How to Reduce the Establishment Costs of Miscanthus

Miscanthus has been lauded as a dynamic high potential biomass energy crop for some time now due to its high yields, low input requirements and perennial nature. Miscanthus is commonly used as a biomass fuel to produce heat and electricity through combustion, but studies have found that miscanthus can produce similar biogas yields to maize when harvested at certain times of the year.  Miscanthus is a C4 grass closely related to maize and sugarcane, it can grow to heights of three metres in a single growing season.


High Establishment Costs

However, The high cost of growing miscanthus has impeded its popularity. High establishment costs of miscanthus are as a result of the sterile nature of the crop, which means that miscanthus cannot be propagated from seed and instead must be propagated from vegetative material.

The vegetative material commonly used is taken from the root structure known as rhizomes; rhizome harvesting is a laborious process and when combined with low multiplication rates, results in a high cost for miscanthus rhizomes. The current figure based on Irish figures is €1,900 ha for rhizomes.

Promising Breakthrough

Research conducted in Teagasc Oak Park Carlow Ireland, suggests that there may be a cost effective of method of propagating miscanthus by using the stem as the vegetative material rather than having to dig up expensive rhizomes. The system has been proven in a field setting over two growing seasons and plants have been shown to be perennial.

A prototype miscanthus planter suitable for commercial up scaling has been developed to sow stem segments of miscanthus. Initial costs are predicted at €130 ha for plant material. The image below shows the initial stem that was planted in a field setting and the shoots, roots, and rhizome developed by the stem at the end of the first growing season.


Feedstock for AD Plants

Switching from maize to miscanthus as a feedstock for anaerobic digestion plants would increase profitability and boost the GHG abatement credentials of the systems. Miscanthus is a perennial crop which would provide a harvest every year once established for 20 years in a row without having to be replanted compared to maize which is replanted every year. This would provide an obvious economic saving as well as allowing carbon sequestration in the undisturbed soil.

There would be further GHG savings from the reduced diesel consumption required for the single planting as opposed to carrying out heavy seedbed cultivation each year for maize. Miscanthus harvested as an AD feedstock would also alleviate soil compaction problems associated with maize production through an earlier harvest in more favourable conditions.

Future Perspectives

Miscanthus is a nutrient efficient crop due to nutrient cycling. With the onset of senescence nutrients in the stem are transferred back to the rhizome and over-wintered for the following year’s growth. However the optimum date to harvest biomass to produce biogas is before senescence.

This would mean that a significant proportion of the plants nutrient stores would be removed which would need to be replaced. Fertiliser in the form of digestate generated from a biogas plant could be land spread to bridge nutrient deficiencies. However additional more readily available chemical N fertiliser may have to be applied.

Some work at Oak Park on September harvested miscanthus crops has seen significant responses from a range of N application rates. With dwindling subsidies to support anaerobic digestion finding a low cost perennial high yielding feedstock could be key to ensuring economic viability.

Top 5 Reasons to Use Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is extracted from environmental assets that recharge in less than half of a human lifespan without draining the earth’s resources. Sunlight, wind, rain, oceans, waves, carbon, and thermal energy deposited in the earth’s crust are all commodities that are present in some way or another almost everywhere. Renewable energy is practically inexhaustible. What’s even better is that they don’t have much effect on the economy or the atmosphere.

clean energy in italy

On the other hand, fossil resources such as gasoline, coal, and natural gas are only present in limited amounts. They will eventually run out even if you want to harvest them. Fossil fuels are not replenished as quickly as humans need them to, even though natural methods create them. Currently people have started realizing the necessity of renewable energy usage and want to learn more about its functioning and its benefits. People are opting for different courses on renewable energy to get a step closer towards a greener world. Have a look at Renewable Energy Courses Basildon Essex which has quality courses available at affordable rates.

What are the reasons for using renewable energy?

Both sources of energy affect the climate, much as every other human operation. Renewable energy is no different, and each supply comes with its own set of trade-offs. However, the benefits of renewable energy over fossil fuels are evident. Here are five prominent reasons to use renewable energy in your daily life:

1. Renewable energy is abundant

As the name implies, renewable energy is produced from naturally replenishing sources such as sunlight, air, rain, compost, and even geothermal (buried) energy.


Renewables turn natural resources efficiently into energy, unlike oil, coal, and natural gas mines, which involve large networks of heavy equipment, refining facilities, pipes, and distribution. Although certain fossil fuels are getting increasingly difficult and costly to obtain, resulting in the degradation of natural ecosystems and significant financial damages, renewable energy is infinite. 

2. Renewable energy emits little to no pollutants

Increased air emissions are caused by global growth in conventional fuel, required in road transportation, manufacturing activity, electricity production, and outdoor garbage combustion in many regions. The usage of coal and lumber for cooking and heating in many developed countries leads to low indoor air quality. Cities are physically suffocated by contaminants and other air pollution generated by fossil fuels. According to World Health Organization reports, their appearance over metropolitan skies causes millions of early casualties and costs billions of dollars.

Air, thermal, and hydroelectric power emit little to no emissions into the atmosphere. Other alternative power generating techniques, such as biomass and geothermal, release emissions into the atmosphere, albeit at far lower levels than most fossil fuels.


Renewable energy follows reuse and recycling goals and is a powerful engine for social and economic development, rather than depleting precious energy and polluting the atmosphere.

3. Renewable energy is cheap

Increased oil costs and insufficient access to capital are often associated with international unrest and uprisings. Since renewable energy is mainly generated locally, it is less impacted by geopolitical conflicts, price rises, or supply chain disturbances.

Using green resources can save you funds in the long run. You can save not only on repairs but also on running expenses. You don’t have to spend money to refuel if you use equipment that produces electricity from solar, wind, steam, or geological activities. The sum of money you save when you use green energy depends on various things, including the system itself. In most situations, switching to green energies results in cost cuts ranging from hundreds to thousands of dollar.

4. Renewable energy creates jobs

The renewable energy sector is more labor-intensive than fossil fuel systems, which are traditionally automated and capital intensive. Humans are required to mount photovoltaic panels, and technicians are required to maintain wind turbines.


This implies that more jobs are created on aggregate with each unit of energy produced by renewable energies than from fossil energy.

Thousands of workers are now supported by renewable energies in the United States. In 2016, the wind energy sector employed directly over 100,000 full-time-equivalent workers in processing, project production, design and turbine implementation, administration, and maintenance.

5. Renewable energy is reliable and resilient

Since renewable energy sources are dispersed and flexible, they are less vulnerable to large-scale malfunction. Because distributed grids are spread over a wide geographic area, an extreme weather incident in one place would not result in the loss of control for an entire site. Numerous independent windmills or solar panels make up modular structures. And if any of the system’s machinery is disabled, the remainder usually continues to function.


Solar panels are becoming more accessible, for homeowners and businesses

Hurricane Sandy, for example, wreaked havoc on New York and New Jersey’s fossil-fuel-dominated electric production and delivery grids, knocking out millions of residents. On the other hand, renewable energy facilities in the Northeast escaped Hurricane Sandy with no injury or destruction.

In conclusion

Despite certain uncertainties, it is apparent that clean energy can one day provide emission-free electricity to all of our households, industries, and cars.

While no one energy source will ever be able to satisfy all of the human requirements, a mixture of solar, air, biomass, geothermal, tidal, and power storage can fuel the entire planet without emitting any toxins or greenhouse gases.

Opportunities For Foreign Consultants in Africa’s Renewables Industry

Currently, more than 600 million people living in Sub-Saharan Africa, out of a total population of 900 million, do not have access to electricity. Even those with some kind of electrical connection suffer from unreliable supply, lack of sufficient power on the grid, high energy prices, or a combination of these, meaning they lack full access to power.


However, the solution is in sight, and it is green. It could be that the majority of the “dark continent” will skip fossil fuel- based energy entirely, and skip straight to renewable energy solutions, from those living in refugee camps, to the cities.

The renewable energy industry in Africa represents great opportunities for many, not only the local populations who will benefit from a stable electricity supply, but also local workers and international consultants whose expertise are greatly needed. Not to mention of course the benefits for the environment.

If you are a foreign consultant looking to work in the renewable energy industry in Africa, here is what you should know.

Opportunities in Renewable Energy Industry in Africa

The renewable energy industry is booming in many African countries, most notably Nigeria. Here, it is hoped that biomass will help to bridge the gap between the current electricity capacity of 12,522MW and demand of 98,000MW. This dramatic shortfall, despite Nigeria being an OPEC nation and the world’s 13th largest producer of oil, certainly shows the need for renewable energy solutions.

Currently, only 1% of Nigeria’s electricity is powered by renewable energy with a small percentage of this being biomass. However, the country’s rich resources in biomass fuels such as agricultural residues and municipal solid waste means that biomass could represent the solution to the country’s energy crisis.

Across the continent, many countries are already implementing small-scale solar, wind and geothermal technology, particularly to provide energy to remote and under-serviced populations. The World Bank is committed to promoting sustainable energy solutions in developing nations, particularly in Africa. From 2014 to 2018, the World Bank funded $11.5 billion worth of renewable energy projects in developing countries. This continues to be a funding priority for the developing world’s largest financier.

Funding from the World Bank and others has led to a variety of renewable energy projects across Africa, which is only set to increase in future years. These projects have an intense need for foreign consultants, due to the demand for expertise outstripping local availability in many cases.

Guide For Working in African Renewable Energy Industry

Working in the renewables sector in Africa offers the opportunity not only to be part of an exciting, booming industry, but also one which has the potential to make a difference to the lives of millions of people. Working in the sector, and in Africa in general, does come with its own unique challenges, however, so it is important to be prepared.

1. Research Local Laws and Regulations

Firstly, it is important to be prepared that working in a new country will mean that many things will be unfamiliar. One of the key differences will be when it comes to laws and regulations. The company or organisation you are working with should be able to advise you on these matters, but it is also a good idea to do your own research ahead of time to get an idea of local regulations, and how these will impact on your work.


2. Be Open to Local Customs

A big part of working in another country is adjusting to the local customs. Understanding local culture and traditions will not only help you feel more comfortable, but it will also make you more effective in your work. After you arrive in the field, make it one of your key priorities to absorb as much as you can of the local culture.

Additionally, you should be prepared that infrastructure and logistics may be very different from what you are accustomed to: this can impact on everything from internet connection and availability of supplies to transit times.

3. Make Sure Your Training is Upto Date

Availability of training while on site may be limited, so it is important to make sure your qualifications are up to date and that you have skilled up with all relevant training before you leave home. Consult with a UK-based company such as We Do Training to see what courses are on offer, and what may be helpful for you while in the field.

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Eco-friendly Benefits of Fiberglass Insulation For Metal Buildings

Fiberglass insulation was first put on the market in 1938, and in all the years since, no alternative has really challenged its preeminent position as the most effective choice for insulation on both commercial and residential construction projects. Fiberglass insulation improves a structure’s energy efficiency, reduces heating and cooling costs, and makes occupants more comfortable. These are just a few of the advantages that make fiberglass insulation the insulator of choice, even in the latest eco-friendly projects. Below are  additional benefits of fiberglass insulation:

1. Moisture Resistance

Fiberglass insulation does not absorb or retain water according to who utilise it in some instances. It can still be contaminated or compromised by moisture; insulation that has gotten wet needs to be inspected and dried to ensure that it does not lose its insulating properties.

Wet insulation can be successfully re-installed and deliver its full R-value as intended by the manufacturer so long as installers confirm that the insulation and the area around it in the structure have not been compromised by water.

In order to provide full insulating value, fiberglass insulation requires a vapor barrier. When properly selected and installed, a vapor barrier catches condensation before it can penetrate the building envelope and reach the insulation. The vapor barrier’s perm rating must be appropriate to the structure and the local climate, and it must be sealed into place with a proper adhesive so that it does not leak.

2. Fire Resistance

Fiberglass insulation is inherently non-combustible because the materials from which it is made – sand and/or recycled glass – are non-combustible themselves. Fiberglass insulation does not need to be treated with chemicals to make it fire-resistant, and it does not become any more combustible as it ages.

In many areas, local building codes even allow the use of fiberglass insulation as an effective fire stop in wall assemblies made of wood or steel.

3. Sound Dampening

Fiberglass insulation absorbs sound, and this means it reduces sound transmission through walls, ceilings, floors, and HVAC ducts where it is used. As a general rule of thumb, one inch of fiberglass insulation increases the sound transmission class, or STC, of a building assembly by three or even four points. Additional inches of fiberglass insulation each add two more points to the STC rating.

4. Use Of Recycled Materials

The manufacture of fiberglass insulation has come to rely on incorporating a significant amount of recycled material. Between 1992 and 2000, insulation manufacturers used over 8 billion pounds (3.6 billion kg) of recycled glass from pre and post-consumer sources. Using this material productively saved millions of cubic feet in landfill space.

The total amount of recycled material used in fiberglass insulation varies from brand to brand and product to product, but some products are made with as much as 80 percent recycled glass. Fiberglass insulation also requires the use of silica sand, which is an abundant and naturally-renewing resource.

Bottom Line

Fiberglass insulation remains a highly competitive and attractive insulation option, even when considered according to environmentally-friendly “green” priorities. In the decades it has been used, it has proven time and again to be a reliable and effective material.

What Should You Know About Tankless Reverse Osmosis Systems?

The distinct characteristics and advantages of tankless reverse osmosis water filtration systems make them a particularly attractive choice for drinking water filtration at a single point of application.

We have all of these systems set up in our lab, and we can show you which ones are the best based on our in-person testing.

A tankless RO system can be the best choice if you’re seeking for a reliable reverse osmosis water filter.

What is Reverse Osmosis?

Tap water is driven through a very thin membrane during the reverse osmosis (RO) water filtering process in order to remove impurities.

Reverse osmosis water filtration systems use a RO membrane together with a number of other water filters to purify your tap water by removing up to 99% of all sediment, chemicals, colors, and aromas.

Nobody likes to be concerned about environmental toxins, boil water signs, or corroded and outdated pipelines. All of these problems may be fixed with a water filter device before you fill your glass.

Tankless Efficiency

Reverse osmosis water filtering “wastes” tap water because some of the processed water, which contains all of the filtered pollutants, is flushed down the drain.

Reverse osmosis drinking water systems without tanks are incredibly effective because of their internal booster pumps and high-throughput filters. For every gallon of waste water, the RO systems on this page create 1 to 2 gallons of filtered drinking water.

This contrasts with conventional RO systems, which can waste up to 4 gallons of tap water in order to generate just 1 gallons of filtered water.

Additionally, since a booster pump keeps the pressure at its ideal level, you don’t need to worry about your tap water pressure.

Waterdrop G3 P800 Reverse Osmosis System

You won’t ever have to be concerned about running out of clean drinking water again thanks to the Waterdrop G3 P800.

Tankless Reverse Osmosis Systems

The 800 gallons per day (GPD) that this tankless under-sink RO system generates is more than enough for your family and small companies that need a lot of filtered water every day!

The smart faucet, which has a real-time TDS meter and filter life indications, is the “smartest” of all systems.

It is a great option for well water or any installation where aquatic microorganisms are a problem because it also has an integrated UV filtering stage.

iSpring Tankless RO

The name of this RO system has a late-2000s vibe to it. The “i(Insert Product Name Here)” formula may no longer be used, but the technology that powers this gadget is still cutting-edge. To their credit, the RO system resembles one that Apple would create if they were to create one themselves. It has the appearance and feel of a high-end RO filtering system thanks to the controls, aesthetics, and few functions.

tankless RO system

This RO system has recently upgraded technology that makes it possible to fill cups and water bottles faster than previously. For a straightforward tankless filtration system, its maximum distillation rate of 0.4 gallons per minute is impressive. Nearly all pollutants are eliminated during the filtering process, with the membrane removing 99% of them. Finally, the smart faucet provides codes for troubleshooting in the case of any issues and notifies you when filters need to be changed.

Frizzlife RO Filtration System

One of the main drawbacks of RO system water is that it has a mild acidity and, much worse, little to no minerals. Even healthy minerals that would have been beneficial to your health are eliminated by the membrane since it filters out all contaminants. The Frizzlife contains a remineralization filter that is attached to the main device to gently alkalinize the water in order to address this issue.

RO tankless

Alkalized water has health advantages and is superior to the water produced by conventional RO distillation techniques. Additionally, it has a low drain ratio of 1.5:1 and has no tank, so your kitchen and cabinets underneath will have plenty of room to spare. The LED display, which provides real-time information about your filter and notifies you when to change it, is arguably the greatest feature.

OASIS OSMOSIS HOME Filtration System

The good news is that this next RO system is also the cheapest one we’ve examined and has a ton of great features that make it well worth the money if the iSpring’s high price was your primary deciding factor. Due to its low drain rate and high water flow rate, this RO system claims to be up to 24% more efficient than conventional versions. In just 12 seconds, you can have a cup of filtered water at your disposal.

best tankless RO system

The technology eliminates all contaminants with a 0.0001um precision. Whatever is present will be filtered away during the distillation process, whether it be fluoride, metals, or limescale. Because of the way this system is built, you won’t need to set aside a lot of room for a tank under or next to your sink. You definitely receive your money’s worth for little under $300, especially if you utilize the system frequently for your hydration needs.

How to Get the Most Out Of Your Solar Power System

So you made the environmentally and financially sound decision of going off the grid, now what? If you’re wondering how to make the most of converting to the wonderful renewable resource that is solar power then you’ve come to the right place. Solar power is a fantastic and eco-friendly alternative to using fossil-fuel-based electricity but it does take some work to get it running optimally. If you didn’t know this then don’t feel bad, consumerism is largely based on overconsumption and, ultimately, wastage – that is what has been drilled into us over the years. Here are a few tips for getting the most from your new solar power household or workplace.

1. Reduce Your Consumption

It’s no good converting your home or office to solar power if your appliances are electricity guzzlers. Start by replacing the most power-hungry models first, these will be a massive drain on your power supply and that is simply not sustainable when you’re running off of solar power alone.


An old refrigerator uses almost four times the electricity of a new one

If you can’t replace those older appliances for their newer and more energy-efficient counterparts then you should at least only be using them once a day and one at a time.

2. Replace Obsolete Lighting

Do a lighting audit on your solar-powered home, vacation home or office and replace all of the lights that use the old type of energy-hungry bulbs, or if you can, replace just the bulbs with more energy-efficient ones.


Lighting is one of the biggest contributors to power consumption when the bulbs are all filament globes. Filament globes produce heat as a by-product of creating light and this heat accounts for almost 90% of the total energy wasted by these bulbs. Take advantage of solar incentives in Oregon and get rewarded for living more responsibly.

3. Invest In a Gas Geyser

Your solar power system was not cheap but it will never be able to keep up if it is expected to run your electric water heater all day, every day. Invest in a gas geyser that will not use the stored energy from your solar panels but instead use gas.

The other benefit of gas geysers is they give you instant hot water so you will reduce your water consumption at the same time as reducing your power consumption.

4. Take Advantage of the Daylight

Use appliances that require the most energy during the day when your solar power is in full swing. Stagger the usage of these appliances because if you try and use them all at once they will drain more power than your solar power system is capable of producing because your energy requirements will be too high.

5. Invest In Solar Batteries

Installing solar power is just the first step in investing in a total solar energy system. The best way to make the most of your solar system is to buy solar batteries to go with it. These batteries will maximize your solar consumption by reducing the amount of electricity you will need to purchase from the grid.


They do this by providing a safe place in which to store the solar energy collected during the day for use later in the evening. Solar batteries are a necessary upgrade for homeowners with solar-powered systems.

6. Cancel Standby Modes

A lot of electrical devices like TVs, laptops and Wi-Fi’s use electricity even when they’re not in use. It might not seem like much at the time but all of that extra power consumption adds up every year and it is completely wasted. You can save on the power drawn from your solar-powered system by unplugging those devices when they are not in use.

The same applies to charging your devices, make the most of the sunlight hours by putting these devices onto charge during the day and unplugging them in the evenings. You can also charge things like power banks during the day so that you can use them to charge your devices at night instead of conventional electricity.

7. Get a Gas Stove

Cooking is one of the biggest power-draining activities around, especially with a fully electric stove and oven. Switch to a gas-powered stove and watch your electricity consumption drastically reduce.


Gas stoves, like gas water heaters, provide an instantaneous flame, so your pots and pans will heat up so much quicker than a conventional stove. This will save your solar power system from the massive evening drain that comes with making dinner, as well as have your dinner cooked much faster than normal.

Why is it Good for Parents to Help School Kids with Homework?

School students know that studies might be far from a smooth way. They often experience difficulties in doing homework and need careful assistance with the subjects that cause hardships. Well, the position of a learner is clear, – strive, seek reliable help, consult teachers… But what should a parent do if their child has got problems with home assignments?

While opinions may vary from person to person, a truly careful and loving parent would do everything to find a golden middle between too much involvement and healthy help providing. So, here in this short article, we are about to find out why it can often be a good thing to help your school kids with their homework. Besides, one of such proven ways to help is using the quick homework solver such as

Reliable Homework Helper to Save Your Time and Nerve Cells

Now, seeking assistance online might be a good, but not the one and only idea of how to help a learner. Tips to be a helping partner on the way to success for your child are numerous; we have collected some of them below.

Be of help in seeking answers together

You don’t have to be professional in every subject the kid deals with. The point is that being a part of the process is more valuable than providing the ready answers.

Be a time management helper for a kid

You should view help with homework not just as a one-time activity but the lifestyle where you aid your child to become more autonomous and responsible for doing their personal homework. Writing schedules, planning ‘home tests’, or learning together via the Internet on a regular basis can be a good tool in collaborative studies.

Remain supportive

It’s so valuable when a parent answers the need of the child of help without pressure and control. It’s a great tip to build trust between a school kid and a parent. So, be the helpline for your learner and a tutor who motivates a child to grow. If you give a kid as much support as they need, they become more resilient to obstacles and better motivated from the inside.

Don’t neglect ehelp

Since today learning is practically impossible without apps and sites, – and, why miss the chance to use them? Besides, the service gives you title and bibliography pages for free so that you don’t have to sit at the task to complete it.

Work out a schedule

No tutorial, math app, or live student help center can totally guarantee your child the consistent growth until you help them set priorities and develop the plan to achieve success. This might be two study sessions a week or an interactive lesson online, – together, strive to decide what is better for your child.

Now, with these simple tips and pieces of advice, you have a clear vision of what to do with your school kid. Besides, the reliable online homework services, there will be no more questions like ‘Who can help me deal with my kid’s home assignment?’

Noise Soundproofing vs Noise Cancelling Earbuds: Which One is Better for Work

We live in a noisy and dynamic environment. For that, we are striving that at least in our free time or when in office, we can have our peace and quiet. For that, there are numerous alternatives, such as renovating the office with soundproofing materials, that block the noise from our side as well as from other colleagues, or by some earbuds with noise cancellation options.

Wireless earbuds are pretty new to many people, but their popularity has grown in leaps and bounds over the last half a decade. They are among the recent innovations that have come at the right time- when people are desperate for peace and quiet. These earbuds now have advanced features such as the ability to block out noises so that users can enjoy their music in public spaces without the interference of unwanted background noises. They have the ability to lessen or eliminate car horn sounds, noises from chatty colleagues, or even music in the streets.

If this is the first time you are considering acquiring these advanced earbuds, you probably have come across two unfamiliar terms- noise soundproofing and noise-canceling earbuds. You are now curious to know how different the two are and which one is the best option for your noise-drowning needs. Well, they both reduce noise and the key difference is in how well they do it. They are also made of different soundproofing materials and with different technologies.

Nevertheless, it is important for businesses and organizations that constantly tend to boost and improve their workers’ productivity, to invest in offices that are soundproof from exterior noise and do not bother their workers.

There are multiple alternatives that companies can use to soundproof and absorb noise, some being more expensive and some more affordable. One affordable method that can be applied is using plants. Studies have shown that plants have a very high absorbing power of noise, where it leaves divert the noise and in this context absorb it. This, for businesses, presents an advantage, given that they also have benefits such as releasing oxygen and making the work environment look better. However, if the office does not have much natural light, make sure to use LED Grow Light, which will enable the plants to grow indoors without natural light.

How Soundproofing Earbuds Work

Noise soundproofing is the basic technology of drowning background noises. These earbuds work by sealing off your ear canal so that any extra ambient noise is blocked from accessing the ear canal. Your ear is isolated from your immediate surroundings.

How Noise Cancelling Earbuds Work

Noise cancellation does more than just isolate your ear. These earbuds come with a more advanced functional design that creates an anti-noise barrier around your ears. This technology emits signals that neutralize sound waves around your ear, so that no sound gets to your ear canal.

Which Earbuds are Better For Work?

Which wireless earbuds will work best for your needs: noise cancelling or noise soundproofing? In all fairness, both work impressively well in reducing noise. Each of them is unique from the other, so it is impossible to say that one is better than the other. We shall look at the differences that define each of them and then you will choose the one that best suits your preferences.

1. Noise reduction abilities

Soundproofing earbuds muffles sounds with an intensity of 30 decibels and below. Noise-canceling earbuds can muffle external sounds with an intensity of 85 decibels or even more. To give you an idea of what decibels mean, a human being speaking normally will produce a noise of 15-20 decibels. That is to mean that soundproofing earbuds will drown out noises in a chatty office, but they won’t be too effective in a busy airport. Noise-canceling earbuds will effectively cancel out an airplane that takes off with noises of around 80 decibels.

However, some low-cost noise-canceling earbuds are made from cheap soundproofing materials, so they allow more than necessary ambient noise to pass through. The active technology that helps these earbuds to reduce noise intensity cannot be 100% effective without quality soundproofing material. There are some high-end noise soundproofing earbuds that outdo low-cost noise-canceling earbuds in this regard.

2. Quality of sound

In this aspect, noise soundproofing and noise-canceling earbuds are almost at par. They both give you the best quality sound, both in noisy places and in isolated environments. Even if you aren’t fond of using earbuds when traveling or in the office, you can still buy the best budget noise-cancelling headphones for domestic use.

Ensure that you buy from reputable brands and dealers because cheap earbuds might not give you the best quality sound. Brands that manufacture earbuds using low-quality soundproofing materials sometimes exacerbate the noises instead of eliminating them.

3. Power Consumption

Because noise soundproofing earbuds are designed to block out external noise without canceling it, they are basically mechanical in nature. Noise-canceling earbuds, on the other hand, need electrical energy in order to create magnetic waves that then cancel out sound waves. They come with chargeable batteries that you have to charge your noise-canceling earbuds occasionally.

4. Price

As you can guess, maintaining noise-canceling earbuds is more expensive than maintaining soundproofing earbuds because of their difference in power consumption. The upfront cost of noise-canceling earbuds is also higher than soundproofing earbuds due to the extra technology they come with.


There you have it! As you can see, both earbuds are way better than wire earbuds. If not for anything else, they make the user appear sophisticated and cool. They both make your music sound pretty good too. Whichever decision you make, you can bet that you will get the best value for your money.

How to Navigate Electricity Usage During the Colder Months

As the colder months approach, many people find that their electricity usage increases significantly. This may lead to higher energy bills and a greater strain on the power grid. However, you can take several steps to manage your electricity usage during the colder months to keep your bills under control and help conserve energy. This includes finding out how to save on business electricity.

For example, you can research ways to find cheaper electricity rates to ensure that your electricity bill doesn’t get too high during these colder months.

Conserving Energy During Colder Months

The Basics of Conserving Energy During the Colder Months

Conserving energy during the colder months is crucial to our environmental responsibility. It pays to reduce our carbon footprint and save money on our energy bills. Different strategies for conserving energy can be implemented, such as using insulation and weather-stripping, taking advantage of natural light, and investing in energy-efficient appliances.

1. Insulate Your Home for Maximum Efficiency

Insulating your home is an effective way to help reduce energy costs and improve the comfort of your living space. It can also help protect against extreme temperatures and reduce noise levels. With the right insulation, you can ensure that your home is as efficient as possible while still providing a comfortable environment for you and your family.

2. Optimize Your Home’s Energy Efficiency and Reduce Your Electricity Bill

Are you looking to reduce your electricity bill and optimise the efficiency of your appliances? You can do this by following a few simple steps.

One of these is to take the time needed to make sure that your appliances are running efficiently. This way, you’ll save money on your energy bills and help reduce your carbon footprint.

The most effective way to reduce your electricity usage during the colder months is to properly insulate your home. This can include adding weather stripping to doors and windows and insulation to your attic and walls. By properly insulating your home, you can significantly reduce the amount of heat lost through drafts and gaps, which will help keep your home warmer and reduce your need for heating.


Another important step that you can take to manage your electricity usage during the colder months is to invest in energy-efficient appliances and light bulbs. Energy-efficient appliances use less energy to operate, which can help reduce your overall energy usage and lower your bills. Additionally, energy-efficient light bulbs use significantly less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs. They can last up to 10 times longer, saving you money on your energy bills and lighting costs.

You can also reduce your electricity usage by being mindful of how you use your heating and cooling systems. For example, you can lower your heating bill and set your thermostat to a lower temperature when you are away from home or when you are sleeping. Additionally, you can use a programmable thermostat to automatically adjust the temperature in your home based on the time of day and your schedule. This can help you conserve energy and reduce your bills.

Another way to manage your electricity usage during the colder months is by using alternative heating sources. For example, you can use a wood-burning stove or a fireplace to supplement your heating system, which can help reduce your reliance on electricity. Additionally, you can use a space heater to heat a small area of your home rather than heating the entire house.

Finally, you can also reduce your electricity usage by being mindful of your overall energy consumption. This can include turning off lights and appliances when you are not using them, unplugging chargers and other devices when they are not in use, and using power strips to reduce standby power consumption.

Lessons Learned

We’ve discovered that it can be very challenging to keep energy bills low while still keeping your home comfortable. Fortunately, there are several strategies that you can use to limit your electric use and save money on your energy bills.

Smartly implementing these strategies can reduce your electricity usage while keeping your home warm and cosy during the winter months. From using smart thermostats to investing in energy-efficient appliances

Being mindful of your overall energy consumption can reduce your energy usage and lower your bills. By doing what is suggested, you can help save energy and make sure you use electricity in a responsible way that won’t hurt the environment.

How Farmers Are Using Water Conservation

There is a quote attributed to Mark Twain: “Whiskey is for drinking; water is for fighting over.” Water has always been the first and most precious resource for any community.

Mark Twain would have seen this along the Mississippi River and the towns and farms it supplied. Then he would observe the role water played in the West when he followed the pioneers out to California and Nevada in the 1860s.

In modern times, no one knows better how vital water is to all of us than farmers. They need to keep their crops alive and flourishing but also be sure they are protecting their water source for all the dry seasons to come.

Farms, both big and small, are becoming examples for harnessing and preserving this life-giving resource.

100 Years of Water Use in Northern California

Farmers have come a long way in their ability to use water wisely. Take a typical family in Northern California. Many from this region have been farming the same 100 acres of land on the Sacramento River for 105 years.

Through three generations, the family has had horses, grapes, apples, nectarines, and apricots on the property. But the main crop has only changed once: peaches until the 1950s, and prunes to the current day.

The current farmers have a particular interest in water conservation. They have educated themselves on the best irrigation methods for crops in this area of the country.

Flooding the Crop

In the beginning, like all the farms in the area, farmers would water their crops with flood irrigation when the ground was dry. A pump would deliver water from a well into one field at a time. Water would stay in the field inside boundaries of built-up earth, and seep down to the roots.

Flood irrigation is simple and requires minimal equipment, but for most crops, it is an inefficient use of water. Often, it used about four acre-feet of water per year.


To use less water and gain a little more precision about where the water went, farmers switched to a system of pipes and sprinklers. Workers would move large metal pipes from one section of the orchard to the next. They hooked the pipes up to the pump and pointed the spray directly onto the trees.

The sprinkler method used about three acre-feet of water per year. A significant improvement, but still not as efficient as they would like to be in a place where water supply is always at risk.

Hose and Drip

Now, the orchards used drip irrigation. The farmers lay flexible black roll pipe directly along the rows of trees, lining up the holes with the tree roots. Water goes only to the trees and is no longer watering all the weeds in the spaces between the rows.

The drip irrigation system has reduced water use to one acre-foot of water per year on some California farms. Combine this simple but efficient system with modern sensors to measure real-time water output, and every single drop of water is put to work.

Using Modern Tools to Measure Water

Finding the right method of water delivery for the land is the first and most significant step to managing your water source wisely. But modern-day farmers don’t stop there.

Tracking Where the Water Is

Farmers across the country use tools installed on their property to understand what the water is doing precisely on their land.

Ground sensors at one, two, three, and four feet deep in the soil track where the water level is below the surface. Ground sensors can be part of a tool such as a DTN ag weather station, which can send current moisture data and weather readings from each field.

A weather station can also tell the farmer what the soil temperature is, and how quickly the water is leaving their land and crops through evapotranspiration.

A pressure bomb can tell a farmer exactly how much water is available to a tree. Just before dawn, he takes a piece of plant and puts it inside the pressure bomb chamber. He then slowly adds pressurized gas until water comes out of the leaf or plant.

If it took too long for the pressure to extract water, the farmer knows his plants are not getting the supply they need. Taking a measurement predawn is usually the most indicative of how much moisture the plant has access to overall. However, farmers will often take a sample midday to learn about the stress level of the plant when the sun is the hottest.

Using Tools to Know the Weather

Every farmer knows the most valuable tool they have in conserving water is understanding the weather patterns in their area. The most efficient irrigation system is still wasting water if they spend one day saturating their crop, then watch the rain falling for free the next.

Organizations like the California Irrigation Management Information System will give access to weather data collected from a system of weather stations throughout a designated area. Farmers can learn things like:

  • How much water their kind of crop has used in their area
  • What the precipitation pattern has been in the past
  • What the weather is likely to do next.

Many farms see value in investing in weather stations directly on their property. Knowing precisely what the crop needs, and whether there will be rain soon, can save the farm thousands of dollars each day. And as more farmers become experts on what the water is doing on their land, they can work together to preserve the water in their area.

Taking Advantage of Water Education in Nebraska

The states of the Great Plains know how precious water can be. Eight states draw their water from the Ogallala Aquifer, stretching across 175,000 square miles. The U.S. Geological Survey states the aquifer level has dropped an average of 16 feet in the last several decades.

When the aquifer was being formed about 10 million years ago, it was fed by runoff into its western edge by the Rockies. That water source has since been closed off by erosion, and the water level depends solely on precipitation.

Farmers are Becoming Experts on Water Behavior

The farmers who depend on the Ogallala Aquifer know the urgency of using the water they have wisely. That’s why 1,500 farmers and cooperators have joined the Nebraska Agricultural Water Management Network (NAWMN).

The NAWMN is a knowledge-sharing group that tests out water-saving technologies. They share their experiences with types of irrigation, water sensors, erosion-reducing crops, and soil, among many other water-related topics. They are educating each other, and everyone who draws from the Ogallala aquifer will benefit.

Many farms in Nebraska use pivot irrigation to bring water to their crops. Long pipes on wheels suspended over that crop rotate around a center pivot, creating the circular fields easy to spot from an airplane.

Pivot irrigation has been around for 50 years, but low-pressure nozzles and water sensors in the ground are making them more efficient than ever before.

When the surface of the ground starts to look dry, it’s natural to think it’s time to begin supplementing the crop’s water supply. But if ground sensors are saying the roots are still drinking, the sprinklers can wait a few more days.

A farmer can save about $2,000 for every 2 inches of water he doesn’t use. And that water stays where it is, ready to use on an even drier day.

Backing up Instinct

Strong instinct has always been an indispensable trait of a successful farmer. Farmers who know their land, their crops and their weather will have a much better chance of success. Today’s farmers know that. They still rely on their gut, but thanks to modern technologies, they can make informed decisions better than ever before.