Municipal Waste Management in Poland


Municipal waste management in Poland has changed dramatically since the early ’90s when, as part of Poland’s privatisation program, municipal authorities were freed of their waste management obligations. The combined Polish recycling rate for dry recyclables and organic waste has increased from 5% in 2004 to 21% in 2010, according to a Copenhagen Resource Institute […]

Waste Management Outlook for India

Waste management crisis in India should be approached holistically; while planning for long term solutions, focus on addressing the immediate problems should be maintained. National and local governments should work with their partners to promote source separation, achieve higher percentages of recycling and produce high quality compost from organics. While this is being achieved and […]

Solid Waste Management in India – Role of Policies and Planning


Out of all the measures that are necessary in addressing India’s waste management crisis, the most efficient will be changes at the national policy and planning level. It is well known among the small but growing waste management sector that urban India will hit rock bottom due to improper waste management. Unfortunately, they think such […]

How Cities Manage Their Road Maintenance

road maintenance in cities

Cities can only run smoothly if all of the parts that build them up are working together.  The road maintenance part of the municipality has the difficult job of keeping roads safe and functional, even if crashes or accidents have occurred.  Here are the four things every city must do to ensure all of the […]

Addressing India’s Waste Management Problems


Out of all the measures that are necessary in addressing India’s impending waste management crisis, the most efficient will be changes at the national policy and planning level. It is well-known among the small but growing waste management sector that urban India will hit rock bottom due to improper waste management. Unfortunately, they think such […]