About Salman Zafar

Salman Zafar is the CEO of BioEnergy Consult, and an international consultant, advisor and trainer with expertise in waste management, biomass energy, waste-to-energy, environment protection and resource conservation. His geographical areas of focus include Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Salman has successfully accomplished a wide range of projects in the areas of biogas technology, biomass energy, waste-to-energy, recycling and waste management. Salman has participated in numerous national and international conferences all over the world. He is a prolific environmental journalist, and has authored more than 300 articles in reputed journals, magazines and websites. In addition, he is proactively engaged in creating mass awareness on renewable energy, waste management and environmental sustainability through his blogs and portals. Salman can be reached at salman@bioenergyconsult.com or salman@cleantechloops.com.

Choosing the Right Hot Water System Size

When getting a new hot water system, you have to think about the hot water system size you need for your home. Believe it or not, there are numerous hot water system sizes that make shopping for a new one somewhat challenging. Fortunately, you can follow some simple guidelines to help you choose the right hot water system size for your needs. While your individual hot water needs might differ slightly from these recommendations, they will give you a good idea of what size will work best for your home.

how to choose the right water system size

General Estimate

To really understand what size hot water system you need, you’ll want to calculate the amount of hot water your household uses during the time of day when you use the most hot water. However, if you just need a general estimate for size to start shopping around or to get a loose idea of how much it’s going to cost you to buy a new hot water system, you can use these basic numbers to find the right water heater size:

  • If there is one or two people in your household, choose a 30-40 gallon system.
  • If there are two or three people in your household, choose a 40-50 gallon system.
  • If there are three or four people in your household, choose a 50-60 gallon system.
  • If there are five or more people in your household, choose a 60-80 gallon system.

As you can see, there is some overlap in the right size hot water system when there are two or three people in your household. This is why you’ll need to more carefully consider your household’s hot water usage before actually deciding on a system and having one installed.

Hot Water Usage Habits

The larger factor in what size hot water system you should purchase is your household’s hot water usage habits. Some families of five might be perfectly fine with a 30-gallon system because they don’t use very much hot water. Maybe they’re used to taking short showers and washing their clothes in cold water. Perhaps they have very few hot water appliances in their home and are very conservative when using hot water throughout the day. A 30-gallon system might make perfect sense for them.

Conversely, a couple could need a 60-gallon hot water system because they enjoy taking long, luxurious or multiple showers and believe their clothes can’t get sanitized without being washed in scalding water. They may also run their dishwasher frequently, which also increases the usage of hot water. In their case, the smaller recommended size hot water system for one or two people wouldn’t meet their needs.

hot water guide

Calculate Your Exact Usage

As previously mentioned, the best way to determine the right size hot water system for your household is to calculate your actual hot water usage. You can do this by estimating the amount of hot water you use for various activities (10 gallons for a shower, four gallons for handwashing dishes, six gallons for using an automatic dishwasher, and seven gallons for a clothes washer) and multiply each activity by the number of times it happens during your peak hour of usage.


Once you’ve calculated your exact water usage, you can find the first hour rating (FHR) for a hot water system that matches your peak hour usage. This will ensure you have the right amount of hot water for even you heaviest usage times.

Solid Waste Management in Kuwait

Kuwait, being one of the richest countries, is among the highest per capita waste generators in the world. Each year more than 2 million tons of solid waste is generated in the tiny Arab nation. High standards of living and rapid economic growth has been a major factor behind very high per capita waste generation of 1.4 to 1.5 kg per day.


Waste Disposal Method

The prevalent solid waste management method in Kuwait is landfill burial. Despite being a small country, Kuwait has astonishingly high number of landfills. There are 18 landfills, of which 14 sites are closed and 4 sites are still in operation. These landfills act as dumpsites, rather than engineered landfills.

Menace of Landfills

Infact, landfill sites in Kuwait are notorious for causing severe public health and environmental issues. Besides piling up huge amounts of garbage, landfill sites generate huge amount of toxic gases (methane, carbon dioxide etc) and plagued by spontaneous fires. Due to fast paced urban development, residential areas have expanded to the edges of landfill sites thus causing grave danger to public health.

The total land area of Kuwait is around 17,820 sq. km, out of which more than 18 sq. km is occupied by landfills. Area of the landfill sites ranges from tens to hundreds of hectares with waste deposition depth varying from 3 to 30 meters.

All kind of wastes, including municipal wastes, food wastes, industrial wastes, construction and demolition debris etc are dumped at these sites. Infact, about 90 percent of the domestic waste is sent to landfills which imply that more landfills will be required to tackle rapidly increasing volumes of solid wastes.

Most of the landfill sites have been closed for more than 20 years due to operational problems and proximity to new residential, commercial and industrial areas. These sites include Sulaibiyah, Kabed, Al Qurain, Shuaiba, Jleeb AI Shuyoukh, West Yarmouk, AI Wafra among others. Migration of leachate beyond landfill site boundaries is a frequent problem noticed across Kuwait. Groundwater contamination has emerged as a serious problem because groundwater occurs at shallow depths throughout the country.

The major landfill sites operated by municipality for solid waste disposal are Jleeb AI Shuyoukh, Sulaibiyah and Al-Qurain. The Qurain landfill, with area of 1 sq. km, was used for dumping of municipal solid waste and construction materials from 1975 until 1985 with total volume of dumped waste being 5 million m3.

The Sulaibiyah landfill site received more than 500 tons of waste per day from 1980 to 2000 with area spanning 3 sq. km. Jleeb AI Shuyoukh, largest landfill site in Kuwait with area exceeding 6 sq. km, received 2500 tons per day of household waste and industrial waste between 1970 and 1993. Around 20 million m3 of wastes was dumped in this facility during its operational period.

Over the years, most of the dumpsites in Kuwait have been surrounded by residential and commercial areas due to urban development over the years. Uncontrolled dumpsites were managed by poorly-trained staff resulting in transformation of dumpsites in breeding grounds for pathogens, toxic gases and spontaneous fires.

Most of the landfill sites have been forced to close, much before achieving their capacities, because of improper disposal methods and concerns related to public health and environment. Due to fast-paced industrial development and urban expansion, some of the landfills are located on the edges of residential, as is the case of Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh and Al-Qurain sites, endangering the lives of hundreds of thousands of people.

Benefits of Choosing an Environmental Permitting Company

It can be difficult to ensure that your company’s new construction project is environmentally compliant. You may not even know the regulations that need to be followed and how to go about it. To help you out, there are environmental consulting companies that offer such services.

Environmental permitting consulting firms help your company comply with state and federal laws and regulations when carrying out a project. There are so many regulations that govern different industries. Some of these laws are very difficult to understand. These consulting firms help to ensure that your project meets up to regulations.

There are several environmental permitting consultants available today. Not all of them will offer the services you want so you want to take your time and carry out research before making a choice. You will find that working with a reliable environmental permitting company has so many benefits.

Environmental Permitting Company

This article will discuss some of the benefits of choosing the right consulting company and the vital reasons why you should make this choice.

Benefits of Choosing the Right Environmental Permitting Consulting Company

The following are some of the benefits of making this choice:

1. Efficient Services

An experienced and reputable consultant will offer efficient services. In the case of environmental consulting firms, consistent repetition of actions makes them efficient. When a consultant consistently to prepare applications and has a large number of clientele in its portfolio, it would become very experienced in offering the said services. It will understand how to navigate through the complexity of the laws and ensure that your application is completed without any need for regulatory revisions or reviews.

2. It is Cost Effective

By having a thoroughly reviewed and completed application, you save money from regulatory fees and excessive revisions. The right consultant will provide a well detailed strategy that helps your permit to be granted on time. It will also list out the expected fees of the entire permit process. This helps you to prepare ahead for the project.

3. Professional Reputation

A reputable consulting firm will know every aspect of environmental regulations, what they mean, and how to comply with them. This reputation will also help your permit application to be completed on time.

4. Expertise

Knowing what compliance with regulations entails is a consulting firm’s specialty. Your business will not be confused about how its project should obey a particular law or guideline. A skilled and experienced company will provide an easy, yet effective permitting strategy that will help you out.

5. Flexibility

The right company will be able to adjust to a client’s needs. This agency is not rigid; instead, it is flexible to clients’ requirements. It will follow a different permitting strategy based on your project size or the company’s resources.

Reasons Why You Should Choose an Environmental Permitting Consulting Company

Now, you have known the benefits of hiring an environmental consultant; but what if you doubt the need for this service. Well, let us discuss some reasons why you need to hire this service:

1. You Don’t Know What Applies to You

Environmental laws are best left to qualified experts. You might not understand what regulations relate to you. There are several qualifications, caveats, and stipulations that affect how you adhere to certain laws. These laws or rules can be from the state, federal, or regional level. Sometimes, there might be tribal rules to consider.


The point is that there are so many rules or regulations that apply to your company and you can’t learn all of it. You would need a professional to help you out.

2. You Need Expert Assistant

No one is a know-it-all. It is advised to hire an environmental consultant when you need a permit. This expert knows the specific requirements that apply to you. It will also take the necessary steps to ensure you are compliant with these requirements.

3. You Don’t Understand Regulations ‘Language’

If you and your team find it difficult to understand the language or complexity of a rule or law, it is time to hire a consulting firm. This agency will break down the complexity of the rule and make it easy for you to understand. It will also provide the best professional advice to help your company be environmentally compliant.

4. You Want to Be Environmentally Savvy

If your business wants to be environmentally sustainable, hiring a consultant for this service can put this goal into action. With this firm, your company will not only be compliant with regulations but will also include greener practices in your industry. For some greener practices to include in your company, check here.


When you choose the right environmental consulting firm, you will enjoy the mentioned benefits. Remember, you don’t have to wait till you are punished by regulators before considering this service. Make it a goal to make your business compliant with environmental guidelines.

What Are Some Methods Of Soil Stabilization?

The methodology behind soil stabilization has existed for hundreds of years. The basic concept is that there is an altering of the soil somehow. That can be chemically or mechanically in order to “fix” the cement, so there’s no movement.

You would use the technique if you needed to secure land that was otherwise too wet, perhaps to build the foundation for a new construction structure. With soil stabilization, it transforms the ground to have no further movement. That way, the property would have a solid surface to sit on.

The process is usually associated with either foundation or road work, but there can be many uses. In some instances, chemicals are added to alter the general makeup or chemistry, cement can be added, or it can be altered mechanically to compact the soil.

Methods Of Soil Stabilization

Soil Stabilization Methods

Two of the most common methods for creating soil stabilization products are chemical and mechanical, where the chemistry changes the physical characteristics or makeup of the soil and mechanics compacts the soil. But there are many methods for stabilizing and reasons for doing so.

One particular reason is to make the ground solid in order to hold a structure without it shifting for as long as it will stand. Another is to prevent ground erosion, disallowing for mudslides and other events of that nature. Find out some of the most ideal methods for stabilizing and the materials used at this link.

Let’s look at the types of soil stabilization.

1. Chlorides

These are among the favored soil stabilizing forms, with calcium and magnesium chloride being the most commonly used. The preference is more dependent on the location, and which is more readily available. Each offers either a solid or liquid form, both of which need a water truck to dilute heavily with water.

Chloride can be applied in a couple of different ways, either of which results in a tough surface. When applying, there is minimal dust released into the air.

The material equates to basically a salt with stabilization taking the moisture from the environment and trapping and locking it into the soil, creating the hard, strong result.

The downside is it requires reapplication when it becomes wet because it breaks down, plus it’s detrimental to the ecosystem.

2. Mechanical Stabilization

With mechanical stabilization, there is an almost interlocking of the particles. A large force compacts the soil in a repeat motion until the size of the particles is of the desired shape and size.

That requires the type of heavy equipment capable of enforcing this type of compression like a compactor or, on rare occasions, a crane with a drop weight.

Usually, these soils needing this type of stabilization are either of a sandy or rocky nature. This is not one of the most common methods; it has advantages in that the particles are altered without chemicals, so there’s no worry that it will wear away. The process is, however, time-intensive, budget-demanding, and tedious.

3. Lime and cement stabilization

These are among the most popular stabilizing means with either cement or lime mixed into the soil to improve resiliency and strength. The percentage varies that will get mixed in based on the characteristics of the native soil characteristics.

methods for stabilizing soil for construction

If there is a high level of plasticity, there is a greater need for more compounds to be mixed in. In many cases, the cement and lime are mixed together since they are comparable, each used in a binding capacity. Lime is a naturally occurring substance, while cement is man-made or synthetic.

While it is among the most popular techniques, it is used most prevalently with road paving. Using cement in unpaved road treatment is often cost-prohibitive; the geographical location will determine whether cement or lime is used.

In some areas, lime is relatively easy to access, but in others, making cement is a more budget-friendly approach.

In either case, the solution is effective since the materials bind the particles together, creating increased strength. Most soils work well with this method of stabilization.

The amount used needs to be exact, or there’s a risk of the soil not strengthening to the desired effect if too much is used. Or to possibly shrink and start to crack if there’s too little in the mix.

Final Thought

Soil stabilization is the method of adding a compound to the earth to strengthen it for various purposes. It is most associated with the construction and road industry as well as using it for erosion purposes. Click here to learn about the technique.

There are many different methods for stabilizing; a few of the most common are pointed out here. Mechanical and chemical are the two most prevalent heard about. Mechanical is not one that is often used on its own. Generally, it’s combined with other forms since its primary purpose is to compact the soil.

Air Pollution and its Invisible Danger – What You Need to Know

If you’ve been observing the ongoing and high-profile protests from Extinction Rebellion over the course of the last few years, you’ll be aware that air pollution offers a significant threat to the human population.

This is supported by the statistics, which have revealed that almost a quarter of the people in the UK have been exposed to dangerous levels of air pollution with potentially devastating health consequences.

More specifically, a study by the British Heart Foundation (BHF) found that about 15 million in the UK live in areas where the average levels of the toxic particle PM2.5 exceeds the World Health Foundation’s guidelines. But what do you need to know about this invisible danger?


What is Air Pollution and How is it Caused?

In simple terms, air pollution is defined as the presence of substances in the natural atmosphere that may be harmful to the health of humans and other living beings.

Air pollution may also cause long standing damage to the climate or individual materials, while there are different types of air pollutants including particulates, gases and biological molecules.

Historically, the history of air pollution can be traced back to the Industrial Revolution, as developed nations such as the UK began to leverage fossil fuels such as coal to drive economic growth and expansion.

As a result of this, large and industrialised nations have produced high levels of smoke and sulphur dioxide for a range of domestic and industrial purposes, creating an omni-present threat to clean air and one that has worsened incrementally over time.

Substances such as nitrogen oxide are also impactful in this regard, with this produced from the reaction of nitrogen and oxygen in their air during combustion.

The threat of this has become increasingly prominent in highly congested areas packed with high motor vehicle traffic, creating a huge and growing pollution challenge.

Health Impact of Pollution and the Reaction of Governments

According to the WHO, air pollution contributes to an estimated 4.2 million premature deaths globally, with conditions such as heart disease, stroke, acute respiratory infections and lung cancer.

Interestingly, worldwide ambient air pollution accounts for 29% of all deaths and disease that involve lung cancer, along with 25% of similar cases related to ischaemic heart disease.

Incredibly, air pollution also contributes to 43% of all deaths and diseases that arise from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which causes significant breathing difficulties and long-term inflammation within the lungs.


Fortunately, countries across the globe are beginning to take steps to tackle air pollution, even serial offenders like China. Here, the government is taking direct action to clean up smog-choked skies from years of relentless industrial expansion, primarily by investing $83.4 billion in the renewable energy sector in 2019.

Nations like China are also drawing on innovation and technological advancement, with firms such as ERG Air Pollution Control providing various tools and measures to help tackle air pollution directly.

This includes everything from industrial gas cleaning services to comprehensive air pollution control systems, which help to mitigate the worst impacts of climate change without compromising on economic growth.

Useful Resource: Different Types of Respirator Masks

The Premiums You Pay Actually Save Your Money – Know-How!

As a contract between the insurance company and the insured, these life insurance plans contain a valid consideration to be enforceable by law. Paying off premiums forms the base of the contract, which makes it complete.

The decision to choose a policy is often influenced by the premium rates and the affordability of the plan. However, we ought to not sacrifice the policy coverage to save on insurance premium payments.

Bringing that compromise would defeat the purpose of the insurance plan, which is to secure financial security for our loved ones when we are gone. Financial risk management requires the use of life insurance.

how premiums lead to better returns in long run

Regardless, two people of the same age living in different locations will be offered a different level of coverage or a different premium if they have different medical conditions and income-earning capacities.

It is advantageous to purchase a life insurance policy at a young age, such as 28 or 30. Life insurance plans that are purchased at a young age are cost-effective. The more you age, the more responsibilities you face, and, at that stage, a life insurance policy becomes a necessity and, due to the increased age, the premium increases.

Do life insurance premiums come in different types? How often do you have to make premium payments? What are the rules concerning tax benefits for life insurance premiums paid in your name or the name of specified family members? You should know these basic rules.

Discounts Offered On Life Insurance Premiums

Many insurance companies offer discounts on premium rates depending upon the sum assured and the modes of premium payment. This is precisely what the term rebates means.

1. Rebate for periodicity of premium

Insurance policies usually require periodic premium payments, and depending on one’s cash flow, annual, semiannual, quarterly, or monthly payment schedules can be chosen. If the company collects premiums more frequently, the costs of handling them (collection, processing, and administrative expenses) tend to increase.

The company has access to the funds longer (for investment) if the premium is paid at once for the entire year as opposed to monthly. The company can use those funds for investing and offer you cheaper rates.

2. Rebate for online payment

In general, the company’s servicing cost for online premium payments is lower than for physical payments. Also, the company saves money by not paying agents’ commissions when physical policies are sold.

Accordingly, various companies may already have given a rebate before quoting the rates for online premium payments. The premium rates quoted should already include the rebate, else the rebates offered will be higher than those offered with a physical payment.

3. Extra Premium

The normal premium tables apply to people whose lives have no additional risk, which is known as ‘standard lives’ in the insurance industry. Ordinary premium rates apply to people with standard lives. Occasionally, the insurer may charge extra premiums for people with health issues such as diabetes or heart disease or who work in hazardous occupations.

Additionally, insurance covers are also charged extra if they are purchased alongside the base policy (known as ‘Add Ons’ in insurance jargon).

4. Level premium

The term level premium describes insurance policies in which the premium remains the same throughout the contract. In this case, the premium level is guaranteed and the company cannot change it at a later date.

In most cases, life insurance plans, except for life insurance plans that pay level premiums, this is advantageous to the life assured and the insurance company. The term level premium describes insurance policies in which the premium remains the same throughout the contract.

Here, the company is guaranteed to keep premium levels and cannot change them at a later date. Both the life assured and the insurance company benefit from the level premium payment process, and thus most life insurance plans, except for some term insurance plans, are level premium payment plans.

5. Increasing and decreasing premium

Term plans with increasing premiums (as explained above) are typical examples. An increasing premium applies to mortgage redemption policies in which the premium drops as the policy holder’s outstanding loan balance decreases.

6. Single premium

Single premium policies are typically only available to people with higher incomes or who have idle funds.

7. Non-payment and late payment

A “grace period” is usually outlined in most policy contracts, which allows the policyholder an extension to pay the premium after the due date. The policy will continue to be in effect during this period if he pays the premiums without incurring any additional fees.

Best Life Insurance Policy in India

If your life insurance policy is for something other than term insurance, the grace period for monthly payments is generally 15 days, and for other frequencies of payments (quarterly, half-yearly, yearly) it will be one month but not less than 30 days. Term insurance policies usually have a grace period of 15 days.

8. Tax Benefits on Premiums

Tax-deductible life insurance premiums paid by the policyholders for themselves, their spouses, or their children may be deducted from taxable income under section 80C of the Income Tax Act. Section 80C can’t be applied to premiums paid for policies owned by other third parties (other than a spouse or children) such as parents (fathers, mothers, or both) or in-laws. These are not applicable as a new tax slab taxpayer.

Final Words

The purpose of this article is to help people understand how premiums lead to better returns in long run. Instead of being frustrated as you pay premiums or your life insurance plans, you switch your mindset into a positive one by understanding that the money paid as a premium is not wasted. It will bring countless benefits for you in the years to come.

Use Circular Manufacturing to Save Energy and Reduce Waste

The industrial sector is the third biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the world, accounting for over 20% of total emissions (including carbon dioxide and methane), the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reveals. Manufacturing plants (as part of the industrial sector) typically involve significant pollution and energy and resource use. By implementing sustainable methods designed to green the manufacturing process, manufacturing plants can improve their environmental footprint, lower costs, and boost efficiency.

environmental benefits of circular manufacturing

Embrace circular manufacturing

Circular manufacturing (also known as lean manufacturing) is a sustainable model that extends the life and use of materials and goods to minimize waste and energy and resource usage. In particular, circular manufacturing may include: converting to a renewable power source; adopting predictive maintenance to extend the condition and longevity of equipment; and sharing equipment with other plants.

Additionally, curricular manufacturing typically involves recovering and reusing resources or waste materials generated from other plants rather than purchasing new raw materials. Just look at Kalundborg Symbiosis as a solid example of circular manufacturing: they’re a collective of nine Danish manufacturing companies who’ve been sharing material, water, and energy streams since 1961. Together they lower their carbon emissions by 635,000 tons and save 24 million EUR every year.

Partner with eco-friendly businesses

Your manufacturing plant likely partners with other businesses whether it’s to source raw parts, equipment, and materials or purchase packaging. By partnering with green businesses, you can in turn ensure your business stays as eco-friendly as possible. For example, switch to an energy supplier committed to green energy or a packaging supplier that uses recycled materials.

packaging waste

Packaging that adorns your product can have serious environmental impact.

Additionally, more and more manufacturers are entering the online selling space and partnering with ecommerce companies. In 2020, for example, 30% of manufacturing and 30% of distribution companies generated 60%-80% of their total profits from B2B ecommerce. By using a quick and efficient method of ecommerce fulfillment, manufacturing businesses can ensure they’re harnessing automation and technology to maximum advantage.

Update machinery and equipment

Old machinery and equipment typically have higher energy demands than necessary. By replacing or updating your old machinery and equipment, you can reduce energy waste and increase efficiency and productivity. Installing an electric power management system (EPMS) will also let you clearly see your plant’s electricity distribution and capacity and better control your energy and power costs. Moreover, if it’s within your budget, you can also consider investing in automation in your plant to improve energy-efficiency and reduce waste.

robotics in sustainable manufacturing

For example, “cobots” (aka collaborative robots) are designed to work alongside human employees. By taking care of dangerous or repetitive tasks, cobots can improve safety for workers (the manufacturing industry typically racks up 400,000 non-fatal injuries every year) while increasing productivity and minimizing risk of human error.

Bottom Line

Implementing sustainable changes to your manufacturing plant will pay off greatly in the long run. By embracing circular manufacturing, partnering with eco-friendly businesses, and upgrading machinery and equipment, you can lower your carbon footprint, cut costs, and improve efficiency.

Combating Concrete Through Sustainable Building Materials

Around 5% of the world’s CO2 emissions are caused by concrete production, so finding sustainable alternatives is essential to slowing down climate change. Fortunately, there are plenty of materials out there which are perfect for mass home construction, without the same ecological damage. If you want to continue to do meaningful things, such as travel the world or live in safe and comfortable accommodation, then finding alternative building materials is the route to doing this sustainably.

1. Hemp Concrete Substitute

By compacting hemp and lime, it is possible to create a building block comparable to concrete. Unlike concrete, however, hemp absorbs carbon dioxide rather than emits it. This means that during the production process, 1m3 of hemp concrete wall will suck up 165kg of CO2. It is just as durable and robust as regular concrete, but will require cannabis legalisation before manufacture can begin.

In countries where the plant is already legal to produce, then the switch to hemp alternative building material should begin immediately. Hemp plastic is an attractive sustainable building material which holds great potential worldwide.

hemp as a construction material

2. Bamboo and Straw

Wood has long been a popular home building material, but not all plants are equally green. Bamboo has the quickest regrowth time of any plant, meaning that it can be replaced as quickly as it is cut down. It is strong and durable. Meanwhile, straw, when packed tightly, is a perfect eco-friendly insulation material. Together, this makes the most environmentally conscious wooden cabin.

In the debate of manufactured vs modular cabins, the latter tends to be preferred due to its rigidity and durability, while the former is more affordable. By constructing modular bamboo cabins, however, you are able to produce a long-lasting, energy efficient home at a much cheaper cost.

bamboo as a construction material

3. Reused Plastic Waste

The world purchases a million plastic bottles a minute or 480 billion a year. We need to seriously start thinking about how we can reduce our consumption of single use plastics, but also what to do with the waste in the meantime.

One thing that the bottles can be used for is the construction of houses. When filled with sand and stacked together, they form a durable and insulating wall. In some countries, this is being used as a way to bring affordable housing to those living in poverty. It is certainly a creative way to build homes without using more of the Earth’s precious resources.

Final Thoughts

There are so many alternatives to concrete out there. Governments and construction companies need to come together to move towards sustainable building practices. This will help to ensure that everyone has a safe place to call home, while recycling resources and cleaning the carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.

How a Property Management Company Can Benefit Property Owners?

Managing a company can be hectic for a property owner, from dealing with tenants, and collecting rent to maintenance. This is where property managers come in. They take up all the work the owners should be doing and simplify property ownership for the landlords.

Here are more benefits of property management to the property owners:

property management company

Efficient Rent Collection

Rent collection isn’t always smooth with some tenants defaulting while others give excuses. Also, some landlords are nice and tenants may walk over them. However, property managers can collect rent more efficiently. They can implement lease clauses and let the tenants know that they should be followed, failure to which there are consequences. This way, property managers ensure that rent is collected on time.

Getting High-Quality Clients

You don’t want tenants who will rent your premises, start defaulting, leave in a few months, or refuse eviction. A property management company screens tenants to get high-quality tenants who will pay rent on time, rent for longer, be less problematic, and cause the least wear and tear to your property.

Due to their experience, a property management company can identify red flags easily and protect your company from getting bad tenants, avoiding rental scams and lawsuits.

Fewer Legal Problems

Being a property owner comes with risks of legal actions from tenants. Luckily, a property management company has lots of knowledge in this area and can protect you from any likely lawsuits. The company is aware of the laws affecting landlords in areas such as tenant eviction, screening tenants, leases, property conditions, and safety as well as collecting rent. You save a lot of money, time, and energy when you avoid lawsuits.

Improve and Maintain Your Property Value

A neglected property can reduce its value because of wear and tear. Also, failure to do maintenance to the property may result in bigger problems that may be more costly.

A property management company can help to monitor the property for maintenance. They can check the property to find out areas that need maintenance. They also create a maintenance schedule to ensure that all the repair and maintenance is done as required.

The company may also suggest ways of modifying and upgrading your property based on what the tenants prefer.

In addition, property managers work with trustworthy contractors who provide quality work at favorable prices. Therefore, your property will get the best maintenance affordably, saving you money.


Personal Benefits

Managing your property can be time-consuming, stressful, and involving. However, using a property management company makes it worthwhile for your personal life.

You will be less stressed since you don’t have to deal with defaulters, tenants paying rent late, evictions, finding contractors to do maintenance and other strenuous tasks.

You get more time to spend with family and pursue your hobbies. You are free to travel and live elsewhere since you are not needed in your property all the time. Besides, you get enough time to invest in other properties and businesses.

Using a property management company has many benefits to the property owners. To start with, they take away the stress of managing the property and free up your time so you can do other things. The company ensures that rent is collected efficiently, screens tenants so you can get high-quality ones, makes sure you have fewer legal problems, and does maintenance on your property.

How Truck Dispatching Services Improve Fleet Management

In the fast-paced world of cargo transportation, effective fleet management is essential for ensuring timely deliveries, maximizing efficiency, and reducing costs. One key strategy that companies are increasingly turning to is truck dispatching services. These services, often provided by specialized companies, use advanced technologies and real-time data to streamline operations, optimize routes, and enhance overall fleet performance. In this article, we will explore the key principles of agile project management and how they can be applied to improve fleet management through truck dispatching services. Incorporating a dispatch service into fleet management strategies can significantly improve operational efficiency and responsiveness to customer demands.

Principles of Agile Project Management

Key Principles of Agile Project Management

Agile project management is a flexible and iterative approach to managing projects that emphasizes collaboration, flexibility, and customer satisfaction. When applied to fleet management through truck dispatching services, agile principles can help companies adapt to changing conditions, improve communication, and increase overall efficiency. Let’s explore some of the key principles of agile project management and how they can benefit fleet management:

Responding to Change over Following a Plan

 Agile project management values responding to change over following a plan. In fleet management, this means being able to quickly adjust routes and schedules in response to unexpected events or customer requests. Truck dispatching services can facilitate this by providing real-time updates and route optimization options, allowing companies to be more agile and responsive to changing circumstances.

Continuous Delivery of Value

Agile project management emphasizes the continuous delivery of value to customers. In fleet management, this can be achieved by regularly reviewing and improving operations to ensure that they are delivering the most value to customers. Truck dispatching services can help companies identify areas for improvement and implement changes that directly benefit customers, such as faster delivery times or more accurate tracking information.

Sustainable Pace

Agile project management promotes a sustainable pace of work, avoiding burnout and ensuring that team members can maintain a high level of productivity over the long term. In fleet management, this principle can be applied by optimizing routes and schedules to avoid overworking drivers and ensuring that they have adequate rest time between shifts. Truck dispatching services can help companies manage their resources more effectively, ensuring that drivers are not overworked and that operations run smoothly.

Face-to-Face Communication

Agile project management values face-to-face communication as the most effective way to convey information and resolve issues. In fleet management, this can be challenging due to the dispersed nature of the workforce. However, truck dispatching services can facilitate better communication by providing real-time messaging and GPS tracking, allowing dispatchers and drivers to communicate effectively even when they are not in the same location.

Self-Organizing Teams

Agile project management promotes self-organizing teams that are empowered to make decisions and manage their own work. In fleet management, this can translate into giving drivers more autonomy to manage their routes and schedules, within the parameters set by dispatchers. Truck dispatching services can support this by providing drivers with the information and tools they need to make informed decisions and optimize their own work processes.

Build Projects Around Motivated Individuals

In agile project management, there is a strong emphasis on building projects around motivated individuals and giving them the support and autonomy they need to succeed. When applied to fleet management, this principle can translate into empowering dispatchers and drivers with the tools and information they need to make informed decisions and adapt to changing circumstances. By fostering a culture of motivation and empowerment within the fleet, companies can improve overall performance and customer satisfaction. Moreover, motivated individuals are more likely to take ownership of their work and strive for excellence, leading to better outcomes for the company. Additionally, motivated individuals are more likely to stay engaged and committed to their work, reducing turnover and ensuring continuity in operations.

Embrace Change

One of the core principles of agile project management is the ability to embrace change and adapt to new information and circumstances. In fleet management, this principle can be applied through real-time data analysis and dynamic route optimization. Truck dispatching services can use advanced algorithms and real-time traffic data to adjust routes and schedules in response to changing conditions, such as traffic congestion or inclement weather. By embracing change and being adaptable, companies can minimize delays and improve overall efficiency.

Additionally, embracing change can lead to innovation and continuous improvement within the fleet, as companies are more willing to experiment with new ideas and approaches to improve their operations. Moreover, embracing change can help companies stay ahead of competitors who may be slower to adapt to new technologies and market trends.

Deliver Working Software Frequently

Another key principle of agile project management is the concept of delivering working software frequently. In the context of fleet management, this principle can be applied by continuously monitoring and evaluating fleet performance and making incremental improvements over time. Truck dispatching services can provide companies with real-time data on fleet performance, allowing them to identify areas for improvement and implement changes quickly. By delivering continuous improvements to fleet operations, companies can stay ahead of the competition and provide better service to their customers.

Moreover, frequent delivery of working software can help build trust and credibility with customers, as they see tangible improvements in service quality over time. Additionally, frequent delivery of software updates can help companies stay competitive in a rapidly changing market, as they can quickly respond to customer feedback and market demands.

fuel management for fleets

Collaborate with Customers and Stakeholders

The final key principle of agile project management is collaboration with customers and stakeholders. In fleet management, this principle can be applied by involving drivers, dispatchers, and customers in the decision-making process and seeking their input on ways to improve operations. By collaborating with all stakeholders, companies can gain valuable insights into their operations and identify opportunities for improvement that may not be apparent from a management perspective alone.

This collaborative approach can lead to better decision-making, improved communication, and ultimately, more satisfied customers. Additionally, collaborating with customers and stakeholders can help build strong relationships and loyalty, as they feel valued and involved in the company’s operations. Moreover, collaboration with customers and stakeholders can lead to innovation and new ideas, as companies can leverage the knowledge and expertise of their partners to develop new solutions and approaches to fleet management challenges.


In conclusion, truck dispatching services play a crucial role in improving fleet management by applying the key principles of agile project management. By building projects around motivated individuals, embracing change, delivering working software frequently, and collaborating with customers and stakeholders, companies can improve efficiency, reduce costs, and provide better service to their customers. As the transportation industry continues to evolve, embracing agile principles in fleet management will be essential for companies looking to stay competitive and thrive in the fast-paced world of cargo transportation.