4 Things to Consider For Your Roofing Project

Getting a new roof can sometimes be a very exciting experience. Your pets and kids can watch what’s going on in awe as they look at the professionals ripping, hauling, tearing and nailing things. They might just even be tempted to once in a while get as close as to the action as they possibly can. However, that’s, of course, extremely dangerous and you should keep careful watch over your children when all this is going on. Anyway, there a lot of things you need to think about before taking on a roofing project. Below are a few of them.

1. Go top shelf

If you don’t want to have roofing as something you need to think about again for a very long while, as well as give your place a few additional selling points when it comes time to move then you might want to consider going for high-quality products.

Selecting the right choice of roofing for your building involves picking the right roofing and guttering products. Things like copper flashing should be what’s running through your mind. If you didn’t know, well, it happens to be the most durable metal material used for sealing those joints where a wall meets the roof or a roof meets another roof.

2. Communication is the Key

Lack of proper communication is what makes most projects fail. This is exactly why you need to always make sure that you’re communicating enough with the contractor you’ve chosen to go with.

If the contractor you’ve chosen is not the type that follows up with you during the project unless you specifically ask them to, then you might want to seriously think again and get one that truly cares about being responsible. Good quality contractors are the ones that keep you updated every step of the way.

3. Shop around

Some roofing professionals don’t really care much when it comes to customer satisfaction because replacing roofs is often like a once-in-a-decade job or so. This means that they rarely rely on repeat business to keep them going, much less profitable.

Furthermore, most homeowners normally pick their roofers based on price, and a lot of these roofing contractors employ low-wage laborers ensure the lowest possible bids are what they deliver. All in all, be very careful with whom you decide to go with. Get yourself some trusted references from family, friends and neighbors and also check different manufacturers’ websites for certified installer lists.

4. Play close attention to all the paperwork

Quick jobs like these, which usually takes around two to five days to complete, depending on the roof’s size and style, involve tremendous amounts of money as well as liability. Ensure you understand all the essential documents required for this process to be successfully accomplished. One of the said documents includes the building permit which many towns require if you want to undertake a roofing project.

Taking these steps before you undertake a roofing project can help you protect yourself and your finances.  According to the Crockett Law Group, if something goes wrong with your roofing job, you want to make sure you know who’s liable for your injuries or the other person’s injuries.

Getting an Orange County personal injury lawyer could be your next step if something goes wrong, so be sure you’re prepared for anything.

Bonus tip: Make sure you check with your insurance company before you undertake any projects to make sure you remain compliant with their terms.

Bottom Line

Your roof is arguably your house’s most important component. Without it can a house really be a house? After all, it’s what keeps the water out of the building during the rain. Even though no one really likes having to replace their roof, the aesthetic and critical function it serves is undeniable and can help reduce the pain you feel when having to spend all that money.

3 Reasons ESG Reporting Benefits Your Business

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) reporting can give your business a competitive advantage, help attract and retain the best talent, and slash operating expenses.

ESG refers to a set of standards companies can use to assess their operational performance as it concerns social and environmental impact. On the environmental side, businesses must assess if they negatively impact the environment or have sustainable practices. On the social side, companies must weigh how they interact with workers, clients, suppliers, and their respective communities. And on the governance side, companies must focus on leadership, internal controls and audits, board governance, and executive compensation. 

benefits of ESG reporting for businesses

Having a good understanding of ESG meaning is essential if you want to get ahead in today’s business environment and develop a quality sustainability reporting strategy.

But what specific benefits can your business get through ESG reporting? Here are three benefits.

1. Entice More Consumers

According to a PWC study, 83% of consumers believe businesses should be proactively working on achieving ESG best practices. Consumers are eager to see companies play a more meaningful role in fast-tracking progress on ESG issues like carbon-emissions or waste management. In fact, consumers acknowledge they’ll reward businesses for doing so. 

A concise ESG reporting framework is one example where sustainability reporting can translate into attracting more customers. People are looking for ways to become better stewards of the environment, and want to align with like-minded businesses. Consumers will pay attention when your business uses the right ESG reporting software to disclose performance on concepts like green-energy initiatives. Customers will want to know how these sustainability-related issues inform your company’s business strategy and overall performance.

2. Hire and Hold Onto Top Talent

Another benefit of ESG reporting is that it can help to attract — and retain — top talent. The Great Resignation saw around 50.5 million people quit their jobs last year. It was part of a pandemic-era trend where many people simply felt like the grass was greener elsewhere. 

You might be surprised to learn about the connection between employee satisfaction and employers that take ESG seriously. According to one source, top employers, as determined by worker satisfaction, have average ESG scores that are 14% higher than the worldwide average. Satisfied workers tend to work harder, stick around longer, and strive to produce better results for their employers. The same study adds that businesses that are most attractive to students and young professionals have ESG scores 25% higher than the worldwide average.

When considering the cost of replacing a single worker can range from one-half to two times the worker’s annual salary, you can appreciate the importance of finding and holding onto the right talent. Something like ESG & sustainability reporting can give your business a competitive advantage that attracts the best talent and increases employee retention.

3. Lessen Operational Expenses

One of the benefits of reducing your company’s carbon footprint is there’ll be a corresponding reduction in operational expenses. Your business’ carbon footprint refers to the complete tally of greenhouse gases generated by your company, which includes your employees and your operations. You can do many things to lower your company’s carbon footprint. You can right-size your workforce, optimize routes for fleet vehicles, and cut down on in-person meetings. The more you reduce your business’ carbon footprint, the lower you can cut your operational costs. 

A good ESG reporting platform will give you the insights you need to implement meaningful changes, right when you need them. Considering that the standards for ESG reporting continue to evolve over time, you’ll also want to ensure you have a reporting platform that seamlessly incorporates changes as they occur, like Workiva’s cloud-reporting solution which creates audit-ready, investor-trusted ESG reporting. Using a cloud reporting solution is the only way you can ensure your data is always compliant and up to date.

climate change in sustainability reporting

Start Reporting on Sustainability Today

ESG reporting is essential. If you’re a publicly listed company, there are ESG reporting requirements to be mindful of. But any business that wants to remain competitive and relevant ought to take ESG reporting seriously by developing a sustainability reporting strategy. 

The consumers you rely on want to see ESG reporting disclosures from the businesses they patronize. The only real question for your business is which ESG reporting software to get. Don’t simply select the first one you find, there may be a sustainability reporting solution that can benefit your entire team and will effectively engage your stakeholders. Do some research to find out what’s out there so you can make an informed decision.

Infographic created by Donnelley Financial Solutions, an SEC reporting software

On-Grid Vs Off Grid: Choose the Best Power for Your Home

While fuel and electricity costs rise, many households are moving to solar power systems. The easiest solution that one can find is to opt for solar panel systems.

Curious about what solar panel systems are?

Sunshine is available to using abundance, and solar systems use efficient technology to harvest and turn this energy into electricity with pre-defined methods. Solar power panels serve the purpose of collecting solar energy and converting it through the photovoltaic (PV) effect into electric power. Many homes have a roof or backyard, which can be used for installing solar systems to generate electricity.

A home solar system must provide ample electrical energy to meet all home power needs. It provides AC power, as typically all households use AC power to operate lighting systems, electronics, appliances and machinery such as machines, refrigerators, mixers, fans, air conditioners, TVs and music systems.vThe price of the home solar power plant varies on its size and type.

On-grid and off-grid solar systems come in two types of solar power plants. Let’s look at the difference between the two:

1. Off-Grid Solar System

An off-grid solar system is well designed to generate enough power throughout the year to meet the needs of a household, even in the depths of winter, when there is less sunshine. However, since there is no electricity grid connection to an off-grid solar system, battery storage is necessary.

The high cost of batteries and inverters implies that the off-grid solar system is costly than the alternatives, so they are usually needed only in more remote areas far from the grid. Nevertheless, battery costs are reducing at a high rate, so the demand for an off-grid solar system is now increasing, even in cities and towns.

Advantages of An Off-Grid Solar System

  • Such an off-grid solar system can function independently and not rely on the grid.
  • They generate enough electricity that can be collected and used at night.
  • These are suitable for remote areas that do not have grid power access.
  • Shutdowns and infrastructure faults won’t affect the power supply.

2. On-Grid Solar System

On-grid solar systems are the most widely solar product used by homeowners. Such systems do not need batteries and are connected to the public electricity grid and use solar inverters. Any surplus solar power you produce is sold to the electricity grid, and the energy you sell is usually paid a feed-in tariff (FiT) or credits.

Solar inverters are an essential part of a residential solar energy system, convert the electricity your solar panels create into a form that can be used by the appliances, lighting, and other electronics. Learn more about solar inverters here.

Unlike an off-grid solar system, because of safety reasons, these are unable to work or generate electricity during a blackout. Because blackouts usually occur when the electricity grid is disabled, if the solar inverter had fed energy into a broken grid, it would endanger the safety of the people fixing the network’s faults. Most on-grid solar systems with battery storage can separate itself from the grid (known as islanding) and continue to supply some power during a blackout.

Advantages of An On-Grid Solar System

  • On-grid solar systems are incredibly cost-effective and easy to install.
  • By balancing electricity bills in just 3-8 years, you can recoup the cost of your expenditures.
  • Residential users can earn a passive income for the surplus energy generated by the system.

Choose Between On-Grid Vs Off-Grid Solar Systems to Fit Your Needs

Solar power systems are a form of clean, renewable energy, and they have many benefits depending on the type of system you chose. Knowing the advantages of both an on-grid and off-grid solar system, you can select the one according to your needs. With the right solar system and proper installation, you can have clean and cost-effective energy, without being worried about maintenance problems.

How to Start a Career in the Renewable Energy Sector

As people are becoming more innovative about ways to protect the environment, the renewable energy industry has grown exponentially.

Starting a career in the renewable energy sector could help you become one of the numerous change-makers in the world today. But how does one go about entering the industry as a newbie? Although it can seem like a mammoth task at first, it’s not that different from how you’d approach joining any other sector.

how to start a career in renewable energy

1. Get Acquainted With Your Choices

The renewable energy sector is a fast-growing industry. This means you won’t be short on job options should you decide to get into it. In terms of salary, renewable energy jobs are some of the best paying jobs in the world, with a general salary range of anywhere between USD$20,000 and USD$100, 000. The more years of experience you have, the better you’re likely to be paid. If your job is more technically intensive, then your potential salary may be bumped up as well.

One mistake you might make, however, is to only look into the few job types you hear about most often and not spend enough time thinking about the other choices available to you. As with any big decisions, you’ll need to know all the options on the ground. Research each one and find out which matches your interests and passion.

Here’s a list of some of the job categories you’re going to be choosing from:

  • Commercial and business
  • Finance
  • Construction
  • Law
  • Maintenance
  • Information technology
  • Skilled trades
  • Management

You can even choose to specialise in offshore renewable energy, solar power, wind, hydropower, biomass, geothermal etc.

2. Be Passionate

Now it would be wrong to hop into the renewable energy industry only because it has gained immense popularity. It does look like this sector is here to stay, but you’ll have to be on fire for your job for the rest of your career. You should also prevent yourself from burning out too soon.

One way to do so is to ensure that you genuinely like and are greatly interested in the career path you’re about to choose. Do you truly want to make a significant change and create innovative renewable energy solutions? Your answer to this question would dictate the next steps you’re going to take.

Every job choice has its upsides and downsides. In times when it’s not so rosy to occupy whichever office you might end up occupying, what will carry you through is your passion. You’ll need this to be creative and productive once you get into the industry.

3. Get In Touch With Industry Specialists

You’ve probably already looked at various job sites to get a working idea of what will be required of you in the job you want, what it will take for you to land the job, and what you’ll be paid. That’s a good start.


But once you’re sure that you want to take it further, you’ll have to find a specialist in the renewable energy sector of your choice to get specific insights into what you’re looking for. You don’t want to be overwhelmed by something you hadn’t expected to be part of the career, or to find out there could’ve been a quicker route to your destination after you’ve spent so much time working toward it. The industry specialist can give you information that will allow you to assess whether you’ll be able to handle the job you want.

4. Research About Any Required Training

There’s no reason to stop yourself from applying for a job just because your skills don’t exactly match what the employer is asking for. In most instances, employers with certain preliminary requirements will offer support in the form of on-the-job training, so be sure to look into this matter before you hold off applying.

While you wait for your dream job in the renewable energy sector, it’s advisable to find an internship or apprenticeship position so you can get much-needed experience. In doing so, once the right job vacancy finally shows up, you’ll be ready for it.


5. Do Some Networking

After you’ve done everything else, go out and meet industry leaders, and stay informed on any new developments or updates. This doesn’t even require you to leave the house, at least not initially. You can turn to platforms such as LinkedIn to connect with individuals who might help you get to your goal. Your next employer might just be one brave move away, so take the initiative and get to networking.


Getting started in renewable energy sector isn’t as hard as it seems. You can get that job you’ve always wanted in the industry if you clarify to yourself that you indeed want that particular option. Once you have that out of the way, it’ll be easier for you to come up with a strategy on how to build your credentials and prepare yourself until you can land your desired position.

Renewable Energy in Australia: Potential and Progress

Recently there has been a lot of talk in how a country can improve their ecological footstep. One way of doing so is definitely changing the way the respective country produces its energy. Australia has recently been headlining the news in regard to the renewable energy situation. Australia’s energy production is looking towards a new future with a specific aim on solar and wind power.

If Australia plans on keeping its water resource at a steady level, it has got to go from its use of coal to renewable sources. Thanks to its abundance in both solar and wind energy, Australia has quite the advantage when it comes to green energy production possibilities.

Unfortunately though due to their geographic position, the water supply is limited for the country. So much so, that the coal industry was taking a toll on the water supply due to the large quantities of water needed when producing energy from coal. As a result, moving over to wind and solar energy fueled productions is a viable option seeing how both respective energy productions do not require water.

The news that Australia was listed as a “water-stressed company” was released by the World Resource Institute; a non-profit organization based in Washington D.C. Moreover, on this past May 13th The Sydney Morning Herald also wrote that 73% of Australia’s electricity needs were met by the use of coal. In respect to these findings and Australia’s continuous growth, it is imperative that new resources are used for energy production.

Australia has been making headlines in renewable energy sector.

Fortunately, Australia’s geography is a big resource as well when it comes to studying the possibilities of implementing the new energy production. It was in fact calculated that the dimensions of the solar power farm needed to meet the country’s demands would result in occupying only 0.1% of Australia’s total land mass; I think we can all agree on the fact that that land could be spared for a solar farm.

And on that note, the government is taking the matter seriously, and has called upon everybody to try and better the situation. The incentives call upon small businesses and households as well by reminding them that there are the possibilities of installing their own solar panels, heat pumps, solar water heaters, and more.

Thanks to the various incentives, the Green Energy Council has stated that there is a lot of activity in the sector, including at least 58 different projects focused on implementing the renewable energy sources. As a consequence of these projects, the council has also stated that there would be an income of $10 billion in investments, 6,141 new jobs, and 5,482 megawatts of renewable energy capacity. Definitely great numbers to look forward to!

Recommended Reading: Reasons Behind Electric Vehicle Adoption in Australia

Top 5 Positive Environmental Effects of COVID-19

Even the gravest of occurrences have some silver linings, and COVID-19, in all of its dreariness, has been pretty good to Mother Earth. There have been some negative drawbacks, but on the whole, the environment is one thing that has actually been positively affected by the novel coronavirus. Stay-at-home orders mean less cars on the road, and social distancing means less people at national parks and beaches in need of a good cleaning. A study now published in The Lancet Planetary Health journal went as far as to say, “In China alone, all of these air quality improvements that have outnumbered confirmed [COVID-19-related] deaths thus far.”


Here is a closer look at 5 positive environmental impacts caused by COVID-19.

1. Environmentally Friendly Infrastructure

With many citizens greatly limiting their travel, cities and states alike have been upgrading their transportation systems (trains, cars, planes, etc.). At a quick glance, a reasonable response to that would be, “Nice, better roads,” but fortunately, with advances in infrastructure resilient to climate change, it also means structures made with environmentally friendly materials, reduced waste, and made renewable-resource-ready, depending on the locale.

Some jurisdictions with a bit less of a “convinced” mindset towards climate change do, however, have a lot of legal loopholes in place regarding renewable energy, but at least making structures ready to switch power when the law allows is something to breath easy about (literally).

2. Lowered Emissions

As touched on in the intro, limited travel and social distancing have been large parts of increased air quality across the globe. Even NASA satellites have produced photographic evidence of less smog in urban areas.

As many large businesses in these large cities are becoming aware of the positive effects (both socially and monetarily) of corporate social responsibility, it’s also reasonable to think that many corporations will take into account all of the positives that come with remote work, and maximize opportunities do so in a world where going green is as good for the trees as it is the bottom line.

3. Moral Awareness / Disaster Relief

Most natural disasters affect those who can actually see the destruction first-hand much more deeply than people who just see pictures and videos. With a truly global pandemic affecting everyone on Earth, the overall will to “help a neighbor” has been tried and true during the COVID-19 wave. Some places just had much better disaster preparedness practices than others, and where there were shortages in one area, and excess in another, the right moves were made.

Only time will tell if optimism turns to reality, but thinking that the global reach of this disaster and the “all in this together” mantra will lead to more disaster relief for issues some people may not be familiar with (hurricanes, tornados, famine, earthquakes, etc.) is definitely beyond reasonable.

4. Clean Beaches

Over the last 10 years, roughly 60 million Americans visit a beach per year. Couple that with coastal population booms, and it’s safe to say the sand in the United States gets a lot of foot traffic. Though the lack of tourism certainly hurt the economy, it gave the beaches a long overdue break, resulting in massive decreases in coastal pollution, deep beach cleans by locals, and increases in water quality.


5. A Little Bad with the Good

With closures of schools and a lot of work places, brought with it closures of some recycling centers, resulting in a lot of recyclables being trashed. The increases in online deliveries are certainly sensible, but they, too, added to an uptick in waste production, due to packaging. Additionally, medical waste (including masks and gloves) experienced a steady uptick as well.

Ultimately, the environmental effects of COVID-19 are things we can take a bit of resolve in, as pretty much everything else has been affected negatively by the pandemic. Increases in air and water quality should continue to be steady, new infrastructure with renewable resources now exist and just need some legislative boosts in areas, a lot of public places that needed a good cleaning have gotten it, and the only negatives on this list involve human actions that can be adjusted, moving forward.

4 Tips to Prevent Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in Your Home

In daily life, we make use of several different gases, liquids, and solids, without which life isn’t livable. And it’s not just oxygen that we use in daily life to keep the heart pumping, but there is an entire list of gases that are essential to keep on with life.

One of the most vital gases among all the other is carbon monoxide. This a potent and valuable gas that charges up heaps of electricity and starts up your cars. It’s essential to know what carbon monoxide is as it is widely used inside homes and can be just as dangerous as it is needed. It is a highly flammable gas that, if left unwatched, can create fire and unimaginable damage. For this reason, below are some ways to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning in your home to use it effectively and safely.

1. Address Issues

Carbon monoxide is a combustible gas and can be quite dangerous to have in a closed space, but it makes for many of the essential procedures used in a home. Your heating system most probably is run by carbon monoxide. And if it experiences a tear and a leak, the house could be in danger of destruction, and the residents could suffocate.

Check your heating and other fuel-burning appliances regularly to avoid any mishaps. It is best to get them maintained each year by professionals who can also check the systems for their effective running.

2. Install Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Mostly carbon monoxide can be detected by its firm odor similar to that of rotten eggs. This smell helps to give you a heads up to get out of your home and call for help. However, when there is a slight leakage that is undecidable, or the house residents aren’t awake to notice it, the situation can take a turn for the worst.

Some states have laws that require homes to have CO detectors installed. These detectors should be present on each floor, especially the basement and areas where there are fuel appliances and heaters. It is best to make sure the indicators are installed near bedrooms to get alerts while sleeping.

3. Check the Air Quality

In small houses or congested areas of a home, air can get trapped, and different gases can get clogged, the air quality unhealthy and dangerous to breathe in. Make sure that where you have your oven, furnaces, and fireplaces situated has a proper ventilation system installed. If there are vents already in place, check the air quality and clean them often.

4. Put Out Burners Effectively

Cooking is a necessity in all homes, and even though many households have replaced gas burners to electric burners, there are still many that use the gas cooking method. The gas used for cooking and heating is carbon monoxide, which is sturdy and highly combustible.

To keep safe from sources like these, make sure not to switch on stoves unnecessarily. Keep your fireplaces and furnaces covered to stop the gas from spreading and lingering in the air. Regularly validate that these places are well kept and clean. Also, make sure that the systems work well.

The Role of IP Law in Spearheading Green Technologies

You do not have to be a scientist to know the world is in an environmental crisis. Plastic waste is piling up virtually everywhere, and pollution is at an all-time high.

While many countries are doing their part to reduce their carbon footprint, it takes more than just regulations to create real change in this area.

Thankfully, environmentally conscious innovators are developing technologies that can help reverse or at least slow down the environmental crisis. Like other innovations, the greatest challenge to these innovators is safeguarding their innovations, and that’s where IP laws come in.

benefits of going off-grid

What are Green Technologies?

Green technologies, also known as environmental technologies, refer to practices and products that reduce energy consumption while helping to protect the environment.

They can include renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, geothermal, and hydropower, as well as improved efficiency in heating and cooling systems and use of new materials that are more recyclable than traditional ones.

These technologies are key to achieving sustainability – a state where human activity does not exceed our planet’s ability to support us.

IP Laws and Their Role in Spearheading Technologies

IP is the acronym for Intellectual Property, which refers to a person’s creative work or invention. IP laws are designed to protect the rights of these inventions to ensure creatives and innovators benefit from their creations.

Categories of intellectual property include trade secrets, trademarks, copyrights, and patents, with trademarks and patents being the most applicable IP laws in the green technology industry.

How Trademarks Work for Green Technologies

Trademarks are symbols, names, slogans, marks, or sounds used to identify the goods and services of a specific company or individual. When used properly, they become synonymous with a specific product.

By obtaining a trademark, inventors get exclusive rights to use the identifier in connection with their invention or products and prevent others from using it without authorization. This means their customers will easily pick their products from the crowded market, which can help improve profits.

Trademark protections in Canada run for renewable terms of ten years. In other words, an innovator can secure their trademark for life as long as they pay service fees after every ten years.

Role of Patents in Spearheading Green Technology

If you are involved with developing technologies, you will need more than trademarks to protect your business because trademarks are limited to identifiers. For example, if you want to protect specific inventions or product designs, you may want to consider getting patent protections.

Finding a green provider for specialty chemicals

A patent is a form of intellectual property protection that grants the holder exclusive rights over their invention. Two main types of patents apply to green technology innovations; utility and design patents, also known as industrial design rights in the Canadian context.

Utility patents protect inventions that are novel, useful, and non-obvious. These patents can apply to products such as renewable energy sources, efficient heating and cooling systems, or new materials that are more recyclable than traditional ones.

Design patents protect the non-functional aspects of a product, such as its aesthetics, shape, texture, or color. The product doesn’t have to be novel, but the design has to, and it can’t have anything to do with the function of the product.

Countries have different approaches to patent law, but the core principles of securing a patent remain relatively the same. For example, most countries have a 20-year protection period for utility patents and 15 years for design patents.

Where to Register Your IPs

Country laws designate the bodies through which its inventors and creators can register their IPs. The law places the responsibility for IP registrations in Canada on the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO).

Registration of IPs under Canadian laws limits IP rights protection to Canada, meaning the rights are not enforceable beyond Canadian territory. If you want to have a broader scope of protection, you may want to register your IPs with the World Intellectual Property Organization, which offers protection on a global scale.

Bring New Life to Your Garden by Making it Bee-friendly

It is remarkable how resistant humankind has become to working with nature, all too often preferring to dominate and exploit the world around us – a trait which is detrimental to human and non-human life in the long run. Thankfully, more and more people are waking up to the idea that it is the processes and lessons of the natural world, rather than its exploitable properties, which are our most valuable assets.


As the renewable energy movement becomes truly mainstream, everyday people are beginning to turn their backs on the excesses of 19th and 20th century consumption and to instead look forwards and embrace an ecosystem of which we are not the master – but rather just another essential component.

One way in which you can do so is to take a stand against the decimation of bee populations in a constructive manner – by creating a bee-friendly garden. Patterns and techniques of crop farming have left the insects in increasingly hostile territory, with bee numbers falling dramatically enough to hit the headlines. But it’s possible even for individuals to make a difference just by the flowers and plants they choose to put in their garden.

Bees are crazy for the kinds of wildflowers that have been torn up by industrial-level farming, and a good variety of local, colorful blooms can brighten your days while providing a delicious stopping point for the stripy critters. Even just allowing your garden to grow naturally – without clamping down on weeds and dandelions – can make it a more inviting environment for the right kinds of insects.

Bees are crazy for wildflowers

Bees are crazy for wildflowers

While it’s okay to use a smattering of non-native plants in your garden, this should always be done in sensitivity to the surrounding area, as unwelcome plant-life can create environmental imbalances. If in doubt, stay local – and consult this new chart from Budget Direct, which lists some of the best choices you can make for the bees in your garden, wherever you are in the world.


Saving the Planet: How to Make Blockchain More Environmentally Friendly?

Humanity’s actions have led to many environmental problems, the consequences of which are now evident. The greenhouse effect, water and air pollution, deforestation, and the depletion of natural resources — all of this is a direct result of our activities.

To protect the only planet capable of supporting human life without special equipment, it is necessary to adapt our technology and business processes to the principles of sustainability.

One of the technologies that need to be optimized from an environmental standpoint is blockchain. Its impact on the environment so far has been significant, and not in the best way. Fortunately, there are already initiatives trying to make this industry more sustainable.

Let’s see what they are and how they can help protect the environment.

how to make the blockchain more sustainable

The Problem of Blockchain and Sustainability

The main problem with blockchain technology is that it consumes a lot of energy. The fact is that the more popular cryptocurrencies become and the higher their capitalization grows, the more energy they consume as well.

Today, Bitcoin alone consumes as much electricity as smaller countries. The reason for that lies in the consensus protocol some most used blockchain frameworks rely on — Proof of Work.

Proof of Work is a consensus algorithm that allows blockchain nodes to reach a consensus. Its main features are as follows:

  • A block can be added to the chain only if the previously generated cryptographic puzzle is solved;
  • To solve the puzzle, a node needs to spend computational power;
  • The more computational power the node spends, the more likely it is to find the solution to the puzzle first and add a new block to the chain.

As you can see, this algorithm requires quite a lot of energy, which generates a lot of greenhouse gasses and other pollutants. According to recent estimates, the emission of greenhouse gasses from Bitcoin mining alone is comparable to that of countries like New Zealand!

However, as mentioned above, this negative impact on the environment can be rectified by adopting changes in technology. One of the most promising approaches here is using blockchain frameworks based on Proof of Stake instead of Proof of Work.

Proof of Stake

Proof of Stake (PoS) is a popular alternative to Proof of Work (PoW) in blockchain technology. It has gained popularity in recent years due to its ability to provide a more sustainable and environmentally friendly solution to blockchain validation while maintaining security and decentralization.

Instead of relying on the intense computational power of miners to validate transactions, PoS operates on the principle of “staking.”

Essentially, participants in the network are required to hold a certain amount of the cryptocurrency to be eligible to validate transactions. The more cryptocurrency held, the higher the chances of being chosen to validate the next block.

This solution not only reduces the energy consumption associated with PoW but also encourages long-term investment in cryptocurrency.

Switch to Renewables

The use of renewable energy is another way to make blockchain more sustainable. The fact is that if the energy used by miners is derived from renewable sources, the impact of blockchain on the environment will be minimal.

Countries could drive the effort, facilitating a switch from fossil fuel plants to solar, wind, and nuclear power — non-emissive energy sources.

In addition, individuals and organizations themselves could try to offset their blockchain-related carbon footprint by investing in renewable energy sources. To illustrate the point, buildings can be covered with solar panels, and the electricity produced could be used to power mining rigs. Doing so would offset the carbon footprint and reduce energy costs.

how to decrease pollution caused by bitcoin mining

Building a solar or wind farm to power a mining operation might seem like a costly investment, but in the long run, it would pay off more than most can imagine.

Optimization of Equipment

Another way to make the blockchain more sustainable is to optimize equipment efficiency. Miners can do it in several ways:

  • Using specialized hardware for mining, which is more energy-efficient;
  • Minimizing heat loss by using proper cooling methods;
  • Using equipment that can be upgraded to the latest and most efficient models as they become available.

These methods will not only help reduce energy consumption but also reduce costs. Plus, they are relatively easy to implement, making them an attractive option for miners who want to make their rigs greener.

Improved Regulatory Efforts

Regulatory efforts are also crucial in making blockchain more sustainable. Many countries are still in the process of developing legislation on cryptocurrencies and blockchain.

energy efficient technologies

In most cases, these regulations do not take into account the environmental impact of this technology. As a result, in many places, miners can operate without any restrictions.

Improving regulatory efforts will help ensure that miners are required to follow certain environmental standards. For example, they could be required to use energy-efficient equipment or switch to renewable energy sources. Alternatively, the government could establish limits on the total energy consumption of mining operations.

These types of regulations would help make the blockchain more sustainable while still allowing it to develop and grow.

Final Thoughts

The blockchain industry is still in its early stages of development. Yet, even at this stage, it significantly impacts the environment. The main reason for this is the fact that blockchain technology consumes a lot of energy.

Fortunately, there are ways to make this industry more sustainable.

One of the most promising approaches is the use of blockchain frameworks that are based on Proof of Stake instead of Proof of Work. The use of renewable energy and the optimization of equipment efficiency can also reduce the environmental impact of blockchain. Finally, improved regulatory efforts will help ensure that miners are required to follow certain environmental standards.

Ultimately, these efforts can make the blockchain more sustainable and reduce its environmental impact.

Recommended Reading: Eco-friendly Hosting Solutions for Bitcoin Mining