Things to Know About Backup Batteries for Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is a force that can help combat climate change. However, without the right proactive steps, there can be pitfalls. For instance, solar power is becoming more widely available but can use some improvements. Solar backup batteries are a critical solution when renewable energy fails.


The Need for Renewability

Renewability is one of the keys to stopping and reversing the climate crisis. It’s time to phase out fossil fuels and harmful environmental practices and focus on sustainable energy sources. There are various deadlines when people must act, and stopping climate change becomes more pressing every day.

However, while renewable energy is a solution, these sources may need a backup system. Often, resources like solar and wind energy are durable and hold up through harsh weather and high demands. When they fail, though, it can leave millions without power. A full renewable system requires constant clean energy.

During the 2020 California wildfires, residents reported their photovoltaic (PV) panels were no longer working, and they were losing power. The ash from the fires was covering the panels, and the smog in the sky was disrupting the transfer of sunlight. During instances like these, a backup plan is necessary.

Battery power is the solution. If solar fails, then the backup system can kick in and keep residents’ homes, schools and companies running.

Integrating Backup Batteries

A backup battery system will most prominently help solar energy setups. While PV panels are versatile, they can nevertheless use assistance. Microgrids will especially benefit from solar backup batteries. The ultimate goal is to keep emissions low at all times — but people will still need power. If a solar system fails, like those in California during the wildfires, then it’s not operating on a fully renewable level.

Experts can integrate batteries into the electrical setup with the proper enclosing tools to prevent surges and stalling. They’ll connect to the lights, HVAC system and other necessities of the building. For schools, internet access may be required to contact parents during blackouts. Businesses may need to keep computers running to prevent data loss.


Each system will depend on the supply demands of the location. A smaller home may not need a large network. However, if a solar microgrid powers a university, then the backup battery system will need to account for that demand. Experts must consider the power level of the PV panels, too. That is what will bring solar backup batteries to the next level.

Battery systems can generate power when renewables can’t. It maintains a sustainable impact while still providing people with electricity at all times.

Why It Matters

Renewable energy is groundbreaking. It shows the way forward with no carbon emissions, lower pollution and benefits for public health as well as the environment. While there can be power outages and mishaps with fossil fuels, renewable energy can draw more people in with foolproof generation.

Batteries don’t produce any emissions, so the renewability continues — as does the consistent supply of power. Outages and surges can become less common and not as much of a setback if they do happen.

The partnership of batteries and renewable energy opens up the future. From here, experts will want to work on scalability. Microgrids are a prime area for integrating backup batteries with renewable energy. On larger scales, though, the possibilities could be endless.

Better system setups mean bigger solar and wind farms could also use battery power. While these operations have less chance of failure due to the amount of energy going into them, batteries could still facilitate optimal energy flows and provide backup assistance.

In Development

With energy companies expanding their renewable energy services and integration, every step must receive a backup. Batteries are long-lasting and durable. Adding them to renewable energy setups will create a more foolproof dynamic — one that’s sustainable and always providing power.

Things to Consider While Hiring a Waste Management Company

Whether talking about recycling for a home or business, this type of service is extremely important for the environment. Waste has a negative impact on the environment and can cause pollution of many kinds. Most companies that offer both garbage and recycling services are very organized, and consumers are expected to be equally organized in sorting their waste and separating it from recyclable items.

Because the process of figuring out what can be recycled, many individuals and business owners find it is much easier to simply hire a waste management company.

Below are some questions to consider when looking for recycling services and reasons why hiring a waste management company can take the guesswork out of recycling.

What Kind of Recycling Service is Required?

This can mean anything from home to office to hazardous waste to syringe collection services.  Some companies offer all types of recycling and provide the different skip bins necessary to mitigate these needs. It is important to contact the company and find out as much information that is needed to make an informed decision on how recycling is handled.

However, most companies will only offer a general list of items that can be recycled, including plastics, cardboards, glass, etc. This list will not be exhaustive, leaving many consumers to wonder what to do with items such as plastic bottle caps, milk cartons and the like. A waste management company will know the specific regulations for what can and cannot be recycled, eliminating the hassle for you.

What Can Be Recycled?

Bricks, wood, paper, metals, cardboard, plastics, concrete, and green waste can all be recycled.

  • Bricks – These are broken down and crushed in order to be made into new bricks.
  • Wood – Wood can be used again as a building material or can be processed into pulp or mulch. Recycling wood can limit the number of trees that are being cut down.
  • Paper – The process for this material mixes old paper with chemicals and water to break it down. It is then chopped, heated and broken down further into strands of cellulose.  This substance is then called slurry or pulp and is further recycled into new paper.
  • Metals – Recycling metals will not alter its properties, the most common metals recycled are steel and aluminum.
  • Cardboard – This uses a process that reuses thick sheets of multilayered papers (cardboard) that have been discarded.
  • Plastics – The recycling process for plastics recovers waste or scraps of plastic and reprocesses them into useful products.
  • Concrete – This type of recycling is becoming more common and uses a process of reuse of the rubble for new construction endeavors.
  • Green Waste – This can be anything from leaves to grass trimmings to flower cuttings that can be decomposed and then recycled. This will in turn produce what is called green waste.

There are a number of items that can be recycled, but it is important to note that not all recycling pickup services will be able to process all the items mentioned above. Certain materials, such as concrete or wood, must be disposed of at specific facilities.


Recycling has unending benefits

For the average homeowner, this can mean having to locate the specific facility and transport the recyclable materials to them. A waste management company will have the contacts in the industry to know where to take any type of recyclable item and can take care of the transportation for you.

What Recycling Techniques Are Used, and Are They Legal and Ethical?

  • Concretes and Aggregates – This process would involve using a crushing machine and combining the concrete with bricks, asphalt, dirt and rocks. The smaller pieces will be used as gravel, crushed concrete can all be used as dry aggregate, which in turn can be used to make new concrete that will be free of contaminates.
  • Batteries – This type of recycling can be very difficult; all batteries must be sorted into groups of similar kinds and require. Older batteries contain cadmium and mercury, which are very harmful and must be handled very carefully.
  • Biodegradable Waste – This type of waste can be made into reusable material via the process of biological decomposition. The two mechanisms that help this to occur are composting or converting it into soil improver and biogas. The latter uses anaerobic digestion where organic wastes are broken down by microorganisms in a biogas plant.

Again, a waste management company will be able to guarantee that your recycling ends up in the right processing facilities and to ensure that it does get processed according to government regulations and ethical means. When the wrong items end up in recycling, this can lead to an entire batch being thrown out. A waste management company will make sure that the recyclable items are properly sorted, helping to ensure that your efforts to recycle do not go to waste.

What Are the Benefits of Recycling?

There are many benefits to using a recycling service. For instance, recycling conserves energy, reduces greenhouse gases, reduces water and air pollution, and conserves natural resources by reusing recycled materials. Protecting the environment is one of the most important things a home or business can do. When an individual or business chooses to recycle all different kinds of waste, it makes the world a better, less toxic place to live.

Not only does recycling help protect the world, it also reduces the need for extraction such as mining, logging and quarrying. It also reduces the need for processing and refining of raw materials. All these processes can contain harmful, substantial amounts of water and air pollution. Recycling will save this energy while reducing the amount of greenhouse gas, which in turn helps to attack climate change.

Pros and Cons of a Solar Powered Generator

The solar-powered generator industry is slowly but gradually expanding. Solar-powered all-in-one portable stations are a modern substitute for traditional fuel-powered generators.

solar generator is a fantastic way to have additional energy available whenever the light goes out. Whether you need to charge your devices, turn the lights on, or go to a place with no electricity available. Solar generators are becoming a popular and cost-effective solution for people who want to go off-grid and experience the benefits of a sustainable lifestyle. Solar energy is a wonderful alternative, since it enables you to free yourself from static energy sources, relying on nature’s clean energy instead.

There is a continuous debate on whether these solar-powered generators are superior to traditional generators. In this post, we will examine the pros and cons of solar generators to help you decide whether it is a good option for you or not. But, before we get into it, what exactly is a solar-powered generator?

Pros and Cons of a Solar Powered Generator

What is a Solar Powered Generator

The term “solar generator” is misleading. Solar generators are frequently rechargeable batteries that may be powered by using a 200W solar panel.

The operation of a solar generator differs significantly from that of a normal generator powered by fossil fuel. They have certain technical specifications and very different mechanisms.

A solar generator’s basic configuration includes a rechargeable battery, a solar charger, an inverter, and single solar panel or multiple solar panels. Energy is captured through the solar panels, and the solar charger then sends it to the rechargeable battery. Finally, the inverter transforms the DC power into an AC power supply.

Pros of a Solar Powered Generator

1. Unlimited Solar Energy

Because the sun’s energy is almost unlimited and virtually free of charge, solar panels allow you to access a boundless energy supply. However, it is not entirely free because solar power equipment must first be purchased.

In addition, as compared to diesel or gasoline, solar energy is far more commonly accessible in most distant places. As long as the sun shines, you can never face a shortage of solar energy.

And what to do when the sun goes down? As previously stated, solar-powered generators usually have all-in-one power stations, which means you can also charge it through other sources. Aside from solar energy, the primary power sources are conventional alternating current (AC) energy from a wall outlet or by a vehicle through the CIG connection.

2. Low Running Expenses

Another economic benefit of solar energy is that it is not susceptible to dramatic price changes like diesel or gasoline. Once you’ve purchased the solar power system, your ‘fuel’ expenses will be consistent.

A solar generator has very low operating expenses than a portable generator fueled by gasoline. You do not need to purchase fuel because solar energy is free to absorb, and you do not need to change any oil.

solar battery storage

The absence of moving components also lowers the possibility of requiring replacement or repair for the spare parts. So, while solar generators require a larger initial cost, their operating expenses are lower than conventional portable generators powered by fuel.

3. Eco-Friendly Alternative

The traditional gasoline-powered generator emits toxic fumes containing carbon monoxide, which is a severe health hazard, and that is why they should only be operated outdoors where you can keep them at a safe distance from other people and structures. Solar-powered generators emit no toxic fumes, making them the safest alternative, even suitable for interior usage.

Cons of a Solar Powered Generator

1. High Initial Cost

Solar generators are significantly more expensive to purchase than standard gas generators. Solar-powered generators, on the other hand, have significantly reduced running expenses. As a result, you will spend less money during the lifespan of your solar generator.

2. Limited Energy and Output

You can only recharge your solar-powered generator’s batteries when the sun is out. Although we do have other alternatives for charging them, it takes a lot more time than a fuel-powered generator. A standard solar generator will take almost six to eight hours to fully charge and provide a 100 watts output. As compared to that, you do not need to recharge a gas generator. You refuel them, and they are good to go!

Your energy output also depends on the size of your solar-powered generator. The size and weight restrict how much solar energy it can absorb and how much electric output it can provide you. Your solar generator cannot supply electricity to an entire house. It can be used for small appliances, charging devices, and for a limited time.

To put it simply, the weight and size of your solar generator are proportional to the amount of power it can retain. You can use a solar power generator as a compact alternative for moderate use. So, if you wish to use an output of 1500 watts or more, you should probably opt for an inverter generator as a lightweight option.

Now that you are aware of the pros and cons of solar generators, you will have a clear idea of which one to buy and whether you should buy it or not. Good luck!

Dealing with Household Hazardous Wastes

Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) are leftover household products that contain corrosive, toxic, ignitable, or reactive ingredients such as paints, cleaners, oils, batteries, pesticides etc. HHW contain potentially hazardous ingredients and require special care and safe disposal. 


A typical home can contain a vast array of household hazardous wastes used for cleaning, painting, beautifying, lubricating and disinfecting the house, yard, workshop and garage. The chemical-based household products from a single home may seem insignificant; but, when millions of homes use similar products, handling, storing and disposing them improperly may have the combined impact and becomes a major problem.

The health and safety of our families, neighborhoods and environment is threatened when household hazardous waste is stored or disposed of improperly. These products should not be put in the garbage bins or disposed in the storm drains or burned, as they pose a threat to human health and the environment. Thousands of consumer products are hazardous. The general categories are:

  • Automotive products: Gasoline, motor oil, antifreeze, windshield wiper fluid, car wax and cleaners, lead-acid batteries, brake fluid, transmission fluid etc.
  • Home improvement products: Paint, varnish, stain, paint thinner, paint stripper, caulk, adhesives etc.
  • Pesticides: Insecticide and insect repellent, weed killer, rat and mouse poison, pet spray and dip, wood preservative etc.
  • Household cleaners: Furniture polish and wax, drain opener, oven cleaner, tub and tile cleaner, toilet bowl cleaner, spot remover, bleach, ammonia etc.
  • Other: Household batteries, cosmetics, pool chemicals, shoe polish, lighter fluid, prescription medicines etc.

Each year, thousands of people are injured by exposure or accident involving hazardous household products.  Because of the dangers they pose. These products require special awareness, handling, and disposal.  In order to protect health and environment, every consumer should know how to properly use, store, and dispose of hazardous household products. 

Many common household products contain hazardous chemicals.  Once released into the environment, these substances may pose a serious threat to living organisms.  Small quantities of hazardous substances can accumulate over time to reach dangerous levels and contaminate the air, water, and soil. 

Here are some basic guidelines for managing household hazardous wastes:

  • Select the least toxic item and buying only the minimum quantity as required.
  • Read the entire label carefully for health warnings and use good judgment when choosing any product.
  • Store the product at a safe place and away from the children reach.
  • Avoid aerosol products.
  • Always use hazardous products in a well-ventilated area.
  • Never leave containers open.  Many products are volatile, evaporating quickly into the air. 
  • Always seal containers tightly after use.
  • Never mix chemicals and hazardous products. 
  • Do not use spent chemical containers for other purposes.
  • Wear protective clothing such as gloves and a mask when dealing with any hazardous material. 
  • Wash clothing exposed to hazardous materials separately from other clothes.
  • Do not eat, drink or smoke while using hazardous products.
  • Clean up the place after using hazardous products. Carefully seal products and properly refasten all caps.
  • Never put hazardous products in food or beverage containers.
  • Keep products away from sources of heat, spark, flame or ignition.
  • Know where flammable materials are located in your home and how to extinguish them.
  • Keep a multi-purpose dry chemical fire extinguisher in your home.

On-Grid Vs Off Grid: Choose the Best Power for Your Home

While fuel and electricity costs rise, many households are moving to solar power systems. The easiest solution that one can find is to opt for solar panel systems.

Curious about what solar panel systems are?

Sunshine is available to using abundance, and solar systems use efficient technology to harvest and turn this energy into electricity with pre-defined methods. Solar power panels serve the purpose of collecting solar energy and converting it through the photovoltaic (PV) effect into electric power. Many homes have a roof or backyard, which can be used for installing solar systems to generate electricity.

A home solar system must provide ample electrical energy to meet all home power needs. It provides AC power, as typically all households use AC power to operate lighting systems, electronics, appliances and machinery such as machines, refrigerators, mixers, fans, air conditioners, TVs and music systems.vThe price of the home solar power plant varies on its size and type.

On-grid and off-grid solar systems come in two types of solar power plants. Let’s look at the difference between the two:

1. Off-Grid Solar System

An off-grid solar system is well designed to generate enough power throughout the year to meet the needs of a household, even in the depths of winter, when there is less sunshine. However, since there is no electricity grid connection to an off-grid solar system, battery storage is necessary.

The high cost of batteries and inverters implies that the off-grid solar system is costly than the alternatives, so they are usually needed only in more remote areas far from the grid. Nevertheless, battery costs are reducing at a high rate, so the demand for an off-grid solar system is now increasing, even in cities and towns.

Advantages of An Off-Grid Solar System

  • Such an off-grid solar system can function independently and not rely on the grid.
  • They generate enough electricity that can be collected and used at night.
  • These are suitable for remote areas that do not have grid power access.
  • Shutdowns and infrastructure faults won’t affect the power supply.

2. On-Grid Solar System

On-grid solar systems are the most widely solar product used by homeowners. Such systems do not need batteries and are connected to the public electricity grid and use solar inverters. Any surplus solar power you produce is sold to the electricity grid, and the energy you sell is usually paid a feed-in tariff (FiT) or credits.

Solar inverters are an essential part of a residential solar energy system, convert the electricity your solar panels create into a form that can be used by the appliances, lighting, and other electronics. Learn more about solar inverters here.

Unlike an off-grid solar system, because of safety reasons, these are unable to work or generate electricity during a blackout. Because blackouts usually occur when the electricity grid is disabled, if the solar inverter had fed energy into a broken grid, it would endanger the safety of the people fixing the network’s faults. Most on-grid solar systems with battery storage can separate itself from the grid (known as islanding) and continue to supply some power during a blackout.

Advantages of An On-Grid Solar System

  • On-grid solar systems are incredibly cost-effective and easy to install.
  • By balancing electricity bills in just 3-8 years, you can recoup the cost of your expenditures.
  • Residential users can earn a passive income for the surplus energy generated by the system.

Choose Between On-Grid Vs Off-Grid Solar Systems to Fit Your Needs

Solar power systems are a form of clean, renewable energy, and they have many benefits depending on the type of system you chose. Knowing the advantages of both an on-grid and off-grid solar system, you can select the one according to your needs. With the right solar system and proper installation, you can have clean and cost-effective energy, without being worried about maintenance problems.

Everything You Should Know About Electricity

Electricity, we use it every day but what is it? The dictionary defines it as a form of energy resulting from the existence of charged particles (such as electrons or protons), either statically as an accumulation of charge or dynamically as a current. This may sound confusing, but by breaking it down we can understand how it works. Electricity is used for many everyday things but breakthroughs of how to use it have resulted in many cool inventions, some of which you can explore on thehomesecuritysuperstore.

A Closer Look at Atoms

So, what is electricity? To understand how electricity works we have to break it down, starting with the charged particles. Everything is made of atoms, and these atoms are mostly empty space. Moving around in the empty space are electrons and protons. These each carry an electric charge, electrons being negative and protons being positive. These opposite charges attract each other. The atom is in balance when there are an equal number of protons and electrons. The number of protons determines what kind of element the atom is, and these numbers and elements are shown on the periodic table.

Imagine the atom as having rings around the nucleus, the center of the atom. These rings can hold a certain number of electrons which move constantly around the nucleus which holds the protons. When the rings hold electrons that are attracted to the protons the strength of this attraction can push an electron out of its orbit and even make them shift from one atom to another. This is where electricity occurs.

Traveling in Circuits

Now that we know the basics of electricity, we can look at how it works. For a basic understanding of how electricity travels through circuits and how we use electricity we will look at batteries and light bulbs. Batteries can produce electricity through a chemical substance called an electrolyte.

The battery is attached to two metals, one on either end, and produces a negative charge in one metal and a positive charge in the other metal. When the battery is then connected on either end by a conductor such as an electrical wire the electrical charge is balanced. If you were to attach a light bulb to the wire in between the sides of the battery, the electrical current would then travel through the light bulb to get to the other side of the battery and thus powering the light.


Electricity moves through electrical circuits and must have a complete path for the electrons to move through. The switch or power button on electronic devices opens and closes this path. When you turn on the light switch the circuit is closed and electrons can move freely to turn on your lights. When you turn off the switch it opens the circuit not allowing the electrons through and turning off your lights. When light bulbs burn out the small wire connecting the circuit inside the light bulb breaks and stops the flow of electrons.

Final Thoughts

Energy flows through our entire world and understanding how electricity works is just the beginning. Of course, most of the electricity in your life is not connected to a single battery as in the example above, but the understanding on a basic level is very interesting.

Electricity literally powers everything in our lives and a world without it would be very different. Understanding how these things work lets us enrich our knowledge of the world around us and provides us with practical information we can use in our everyday life. Electricity is all around us and is used in more interesting ways than just light bulbs and batteries.

Additional Resource: What Are The Different Types Of Magnetic Susceptibility?