Solar-Powered Pumps are Game-Changing for Agriculture

The first thing that comes to mind when you hear solar power is a solar panel placed on a rooftop for creating electricity for commercial or residential use. However, solar power has another important function – to mine and deliver water to improve productivity. This is especially applicable in sunny nations like Australia and most countries in Africa since its main industry is agriculture. Still, their productivity is suffering since their fields don’t get sufficient irrigation. Though, using solar pumps, they can double or even triple their profits. These economic gains can improve the lives of many farming communities.

Importance of Water in Agriculture

Our lives depend on clean water. The developed countries can sometimes take water for granted, but the evolving economies understand the significance of this commodity. A solar pump is an ecological option to get water for the crops and deliver drinkable, clean water.

The founder and CEO of the British-American company Ignite Power, Yariv Cohen, confirmed that solar pumps brought more efficiency, leading to bigger disposable income and more employment. Farmers can now grow three seasons per year instead of one. So, disposable income increased by 20% to 30%.

60% of the Sub-Saharan Africa population is employed in agriculture. Therefore, agriculture is accountable for 60% of economic output. This is less productive than the other regions in the world since only a part of the farmland gets constant irrigation – just 6% across Africa. Most farmlands go without irrigation, so most farmers in Africa rely only on rain for the larger lands, while they take care of the smaller areas with manual effort.

What is Solar-Powered Pumping System

The solar-powered pumping systems include a solar panel array, which fuels an electric motor. The motor, in turn, fuels the surface pump. The water is pumped from the stream or ground into a storage tank, utilized to water crops. If the farmland is irrigated consistently with solar pumps, the farmers will double the production compared to farmlands irrigated by rainwater or with manual effort.

Life-changing mechanism

About 600 million who live in Africa don’t have consistent electricity access. This is damaging the economic health of the continent. Everyone knows the ideal solution is to expand the electrical grid, but financial and geographical considerations prevent that. Ignite Power provides off-grid solutions to African countries in rural places like Nigeria, Mozambique, Rwanda, and Sierra Leone.

Cohen explains how solar pumps allow the farmers to irrigate their lands by using the sun. They first connect the homes, and then they utilize the same solar panels to water the fields. Using solar power, the pump enables a big area to be regularly irrigated. This improves the yield affordably.

Ignite Power has 1.1 million customers in Africa. So, there is room for enormous growth for his company and other providers of solar power in the continent. Cohen aims to reach 500 million houses.

They work with the bank and try to find the ideal solutions. They want to provide the best solution for the country with the help of the government. They can connect any payment providers or manufacturers to their system. They can connect all the suppliers, so many people could join.

The case of the two Rwandan women Grace Uwas (23) and Tharcille Tuyisenge (20) is admirable. They started working with Cohen’s company and bought solar systems for homes in Rwamagana, so people there have sustainable and safe electricity. Until now, they have installed twenty-five solar systems and more are coming!

Bottom Line

Electricity is the quintessence for any country. The solar power is game changing for African evolving communities to get access. In this way, they won’t just keep their lights on, but their agricultural productivity will be improved.

6 Reasons Solar Is Your Best Investment In the Future

It’s no secret that solar power is the future. There are solar panels on rooftops worldwide, and solar panel installation has gone from being a niche energy option to one that many experts predict will be used in most places by 2050.

reasons why solar is your best investment

Why is solar power so popular in Australia?

There are a few reasons why solar power is such a big hit in Australia.

  • For one, the cost of solar panels has come down in recent years, making them more affordable for homeowners and businesses.
  • Additionally, Australia has a lot of sunshine, making it an ideal place for solar energy.
  • And finally, Australians are increasingly interested in renewable energy sources, and solar power is one of the most popular forms of renewable energy.

How can solar power contribute to restoring our natural environment?

Solar power is a renewable energy source that doesn’t pollute the air like burning coal and other fossil fuels. It also reduces our reliance on greenhouse gas-emitting power plants, which helps to mitigate climate change. Solar panels installed on your home or business can help Australia reach its emissions targets set by the Paris Agreement. Other countries like Germany are already touted as renewable energy leaders!

But what does this mean for you? Should you invest in solar panels now or wait until they’re more mainstream?

Here are six reasons why solar is your best investment in the future!

1. Solar energy is a renewable resource that won’t run out

Unlike fossil fuels, solar energy is a renewable resource you can harness indefinitely. As long as the sun continues to shine, you’ll be able to use solar power to generate electricity and heat. The fact that solar power is renewable makes it a more sustainable option than other forms of energy generation.

2. Solar energy is environmentally friendly and doesn’t produce harmful emissions

Did you know? Solar energy accounts for only 0.01% of global greenhouse gas emissions!

Compare this to coal, which accounts for 41% of global greenhouse gas emissions!

Fewer emissions are excellent news for the environment – and there’s even better news for your wallet since solar is becoming increasingly affordable.

3. Solar energy is becoming more and more affordable as technology improves

Yes, there has never been a better time to go solar!

Solar technology is advancing rapidly, and solar panels are becoming more efficient at converting solar energy into electricity. More efficient solar technology means solar will continue to get cheaper as time goes on.

One of the most popular solar technologies available today – thin-film solar – has dropped in price by 50% since 2009!

The cost of solar power installation per watt currently averages between $0.60-$0.70/watt in Australia (depending on where you live). In some areas, it’s even less than this! That’s a fraction of the cost that people paid just a few years ago for solar installations. And there are still significant solar incentive programs run by governments designed to reduce costs further if you choose to install a solar system yourself or through an installer.

4. Solar panels can be installed on most roofs, regardless of their shape or size

Think you can’t install solar panels on your roof? Think again! Solar panels can be installed on most roofs, regardless of their shape or size. This versatility makes solar a viable option for both residential and commercial properties.

Plus, the technology is constantly evolving, with new solar panel designs and materials developed all the time. So even if you’ve already got solar panels installed on your roof, there’s a good chance that you could upgrade to newer, more efficient models and see an increase in your solar energy output!

The future of solar power in Australia is looking brighter than ever – so make sure you get on board now and start enjoying the savings!

5. Installing solar panels can increase your home’s value by up to 20%

Installing solar panels not only saves money on costly electricity but also adds to the value of your home.

When homeowners install solar panels, they can bank on a minimum of 20% increase in the value of their property. That’s because solar panels improve your house’s energy efficiency and curb any concerns potential buyers might have about high electricity bills as well!

energy efficient technologies

So if you’re looking to cash out when it comes time for selling your home – an investment in solar is one that will pay off right away!

Whether you decide to sell or not after purchasing solar power equipment, some people want proof that they’ll be able to save money on monthly utility bills – but how do you know this? One way is by getting quotes from multiple companies; comparing estimates with similar hardware/solar panel brands and sizes (capacity).

6. You can sell excess solar energy back to the grid for a profit

Want to make some extra cash? If you produce more solar energy than you need, you can sell the excess back to your local utility company! This process is called net metering, and it’s a great way to make some extra money each month.

All of these are excellent reasons to consider making the switch to solar power – but remember, not every home is a good candidate for solar. Contact a solar specialist in your area to see if your home is suitable for installation – they’ll be more than happy to help!

Start benefiting from free electricity

If you’re considering the idea of a solar panel installation for your home but are afraid it’s too expensive or that it won’t work in a few years – think again. Solar power is an investment in your future and is affordable for everyone! As experts in solar energy, we have seen firsthand how solar energy can change lives by helping families live more comfortably while reducing their utility bills.

Contact a solar specialist for a free on-site consultation so you can get all of your questions answered before deciding on going green with sustainable solar electricity from the sun.

Do you have a solar panel installation at your home? Have you ever had an issue with having solar panels on your roof? Let us know what you think about solar panels in the comments section below.

Australia: A Climate Crisis

The world, as we know, is getting warmer and warmer. Weather across the globe is changing significantly, and it’s all down to climate change. From increasing sea levels, the melting of polar ice caps and not forgetting constant reports on hurricanes and heatwaves, the world is going through a climate crisis, and there isn’t long left to attempt to reverse the changes that have been made to our environment.


Evan following the huge European heatwave recently, and mass historical data showing that there’s ‘no doubt left’ regarding global warming, one place, in particular, is expected to be hit harder than any other.

That place is Australia.

Australia’s Climate

Due to Australia being located within the southern hemispheres, the seasons are opposite of North America and Europe and feature an abundance of diversity. This includes everything from golden sandy beaches and tropical rainforests to a rich coral reef, filled with diverse marine life, huge, sparse deserts and equally as vast grazing lands.

As you may know, the majority of the population in Australia is confined to the edges of the country, with most people living within the cities and larger towns.

While Australia is warm, and known to be an extremely hot country, 2018 was the third-warmest since records began, with the mean temperature sitting and 1.14°C above average.

While this may not seem much considering the already warm nature of Australia, it’s quite an alarming statistic. Alongside this, the warmth was persistent throughout the year with many of the months recording temperatures within each month’s top ten.

Rainfall was also down, standing at 11% below the average when compared to 1961 – 1990. You can find the rest of the stats here.

Continuing issue

These shocking figures have continued into 2020.

During May, Sydney, Darwin, Melbourne and Brisbane were all facing water restrictions. This was due to dams only being 50% full, or lower, as a result of higher temperatures and low rainfall.

The statistics for Sydney are considerably alarming. As the lowest dam percentage since 1940, the 11 dams were at a combined capacity of 55%, which itself was down by 18% in the year from May 2018.

Measured through high tech devices, similar to ones available from RS Components, Sydney went on to receive its first water restrictions in more than a decade as drought gripped New South Wales.

Meanwhile, high temperatures and low rainfall are expected to continue according to The Bureau of Meteorology.

The future

As you can guess from the warnings issued to the population of the world as a whole, climate change is only going to get worse unless something is done, and this applies greatly to Australia.

Back in 2015, it was reported that by 2090 it was predicted that the temperatures would rise by up to 5.1 degrees Celsius in Australia alone. As you can see, this is already happening, with significant rises just three to four years after the comprehensive report was put together.

Alongside this, sea level rises were also expected to increase significantly too. This was projected to be between 26 – 55 cm under low emission scenarios, whereas high emissions scenarios could see rises between 45 – 86 cm. This was estimated based on relative data between 1986 and 2005. If scenarios were worse, then sea level rises could be between one and three metres after 2100.

With the majority of the population living in built-up areas on the edge of the country, which is where much of its tourism comes from too, things could get worse for Australia in more ways than first imagined. With a climate crisis dangling above us, the time to act on it is now to prevent these scenarios from happening or worse, happening quicker than first thought.

Electric Vehicle Uptake in Australia: Driving Towards a Sustainable Future

Electric vehicles (EVs) have emerged as a promising solution to address environmental concerns and reduce greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. Australia, with its vast landscapes and unique environmental challenges, is no exception. In recent years, the country has seen a gradual increase in electric vehicle adoption as individuals, businesses, and policymakers recognize the importance of transitioning towards a more sustainable transportation system. In this article, we will delve into the factors driving the uptake of electric vehicles in Australia and the challenges that lie ahead in accelerating their widespread adoption.

Why Electric Cars are the More Sustainable Choice

1. Environmental Consciousness

Australia is known for its stunning natural beauty, but it also faces significant environmental challenges, including climate change, air pollution, and reliance on fossil fuels. As people become increasingly conscious of their carbon footprint, there has been a growing interest in cleaner and greener modes of transportation. Electric vehicles, with zero tailpipe emissions, offer a compelling alternative to traditional internal combustion engine vehicles and are viewed as a crucial step towards a more sustainable future.

2. Government Incentives

Federal and state governments in Australia have recognized the importance of promoting electric vehicle adoption and have introduced various incentives to encourage consumers to make the switch. These incentives may include grants, rebates, tax credits, reduced registration fees, and access to bus lanes or toll discounts. Additionally, governments have been investing in charging infrastructure development to address range anxiety concerns.

3. Advancements in Technology

One of the initial barriers to electric vehicle adoption was the perception of limited driving range and lack of charging infrastructure. However, technological advancements in battery technology have significantly improved EV range, making them a viable option for many Australians. Moreover, faster-charging options, such as DC fast-charging stations, have become more prevalent, reducing charging time and enhancing the convenience of owning an electric vehicle.

types of EV charging stations

4. Cost Savings

Though electric vehicles may have a higher upfront cost compared to traditional vehicles, the total cost of ownership over the vehicle’s lifespan can be lower. Electric vehicles generally have lower operating costs, as electricity is cheaper than gasoline, and they require less maintenance due to fewer moving parts. As consumers become more aware of these cost-saving benefits, the financial appeal of electric vehicles continues to grow.

5. Corporate Commitments

Businesses in Australia are also playing a vital role in driving electric vehicle uptake. Many companies have adopted sustainability targets and are incorporating electric vehicles into their fleets. Besides the environmental benefits, using electric vehicles in commercial operations can yield significant cost savings and enhance the company’s green image.

6. Charging Infrastructure Expansion

A robust charging infrastructure is critical to the widespread adoption of electric vehicles. Recognizing this, both public and private entities have been investing in charging station deployment across Australia. Charging stations can be found in public parking lots, shopping centers, hotels, and along highways. This expansion has alleviated range anxiety concerns and instilled confidence in potential electric vehicle buyers.

Challenges and Roadblocks

While the progress in electric vehicle uptake is promising, there are still challenges that need to be addressed to accelerate the transition towards a more sustainable transportation future:

1. High Upfront Cost

The initial purchase price of electric vehicles remains a significant barrier for many potential buyers. While ongoing reductions in battery costs are expected to alleviate this issue over time, government incentives and subsidies can play a crucial role in making electric vehicles more affordable for a broader audience.

2. Range Anxiety

Although range anxiety has been alleviated to some extent with improved battery technology and charging infrastructure, it remains a concern for some consumers. Expanding the charging network further and promoting public awareness of charging station locations can help address this issue.

3. Limited Model Availability

Currently, the selection of electric vehicle models available in Australia is more limited compared to traditional vehicles. Encouraging automakers to offer a broader range of electric vehicle options can cater to different consumer preferences and needs.

4. Grid Infrastructure

The mass adoption of electric vehicles will place additional demands on the electricity grid. To ensure a smooth transition, grid infrastructure must be upgraded to accommodate the increased load and ensure stable and reliable power supply for electric vehicles. As the number of EV charging stations increases, so too will demand.


Australia’s electric vehicle uptake is on an upward trajectory, driven by increasing environmental awareness, government incentives, technology advancements, cost savings, corporate commitments, and charging infrastructure expansion. As these trends continue, the country moves closer to a future where sustainable transportation is the norm rather than the exception. However, to achieve widespread adoption, addressing challenges related to upfront costs, range anxiety, model availability, and grid infrastructure is crucial. Through collaborative efforts from governments, industries, and consumers, Australia can accelerate the transition towards a cleaner and greener transportation system, contributing significantly to global efforts to combat climate change and create a more sustainable future for generations to come.

5 Actionable Tips to Use More Renewable Energy

The world doesn’t seem to stop when it comes to consuming energy. As each country experience growth and development as a society, their needs for power increases to keep up with the pace of their expansion. The process is a natural one.  It’s even socially encouraged, but that doesn’t change the fact that it takes a toll on our planet. More of the world resources are exploited and processed to become fuel.

While denied by many of these industries for a long time, the ugly side of energy consumption has been exposed for the whole world to see. It has increased the awareness about the need to embrace alternative energy and waste solutions that are renewable and cleaner to avoid contamination and slow down the degradation of our many natural ecosystems.

how to use more renewable energy

Many of the initiatives to use clean energies are embraced in multiple countries. Some of them are backed by governments and private industries looking to preserve our planet and fix some of the damage caused by our constant demands of resources. Many people believe that individual efforts don’t count. The fact is that every single bit of help they can get adds up a lot. If you are a student looking to make a difference in this world, check out green MBA programs.

Here are 5 actionable tips you can follow to make proper use of renewable energy on your premises:

1. Embrace Solar-Powered Technologies

If you haven’t realized it yet the sun is the most powerful energy source in the world and no one can charge to use it. This is why many developers focused on creating technology that makes the best use of the power delivered by the light and radiation offered by the main star in our solar system.

Nowadays, you can get solar-powered vehicles, and solar panels to distribute energy at your home. Such solar technologies can be a bit expensive but is durable as nothing else in the market, plus it is a one-time investment at best!

2. Crowdfund Clean Energy Projects

Many communities are willing to go green and use green energy sources when they are presented the right project. Most of the times the neighbors’ just need to see a well-laid plan explaining why using renewable energy sources will be more affordable for them in the long run.

A solar-powered community project in Laos

The environmental angle can also be helpful, especially for those homeowners that live close to natural reservoirs and wish to keep the value of their properties by safekeeping the environment.

3. Support the Society of Concerned Scientist

This is an amazing initiative to get businesses and the world to become more educated and use more renewable energy.  I am not affiliated with the society at all, but it may be one of the most actionable ways to help the environment because they have built up a lot of support and assets.

Check out what they are doing here.

4. Use Water-processing Technology

Many households and modern housing projects can make use of this technology to recycle the water sources they use and avoid the unnecessary waste of such vital liquid.

The basic principles of this initiative require investment in processing plants and large tanks that can either be installed on the foundations of your home or at the side of it. Your house will always have clean running water, and you won’t take much from the natural sources near your place.

5. Wind Power for Home or Business

Many locations around the world are using wind-powered turbines to generate electricity, and it has become a business opportunity for many entrepreneurs around the world. The plants are easy to install, and the energy is very cheap to produce.

Wind-powered energy has generated an excess of power in certain locations such as China, Germany, Australia and some regions on the USA with these plants selling they’re overproduced to regular energy plants. The power provided by these alternatives is cleaner than most and very easy on a family budget.

Renewable Energy in Australia: Potential and Progress

Recently there has been a lot of talk in how a country can improve their ecological footstep. One way of doing so is definitely changing the way the respective country produces its energy. Australia has recently been headlining the news in regard to the renewable energy situation. Australia’s energy production is looking towards a new future with a specific aim on solar and wind power.

If Australia plans on keeping its water resource at a steady level, it has got to go from its use of coal to renewable sources. Thanks to its abundance in both solar and wind energy, Australia has quite the advantage when it comes to green energy production possibilities.

Unfortunately though due to their geographic position, the water supply is limited for the country. So much so, that the coal industry was taking a toll on the water supply due to the large quantities of water needed when producing energy from coal. As a result, moving over to wind and solar energy fueled productions is a viable option seeing how both respective energy productions do not require water.

The news that Australia was listed as a “water-stressed company” was released by the World Resource Institute; a non-profit organization based in Washington D.C. Moreover, on this past May 13th The Sydney Morning Herald also wrote that 73% of Australia’s electricity needs were met by the use of coal. In respect to these findings and Australia’s continuous growth, it is imperative that new resources are used for energy production.

Australia has been making headlines in renewable energy sector.

Fortunately, Australia’s geography is a big resource as well when it comes to studying the possibilities of implementing the new energy production. It was in fact calculated that the dimensions of the solar power farm needed to meet the country’s demands would result in occupying only 0.1% of Australia’s total land mass; I think we can all agree on the fact that that land could be spared for a solar farm.

And on that note, the government is taking the matter seriously, and has called upon everybody to try and better the situation. The incentives call upon small businesses and households as well by reminding them that there are the possibilities of installing their own solar panels, heat pumps, solar water heaters, and more.

Thanks to the various incentives, the Green Energy Council has stated that there is a lot of activity in the sector, including at least 58 different projects focused on implementing the renewable energy sources. As a consequence of these projects, the council has also stated that there would be an income of $10 billion in investments, 6,141 new jobs, and 5,482 megawatts of renewable energy capacity. Definitely great numbers to look forward to!

Recommended Reading: Reasons Behind Electric Vehicle Adoption in Australia

NatHERS – Tool To Maximize Sustainability of Your Future Home

Short for the Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme, NatHERS uses a 10-star rating system which is able to easily access the thermal performance of buildings within Australia. Though a NatHERS certification is required for all new developments with multiple dwellings, it is essential for all residents to obtain an assessment to be able to easily evaluate the thermal assessment of their development.

At Certified Energy, our years of experience distinguishes us from our competitors. We work with each client separately, to ensure that each individual project thrives in terms of cost, efficiency and the preservation of design concepts.

We strive to minimize your costs whilst maximizing the sustainability of your future home.

Why is NatHERS assessment required?

NatHERS as outlined above is the Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme which is able to evaluate the thermal performance of any dwelling. Though this may seem irrelevant and unnecessary when outlining the overall performance of the building, it is a necessity to get a NatHERS assessment in order to ensure a sustainable future for our environment.

Not only this, but NatHERS is essential when obtaining a BASIX assessment. BASIX is a NSW Government initiative striving to improve the environmental sustainability. It comprises of three factors: water, thermal and energy. The thermal component of BASIX can be easily completed through a NatHERS assessment with its thorough, accurate and flexible approach to addressing thermal performance.

Thus, a NatHERS assessment is required not only to contribute towards a sustainable future for the environment but also as a necessity under the BASIX initiative led by the NSW Government.

What does a NatHERS assessment include?

A NatHERS assessment can be obtained by a specialised company that has NatHERS Accredited Software which can be used to determine the thermal efficiency of your home. Within the assessment, each resident will be provided a copy of the key design features and the building materials and the scope used to generate the dwelling’s star rating.

The star rating, also known as the Energy or Thermal Efficiency star rating, is an accurate indicator of the level of heating or cooling your building requires to not only make you feel comfortable, but to ensure that it doesn’t have a detrimental impact on the environment. By following the recommendations and guidelines that will be included in your report, you will also be on the path of having lower energy expenses, by using the appropriate amount of electricity.

How does Certified Energy do it differently?

At Certified Energy, there are two main certification solutions that will help you achieve the lowest cost with the highest efficiency rating. These include the essential solutions (House Energy Rating Scheme, Elemental Provision) or alternative solutions (Verification Using a Reference Building and State Specific Energy Protocols).

In order to give you the best catered advice as per your personal needs, Certified Energy will guide you through the various approval pathways that will help your project achieve energy efficiency and environmental sustainability.

Role of Food Waste Disposers in Food Waste Management

Food waste is a global issue that begins at home and as such, it is an ideal contender for testing out new approaches to behaviour change. The behavioural drivers that lead to food being wasted are complex and often inter-related, but predominantly centre around purchasing habits, and the way in which we store, cook, eat and celebrate food.


Consumer Behavior – A Top Priority

Consumer behaviour is a huge priority area in particular for industrialised nations – it is estimated that some western societies might be throwing away up to a third of all food purchased. The rise of cheap food and convenience culture in recent years has compounded this problem, with few incentives or disincentives in place at producer, retail or consumer level to address this.

While it is likely that a number of structural levers – such as price, regulation, enabling measures and public benefits – will need to be pulled together in a coherent way to drive progress on this agenda, at a deeper level there is a pressing argument to explore the psycho-social perspectives of behaviour change.

Individual or collective behaviours often exist within a broader cultural context of values and attitudes that are hard to measure and influence. Simple one-off actions such as freezing leftovers or buying less during a weekly food shop do not necessarily translate into daily behaviour patterns. For such motivations to have staying power, they must become instinctive acts, aligned with an immediate sense of purpose. Click here to see what steps you can take to tackle this issue. The need to consider more broadly our behaviours and how they are implicated in such issues must not stop at individual consumers, but extend to governments, businesses and NGOs if effective strategies are to be drawn up.

Emergence of Food Waste Disposers

Food waste disposer (FWDs), devices invented and adopted as a tool of food waste management may now represent a unique new front in the fight against climate change. These devices, commonplace in North America, Australia and New Zealand work by shredding household or commercial food waste into small pieces that pass through a municipal sewer system without difficulty.

The shredded food particles are then conveyed by existing wastewater infrastructure to wastewater treatment plants where they can contribute to the generation of biogas via anaerobic digestion. This displaces the need for generation of the same amount of biogas using traditional fossil fuels, thereby averting a net addition of greenhouse gases (GHG) to the atmosphere.

Food waste is an ideal contender for testing new approaches to behaviour change.

The use of anaerobic digesters is more common in the treatment of sewage sludge, as implemented in the U.K., but not as much in the treatment of food waste. In addition to this, food waste can also replace methanol (produced from fossil fuels) and citric acid used in advanced wastewater treatment processes which are generally carbon limited.

Despite an ample number of studies pointing to the evidence of positive impacts of food waste disposer, concerns regarding its use still exist, notably in Europe. Scotland for example has passed legislation that bans use of FWDs, stating instead that customers must segregate their waste and make it available curbside for pickup. This makes it especially difficult for the hospitality industry, to which the use of disposer is well suited.

The U.S. however has seen larger scale adoption of the technology due to the big sales push it received in the 1950s and 60s. In addition to being just kitchen convenience appliances, FWDs are yet to be widely accepted as a tool for positive environmental impact.

Note: Note: This excerpt is being published with the permission of our collaborative partner Be Waste Wise.

How Modern Technology is Transforming Urban Development?

Australia is famous the whole world over for its incredible scenery and stunning countryside, from the arid yet beautiful outback to the shimmering sands of the Gold Coast, but the country is also home to some of the world’s favourite cities. Australia’s population is growing, and so urban development and planning is becoming ever more important. The way we plan, design and build our urban centres has changed rapidly over the last decades thanks to evolving needs, environmental concerns and rapidly advancing technology.

It is this combination that is helping Australian towns and cities lead the way when it comes to urban generation and regeneration.

More Accurate Surveying

Thorough surveying is the key to successful development, and it was once a laborious and time-consuming process, and therefore by necessity, an expensive one too. One modern invention has transformed this task completely, as the most forward thinking planners now utilise unmanned aerial surveying techniques.

Using the latest high-powered drones, planners and developers can now get a much more accurate and holistic picture of the land that they plan to build on. The highly detailed maps produced from the air allow clients to make more informed decisions quicker than they would otherwise have been able to, thus helping to ensure that projects come in on time and on budget.

Greener Developments

Many Australians are becoming increasingly concerned about the effect that mankind is having upon the environment, and the effects of climate change can be seen across this nation and beyond. That’s why surveyors and designers have to be very careful when planning urban developments, as it’s imperative that expanding urban centres don’t adversely impact upon our ecology or the incredible animal life that also calls Australia its home.

Today’s leading urban surveying companies put green issues at the heart of the work, using the latest computer modelling techniques to thoroughly assess the impact of an urban development upon the environment surrounding it; in this way, it’s possible to maintain the equilibrium between the need to develop new urban spaces and the need to protect our ecosystems.

Bringing Greater Benefits to Urban Dwellers

There are many factors to be considered when planning an urban development, as well as the green concerns mentioned above. It’s essential for planners to be able to make accurate assessments of what benefits their development will bring to the people who live within it and upon its neighbourhood, and this involves careful study of a wide range of metrics and projections.

The highly detailed maps produced from the air allow clients to make more informed decisions quicker

Whilst this remains a specialist and highly important job, the appearance of specialist computer programmes now allow planners to make an economic and demographic assessment that’s more accurate than ever before.

Expert urban planners know how essential it is to use all of the technological innovations now available to them, from unmanned aerial surveying, to high tech demographic assessment tools and greener planning software. This is why new urban developments bring benefits for residents and businesses, and for the economy as a whole, while still protecting the rural areas and environment that make Australia the envy of the world.