7 Myths About Smart Homes

A Smart Home has been on everyone’s lips in recent years. However, some issues remain relevant years later. In the article we will analyze the main misconceptions about a Smart Home, adding examples and explanations.

Myth 1 – The use of smart technologies will lead to an increase in the number of wires, which are already difficult to understand

It is precisely because of the use of an aging mechanical control system that an incredible number of wires appear.

Modern Smart Home systems assume only one wire to each light source. And there is no need to start repairs if you want to add a new option. All this is done at the programming level and saves you money and nerves. And the introduction of a new light source will require an additional laying of just one wire.

Myths about Smart Homes

Myth 2 – The Smart Home system is difficult to understand

Modern housing involves numerous groups of light. In front of us are many mechanical switches that are trying to control all this. Is it easy to remember which button is responsible for what?

In Smart Home, the push-button control panels have a built-in indication for displaying feedback. To simplify the control on the panel with mechanical keys, the manufacturer can engrave, which will make the control process even more intuitive.

Myth 3 – Using such a large amount of electronics will inevitably lead to higher energy bills

Everything is exactly the opposite. Smart Home technologies use low-current controllers, and their availability will optimize the use of electricity in the room. For example, the light will automatically turn off in a room where there are no people, and all equipment will be in sleep mode. You can also adjust the lighting so that it does not shine at full power during daylight hours. Such optimization can be carried out not only with light but also with heating.

Myth 4 – The Smart Home is a technology for the construction stage, and it is difficult to install it on existing buildings, if possible

Along with the rapid development of the world, the requirements for comfort and the level of housing are also developing. Many manufacturers are still at the development stage considering the possibility of integrating their devices into a Smart Home system.

There is a smooth transition of the old energy supply system to a new highly intelligent one. This will require the least of costs for repairing the premises, but it guarantees increased control over engineering systems, significant resource savings, and, most importantly, a level of comfort that is inaccessible to the classical system.

Myth 5 – Building a Smart Home or rebuilding an old one entails a lot of legal problems

The myth of the difficulties of legal support for the construction of Smart Homes and the rebuilding of ordinary houses into smart ones was invented by those who did it on their own. Lawyers in Dubai will help you save time on legal registration.

Myth 6 – The Smart Home is very sensitive to power loss

This is a problem of Smart technologies. But now the devices are equipped with non-volatile memory. In practice, this means that when power is lost, the modules fall asleep, completely without losing settings and certainly without breaking.

smart homes

Myth 7 – Smart Home technology is just an advanced toy that will quickly get bored

Smart Home technologies will work properly and bring benefits regardless of the lively interest in them. The fact that the user gets used to them so easily and no longer sees something incomprehensible in them speaks in favor of the fact that such technologies will soon become commonplace and standard.

Designing a Smart Home is much easier than a classic one. There is no need to worry about each transaction, remember its functionality and the specifics of what it leads to. A Smart Home will allow you to arbitrarily set the functionality of each device without using additional communications.

The Smart Home is the choice of those for whom the house is not only a fortress but also a place of comfort when the house almost guesses the wishes of its owner. You will forever forget the irritated voice: “Turn off the light after you!

How Using Energy-Efficient Technologies Can Contribute to Sustainability

Economies use energy to help them grow. It is needed in many sectors such as manufacturing and mining, public infrastructure, agriculture, and others. Although energy is important in these sectors, economies are realizing the importance of using sustainable energies. They have seen some undesirable results that come with using unsustainable energy and they seek to reduce them.

Energy-efficient technologies are important to consider at an organizational level for any organization seeking to be environmentally conscious. These technologies are using alternative sources of energy such as wind, solar, hydroelectric, biomass, geothermal, which are cleaner and sustainable. Let us see how these energy-efficient technologies can contribute to sustainability:

How Energy-Efficient Technologies Can Contribute to Sustainability

1. Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Coal, distillate fuel, and natural gas produce carbon dioxide, which is a greenhouse gas. The aim of using sustainable technologies is to reduce the emission of these gases.

With alternative sources of energy, the emission of these gases is reduced. Unlike coal and natural gas, these alternatives do not produce carbon dioxide that can increase the amount of greenhouse gases during combustion. Biomass, for example, has its carbon dioxide neutralized by plants during the natural carbon cycle. So, any carbon dioxide produced during the combustion of biomass is considered neutral.

Interestingly, biomass produces the same amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere during decay, which is also a natural cycle.

Fossil fuels, on the other hand, have their carbon dioxide locked for as long as they exist. When not combusted, these fuels do not emit this gas to the atmosphere. Instead, it keeps building up, and when combusted, all the gas is released.

So, instead of using fuel whose carbon dioxide has been building up for years, using alternative sources such as biomass, solar and wind are more sustainable because they do not increase the level of greenhouse gases.

2. Prevents the Depletion of Natural Resources

Fossil fuels occur naturally and are non-renewable. When solely dependent on energy, these resources continue depleting because as the global population increase, the need for more production increases.

Alternative sources of energy such as wind, solar, and geothermal are sustainable options. These sources are renewable and can never be depleted. They are also clean sources of energy. When used, they help in preventing the destruction of natural habitats, reducing global warming, and climate change.

When economies embrace the use of sustainable technologies, there will be reduced demand for energy from natural resources.

3. Help Companies Save on Energy Bills

Companies often spend a lot on their energy bills. But, they can reduce them and have a lower cost of production. It means they can sell their products with better profit margins by either reducing their prices and increasing their demands or selling at the same price. On average, they reduce their energy bills by 75% when they use energy-efficient technologies.

reduce electricity bill

To enjoy energy-saving, a company can invest in wind or solar energy. Wind turbines are used for converting wind into energy while solar panels are used for converting solar into energy. Depending on a company’s need for power, the installation capacity varies.

4. Create Better Living Standards

Emerging and developing economies have a high energy demand. These economies largely depend on non-renewable sources of energy such as coal, natural gas, and oil. These fuels are carbon-emitting and can create health implications.

With energy-efficient technologies, these economies can have access to clean energy. It is environmentally friendly, which means they will have less pollution in the air.

Besides, these sources of energy are easy to obtain because they occur naturally and are renewable. They are also cheaper when compared to non-renewable sources, which makes them affordable. When people from these economies use such energy, they have better living standards in terms of health and affordable living.

5. Reduce Soil Degradation

Soil degradation is a major problem facing farmers around the world. It has been estimated that globally, approximately 40% of agricultural land is degraded. The main causes of soil degradation are poor farming practices, climate change, and human activities such as deforestation, urbanization, and industrial development.

There are several ways to address soil degradation, including improving crop rotation, using cover crops, and applying organic amendments. However, these methods are often expensive and require significant investment.

A new technology called energy-efficient technologies (EETs) could provide an affordable solution to soil degradation. EETs, use solar power to generate electricity, which can then be used to run farm equipment.

6. Job Creation

Economies are using energy-efficient technologies such as wind and solar power to produce power. They have been transitioning from using non-renewable fossil fuels in a bid to reduce production costs and maximize their profits.

energy efficient technologies

The transition from fossil fuel to using clean energy has helped with job creation in many countries around the world. For example, a study by the international renewable energies agency found that every $1 billion invested in renewables creates about 2 million new jobs worldwide. This is because of the increased demand for workers who install, maintain, repair, operate, or sell these systems. So, people are able to earn a livelihood, which improves their standards of living.

Because there is an increasing rise in demand for energy-efficient technologies, there will be a continuous demand for labor. Skilled, semi-skilled, and unskilled labor will be wanted during the transition. It means many people, regardless of their qualifications will have somewhere to earn a living.

7. Sustainable Economic Development

Sustainable economic development aims at reducing the consumption of fossil fuels and reducing emissions from waste generation.

The following is a list of some examples:

Energy efficiency in buildings can be achieved by using more insulation materials or better windows to keep heat inside during winter time and cool air outside during summertime. This will save on heating costs for people living there. It also reduces carbon dioxide emission which contributes to global warming.

In the transportation sector, electric vehicles have been developed as an alternative to conventional gasoline-powered cars. These use clean energy that does not interfere with the atmosphere.

Using energy-efficient technologies has many benefits towards creating sustainability and economies should embrace them.

The Role of Machine Learning in Data Science

In today’s data-driven landscape, the symbiotic relationship between data science and machine learning is more critical than ever. A data science and machine learning course helps illuminate the pivotal role played by machine learning in extracting actionable insights from vast and complex datasets. Machine learning techniques empower data scientists to create predictive models, uncover patterns, and make informed decisions, transcending human limitations in handling big data. This synergy enhances data analysis and enables businesses and organizations to harness the full potential of their data, making it an indispensable cornerstone of modern data science practices.

role of machine learning in data science

In this article, we delve into the intricate web of connections between data science and machine learning, highlighting their synergistic impact on the digital world.

Fundamentals of Machine Learning Algorithms

The fundamentals of machine learning algorithms play a pivotal role in data science, as they form the bedrock upon which data-driven insights and predictions are built. In the context of a data science and machine learning, students delve into the core principles of algorithms that enable computers to learn from data. These algorithms are designed to identify patterns, relationships, and trends within datasets, transforming raw information into actionable knowledge. Understanding these fundamentals is essential for data scientists, as it empowers them to select the right algorithm for a specific task, optimize its performance, and interpret the results effectively.

Individuals gain proficiency in various algorithms through a data science and machine learning course, including regression, classification, clustering, and more. They learn how to preprocess data, select appropriate features, and fine-tune models to achieve accurate predictions and insights. Furthermore, they explore the significance of model evaluation, ensuring that the algorithms are reliable and robust.

In essence, mastering the fundamentals of machine learning algorithms equips aspiring data scientists with the essential tools and skills needed to extract meaningful knowledge from vast and complex datasets, making them invaluable contributors to data science and analytics.

Data Preprocessing and Feature Engineering in Machine Learning

Data preprocessing and feature engineering are pivotal steps in the machine learning pipeline, playing a crucial role in enhancing the effectiveness of algorithms and models within the broader realm of data science.

In the first phase, data preprocessing involves cleaning, transforming, and organizing raw data to make it suitable for analysis. This includes handling missing values, scaling numerical features, encoding categorical variables, and more. These steps are essential because real-world data is often messy, incomplete, or inconsistent, and addressing these issues is vital to ensure the quality and reliability of the input data for machine learning models.

On the other hand, feature engineering focuses on crafting new features or modifying existing ones to extract relevant information and patterns from the data. This creative process helps models capture complex relationships and make more accurate predictions. Skilled feature engineering can significantly impact model performance, often surpassing the importance of the choice of algorithms.

Both data preprocessing and feature engineering underscore the symbiotic relationship between machine learning and data science, as they empower data scientists to unlock valuable insights and build robust, predictive models that drive informed decision-making in various domains. 

Predictive Modeling and Classification Tasks

Predictive modeling and classification tasks are pivotal components of data science, and machine learning is indispensable in enhancing their effectiveness. These techniques empower data scientists to make data-driven predictions and categorize data points accurately. In predictive modeling, machine learning algorithms learn patterns from historical data to forecast future outcomes. Whether it’s predicting customer churn, stock prices, or disease diagnoses, machine learning equips data scientists with the tools to create predictive models that harness the power of data to make informed decisions.

Furthermore, classification tasks involve sorting data into distinct categories or groups, which is frequently encountered in data science projects. Machine learning algorithms excel in classification by learning from labeled data and automating assigning new data points to the appropriate categories. This capability is invaluable in applications like email spam detection, sentiment analysis, and image recognition, where data scientists can leverage machine learning’s ability to generalize patterns and make rapid, accurate classifications.

In essence, predictive modeling and classification tasks underscore the significance of machine learning as a cornerstone in the data science field, unlocking the potential of data to drive innovation and informed decision-making. 


Unsupervised Learning and Clustering Techniques

Unsupervised Learning and Clustering Techniques play a pivotal role in the field of Data Science by enabling the discovery of hidden patterns and structures within data. In this approach, machine learning algorithms autonomously group data points based on similarities without needing labeled examples. This is invaluable for customer segmentation, anomaly detection, and recommendation systems.

Unsupervised learning enhances our ability to make sense of vast datasets, uncovering insights that drive informed decision-making and extracting valuable knowledge from complex, unstructured information.

Machine Learning for Anomaly Detection

Machine Learning plays a pivotal role in Data Science by enabling effective anomaly detection. Anomaly detection is crucial for identifying outliers or irregularities in large datasets, which can signify fraud, faults, or rare events. By employing various ML algorithms like isolation forests, one-class SVMs, or deep learning approaches, data scientists can automatically learn patterns within data and distinguish anomalies from normal instances. This capability has wide-ranging applications, from cybersecurity to industrial quality control.

Machine Learning empowers Data Scientists to create robust anomaly detection models, enhancing data-driven decision-making and ensuring the integrity and security of valuable datasets in today’s data-centric world.

Model Evaluation and Hyperparameter Tuning

Model Evaluation and Hyperparameter Tuning are critical components in Machine Learning within Data Science. Model evaluation ensures the effectiveness and robustness of machine learning models. It involves techniques like cross-validation, where the model’s performance is assessed using various subsets of the data. Metrics like accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score help quantify the model’s performance, aiding data scientists in selecting the best-suited model for their problem.

On the other hand, hyperparameter tuning is the process of optimizing a model’s hyperparameters to achieve the best performance. Settings known as hyperparameters are not based on data learning but must be configured beforehand, such as learning rates or tree depths. Techniques like grid or random search systematically explore different combinations of hyperparameters to find the optimal configuration, enhancing the model’s predictive power. Model evaluation and hyperparameter tuning enable data scientists to extract the most value from machine learning models, ensuring their effectiveness in solving real-world problems.

machine learning and data science

Machine Learning Integration in Data Science Workflows

Machine Learning integration is pivotal in Data Science workflows, enhancing their predictive power and analytical capabilities. Machine Learning algorithms extract valuable insights from vast datasets in these workflows, allowing organizations to make data-driven decisions. This integration facilitates tasks such as predictive modeling, classification, clustering, and anomaly detection, enabling data scientists to uncover patterns, trends, and hidden relationships within their data.

By seamlessly incorporating Machine Learning into the Data Science process, businesses can unlock the full potential of their data, driving innovation and gaining a competitive edge in the ever-evolving landscape of information-driven decision-making.


Data science and machine learning work together in harmony, which is undeniable, underscoring the indispensability of machine learning in modern data science endeavors. As highlighted by this discourse on the role of machine learning in data science, these two domains are inextricably linked, each enhancing the other’s capabilities. To master this dynamic duo, individuals and professionals should consider pursuing a comprehensive data science and machine learning course. Such education equips learners with the knowledge and skills to harness the power of data-driven insights, enabling them to solve complex problems, make informed decisions, and drive innovation in a data-centric world. Embracing the fusion of data science and the secret to releasing data’s full potential is machine learning.

The Use of Big Data in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals

Big data is everywhere, and all sorts of businesses, non-profits, governments and other groups use it to improve their understanding of certain topics and improve their practices. Big data is quite a buzzword, but its definition is relatively straightforward — it refers to any data that is high-volume, gets collected frequently or covers a wide variety of topics. If you want to learn big data and data science then you can take data science courses that are offered by Intellipaat.

This kind of data when organized and analyzed adequately can be quite valuable. Marketing teams use it to learn more about their customer base, healthcare professionals can use it to calculate someone’s chance of contracting a disease like Covid-19, and cities can use it to optimize traffic flow, and it can also help in saving wildlife.

Big data also has the potential to help significantly improve the quality of life for much of the world’s population. The United Nations, governments, not-for-profits and other groups are using big data to help achieve the UN’s sustainable development goals or SDGs — a set of 17 targets related to protecting the natural environment, reducing inequality, improving health outcomes and other things that will make life better around the world.

How Can We Use Big Data to Achieve SDGs?

There are many ways in which we could use data to improve our understanding of our progress towards the SDGs, determine how best to meet those targets and ensure accountability. The United Nations has set up a task team to explore how to use big data to help achieve the SDGs. A survey by the task team found that big data projects most frequently focused on the “no poverty” goal and that mobile phone data was the most common data source.

Pulse Lab Jakarta, a joint effort between the United Nations and the government of Indonesia, is working on various big data projects related to the SDGs. One of their projects is the Vulnerability Analysis Monitoring Platform for Impact of Regional Events (VAMPIRE) platform, which analyzes satellite imagery and creates maps that incorporate anomalies related to climate and rainfall to help track slow-onset climate changes.

Another project, the Manitoba Bioeconomy Atlas, comes from the International Institute for Sustainable Development and involves that creation of a web-based spatial inventory of biomass sources. Biomass producers can use the data to optimally locate biomass refineries, and biomass consumers can use it to source biomass and calculate costs.

There are many other potential uses for big data related to the SDGs. Mobile phone data, for instance, could be used to track the movement of populations, such as refugees, to improve preparations. Data analysis could help predict changes in food prices. The possibilities are virtually endless.

What Are the Challenges and Risks?

The opportunities related to big data are plentiful, but there are also numerous challenges and risks. Collecting, storing and analyzing large amounts of data is in itself challenging. It requires advanced technology and infrastructure, which can be expensive. This limits the access of less developed countries to this technology. In the survey by the UN’s bid data task team, the team received much higher response rates from high-income countries than lower-income ones.

Privacy is another significant concern. It’s essential that those processing respect the rights of those they collect data from. The fact that much data is collected passively can complicate this. Even removing sensitive information from data sets may not always be enough to guarantee privacy, since people could be identified by combining information from multiple data sets. Those handling personal data need to take steps to protect subjects’ privacy.

The UN, through several of its groups, has issued recommendations and guidelines for the use of big data related to SDGs. Among the goals of these guidelines is ensuring privacy and increasing access to data worldwide. The private and public sectors, as well as countries and organizations from around the world, will have to work together to accomplish the UN’s SDGs and to ensure that we can take full advantage of the benefits big data and machine learning can provide related to achieving them.

Everything You Should Know About Reducing Your Utility Bills

Money is a scarce resource. Don’t let monthly bills break your bank while there are numerous things you can do to minimize them. From adding attic insulation to insulating outlets, and installing programmable thermostats, you’ve countless options for reducing your utility bills.  Check out the following tips for cutting down your monthly expenses affordably and more effectively. Plus, you will learn everything utility bills.


Incorporate Attic Insulation

Most of the energy people use at their homes goes toward heating or cooling. Research shows that most of this heat escapes to the attic. Most homes lack enough insulation up there to prevent heat from getting out.

Fiberglass insulation is extremely cheap and easy to install. In fact, you can quickly install them on your own. By effectively insulating your home, you could actually save up to 20 percent on your heating, as well as, cooling costs.

But if you can’t install attic insulation yourself, you can always get help online. There are numerous DIY tutorials that can help you through the process.

Install Programmable Thermostats

By installing a programmable thermostat, you’ll be able to save up to 10 percent on your utility bills. Set your unit’s temperature to drop during winter months and raise them during the summer months when you aren’t home. You can then program the unit to return to more comfortable temperatures right before you get home.

This will go a long way in reducing your energy bills and saving you substantial amounts of money. So, what are you still waiting for? Act fast! For more information, visit http://regionalenergy.ca. 

Insulate Outlets

Did you know that outlets and light switches can be a major source of air leaks? To prevent this, consider insulating them, particularly if they’re positioned on an outside wall. There are numerous types of specialized seals and insulation materials to choose from. And they’re specifically designed for outlets, as well as, switch plates, so you don’t need to worry about fire risks.

Upgrade to Low-Flow Showerheads

Older showerhead models generally put out 5 gallons of water per minute. On the other hand, low-flow showerheads put out a mere 1.5 gallons per minute and still allow you to enjoy forceful showers.

Even more, they’re easy to install. If you want something more efficient and affordable, then go for a low-flow showerhead.  It will help conserve water and save substantial amounts of water every day.

Insulate Water Heaters

Did you know that insulating an older water heater could help you save up to 9 percent on water heating costs? Well, now you know. Insulating hot water heater jackets can prevent standby heat losses by 25 to 45 percent, allowing you to heat your water easily and more efficiently. 

Why you should install a Smart HVAC Based System

The HVAC system accounts for more than half of the energy consumed in your home. That’s why a fault system is likely to increase the overall energy consumption in homes. However, with proper maintenance, you can lower these energy bills and still have comfort in your home. So, if you are planning to install an HVAC system in your home, keep reading. Among other things, you will learn about the benefits associated with installing smart based HVAC systems in your home.

Lowers Electricity Bills

Energy bills can be annoying, especially when they skyrocket. Even more, the global energy sector is strained. That’s why energy costs keep on increasing. But does this mean letting nature take its course? No. You can do something to lower these bills. In particular, switching to a smart HVAC system can be your answer as far as reducing the energy bills in your home is concerned.


According to the stats, installing smart system in your home can save you up to 20 percent in terms of energy bills. Plus, they are more efficient and reliable. They utilize smart technology that heavily uses sensors to cool or heat your interiors. Even more, these systems are great at lowering your overall carbon footprint since they are environment friendly.

Superior Temperature Variability

One of the biggest pluses of these smart HVAC systems is superior temperature variability. With a smart system, you have an HVAC that will give you the power to control tempt variability according to your needs. This means that users can cool and heat specific rooms effectively without moving from space top space. This saves time and gives you an easy time as you relax or go about your activities.

Clean Air

Another good thing about smart systems is that they give you access to smarter air. Remember, the quality of air is important when it comes to your health. And that’s where smart HVAC systems come in. With these systems, you have a solution that will reduce stuffiness as well as drafts. So, if these are the things that you are looking in an HVAC system, then go the smart way.

You Can Access Then Remotely

Smart technology gives users access to their systems from remote settings. This means that even if you are at work, you can still monitor the functioning of your system. Thus, it’s possible to set the temperature of your room from your workplace before reaching home. This not only reduces energy costs but also improves the overall efficiency.


Why Utility Bills Keep On Increasing

The dreaded energy bill is coming. It can be annoying. If you are unlucky, it will deflate your bank account. Of course, you can try several measures to control the energy budget. However, things may not work out, especially if you don’t pay close attention to your HVAC system. According to research, the HVAC is responsible for almost half of the energy costs in homes. Thus, if you need to bring these bills down, work on your HVAC system. It’s one of the best starting points. So, if you have been wondering why your monthly bills are steadily increasing, sit back. Here are the top reasons why your energy bills are not going down any time soon.

Age, Maintenance

Age has a big say when it comes to the performance of your HVAC system. An old system tends to be less efficient. This means that it will work more to cool or heat any space. So, if your system has served you for years, expect the bills to continue going up. Similarly, a poorly maintained HVAC system tends to be inefficient. This means that it will consume more energy and pump up energy costs. However, don’t let these factors continue draining your money.

You can install a new HVAC system and drive the bills down. If you have the cash, consider going for a smart system. It’s efficient, convenient, and highly reliable. Also, consider maintaining your system on a regular basis. Consult with your heating and cooling contractor to schedule maintenance. According to experts, it’s advisable to do it twice per year.

Operating Costs

The operating costs at a particular time can influence the amount you pay towards offsetting your energy bills. For instance, systems that were developed in the 1990s are less efficient than their modern counterparts. This can be attributed to the emergence of technological advancement. For instance, sensors have made these systems more smart and efficient. Thus, they consume less amount of energy, which plays a key role in bringing the energy bills down. Customers are advised to install the newest HVAC systems to bring the energy bills down.


Features also play a key role when it comes to cutting down energy costs. Modern systems come with sophisticated features that make them more efficient. For instance, the efficiency standards of modern equipment are on an upward trajectory. This means that modern systems have superior performance and efficiency than their older counterparts.

Standard such as SEER, HSPF, as well as Annual Fuel Utilization is important in determining the efficiency of any system.  Also, energy features like variable-speed fans, heat exchange technology, as well as variable speed based compressors can make your system more efficient.

The Locality’s Climate

Your local climate can also increase or lower the amount of money you pay towards energy bills. For instance, if you are located in an extremely cold setting, you will need more energy to heat the interiors. Consequently, your energy bills will be higher. On the other hand, those located in extremely hotter environments will spend more money to cool the interiors.

Additional Factors

Also, the following additional factors play a key role when it comes to the energy bills of any home.

  • The thermostat and other control settings in your system
  • How the unit was installed
  • Maintenance levels of your system
  • The level of insulation in any home
  • Windows, doors, and other openings in your home.

The Bottom-Line

Are you looking for quick ways to reduce your energy bills? Well, there are actually several measures you can undertake to minimize your electricity costs. According to http://www.regionalenergy.ca/alberta-natural-gas-company/, these measures include insulating outlets and switches, installing a programmable thermostat, insulating your water heater, and installing a low-flow showerhead. Doing this will go a long way in reducing your utility bills and saving you junks of money.

The Future of Renewable Energy Harvesting

The renewable energy market is set to grow to more than $1.5 trillion by 2025, according to Allied Market Research. With its many constituents, biomass remains the leading form of the renewable energy market. This is due to the sheer number of places to source it from. But apart from the supply, there is another critical factor in driving the renewable energy sector forward.


The continued advancement in renewable energy harvesting machines ensures that clean energy remains viable and cost-effective. Hence, it is pivotal in the quest to turn the world’s power grid 100% renewable.

Reliable Renewable Energy Sources

Nowadays, the most efficient form of renewable energy is biomass, followed by hydroelectricity and wind. They’re the resources we depend on the most for our clean energy goals. Getting more of these renewable energy resources is the best chance we have at reducing our carbon footprint. This is something that leaders in the world of machines and tools are tackling right now.

Machine Advancements and Renewable Energy Harvesting

As it stands, the most productive renewable energy sources heavily rely on harvesting machines with moving parts. Turbines on wind and hydroelectric generators, as well as biomass harvesters and processors. These devices themselves cost energy to use. Also, if we grow too reliant on them and experience too many breakdowns, it could compromise the entire energy supply chain. Therefore, ensuring efficiency and reliability is paramount.


According to spiborescopes.com, this is thanks to tooling companies working closely with the energy sector. This helps them craft tools to their specifications. More Floating Offshore Wind farms are being erected. These wind farms have a greater capacity for energy production while being less intrusive. In fact, new compound harvesting vehicles are reducing the steps taken in making biofuel.

The Future Of Renewable Energy Harvesting

The renewable energy harvesting sector continues to advance in both production and technology. The fact that its market stayed steady while fossil fuels were evidence of that. This is all thanks to a strong support structure built by the machinery and tooling industry. It is also due to this intimate relationship that energy gathering will become more automated.

Soon, harvesting renewable energy will be passive as well as efficient. Many innovative automated energy harvesting devices are on the rise. These include trees fitted with photovoltaic cells. There are also companies developing pressure-powered generators. These can be placed under high-traffic roads and walkways.

Such devices have been dubbed the “ambient energy harvesters”. These devices owe their invention to important lessons in efficiency and reliability. Lessons that the machine and tool industry will keep learning as it helps the renewable energy sector reach maturity.

There’s no telling when we might see our power grid fully supplied by renewable resources. However, we may have just hit our stride in working towards that goal.

The 8 Challenges to Networking a Factory

The age of the smart factory is here! More and more industrial processing facilities are hooking everything together, creating internal networks, to reap the benefits that these bring. The data-gathering and analysis-related functions of a networked factory can do wonders for long-term success and production efficiency. However, there are more than a few challenges.

Whether you are acquiring supplies from otscable for a new facility or you’re looking to upgrade an existing one, there are issues you have to consider. Some of these might be obvious at the outset, such as the logistics of all this networking gear. Others might catch you off-guard. Here are the seven most critical challenges that occur if you intend to make a smarter factory.

1. Legacy Equipment

One concern that is highly practical is legacy equipment. Older machinery could come from an era when networking wasn’t important. These could be crucial to your operations, but also too old for a simple “plug and play” approach. This means that you are in desperate need to figure out how to blend the old and new, and that’s not always the easiest thing to achieve.

Unfortunately, there are instances when there is no solution. If you’re upgrading from an existing factory, you will have to settle for mixing the old and new and working as best you can. You can look into using third-party integration equipment and adaptors, which are your best option if a strict update and upgrade are out of the cards.

2. Physical Logistics

Another huge concern is simple logistics. Where do you lay out the cables? Where are the routers or switches installed? How far between support hardware are the cables running? This is something that you need to understand before you start placing equipment on the ground. Consider the layout and where your heavy machinery as you plan the placement of your networking infrastructure.

3. Security

Security is a concern. A smart factory collects a great deal of data about your operations, which might be highly sensitive. Protecting it and any insights gained from it is important for most factories and companies. One way to protect the data is to go for a wired network, which traditionally is much harder to infiltrate from the outside.

In general, you do not want to go with a smart factory until you have the security in place. You want layers of protection and authorization for your data. How you achieve that is up to you, though keeping the more sensitive data in a closed network, inaccessible from the outside without the right credentials, is a good first step.

4. Data Storage

Data storage is also an ongoing concern for smart factories. As operations are recorded down to their minutia, all that information has to be kept somewhere. Preferably, the storage occurs on-site so you don’t have to stretch the network too far and risk security issues. This means you need to account for the storage and the conditions that prevent the hardware from being damaged.

5. Factory Visibility

Visibility is also a concern. In the old days, you might have observers present but practically no real active monitoring. Most things were probably done passively. In a smart factory, you’re going from zero monitoring to thousands of devices and points collecting data all the time. This can be a staggering amount of information to process and may require a learning curve.

A related challenge to this is if multiple factories are interconnected. Even if you maintained visibility in one, being suddenly thrust into seeing all of your facilities in such detail can be staggering. This is something that usually takes a bit of time to get used to.

6. Outages

You’ll want back-up systems in place in the event of outages. Never assume that you will never have an outage, and set the network up so that it functions on its own even without internet access. Make sure that the most crucial parts of it can work and record data independently, even under outage conditions.

7. Edge Networking

Going closer to the “edge” might also be a challenge for you. Edge networks are when a single task is processed by multiple terminals across a network. This can be a serious challenge because it means that your internal network has to connect to a much broader one. This will require serious cooperation between multiple departments, facilities, and personnel.

8. The Right Tools

Finally, you have to look at the tools you intend to use. The market for devices and tools for smart factories is increasing, which is both good and bad. It’s good because you have more options available, so there are higher odds something that suits your needs is out there. It’s bad because there’s more chaff to wade through, more time needed to get the right ones.


Yes, it is challenging to hook an industrial plant to a network and engage in the “Internet of Things.” There are challenges that must be overcome, logistics to consider, and costs to factor in. However, there are many benefits to gain from smart manufacturing, both from the network itself and by keeping up to date on the march of technology.

Top 5 Advantages of Blockchain Certification

Blockchain technology today has spread across a wave of industries. Blockchain has gone far off its genesis and a report says that annual worldwide spending on this technology has nearly tripled since 2017. Annual spending on blockchain solutions is anticipated to reach $16 billion by 2023. Today, almost every industry, be it gaming, banking or finance are realizing blockchain applications.


“Everything will be tokenized and connected by a blockchain one day.”

– Fred Ehrsam

From the perception that blockchain is meant only for banking purposes, it successfully moved to the implementation by almost every sector like:

  • messaging apps (like Telegram)
  • hedge funds (Numeral)
  • Voting (as in Follow My Vote)
  • Internet Identity and DNS (as in IBM Verify Credentials)
  • Critical Infrastructure Security (for example, blockchain-enabled keyless signature infrastructure)
  • Ride Sharing (used by Arcade City)
  • Internet advertisement
  • Crypto exchanges
  • Education and academics (as used in Learning Machine)
  • Car leasing and sales
  • Cloud storage, cloud computing, mesh networking
  • Industrial IoT, forecasting, and real estate
  • Blockchain marketing

Now it is clear that blockchain is finding its application everywhere and making a career in this field would definitely prove to be a huge success. Let us explore how taking up a Blockchain certification course can let you make a pronounced career move.

Let us now see what actually Blockchain means.

What is Blockchain?

Blockchain is no new term for people involved in investments, banking, or cryptocurrency.

Blockchain, which is based on peer-to-peer (P2P) topology, is a distributed ledger technology or DLT. It allows data to be stored across the globe on numerous servers that allow anyone on the network to see everyone else’s input in near real-time. This makes it difficult for any user to achieve control of the network.

Simply put, blockchain is a chain of blocks, where ‘blocks’ refers to the digital information that is stored in a public database that is ‘chain’. Blockchain was initially created to serve as a platform to support Bitcoin.

Blockchain provides businesses with the promise of transactional transparency, which gives them the ability to create secure, real-time communication networks with partners worldwide that includes supporting everything from supply chain to payment networks, or real estate, and healthcare data sharing.

Blockchain technology conserves a record of entire exchanges of data that takes place. In terms of cryptocurrency, transfer of every information is referred to as ‘transaction’, and the database where all transactional records are saved is referred to as a ‘shared ledger’. Every successful transaction is added as a ‘block’ in the ledger.

Reasons to get Blockchain Certified

The candidates who wish to make a career in the Blockchain domain can go for blockchain certifications that are offered by the blockchain council. The certifications render a thorough knowledge of core concepts of blockchain and may prove to be the pathway to a lucrative career in this domain. Getting blockchain certified makes you industry-ready by making you develop the right skills you need to be proficient in the domain.

Let us read about the reasons why you should get Blockchain certified (as stated by the Blockchain council): A census states that 50% of people use the Internet today, but only 0.5% use blockchain; this can be taken as an opportunity to move ahead and learn blockchain.

You need to:

  • Understand how blockchain technology works.
  • Learn the skills related to blockchain.
  • Collect useful resources and make their efficient use.
  • Implement your knowledge in building decentralized applications.

1. Huge demand for blockchain professionals

Blockchain is trending today, and there is a shortage of skilled professionals. You can develop the required skillset and land on to a lucrative job.

2. Excellent salary and high job prospects

Indeed.com reveals the average annual salary of a blockchain developer to be USD 92,982.  The salary increases with your experience and also, the job market is bright for blockchain enthusiasts. The roles for which companies are looking for are:

  • Cryptocurrency Developer
  • Cryptocurrency Analyst
  • Cryptocurrency Trader
  • Cryptocurrency Mining Technician
  • Systems Engineer
  • Bitcoin Full-Stack Developer
  • Cloud Engineer
  • Senior Software Engineer

3. Absolute Disruption in chain

Blockchain is capable of adding significant value by improving confidence between parties and minimizing friction in the value chain. Hence, it creates many job opportunities as managers might be reassessing their value chains, and players might be estimating their future positions.

4. Industries on Blockchain

Apart from banking, almost every industry is implementing Blockchain technology today, such as energy resources, supermarkets, healthcare, cloud storage, real estate, travel and transportation, voting, and many other sectors.

Other advantages of getting blockchain certified include integration with new-age technologies, the inflection point of an era, data security and digital identity, calculated investments in cryptocurrencies and ICOs, vast infrastructure.

Bottom line

Blockchain is considered a disruptive technology which means that it is capable of bringing out drastic changes in the industry. Eventually, it has become one of the dominant technologies in the market today. The reason being that blockchain is an open-source ledger that is public. It makes transactions fraud-free, and no central authority controls it. The transactions made using blockchain are faster and reasonable.

Since blockchain is applied in almost every industry today, you can choose the industry you like and move ahead to make a career in it. You can choose from the many job roles offered by the blockchain council.

To achieve blockchain certification, it is strongly recommended that you take up a training course. There are several benefits of taking up the training course by some genuine online training provider.

Firstly, the thing that you worry about is the study material, from where to start and what to study. By taking up the course, you don’t need to care about this. Secondly, no time limitations are there and you can study anytime you wish to, and that too at your own pace. Third, you can choose from the modes of learning offered, that is, blended learning, instructor-led, or online training. All you need is to get yourself registered.

How Robotics Contributes to Sustainable Manufacturing

Environment-friendly manufacturing processes are vital to the success of  businesses. Consumers care about the way that products are made, and how they can be recycled or reused. To meet the needs and concerns of consumers, manufacturers of all types are turning to robotics and online manufacturing to grow their sustainable practices.


1. Reducing Carbon Footprints

Robots are being created and used to reduce manufacturers’ carbon footprints. Factories and ports are known for releasing carbon into the atmosphere. Thus, encouraging climate change.

Some ports are turning to use automated robots to reduce their carbon footprint. Instead of gas-powered trucks and tools, robotic vehicles are being used instead. The robots do not rely on fossil fuels for power, so their engines run clean.

2. Speeding Up Recycling

Robots can take tedious jobs and speed them up. One of the jobs that robots are good at is sorting recycled material. They can do it quickly and efficiently, and they do not require all of the safety gear and training that humans need. Humans can sort about 800 items in an hour, but robots can sort around 2,000 items in the same amount of time.

3. Cleaning Tanks More Efficiently

Another place that robots are helping the environment is in chemical plants. These plants have massive tanks that need cleaning on a regular basis. The tanks have small openings, and they are filled with toxic chemicals and volatile gases. If you want to know how to choose a sustainable provider of specialty chemical, read this article.


In the past, humans have had to enter these confined spaces to clean the tanks. They had to be trained in several safety procedures, wear a plethora of safety gear, and undergo decontamination procedures each time they left the tanks. Now, robotic tank cleaning can do it in a fraction of the time, using less water and cleaning materials. They take away the danger from human employees, and robots can work 24 hours per day.

4. Improving Sustainable Manufacturing

Robots are being used in different types of manufacturing to create more efficiency with fewer resources. Robots reduce errors, so less waste is produced.

One computer company is relying on robots to pick reusable parts out of recycled products. This type of manufacturing sustainability in speeding up the transition to Industry 4.0. Less waste is produced and the robots are able to find and separate the small parts more efficiently than human hands can.

5. Cleaning Natural Resources

Robots are also being used outside of manufacturing to help with green living. Several organizations rely on robots to clean waterways. These robots float atop the water and collect the trash as it floats. Another water-cleaning robot is able to digest pollution. The robot turns the trash into fuel that powers the boat and that controls it. Inventors are working on upscaling the robot so it can power large tankers and cargo freighters, too.

Also Read: High-Tech Methods to Reduce Water Wastage in the Manufacturing Sector

Robots are also used to clean plants that become dirty from the garbage and grime in the water. By cleaning water and flora in it, robots are protecting the lives of animals that make their homes in wetlands and coastal areas. They also help clean food supplies for people.

This infographic was created by Keyence, a provider of optical profilometers


Where Are All the Electric Vans?

The USA is way behind Europe when it comes to electric vehicles, with sales in Europe exceeding 1 million in 2018, while US figures stood at just 750,000. This is despite the giants of Silicon Valley, including Google, Amazon and Tesla, all making strides to offer electric vehicles to the mass market. The area where the contrast is most clear is in regards to vans. While Europe has many on offer, electric vans are almost non-existent on American roads. Where does this leave commercial enterprises looking to cut their carbon emissions?

Europe Leading the Way

Although hardly the norm, it isn’t uncommon to see fully electric commercial vehicles on European streets. German based DHL are selling over 5000 StreetScooters a year, allowing companies to offer battery powered deliveries. Meanwhile, the UK’s best selling plug in van is the Nissan e-NV200. This attractive commercial vehicle is on sale throughout Europe, selling more than 4000 a year. Unfortunately, it is not available in the US.

If you are a businessman looking to cut fossil fuel usage, while driving a commercial vehicle, then you may be better off moving to Europe. Greenhouse gases in the continent fell 22% between 1990 and 2016. The USA is struggling to keep up with the switch to renewable energy sources.

Is Tesla the Only Game in Town?

Don’t worry – it isn’t all bad news for the USA. With companies like Tesla offering their own electric pickup and semi vehicles, there could be a shift in sale trends soon. However, neither of these vehicles are yet to hit the mass market. Other electric truck or van options are few and far between. The likes of Google are focusing their efforts on creating self-drive vehicles rather than venturing into commercial electric automobiles that are wheelchair accessible as well.. 

Other Ways to Cut Carbon Emissions

Keep searching for the perfect electric van for your company. If Europe has them, then you can find one in America. In the meantime, however, consider other ways to cut your carbon footprint. For the running of any electronics, invest in solar power. This has really taken off in the USA and is one of the cheapest options available. You should also try to source products locally and remove plastic packaging from your goods.

EVs really can’t arrive soon enough, but commercial vans and trucks are yet to become mainstream. The USA needs to take a leaf out of Europe’s book and invest in electric vans. In the meantime, consider switching to solar power and taking other steps to reduce your company’s carbon emissions.