A Glimpse Into The Sustainable Megacities Of The Future

Megacities are generally defined as cities with a population greater than 10 million. With this strict definition, it is no surprise that there are only around 30 or 40 megacities across the world. Alongside this, ‘sustainability’ and ‘megacity’ are terms that are almost inherently at odds with one another.

By their very design, megacities rely on resources from other distant places, as they rarely possess their own agricultural infrastructure. Because of this, megacities are generally forced to bear the costs of travel carbon for all the fresh produce that line their supermarket aisles.

Sustainable Megacities Of The Future

In short, the way megacities have been designed and managed in the past is in need of some serious reform, with greater consideration towards the environment and greater investments in green infrastructure. Here’s how the globe’s megacities may be shaped by calls for sustainable growth in the not-so-distant future.

Streamlined waste management

With a population of 5 million, the city of Melbourne is poised to become a megacity in the next few decades. Civil engineers do have some concerns about the city’s ability to adapt to its forecasted growth, however. For instance, rubbish removal in Melbourne is already lagging behind when compared to other cities with similar populations. That being said, there are some other smaller ways in which Melbourne is also catching up – perhaps ready in time for when it’s projected to become a megacity in a few decade’s time.

Public waste bins in the Melbourne CBD are a type of smart bin that are solar-powered and are able to compact the rubbish much more effectively than standard bins. This results in fewer waste trucks travelling through the city less often, reducing their contribution to traffic congestion and carbon emissions. Going further, there are also emerging technologies that are able to use AI to recognise recycling and divert it away from landfill.

Melbourne’s comparatively higher than average population density is a factor to consider here as well, as the placement of bins and the routes of waste trucks are both likely to continue to be largely dictated by the flow of pedestrians through major throughways.

And what about the future of rubbish removal? Cities that are built with sustainability in mind would also be able to install waste bins with pneumatic pipes which transport rubbish directly to waste processing facilities. Given Melbourne’s grid-like layout and substantial underground system, it’s not unlikely that pneumatic pipes may become the veins of the city’s waste disposal system.


Increased accessibility and diverse transport options

Any larger city centre will naturally discourage the use of cars, as congested streets are already a byproduct of higher population density. This is immediately a boon in terms of sustainability, as fewer cars on the road means less pollution. That being said, the city needs to have the alternative transport options and infrastructure in place to make up for these ‘lost’ roadways. This includes bike pathways, pedestrian access, and perhaps most importantly, a variety of interconnected public transport options.

Tokyo is the largest city in the world yet is also ranked as one of the most livable. In fact, Japan’s capital is the only megacity to consistently land on many livability ranking lists. Japan’s public transport networks are world class, famous for having regular services and for being consistently on time. With bullet trains that reach 320km/h, you’d be hard pressed to find somewhere they can’t take you. As a bonus, they’ve recently become more accessible for wheelchair and mobility scooter users, as well as blind and deaf commuters too.

An abundance of green spaces

Green spaces are exactly what it says on the tin: areas of land that are predominantly covered by grass, trees or vegetation. Green spaces are vital in the development of any city but are of course, worth focusing on particularly when a city is developing into a megacity.

The presence of these spaces bring with them a whole slew of benefits. They have demonstrated that they are better for people’s mental health and also encourage a sense of social cohesion and community for people living in cities. The trees within these green spaces also do their part to mitigate urban pollution, and can even help keep cities cool during warmer weather.


The inclusion of green spaces into cities can also be more holistic – even if there isn’t space for a dedicated park, a tree-lined urban sprawl is far more appealing (and more accommodating towards urban wildlife) than an absolute lack of green.

A culture of urban agriculture

Finally, the perfect way to work against some of the extra reliance that megacities will naturally have on produce that is cultivated elsewhere, is for them to promote the development and upkeep of urban agriculture projects.

The space in any major city is limited, so rooftop farms are an excellent space-efficient step towards making megacities a little bit more self-sustaining. And like other green spaces, rooftop gardens and farms are also a great avenue towards promoting a sense of community within densely populated cities. Through novel processes such as hydroponics and aquaponics, rooftop farms can be sustainable without reliance on soil. They bring with them all the same benefits as green spaces with the added benefit of being a food source.

sustainable agriculture

Some urban citizens are going as far as building honey farms on their rooftops, providing their wider communities with organic and locally grown honey, as well as cultivating local bee populations that can also help to maintain a city’s green spaces with ease.

As the number of megacities across the world continues to increase year upon year, our ideas about how to marry sustainability with megacities must rapidly transition from being an impossibility into being a reality. The logistics surrounding the infrastructure that makes up megacities is something that needs to be carefully considered as these cities grow larger, and not after that growth has already occurred.

Whilst these small steps towards sustainability aren’t essential to growing that city’s economy alongside its population, taking these measures for ensuring sustainable growth can certainly contribute to that city’s livability rating across the long term.

I suppose this exploration of the future of megacities all boils down to one question: without educated sustainable growth strategies in place, why should a future filled with megacities be considered anything but aspirational?

10 Ways To Make Your Lifestyle More Green

We should all be looking for ways to make our lifestyles more green. Of course, it’s up to the major corporations to alter their practices in order to protect the planet as well, but we can all do our part to make things that little bit better for the environment. You might think that doing so will result in a huge upheaval to your life, and while it certainly will mean making some serious changes, it doesn’t all have to be arduous. Here are 10 ways to make your lifestyle more green:

a paper free office

1. Go paperless

One of the biggest ways that you can help the environment is to eliminate paper waste from your life to as much of a degree as possible. Let’s say you’ve taken out a loan and you’re dealing with the loan company. For personal loans and quick loans alike, you can ask for paperless bills and status updates, thus significantly reducing the amount of paper that circulates. You can do the same for other correspondence; bank statements, utility bills, and other necessary documents can all usually be delivered in paperless form.

2. Ditch your car

Personal vehicles are one of the biggest contributors to climate change in the world. If you want to have a significant impact on the environment, then it’s a good idea to ditch your car entirely. If you can, try to walk or cycle anywhere you need to go; this is a great way to reduce your carbon emissions. If you absolutely can’t walk or cycle to your destination, then try to take public transport; buses and trains are much better for the environment than driving yourself.

3. Change your diet

Many researchers agree that the best diet for the planet would be a “flexitarian” diet. This involves eating mostly plant-based foods with the occasional meal consisting of meat or fish. It’s not that difficult to achieve this; there are many delicious plant-based recipes out there, and you’d be surprised how many of the foods you already consume on a regular basis are entirely vegan. If you don’t think you can commit to a totally vegan diet, then try flexitarian eating for a while; you might surprise yourself!

Also Read: How to Select an Organic Food Wholesale Supplier

growth of organic food industry

4. Switch off appliances

You might have grown accustomed to leaving appliances in standby mode, but if you want to live a more sustainable lifestyle, you should turn things off when you’re not using them. That means switching them off at the wall or turning off the main power switch rather than simply placing them in “rest” mode. Contrary to popular belief, for example, switching off a light when you exit a room is pretty much always more energy-friendly than leaving it on, no matter how many times you’re doing it.

5. Save food

Instead of throwing away leftovers, why not try to find something fun and clever to do with them? If you’re eating chicken, for example, and you have bones left over, then you can make stock from them. Similarly, if you’ve had a meal with a lot of vegetables and you haven’t managed to eat them all, you could turn the leftovers into “bubble and squeak” or any number of other dishes. Other tips include microwaving near-stale bread to give it a little more freshness and eating dinner leftovers for lunch.

6. Change your energy company

If you’re with an energy company that hasn’t made any significant pledges to focus on the environment, it might be time to change. Shop around for a different energy company that emphasises its commitment to sustainability. Changing your energy company is very easy; many firms will try to make you believe it’s difficult, but it’s not, and it could save you a huge amount of money as well. This goes for utility bills and other services, too.

7. Ditch plastics

It’s not always possible to ditch single-use plastics; they’re a huge part of the way in which many supermarkets and other shops package their products. However, where possible, it’s a good idea to move away from plastics in favour of paper-based or recyclable packaging. Many plastics still aren’t recycled; only 16% of the world’s plastic waste is actually recycled to make new plastics. Don’t buy bananas in plastic packaging; buy the ones with a paper sleeve instead.

8. Don’t use your dryer

Tumble dryers are one of the most energy-inefficient appliances you can use. Instead of drying your clothes in a tumble dryer, hang them outside and let them dry naturally in the sun. If you don’t have access to an outdoor space, then hang them up near a window and let the sunlight get to them. Only use your dryer if you absolutely have to; it’s a needless expense considering that most clothes will dry naturally if you leave them for a little while.

9. Turn off water when not in use

Many of us are guilty of leaving the tap running when we’re brushing our teeth or after the shower has warmed up. Turning off taps can have a surprisingly significant impact on the environment, so when you’re brushing your teeth, don’t leave the tap running. Only turn it on when you absolutely need the water, and turn it off as soon as you’re done. Similarly, step into the shower as soon as it’s warm enough for you, then exit when you’re clean.

ecofriendly plumbing practices

10. Save your water when you’re done

Bathwater, pasta water, and other “waste” water can actually have a lot of uses once you’re done with it. For example, you can use bathwater, or “greywater” as it’s otherwise known, to water your plants; it’s just as nutritious for them as fresh water or rainwater. Similarly, you can save pasta water to do the same thing. This combines fantastically with growing your own fruit and vegetables; not only are you saving water, but you’re also building a self-sustainable lifestyle!

Best Practices for a Green Business

Looking for ways to make businesses greener is a growing trend. Waste and destruction are just bad public relations while making an effort to clean up your act is increasingly supported by customers and employees alike. There are a number of myths about sustainability, such as the belief that it will cost you more money. In fact, taking steps to try to reduce what your company wastes will lead to savings. A green business is good not just for the environment but also for your balance sheet. If you’re considering starting a business but want to adhere to green principles, the tips below can help you.

ecofriendly home

Make it Your Business

If you want to be a small business owner but you aren’t sure what kind of company you want to run, one option is to actually run a green business. You might start a company that recycles metals or paper, or you might look into organic farming, helping homeowners design greener living spaces, or installing solar cells.

You could become an environmental consultant or educator. These are all vastly different types of enterprises requiring very different skill sets and backgrounds and won’t be suitable for everyone. But the point is that if this value is truly a core one for you, consider making it front and center.

Get the Right Tools

Whatever type of company you decide to launch, having the tools that will allow you to run efficiently and with the smallest amount of waste is important. It’s even better if those tools can perform multiple functions as is the case for electronic logging devices in fleet management.

Having ELD devices are necessary to ensure that you remain compliant with hours of service and other regulations, but they have benefits for the sustainably minded as well. They can help streamline operations, reduce costs and save you money. They can help you ensure that your fleets use less fuel. You can review a guide on how they can improve your overall efficiency.

Reduce Waste in Offices

Within your offices, you can create a green culture that takes steps to try and cut back on waste. There are many ways to do this. Make an effort to purchase items that have little or no packaging. Discourage any type of one-time usage of disposable items.

waste management for businesses

Have recycling containers throughout the workspace, and encourage their use. Keep reusable plates, cups, glasses and silverware in the kitchen. Install a dishwasher, which washes dishes with less waste than handwashing and takes the burden of washing the non-disposable items off any single person.

Make an effort to learn more about plants and choose only native plants for landscaping, ensure that any landscaping does not require a great deal of water and maintenance. Recycle electronics and buy used when you can. The ubiquitous nature of computers in modern workplaces may mean that less paper is wasted than would have been a few decades ago, but there is still a lot that companies can do to cut back on paper usage as well. Use recycled paper, and print on both sides. Distribute reports and other documents electronically.

Measures To Decrease The Pollution Caused By Bitcoin Mining

The Bitcoin community is facing a serious problem of pollution. A study conducted by different sources showed that the electricity consumed by Bitcoin mining is equivalent to the annual energy usage of entire countries like Ireland and Hungary, being a shocking revelation surrounding the crypto realm. With this alarming situation, the community needs to find ways to reduce the amount of pollution in their system. This article discusses some methods that can be adopted by the community to control bitcoin pollution. But, before that we have a podium that offers you all the potential of crypto investments: BitQL, it offers a secure crypto space to all the crypto enthusiasts.

how to decrease pollution caused by bitcoin mining

Measures that can prove to be beneficial

Bitcoin mining is a process where miners are rewarded for their efforts by being given a specific number of bitcoins. However, in order to mine bitcoins, a lot of energy and hardware is required, which means that it pollutes the environment. Therefore, there has been an increasing need to reduce bitcoin pollution. There are four ways in which this can be achieved.

1. Introduction of taxes on mining

Mining is a process where computational power is used to verify and add transactions to the blockchain. Mining requires large amounts of energy and thus, it can be said that bitcoin miners are polluting the environment with their activities. They do this by producing heat, which causes global warming, and also by creating noise pollution. Therefore, it can be concluded that there should be some kind of tax in place on such activities.

The government can introduce a tax on mining to reduce the pollution caused by it. This is because mining will be profitable only if there is a high demand for bitcoin, which might lead to an increase in the number of miners. The cost of mining depends on the price of electricity, so if the government increases the price of electricity, then more people may stop mining and reduce pollution.

2. Creating awareness among people

Bitcoiners should be informed about the effect that mining has on the environment so that they can make an informed decision about whether or not they want to continue using bitcoin or not. The government can create awareness among people about bitcoin mining pollution so that they do not start mining themselves. It can educate them about how much energy is used in mining and what are some alternative ways to earn money without using electricity or any other resources like water and food, etc.

In order to achieve this goal, there needs to be more education about bitcoin’s environmental impact on people who live near mining farms or even those who do not know much about cryptocurrencies at all yet but are interested in learning more about them through various sources available online such as forums or articles written by experts in this field who specialize in writing content related specifically towards educating others about these topics (such as myself). This could also include writing articles for magazines/newspapers etc., making videos explaining how bitcoin mining works from an environmental perspective.

3. Introducing better eco-friendly methods

There are many ways to reduce bitcoin pollution. Some examples include using renewable energy sources like solar or wind power instead of coal or natural gas; adopting new technologies like blockchain instead of traditional methods; or setting up facilities near rivers so that wastewater can be recycled back into nature after going through treatment plants first before being released back into rivers again at high temperatures so they don’t cause much harm when they touch land again later on downriver after going through treatment.

crypto mining in Armenia

4. New policy measures

A fourth way is introducing new policy measures such as introducing taxes on mining activities, making it mandatory for miners to use renewable energy resources and imposing fines when they do not comply with these rules, etc. The government can also take steps towards reducing bitcoin pollution by introducing new policy measures that encourage people who mine bitcoins through environmentally friendly methods such as using renewable energy sources over those who don’t care about their impact on nature.

The way ahead

Bitcoin mining is an energy intensive process that uses a lot of electricity. This has led to concerns about the environmental impact of Bitcoin mining and also the potential for bitcoin to contribute to global warming. Thus, given above are some measures which can be adopted at administration and personal level to reduce the pollution level.

Recommended Reading: How to Make Blockchain Technology More Eco-friendly

What Is The Environmental Impact Of Cryptocurrency?

The negative environmental impact of cryptocurrency mining is significant, and the problem is only getting worse. Bitcoin Motion uses a lot of energy, which means that it consumes a lot of natural resources. The need for these natural resources in the ever evolving success marked by the bitcoin period is increasing as more and more people are taking up cryptocurrency mining as a hobby or profession. As a result of this increased demand for resources, there have been some severe consequences for the environment.

Reasons Why Popularity Of Bitcoin Is Getting On Its Peak

Cryptocurrency mining is a process that involves the use of heavy-duty computers to solve complex mathematical equations. The reward for solving these equations is cryptocurrency, which can then be exchanged for goods and services. While the benefits of cryptocurrency mining are obvious, it helps you rise your income potential! So, are you ready to scale up your investment journey with bitcoin trading platform, we have every cryptocurrency you are looking for.

The mining equipment used in this process uses a lot of electricity, which means that there is high carbon emission associated with it. Mining operations are very energy intensive, as they require cooling systems and high levels of computing power. The main reason why cryptocurrency mining uses so much electricity is because it requires specialized hardware that are designed specifically to solve algorithms and crunch data.

Each ASIC is customized to perform these tasks more efficiently than conventional processors, but they require an incredible amount of power to operate – and this means that they run hot enough to need active cooling systems, which generate heat themselves and require even more electricity than normal operations would need on their own.

Additionally, mining operations can have an impact on pollution levels in nearby areas due to the release of toxic chemicals from cooling systems used in these operations. These chemicals include:

  • Arsenic compounds from cooling water treatment plants
  • Mercury compounds from fluorescent lights in data centers
  • Cadmium compounds from batteries used for backup power supplies in data centers

Consequences of Crypto Mining

The rise of cryptocurrency mining has come with some serious environmental consequences:

  1. Depletion of natural fuels: Because cryptocurrency mining relies on using a lot of electricity, this has caused coal production to increase, which in turn leads to an increase in the use of fossil fuels. This also creates an increase in carbon emissions and pollution. Mining Bitcoin is a costly process. It requires huge amounts of energy to complete the complex calculations required to mine each block. This has led to an increase in mining farms that rely on renewable energy, as well as an increase in the use of hydroelectric power stations.
  2. High carbon emission: The CO2 emissions produced by cryptocurrency mining are increasing at such a rapid rate that they are outgrowing other sources such as transportation and manufacturing. This is having a negative impact on the environment and is also causing global warming, which can lead to more severe weather conditions like hurricanes or tornadoes, as well as rising sea levels which will affect coastal areas around the world. However, this is not enough to counteract the environmental impact of cryptocurrency mining. The carbon emissions generated by a single transaction are estimated to be around 3 kg CO2—or about as much as driving 15 miles in an average vehicle.
  3. Increased pollution: As mentioned above, there are lots of CO2 emissions being released into the atmosphere because of cryptocurrency mining activities; these emissions cause smog which can lead to respiratory problems such as asthma attacks or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). This is combined with high levels of pollution from other sources such as coal-powered plants and smokestacks from factories. Mining operations also cause environmental damage through deforestation and habitat destruction for endangered species such as tigers and rhinos. Another source of pollution comes from mercury which can cause brain damage if ingested orally or absorbed through skin contact; this substance is found in many types of electronics like smartphones and laptops that people use every day without knowing how dangerous it really is!

crypto mining in Armenia

The way ahead

The world of cryptocurrency mining is not a friendly one for the environment. Mining uses an enormous amount of electricity, which is generated by burning fossil fuels. This results in high carbon emissions as well as other forms of pollution. Additionally, mining requires a lot of resources to keep up with the demand for new coins and tokens.

Mining also creates waste products such as heat sinks that contain metal particles from soldering; these can be recycled into new products like jewelry or other metal objects when they’re no longer usable for their original purpose.

Tips for Using Green Energy to Power Your Life

Are you interested in using more eco-friendly technology to power your life? And are you trying to find greener methods of energy that are just as efficient as coal, oil, or gas? If so, read on!

Using Green Energy to Power Your Life

Use Green Charging and Power Stations for Your Devices

Think of all the times you charge your phone, plug in a lamp, or plug anything else in. What do you usually plug each of those into? You likely plug it into an outlet in your wall in your home. And unless your home is powered by renewable energy, you’re increasing your carbon footprint every time you plug into the wall.

Though these methods are convenient, they are not the most environmentally friendly. However, there’s a simple alternative if you just grab the right equipment. For example, portable, clean energy power stations, such as a solar powered generator, is ideal for lowering your dependency on carbon-powered electricity. This way, you can do anything from charging your phone to powering a lamp or a box fan while using clean energy.

Using this small green solution is a good starting point for someone environmentally conscious and looking to start making a difference without making a significant investment.

Use Solar Panels to Power Your Home

If you are like most Americans, your house is probably powered by some natural gas, coal, or oil. However, you can flip that all around with an investment in solar panels.

Depending on the sun for power may sound inefficient and unreliable, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Over the years, the capability of solar panels has only increased and become a more dependable solution for homeowners.

Studies have shown that the most efficient type of solar panels to use are ones with N-type or P-type silicon energy cells and are panels that meet the Standard Test Conditions (STC). Thankfully, there are many solar panel manufacturers, so you will have plenty to choose from.

Some outside influences can affect the efficiency of the panels. These panels generally work best when the temperature is between 60 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Though they are made to be durable in colder or hotter temperatures than these, they just will not be as efficient.

Invest in an Electric Car

Though it can be costly, buying an electric car is a great way to be green. You can charge your EV by simply plugging it into your house. This may cause your electricity bill to go up. However, if your home is solar-powered, it will not cost anything to charge your vehicle.

benefits of switching to EVs

Electric cars produce almost no emissions and do not require gas and oil to be drilled up from the ground. Thus making them greener than gas or diesel-powered vehicles.

Most are subject to the rising and falling prices of gasoline. But using an electric car that does not require gas will be cheaper for you when prices are high. The monthly cost of extra electricity will not come nearly as close to the current monthly average for gas prices.

Going Green for the Planet

Every day, carbon emissions are doing more damage to the planet. So while depending more on green energy and less on fossil fuels will help the environment, you’re also doing your part to ensure a better future for you and your family.

You won’t be able to reduce your carbon footprint to nothing overnight, and not all solutions you’ll find out there are budget-friendly. However, if you do what you can, you can set your mind at ease knowing that you’re doing your best.

Finding the Most Appropriate Renewable Energy

Energy is very important nowadays. Contemporary people can hardly imagine their existence without it. Humans has always tried to produce cheaper and safe energy. Nature provides us with the energy we can renew daily. It provides people with the benefit which nobody can argue. It almost has no negative impact on the surrounding and is considered to be rather safe.

The cost of alternative energy systems has dropped sharply in recent years

When the scientists revealed that greenhouse effect led to the change of world’s climate they began to look for all possible ways to prevent the catastrophe. Fossil fuel does not give the chance to renew it after the use while sustainable energy can. In addition, fossil fuel is running out. That forces people to search some new ways to restore it. The depletion of conventional energy sources motivated scientists to develop new methods of energy production.

A country or even some particular geographical area should select a suitable type of renewable energy source. It usually depends on sources the region possesses. For example, countries which are situated on the equator can benefit from solar energy while those regions which lack sunny weather should better provide themselves with hydro energy or biomass energy.

There are regions which are trying to find the most appropriate renewable energy type. For instance, Massachusetts varies the use of different renewable energy sources. The state government proves that their region is able to provide the citizens with more wind’s energy than with any other ecologically safe power supply. The use of wind energy is beneficial for the state not only because it is ecologically safe but also because it has an economic advantage. They produce both offshore and onshore winds’ energy.

Yearly industry data manifests that the first one is even cheaper and ranges up to sixteen cents one kilowatt per hour. Such energy is clean and beneficial. In 2009 the government of Massachusetts issued the project of developing offshore ocean energy for a number of its regions. This plan proves the indisputable convenience of wind power use for this concrete state of America.

Despite the fact that wind power is rather sustainable, the US industry report relies greatly on solar energy use. This conclusion is based on three main reasons. The first and most influential is the fact that not all American regions can provide wind energy because of geographical peculiarities. By the way, some scientists and consumers find it rather complicated due to huge transmission lines it requires. That is why solar energy is more effective.

All regions receive the sun energy almost equally and they can depend on it mostly. The next factor that influences the choice of solar energy is its permanency and regularity. Wind turbines are more inconstant than the solar ones. Solar panels are able to generate energy even if there is no sun. Clouds cannot stop the penetration of sun rays completely. Due to that, scientists in Massachusetts also found solar energy to be rather beneficial and constant. The last factor that contributes to the number of advantages of solar panels use is their productivity. They are capable to produce more energy than the turbines which are enabled by winds.

The experiment of solar and wind energy testing lasted during thirteen days in Massachusetts. It took place at the beginning of January. Solar panels managed to produce thirty-five kilowatt-hours of pure electricity. At the same time, the winds turbines had hardly provided the territory with fourteen kilowatt-hours of clean energy. The outcome of the experiment supported the idea of solar panels efficiency compared to the wind turbines productivity on Massachusetts territory.

The investigation reasoned the use of solar and winds’ energy. Even if some type of renewable energy is less effective still it provides humans with ecologically safe power. It is unsound to refuse at least from one of them. All renewable energy gives the chance to save the planet from ecological disaster and improve human lifestyle and health condition.

About the Author

Lauren Bradshaw started academic writing in 2003. Since then she tried her hand in SEO and website copywriting, writing for blogs, and working as a professional writer at CustomWritings professional essay writing service. Her major interests lie in content marketing, developing communication skills, and blogging. She’s also passionate about environment, philosophy, psychology, literature and painting.

How To Pursue A Career In Environmental Management: Everything You Need To Know

Environmental management is a broad field that includes many different job roles. People working in environmental management may work in a private company, government agency, non-profit organisation, or university. A career in environmental management may be right for you if you have a passion for the environment and want to make a positive impact throughout your career.

Working in environmental management requires specific skills and educational backgrounds. If you’re interested in pursuing this career, it’s important to understand what working in environmental management entails and what type of training you’ll need to succeed. Whether you are just thinking about your future or currently working in another field, read on to learn more about how to pursue a career in environmental management.

How To Pursue A Career In Environmental Management

What is Environmental Management?

As mentioned, environmental management is a broad field with many different job roles. Certain environmental management careers, however, are more popular than others. Those who work in environmental management may work in any number of different industries, including private and public companies, non-profit organisations, and universities.

Environmental management helps to minimise the negative impacts on the environment and preserve its resources for future generations. A career in environmental management is right for you if you love the environment and want to make a positive impact every day.

Take A Course In Environmental Management

If you’re interested in pursuing a career in environmental management, it’s important to understand what the job entails. Environmental management work on a variety of projects that include managing natural resources, overseeing pollution prevention and control, and ensuring regulatory compliance. Projects vary depending on the specific area of environmental management.

In order to develop the necessary skills for this career, a degree in environmental management is essential. Environmental management courses may cover topics like air quality, water quality, hazardous materials, ecological impacts and more. As you develop your skills, you may need to pursue a master’s in environmental management, and you can find plenty of information and what the course entails here at the University of Stirling.

Attend Networking Events

Another way to pursue a career in environmental management is by attending networking events. Networking events give you the opportunity to meet people with similar interests and find opportunities for yourself. Many organisations have social media groups or websites where they post announcements of upcoming networking events.

Volunteer At Organisations Within Your Field

Before you commit to pursuing a career in environmental management, it’s important to get a feel for what the field is like. Volunteering at organisations within your field will give you an opportunity to explore this industry and determine if it’s right for you. In addition to getting experience, volunteering helps build your resume as well as make networking connections. You’ll be able to learn about organisation goals, policies, and programs while gaining valuable experience in the process.

development of environmental ethics

Why Pursue A Career In Environmental Management?

There are many reasons to pursue a career in environmental management. Some people may want to work in the field because they enjoy living in and spending time outdoors. Others may want to work for an organisation with environmentally-friendly practices or for an agency that focuses on sustainability.

For some career seekers, their reasons for pursuing this type of education and employment may be more altruistic. They may want to help protect the environment and better the lives of others who live in less fortunate circumstances. Whatever your personal reasons are, it’s important that you have a passion for the environment if you’re considering this as a career path.

Expanding Job Market

One reason why you should consider a career in environmental management is that there is an expanding market for professionals looking to get into this line of work. As the world focuses more on sustainability and works toward implementing environmentally-friendly changes, more businesses and organisations are looking for people with experience in this field.

High-Paying Jobs

Environmental management careers are also high-paying. The median salary for someone in environmental management is £42,500. Careers in environmental management are often considered to be high-paying because of the skills required to do the job well. Additionally, certain positions may require advanced training in law or science. Those in environmental management may also work long hours and spend time away from their families to complete necessary tasks.

Work Anywhere In The World

One of the best things about a career in environmental management is that you can work anywhere in the world. Environmental management professionals come from all different backgrounds with diverse educational and professional qualifications. Your skills and education will be put to use wherever your career takes you.


Change The World For The Better

Working in environmental management is an opportunity to change the world for the better. Many people who work in environmental management have a passion for the natural world. Those working in environmental management are often motivated by their desire to make the world a better place, and they want to make an impact on an issue that is important to them.

Environmental management is primarily concerned with how humans interact with the environment. When you take this career path, you may work on projects like restoring wildlife habitats or developing recycling policies for your company.

Become A Champion For The Environment

Working in environmental management means you will be a champion for the environment. If you have a passion for the environment and want to make a positive impact, this could be the career for you. It’s important that people like you are working in environmental management. As more people around the world become environmentally conscious, it is becoming more important for there to be an active voice for our planet.

People working in environmental sector are often tasked with things like educating environmental policymakers on sustainability issues and monitoring deforestation rates around the globe. You may also find yourself involved in developing new technologies and equipment related to environmental issues or addressing public health concerns related to climate change.


If you’re passionate about the environment and want to make a difference in the world, a career in environmental management is rewarding and fulfilling. You can work anywhere in the world, champion the environment as well as have a high-paying job. If you’re ready to start your new career in environmental management, this guide should give you all the answers you need.

How Can I Make My Business More Environmentally Friendly?

Climate change is quickly becoming a major issue. While it has long been a problem, we are starting to see the direct results of global warming. Each year is hotter than the last, we are losing wildlife, and many of the natural resources we need to survive are depleting faster than we can replenish them.

There is, unfortunately, no simple answer to this issue. There are many factors that impact the progression of climate change, meaning we can’t rely on a simple trick coming in at the last minute to save us.

Instead, we need to focus on doing everything we can across the board to slow climate change. With businesses being one of the biggest contributing factors in the current climate crisis, many business owners are curious how they can transition to more environmentally-friendly operations.

This article explores a few simple ways businesses can become greener and decrease their impact on the environment.

ways businesses can become greener

Consider Your Sourcing

One of the easiest ways a business can reduce its impact on the environment is to find green materials and manufacturers.

Many businesses rely heavily on materials that harm the environment. Plastic is a fantastic example. Plastic is made of petroleum, meaning that it is non-renewable. This alone makes it a bad choice for the environment. Compounding the problem, plastic doesn’t degrade. It lasts for an extremely long time.

This means we have to dispose of it by throwing it in landfills or the ocean. Once there, the plastic can cause further harm, trapping and killing wildlife or winding up in the food we eat and the water we drink.

Businesses that find more environmentally-friendly alternatives can radically reduce their impact on the environment.

This isn’t always viable though. Sometimes plastics and other somewhat harmful materials are crucial to producing a product.

In these cases, businesses should instead look to find the most responsibly-produced version of the material available. For instance, a business might source their plastic from recycling plants, allowing them to reduce the impact they have by using the material.

There’s also the manufacturing itself to consider. Choosing a factory or plant that runs on solar or another renewable energy reduces the net impact of your business operations on the environment.

Finally, there’s the shipping and distribution. Ordering more materials at once can help reduce the amount of fuel used for transportation. You can also find shipping services that emphasize environmentally-friendly practices.

All of these things can make your production process easier on the earth.

Work Remotely

We live in the age of the digital entrepreneur. People can now start and run a business entirely from the comfort of their own homes.

Not only does this have many monetary and lifestyle benefits, but it’s also an excellent way to reduce the environmental impact of your business.

Environmental Effects of Remote Work

Avoiding an unnecessary office rental means less electricity is used each day. The lights in your home office aren’t going to draw nearly the same energy as the lights in a commercial space.

Additionally, working from home lets you avoid commutes, keeping you from burning fuel when you drive to work.

Also Read: How Can Companies and Employees  be Motivated to Care For the Environment

Create Green Alternatives

Finally, business owners can make their businesses greener by creating green alternatives to existing products. There is growing demand for environmentally-friendly products. Unfortunately, there aren’t always green options on the market.

ecofriendly home

As a business owner, you are directly in control of your business offerings. You have the power to invest in developing green products.

Doing this can make your business better for the environment while also opening new market opportunities for you. It’s a true win-win situation.

Best Ways To Reduce Waste

We deal with waste every day and its becoming problematic. It is our responsibility to become aware of our own personal impact to the environment. Even if we hire a good rubbish clearance company to remove our waste, still is our duty to think about the consequences and to try following some good methods and produce less waste.

top ways to reduce waste

1. Reuse clothes for cleaning clothes

Some of our old clothes can be usable. So instead of throwing them away, you can reuse them as cleaning rags to wipe up messes and clean surfaces. You can use them all the time, after cleaning, toss them in the laundry and they can be used again.

2. Try buying unpacked food

Fresh fruits and veggies are normally obtainable unpacked in the produce section, and you can also buy package-free products in grocery stores. You can also bring your own reusable bags or containers, to purchase and avoid plastic bags. Most food these days is wrapped in plastic.


Plastic bags need to be a thing of the past, so instead of using keep in mind to bring your own bag. Cotton bags are perfect for loose fruit and veggies. Don’t be nervous to say no to single use plastic. Click here for some simple ways to avoid plastic.

3. Shop local

Local markets habitually use a lot less plastic to cover their foods. So try planning your daily shop to visit the local farmer’s market before heading to the supermarket. It’s a great way to reduce waste, as well as experience a sense of community from shopping locally.

4. Avoid single-use items

Try avoiding items single-use items. Instead replace them with reusable, or multi-purpose options, simply by saying no.

5. No straws

Avoid that extra plastic and try saying no to straws when you drink. When ordering a drink, respectfully ask for no straw. Adults, don’t really need to drink their drinks through straws. One-use straws suck. Try teaching your kids to drink without a straw. And If you don’t want to give up straws totally, you can try and use a reusable straw instead.


Many manufacturers are replacing plastic drinking straws with titanium.

6. Recycle

There are numerous people out there still not recycling. Make sure you’re recycling everything at home, as well as taking that extra effort to make sure items that aren’t collected from your home are taken to recycle at your local dump.

Recycling keeps things out of the landfill with the purpose to transform used materials into new products that can be used again. Recycling right means keeping material out of the landfill, and also decreasing uncleanness in the recycling stream.

7. Stop buying unnecessary items

How to reduce waste? Simply stop buying that much stuff. When you buy new things, you don’t do anything but increase the amount of waste. Just try to buy what you need, and also appreciate what you already have.

8. Repair your old items

Before you buy something new to replace that item that has cracked, see if you can fix it. Do whatever you can do to repair it, and don’t get sucked into this throwaway culture.