Top Career Choices for Biotechnology Degree Holders

Biotechnology is not a new subject and is often referred to as the manipulation of living bodies to modify or create useful byproducts. Biotechnology dates back over 10,000 years, starting from seed crop modification to selective livestock breeding.

The 20th century witnessed penicillin and DNA structure discovery, and the 21st century has even more to offer, including bioinformatics, personalized medicine, and stem cell reprogramming. The advancements in computational science have allowed scientists to map any living process, even if it cannot be directly manipulated.

top biotech career options

Biotechnology products have helped evolve agriculture, the environment, and medicine greatly. Due to this, experts in biotechnology are in great demand. This has raised educational requirements and salaries. The best part is that experts can work in one of several fields that touches the biotechnology discipline.

If you wish to be a part of biotechnological processes that help cure disease, eliminate defects and extend human life, today, we shall look at the best possible career options for a biotechnology degree holder who graduates from a renowned university like the American International College.

Top Career Paths for Biotechnology Experts

1. Biofuels Engineer

Biofuel is formed from the fermentation of biomass and is considered an alternative energy source. Ethanol and biodiesel are considered the first generation of biofuel that are paving the path towards the creation of renewable energy sources. The final goal is to reduce CO2 and CO emissions and eliminate the dependency on petroleum globally.

algae biofuels

Biofuel is used in homes for heating purposes as well as in the automotive industry. Many biofuels are distilled from corn, and research has been conducted to see if fast-growing tree bark, grains, and starchy vegetable skins can be used to create renewable fuel.

  • You can pursue a career in biofuel technology by opting to become a chemical engineer.
  • The United States BLS (Bureau of Labor Statistics) reports that chemical engineering jobs are expected to grow at a rate of 14% between 2021 and 2031. The growth rate for other occupations is only 5%.
  • Chemical engineers earn $105,550 per year on average, and 2,000 new jobs are reported to emerge between 2021 and 2031.
  • Engineers must earn a professional certificate from the National Society of Professional Engineers to pursue their career legally.

2. Biomedical Engineer

A biomedical engineer focuses on how mechanical and living processes are interwoven. These engineers create products like laser systems for corrective eye surgery, insulin regulation devices, artificial limbs, internal organs, etc. These enable people with disabilities to hear, see and walk again.

A biomedical engineer can work in a commercial industry, in a research facility, or even at a hospital. They can work in a range of industries and can take on several responsibilities like sales, maintenance,  product designing, patent law, etc.

  • Biomedical engineering jobs are reported to grow by 10% between 2021 and 2031 owing to rapid technological advancements (3D printing and smartphones, for example) and a rapidly aging population.
  • Engineers need a license from the NSPE (National Society of Professional Engineers) to pursue a career legally. Engineers must complete a four-year degree, obtain the PE (Professional Engineer) certificate, pass two exams, work under a licensed PE for four years, and get state licensure before they apply for the NSPE.
  • The BLS reports that the average annual salary of a biomedical engineer is $97,410.

3.    Bioinformatics Specialist

Bioinformatics is a merger of computer science and biological science. It focuses on complex tools to help understand complex biological processes. Due to this, biotechnology concepts and big data are becoming very codependent. Modern bioinformatics specialists take up huge chunks of biological data (gene and mutation data, for example) and analyze it to produce practical insights using a computer.

bioinformatics specialist

A bioinformatics specialist needs to have sufficient knowledge of statistical analysis, biological processes, computer science, and mathematics to develop data mining tools or analyze the results produced. Previously, bioinformatics specialists were expected to have 2 doctorates. However, specialized and streamlined Master’s degrees are slowly becoming the ultimate educational requirement.

  • The BLS reports that computer and information research scientist careers are expected to grow by 21% between 2021 and 2031. These scientist jobs are very similar to that of a bioinformatics specialist.
  • 7,100 new jobs are expected to emerge in just 10 years (2021 and 2031)
  • The average annual salary for computer and information research scientists is 131,490 USD.
  • Computer programming language efficiency is often the only measure required to assess qualification levels, as there are no industry-level certifications to become a bioinformatics specialist.
  • Specialists can pursue courses in computer languages like Unix, Ruby, Perl, Python, Linux, and others to gain a competitive advantage.


We only touched upon the top career options for biotechnology experts above. There are many more career options you can opt for due to the increased versatility in the biotechnology sector.

How to Earn Money By Telegram

Do you want to make a little extra cash on the side without having to leave the comfort of your own home? If so, then have you considered leveraging Telegram to earn money?

Sure, it’s less glamorous or lucrative than some other methods out there, but with its low barrier to entry and easy-to-use interface, making money using Telegram is surprisingly straightforward.

how to make money on telegram

If you are wondering how to earn using telegram? Don’t worry! In this blog post, I will outline how you can use Telegram as a platform for generating income. So if making passive income while in your pajamas sounds like something that interests you – read on!

Tips to Earn Money By Telegram

Telegram is a popular messaging app that provides many opportunities for people to make money online. Here are a few insightful tips to help you get started earning money through Telegram:

1. Leverage Your Network on Telegram

The first step is researching and joining Telegram groups relevant to your niche. Once you have joined these groups, engaging with the members is important by providing valuable information and insights about your expertise.

It will help establish yourself as an authority in your field and build trust with potential clients or customers.

You can also share links to a website or blog posts that provide further value or offer services directly through the platform.

With consistent effort and strategic networking, earning money through Telegram can become a lucrative opportunity for those willing to invest time and effort. If you want, you can also buy Telegram followers to grow your channel from the start.

2. Offer Paid Services

You can use the platform to promote and sell various services or products, such as web design, digital marketing, virtual assistant services, and more. Once you have established a following on the platform, you can promote your services through dedicated channels or groups.

This can be a highly convincing way to reach potential clients and customers who are already interested in your offer. You could soon generate significant income through Telegram with the right approach and strategy.

3. Become an Affiliate Marketer

Many programs offer affiliate marketing opportunities through Telegram groups. As an affiliate marketer, you would promote other people’s products or services and receive a commission for each sale through your unique referral link.

By joining relevant Telegram groups and engaging with members, you can promote these products and services to a targeted audience likely to be interested in your offer.

This can be a highly efficient way to earn passive income while building relationships with potential clients or customers.

4. Create Your Channel

You can also make money from telegram channel or group. With Telegram’s channel feature, you can create a platform for content marketing and monetization by leveraging ads and sponsored content.

By producing high-quality content that resonates with your audience, you can grow your following and attract advertisers or sponsors willing to pay for access to your audience.

You can also use Telegram’s built-in advertising system to promote your channel to a wider audience and generate revenue through ad impressions or clicks.

5. Launch a Crowdfunding Campaign

Launching a crowdfunding campaign on Telegram can be a perfect way to raise funds for your projects or causes. Telegram offers a built-in crowdfunding feature that allows you to create campaigns for donations or projects.

By sharing your campaign with your Telegram community and social media networks, you can attract supporters willing to contribute to your cause.

You can also offer rewards for different levels of contributions, such as exclusive content or merchandise.

6. Host Your Events or Workshops

Hosting your events or workshops on Telegram can be a great way to monetize your knowledge-based skills while sharing them with a wide audience. You can use the platform to share your expertise in a particular area and provide valuable insights or training to participants.

By charging a fee for access to these events, you can generate revenue while building your reputation as an expert in your field.

Plus, by hosting events on Telegram, you can reach people from all over the world without the need for physical travel or venue rentals.

7. Offer Sponsored Posts to Advertisers

Offering sponsored posts to advertisers is a great way to monetize your Telegram channel or group. Here are some tips for creating successful sponsored posts:

  • Choose sponsors that align with your audience’s interests and values.
  • Disclose that the post is sponsored in compliance with FTC guidelines.
  • Create content that resonates with your audience while promoting the sponsor’s product or service.
  • Use high-quality visuals like images or videos to make the post more visually appealing.
  • Include a clear call-to-action that encourages your audience to take action, such as visiting the sponsor’s website or making a purchase.
  • Negotiate fair compensation for your sponsored posts based on factors like audience size and engagement rates.

8. Launch a Subscription-Based Newsletter

Launching a subscription-based newsletter on Telegram is another great way to monetize your content. Here are a few useful tips for creating a successful newsletter:

  • Choose a specific topic or niche that you’re passionate about and knowledgeable about.
  • Provide valuable insights, information, and analysis you can’t find elsewhere.
  • Use engaging storytelling techniques to keep readers interested and invested in your content.
  • Offer exclusive content only available to subscribers, such as interviews with experts or behind-the-scenes access to your work.
  • Set a fair price for your subscription based on the value you provide.
  • Promote your newsletter through social media, email marketing, and other channels to attract new subscribers.
  • Use analytics tools to track engagement rates and make data-driven decisions about improving your content over time.

9. Launch an Online Store

Launching an online store on Telegram is another great way to earn money. You can use the platform to sell digital or physical products like ebooks, video tutorials, apparel, art prints, and more.

By creating high-quality product descriptions and visuals that attract customers’ attention, you can generate revenue from sales and build a loyal customer base.

You can also use Telegram to promote your store, share discounts or promotions, and provide customer support.

10. Create Paid Courses

Creating paid courses is another great way to monetize your knowledge and skills. You can use Telegram to share lectures, course materials, quizzes, and assessments and support students enrolled in your courses.


You can also create a membership site where people pay a monthly or annual fee for access to exclusive content. This could include additional video tutorials, live Q&A sessions with experts, interactive group discussions, and more.

You can attract customers and generate revenue from your online courses by offering value you can’t find elsewhere.

11. Offer Consulting Services

Finally, offering consulting services is another great way to make money on Telegram. Whether it’s career advice, business advice, or marketing advice, you can use your expertise to help others and earn money.

You can set up a PayPal payment account and accept payments for your consulting services through Telegram. You can also offer one-on-one video calls or group chat sessions where you can provide personalized advice to paying customers.

Tips To Pay Yourself When Self-Employed in Canada

By offering valuable insights and guidance, you can increase your income while helping others achieve success.

How Does Telegram Get Paid?

Telegram is a free messaging app that does not charge users fees for using the platform. However, Telegram has recently introduced some new features, such as voice calls and file sharing, that are part of their monetization strategy.

Telegram has also launched a cryptocurrency called “Gram,” which they plan to use for in-app purchases and other services in the future.

Does Telegram Bot Pay Money?

Telegram bots do not pay money as they are automated programs that perform specific tasks on the Telegram platform. However, some developers create bots that provide paid services or products such as games, trading signals, or subscription-based content.

In these cases, users may need to pay a fee to access the bot’s services or products. Additionally, Telegram offers a Bot API for developers to create bots and monetize them through various means, such as in-app purchases or advertising.

How Do Telegram Videos Make Money?

Telegram does not directly monetize videos on its platform. However, some users and channels may use Telegram to share videos that generate revenue through other means, such as advertising or sponsorships.

For example, a content creator may use Telegram to promote their YouTube channel or website, where they can earn money through ads or affiliate marketing.

Additionally, some channels on Telegram offer premium content or services for a fee which may include video content. In these cases, the videos are not generating revenue but are part of a larger monetization strategy.

How Can I Earn Money from Telegram?

One way is by creating and promoting your channel or group with many subscribers. You can monetize your channel or group by offering paid content, advertising, or sponsored posts.

Another way to earn money on Telegram is through affiliate marketing by sharing referral links and earning commissions for every sale made through those links.

Additionally, you can offer services such as consultancy, coaching, or freelancing through the platform. Building a loyal audience and providing valuable content regularly is essential to get money from telegram.


To summarize, using Telegram to make money is a great way to cash in on the huge social media platform. Whether you are a content creator, businessman, or just looking for passive income opportunities, Telegram provides many tools and channels to help you achieve your financial goals. With so many options available, there is sure to be something that works for you.

How to Find a Job in 2023: A Guide for Graduates

The prospect of job hunting in 2023 can be filled with uncertainties. As unfortunate as it is, this year, fresh graduates will be competing for fewer positions. There has been a significant decrease in the internship and placement opportunities compared to the last few years.

This declining trend is likely to continue at least for the beginning of this year. As such, you need to make the most of your downtime to stand the best chance of getting hired. We have drawn on our career expertise to come up with a few tips that will help you prepare for your job search in 2023.


1. Polish Your Resume – Both Online and Offline

It is common knowledge that the job market has been slow. However, recruiters are looking to see how you used the extra time you had to improve yourself. Make sure that your resume and your LinkedIn profile reflect any recent work you took upon.

Did you take on any paid or unpaid projects? Did you try freelancing? What online courses did you take to enhance your skills? Any task you did to benefit yourself or your community can find a place in your resume. These accomplishments will help you stand out from other candidates.

Also, give careful attention to your resume’s design and layout to create a visual impression on your recruiters. A well-written, error-free resume can instantly get you on the good side of the recruiters.

2. Create a Bot-Beating Resume

Recruiters are increasingly relying on the applicant tracking systems to sort out any unsuitable candidates. As such, it is paramount that you tailor your resume to each job you apply for. This means you have to include relevant keywords so that the resume beats the ATS bots.

If you need some help in this regard, you can and should reach out to get professional help from career advice experts. These days professional resume building services can help you not only to build a resume but also to offer you other career resources. For instance, they can connect you with the right recruiters and offer you career guidance in terms of training or work experience. It is well worth investing in a reputed resume maker as they can increase your chances to land a job.

3. Build Your Professional Image

Since you are only entering the job market, it is important that you look the part of the job you want. This means you have to be extra cautious of the image you project. This includes not only your job profiles but also your social media accounts. Be careful of the content that you leave open for others to see.

Recruiters have included social media screening as a part of their process, and your posts could cost you a job. Before you start sending resumes out, review your privacy settings to know what your potential employers will be able to access.

4. Register With Recruitment Agencies

Agencies, unlike online job portals, are looking for people to represent. They will also know where the high demand is and can nudge you in the right direction. If possible, you can look for a specialist recruiter in your respective industry.

Working with a recruitment agency can also allow you to choose a job that matches your requirements, such as specific hours and the work-life balance. That said, bear in mind not to excessively hassle the recruiters. Fix a regular time for contact and make sure that you are at the front of their mind.


5. Up Your Networking Level

Thanks to the never-ending confinements, people continue to be more accessible these days. Do not miss out on this perfect opportunity to reach out to new contacts or reconnect with the old ones.

While at it, do not start a conversation indicating that you are desperately looking for a job. Instead, let the conversation take its natural flow. If you have fallen out of touch with your classmates, or alumni, send them greetings, politely enquire how they are doing. The goal is to keep your relationships intact.

In case you are looking to build new professional associations, scour the internet and social media for opportunities. The networking events have shifted online, and the location is no longer an issue for you to attend these.

6. Stay on Top of Job Listings

Regardless of whether you are working with a recruitment agency, make sure that you have a visible profile across all types of job listings. Some are general, whereas you will also find platforms that cater only to specific industries. For example, you can visit Personal Support Worker HQ to find free courses and new job listings.

If you come across a job opening that interests you, go to LinkedIn to check if you have any contacts at the respective company. This will be highly beneficial to connect with the right person at the firm. You can also do some additional research to find out about the hiring manager.

7. Prepare for Video Interviews

If you have successfully reached the last stage of the hiring process, it is time to get ready for the interview.

While doing an interview from home might be more convenient, you should also put in sufficient preparation to create the right setting. This also means ensuring that the interviews go without any technical difficulties.

Hiring experts recommend that the space is well-kit and distraction-free. This also includes turning off your mobile phone or to the very least, keeping it in silent mode.

First impressions still count – so be sure to wear office-appropriate clothing. Have all the important documents in front of you, such as any work experience certificates, online diplomas, and your CV. This can help you answer more promptly if asked about your student years or internship.

Wrapping Up

The job market might be tough, but as a fresh graduate, you have the flexibility to choose a job that aligns with your career goals. Think about what kind of firm you want to work for, and how you can fulfil your dream. Always do your homework: learn about the company and the employer. Once you have found the right fit, follow our tips and start applying for jobs.

Recommended Reading: Career Options for Biotechnology Graduates

9 Things You Need to Know Before Starting College

As you are planning to get enrolled in college, you are not just choosing the movie club to visit or think about what book to read. It is the choice of life that can change your future forever. Nevertheless, making your first choice is also not the end of the world because you have to explore and see what would be the most efficient solution for you. Therefore, you should learn various tips and recommendations before you take the first step towards your academic career.

things to consider before starting college

Things You Must Learn Before Starting College

1. Take Time to Study Available Options

Never ever hurry when you are looking for college. Think about what you would like to learn. Create various personal statement letters. Read them aloud, give it time to see if it sounds good to you. You can also request professional assistance by checking the best essay writing service reviews to see who can guide you as you look through the list of colleges. Just give it time and see what works for you!

2. Consider Community Colleges

If you want to save some funds and get the basics of college life to make a good transition, consider certain community colleges. It will help you to see how it feels to learn on campus.

3. Take a College Year Gap

It is not obligatory to join the college as you graduate from your high school. Sometimes it is good to get older and have some rest to see things differently. You just want to have some fun and do those things that you always wanted to do. When you take some rest by taking a year gap, you will always feel much better! Just think about it!

4. Take Various Tests

You can consider taking a CLEP exam to graduate sooner by skipping through the general subjects like Maths, Chemistry, and English. It will also help you in terms of funds and boarding!

5. Consider Community Work First

You can also consider working as a volunteer and add something valuable to your resume before you join college. Consider checking reviews and see how to compose your resume and write essays to apply for a scholarship. If you have some community merits, you will have better chances of joining a prestigious college!

6. Think About Online Courses

Before you join the college in 2021 and become a victim of a student loan, consider taking a look at various remote learning courses. Of course, there are pros and cons of online education, which means that you should explore if it works best for you!


7. Visit Colleges in Person

Just take time to walk around the campus and explore things on your own. It will help you to see the major and minor differences. Talk to people and learn things.

8. Foreign Exchange Students

If you are up for some challenges, you should consider joining a foreign exchange program. It will make it possible to learn and travel at the same time. For example, if you want to learn specific subjects that may not be available in your country, joining one of the foreign programs is the way to go!

9. Read Online Reviews

Do not forget to read testimonials from those who have already joined relevant colleges. It will help you to estimate your opinion and see what pros and cons you have.

Do Not Abandon Your Hobbies

We all know how people who used to do sports often gave up on playing basketball or baseball. Likewise, students who used to play guitar or piano would focus on their studies all the time and ignore their hobbies.

importance of hobbies for college students

The most important is to learn about your college campus facilities to see what sport, arts, or music clubs you can join. Even if you do not have something that interests you, it is always possible to participate in community and charity work to keep inspired and show your soft skills!

Opportunities For Foreign Consultants in Africa’s Renewables Industry

Currently, more than 600 million people living in Sub-Saharan Africa, out of a total population of 900 million, do not have access to electricity. Even those with some kind of electrical connection suffer from unreliable supply, lack of sufficient power on the grid, high energy prices, or a combination of these, meaning they lack full access to power.


However, the solution is in sight, and it is green. It could be that the majority of the “dark continent” will skip fossil fuel- based energy entirely, and skip straight to renewable energy solutions, from those living in refugee camps, to the cities.

The renewable energy industry in Africa represents great opportunities for many, not only the local populations who will benefit from a stable electricity supply, but also local workers and international consultants whose expertise are greatly needed. Not to mention of course the benefits for the environment.

If you are a foreign consultant looking to work in the renewable energy industry in Africa, here is what you should know.

Opportunities in Renewable Energy Industry in Africa

The renewable energy industry is booming in many African countries, most notably Nigeria. Here, it is hoped that biomass will help to bridge the gap between the current electricity capacity of 12,522MW and demand of 98,000MW. This dramatic shortfall, despite Nigeria being an OPEC nation and the world’s 13th largest producer of oil, certainly shows the need for renewable energy solutions.

Currently, only 1% of Nigeria’s electricity is powered by renewable energy with a small percentage of this being biomass. However, the country’s rich resources in biomass fuels such as agricultural residues and municipal solid waste means that biomass could represent the solution to the country’s energy crisis.

Across the continent, many countries are already implementing small-scale solar, wind and geothermal technology, particularly to provide energy to remote and under-serviced populations. The World Bank is committed to promoting sustainable energy solutions in developing nations, particularly in Africa. From 2014 to 2018, the World Bank funded $11.5 billion worth of renewable energy projects in developing countries. This continues to be a funding priority for the developing world’s largest financier.

Funding from the World Bank and others has led to a variety of renewable energy projects across Africa, which is only set to increase in future years. These projects have an intense need for foreign consultants, due to the demand for expertise outstripping local availability in many cases.

Guide For Working in African Renewable Energy Industry

Working in the renewables sector in Africa offers the opportunity not only to be part of an exciting, booming industry, but also one which has the potential to make a difference to the lives of millions of people. Working in the sector, and in Africa in general, does come with its own unique challenges, however, so it is important to be prepared.

1. Research Local Laws and Regulations

Firstly, it is important to be prepared that working in a new country will mean that many things will be unfamiliar. One of the key differences will be when it comes to laws and regulations. The company or organisation you are working with should be able to advise you on these matters, but it is also a good idea to do your own research ahead of time to get an idea of local regulations, and how these will impact on your work.


2. Be Open to Local Customs

A big part of working in another country is adjusting to the local customs. Understanding local culture and traditions will not only help you feel more comfortable, but it will also make you more effective in your work. After you arrive in the field, make it one of your key priorities to absorb as much as you can of the local culture.

Additionally, you should be prepared that infrastructure and logistics may be very different from what you are accustomed to: this can impact on everything from internet connection and availability of supplies to transit times.

3. Make Sure Your Training is Upto Date

Availability of training while on site may be limited, so it is important to make sure your qualifications are up to date and that you have skilled up with all relevant training before you leave home. Consult with a UK-based company such as We Do Training to see what courses are on offer, and what may be helpful for you while in the field.

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5 Tips for Launching a Green Career

Are you passionate about the environment? Do you want to work on climate change or try to create sustainable buildings or make a career in waste recycling? Maybe you hope to work in national forests or affect government policy on environmental issues. There are plenty of opportunities for green-oriented jobs. Keep reading for more on careers that can be good for both you and the planet, whether you are changing careers or just finishing high school.

1. Consider Your Focus

You should start thinking broadly about what kind of renewable energy career you’d like to have. With a few years of school ahead of you or a career change, you’ll have time to learn more and decide, but it can help if you at least have a general idea about the direction you’ll pursue.


Maybe you’d like to work in science, or perhaps you want to write about the environment. You may want to pursue renewable energy degree or become an entrepreneur, founding sustainable companies. Start doing research as early as possible.

2. Plan for School

If you already have a degree, you may not need to go back to school. It depends on how different your new career is from your old one and whether your skills will transfer or if you need further education. If you don’t have a degree, it will be much easier to break into most fields with one, and in most cases, it will be necessary.

If you are worried about money, keep in mind that there are grants, scholarships and loans available. You can shop for a low interest rate on private loans to make sure that you get the best deal available for you.

3. Start Now

You should start as soon as possible to learn about the issues and get involved. There is probably a community group near you that you can join. This can also help you get started networking and meeting other people who have the same interests and ambitions as you as well as professionals who may be well on their way in their careers.

You can learn a lot through volunteer work about the issues that you are most passionate about and what types of jobs you enjoy doing most.

4. Networking and Internships

If you are a student, talk to your professors, your advisor and the career center at your school about your ambitions and what career paths might be right for you. Whether you are a student or a career changer, see if you can set up informational interviews with people doing the types of jobs that interest you.


5. Stay Balanced

Doing environmental work or another job that you feel passionately about does not mean that you have to throw your entire being into it. It’s still important to maintain a work-life balance, perhaps doubly so when you work for a nonprofit or in another field that tends to attract people who are as interested in the issues they are working on as in what they are being paid.

Be sure to carve out time for friends, family and hobbies so that you don’t burn out while trying to save the world.

Recommended Reading: The Future of Environmental Jobs – Navigating Career Paths with Online Assessments

How Mechanical and Electrical Engineers Can Help in Renewable Energy Projects Design?

Over the last decade, the renewable energy industry has witnessed tremendous global growth, and mechanical engineers have made a significant contribution in ensuring the transition to pure energy and other sustainable practices around the globe.

Over the last decade, the renewable energy industry has witnessed tremendous global growth, and mechanical engineers have made a significant contribution in ensuring the transition to pure energy and other sustainable practices around the globe.

The same can be said about the role of electrical engineers in this industry. Nowadays, humans can observe the movement of small businesses and startups toward carbon-free solutions, for instance, solar, wind, biomass, geothermal, and hydroelectric power in action in all their projects.

Using full benefits of renewable energy sources demands advanced technology in manufacturing, preserving, and supplying electricity. That is what makes the technical expertise of electrical engineers an essential resource at small businesses or startups striving to integrate eco-friendly practices.

In case your business/startup is connected with designing renewable energy projects, the first thing you should do is to check some renewable energy market analysis so that you can develop your strategy. Then, it would be brilliant to find 3D modeling services to make your renewable energy project come true and hire relevant types of engineers who will work on your project.

Now, let’s take a glimpse at several ways how mechanical and electrical engineers can help you in that. We will start with mechanical engineers.


Mechanical Engineers in Renewable Energy Projects

Small business and startup owners should consider this type of engineer as a must for designing renewable energy solutions! Why?

A wide range of the essential skills that mechanical engineers experience in their graduate programs possess many useful practices for renewable energy engineering. Profound knowledge in fluid mechanics, heat transfer, and thermodynamics, for instance, is a clue to designing the wind power eco solution. The same expertise is also necessary when improving cooling systems, developing hydropower infrastructure, and creating new energy preservation technology, for example, solar fuel or thermochemical batteries for long-term energy storage.

Small business and startup owners should hire mechanical engineers because they practically can be involved in every step of renewable energy generation/distribution. From designing approaches that minimize the cost of silicon production for solar panels to developing optimized ways to build wind farms, this kind of engineer is significant to improving the renewable energy infrastructure. Below, you can see several essential duties of mechanical engineers in designing renewable energy solutions:

  • Rationalizing a certain renewable energy technology for it to get more financially beneficial to develop relevant infrastructure;
  • Explore various materials and their interrelation for further implementation in renewable energy leading to innovative systems/technologies design for producing and supplying eco power;
  • Provide small business and startup owners with consultations regarding renewable energy projects, including delivering the best ways to achieve sustainability goals: determining technology needs and methods to build and invest in renewable energy infrastructure;
  • Multiple integrations of all types of renewable energy technologies.

How Electrical Engineers Solve Renewable Energy Challenges?

When it comes to the contribution of electrical engineers to sustainability-based energy projects, it is the following.

The wind turbines and solar panels that produce pure energy are often located in areas far from municipalities. To experience all bonuses of environmentally friendly electricity, mankind requires the infrastructure to distribute such energy into homes.

Designing a renewable energy project and faced the above-mentioned challenge? Here, electrical engineers are your option!

As a rule, electrical engineers engaged in renewable energy transmission address the following issues:

  • Modernizing and expanding high-voltage distribution lines, selecting appropriate areas for construction to reduce environmental influence;
  • Identifying the finest strategies to transform renewable energy into electricity safely and effectively;
  • Precisely predicting the requirement for eco power and enabling facilities to possess the storage capacity to satisfy those requirements;
  • Securely managing the power flows from production facilities via the grid;
  • Designing innovative control platforms to check how the grid behaves and to react to troubles as they happen.

In case your startup is connected with microgrids, electrical engineers can come in handy. For those who are not on the topic, let’s clarify the thing.


Various platforms that involve microgrids make it possible to get more effective energy distribution than ordinary grids, resulting in eco power systems that are less wasteful as well as more financially beneficial.

Besides, some microgrids suggest an eco-friendly alternative by using a renewable energy source, for instance, wind power, biomass, or solar power. With permanent technological development, such microgrids can become central to implementing energy even greener!

It requires creative problem-solving as well as innovative technical knowledge to support in revolutionizing eco-energy production, distribution, and consumption. Electrical engineers understand the principles which are on the background of the latest achievements in the energy transformation, power platforms, and power grids. So, they can potentially design a win-win solution for your business in the renewable energy industry.

Green SMEs: Catalyst for Green Economy

With ‘green’ being the buzzword across all industries, greening of the business sector and development of green skills has assumed greater importance all over the world. SMEs, startups and ecopreneurs are playing a vital role in the transition to a low-carbon economy by developing new green business models for different industrial sectors. Infact, young and small firms are emerging as main drivers of radical eco-innovation in the industrial and services sectors.

Green SMEs

What are Green SMEs

Green SMEs adopt green processes and/or those producing green goods using green production inputs. A judicious exploitation of techno-commercial opportunities and redevelopment of business models, often neglected by established companies, have been the major hallmarks of green SMEs.

For example, SMEs operating in eco-design, green architecture, renewable energy, energy efficiency and sustainability are spearheading the transition to green economy across a wide range of industries. The path to green economy is achieved by making use of production, technology and management practices of green SMEs. Impact investment platforms allows individuals to invest in environmentally sustainable companies.

Categories of Green Industries

Environmental Protection Resource Management
Protection of ambient air Water management
Protection of climate Management of forest resources
Wastewater management Management of flora and fauna
Waste management Energy management
Noise and vibration abatement Management of minerals
Protection of biodiversity and landscape Eco-construction
Protection against radiation Natural resource management activities
Protection of soil, groundwater and surface water Eco-tourism
Environmental Monitoring and Instrumentation Organic agriculture
Research and Development Research and Development

Key Drivers

The key motivations for a green entrepreneur are to exploit the market opportunity and to promote environmental sustainability. A green business help in the implementation of innovative solutions, competes with established markets and creates new market niches. Green entrepreneurs are a role model for one and all as they combine environmental performance with market targets and profit outcomes, thus contributing to the expansion of green markets.

Some of the popular areas in which small green businesses have been historically successful are renewable energy production (solar, wind and biomass), smart metering, building retrofitting, hybrid cars and waste recycling.

As far as established green industries (such as waste management and wastewater treatment) are concerned, large companies tend to dominate, however SMEs and start-ups can make a mark if they can introduce innovative processes and systems. Eco-friendly transformation of existing practices is another attractive pathway for SMEs to participate in the green economy.

The Way Forward

Policy interventions for supporting green SMEs, especially in developing nations, are urgently required to overcome major barriers, including knowledge-sharing, raising environmental awareness, enhancing financial support, supporting skill development and skill formation, improving market access and implementing green taxation.

In recent decades, entrepreneurship in developing world has been increasing at a rapid pace which should be channeled towards addressing water, energy, environment and waste management challenges, thereby converting environmental constraints into business opportunities.

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Data Science – A Revelation of the Modern Digital Era

Data is transpiring today in large quantities because of the modern equipment, so what is happening with the old data? Why is the old data so important? What can the old data tell us? Globalization is the means of connecting and desegregating people, businesses, and government authorities all across the globe. Owing to the internet and social media the world has become complicated with the overload of information that means more and more piles of data are added to the large volumes of already existing data.

New technologies continue to present a new amount of uncertainties and possibilities for the world. The possibility of billions of people connected by the internet and their mobile devices, with an exceptional path to knowledge is infinite. These possibilities are aggregated by developing technology inventions in fields such as artificial intelligence, business analytics, data analytics, data science, robotics, autonomous transportation, 3-D printing, nanotechnology, and quantum computing.

Every time we use our search engines or our social media platforms to interact or to share pictures digitally, we add more to the pile of data which already exists in a large volume. As the amount of data generation grew, the need to monitor or collect or prepare this data also grew. These became some of the main difficulties and concerns for enterprise industries until the year 2010. Since there’s been a lot of hype about data storing and processing, a new door was opened to a broad field which came into existence as “Data Science”.

What is Data Science?

Data science does not mean the invention of complicated models or making awesome visualizations or writing data codes. Data Science means the usage of data to generate as much influence as plausible for an organization. This influence can be created in the form of multiple things – it could be in the form of insights, in the form of data merchandise, or the form of the product references for an organization. To perform such tasks, you require complicated models, data visualizations or code generators.

Before data science, the term data mining was quite popular. It was then defined as the overall method of identifying valuable information from data. Data science was brought to another level in the 2000s, it was done by combining computer science with data mining. This led to the birth of social media platforms and websites, which additionally contributed to Big data. Technologies and tools like MapReduce, Hadoop, and Spark were launched to extract valuable information from big data. has a comprehensive guide on white hat SEO techniques with a focus on structured data.

So the rise in big data spiked the rise in data science to support the requirements of businesses to extract insights from their huge unorganized data sets. By this time, the journal of data science defined data as everything that is related to gathering, analyzing and modeling all types of applications. With the abundance of data and the birth of data science, it became possible to instruct machines with a data-driven approach. For example, Hosting Foundry collect and present the relevant data to help people looking for the best hosting providers.

Let us look at various positions that are required to be filled in the field of administration, processing, and fulfilling of big data science. These positions include:

  • Data Engineers – these are the people who build and manage data gathering processes. They should be well aware of things such as, Java, and Scikit-learn.
  • Software Engineers – these are the people who understand what kind of data requires to be examined and develop the software to suit the industry. They should be well aware of things such as Java, SQL, and Python.
  • Artificial Intelligence Hardware Specialists – these are the people who understand the AI and what knowledge should be searched for in the pile of data sets. They should be well aware of things like Python, Java, and machine learning.

Role of a Data Scientist

Typically, as a data scientist, it’s your job to solve real company issues by gathering data. It doesn’t matter to the organization which kind of tools you use to complete your tasks. Their main goal is to understand their customers well and to deliver excellent results. Being a good data scientist doesn’t mean how advanced your tools are, it means the amount of impact that you can produce with your work.

A data scientist is not a data cruncher, he/she is a problem solver and strategist who are hired by companies to solve their most enigmatic and troublesome problems. They are expected to guide the company in the right direction.

The Need for Data Science

The first question that comes to the mind is what is the need to collect so much raw data and then extract information from it. So, let us learn why we need Data Science and why it is important. There is a cumbersome burst of raw data happening around us and all of it is not inappropriate. We can organize this raw data to make decision making easier.

Businesses can use this raw data to derive meaningful insights. It can help them to know their customers better and to enhance their overall performance in the market. As the saying goes “Data is to products what electricity is to gadgets.”

Data Science VS Big Data VS Data Analytics

Data Science means using various tools and algorithms to extract valuable information from raw data. This raw data is drawn from different channels and platforms like cell phones, search engines, surveys, e-commerce sites, and social media. This field is related to the cleansing of data and then preparing and analyzing it. Data science is used in industries like internet searches, digital advertisements and search recommendations.

A huge amount of data is available to the world in the form of structured and unstructured sets, which is termed as Big Data. It means analyzing large sets of extreme data computationally to understand the patterns and trends of today’s civilization. This helps organizations to extract essential information from their data to discover and develop, which makes data a valuable asset for organizations. This helps in understanding human behavior which in turn helps businesses to understand their customers better. Big Data is applied in industries with financial services, communication and retail services or outlets. 

Data Analytics courses is the process of revealing hidden patterns and associations, latest business trends, customer preferences, and structured and unstructured data forms. Data analytics can be utilized in healthcare, travel and gaming industries. It helps in boosting the complete performance of the business by refining the financial processes. This increases the visibility of a brand and provides insights into it.

Data Science Courses and Eligibility

More and more companies are now realizing the importance of having an expert on board to analyze their company’s data. So, what are the requirements to become a data scientist? A career in data science requires an understanding of mathematics and statistics. There are many ways to become a data scientist. The most common way is doing a bachelor’s degree in IT, Computer Science, Math, Physics or another related field and then applying for a Data Science certification program through a proctored exam.

If you want to specialize in a particular branch or domain then you can also opt for Data Science online training programs. Students gain practical skills and are given hands-on experiences with the help of assignments and programs. Students in data science courses are taught how to collect, interpret and analyze the data, which could help organizations all over the world to make intelligent decision making. They should have effective communication skills as well as high-level analytical thinking.

Why you should become a Data Scientist?

According to studies, there will be a requirement of more than 2.7 million data scientist job openings by the year 2020. In today’s job market, there is a lot of excitement and hype around the role of data scientists and why shouldn’t it be? It is a profitable job that ensures your security in terms of money. Apart from its economic benefits, it is also a discipline that affects our everyday lives in some way or the other.

Data science plays a unique role in improving the lives of people. It has the ability to set a course of an entire business just by analyzing the data that the company has been producing for years. It helps in detecting frauds in the banking sector by analyzing the data of financial institutions. The objective of data science is based more on scientific analysis rather than the notions and experience of just one individual.

Believe it or not, Data Science also helps in solving social problems. It will help you to bring a positive revolution in the country. Big companies like Google, LinkedIn and Amazon to small retail stores – all are looking for experts to analyze their raw data to useful information. The job of a Data Scientist has grown into the most demanding and flexible profession now.


Despite a growing interest in the field of data science, there is an acute shortage of skilled professionals with good professional skills. Organizations are in dire need of data scientists who can use the collected data to choose the most intelligent business path, dynamic processes, advanced product marketing, a better understanding of the opponent and all this turns into satisfying customer assistance.