have begun to understand how going green can benefit the environment. Therefore, they prefer dealing with businesses with an environmental protection approach. Using efficient ways of waste management can help in strengthening your brand image to a great extent.

7.  Trust the Professionals

You will have to focus on a lot of things in your project. Looking after waste management can be a huge burden on your shoulders. You will have to be familiar with the resource cycles for proper waste management. You will also have to know which waste chemicals can create harmful reactions when mixed with others.

Waste management is a technical process with extensive rules and regulations. Hiring skip bins will only require you to dump all your waste products in the bin. The professionals will come after the designated time to collect the bin from your site. They will use their technical knowledge to segregate the waste products and reduce negative environmental implications.

8. Affordable Option for Waste Management

Hiring skip bins is much more affordable than removing waste on your project space by yourself. You will have to buy a proper waste container and arrange for transportation. You will also have to bear other potential charges for waste management on your own.

skip bins for effective waste management

Apart from that, you also need to find out whether you are dumping waste legally without harming the environment. Hiring a skip bin will reduce all worries and enable waste removal at an affordable price.

Wrapping up

Start looking for the most efficient bin hire services in your area. It is an efficient form of waste management and reducing the harmful impact on the environment without any burden on your shoulders. Enjoy working in a clean project space with the availability of skip bins.