About Salman Zafar

Salman Zafar is the CEO of BioEnergy Consult, and an international consultant, advisor and trainer with expertise in waste management, biomass energy, waste-to-energy, environment protection and resource conservation. His geographical areas of focus include Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Salman has successfully accomplished a wide range of projects in the areas of biogas technology, biomass energy, waste-to-energy, recycling and waste management. Salman has participated in numerous national and international conferences all over the world. He is a prolific environmental journalist, and has authored more than 300 articles in reputed journals, magazines and websites. In addition, he is proactively engaged in creating mass awareness on renewable energy, waste management and environmental sustainability through his blogs and portals. Salman can be reached at salman@bioenergyconsult.com or salman@cleantechloops.com.

What You Need to Know About Food Waste Management

Food waste is an untapped energy source that mostly ends up rotting in landfills, thereby releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Food waste is difficult to treat or recycle since it contains high levels of sodium salt and moisture, and is mixed with other waste during collection. Major generators of food wastes include hotels, restaurants, supermarkets, residential blocks, cafeterias, airline caterers, food processing industries, etc.

In United States, food waste is the third largest waste stream after paper and yard waste. Around 13 percent of the total municipal solid waste generated in the country is contributed by food scraps. According to USEPA, more than 35 million tons of food waste are thrown away into landfills or incinerators each year, which is around 40 percent of all food consumed in the country.

As far as United Kingdom is concerned, households throw away around 4.5 million tons of food each year. Food wastage in Canada causes 56.6 million tonnes of CO2-equivalent emissions. These statistics are an indication of tremendous amount of food waste generated all over the world.


Food Waste Management Strategy

The proportion of food waste in municipal waste stream is gradually increasing and hence a proper food waste management strategy needs to be devised to ensure its eco-friendly and sustainable disposal. The two most common methods for food waste recycling are:

  • Composting: A treatment that breaks down biodegradable waste by naturally occurring micro-organisms with oxygen, in an enclosed vessel or tunnel;
  • Anaerobic digestion (AD): A treatment that breaks down biodegradable waste in the absence of oxygen, producing a renewable energy (biogas) that can be used to generate electricity and heat.

Currently, only about 3 percent of food waste is recycled throughout USA, mainly through composting. Composting provides an alternative to landfill disposal of food waste, however it requires large areas of land, produces volatile organic compounds and consumes energy. Consequently, there is an urgent need to explore better recycling alternatives.

Anaerobic digestion has been successfully used in several European and Asian countries to stabilize food wastes, and to provide beneficial end-products. Sweden, Austria, Denmark, Germany and England have led the way in developing new advanced biogas technologies and setting up new projects for conversion of food waste into energy.


Of the different types of organic wastes available, food waste holds the highest potential in terms of economic exploitation as it contains high amount of carbon and can be efficiently converted into biogas and organic fertilizer. Food waste can either be used as a single substrate in a biogas plant, or can be co-digested with organic wastes like cow manure, poultry litter, sewage, crop residues, abattoir wastes, etc.

Food waste is one of the single largest constituent of municipal solid waste stream. Diversion of food waste from landfills can provide significant contribution towards climate change mitigation, apart from generating revenues and creating employment opportunities. Rising energy prices and increasing environmental pollution makes it more important to harness renewable energy from food wastes.

Anaerobic digestion technology is widely available worldwide and successful projects are already in place in several European as well as Asian countries which makes it imperative on waste generators and environmental agencies in USA to strive for a sustainable food waste management system.

10 Ways To Make Your Lifestyle More Green

We should all be looking for ways to make our lifestyles more green. Of course, it’s up to the major corporations to alter their practices in order to protect the planet as well, but we can all do our part to make things that little bit better for the environment. You might think that doing so will result in a huge upheaval to your life, and while it certainly will mean making some serious changes, it doesn’t all have to be arduous. Here are 10 ways to make your lifestyle more green:

a paper free office

1. Go paperless

One of the biggest ways that you can help the environment is to eliminate paper waste from your life to as much of a degree as possible. Let’s say you’ve taken out a loan and you’re dealing with the loan company. For personal loans and quick loans alike, you can ask for paperless bills and status updates, thus significantly reducing the amount of paper that circulates. You can do the same for other correspondence; bank statements, utility bills, and other necessary documents can all usually be delivered in paperless form.

2. Ditch your car

Personal vehicles are one of the biggest contributors to climate change in the world. If you want to have a significant impact on the environment, then it’s a good idea to ditch your car entirely. If you can, try to walk or cycle anywhere you need to go; this is a great way to reduce your carbon emissions. If you absolutely can’t walk or cycle to your destination, then try to take public transport; buses and trains are much better for the environment than driving yourself.

3. Change your diet

Many researchers agree that the best diet for the planet would be a “flexitarian” diet. This involves eating mostly plant-based foods with the occasional meal consisting of meat or fish. It’s not that difficult to achieve this; there are many delicious plant-based recipes out there, and you’d be surprised how many of the foods you already consume on a regular basis are entirely vegan. If you don’t think you can commit to a totally vegan diet, then try flexitarian eating for a while; you might surprise yourself!

Also Read: How to Select an Organic Food Wholesale Supplier

growth of organic food industry

4. Switch off appliances

You might have grown accustomed to leaving appliances in standby mode, but if you want to live a more sustainable lifestyle, you should turn things off when you’re not using them. That means switching them off at the wall or turning off the main power switch rather than simply placing them in “rest” mode. Contrary to popular belief, for example, switching off a light when you exit a room is pretty much always more energy-friendly than leaving it on, no matter how many times you’re doing it.

5. Save food

Instead of throwing away leftovers, why not try to find something fun and clever to do with them? If you’re eating chicken, for example, and you have bones left over, then you can make stock from them. Similarly, if you’ve had a meal with a lot of vegetables and you haven’t managed to eat them all, you could turn the leftovers into “bubble and squeak” or any number of other dishes. Other tips include microwaving near-stale bread to give it a little more freshness and eating dinner leftovers for lunch.

6. Change your energy company

If you’re with an energy company that hasn’t made any significant pledges to focus on the environment, it might be time to change. Shop around for a different energy company that emphasises its commitment to sustainability. Changing your energy company is very easy; many firms will try to make you believe it’s difficult, but it’s not, and it could save you a huge amount of money as well. This goes for utility bills and other services, too.

7. Ditch plastics

It’s not always possible to ditch single-use plastics; they’re a huge part of the way in which many supermarkets and other shops package their products. However, where possible, it’s a good idea to move away from plastics in favour of paper-based or recyclable packaging. Many plastics still aren’t recycled; only 16% of the world’s plastic waste is actually recycled to make new plastics. Don’t buy bananas in plastic packaging; buy the ones with a paper sleeve instead.

8. Don’t use your dryer

Tumble dryers are one of the most energy-inefficient appliances you can use. Instead of drying your clothes in a tumble dryer, hang them outside and let them dry naturally in the sun. If you don’t have access to an outdoor space, then hang them up near a window and let the sunlight get to them. Only use your dryer if you absolutely have to; it’s a needless expense considering that most clothes will dry naturally if you leave them for a little while.

9. Turn off water when not in use

Many of us are guilty of leaving the tap running when we’re brushing our teeth or after the shower has warmed up. Turning off taps can have a surprisingly significant impact on the environment, so when you’re brushing your teeth, don’t leave the tap running. Only turn it on when you absolutely need the water, and turn it off as soon as you’re done. Similarly, step into the shower as soon as it’s warm enough for you, then exit when you’re clean.

ecofriendly plumbing practices

10. Save your water when you’re done

Bathwater, pasta water, and other “waste” water can actually have a lot of uses once you’re done with it. For example, you can use bathwater, or “greywater” as it’s otherwise known, to water your plants; it’s just as nutritious for them as fresh water or rainwater. Similarly, you can save pasta water to do the same thing. This combines fantastically with growing your own fruit and vegetables; not only are you saving water, but you’re also building a self-sustainable lifestyle!

Ultrasonic Pretreatment in Anaerobic Digestion of Sewage Sludge

Anaerobic digestion process comprises of four major steps – hydrolysis, acidogenesis, acetogenesis and methanogenesis. The biological hydrolysis is the rate limiting step and pretreatment of sludge by chemical, mechanical or thermal disintegration can improve the anaerobic digestion process. Ultrasonic disintegration is a method for breakup of microbial cells to extract intracellular material.

Ultrasound activated sludge disintegration could positively affect anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge. Due to sludge disintegration, organic compounds are transferred from the sludge solids into the aqueous phase resulting in an enhanced biodegradability. Therefore disintegration of sewage sludge is a promising method to enhance anaerobic digestion rates and lead to reduce the volume of sludge digesters.

The addition of disintegrated surplus activated sludge and/or foam to the process of sludge anaerobic digestion can lead to markedly better effects of sludge handling at wastewater treatment plants. In the case of disintegrated activated sludge and/or foam addition to the process of anaerobic digestion it is possible to achieve an even twice a higher production of biogas. Here are few examples:

STP Bad Bramstedt, Germany (4.49 MGD)

  • First fundamental study on pilot scale by Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg, 3 years, 1997 – 1999
  • reduction in digestion time from 20 to 4 days without losses in degradation efficiency
  • increase in biogas production by a factor of 4
  • reduction of digested sludge mass of 25%

STP Ahrensburg, Germany (2.64 MGD)

  • Preliminary test on pilot-scale by Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg, 6 months, 1999
  • increase in VS destruction of 20%
  • increase in biogas production of 20%

STP Bamberg, Germany (12.15 MGD)

  • Preliminary full-scale test, 4 months, 2002 2) Full-scale installation since June 2004
  • increase in VS destruction of 30%
  • increase in biogas production of 30%
  • avoided the construction of a new anaerobic digester

STP Freising, Germany (6.87 MGD)

  • Fundamental full-scale study by University of Armed Forces, Munich, 4 months, 2003
  • increase in biogas production of 15%
  • improved sludge dewatering of 10%

STP Meldorf, Germany (1.06 MGD)

  • Preliminary full-scale test, 3 months, 2004 2) Full-scale installation since December 2004
  • increase in VS destruction of 25%
  • increase in biogas production of 25%
  • no foam or filamentous organisms present in the anaerobic sludge digester

STP Ergolz 2, Switzerland (3.43 MGD)

  • Full-scale test, 3 months, 2004
  • increase in VS destruction of 15%
  • increase in biogas production of 25%

STP Beverungen, Germany (2.64 MGD)

  • Full-scale test, 3 months, 2004/2005
  • increase in VS destruction of 25%
  • increase in biogas production of 25%

To sum up, ultrasonication has a positive effect on sludge solubilisation, sludge volume, biogas production, flock size reduction and cells lyses. Ultrasonic pretreatment enhances the subsequent anaerobic digestion resulting in a better degradation of volatile solids and an increased production of biogas.

The use of low power ultrasound in bioreactors may present a significant improvement in cost reduction. Therefore, ultrasonic pretreatment enhances the subsequent anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge resulting in a better sludge digestion and efficient recovery of valuables.

Everything You Should Know About Electricity

Electricity, we use it every day but what is it? The dictionary defines it as a form of energy resulting from the existence of charged particles (such as electrons or protons), either statically as an accumulation of charge or dynamically as a current. This may sound confusing, but by breaking it down we can understand how it works. Electricity is used for many everyday things but breakthroughs of how to use it have resulted in many cool inventions, some of which you can explore on thehomesecuritysuperstore.

A Closer Look at Atoms

So, what is electricity? To understand how electricity works we have to break it down, starting with the charged particles. Everything is made of atoms, and these atoms are mostly empty space. Moving around in the empty space are electrons and protons. These each carry an electric charge, electrons being negative and protons being positive. These opposite charges attract each other. The atom is in balance when there are an equal number of protons and electrons. The number of protons determines what kind of element the atom is, and these numbers and elements are shown on the periodic table.

Imagine the atom as having rings around the nucleus, the center of the atom. These rings can hold a certain number of electrons which move constantly around the nucleus which holds the protons. When the rings hold electrons that are attracted to the protons the strength of this attraction can push an electron out of its orbit and even make them shift from one atom to another. This is where electricity occurs.

Traveling in Circuits

Now that we know the basics of electricity, we can look at how it works. For a basic understanding of how electricity travels through circuits and how we use electricity we will look at batteries and light bulbs. Batteries can produce electricity through a chemical substance called an electrolyte.

The battery is attached to two metals, one on either end, and produces a negative charge in one metal and a positive charge in the other metal. When the battery is then connected on either end by a conductor such as an electrical wire the electrical charge is balanced. If you were to attach a light bulb to the wire in between the sides of the battery, the electrical current would then travel through the light bulb to get to the other side of the battery and thus powering the light.


Electricity moves through electrical circuits and must have a complete path for the electrons to move through. The switch or power button on electronic devices opens and closes this path. When you turn on the light switch the circuit is closed and electrons can move freely to turn on your lights. When you turn off the switch it opens the circuit not allowing the electrons through and turning off your lights. When light bulbs burn out the small wire connecting the circuit inside the light bulb breaks and stops the flow of electrons.

Final Thoughts

Energy flows through our entire world and understanding how electricity works is just the beginning. Of course, most of the electricity in your life is not connected to a single battery as in the example above, but the understanding on a basic level is very interesting.

Electricity literally powers everything in our lives and a world without it would be very different. Understanding how these things work lets us enrich our knowledge of the world around us and provides us with practical information we can use in our everyday life. Electricity is all around us and is used in more interesting ways than just light bulbs and batteries.

Additional Resource: What Are The Different Types Of Magnetic Susceptibility?

Best Practices for a Green Business

Looking for ways to make businesses greener is a growing trend. Waste and destruction are just bad public relations while making an effort to clean up your act is increasingly supported by customers and employees alike. There are a number of myths about sustainability, such as the belief that it will cost you more money. In fact, taking steps to try to reduce what your company wastes will lead to savings. A green business is good not just for the environment but also for your balance sheet. If you’re considering starting a business but want to adhere to green principles, the tips below can help you.

ecofriendly home

Make it Your Business

If you want to be a small business owner but you aren’t sure what kind of company you want to run, one option is to actually run a green business. You might start a company that recycles metals or paper, or you might look into organic farming, helping homeowners design greener living spaces, or installing solar cells.

You could become an environmental consultant or educator. These are all vastly different types of enterprises requiring very different skill sets and backgrounds and won’t be suitable for everyone. But the point is that if this value is truly a core one for you, consider making it front and center.

Get the Right Tools

Whatever type of company you decide to launch, having the tools that will allow you to run efficiently and with the smallest amount of waste is important. It’s even better if those tools can perform multiple functions as is the case for electronic logging devices in fleet management.

Having ELD devices are necessary to ensure that you remain compliant with hours of service and other regulations, but they have benefits for the sustainably minded as well. They can help streamline operations, reduce costs and save you money. They can help you ensure that your fleets use less fuel. You can review a guide on how they can improve your overall efficiency.

Reduce Waste in Offices

Within your offices, you can create a green culture that takes steps to try and cut back on waste. There are many ways to do this. Make an effort to purchase items that have little or no packaging. Discourage any type of one-time usage of disposable items.

waste management for businesses

Have recycling containers throughout the workspace, and encourage their use. Keep reusable plates, cups, glasses and silverware in the kitchen. Install a dishwasher, which washes dishes with less waste than handwashing and takes the burden of washing the non-disposable items off any single person.

Make an effort to learn more about plants and choose only native plants for landscaping, ensure that any landscaping does not require a great deal of water and maintenance. Recycle electronics and buy used when you can. The ubiquitous nature of computers in modern workplaces may mean that less paper is wasted than would have been a few decades ago, but there is still a lot that companies can do to cut back on paper usage as well. Use recycled paper, and print on both sides. Distribute reports and other documents electronically.

Asbestos Related Illnesses in the Bioenergy Industry

When we think of asbestos, we usually picture old, condemned buildings filled with harmful asbestos-based insulation, but this isn’t always the case.

Since 1989, the use of asbestos has been banned in construction work in the UK and many buildings which contain this harmful substance, are being replaced or made safe.

While this is of course, good news, these buildings are not the only source of asbestos and in this article, we’ll be examining the rising cases of mesothelioma compensation claims by bioenergy industry employees.

Asbestos Related Illnesses in the Bioenergy Industry

What is Asbestos?

A naturally occurring substance, asbestos is a fibrous silicate mineral made up of long, thin microscopic fibrous crystals.  When dormant, asbestos can be relatively harmless but, the danger occurs when fibrils are released into the atmosphere and inhaled by humans.

Inhalation of asbestos can lead to serious diseases such as COPD and mesothelioma, a form of lung cancer which is associated with asbestos and which is almost always terminal.

In recent years, concerns have been growing over the number of bio energy employees who have been diagnosed with this devastating disease

What is Bioenergy?

Bioenergy is the term used for the generation of gas and electricity which is renewable and which causes less harm to the planet’s resources than other, more traditional methods which use coal, oil, natural gas and nuclear energy.

Bioenergy methods use organic matter such as food waste to create a flexible energy source. Wet feedstocks like food and other organise material is placed into sealed tanks and allowed to rot. This creates methane gas which can then be collected and burned to generate electricity. Dry materials like wood pellets are also burned in a furnace to boil water, create steam and thereby generate electricity.

Although bioenergy does produce carbon dioxide and release it into the atmosphere, it does so only at the rate at which the organic matter absorbed the carbon dioxide while growing. This makes it greener and more sustainable.

Energy crops are grown in the UK specifically for the use of producing bio-energy. There are currently 1855 bioenergy plants in the UK, employing around 35,000 people.

What’s the Connection Between Bioenergy and Mesothelioma?

At the beginning of this article, we mentioned that old buildings containing asbestos insulation are not the only places that asbestos can be found. In fact, at any given time, the air we breathe can contain asbestos.

However, this is usually at incredibly low levels of between 0.00001 to 0.0001 fibers per millimeter of air and does not pose any danger to human health. Having said that, many doctors will disagree, as many will argue that no level of asbestos is ever safe.

On average, it’s thought that the ‘danger zone’ for asbestos stands at around 1%. An individual who has been exposed to dangerous levels of asbestos may be unaware of this as symptoms will often not present themselves until ten or even twenty years after the exposure.

Asbestos occurs naturally in rocks, particularly altered ultramafic rocks and some mafic rocks. Asbestos can also occur naturally in some kinds of soil.

The Connection Between Plant Workers and Illnesses

It has been discovered that, in some instances, dedicated bioenergy crop sites have been created on land where the soil has been contaminated by asbestos, either naturally or through previous commercial endeavors.

Employees who are responsible for working with these crops including planting, nurturing and picking, become vulnerable to high levels of asbestos. When inhaled, this level of asbestos can be harmful to health and has led to mesothelioma.

As well as soil contamination, the process of converting food and organic waste into energy such as creating methane, can produce small amounts of asbestos. Although these may be minimal, continued exposure over time can lead to health problems in workers, including mesothelioma.

Unfortunately, mesothelioma is often caught late and on average, the life expectancy of the patient from the point of diagnosis is only between 4 and 18 months.


Asbestos Claims in the UK

In 2020, there were 17,023 asbestos compensation claims, with payouts of around £233.9 million. Despite almost forty years passing since the prohibition of asbestos in buildings, some UK solicitors report that claims are increasing rather than dwindling as victims seek financial compensation after being diagnosed with asbestos related diseases.

While some of these claims are made by former employees of old-style power plants, more and more are now emerging from bioenergy facilities.

Further Risk Assessments Need to be Improved by Employers…

In 2022, it’s reasonable to assume that, when you start a new job, the last thing on your mind is the risk of coming into contact with asbestos. Many of the bioenergy employees who are now making claims are justifiably angry about the fact that they were never made aware of any risk during the course of their work.

While this is devastating, it’s not necessarily evidence of sinister dealings by bioenergy companies. In many cases, employers did not inform their employees of risk for the simple reason that they weren’t aware of it themselves.

There’s no doubt that bioenergy is the future as we continue to move away from environment harming processes. However, while we call this progress in some ways, employers will need to examine all of their processes and materials to identify any possible risks to employees, in order to prevent unnecessary illness and death.

10 Most Common Injuries in the Waste Management Sector

Waste management is a vital part of our lives and one which helps to keep our homes free from pests and disease. Employment within the waste management sector is usually secure and well paid, however, it’s not without its risks.

Personal injury solicitors have revealed that a significant number of the claims that they handle are on behalf of those working in waste management. So, just how dangerous is the job?

Keep reading to find out the 10 most common injuries in the waste management sector, and what they may mean for employees.


1. Cuts and Abrasions

Waste management employees spend a lot of their time handling unwieldy wheely bins and guiding them into large metal trucks. Although these employees wear gloves and other protective clothing, having to work quickly in order to meet the demands of their schedules means that they are often subject to cuts, bruises and abrasions. While these are usually not serious, a number of these injuries will require a visit to A&E.

2. Musculoskeletal Disorders

Musculoskeletal disorders are increasingly common among those working in the waste management industry; particularly back problems due to repeated bending and lifting.  In some cases, these injuries can be life changing and can result in early retirement in instances where the condition means that the employee is no longer able to do the job.

3. Skin Irritation

The official description of waste is ‘a composite mixture of different substances including endotoxins, organic dust and bio-aerosol stuffed with micro-organisms, and various toxic organic and inorganic chemicals’. This goes to show that waste is made up of all sorts of nasties which can cause skin irritations. Although not life threatening, these can certainly be unpleasant and can cause itching and soreness when waste employees come into contact with them.

4. Lung Conditions

A more serious byproduct of working in waste management is that of respiratory diseases such as asthma and COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease).  While these conditions can be managed to a certain extent, they are not curable and, particularly in the case of COPD, will progressively become worse and result in early death.

5. Being hit by a Motorist

Waste management employees are often working on busy streets and, because they tend to do their rounds early in the morning, they may be working in the dark during the winter. These conditions mean that bin men are sometimes at risk of being hit by motorists as they go about their work.

In 2018, a waste management employee in Slough was signed off work for eight weeks after being hit by a motorist who had not properly cleaned snow and ice from their windscreen.

6. Slips and Trips

Hard working waste management employees are out and about in all kinds of weather and, sometimes even the sturdiest, grippiest boots are no match for pavements and roads made slick by snow and ice. Every year, a large number of bin men suffer a form of injury through slipping or tripping during the course of their work.

7. Bacteremia

A less common injury, but a serious one nonetheless, is bacteremia. This is a dangerous infection which is caused by coming into contact with used hypodermic needles which have been carelessly disposed of.

Those suffering from this disease face a long recovery process and, often, early retirement. In Sussex in 2012, two binmen had their hands pierced by needles that had been incorrectly disposed of and had to face. As a result, they had to go through 6 months of medical checks.

Non-Hazardous and Hazardous Pharmaceutical Waste

8.  Falling Objects

Falling objects can be a serious concern for bin men – both that of objects falling from their lorries and other factors from their surroundings. One such incident ended in tragedy in 2013 when a 55-year-old waste management worker was killed after being hit by a telegraph pole which his lorry had collided with. Poor visibility can often mean that waste workers are vulnerable to injury from falling objects.

9. Stress and Anxiety

Very few jobs can be considered stress-free, and waste management certainly isn’t one of them. As well as being required to stock to tight schedules on often understaffed routes, bin men also often have to contend with disgruntled customers taking their frustrations out on them. These issues can lead to mental health issues such as anxiety and depression which can also have a knock-on effect on physical health.

10. Poor Weather Conditions

We’ve already mentioned weather earlier in this article as, if there’s one thing certain about the weather is that it cannot always be predicted accurately. While this final piece is, thankfully, not a hugely common one, it is nonetheless a risk.

In 2019, a California garbage truck was struck not once, but twice by lightning, setting the truck on fire. Happily, nobody was injured in the incident but stories like this one are a very real reminder of just how dangerous weather systems can be for the humble waste management worker.

Personal Injuries in the Waste Management Sector Are Rife

Without waste management employees, our lives would be constantly at risk of disease, not to mention bad smells. As such, it’s incredibly important that councils ensure that working conditions for these employees are as safe as possible, as well as taking the time to ensure your disposing of your waste correctly. in addition to protecting employee health, putting stringent measures in place for their safety will ensure the smooth running of the services and will help with retention of valued staff members.

Why Oil Trading Is Better Traded With Cryptocurrency?

Particular people know that the evolution of Bitcoin is made for the ordinary society that does not find profit but looks for convenient options. But after the tie-up with the trustable networks and platforms, it became a treatable exchange system. The unit’s standard is decided by the global transformation and volatility that makes a tremendous change despite the country’s involvement. The coin system is making shortcuts in ruling the United States and the most cultural society and dominating Russia.

There are several results founds in the natural resources and finance. First, Bitcoin is willing to give the market the product witty and human development. Bitcoin is not looking at the drawback of a supply shortage but wants to create an acute demand for natural resources. The domestic cross rates of cryptocurrency in the frequent exchange have become the most reaching commodity for oil trading.

Oil Trading With Cryptocurrency

The fastest-growing country with the war development and natural resources is Russia, whose third-largest productivity is oil. Many countries are the reaching partners of Russia, and around 90% of the entire oil productivity goes into the export system. So it is seamless that Russia giving power to cryptocurrency for the exchange will raise the demand for oil trading.

There is nothing to worry about as the easiest way to reduce the expense for the country in the investment is by taking the matter in hand and using the payment source that provides cheap utilities. In the current so-come stance, oil export is beneficial through cryptocurrency as no geographical politics or boundaries define the exchange.

Why Does Cryptocurrency Want To Assist Oil Industry?

The oil and gas industry faces severe problems in the losses, and due to lack of technology, it is difficult for the underdevelopment countries to find the solutions. But the companies exporting the major commodities do not have critical situations.

Bitcoin is the evident currency in the purchase as it is expensive but provides the sources which are very easy to mitigate the significant losses from the terms. The calculus contribution of Bitcoin in oil trading is to bring the pattern of self-organization. On average, the countries extracting the oil from the ground or other sources have an export system based on solid capabilities. The foundation of oil is done on the most considerable level because the environment of natural commodities automatically gives rise to the demand.

Bitcoin is trying its luck to create a massive revenue collection by providing a pure trading system. It is not at all speculation or delusional for the people to invest in cryptocurrency for oil results. The elementary focus is to provide the elevating response to be justified country through cryptocurrency. There of three things that cryptocurrency perfectly cultivates in the reading for any given commodity in non-physical terms.

10 Trending Crypto Exchanges

1. Bringing Out With Transparency

The system of crypto is translucent in providing the destination to the currency to reserve. Digital money naturally gives the extraction policy and coordinates with every valuable solution to make the situation available for the oil. The largest investors know the oil trading statistics of payment to revenue with good records.

2. Generating The Club Of Investment

Another popular digital part of cryptocurrency for the oil reformers is the legal distribution and rights in investment. Around 10% of the Russian part is contributing to the mining, and the prosperous networks are giving the strategic purpose and using the option to leverage the resources. Moreover, digital investors from different parts can use the driving interest in their favour by switching to the fantastic option of electric payment.

3. Providing The Prominence

The United States is more concerned about the democratic popularity and economic finance to dominate the competition and bring the price in dollars. Other countries are making tremendous natural productivity and lacking in becoming the strongest in finance. By giving then the subjective hardware that can quickly produce the global finance and their favour by stopping geopolitical differences. Participating countries like Qatar and Saudi can become the most naturally developing province.

It is extraordinary for any currency to participate in oil trading because it has diversity and low pressure. Cryptocurrency performs better because it does not take any chance from the government and uses its strategy to acquire the purpose.

4 Attractive Beds with Storage Options

If you have a job that keeps you on the move, then you should invest in compact furniture that is portable and easy to maintain. But even if you are staying somewhere on a permanent basis, it is a pretty good idea to invest in a bed with storage. It is very true that once you have owned a storage bed, you aren’t going to go back to the normal model anymore. Here are some attractive bed designs for you to discuss with your family members on your coffee table:


1. Lined Bed Frame

Upholstered beds are all the rage right now, which is why you should look into the gorgeous models that are available in furniture stores everywhere. These beds with storage have a strong and compact bed frame. At the same time, they also offer you plenty of space to store all of your sheets, pillows and belongings.

2. Velvet Bed Frame

If you are looking for something luxurious and regal, then you should go for the upholstered bed frame that is done in high quality velvet fabric. A bed like this is a very good investment, as you will be able to use it for many years. It’s easy to assemble and has lots of storage space. Make an eco-conscious statement by using bamboo sheets to cover the bed.

3. Trundle Bed Frame

If you are someone who frequently has friends or relatives over to visit and stay the night, then you should consider investing in a trundle bed frame. The best trundle bed options will provide you with plenty of space. It also folds up into a compact shape when not in use, which is ideal for Apartments for rent in Colorado Springs.

4. Bunk Bed Frame

Another space saving and multipurpose arrangement that you can use is a bunk bed frame, which is just great if you have multiple kids. Even if you have a very compact living arrangement, there are bunk beds where the top bed is a single and the lower bed is a double. It’s great for small families.

Benefits of Storage Beds

These are the bed designs that offer storage options to those who are dealing with the issue of inadequate storage space. Here are some benefits storage bed owners can enjoy.

1. Easy to Clean

One major advantage of a storage bed unit is the ease of cleaning and maintenance. There is no unwanted dust accumulation so you know that there is no extra cleaning that you have to keep doing.

2. More Storage Space

A storage bed is a really good idea if you have limited storage space. It will provide you with an inexpensive space that is actually very large. You can clean and declutter your home very well.

In today’s world, extra space is a luxury, and investing in a bed with storage from Interiorbeat allows you to take advantage of that luxury without breaking the bank. Whether or not space is limited in the bedroom, a bed with storage space proves to be both practical and stylish. With storage beds, people with allergies won’t have to worry about dust collecting inside their bedrooms.

3. Stability for Mattress

Another major advantage of a storage bed is the stability that it will give your bed and your mattress. You won’t have to worry about back pain any more as the frame will give ample support.

Another thing that many people don’t realize is that a storage bed has a very classy appearance that will lend a lot of character to your bedroom. A bed with storage can accentuate your bedroom’s overall aesthetic.

Measures To Decrease The Pollution Caused By Bitcoin Mining

The Bitcoin community is facing a serious problem of pollution. A study conducted by different sources showed that the electricity consumed by Bitcoin mining is equivalent to the annual energy usage of entire countries like Ireland and Hungary, being a shocking revelation surrounding the crypto realm. With this alarming situation, the community needs to find ways to reduce the amount of pollution in their system. This article discusses some methods that can be adopted by the community to control bitcoin pollution. But, before that we have a podium that offers you all the potential of crypto investments: BitQL, it offers a secure crypto space to all the crypto enthusiasts.

how to decrease pollution caused by bitcoin mining

Measures that can prove to be beneficial

Bitcoin mining is a process where miners are rewarded for their efforts by being given a specific number of bitcoins. However, in order to mine bitcoins, a lot of energy and hardware is required, which means that it pollutes the environment. Therefore, there has been an increasing need to reduce bitcoin pollution. There are four ways in which this can be achieved.

1. Introduction of taxes on mining

Mining is a process where computational power is used to verify and add transactions to the blockchain. Mining requires large amounts of energy and thus, it can be said that bitcoin miners are polluting the environment with their activities. They do this by producing heat, which causes global warming, and also by creating noise pollution. Therefore, it can be concluded that there should be some kind of tax in place on such activities.

The government can introduce a tax on mining to reduce the pollution caused by it. This is because mining will be profitable only if there is a high demand for bitcoin, which might lead to an increase in the number of miners. The cost of mining depends on the price of electricity, so if the government increases the price of electricity, then more people may stop mining and reduce pollution.

2. Creating awareness among people

Bitcoiners should be informed about the effect that mining has on the environment so that they can make an informed decision about whether or not they want to continue using bitcoin or not. The government can create awareness among people about bitcoin mining pollution so that they do not start mining themselves. It can educate them about how much energy is used in mining and what are some alternative ways to earn money without using electricity or any other resources like water and food, etc.

In order to achieve this goal, there needs to be more education about bitcoin’s environmental impact on people who live near mining farms or even those who do not know much about cryptocurrencies at all yet but are interested in learning more about them through various sources available online such as forums or articles written by experts in this field who specialize in writing content related specifically towards educating others about these topics (such as myself). This could also include writing articles for magazines/newspapers etc., making videos explaining how bitcoin mining works from an environmental perspective.

3. Introducing better eco-friendly methods

There are many ways to reduce bitcoin pollution. Some examples include using renewable energy sources like solar or wind power instead of coal or natural gas; adopting new technologies like blockchain instead of traditional methods; or setting up facilities near rivers so that wastewater can be recycled back into nature after going through treatment plants first before being released back into rivers again at high temperatures so they don’t cause much harm when they touch land again later on downriver after going through treatment.

crypto mining in Armenia

4. New policy measures

A fourth way is introducing new policy measures such as introducing taxes on mining activities, making it mandatory for miners to use renewable energy resources and imposing fines when they do not comply with these rules, etc. The government can also take steps towards reducing bitcoin pollution by introducing new policy measures that encourage people who mine bitcoins through environmentally friendly methods such as using renewable energy sources over those who don’t care about their impact on nature.

The way ahead

Bitcoin mining is an energy intensive process that uses a lot of electricity. This has led to concerns about the environmental impact of Bitcoin mining and also the potential for bitcoin to contribute to global warming. Thus, given above are some measures which can be adopted at administration and personal level to reduce the pollution level.

Recommended Reading: How to Make Blockchain Technology More Eco-friendly